MGS :: Volume #41

#3863: Passing on the torch

Person who at this time can come greetings Qin Jun, naturally is Fang Haoxiong, only then Emperor Monarch can distant greetings Qin Jun, above Heavenly Venerate have the qualifications to enter the palace to have an audience with, but these Quasi-Emperor, the class of god king, can only in hundred distant kowtowing greetings of birds outside toward the phoenix palace, the qualifications of also and that's the end, simply not having had an audience with. 此时能够来拜见秦君的人,自然都是一方豪雄,只有帝君才能够远远的拜见秦君,天尊以上才有资格入殿觐见,而那些准帝,神王之流的,只能够在百鸟朝凰宫外远远的磕头拜见,也就是了,根本没有觐见的资格。 Otherwise Qin Jun did not need to do other, light accepts greetings of these people, must arrive at Desolate Heaven to be old, even if were this, had the qualifications to come the greetings person, thought that was a supreme glory. 否则秦君不用干别的了,光是接受这些人的拜见,就要到天荒地老了,即便是这样,有资格前来拜见的人,都还觉得是一种无上的荣耀。 Regarding them, this is not the shame, conversely, this is a supreme honor, looked like also many people takes now can in the past greetings good fortune day Monarch for the honor. 对于他们来说,这并不是耻辱,相反的,这是一种无上的荣光,就像是现在还有很多人以当年能够拜见过造化天君为荣呢。 They heard the words of this little girl, one after another turns the head, when saw Bian Xiaoyue, many people cannot help but partly has knelt, salutes saying: Has seen moon/month your father!” 他们听到了这个小女孩的话,都纷纷转过头来,当看到了边晓月的时候,许多人都不由自主的半跪了下来,行礼道:“见过月尊大人!” Nowadays, Bian Xiaoyue early is moves the world peak Expert, is wielding Divine Court such colossus, can say that besides Ye Xiwen, Qin Jun and Heavenly Venerate, she is most peak that several. 现如今,边晓月早已经是名动天下的顶尖强者,更是执掌着神庭这样的庞然大物,可以说,除了叶希文,秦君和中天尊之外,她就已经是最顶尖的那几个了。 Thousand ten thousand years ago, only feared that is most the people of some imaginations cannot think, in the past under that Zhoushan was not crossing the young girl of pitiful life, nowadays unexpectedly can ascend a height to get a broad view extremely, becomes character who extremely between Heaven and Earth have several. 千多万年前,只怕是最有想象力的人也想不到,当年那个不周山下过着凄惨生活的少女,现如今居然能够登临绝顶,成为天地间有数的绝顶人物。 Gets up!” “都起来吧!” Bian Xiaoyue light saying, is then bringing little girl walking of upward gradually. 边晓月淡淡的说道,然后带着小女孩一步一步的往上走去。 These people naturally do not dare to walk in front of Bian Xiaoyue, can only gaze after Bian Xiaoyue silhouette to depart in behind. 那些人自然不敢走在边晓月前面,只能在后面目送边晓月身影离去。 Qin Jun must prove Great Dao, this is the epoch-making important matter, has not thought that including Divine Court wielding, moon/month your father personally came to congratulate, this also representative Divine Court manner!” Many people congratulate regarding the Bian Xiaoyue mountain on personally think very normal. “秦君得证大道的,这可是开天辟地的大事,没想到连神庭的执掌者,月尊大人都亲自前来祝贺了,这也代表神庭的态度吧!”许多人对于边晓月亲自山上祝贺都觉得很正常。 The Bian Xiaoyue strength is truly extraordinary, even is Martial Dao era the character of extremely, in Qin Jun's front, can only be the ants same character, comes greetings that is very normal personally. 边晓月确实实力非凡,甚至是武道纪元的绝顶人物,不过在秦君的面前,都只能算是蝼蚁一样的人物,亲自前来拜见那也很正常。 However many people think to rejoice, because Divine Court and Martial Sect these two colossi have not aimed at mutually, mutual resistance. 不过许多人更是觉得庆幸,因为神庭武宗这两个庞然大物没有相互针对,相互对抗。 Had many old people from past Good Fortune Divine Dynasty and Chaos god toward resistance era, even was a earlier time, good fortune day Monarch also in era walked. 有不少的老人都是从当年造化神朝混沌神朝对抗的年代,甚至是更早的时候,造化天君还在的年代走过来的。 At that time, several influences just liked Martial Sect and Divine Court so at the height of power, the prestige was prominent, but among them the battle simply was life and death, that could be said as loss of life, the life between world, cannot escape death by a hair's breadth. 那个时候,也有几个势力犹如武宗神庭这般如日中天,声威显赫,但是他们之间的争斗简直是你死我活,那可以说是生灵涂炭,天下间的生灵,没有一个能够幸免于难的。 But now, although three Great Saint stand in opposition, but generally speaking, under the restraints of three Paragon characters, although some friction, but is also nothing, basically is shows no external differences. 而现在,虽然三大圣地鼎足而立,但是总的来说,在三个至尊人物的约束之下,虽然有些摩擦,但是也算不了什么,基本上算是一致对外。 This is peace throughout the country sign, but they do not need to be compelled each other to slaughter, this regarding them, is most important. 这才是天下太平的迹象啊,而他们也不用被逼着彼此厮杀,这对于他们来说,才是最重要的。 Although this battle, whets, can have many people to rise, but in fact, each rising the under foot of person, is treading 1 million skeletons, one is by the tens of thousands dry the merit bone, is not the adjective, but is the fact. 虽然这种厮杀,磨砺,能够有很多人从中崛起,但是实际上,每一个崛起的人的脚下,都踏着1000000尸骨,一将功成万骨枯,并不是什么形容词,而是事实。 Bian Xiaoyue is holding the hand of this young girl, walks gradually above the white jade steps, points is locking hundred birds in layer upon layer dense fog to say toward the phoenix palace: Right, that is hundred birds toward the phoenix palace, was Sir Qin Jun condenses by the big supernatural power!” 边晓月牵着这个少女的手,一步一步走在白玉阶梯之上,指着锁在层层迷雾之中的百鸟朝凰宫说道:“没错,那个就是百鸟朝凰宫,是秦君大人以大法力凝聚而出的!” Mighty force of Sir Qin the Jun, not under my Honored Master, is your Old Ancestor!” Bian Xiaoyue said. “秦君大人之伟力,不下于我的师尊,也就是你的老祖宗!”边晓月道。 Bian Xiaoyue looks at this young girl, tried to find somewhat the Ye Xiwen's shadow, but, that was in fact impossible. 边晓月看着这个少女,试图从中找到有几分叶希文的影子,但是事实上,那是根本不可能的。 This young girl, was Ye Xiwen has separated innumerable generation of later generation juniors, named purple contained. 这个少女,是叶希文隔了无数代的一个后辈子弟,名叫紫涵。 It is not the juniors who Ye Kongming that lineage/vein Inheritance comes out, but is Ye Junshan that side Inheritance gets down, said accurately that is Ye Xiwen blood brother's descendant(s). 并不是叶空明那一脉传承出来的子弟,而是叶君山那边传承下去的,准确的说,是叶希文亲弟弟的后人 Although they do not have to come good fortune, but that many people came at that time, but purple contained is in the past that descendant(s). 虽然他们没有跟着前来造化界,但是当时那一支还是有不少人跟着前来的,而紫涵就是当年那一支的后人 Although is not surnamed Ye, but truly is also considered as is the Ye Xiwen's later generation clansman. 虽然不姓叶,不过确实也算得上是叶希文的后辈族人。 Purple contained just born to be examined is extremely rare, nine cloudy First Heavenly Dao Body, were an extremely rare physique, was just born shortly, has alarmed the high level in Divine Court, even has registered Bian Xiaoyue finally all the way. 紫涵刚刚出生就被检测出是极为罕见的,九阴先天道体,是一种极为罕见的体质,刚刚出生没多久,就惊动了神庭之中的高层,甚至最后一路上报到了边晓月这边。 Bian Xiaoyue looks at likes, purple will contain the belt to train in the side personally, nowadays is over 100 years old, already Proving The Dao to become Shen. 边晓月看着喜欢,就将紫涵带在身边亲自调教,现如今不过是100多岁,就已经证道成神。 Divine Court high and low, many people even said that this is almost the next Bian Xiaoyue rhythm, in the past Bian Xiaoyue was being brought the direction by Ye Xiwen personally, cultivation base is also so ten thousand li in a day. 神庭上下,许多人甚至都说,这几乎又是下一个边晓月的节奏啊,当年边晓月叶希文亲自带着指点,修为也是这般一日千里。 Her cultivation base was unable to see through many dense fog on locked Martial Sect Divine Mountain, but her inborn pair of way can comparing broken between Heaven and Earth all fan barriers, any illusion not affect her, it can be said that inborn practice talented person. 本来她这点修为还不能够看穿锁着武宗神山上的诸多迷雾,但是她天生一双道眼能够勘破天地间的一切迷障,任何幻象都影响不到她,可以说是天生的修炼人才。 Must know that on your this cultivation base, the basic successive came the greetings Qin Jun's qualifications not to have, I lead you to come am make you grow in experience, in the future will probably have must do with Martial Sect!” Bian Xiaoyue said. “要知道,本来就你这点修为,根本连来拜见秦君的资格都没有,我带你来就是让你长长见识,将来少不得要和武宗打交道!”边晓月道。 She has a mind purple to contain to train into the next Divine Court palm to teach, looked like initially Ye Xiwen taught the imperial throne to pass to her to be the same the palm, she also wants to get down position of Inheritance Divine Court palm teaching. 她有心将紫涵培养成为下一任的神庭掌教,就像是当初叶希文将掌教大位传给她一样,她也想将神庭掌教之位传承下去。 She also has a mind to attack higher Realm, even attacks Half-Step Ruler finally. 她也有心冲击更高的境界,甚至最终冲击到半步主宰 She listened to Ye Xiwen saying that when future Great Dao was made up, they will have the opportunity to attack Half-Step Ruler, will attack Ruler also to have in the future possibly. 她曾经听叶希文说过,等到将来的大道被补完,他们这些人都将有机会能够冲击半步主宰,甚至将来冲击主宰也不是没有可能。 Before cannot leave Ruler again, that is because Heaven and Earth looked like a pool, the pool so was big, had Ruler, naturally could not accommodate other Ruler. 以前不能再出主宰,那是因为天地就像是一个池子,池子就这么大,有了一个主宰,自然容不得其他主宰了。 But if digs in a big way the pool, that had the environment that other Ruler were born, but this was their opportunities. 但是如果将池子挖大,那就有了其他主宰诞生的环境了,而这才是他们的机会。 Therefore she cannot make such opportunity sneak off, was held back by own cultivation base, when the time comes hands over Divine Court is also only question of time. 所以她不能让这样的机会溜走,让自己的修为拖了后腿,到时候将神庭交出去也只是时间的问题而已。 But in the later generation juniors, is purple contains, therefore personally brings to direct in the side that she most favors. 而在后辈子弟之中,她最看好的就是紫涵,所以才亲自带在身边指点。 The Divine Court palm teaches to select, naturally selects and employs the mertorious, is not the observance of senority, the first generation first generation wheel. 神庭掌教选拔,自然是选贤任能,不是论资排辈,一代一代的轮下去。 Understood!” “明白了!” Purple contains to nod, she is only looks at is young, actually also over 100 years old, are not the children, she is Human Race rises afterwards, the Martial Dao era enters the golden first generation descendant who prosperous stage afterwards is born. 紫涵点了点头,她只是看着小,其实也已经100多岁了,可不是小孩子了,她是人族崛起之后,武道纪元进入繁盛的阶段之后所诞生的黄金一代的后裔。 Child who in golden first generation is born, experts as common as the clouds, genius like the rain, hundred -year-old Proving The Dao is the case everywhere, thousand years old result in god king Great Dao on the card have. 黄金一代中所诞生的孩子,高手如云,天才如雨,百岁证道者比比皆是,千岁就证得神王大道的也有很多。 However in golden first generation afterwards, the child of Human Race birth, the quality dropped obviously, therefore purple contained was just born on reacted Divine Court high and low, era that even if was born in golden first generation, this physique was also quite rare, was the head of everyone. 但是在黄金一代之后,人族出生的孩子,质量明显下降了,所以紫涵刚刚出生就震动神庭上下,即便是在黄金一代所诞生的年代,她这种体质也都极为罕见,为诸人之首。 Then has brought to the attention of Bian Xiaoyue. 这才引起了边晓月的注意。 That Old Ancestor that however Bian Xiaoyue said that since she was born, the light hears his legend, the ear that listens to was quick the callus, the world person raised, all admiration. 不过边晓月所说的那个老祖宗,她出生以来,光听他的传说,听的耳朵都快起老茧了,天下人提起来,无不敬佩。 However she never has actually seen, in fact, in New Generation almost nobody really has also seen Ye Xiwen, his silhouette early changed to Myth, a legend. 不过她却从未见过,事实上,新生代中几乎也没什么人真的见过叶希文,他的身影早已经化作一种神话,一种传说。 Before daily Cultivation in Divine Court, became an official rarely, regarding the great strength of Divine Court, only existed during the imagination, but currently she finally had the direct-viewing understanding. 之前天天在神庭之中修行,也难得出山一趟,对于神庭的强大,都只存在于想象之中,而现在她终于有了直观的认识。 Regardless has run into any person all the way, aura deep such as stars sea same terrifying Old Monster, is looks at on the extreme terrifying big fellow, however in the Bian Xiaoyue front, wants to be low entirely their heads. 无论一路上遇到了什么人,气息深如星辰大海一样的恐怖老怪物,还是一个个看着就极端恐怖的大块头,但是在边晓月的面前,统统要低下他们的头颅。 Any Xiantian Spiritual God, any Houtian peerless Expert, in the face of the Divine Court prestige, must admire. 什么先天神灵,什么后天绝世高手,在神庭的威名面前,都要敬服。 Not only admires the Divine Court given name, admires the great reputation that in Bian Xiaoyue these years the wanderer comes out. 不仅仅是敬服神庭的名号,也是敬服边晓月这些年中闯荡出来的盛名。 Bian Xiaoyue is walking at the same time, her already is the mood of ancient well without ripples unexpectedly presented ripples, in a flash, many many years passed by, but that just liked is only same yesterday. 边晓月一边走着,她那早就已经是古井无波的心境居然出现了一丝涟漪,一晃眼,好多好多年过去了,但是那一幕,就恍如只在昨天一样。 At that time, she is similar to present purple contains general, follows side Ye Xiwen's, the looks at world independent warlords' in that invincible great silhouette toward her heart crawl, does not dare to gain ground with it looks at each other. 在那个时候,她就如同现在的紫涵一般,跟在叶希文的身边,看着天下群雄向着她心中那不可战胜的伟岸身影匍匐下来,根本不敢抬头与之对视。 At that time, Ye Xiwen's deeply takes root formidable in her mind, but now, she also has the later generation that she is favoring to come, looks like passes on the torch to be the same, Divine Court first generation then first generation, can be long-time, lives forever, even if were the era has destroyed, their Divine Court forever Inheritance will also get down. 在那个时候,叶希文的强大就深深植根于她的心中,而现在,她也带着她看好的后辈来了,就像是薪火相传一样,神庭一代接着一代,才能够长久,永世长存,哪怕是纪元毁灭了,他们神庭也会永远的传承下去。 Is upward, Emperor Monarch and Heavenly Venerate that Bian Xiaoyue meets are also more, Emperor Monarch, she looked that does not look at one, walked, but these Heavenly Venerate, she also slightly signals by nodding, what her back representative is Divine Court, so has returned salute. 越是往上,边晓月遇到的帝君天尊也就越多,帝君也就算了,她看都不看一眼,就走了过去,而那些天尊,她也只是微微点头示意,她背后代表的是神庭,这般就已经是还礼了。 Actually purple contained was all of a sudden anxious, these to the person who Bian Xiaoyue saluted, each was a side giant, she look at the picture shade graphs of these people, the peak character who between Heaven and Earth knew how things stand, Bian Xiaoyue has been able not to treat as a matter them, that was because Bian Xiaoyue was not only the Divine Court palm teaches, was grasping the strength of destruction world, because Bian Xiaoyue are one of the present age most Expert. 倒是紫涵一下子紧张了,那些一个个向边晓月行礼的人,每一个都是一方巨头,她都看过这些人的画影图形,天地间有数的顶尖人物,边晓月可以不将他们当做一回事,那是因为边晓月不仅仅是神庭掌教,掌握着覆灭天下的力量,更因为边晓月自己便是当世最强者之一。 However she actually has no alternative but to treat as a matter these people, saluting that 11 are careful, trades is the genial vision, these people could not give the Bian Xiaoyue face, but has no alternative but to give the Martial Lord Ye Xiwen face. 但是她却不能不将那些人当做一回事,11都小心的行礼,换来的都是和善的目光,那些人或许可以不给边晓月面子,但是不能不给武君叶希文面子。 That great silhouette wants still in one day, Divine Court so to keep aloof for day. 那一个伟岸的身影只要还在一天,神庭就将这般高高在上一天。 Purple contains in the heart, by shock, only the day, her three views thoroughly had been subverted enormously, in heart germination cannot help but an idea, I can also have such Might one day. 紫涵心中,受到了极大的震撼,只这一天,她的三观都被彻底颠覆了,心中不由自主的萌生出了一种想法,什么时候,我也能够有这样威风的一天。 The Proving The Dao Level person, before these great people may also not be anything, a finger can press several million. 证道级别的人,在这些大人物面前可还不算什么,一个指头就可以摁死几百万个。 Mas­ter An­ces­tor, I go back afterwards to close up practice!” Purple contains earnestly said to Bian Xiaoyue. 师祖,我回去之后想闭关修炼!”紫涵认真的对边晓月说道。 Bian Xiaoyue shows a faint smile, nodded, this is the goal that she purple will contain to have, in her opinion, what purple contains practice is Ye Xiwen plans Merit Law that in addition her talent, becoming outstanding is natural, but actually cannot so neglect. 边晓月微微一笑,点了点头,这才是她将紫涵带出来的目的,在她看来,紫涵修炼的是叶希文规划出来的功法,加上她的天赋,出人头地是理所应当的,但是却也不能如此怠慢了。 They are walking, hundred birds appeared toward the phoenix palace in their front finally.( ~^~) 两人走着,百鸟朝凰宫终于出现在了她们的面前。(~^~)
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