MGS :: Volume #40

#3858: Fights blood Monarch

Qin Venerable has completed own disciplining during the fight finally, fused thoroughly that chance own, this was must start to cross tribulation. 秦尊在战斗之中终于完成了自身的磨练,将那个机缘彻底融合到了自身之中,这是要开始渡劫了。 These Half-Step Ruler in entire Chaos were scared, looks at present. 整个混沌之中的那些半步主宰都傻眼了,看着眼前的这一幕。 „The Martial Dao era has what really not same? Had a good fortune day Monarch to be insufficient, but also Martial Lord such has contended with the Ruler monstrous talent by Half-Step Ruler, now can leave Ruler again?” 武道纪元难道真的有什么不一样的么?出了一个造化天君还不够,还出了武君那样以半步主宰抗衡主宰的妖孽,现在难道又要再出一个主宰么?” Many people are calling out in alarm, miracle presents one time also to accept, however one after another appearance, made them a little ignorant compel. 许多人都在惊呼,奇迹出现一次还能让人接受,但是接二连三的出现,就让他们有点懵逼了。 This has exceeded the limit that they can accept. 这就已经超出了他们所能够接受的极限了。 In Qin Venerable the looks at sky that more and more formidable Heavenly Tribulation, he turned around to say to Ye Xiwen: Thanks, below gave you!” 秦尊看着天空之中那越来越强大的天劫,他只是转身对叶希文说道:“谢谢,下面交给你了!” Then, Qin Venerable one step stepped forward, directly entered the Chaos deep place, in an instant, the Chaos deep place welcomed endless Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era has extended in endless Chaos directly. 说完,秦尊一步跨出,直接进入了混沌深处,刹那间,混沌深处就迎来了无尽天劫,武道纪元的天道直接延伸进了无尽混沌之中。 The blood Monarch first response must prevent Qin Zundu tribulation, the original Martial Dao era was very thorny, if at this time, presented a Ye Xiwen such character again, regarding other Ancient eras, simply is the total destruction. 血君第一反应就是要去阻止秦尊渡劫,本来武道纪元就已经很棘手了,如果这个时候,再出现一个叶希文那样的人物的话,对于其他的古代纪元来说,简直就是灭顶之灾。 However when he just must move, discovery, own front were many a person's shadow, who is actually not Ye Xiwen is. 不过当他刚刚要动的时候,就发现,自己的面前已经多了一个人影,却不是叶希文又是谁呢。 Wants? Do not think!” Ye Xiwen desolate looks at he said that „between both of us the tent has not calculated!” “想要过去?还是别想了!”叶希文冷淡的看着他说道,“我们俩之间的帐还没有算过呢!” Martial Lord, you are violating the taboo, can your trivial Martial Dao era, leave three Venerable Lord to butcher unexpectedly?” Blood Monarch coldly looks at Ye Xiwen, he also calculated in Ye Xiwen Ruler obviously. 武君,你这是在犯忌讳,你区区一个武道纪元,居然要出三尊主宰么?”血君冷冷看着叶希文,他显然是将叶希文也算进了主宰之中了。 But by Ye Xiwen present battle efficiency, said that he is Ruler, does not have what mistake. 而以叶希文现在的战斗力来说,说他是主宰,也没有什么错。 In that case, the Martial Dao era may really become will have been the target of public criticism, is becomes the eye-sore thorns in the side of many people. 如果那样的话,武道纪元可就真的会成为众矢之的了,也就是成为许多人的眼中钉肉中刺。 Ha, is really the joke, said probably now you are different in view of me!” “哈哈哈,真是笑话,说的好像现在你们没有针对我一样!” Ye Xiwen sneers to say. 叶希文冷笑一声说道。 I make a debut now, has cut the innumerable powerful enemies, I fear anything, if they dare to come, that entirely with your fate, dies without the burial ground!” “我出道到现在,斩过无数强敌,我怕什么,如果他们敢来,那就统统和你们一个下场,死无葬身之地!” Blood Monarch heard the Ye Xiwen's words, immediately facial expression ugly, said: „Do you want also to keep me? The young people, work to keep one, in the future will meet well!” 血君听到了叶希文的话,顿时神情难看了起来,道:“你想将我也留下来?年轻人,做事留一线,日后好相见!” Ye Xiwen said: I and you may not have what to be good to see, today you kill me, is not you dies, was I perishes, does not have other possibility, since today my strength compared with you, then you died, was natural!” 叶希文道:“我和你们可没有什么好见的,今日你们来杀我,不是你们死,就是我亡,没有别的可能性了,今日我实力既然比你们强,那么你们死,也就是理所当然的!” Blood Monarch coldly indifferent looks at Ye Xiwen, his life powerful, a moment ago that is almost he lowest stance, was impossible to be lower, at this time, he was only coldly indifferent looks at Ye Xiwen, knows that Ye Xiwen was impossible to uncover this mountain ridge easily, only the means that frightening had the possibility Ye Xiwen. 血君冷漠看着叶希文,他一生强势,刚才那就几乎已经是他最低的姿态了,不可能更低了,这个时候,他只是冷漠看着叶希文,知道叶希文不可能轻易揭过这一个梁子,唯有一个办法,将叶希文给打怕了才有可能。 He has seen Expert were too many, he has also seen including the good fortune day Monarch of Martial Dao era, has not feared the half minute, if before is not Ye Xiwen, astonishment that extremely displays, cuts three big Ruler continually, he this unnecessary will not even say anything with Ye Xiwen. 他见过的高手太多了,连武道纪元的造化天君他也都见过,从来都没有怕过半分,如果不是叶希文之前表现的太过惊人,连斩三大主宰,他甚至连这多余的话都不会和叶希文多说什么。 Bang!” “轰!” Blood Monarch has gotten rid, although before Qin Venerable War was very long, but he got rid at this time again, does not have slight worn out, conversely, is at peak one condition. 血君出手了,虽然和秦尊之前大战了很久,但是这个时候他再出手的时候,却没有丝毫的疲软,相反的,还是处于巅峰的一种状态。 The collision of limit finally started. 极限的碰撞终于开始了。 Blood Monarch grasped handle Trident from boundless Sea of Blood, that was his Ruler Dao Artifact, before coped with Qin Venerable time, has not used, for guards against Ye Xiwen, but now, he has had to use. 血君从无边的血海之中抓出了一柄三叉戟,那是他的主宰道器,之前对付秦尊的时候,都没有动用,为的就是防备叶希文,但是现在,他已经不得不动用了。 Ye Xiwen one step steps forward, entered in blood Monarch's boundless Sea of Blood directly, as if simply has not paid attention to blood Monarch's Sea of Blood. 叶希文一步跨出,直接杀入了血君的无边血海之中,似乎根本没有将血君的血海放在眼里。 When just strided in Sea of Blood, in endless Sea of Blood extended blood to grasp to Ye Xiwen. 在刚刚跨入了血海之中的时候,无尽血海之中就伸出了一只一只的血手要抓向叶希文 At this time, the Ye Xiwen's body erupted intermittent scary rays of light, that was rays of light that age gold/metal Zu was mad, age gold/metal Zu air/Qi in an instant, changes said sword glow innumerably, gave to cut broken these blood. 这个时候,叶希文的身上爆发出了一阵阵骇人的光芒,那是庚金祖气的光芒,庚金祖气刹那间,就化作了无数道剑芒,将这些血手都给斩破。 Ye Xiwen with irresistible force rushed to the blood Monarch's front. 叶希文一路势如破竹的冲到了血君的面前。 Six Paths Reincarnation Fist!” 六道轮回拳!” A Ye Xiwen fist rumbles, his behind, has formed huge incomparable six reincarnation, changes to the fearful fist potential, has suppressed toward blood Monarch maliciously. 叶希文一拳轰出,他的身后,形成了一个巨大无比的六道轮回,化作可怕的拳势,狠狠朝着血君镇压了下去。 But in that flash, the blood Monarch's personal appearance vanished, when he appears once again, unexpectedly appeared in Ye Xiwen's behind. 而就在那一瞬间,血君的身形消失了,当他再度出现的时候,居然已经出现在了叶希文的身后 Such speed, might be considered as draws near the limit. 这样的速度,堪称是快到了极限了。 This does not move instantaneously!” “这不是瞬间移动!” Ye Xiwen has not felt the fluctuation of space. 叶希文没有感觉到空间的波动。 At this time, that Trident directly has swept away, punctured toward the Ye Xiwen's head. 这个时候,那一口三叉戟就已经直接横扫了下来,朝着叶希文的头颅刺了下来。 Dang! 当! Trident rumbled all of a sudden on Ye Xiwen's, lifting the fearful explosion, that exploded lifting divine light brilliantly seemed a flower is the same, has stuffed in an instant trim Heaven and Earth, submerged all. 三叉戟一下子轰在了叶希文的身上,掀起了可怕的爆炸,那爆炸掀起神芒绚烂的好似一朵花一样,刹那间就充塞了整片天地,淹没了一切。 When blood Monarch thinks one must succeed, a Ye Xiwen big hand has grasped unexpectedly, sweeps away from that endless divine light, grasped directly to blood Mr. 就在血君以为自己要成功的时候,蓦地叶希文一只大手抓了出来,从那无尽神芒之中横扫而出,直接抓向了血君。 Shua! 刷! Blood Monarch's personal appearance vanishes once again, has shunted instantaneously this has struck. 血君的身形再度消失,瞬间就已经躲开了这一击。 Blood Monarch opens a pair of discernment, Ye Xiwen in looks at endless explosion raging tide, his Trident might big, only then he is clearest, if common Half-Step Ruler were swept, definitely died, was impossible the possibility that had to survive. 血君睁开一双法眼,看着无尽爆炸狂潮之中的叶希文,他的三叉戟威力有多大,只有他自己最清楚,如果一个寻常的半步主宰被扫中,肯定就死定了,不可能有存活下去的可能。 However Ye Xiwen actually like is being all right person, even if common Ruler is impossible to achieve this situation. 但是叶希文却像是没事儿人一样,就算是寻常的主宰也不可能做到这个地步。 At this time, he as if finally understood, why before , that three Ruler cutting to have killed by Ye Xiwen, this Ye Xiwen compared with wants terrifying that he imagined, even if his looks at Ye Xiwen cut to kill three Ruler with own eyes, but has not fought personally is impossible to understand that Ye Xiwen had terrifying how. 这个时候,他似乎才终于明白了,为什么之前那三个主宰会被叶希文给斩杀了,这叶希文远比他想象的还要恐怖,哪怕他亲眼看着叶希文斩杀了三个主宰,但是不曾亲自交手是不可能明白叶希文到底有多么的恐怖的。 Including injuring him is very difficult to achieve, let alone other. 连伤他都很难做到,就更别说其他的了。 How like this, he is trivial Half-Step Ruler, properly speaking, has a limit to be right again formidable, how can formidable to this situation!” “怎么会这样,他不过是一个区区半步主宰,照理说,再强大都有一个极限才对,怎么能够强大到这个地步!” Appearance that blood Monarch is still not willing to believe. 血君兀自还是不肯置信的模样。 But in his opposite, Ye Xiwen somewhat is also strange, he starts already suffices quickly, but unexpectedly by blood Monarch escaping. 而在他的对面,叶希文也有些奇怪,他下手已经够快的了,但是居然还是被血君给逃掉了。 „The speed that you run is really fast enough!” Ye Xiwen coldly looks at blood Monarch said. “你跑的速度真是够快的!”叶希文冷冷看着血君说道。 In my Sea of Blood Domain, the casualties that anybody's speed cannot catch up with, even if you, is useless, I Xiantian have been in an impregnable position!” “在我的血海领域之中,没有任何人的速度能够赶的伤亡,就算是你,也没用,我已经先天立于不败之地了!” Blood Monarch said proudly that this life does not know has fought many Expert , many have certainly generation of Ruler, but he has not lost, even if opponent is formidable, but he has not suffered defeat, depends is this Sea of Blood Domain, making him have been above the ability of imagination. 血君傲然说道,他这一生也不知道战过多少的高手,其中也不乏有绝代的主宰,但是他从来都没有输过,哪怕对手再强大,但是他都不曾败北,靠的就是这血海领域,让他拥有了超乎想象的能力。 Xiantian is in an impregnable position, can achieve this degree is not many, this is his supreme secret technique! 先天立于不败之地,能够做到这种程度的并不是很多,这是他的无上秘术! So that's how it is!” “原来如此!” Ye Xiwen nodded, he slightly sneers: „Is Xiantian in an impregnable position? I always do not believe to have this matter, is only is not very formidable, but also insufficiently can break your defense!” 叶希文点了点头,他只是微微冷笑一声:“先天立于不败之地?我从来都不信有这种事情,只是还不够强大,还不够能够破开你的防御而已!” He always does not believe to have any Xiantian to be in an impregnable position, in fact, he has heard this view, the merit golden body that even he practices, has the view that Xiantian is in an impregnable position in many fables in fact, because nobody can defeat the merit golden body, but in fact naturally is not this. 他从来都不信有什么先天立于不败之地,事实上,他听说过很多这种说法,甚至他练成的功德金身,事实上在很多传说之中也有先天立于不败之地的说法,因为没有人能够击破功德金身,但是事实上当然不是这样的。 His merit golden body more than once was also hit to explode, the fact has proven, the merit golden body is not the complete undefeated, he in process of overcoming nature, same has encountered natural law backlash. 他的功德金身也不止一次被人打爆过,事实证明了,功德金身也不是完完全全的不败的,他在补天的过程中,也一样遭到了规则反噬 Therefore he always does not believe to have any method to be in an impregnable position truly, only then the undefeated person, does not have undefeated divine ability and secret technique. 所以他从来都不信有什么手段是真正立于不败之地的,只有不败的人,没有不败的神通和秘术。 „Since this Sea of Blood Domain, you are invincible, I broke your Sea of Blood Domain to be good!” Ye Xiwen said. “既然在这个血海领域之中,你是无敌的,那我就破掉你的血海领域就好了!”叶希文道。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, you think that I haven't thought? However that is impossible, my Sea of Blood Domain, so long as also has a drop of blood, can the infinite rebirth!” Blood Monarch laughs saying that he did not mind said some inside stories to the Ye Xiwen hear, even if because Ye Xiwen knew, cannot break his Sea of Blood Domain not to have any use. “哈哈哈哈,你以为我没有想到么?不过那是根本不可能的,我的血海领域,只要还有一滴血在,就能够无限重生!”血君哈哈大笑说道,他不介意将一些内幕说给叶希文听,因为即便叶希文知道了,破不开他的血海领域也是没有任何用处的。 No matter Ye Xiwen also these, his whole body started to burn Southern Ming to leave the fire, in an instant, this Flame burnt entire Sea of Blood. 叶希文也不管这些,他的全身上下开始燃烧起了南明离火,刹那间,这一股火焰就燃烧遍了整个血海 However discovered quickly, no matter how he burns, this piece of Sea of Blood like is infinite endless, he evaporates a piece, grows one piece. 不过很快就发现,不管他怎么燃烧,这一片血海都像是无穷无尽的一样,他蒸发掉一片,就重新长出一片。 Just like blood Monarch said that he is invincible, no person can do to the evaporation his Sea of Blood Domain really completely, therefore he be outspoken told Ye Xiwen. 正如血君所说,他是无敌的,也从来没有人真的能够完全将他的血海领域给蒸发干了,所以他才毫无保留的告诉了叶希文 I have said that not possibly!” Saying that blood Monarch laughs. “我说过了,没有可能的!”血君哈哈大笑的说道。 His voice just fell, unexpectedly appeared in front of Ye Xiwen's, that Trident does not know before arrived at the Ye Xiwen's surface gate, must hold to putting on directly to be the same Ye Xiwen. 他的话音刚落,居然就已经出现在了叶希文的面前,那一杆三叉戟不知道什么时候已经来到了叶希文的面门前,直接要将叶希文捅个对穿一样。 But Ye Xiwen is without turning a hair, but the lifting hand of coldly indifferent blocked this has struck. 叶希文则是面不改色,只是冷漠的抬手就挡住了这一击。 However has not waited for Ye Xiwen to launch counter-attack, blood Monarch's silhouette appeared in Ye Xiwen's behind, launches attack. 不过还不等叶希文展开反击,血君的身影就已经出现在了叶希文的身后,展开攻击 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” The huge rumbled sounds, blood Monarch's attack is continuous, the direct production afterimage, his afterimage is almost melts to say silhouette likely innumerably, wrapping to be the same Ye Xiwen. 一声声巨大轰鸣声,血君的攻击连绵不绝,直接形成了残影,他的残影几乎像是化出了无数道身影,将叶希文给包裹进去一样。 Depended on Sea of Blood, blood Monarch is displaying Peak speed law seriously, Ye Xiwen also never saw the speeds of some people able quickly to this situation, even if were relying on Sea of Blood, that was also astonishing enough. 依托着血海,血君当真是将速度法则发挥到了极致了,叶希文还从未见过有人的速度能够快到这个地步,哪怕是凭借着血海,那也足够惊人了。 Blood Monarch can be in Ruler, really has his unique ability. 血君能够位列主宰之中,确实有他的独特的本领。 If not for by Ye Xiwen compelling the dead end, had only feared the ability that not looking after the house uses. 若不是被叶希文给逼到了绝路,只怕也不会将看家的本领都使用出来。 I understood!” “我明白了!” Ye Xiwen shouts out.( Not 叶希文大喝一声。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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