MGS :: Volume #41

#3862: Outstanding heroes He Qinjun

The Ye Xiwen's words, let Qin Venerable, the present should not ask Qin Jun to have the brand-new idea. 叶希文的话,让秦尊,不现在应该叫秦君有了全新的想法。 Founds an eternal era in the present age, this is the what kind heart, astonishing idea. 在当世开创出一个永恒的纪元,这是何等心胸,何等惊人的想法。 This with is different, builds the perfect era the Martial Dao era that Qin Jun conceives at first, Heavenly Dao that must make up were too many, even also contains had not presented era Heavenly Dao. 这和秦君最初所设想的并不一样,将武道纪元打造成完美纪元,其中要补足的天道太多了,甚至还包含了很多还没有出现过的纪元天道 This principle is not difficult to understand, even in Ruler also some people try to do, but nobody can succeed. 这个原理并不难懂,甚至主宰中也有人试图做过,但是没有一个人能成功的。 Only has presented Ruler Great Dao fused during this era these, was very difficult, but this is also not essential question, most difficult era Great Dao that has not presented. 光是将那些已经出现过的主宰大道融合进本纪元之中,就已经很困难了,但是这还不是关键的问题,最难的是未曾出现的纪元大道 If this era does not destroy, then epoch Great Dao will not appear, such fuses new era Great Dao that radically is fantasy story, matter that is impossible to realize. 如果本纪元不毁灭的话,那么新纪元大道也就不会出现,那样的话融合新的纪元大道那就根本是天方夜谭,不可能实现的事情了。 Even if formidable such as they, is impossible to forecast that actually the next era Great Dao how, how operates. 哪怕是强大如他们,也不可能预测到下一个纪元的大道究竟如何,是如何运行的。 Therefore even if they do utmost, most also can only complement certain degree Great Dao, certain extent the life of extension era, but also can only achieve such degree. 所以他们即便竭尽全力,最多也就只能够将大道补全到一定的程度,一定程度的延长纪元的寿命,但是也只能够做到那样的程度了。 From to remould a perfect era in the world, exists forever through ancient times also has very long distance, even is absolutely impossible. 距离要想在人间重塑一个完美的纪元,亘古长存还有很长的距离,甚至是绝对不可能的。 If can build the era that exists forever through ancient times, but if cannot achieve, to prolong the life of this era merely, that violated these Ruler to abstain from. 如果能够打造出一个亘古长存的纪元也就算了,但是如果做不到,仅仅只是为了延长本纪元的寿命的话,那就犯了那些主宰们忌讳了。 This was also Qin the Jun from the beginning somewhat scruple reason, he did not fear that fought with anybody, the matter that for was impossible to achieve went to and these Ruler opposes, that is a little unwise. 这也是秦君一开始有些迟疑的原因,他不怕与任何人交手,但是为了一件根本不可能做到的事情去和那些主宰作对,那就有点不明智了。 Light with these Ruler resistances, but then just started, the key is, do you have confidence to complement Heaven and Earth Great Dao? Is Great Dao of these Ancient eras complex was only difficult to understand, was difficult, but era Great Dao that in the future will not have presented you , to make up, that is more impossible, this is not the possibility has many question, but at all impossible question!” Saying of Qin Jun at the same time doubt. “不过光只是与那些主宰对抗也就算了,不过这才不过是刚刚开始而已,关键是,你有把握能够补全天地大道么?光是那些古代纪元的大道就已经复杂难懂,非常困难了,而未来还未出现的纪元大道你要想补足,那就更加不可能了,这不是可能性有多少的问题,而是根本不可能的问题!”秦君一边狐疑的说道。 This aspect, do you have the means to achieve?” “这个方面,你有办法做到么?” Ye Xiwen hearing this, knew immediately Qin Jun's worry, regarding general Ruler, this is at all not the matter that is possible to achieve. 叶希文闻言,顿时就知道了秦君的顾虑,对于一般的主宰来说,这是根本不可能做到的事情。 I have confidence to achieve, but the process will be very possibly difficult!” Ye Xiwen nodded, has not concealed Qin Jun's meaning. “我有把握能够做到,但是过程可能会很艰难!”叶希文点了点头,没有隐瞒秦君的意思。 Qin Jun immediately at present one bright, then has thought of anything suddenly all of a sudden, open mouth to talk said: Is a non- character tablet in place of that Mysterious!” 秦君顿时眼前一亮,然后猛然一下子想到了什么,开口说道:“是那个神秘之地中的无字道碑!” He has almost thought of the key immediately, if during the Martial Dao era can have such thing, he knew very early in the morning, even is not one's turn him, will be obtained by good fortune day Mr. 他几乎是立刻就想到了关键,如果武道纪元之中能够有那样的东西的话,他一早就知道了,甚至都轮不到他,会被造化天君所得到。 Therefore he has almost thought all of a sudden does not have a character tablet. 所以他几乎是一下子想到了无字道碑。 Because he still remembers that does not have Great Dao that in a character tablet contains, almost can say that contained Great Dao in each era. 因为他还记得,无字道碑之中蕴含的大道,几乎可以说,蕴含了各个纪元之中的大道 Half-Step Ruler in any era can insight to own Great Dao, even many Ruler are also looking continually for this not to have a character tablet, but does not have a character tablet every time to appear does not have the rule to say, but now unexpectedly is given by Ye Xiwen. 无论是什么纪元中的半步主宰都能够从中参悟到属于自己的大道,甚至连许多主宰也在找这个无字道碑,但是无字道碑每一次出现都毫无规律可言,而现在居然被叶希文给得到了。 His original originally thinks to be a pity, but has not thought that this does not have a character tablet also to complement Great Dao, this has the possibility, if no in a character tablet the implication to have Great Dao of many Ancient eras, that really has the possibility. 他原本就觉得可惜,但是没有想到,这个无字道碑还能够补全大道,这个是有可能的,如果无字道碑中蕴含有诸多古代纪元的大道,那确实有可能的。 Those who make Qin Jun truly panic-stricken is, does not have in a character tablet, unexpectedly might the implication have in the future the information of era. 让秦君真正惊骇的是,无字道碑之中,居然有可能蕴含有未来纪元的信息。 Right!” Ye Xiwen nodded, he does not want to conceal Qin Jun, although this is the secret in secret, but he thought that Qin Jun trusted. “没错!”叶希文点了点头,他也不想隐瞒秦君,虽然这是机密之中的机密,不过他觉得秦君信得过。 If Fellow Daoist interested, when I have completed this time overcoming nature afterwards, you can come in Divine Court with my together insight, the powerful enemy who in the future we could face is extremely formidable, if not so, does not have to resist!” “如果道友有兴趣的话,等我完成了这一次的补天之后,你可以来神庭之中与我共同参悟,未来我们可能要面对的强敌太过强大,若不如此的话,无以对抗!” Ye Xiwen said. 叶希文道。 Qin Jun immediately at present one bright, if can insight not have a character tablet, then advantage big, it can be imagined. 秦君登时眼前一亮,如果能够一直参悟无字道碑,那么好处有多大,可想而知。 I am know that now Fellow Daoist so was why formidable, by the body of Half-Step Ruler, can contend with Ruler Intermediate Stage Expert unexpectedly, only feared that is this does not have the character tablet merit!” Qin Jun open mouth to talk said. “我现在算是知道道友为什么如此强大了,以半步主宰之身,居然能够抗衡主宰中期高手,只怕也是这无字道碑的功劳吧!”秦君开口说道。 Ye Xiwen's matter, how heaven defying, many fortuitous encounters, probably also only then he was clearest, however Qin Jun of onlooking also can only catch up arrives at incomparable shock certainly. 叶希文的事情,怎一个逆天了得,其中到底有多少奇遇,大概也就只有他自己最为清楚了,但是旁观的秦君也只能赶绝到无比的震撼。 Really has without the character tablet merit!” “其中确有无字道碑的功劳!” Ye Xiwen nods, does not conceal, in fact, if has not had a character tablet, depending on taking advantage of the merit that Heavenly Dao lowers, being insufficient lets his breakthrough hence, that is almost the miracle. 叶希文点点头,也不隐瞒,事实上,如果没有无字道碑,光凭借着天道降下的功德,也不足以让他突破至此,那几乎已经算是神迹了。 Good, I will again when the time comes come thank your for your hospitality Fellow Daoist, Fellow Daoist can open does not have a character tablet to me, has the big heart seriously, can arrive this step, truly not in vain great reputation!” Saying that Qin Jun admired. “好,我到时候会再来叨扰道友,道友能够开放无字道碑给我,当真是有大心胸,能够走到这一步,确实不枉盛名!”秦君佩服的说道。 Fellow Daoist was polite, later your I also want mutual attention, when the time comes overcomes nature, needs the help of Fellow Daoist, just now has the possibility!” Ye Xiwen said that he did not worry actually does not have a character tablet to lose, does not have character tablet Artifact Spirit, that Mysterious Space by his refining, the present is only open, and has nothing to be worried. 道友客气了,以后你我还要守望相助,到时候补天,也需要道友的帮助,方才有可能!”叶希文道,他倒是不担心无字道碑会丢失,无字道碑的器灵,那个神秘空间都已经被他炼化,现在只是开放而已,并没有什么可担心的。 He must do now, besides overcoming nature, most important how to cross the tribulation, becomes Ruler. 他现在要做的,除了补天之外,最重要的就是如何渡劫,成为主宰 Once he crosses the tribulation, possibly directly promotes into Ruler Late Stage, even achieved Ruler Intermediate Stage Qin Jun also to just breakthrough be stronger. 一旦他渡劫,就可能直接晋升成为主宰后期,甚至比刚刚突破就达到主宰中期的秦君还要更强。 However because of this, his Heavenly Tribulation inevitably is also fearful, nowadays Qin Jun's Heavenly Tribulation wants fearfully were more , will possibly bring in getting rid of Ruler. 但是也正因为如此,他的天劫必然可怕,比现如今秦君的天劫要可怕的多了,甚至可能会引来主宰的出手。 Present Ye Xiwen backs on the Martial Dao era, almost it can be said that does not have the flaw, but if he crosses the tribulation, will show the biggest flaw, once crosses the tribulation, may face the double whammies that Heavenly Tribulation and person tribulation. 现在的叶希文背靠武道纪元,几乎可以说是毫无破绽,但是如果他渡劫的话,就会露出最大的破绽,一旦渡劫,就可能会面临天劫和人劫的双重夹击。 Even if by the Ye Xiwen present strength, will feel incomparably thornily, even is the aspect of a narrow escape. 即便以叶希文现在的实力,也会感觉到无比棘手,甚至是九死一生的局面。 But if can have Qin Jun to help, his odds of suc­cess on big many. 但是如果能够有秦君帮忙的话,他的胜算就大的多了。 They it can be said that offer mutual benefit and achieve common progress, no one moistens whose small advantage! 两人可以说是互惠互利,谁也不沾谁便宜! But in Divine Court, Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun have decided the matter of cooperation at the same time, during the Martial Dao era, because of their matters, but made one group thoroughly. 而就在神庭之中,叶希文和秦君敲定了合作的事情的同时,在武道纪元之中,也因为两人的事情,而彻底闹成了一团。 In the past many years, the Martial Dao era broke an era unable to present two Ruler spells unexpectedly, unexpectedly presented Ruler. 过去了多少年了,武道纪元居然打破了一个纪元不能够出现两个主宰的魔咒,居然又出现了一个主宰 Beforehand Ye Xiwen cannot keep a promise, although he also strided in the Ruler Level strength, but in fact, he also as before can only be Half-Step Ruler, but the common person had already treated as Ruler him. 之前的叶希文都不能算数,虽然他也算是跨入了主宰级别的战力,但是实际上,他也依旧只能算是半步主宰而已,只是寻常人早就将他当做了主宰 But Qin Jun was different, he was Ruler of genuine goods at reasonable prices, can with past good fortune day Monarch's Ruler side by side. 而秦君不同,他是货真价实的主宰,可以与当年的造化天君比肩的主宰 Countless person boiling, particularly first time have faced the deterioration in the Martial Dao era, all person flustered times, Qin Jun's appearance, has given a shot without a doubt likely, making them enliven. 无数人都沸腾了,尤其是在武道纪元第一次面临衰败,所有人都人心惶惶的时候,秦君的出现,毫无疑问像是打了一剂强心针,让她们都活跃了起来。 Our Martial Dao era could be saved, at least can also prosperous tens of millions year of Ah! “我们武道纪元有救了,起码还能够兴盛数千万年啊! From now henceforth, my Martial Sect is unparalleled in the world, nobody can keep off, was this achievement big enterprise!” “从今以后,我武宗独步天下,无人能挡,是该成就一番大事业了!” „It is not right, Martial Sect only feared that could not be unparalleled in the world, but at least can also treat as an equal with Divine Court!” “不对,武宗只怕还不能独步天下,但是至少也能够和神庭平起平坐了!” In Martial Sect innumerable Expert also in cheering boiling, during originally Martial Dao era, although is known as three Great Saint places, however everyone knows that three Great Saint, take Divine Court as Venerable, under Divine Court is Martial Sect, finally is the good fortune gods. 武宗之中无数的高手也在欢呼沸腾,原本武道纪元之中虽然号称三大圣地,然而谁都知道,三大圣地之中,以神庭为尊,在神庭之下才是武宗,最后才是造化神都。 All people know, although in these three Great Saint, what the qualifications and foundation are most solid is the good fortune gods, but in his leader Heavenly Venerate, is these three Great Saint is weakest. 所有人都知道,虽然在这三大圣地之中,资历和底蕴最为深厚的是造化神都,但是偏偏他的领导者中天尊,是这三大圣地之中最弱的。 Therefore the good fortune gods naturally do not have the means to lead the field in three Great Saint, but in these three Great Saint, what is strongest is Ye Xiwen, the Divine Court nature in three Great Saint in is also most powerful. 所以造化神都自然也没有办法在三大圣地之中独占鳌头,而在这三大圣地之中,最强的是叶希文,神庭自然在三大圣地之中也是最为强盛。 But now, was unexpected along with Qin Jun contrary, heaven defying the line, was promoted successfully became Ruler, but Martial Sect also therefore leapt on, became can with Divine Court colossus side by side. 而现在,随着秦君出乎预料之外,逆天而行,成功晋级成为了主宰,而武宗也因此一跃而上,成为能够和神庭比肩的庞然大物。 But this also made many people have a bigger confidence regarding the Martial Dao era, after all now quite therefore two big Ruler assume personal command, if were counted initial good fortune day Monarch, that quite therefore three Venerable Lord butchered assumes personal command, the ancient and modern first formidable era, this saying was absolutely good. 而这也让很多人对于武道纪元有了更大的信心,毕竟现在相当于是两大主宰坐镇,如果算上当初的造化天君,那就相当于是有三尊主宰坐镇,古今第一强大的纪元,这话绝对不错。 In decided afterwards with Ye Xiwen, Qin Venerable returned to Martial Sect, has held the grand banquet in hundred birds toward the phoenix palace, Heavenly Venerate of major influences, Emperor Monarch were invited. 在与叶希文敲定了之后,秦尊就返回了武宗之中,在百鸟朝凰宫之中举办了盛大的宴会,各大势力的天尊们,帝君们都受到了邀请。 Matter that because Ye Xiwen must prepare to overcome nature, does not go, by his cultivation base and status, cannot go, very much as one desires, does not need question in some according to understanding. 叶希文因为要准备补天的事情,也就不去了,以他的修为和地位来说,去不去,都很随心,没有必要在以一些理解上的问题 However he has also sent Bian Xiaoyue, representative Divine Court congratulated Qin Jun to become Great Dao. 不过他也将边晓月派去了,代表神庭恭贺秦君得成大道 But these Emperor Monarch and Heavenly Venerate also early rushed to Martial Sect, since wants to see to be ancient the elegant demeanor that second Venerable Lord has butchered. 而这些帝君天尊也都早早的赶往了武宗之中,想要一睹亘古以来第二尊主宰的风采。 However is also not everyone has qualifications greetings. 不过也并不是每一个人都有资格拜见的。 But representative Bian Xiaoyue of Divine Court this colossus naturally had the qualifications to go greetings. 代表神庭这个庞然大物的边晓月自然是有资格前去拜见的。 When at the foot of the hill of Martial Sect Divine Mountain, Bian Xiaoyue lowered the cloud top, along the white jade stone steps on. 早在武宗神山的山脚下的时候,边晓月就降下了云头,沿着白玉石阶而上。 But in Bian Xiaoyue side, but also with a young girl of 13 or 14-year-old appearance, looks at stature quite tall Tiao, but also leads several points of young baby to be fat. 而在边晓月的旁边,还跟着一个十三四岁模样的少女,看着身材颇为高挑,还带着几分小小的婴儿肥。 Is Bian Xiaoyue of 18-19 -year-old appearance arrives with looks at together, pours to resemble pair of sisters to be the same. 看着不过是十八九岁模样的边晓月走到一起,倒似一对姐妹一样。 Mas­ter An­ces­tor, is this Martial Sect Divine Mountain looks at good style, on that summit, is the hundred birds in legend toward the phoenix palace!” 师祖,这武宗神山看着好气派啊,那山顶上的,是不是就是传说中的百鸟朝凰宫!” This 13 or 14-year-old young girl looks up, in the summit is a solemn and respectful dignified, splendid palace, can see to carve Liang Huazhu, Feilong walks the phoenix, looks at is quite lordly. 这个十三四岁的少女抬头看去,在山顶是一座肃穆庄严,富丽堂皇的宫殿,一眼就能够看到雕梁画柱,飞龙走凤,看着极为气派。 Her words, caused many walked person the attention in stone steps similarly, because in this Martial Sect Divine Mountain, everywhere was overlapping formation, this young girl can one pass formation to tie shortly, saw hundred birds toward the phoenix palace, this skill has surpassed in world majority of Expert.( ~^~) 她的话,引起了许多同样走在石阶上的人的注意,因为在这武宗神山上,到处都是层层叠叠的阵法,这少女能够一眼看透阵法结界,看到百鸟朝凰宫,这一份功力就已经超过世间大部分的高手了。(~^~)
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