MGS :: Volume #40

#3859: Blood Monarch falls

Unexpectedly, actually sees only Ye Xiwen sonic boom to drink, both hands turn out boundless Golden Light suddenly, in an instant, besieged his blood Monarch silhouette tearing his everywhere. 蓦地,却只见叶希文一声爆喝,双手猛然翻出无边的金光,刹那间,就将他那漫天围攻他的血君身影给撕裂了出来。 They face each other across a great distance, the speed, with the absolute defensive power, their each one occupied one, they do not have the means how them in respective Domain. 两人遥遥相对,速度,和绝对的防御力,两人各自都占据了一条,两人都在各自的领域没有办法奈何的了他们。 Martial Lord, you could not kill me, if today you are willing to drop, we gave up in light of this, how?” Blood Monarch self-confident saying, in his opinion, this already to the Ye Xiwen face, if hits again, Ye Xiwen how him. 武君,你杀不了我,今天如果你愿意放手,我们就此罢手,如何?”血君自信的说道,在他看来,这就已经是给叶希文面子了,如果再打下去,叶希文也奈何不了他。 However truly what he is worried was Qin Venerable, if Qin Zundu plundered to succeed, smoothly became Ruler, that was most fearful. 但是他真正担心的是秦尊,如果秦尊渡劫成功了,顺利成为了主宰,那才是最可怕的。 Ruler how him, but two Ruler, enough constituted to him threatens fatally. 一个主宰奈何不了他,但是两个主宰,就足够对他构成致命的威胁了。 Can become Ruler Level Expert, will not have the obvious short board, looks like he cultivation base on body cultivator is also very formidable, but has met a Ye Xiwen such freak, does not move Ye Xiwen. 能够成为主宰级别强者,不会有明显的短板,就像是他在体修上的修为也很强大,只是遇到了叶希文这么一个怪胎,才根本打不动叶希文 Drops? That is absolutely impossible!” “放手?那绝对不可能!” Ye Xiwen sneers: I had said before, must cut you, then must cut you!” 叶希文冷笑一声:“我之前说过,要斩你,那么就必然要斩你!” Snort, overreaches oneself!” “哼,不自量力!” Blood Monarch coldly snorted, but his in the facial expression started somewhat to worry at this time, although Qin Venerable crossed the tribulation also early, but Ye Xiwen this type did not depend on the flexure manner, was most fearful, if Ye Xiwen died does not let go, perhaps then really possibly caused his heavy losses even to be killed finally. 血君冷哼一声,但是此时他的神情之中已经开始了有几分着急,秦尊虽然渡劫还早,但是叶希文这种不依不挠的态度,才是最可怕的,如果叶希文死都不松手的话,那么最后说不定真的可能造成他的重创甚至是被杀。 But when he considered these matters, Ye Xiwen actually moved. 而就在他考虑这些事情的时候,叶希文却已经动了。 On him mumbled, immediately his Domain also expanded, Ye Xiwen's Domain naturally was Martial Dao Domain, but he little used, generally speaking, he also little met blood Monarch such hard to deal with opponent. 他身上念念有词,顿时他的领域也扩展了出来,叶希文的领域当然是武道领域,只是他很少使用而已,一般来说,他也很少遇到血君这样难缠的对手 In an instant, Three Thousand Martial Paths overspread the entire space thoroughly, started to strive for the natural law domination with blood Monarch's blood Dao Law. 刹那间,三千武道彻底铺满了整个空间,开始与血君的血道法则争夺起了规则的控制权了起来。 natural law that generally speaking in a piece of space, operates, can only be one set of natural law, is impossible to have second set of natural law to operate. 一般来说一片空间之中,所运行的规则,只能是一套的规则,不可能有第二套规则在运行。 Because law of many era are completely different, at this time who was stronger, who can rob many domination. 因为很多纪元的法则都是完全不同的,这个时候谁更强,谁就能够抢夺到更多的控制权。 Does not consider resources bite off more than can chew, unexpectedly compares the law comprehension with me!” Blood Monarch has laughed, he naturally has his pride, in the comprehension of law, he definitely goes far beyond Ye Xiwen. “自不量力,居然和我比法则领悟!”血君哈哈大笑了一声,他自然有他的骄傲,在法则的领悟上,他肯定远远超过叶希文 What Level battle efficiency no matter Ye Xiwen has, in this Domain useless, is strong, the weakness is weak. 不管叶希文有什么样级别的战斗力,在这个领域之中都没用,强就是强,弱就是弱。 Why this is also Ye Xiwen little uses this method, because he in this aspect absolute weak trend, competition that if meets the tough head-on with toughness with the opposite party regarding the law domination, then he has suffered a loss, how long perhaps could not insist. 这也是叶希文为什么很少使用这种手段,因为他在这个方面绝对弱势,如果和对方硬碰硬的争夺对于法则的控制权,那么他太吃亏了,恐怕都坚持不了多久。 Ye Xiwen naturally cannot go to and length of enemy by oneself short meets the tough head-on with toughness. 叶希文自然不会以己之短去和敌人之长硬碰硬。 Really, Ye Xiwen's Martial Dao Domain just released, thoroughly by Sea of Blood Domain suppressing, Ruler good Domain must by far strong Half-Step Ruler Domain, this cannot dispute. 果然,叶希文的武道领域刚刚释放出来,就彻底被血海领域给压制住了,主宰好的领域要远远强过半步主宰领域了,这是没的说的。 Blood Monarch has laughed, in his opinion, Ye Xiwen is bringing about own destruction simply, complete overreaching oneself. 血君哈哈大笑了起来,在他看来,叶希文简直是在自寻死路,完完全全的不自量力。 However Ye Xiwen also shows a faint smile, he is one step steps forward, in an instant, appeared in the blood Monarch's front. 但是叶希文也是微微一笑,他又是一步跨出,刹那间,就已经出现在了血君的面前。 The blood Monarch intention moves, must shift, but he has not shifted, by a Ye Xiwen fist bang. 血君心念一动,就要转移,但是他还没有转移走,就被叶希文一拳轰中。 Bang!” “嘭!” The whole person flies upside down instantaneously tens of millions li (0.5km), the body exploded to split a blood splash, the blood crossflow. 整个人瞬间倒飞出去数千万里,身上爆绽出了一朵血花,鲜血横流。 Is impossible, I was hit how possibly!” “不可能,我怎么可能被人击中!” Saying of blood Monarch hard to believe. 血君难以置信的说道。 But at this time, Ye Xiwen has chased down came, direct thousands of zhang (3.33 m) Law Manifestation, a foot has then trampled in his direction. 而在这个时候,叶希文已经追杀了过来了,直接化出了千万丈的法相,然后一脚朝着他的这个方向践踏了下来。 Blood Monarch has used the blood shield big law directly, escaped this foot, however in the process of escaping by this foot shaking, has injured. 血君直接施展了血盾大法,逃脱了这一脚,但是在逃脱的过程中还是被这一脚给震到了,伤到了。 But Ye Xiwen's attack, was in an instant, once again has chased down, did not have the possibility that ran away slightly to him. 叶希文的攻击,就是刹那间,就已经再度追杀了过来,根本不给他有丝毫逃走的可能性。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” huge rumbled sounds, each time rumbled sound, blood Monarch in one time by bang, although every time is not very serious, merely was swept, but beforehand Ye Xiwen links his clothes not to trace, but now, every struck to rumble his body. 一声声巨大轰鸣声,每一次的轰鸣声,血君就被轰中一次,虽然每一次都不是很严重,都仅仅只是被扫到了一下,但是之前叶希文可是连他的衣服都摸不到,而现在,每一击都轰到了他的身上。 These injury unceasing probabilities, simply does not have the time to stop the restoration, can only more accumulate is deeper, but is in an instant, was trampled the chest by a Ye Xiwen foot. 这些伤势不断的几率,也根本没有时间停下来恢复,只能越积累越深,不过是刹那间,就已经被叶希文一脚踹中了胸口。 Bang!” “嘭!” On blood Monarch the innumerable blood have splattered, is completely different from that boundless Sea of Blood, is his blood essence, is essence of whole body is. 血君身上无数的鲜血喷溅了出来,和那无边的血海完全不同,是他的精血,也是全身的精华所在。 Blood Monarch dropped to enter in Sea of Blood maliciously, was almost struck to disperse the fleshly body bang by Ye Xiwen. 血君狠狠的跌落进入了血海之中,差点被叶希文一击将肉身轰散开来。 He also taking advantage of this struck to flee Ye Xiwen's attack range finally. 他也借着这一击终于逃离开了叶希文的攻击范围 I understood, you release Martial Dao Domain simply not strive for the law domination for and me, you to harass me grasp regarding absolute of law, is right!” “我明白了,你释放出武道领域根本就不是为了和我争夺法则的控制权,你只是为了扰乱我对于法则的绝对掌握,对不对!” Blood Monarch also instantaneously understood the Ye Xiwen's plan, although Ye Xiwen's Martial Dao Domain is unable to contend with his Sea of Blood Domain, but breaks him merely regarding the monopoly of law. 血君也瞬间明白了叶希文的打算,虽然叶希文的武道领域无法和他的血海领域相抗衡,但是仅仅只是打破他对于法则的垄断还是可以的。 Once is unable perfectly revolution Sea of Blood Domain, then before his speed is impossible again likely is, was so superb. 而一旦无法完美的运转血海领域,那么他的速度也就不可能再像是之前那样子出神入化了。 This is his Sea of Blood Domain fatal flaw, but this also merely to Ye Xiwen. 这是他的血海领域的一个致命的缺陷,但是这也仅仅只是相对于叶希文来说的。 Even if blood Monarch did not have the overwhelming superiority in speed, generally speaking, will not be defeated absolutely, but has met a Ye Xiwen such freak, making his little inferiority turn into the injury thoroughly. 血君即便没有了速度上的绝对优势,一般来说,也绝对不会落败,只是遇到了叶希文这么一个怪胎,让他的那一点点的劣势彻底化成了伤势。 Right, did not have the speed, you calculate anything!” “没错,没有了速度,你算的了什么呢!” Ye Xiwen has killed once again, he had the absolute assurance, can cut blood Monarch, completely eradicates a Ancient era regarding the future trouble of Martial Dao era. 叶希文再度扑杀了上来,他已经有了绝对的把握,能够斩掉血君,彻底铲除一个古代纪元对于武道纪元的后患。 Must know that can the birth Ruler Ancient era not be many, but to the present, but also is surviving Ruler, the quantity will not actually have that many, every time cuts one, point of their strengths on reduction. 要知道,能够诞生主宰古代纪元也不会很多,而到现在,还存活着的主宰,其实数量也不会有那么多,每斩掉一个,他们的力量就减少上一分。 Blood Monarch's body has blasted open accordingly, finally could not undergo, hitting to have exploded by a Ye Xiwen hand. 血君的身躯应声炸裂了开来,终于经受不住了,被叶希文一只手给打爆了开来。 Blood Monarch called out pitifully, the entire body has flown upside down. 血君惨叫一声,整个身体倒飞了出去。 Then the people only see Ye Xiwen's offensive crazy expansion, everywhere is his shadow, 3000 silhouette, each silhouette cultivates to hold Martial Dao, has launched fatal attack. 然后众人就只看到叶希文的攻势疯狂的展开,漫天都是他的影子,3000道身影,每一道身影都修持着一种武道,展开了致命的攻击 Blood Monarch's body innumerable was hit to explode, could not remember including him suffered many attack. 血君的身体无数次的被打爆了,连他自己都已经记不得了身上到底遭受了多少次攻击 The blood Monarch's body unceasing scrap comes, the blood rushes, his Primordial Spirit started the hit combustion. 血君的身躯不断炸碎开来,鲜血澎湃而出,他的元神都开始被打的燃烧了起来。 Roar!” “吼!” Blood Monarch long and loud cry afterwards, shouts out said: Under blood Heaven Sealing!” 血君一声长啸之后,大喝道:“血封天下!” In an instant, the time coagulated, space coagulated, all coagulated, was given totally to block by his blood Dao Law. 刹那间,时间凝固了,空间凝固了,所有的一切都凝固了,被他的血道法则给彻底封锁了起来了。 However at this time, the Ye Xiwen's personal appearance also started unexpectedly, bit by bit destroyed his blood Dao Law regarding all blockades. 但是这个时候,叶希文的身形居然也开始动了起来,一点一点的打碎他血道法则对于一切的封锁。 He knows that leaves own time not to be many, he looked again to Ye Xiwen, in the look has been being full of the hatred, he did not fear death, although he seeks longevity, but was in this situation, hasn't the life and death been able to look pale? 他知道,留给自己的时间已经不多了,他再看向了叶希文,眼神之中充满着怨毒,他并不怕死,虽然他是寻求长生,但是都已经到了他这个地步了,生死难道还不能够看淡么? However he is not willing like this dead, dies in a hand of Half-Step Ruler. 但是他不愿意就这样子死去,死在一个半步主宰的手上。 Trillion years of afterwards, Ye Xiwen definitely becomes first generation Legend(ary), but he becomes the upholstery Legend(ary) Myth stepping-stone, everybody mentions his time will not have anything to awe again, will only say that died on Half-Step Ruler Ye Xiwen Ruler. 亿万年之后,叶希文肯定会成为一代传奇,而他就会成为铺垫这一个传奇神话的垫脚石,人人提起他的时候也不会再有什么敬畏,只会说,那是死在了半步主宰叶希文手上的一个主宰 Such day, the ratio dies simply must be more uncomfortable! 那样的日子,简直比死都还要更加难受! His entire body injury was too serious, it can be said that the unprecedented degree, his Primordial Spirit is burning, by combustion that hits livingly, his body has the fearful injury everywhere, this time, even if can escape, only feared also or knows that recover many eras might restore. 他整个身体伤势太严重了,可以说是前所未有的程度,他的元神都在燃烧,被活生生打的燃烧了起来,他的身上更是到处都有可怕的伤势,这一次即便能够逃脱回去,只怕也要不知道休养多少个纪元才有可能恢复了。 His whole body starts to shine, he raised difficultly vertical had the supernatural power of whole body, under the reassignment of his Primordial Spirit, whole body was sublimating, has the fearful strength from body deep place boiling. 他全身上下开始发光,他艰难的提纵起了全身的法力,在他元神的调动之下,全身上下都在升华,有可怕的力量从身体深处沸腾而出。 That was terrifying to the extreme strength, seemed creates the world same strength in boiling. 那是恐怖到了极点的力量,好似创世一样的力量在其中沸腾 I must kill you!” “我要杀了你!” Blood Monarch grasps Trident, then struck to fall toward the Ye Xiwen bang, Trident changed to blood dragon to kill the past toward Ye Xiwen all of a sudden, enormous and powerful, gave to tear Chaos. 血君手持三叉戟,然后一击朝着叶希文轰落了下来,三叉戟一下子化作了一条血龙朝着叶希文扑杀了过去,浩浩荡荡,将混沌都给撕裂了。 This is his strikes finally, in his body the majority of supernatural powers were used to send out this to strike blood Heaven Sealing to get down, but sends out the strength that this struck to burn Primordial Spirit, has burnt Great Dao Essence, but must come, can say that has bet all, gave to press all within this struck. 这是他的最后一击,他身体之中大部分的法力都用来发出这一击血封天下了,而发出这一击的力量还是燃烧了元神,燃烧了大道本源而得来的,可以说,已经赌上了一切了,将一切都给压在这一击之内了。 Bang!” “轰隆!” This shot down on Ye Xiwen's, erupted dazzling bloody glow, this bloody glow seemed the raging tide has camouflaged entire Chaos instantaneously, all evaporated under this endless bloody glow, Chaos evaporated, the time evaporated, the space evaporated... Evaporated. 这一击落到了叶希文的身上,爆发出了耀眼的血光,这一股血光好似狂潮瞬间遮蔽了整个混沌,一切的一切都在这无尽血光之下蒸发了,混沌蒸发了,时间蒸发了,空间蒸发了。。。都蒸发了。 When blood Jun remembers complacent is full, together more fearful attack from endless bloody glow erupted, has torn bloody glow, rumbled all of a sudden his body. 正当血君志得意满之际,一道更加可怕的攻击无尽血光之中爆发了出来,撕裂了血光,一下子轰到了他的身上。 Bang!” “嘭!” Blood Monarch's body once again scrap, but this time, he cannot be similar to beforehand such difficult meets again fleshly body again, because his Primordial Spirit the perfect combustion, in a pitiful yell sound, had been burnt one group of Void. 血君的身躯再度炸碎了,但是这一次,他没有能够再如同之前那样艰难将肉身重聚,因为他的元神已经完全燃烧了起来,在一阵惨叫声中,被燃烧成了一团虚无 This is extreme fearful going on a punitive expedition against, endless bloody glow diverges, silhouette revealed together, that person was actually not Ye Xiwen. 这是极端可怕的征伐,无尽血光散去,一道身影露了出来,那个人却不是叶希文 That blood Monarch terrifying struck a moment ago finally, was assigned by Three Thousand Martial Paths by Martial Venerable Seal, this had afterward counter-attack. 刚才那血君最后恐怖一击,被武尊印三千武道给定住了,这才有了后来的反击。 Blood Monarch was too weak, erupted that to strike afterwards is the spent force, how can block Ye Xiwen this to strike. 血君太虚弱了,爆发出了那一击之后已经是强弩之末了,如何能够挡得住叶希文这一击。 Hence, four big Ruler, finally completely die! 至此,四大主宰,终于全部陨落 Has an advertisement for new book «practice Raging tide», only misses final 500, the sprint to 40,000 collected, sought the support!( Not 为新书《修炼狂潮》打个广告,只差最后500个,就冲刺到40000收藏了,求支持!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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