MGS :: Volume #40

#3861: Ruler different levels

Heavenly Tribulation diverges finally, that covered in Qin Venerable terrifying Heaven's Will also finally diverged, without a trace of disappearance, did not have remaining, if were not nearby looks at that does not know that was destroyed any appearance broken Chaos, only feared that no one is able to imagine, here had experienced terrifying Heavenly Tribulation. 天劫终于散去,那笼罩在秦尊身上的恐怖天意也终于散去了,消失的无影无踪,一点都没有剩下,如果不是看着那附近已经不知道被破坏成了什么样子的残破混沌,只怕谁都无法想象得到,这里曾经经历过一场恐怖天劫 But supported this Heavenly Tribulation Qin Venerable injury also to start to change for the better finally gradually, Golden Light the body that Venerable from Qin ascends, but was among the moments, restored such as beginning, at least looked like from the semblance, was this. 而撑过了这最后天劫的秦尊身上的伤势也开始逐渐好转了起来,一道道金光从秦尊的身上升腾而起,不过是片刻之间,就已经恢复如初了,起码从外表上看起来,是这样的。 The next flash, Qin Venerable one step stepped nearby Ye Xiwen's, then bowed said: Many thanks the graciousness of Fellow Daoist aid, Qin does not have the tooth to be unforgettable!” 下一瞬间,秦尊一步跨到了叶希文的跟前,然后稽首说道:“多谢道友援手之恩,秦某没齿难忘!” He is very clear, if this time does not have Ye Xiwen's to protect and sustain, then consequence incomparable serious, even he possibly bleeds Chaos, die in this. 他很清楚,这一次如果不是有叶希文的护持的话,那么后果将会无比的严重,甚至他可能喋血混沌,陨落在此。 Half-Step Ruler that these are ready to make trouble, but many plans pay certain price also to let his die. 那些蠢蠢欲动的半步主宰,可是有不少打算付出一定的代价也要让他陨落的。 But all these had been lucky Ye Xiwen assumed personal command, has blocked all enemies. 而这一切都多亏了叶希文坐镇,拦住了一切所有的敌人。 He called Ye Xiwen as before is Fellow Daoist, has approved the Ye Xiwen's strength, otherwise, between Half-Step Ruler and Ruler, differed far more than a least bit, how Ruler possibly called Half-Step Ruler is Fellow Daoist. 他依旧称呼叶希文道友,也是认可了叶希文的战力,否则的话,半步主宰主宰之间,相差何止一点半点,主宰怎么可能称呼半步主宰道友 The dragon does not occupy with the snake, the eagle of space will not have occurring together with the ants of ground, only then the character in same level, has the possibility of exchange. 龙不与蛇居,天上的雄鹰也不会和地上的蝼蚁有交集,只有在同一个层次上的人物,才有交流的可能性。 Anything, on asking a road, your I am seek, today you help my one time, tomorrow I will help your one time, to try to prove Great Dao, will not use politely!” Ye Xiwen beckons with the hand that's all. “没什么,在求道的路上,你我都是求道者,今天你帮我一次,明天我帮你一次,都是为了求证大道,不用客气!”叶希文摆摆手罢了 To this situation, but can also with his tourmate, really be too few. 到了他这个地步,还能够与他同行的人,实在是太少了。 Asked the person on path to be lonely, like this lonely, nobody can understand, each step that because he went forward, was unprecedented, latter did not have newcomer. 求道路上的人是孤独的,这样的孤独,没有人能够明白,因为他所前进的每一步,都是前无古人,后无来者的。 The road is endless I to seek up and down! 路漫漫吾将上下而求索! The person who the person who let alone has a common goal, can the considerable degree trust and entrusts were less. 更别说还是志同道合的人了,能够相当程度信任和托付的人就更少了。 Walks, we return to the Martial Dao era to go first!” “走吧,我们先回武道纪元去!” Qin Venerable nodded, then one step stepped forward, returned to the Martial Dao era. 秦尊点了点头,然后一步跨出,就已经回到了武道纪元。 Ye Xiwen also with one step steps forward, similarly returned to the Martial Dao era. 叶希文也跟着一步跨出,同样回到了武道纪元之中。 In Divine Court, they sit facing each other. 神庭之中,两人相对而坐。 Again here, congratulating Fellow Daoist must prove Great Dao, from now on the future, the dust will not dye, all generations do not rub, live forever!” Ye Xiwen holds up the wine glass, has drunk immortal liquor, then said. “再这里,恭喜道友得证大道,从今往后,尘埃不染,万劫不磨,永世长存!”叶希文举起酒杯,饮了一口仙酒,然后说道。 Qin Venerable shook the head saying: Strided in this Realm truly, I know that Great Dao just started, I and others on asking a road, most important question survives, Half-Step Ruler can live several eras, but Ruler time of it, even if Half-Step Ruler one time, had finally finally time!” 秦尊摇了摇头说道:“真正跨入了这个境界,我才知道,大道不过是刚刚开始,我等还是在求道的路上,首要问题就是生存,半步主宰能够活过十几个纪元,而主宰倍之,但是哪怕是半步主宰的一倍,也终有终了的时候!” Ye Xiwen facial expression serious, even if Ruler, will be impossible really forever and ever survival, has destroyed including the era that Ruler will be, Heaven and Earth will have end, let alone will be the person. 叶希文神情凝重了起来,哪怕是主宰,也不可能真的永生永世的存活下去,连主宰所在的纪元都毁灭了,天地都有尽头,何况是人呢。 Therefore he does not think an era era, when continuously that perfect era appears, because he and others was so long, his relatives and friends were so are longer, even if there is his blessing, but cannot pass through several eras, must face Celestial Decay as before, did not have the disaster not to get sick dead. 所以他才不想一个纪元一个纪元的等下去,一直等到那个完美的纪元出现,因为他等不了那么久,他的亲朋好友更是等不了那么久,即便有他的庇佑,但是也经过不了几个纪元,依旧要面临天人五衰,无灾无病而死。 However these Ruler, have itself to continue the life uniquely the method, but generally speaking, is the destruction era has the relations!” Qin Venerable said. Now I knew, why these Ruler will disseminate during their Great Dao at the beginning of the era the new era, because of through such way, they can also be progressive, an accumulation of era era, slowly changes is more formidable, when this era destruction, they can also through the era at the beginning of the method of leaving behind, destroys this era thoroughly, and absorbs this era essence to expand itself!” “而那些主宰,都有自己独特的续命的方法,但是总的来说,是和覆灭纪元是有关系的!”秦尊说道。“现在我是知道了,为什么那些主宰会在纪元之初就将自己的大道传播到新的纪元之中了,因为通过这样的方式,他们还能够进步,一个纪元一个纪元的累积,慢慢的变的更加强大,而且在这个纪元覆灭的时候,他们也能够通过纪元之初就留下的手段,彻底将这个纪元毁灭,并且吸取这个纪元的精华来壮大自己!” However in the Martial Dao era, does not know that leaves leeway many these Ancient era day Monarch's subsequent parties!” “而武道纪元中,就不知道留有多少那些古代纪元天君的后手!” Ye Xiwen facial expression serious, before his cultivation base, therefore has not understood all sorts of Guan Qiao, now he understood, why before swallowing deity Monarch can grow unexpectedly at such astonishing speed, definitely has insect Monarch to leave behind the method the reason. 叶希文神情凝重,之前他的修为还不到,所以还不明白其中的种种关窍,现在他就明白了,为什么之前的吞天神君居然能够以那样惊人的速度成长起来,肯定是有虫君留下手段的原因。 Had insect Monarch to keep the Martial Dao era not to know that many ten thousand years of method, swallowed deity Monarch to cross from the beginning the most dangerous that stage. 有了虫君留在武道纪元不知道多少万年的手段,吞天神君才渡过了一开始最为危险的那个阶段。 Ruler of these Ancient eras, are one by one more experienced more and careful, has left behind many methods, basic nobody knows. 这些古代纪元的主宰,一个比一个更加老谋深算,到底遗留了多少手段,根本无人知晓。 Therefore, your present actions are all Ruler do against, you broke their longevity road, how do they tolerate you?” Qin Venerable looks at Ye Xiwen said. “所以,你现在的所作所为是和所有的主宰对着干,你断了他们的长生路,他们岂能容你?”秦尊看着叶希文说道。 „!” Qin Venerable was saying, unexpectedly coughed wisp of golden blood. “咳咳!”秦尊说着,居然咳出了一缕金色的血液。 Ye Xiwen's brow micro pressed, then said: „Are you beforehand say|way wound do not have?” 叶希文的眉头微蹙,然后说道:“你是之前的道伤没好?” Qin Venerable nodded saying: That was before crosses the say|way wound that the tribulation kept, I was belong cross the tribulation forcefully, but was some small problems, if were Half-Step Ruler, these wounds sufficed to want my life, but I after all bridged over now that step, therefore for me , the injury that needed to close up some time can repair!” 秦尊点了点头说道:“那是之前渡劫留下来的道伤,我是属于强行渡劫,不过都是一些小毛病,如果是半步主宰,这些道伤就够要我的命,但是现在我毕竟跨过了那一步,所以对我来说,也只是需要一段时间闭关就可以修复的伤势了!” In his spoken language is the incomparable self-confidence, truly so, by his cultivation base, truly present age belonged to peak, moreover is in the prime of life, say|way wound that even if most is hard to treat, for him is also only question that's all of time. 他的言语之中是无比的自信,也确实如此,以他的修为来说,确实当世已经属于顶尖,而且年富力强,哪怕是最为难以治疗的道伤,对他来说也只是时间的问题罢了 Saw Qin Venerable saying that Ye Xiwen felt relieved slightly, to a great extent he has treated as a reliable ally Qin Venerable, when facing the future unknown aspect, can have Assistant. 见秦尊这么说,叶希文稍稍放心,很大程度上他将秦尊当做了一个可靠的盟友,在面对未来未知局面的时候,可以有一个帮手 Naturally was Qin Venerable the stronger the better. 自然是秦尊越强越好。 I have blocked their road, must spell, if not spell, how could I really can live the emergence of that perfect era? These people are wishful thinking that's all, they possibly have not achieved absolutely!” Ye Xiwen light saying, but in spoken language is the incomparable firmness. “我就算挡住了他们的路,也要拼一把,若是不拼,我又岂能真的能够活到那个完美纪元的出现?那些人不过是痴心妄想罢了,他们绝对没有可能做到!”叶希文淡淡的说道,但是言语之中是无比的坚定。 Qin Venerable was not a little clear, the Ye Xiwen's sense of crisis so was why strong, obviously he was the character who during an era was born, by, the life also had long is very long, even if by Half-Step Ruler, the lives of his also several eras, could probably in the Martial Dao era one high under? 秦尊有点不明白,叶希文的危机感为什么那么强,明明他才是本纪元之中诞生的人物,论起来,寿命还有很长很长,即便以半步主宰来说,他也还有十几个纪元的寿命,难道非得要在武道纪元一较高下么? Strided in Ruler Realm afterwards, before Qin Venerable vision and idea already, was entirely different, even his vision saw many era afterwards, no longer limits to the Martial Dao era's matter. 跨入了主宰境界之后,秦尊的眼界和想法已经和之前截然不同了,甚至他的目光已经看到了许多个纪元之后,不再只是局限于武道纪元的事情。 His plan also profound, in his opinion, an era's success and failure is not that important, so long as he also, then all also hopeful. 他的谋划也更加的深远,在他看来,一个纪元的得失已经不是那么重要了,只要他自己还在,那么一切就还有希望。 Ye Xiwen also shakes the head, because cannot tell Qin Venerable, he knew from the character tablet that must wait till the perfect era, has not known many years. 叶希文也只是摇摇头,因为总不能告诉秦尊,他从道字碑上得知,要等到完美纪元,还有不知道多少年吧。 I am the plan establish a perfect era in the Martial Dao era, builds such perfect era the Martial Dao era, even if must oppose with other Ruler for this reason, I also refuse to balk, Fellow Daoist, I formally invite you to join my plan now, if my plan once succeeds, then you did not need to endure that many eras with hardship, happy natural lived is not being good, must like be Ruler of these Ancient eras, did the live day to day breathe heavily through a variety of means greedily?” Ye Xiwen said. This plan is very difficult, will offend many people, but for me, that is worth, although thousands of people I toward, how did not know Fellow Daoist your choice!” “我是打算在武道纪元建立一个完美纪元,将武道纪元打造成那样一个完美的纪元,哪怕为此要和其他所有主宰作对,我也在所不惜,道友,我现在正式邀请你加入我的计划,如果我的计划一旦成功,那么你也不用苦苦熬过那么多的纪元了,难道痛痛快快潇潇洒洒的活着不好,非得要像是那些古代纪元的主宰一样,通过种种方式苟延馋喘么?”叶希文说道。“这个计划很难,也会得罪很多人,但是对我来说,那都是值得的,虽千万人吾往矣,就是不知道道友你的选择如何了!” Qin Venerable silent some little time, before this invitation and entirely different, he stood in the Ruler position, with initially was only Half-Step Ruler time, was not a concept, the idea is also simply entirely different. 秦尊沉默了好一会儿,这个邀请和之前截然不同,他站在主宰的位置上,和当初只是半步主宰的时候,简直不是一个概念,想法也截然不同。 Since Fellow Daoist has such lofty aspirations and high ideals, I am also willing to spell, but by your present strength, only fears insufficiently!” Qin Venerable said that „, although you can only strike to kill Ruler by the Half-Step Ruler status now, in fact in the middle of Ruler, puppet day Monarch, to hot day Monarch, insect Monarch, blood Monarch they are not still considered as that strongest, even they can only be in the middle of Ruler person that's all of minimum level.” “既然道友有这样的雄心壮志,我也愿意拼一下,不过以你现在的实力,只怕还是不够的!”秦尊说道,“虽然你现在只以半步主宰的身份就能够击杀主宰了,实际上在主宰当中,傀儡天君,离火天君,虫君,血君他们依然不算是最强的,甚至他们只能算是主宰当中最低的一个层次的人罢了。” How in the middle of Ruler to divide? Also asked Fellow Daoist to grant instruction!” Ye Xiwen said that he only knows his strength in the unceasing promotion, but how in Ruler to divide, he does not know that Realm, a lot obviously are the separations of one wall, actually does not know. 主宰当中是如何划分的?还请道友赐教!”叶希文道,他只知道自己的战力在不断的提升,但是主宰之中如何划分,他就不知道了,境界不到,很多事情明明就是一墙之隔,却也都不知道。 Qin Venerable beckoned with the hand, said: Crosses tribulation afterwards on me, information that obtains, in the middle of Ruler minimum level before is, you cut that several that kills, but is Ruler Initial Stage that's all, is the strength that your I am at now, Ruler Intermediate Stage, again upward is Ruler Late Stage, according to my speculation, initially good fortune day Monarch infiltrated the place of Mysterious the time, probably is Ruler Late Stage, in upward is peak Ruler, in the place of Mysterious finally, definitely has peak Ruler, for example eternal sacred land and chaotic ancient sacred land pathfinder, therefore you, if wants and them contends, the Martial Dao era will build becomes. The perfect era of world, your present cultivation base is presently insufficient!” 秦尊摆了摆手,说道:“就我渡劫之后,所得到的信息来看,主宰当中最低层次的就是之前你斩杀的那几个,不过是主宰初期罢了,然后就是你我现在所在的实力,主宰中期,再往上就是主宰后期,根据我的推测,当初造化天君打入神秘之地的时候,大概就是主宰后期,在往上就是巅峰主宰,在神秘之地终,肯定有巅峰主宰,比如说永恒圣地和乱古圣地的开创者,所以你如果想要与他们抗衡,将武道纪元打造成。现世的完美纪元,你现在的修为是不够的!” Ye Xiwen is suddenly enlighted immediately, before eternal sacred land, he had realized that is not right, in Ruler also has the strong and weak, some Ruler must be able to enter through the eternal gate, but also has formidable is similar to good fortune day Monarch such can infiltrate the place of Mysterious by strength of the. 叶希文顿时恍然大悟,之前在永恒圣地的时候,他就已经察觉到不对了,主宰之中也有强弱,有的主宰要通过永恒之门才能进入,但是也有强大如同造化天君那样子以一己之力就能够打入神秘之地。 He felt immediately pressure was big. 他顿时就感觉到了压力非常大。 this time afterwards, I will close up carry on Healing, then closes up breakthrough, to Ruler Late Stage, I to this time prepare before, in tens of millions years, are perhaps hopeful, but these days, can only depend on Fellow Daoist you, you by the body of Half-Step Ruler, the strength to this situation are the limit, to go a step further, only means breakthrough to Ruler Realm, by your accumulation and foundation, perhaps once breakthrough, will directly march into to Ruler Late Stage, the matter that if so, you plan perhaps also has the possibility!”( ~^~) 这一次之后,我就会闭关进行疗伤,然后闭关突破,到主宰后期,我之前一直在为今时今日做准备,数千万年内,或许有希望,而在这段时间内,就只能靠道友你自己了,你以半步主宰之身,战力到这个地步已经是极限了,若是想更进一步,唯有一个办法突破主宰境界,以你的积累和根基,一旦突破,恐怕就会直接步入到主宰后期,如果是那样的话,你谋划的事情或许还有可能!”(~^~)
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