MGS :: Volume #40

#3860: Qin Venerable Heavenly Tribulation finished

Four big Ruler invade the Martial Dao era, but was actually swept away by Martial Lord Ye Xiwen, this fought also reacted among the world, all Ancient eras. 四大主宰入侵武道纪元,但是却被武君叶希文一扫而空,这一战也震动了天下间,所有的古代纪元。 These Ancient eras have not thought that Ye Xiwen and Martial Dao era has such strength unexpectedly. 这些古代纪元也是万万没有想到,叶希文武道纪元居然拥有这样子的实力。 Or Ye Xiwen can have such strength unexpectedly! 或者说,叶希文居然能够拥有这样子的实力! Before then, even if the craziest person, has not thought that Ye Xiwen has such battle efficiency unexpectedly. 在此之前,哪怕是最为疯狂的人,都未曾想过,叶希文居然拥有这样子的战斗力。 Because of before then, even if the powerful is similar to good fortune day Monarch, can defeat Ruler, but has not heard good fortune day Monarch so Savage slaughtering Ruler. 因为在此之前,哪怕强势如同造化天君,能够击败一个主宰,但是也未曾听说造化天君如此凶残的屠戮主宰 From all sides, the people know by Ruler that Ye Xiwen slaughters, had enough six. 前前后后,众人所知道的被叶希文屠戮掉的主宰,就有足足六个了。 In the eyes of many people, Ye Xiwen had a resounding achievement, Ruler slaughtering, but he achieves this step by the body of Half-Step Ruler, that is unprecedented, does not have through the ages. 在许多人的眼里,叶希文已经有了一个响亮的成就,主宰屠戮者,而他以半步主宰之身做到这一步,那就更是前所未有,古往今来都没有。 This is many people most thought that the fear place, the especially thoses Ancient era they fully realized, the power of each present age era, is their day saddest time. 这才是许多人最觉得害怕的地方,尤其是那些古代纪元他们都深知,每一次当世纪元的强盛,就是他们日子最为难过的时候。 But Ye Xiwen is so formidable, even must be the Martial Dao era continues the life, this does not conform to the natural justice that they know, does not conform to them cognition Heaven and Earth Great Dao. 叶希文这般强大,甚至还要为武道纪元续命,这并不符合他们所知道的天理,也不符合他们所认知的天地大道 The era change is Chaos Great Dao, who can prevent? 纪元更替乃是混沌大道,谁能阻挡? No one prevented! 谁也阻挡不了! Can many people in the secret passage, when Ruler in place of that Mysterious return? 许多人都在暗道,那神秘之地之中的主宰们什么时候能回归呢? Through the ages, entered place of that Mysterious Ruler, but also was few, because compares Great Dao that in contains to come the head, outside world can attract their is really too few. 古往今来,进入了那神秘之地的主宰们,还出来的就很少了,因为相比起里面所蕴含的大道来首,外界能够吸引他们的实在是太少了。 But in Ruler not in the situation, who can prevent he. 而在主宰们都不在的情况下,谁能够阻挡的了他呢。 Let alone, even if Ruler came out, is not necessarily able the hindrance to block the Ye Xiwen's footsteps. 更何况,即便主宰们都出来了,也未必能够阻拦得住叶希文的脚步。 This is many person most fearful most and apprehensive places! 这才是许多人最为胆战心惊的地方! But those who make them be worried, had Ye Xiwen this kind of terrifying Half-Step Ruler to assume personal command, but now, Qin Venerable started to cross tribulation, once makes him cross the tribulation to pass, then the Martial Dao era quite in having two Ruler assumed personal command. 而更让他们担心的是,本来就有了叶希文这样一个恐怖半步主宰坐镇,而现在,秦尊又已经开始渡劫了,一旦让他渡劫通过,那么武道纪元就相当于有两个主宰坐镇了。 Is counted again in the good fortune day Monarch in place of Mysterious, quite therefore had three Ruler Level characters. 再算上在神秘之地之中的造化天君,就相当于是有了三个主宰级别的人物。 The grand occasion of Martial Dao era, it may be said that is unprecedented melts now, never some people can go to his such situation. 武道纪元的盛况,可谓是旷古烁今,从未有人能够达到他这样的地步。 Other any eras, have not gone to such situation! 其余任何一个纪元,都不曾达到这样的地步! The Chaos deep place, Qin Venerable was still crossing the tribulation, this Heavenly Tribulation was fearful, strength that even if Venerable at Qin, was in imminent danger, once crossed, that was true Transcendent, but if cannot cross, many ten thousand years of cultivation base, will change into the flying ash. 混沌深处,秦尊还在渡劫,这天劫可怕极了,即便是以秦尊的实力,还是岌岌可危,一旦渡过去,那就是真正的超脱,但是如果渡不过去,多少万年的修为,都会化为飞灰。 But Ruler Heavenly Tribulation, contained all kinds of types, has the heart's demon tribulation, there is terrifying Thunder Calamity, wind-caused disaster, fire wait / etc.. 主宰天劫,包含了各种各样的的类型,有心魔劫,也有恐怖雷劫,还有风灾,火灾等等。 All kinds of disasters completely erupted in the flash came out, hid not to be possible radically to hide, looked like that fire, all the limbs and bones that Venerable since Qin lives suddenly, then flaming burnt all, any all prevented in the front of this fire, will be fired the flying ash. 各种各样的劫难都在一瞬间全部都爆发了出来了,根本躲无可躲,就像是那火灾,是从秦尊的四肢百骸之中突然生起的,然后熊熊燃烧一切,任何一切阻挡在这一股火灾的面前,都会被烧成飞灰。 That Thunder Calamity, looked like locks was the same, by the space law avoidance, was by the speed law avoidance, even has used time law, simply did not have any use. 还有那雷劫,就像是锁定了一样,无论是以空间法则躲避,还是以速度法则躲避,甚至动用了时间法则,都根本没有任何用处。 These Thunder Calamity entirely will fall to his body. 这些雷劫都统统会落到他的身上。 Without other means that only has hard resisting, shoulders, may survive. 没有别的办法,唯有硬抗,扛过去,才有可能存活下去。 Ye Xiwen watches this, the Mysterious Space rapid revolution in body, must analyze these Heavenly Tribulation essences. 叶希文将这一幕都看在眼里,身体中的神秘空间飞速的运转起来,要分析出这些天劫的本质。 Tried to find to resist these Heavenly Tribulation means that these Heavenly Tribulation were really extremely terrifying. 试图找到对抗这些天劫的办法,这些天劫实在是太过恐怖了。 But this, will sooner or later arrive on his body, therefore is beyond control he not earnestly considers this question. 而这一幕,迟早会降临在他的身上,所以由不得他不认真的去考虑这个问题 So long as a day has not strided in Ruler Realm, day of possibly die, even if Ruler has the endless disaster, let alone is Half-Step Ruler, so-called all generations do not rub, is only a view. 只要一天没有跨入主宰境界,就有一天可能会陨落,即便是主宰都有无尽的劫难,何况是半步主宰,所谓的万劫不磨,只是一个说法而已。 In his heart has big ambition, he must remould an eternal era in the world, he does not want to spend again the innumerable years, waited for eternal era that can never wait. 他心中有大野心,他要在人间重塑一个永恒的纪元,他不想再花费无数年的时间,去等待那个永远也等待不来的永恒纪元。 On record according to character tablet, even if Chaos this transforms unceasingly, does not know must spend many era may achieve such transformation and perfect, but the time that requires to spend, does not know how long wanted. 按照道字碑上的记载,即便混沌这样子不断蜕变下去,也不知道要花费多少的纪元才有可能达成那样的蜕变和完美,而其中所需要花费的时间,就更是不知道要多久了。 Was not necessarily able to endure that time including him, let alone was the family member friend. 连他自己都未必能够熬到那个时候,就更别说是亲人朋友。 He likely is not Ruler of these Ancient eras, their relatives and friends had already been buried in the endless time river, therefore they can not have worry seeks eternal Great Dao. 他不像是那些古代纪元的主宰,他们的亲友早就已经葬身在了无尽的时间长河之中,所以他们才可以无所顾忌的寻求永恒大道 In fact, truly does not have anything to be worth them worrying. 事实上,也确实没有什么值得他们牵挂的了。 He must step the past, because he is very clear, he must complete this step, without doubt with other Ruler for enemy, once the day Monarch of place of Mysterious came out, then the situation compared with present vile Tenfold, he has to be been formidable enough by oneself, might cross such disaster. 他必须要跨过去,因为他很清楚,他要完成这一步,无疑是与其他所有的主宰为敌,一旦神秘之地的天君们都出来了,那么形势会比现在恶劣十倍,他不得不让自己足够强大起来,才有可能渡过那样的劫难。 The Martial Dao era forcefully will not be destroyed. 武道纪元也才不会被强行摧毁。 Ten years passed by, in Qin Venerable who in Chaos crosses the tribulation even more difficult, his body is wrapping the Chaos blue lotus more than once was also hit to explode, even more on the wane. 十年过去了,在混沌之中渡劫的秦尊愈发的艰难了起来,他身上包裹着的混沌青莲也不止一次被打爆了,愈发的凋零了起来。 Thunder Calamity that on that day dropped was really extremely scary, on Qin Venerable originally was wrapping the Chaos blue lotus had 64 petal flower petals, but to the present, half already not enough. 那天上落下的雷劫实在是太过骇人了,秦尊原本身上包裹着的混沌青莲足足有64瓣花瓣,但是到了现在,连一半都已经不够了 Law Manifestation that these Chaos blue lotuses, simply do not transform, can be at will long, wiped out a petal quite not to know that has consumed many years skills. 这些混沌青莲,都不是简单幻化出来的法相,能够随意重新长出来,被打掉了一瓣就相当于不知道耗费了多少年的功力。 But during the protection of Chaos blue lotus, on Qin Venerable the also repeatedly hit flesh and blood fluttered about. 而在混沌青莲的保护之中,秦尊身上也多次被打的骨肉纷飞。 Qin Venerable had powerful how, many people personally saw, initially when the Martial Dao era was attacked, has blocked several Half-Step Ruler by strength of the, a person cannot jump over Lei Chi Half-Step on that several Half-Step Ruler of suppression. 秦尊有多么的强势,许多人都是亲眼所见,当初在武道纪元被进攻的时候,以一己之力拦住了好几个半步主宰,一个人就压制的那几个半步主宰不能越雷池半步 At the present, is relying on strength of the, blocked blood Monarch to be so long, objectively, was Ye Xiwen exterminates several other Ruler to win enough time. 而今,更是凭借着一己之力,就拦住了血君这么久,客观上,为叶希文剿灭其他几个主宰争取到了足够的时间。 Otherwise, Ye Xiwen simultaneously faces four big Ruler, feared that so is not formidable. 否则的话,叶希文同时面对四大主宰,怕就没有这般强大了。 After all although Ye Xiwen has exterminated four big Ruler, however also has order successively, extermination one after another, looks like in many people, simultaneously faces four Ruler, Ye Xiwen is impossible to win, can protect oneself has resulted. 毕竟叶希文虽然剿灭了四大主宰,然而却也是有先后顺序的,一个接着一个的剿灭,在许多人看起来,同时面对四个主宰,叶希文也不可能取胜,能够自保就已经非常了得了。 Even if facing blood Monarch, fell leeward not so pitiful, however under Ruler Heavenly Tribulation, he was really too miserable, even along with time day-by-day passage, several years passed, Qin Venerable fleshly body has blasted open unexpectedly several times. 即便面对血君,落入了下风也不曾这般凄惨过,但是在主宰天劫之下,他实在是太惨了,甚至随着时间一天一天的推移,几年的时间过去了,秦尊的肉身居然炸裂了好几次。 The blood tossed Chaos several times, bone breaks did not know many times, tenacious combined. 鲜血抛洒混沌好几次,骨头都断了不知道多少次,又顽强的重新组合了起来。 Ruler Heavenly Tribulation where had that simply can pass, the Martial Dao era had good fortune day Monarch, but this enough, where had the possibility to be so simple makes Qin Venerable successful!” 主宰天劫哪有那么简单可以度过,武道纪元已经有了造化天君,这而就已经够了,哪里有可能这么简单就让秦尊成功的!” He died, exceed arrived at behind, Heavenly Tribulation was terrifying, he has revealed the defeat to here, words that continued, that also?” “他死定了,越到后面,天劫就越是恐怖,他到这里就已经露出败相了,继续下去的话,那还了得?” This is the heaven must not exposed to the Martial Dao era have a such character again!” “这是上天也见不得武道纪元再出一个那样的人物吧!” Many Half-Step Ruler discussed in secretly, before they are, with Qin Venerable competed for the base of becoming enlightened time is defeated. 许多半步主宰都在暗自里讨论,他们都是之前和秦尊争夺成道之基的时候失败的。 Qin Venerable who at this time naturally was glad to see failed, the tragic death in Heavenly Tribulation, that was best. 这个时候自然乐得见的秦尊失败,惨死在天劫之中,那才是最好的。 However they actually do not dare to state clearly, even does not dare to begin to intervene Heavenly Tribulation, because Ye Xiwen assumes in Chaos, any dares to begin, brings about own destruction. 但是他们却不敢明说,甚至都不敢动手干预天劫,因为叶希文坐镇混沌之中,任何敢于动手的,都是自寻死路。 The one breath destruction four big Ruler, ominous of Ye Xiwen in Chaos has also risen sharply, has reached a limit. 一口气覆灭了四大主宰,叶希文混沌之中的凶名也大涨,达到了一个极限。 Butchered including Ruler, let alone their these Half-Step Ruler, can block Ye Xiwen many moves. 主宰都宰了,何况他们这些半步主宰,能够挡得住叶希文多少招呢。 This is in many person hearts have several! 这是许多人心中都有数的! Otherwise, by them with the big enmity that Qin Venerable, only feared that also really many people rather encounter Heavenly Tribulation backlash, if also wants the means to extinguish has massacred Qin Venerable. 否则的话,以他们和秦尊的大仇,只怕还真有许多人宁肯遭到天劫反噬,也要想办法灭杀掉了秦尊。 Therefore they can only pray that Heavenly Tribulation can kill to the bang Qin Venerable. 所以他们只能祈祷天劫能够将秦尊给轰杀。 As if was induces in the hearts of these Half-Step Ruler to think that Qin Venerable the situation was even more difficult, Heavenly Tribulation was also getting bigger and bigger, the frequency that Qin Venerable hit fleshly body blasted open was getting bigger and bigger, one by one frigid. 似乎是感应到了这些半步主宰的心中所想,秦尊的处境越发的艰难了,天劫也越来越大,秦尊被打的肉身炸裂开来的频率越来越大,一次比一次更加的惨烈。 However looks in the Ye Xiwen's eye, is different from the views of these Half-Step Ruler, because in his eyes, Qin Venerable, although blasting open, what is most important, life aura is unceasing, the fire of spiritual platform life has not been put out, seems like is in serious danger, regulations actually as stable as Mount Tai. 但是看在叶希文的眼中,和那些半步主宰的看法却不同,因为在他的眼中,秦尊虽然一次次的炸裂开来,但是最重要的是,生命气息不绝,灵台生命之火不曾熄灭,看似危如累卵,实则却还是稳如泰山 This fleshly body times were rumbled loose, but is actually a transformation, unceasing transformation unceasing becomes must formidable. 肉身一次次的被轰散,但是却是一种蜕变,不断的蜕变不断的变得更加的强大。 Each fleshly body was scattered afterwards to condense, can change formidable. 每一次肉身被打散之后重新凝聚起来,都会变的更加强大一点。 In Qin Venerable the spiritual platform deep place, a Chaos blue lotus in gradual being in bud, when this Chaos blue lotus blooms completely, was Qin Venerable crossed Heavenly Tribulation to rise. 在秦尊灵台深处,一朵混沌青莲在逐渐的含苞待放,等到这一朵混沌青莲完全绽放的时候,就是秦尊渡过天劫崛起的时候。 However can cross, but must think Qin Venerable, but is most minimum, from the beginning was larger compared with hope. 但是能不能渡过,还要看秦尊自己了,但是最起码,也比一开始的希望要大的多了。 But these Half-Step Ruler also looked quickly, although Qin Venerable looked like incomparably pitiful, but crossed the hope of tribulation actually to start gradually to increase, because Qin Venerable, not only came under attack completely, but taking advantage of the strength transformation of Heavenly Tribulation. 而那些半步主宰很快也都看了出来,秦尊虽然看起来无比凄惨,但是渡劫的希望却开始逐渐增大了,因为秦尊不只是完全挨打,而是在借着天劫的力量蜕变。 Many Half-Step Ruler Ancient, experienced many eras very much, they have seen in many present age era Ruler development process, these Ruler when cross the tribulation, actually is also so, comes under attack not completely, but in unceasing formidable oneself. 许多半步主宰古老,经历了很多的纪元,他们见过不少当世纪元的主宰诞生的过程中,那些主宰在渡劫的时候,其实也是如此,不完全是挨打,而是在不断的强大自身。 They want to begin, does not want to make Qin Venerable succeed, but looked like has thought they were thinking anything to be the same, Ye Xiwen at the right moment has released own aura, was warning these Half-Step Ruler likely, if wanted to get rid, gave a try, having a look at oneself to have such ability. 他们都想动手,不想让秦尊成功,而就像是想到了他们在想什么一样,叶希文适时的将自身的气息释放了出来,像是在警告那些半步主宰,如果想要出手的话,就试试看吧,看看自己有没有那样的能力。 In order to let Qin Venerable died, they must compensate their life, had such boldness. 为了让秦尊死,他们也要赔上自己的性命,有没有这样的魄力。 Also ten years, Heavenly Tribulation had diverged finally gradually, Qin Venerable crossed the tribulation to be successful finally.( ~^~) 又过了十年,天劫终于渐渐散去了,秦尊终于渡劫成功。(~^~)
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