MGS :: Volume #41

#3864: Drafts Chaos again

To hundred birds toward phoenix palace in front, Bian Xiaoyue was introduced in the palace, but purple contained directing one side by the Martial Sect disciple. 到了百鸟朝凰宫面前,边晓月被引入殿中,而紫涵则是被武宗的弟子给引到了一旁去了。 Purple contained did not have this qualifications greetings Qin Jun! 紫涵还没有这个资格拜见秦君! But Bian Xiaoyue enters the palace, sees above the main hall, silhouette sits well above Yun Chuang, was Qin Jun. 边晓月入殿,就看到大殿之上,一个身影端坐在云床之上,正是秦君。 Bian Xiaoyue respectful, but kowtowed to him, that is an own Honored Master generation of character, solely was only his Ruler fruit position is also worth itself kowtowing. 边晓月恭恭敬敬的而给他磕了一个头,那是和自己的师尊一辈的人物,单单只是他的主宰果位也值得自己磕头了。 Has seen Sir Qin Jun!” “见过秦君大人!” The Bian Xiaoyue clear and resonant voice receives. 边晓月朗声受到。 Gets up!” Qin Jun voice said slowly that I and your Master is also Fellow Daoist, the life-and-death friendship, you did not use politely, previous time saw you are thousand ten thousand years ago, has not thought of a blink, you have become the Divine Court backbone!” “起来吧!”秦君声音缓缓说道,“我和你师父也是道友,生死之交,你也不用多客气,上次见你还是千多万年前了,没想到一眨眼,你也成了神庭的顶梁柱了!” Thanks to Honored Master, slightly has obtained!” Bian Xiaoyue respectful saying. “托师尊的福,略有所得!”边晓月恭恭敬敬的说道。 Your Honored Master has big wisdom to have the person of big will, does not have what fault with his much study point!” Qin Jun said. “你师尊是有大智慧有大毅力之人,跟着他多学一点也没有什么坏处!”秦君道。 Yes!” Bian Xiaoyue said. “是!”边晓月说道。 Was good, you also get down to attend the banquet, then you must prepare to go to battle!” Qin Jun said. “行了,你也下去参加宴会吧,然后你还要准备出征呢!”秦君说道。 Goes to battle?” Bian Xiaoyue a little stunned saying. “出征?”边晓月有点愕然的说道。 What's wrong, your hasn't Honored Master told you?” Qin Jun looked at Bian Xiaoyue to say. “怎么,你的师尊还没有跟你说么?”秦君看了一眼边晓月说道。 Also not, but also asked Sir Qin Jun to advise!” Bian Xiaoyue salutes to say. “还未曾,还请秦君大人指教!”边晓月行礼说道。 Qin Zundun, then said: this time four big Ruler besiege your Honored Master, is to the provocation of my Martial Dao era, therefore we were impossible this, had been destroyed by your Honored Master besides an insect era, three eras remained, we certainly must when the time comes initiate the expedition, will leave the hot era, a blood era, the puppet era caught the whole lot in a dragnet, when the time comes definitely was leads by you!” 秦尊顿了顿,然后说道:“这一次四大主宰围攻你师尊,算是对我武道纪元的挑衅,所以我们也不可能就这样子就算了,除了虫道纪元已经被你师尊毁灭了之外,还有三个纪元尚存,到时候我们肯定要发起远征,将离火纪元,血道纪元,还有傀儡纪元一网打尽,到时候肯定是由你带队!” Bian Xiaoyue then nodded, if so, she must certainly lead to go to battle, is Honored Master wants justice. 边晓月这才点了点头,如果是这样的话,她肯定要带队出征,为师尊讨回一个公道。 Also merely can only cope with Heavenly Venerate that's all by my strength, is not enough to resist the Half-Step Ruler Level character!” Bian Xiaoyue open mouth to talk said. “不过以我的实力也仅仅只能够对付天尊罢了,根本不足以对抗半步主宰级别的人物!”边晓月开口说道。 Relax, I and your Honored Master probing, these three eras did not have Half-Step Ruler, you can act willfully, as for Half-Step Ruler of other Ancient eras, you do not need to be worried that they do not dare to get rid, only if they are the plan destroy together!” Qin Jun incomparably self-confident saying, Half-Step Ruler of these Ancient eras, only to bring about own destruction, how otherwise dares to get rid at will. “放心吧,我和你师尊都已经查探过了,这三个纪元都已经没有了半步主宰,你可以任意施为,而至于其他古代纪元的半步主宰,你不用担心,他们不敢出手的,除非他们是打算一起毁灭!”秦君无比自信的说道,那些古代纪元的半步主宰除非是想自寻死路,否则怎么敢随意出手。 During the Ancient era, Half-Step Ruler, without doubt is extremely scarce, extremely rare common character, its scarce degree, although cannot place on a par with Ruler, but several eras do not have Half-Step Ruler, are very normal matters. 古代纪元之中,半步主宰,无疑是极为稀缺的,凤毛麟角一般的人物,其稀缺程度虽然不能够和主宰相提并论,但是几个纪元都没有半步主宰,也是非常正常的事情。 Understood, many thanks Sir Qin Jun directed!” “明白了,多谢秦君大人指点!” Bian Xiaoyue harbors the numerous thoughts, attended the banquet. 边晓月怀着重重心思,下去参加宴会了。 This banquet, Hao Xiong from all parties is assemble, congratulated for Qin Jun. 这一场宴会,来自各方的豪雄齐聚一堂,为秦君恭贺。 Although this banquet has continued fully for 9981 days, finally dropped the curtain. 这一场宴会虽然整整持续了9981天,终于还是落下了帷幕。 In the people also immerse, when Qin Venerable became Ruler during excited and joyful. 在众人还沉浸在秦尊成为主宰的兴奋和喜悦之中的时候。 Three Great Saint collaborated to issue an order, assembled the army, expedited Chaos, but the goal left the hot era, the puppet era also had a blood era, these three ******. 大圣地联手发布了一条命令,调集大军,远征混沌,而目标正是离火纪元,傀儡纪元还有血道纪元,这三******。 Suddenly, the entire Martial Dao era is stems from atmosphere of one wars. 一时间,整个武道纪元就又是出于一片金戈铁马的氛围之中。 Expert of many Ancient eras only thought that secretly heart startled, the Martial Dao era seriously is the overbearing being hard imagination, is not only itself has the terrifying strength that two big Ruler assume, what is more important, the Martial Dao era regarding all dares to provoke the era that to destroy entirely. 许多古代纪元的高手都只觉得暗自心惊,武道纪元当真是霸道的难以想象,不仅仅是本身拥有两大主宰坐镇的恐怖实力,更重要的是,武道纪元对于所有敢于挑衅的纪元统统毁灭。 The era provocation of Half-Step Ruler, that destroys together with Half-Step Ruler and his era together. 半步主宰的纪元挑衅,那就连同半步主宰和他的纪元一同毁灭。 If the era attack of Ruler, that destroys together with Ruler and his era together, this type tyrannical, who does not attend to the enemy is, where only asked the enemy, this lets many person scared procedures. 如果是主宰的纪元来袭,那就连同主宰和他的纪元一同毁灭,这种强横的,不顾敌人是谁,只问敌人在哪儿,这才是让许多人都胆寒的做法。 Especially to hot era, puppet era, blood era, because has left Ruler Level Expert, they when era change, kept many strengths, in this case, almost can say, during many Ancient eras, ranks the comparison front row. 尤其是离火纪元,傀儡纪元,血道纪元,因为出过主宰级别强者,他们在纪元更替的时候,也保留了更多的实力,在这种情况下,几乎可以说,在诸多古代纪元之中,也是排名比较前列的了。 However is such formidable era, under not having the protection of Ruler day Monarch, simply collapses at the first blow. 但是就是这样强大的纪元,在没有了主宰天君的保护之下,根本就是不堪一击。 Perhaps deals with other Ancient eras not to have question, but must deal with the Martial Dao era under most flourishing condition, feared that did not have to be like that easy. 应付其他的古代纪元或许没有问题,但是要应付全盛状态下的武道纪元,怕就没有那般容易了。 Many Ancient eras fearful and apprehensive, while estimates the Martial Dao era the meaning, the meaning of Martial Dao era is very obvious, that is no matter any person, dares the provocative Martial Dao era, dares the idea of dozen of Martial Dao eras, that is although must execute. 许多古代纪元一边心惊胆战,一边揣摩武道纪元的意思,武道纪元的意思很明显,那就是不管是什么人,胆敢挑衅武道纪元,胆敢打武道纪元的主意,那就是虽远必诛。 Before the Martial Dao era did not have the so formidable strength and so powerful time, perhaps how them, but now, along with Martial Lord and births and assuming personal command of Qin Jun two peak Expert, made the Martial Dao era have the ability of retaliation. 以前武道纪元还没有这般强大的实力和这般强盛的时候,或许奈何他们不了,但是现在,随着武君和秦君两尊顶尖高手的诞生和坐镇,就让武道纪元有了报复的能力。 Then lets terrifying that especially the deterrent of Martial Dao era changes. 这才让武道纪元的威慑变的格外的恐怖 However although many Ancient eras are awed by the Martial Dao era the deterrent force, do not dare to get rid, however give the devil his due, if have very good opportunity to appear again, they can such turn a blind eye? 不过许多古代纪元虽然慑于武道纪元的威慑力,不敢出手,但是平心而论,如果再有很好的机会出现,他们会那样视若无睹么? Only feared that many ambition vigorous generations will be ready to make trouble. 只怕还是有很多野心勃勃之辈会蠢蠢欲动。 Nobody will let up like this good opportunity! 没有人会放过这样的好机会! Before half a month immortal Monarch organized a group wolf to bite to death the general situation of tiger, four big Ruler attacked the Martial Dao era, that could be said as the bureau of a narrow escape, the average person, even if were any, at all some impossible people can the past of wanderer. 之前无论是半月仙君组织起了一场群狼咬死虎的大局,还是四大主宰进攻武道纪元,那都可以说是九死一生之局,一般人,哪怕是其中的任何一个,都根本不可能有人能够闯荡的过去。 Only can say that Ye Xiwen excels at creating the miracle, created Myth, in that case, was changed the inferiority by Ye Xiwen unexpectedly, conversely, the army hit collapses of these Ancient eras. 只能说叶希文太擅长于创造奇迹,创造神话了,在那种情况下,居然都被叶希文扭转了劣势,相反的,那些古代纪元的大军被打的崩溃。 Lived good Monster one after another of several eras to send out has whinned the same sigh, has never seen such hard to deal with era, or has never seen such hard to deal with individual. 许多活了好几个纪元的好怪物纷纷发出了哀嚎一样的感叹,从未见过这么难缠的纪元,或者说,从未见过这么难缠的个人。 But this person is Ye Xiwen, never has a person to the Ancient era to pose such big threat, on such big bed. 而这个人就是叶希文,还从来没有一个人能够对古代纪元造成这么大的威胁,这么大的床上。 Many Half-Step Ruler, multi- Young Master butchered die in his hand, in addition, two hands both could not count. 多少半步主宰,多少主宰都陨落在了他的手上了,加起来,两只手都数不过来了。 Even if the beforehand good fortune day Monarch reigns, has not had the so magnificent and scary success. 就算是以前的造化天君在位的时候,也不曾有过这般辉煌和骇人的战绩。 In the hearts of many Ancient era Expert, Ye Xiwen without a doubt is number one enemy of entire Ancient era. 在许多古代纪元高手的心中,叶希文毫无疑问是整个古代纪元的头号大敌。 But the army of Martial Dao era, quick organized, took the armies of three Great Saint places as the main body, took many other major religious sects again, the elite armies of major tribal groups have composed an enormous and powerful army, entered in Chaos. 武道纪元的大军,很快就组织了起来,以三大圣地的大军为主体,再带上许许多多其他各大教派,各大族群的精锐大军组成了一支浩浩荡荡的大军,杀入了混沌之中。 But in Chaos, in the god city that the Ancient era establishes one after another, Expert of innumerable Ancient era stands above flooding the motley time trace city wall, the army of looks at Martial Dao era went to battle once again. 而在混沌之中,一座一座古代纪元建立起来的神城之中,无数古代纪元的高手站在充斥着斑驳时间痕迹的城墙之上,看着武道纪元的大军又一次出征了。 Reason that said that went to battle, is really the number of times that because the Martial Dao era in goes to battle with these days was really too many, even linked them to record not the clear Martial Dao era to go to battle with many times. 之所以说是又出征了,实在是因为武道纪元在这一段时间之中出征的次数实在是太多了,甚至连他们自己都已经记不清楚武道纪元出征多少次了。 The Ancient era in entire Chaos, did not remember when the Martial Dao era became so has enlivened, only remembers that every other previous some time, the Martial Dao era went to battle one time. 整个混沌之中的古代纪元,都已经不记得武道纪元什么时候变得这般活跃了,只记得每隔上一段时间,武道纪元就出征一次。 Moreover the Martial Dao era goes to battle with also from the beginning Ye Xiwen and Heavenly Venerate, and even Qin Venerable treated people the organization to expedite one after another, under Heavenly Venerate spontaneous the leading organization to behind expedited, unceasing exterminated these Ancient Yuan armies, bit by bit these regarding Martial Dao era hostility very thick Ancient era eradication one after another. 而且武道纪元出征也从一开始叶希文和中天尊,乃至秦尊相继待人组织远征,到后面下面的天尊自发的带队组织远征,不断的剿灭那些古代元的大军,一点一点将那些对于武道纪元敌意很浓的古代纪元一个接着一个的连根拔起。 But this time, the Martial Dao era once again went to battle, many people of Ancient era sigh woefully, had the Ancient era that Ruler appeared and disappeared unable to protect oneself continually? 这一次,武道纪元又再度出征了,许多古代纪元的人更是哀叹,难道连有主宰出没的古代纪元都无法自保了么? In the past in their opinion, had the Ancient era of Ruler birth is as stable as Mount Tai, even if experienced many era changes, cannot die. 以往在他们看来,有主宰出生的古代纪元都是稳如泰山,哪怕是经历了很多次的纪元更替,都不会陨落 But now has been exterminated many by Ye Xiwen, but now, the Martial Dao era army must destroy completely that three. 而现在被叶希文就剿灭了很多个,而现在,武道纪元大军就更是要去灭掉那三个。 Also does not know when from starts, probably rises to start from Ye Xiwen, has the era that Ruler was born, did not have what difference with the general Ancient era. 也不知道从什么时候开始,大约是从叶希文崛起开始,有过主宰诞生的纪元,也都与一般的古代纪元没有什么区别了。 Said that extinguished also extinguished. 说灭了也就灭了。 The army of Martial Dao era killed to the puppet era, the puppet era had the era that Ruler once was born worthily, compared to other eras obviously, wanted on more than to plan formidable. 武道纪元的大军率先杀向了傀儡纪元,傀儡纪元不愧是有主宰曾经诞生的纪元,明显比起其他的纪元来说,要强大上不止一筹。 The army of Martial Dao era encircles puppet era, but a short time unexpectedly does not have the means to capture, infinite endless puppet, even if were the armies of Martial Dao era is stopped. 武道纪元的大军将傀儡纪元团团围住,但是一时半会儿居然没有办法攻入其中,无穷无尽的傀儡,就算是武道纪元的大军都被阻拦住了。 They are not Ye Xiwen like that have the absolute overwhelming superiority likely, even if has met that limitless quantity, is very difficult to prevent his footsteps. 他们不像是叶希文那般拥有绝对压倒性的优势,就算是遇到了那种无边无际的数量,也很难阻挡得住他的脚步。 The army of Martial Dao era encountered troublesome, when particularly many puppet Expert one after another of puppet era recovered afterwards, the situation was precipitouser. 武道纪元的大军遭遇到了麻烦,尤其是当傀儡纪元的诸多傀儡高手纷纷复苏之后,形势就更加险峻了。 Expert of Ancient era many observe from afar applauds secretly, the army who they look forward to the Martial Dao era maliciously will eat one to owe here greatly. 许多远远观战的古代纪元的高手暗自叫好,他们都巴不得武道纪元的大军会在这里狠狠吃上一个大亏。 However their ideas, being doomed must fail, Bian Xiaoyue gets rid afterwards, all thoroughly have turned around. 不过他们的想法,注定是要落空的,边晓月出手之后,一切就已经彻底扭转过来了。 Bian Xiaoyue portable Martial Venerable Seal, almost can be said as If Gods block, kill the Gods if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, boundless endless puppet army? 边晓月手提武尊印,几乎可以说是神挡杀神佛挡杀佛,无边无尽的傀儡大军? Martial Venerable Seal gets down, changed into the flying ash thoroughly, even links a fluctuation not to have, thoroughly vanished. 一个武尊印下去,彻底化为了飞灰,甚至连一点波动都没有,就已经彻底消失了。 Heavenly Venerate Level Expert, Martial Venerable Seal pounds to fall, fleshly body Beng San, the bone dust flutters about at the scene, simply cannot stop. 一个天尊级别高手,一个武尊印砸落下去,当场肉身崩散,骨屑纷飞,根本就阻拦不住。 Again, even if Heavenly Venerate , is the same dies without the burial ground. 再一下,就算是天尊,也是一样死无葬身之地。 Bian Xiaoyue was really too fierce, even if during the puppet era had innumerable formation and knot, unexpectedly could not block his one step, like this rare strength made people scared. 边晓月实在是太凶猛了,就算傀儡纪元之中有无数的阵法和结界,居然都挡不住他一步,这样的罕见战力让人胆寒。 In the puppet era does not have in the situation that Half-Step Ruler assumes, surface opponent holds Martial Venerable Seal Bian Xiaoyue they almost not to have the strength to hit back, presents one dead, presents one crowd of casualty one crowds. 在傀儡纪元没有半步主宰坐镇的情况下,面对手武尊印边晓月他们几乎毫无还手之力,出现一个死一个,出现一群死伤一群。 Even evolved a huge puppet to Heavenly Dao of final puppet era, has suppressed toward Bian Xiaoyue. 甚至到最后傀儡纪元的天道都演化出了一具巨大的傀儡,朝着边晓月镇压了下来。 Today first one, making me think how well finally must conclude, a little pressure, needs to plan well!( ~^~) 今天就先一更,让我好好想想最后要怎么收尾,有点压力,需要好好规划一下!(~^~)
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