MGS :: Volume #40

#3857: Deinsectization Monarch, Qin Zunzhong crossed the tribulation

Along with an insect era by the unceasing heavy losses, was swallowed unceasingly, collapses unceasingly, the insect Monarch's body also had the huge wound, looks like some people with the blade on his body unceasing shears to be the same, this is also the price that he should withstand. 随着虫道纪元被不断的重创,不断被吞噬,不断崩溃,虫君的身上也出现了巨大的伤口,就像是有人用刀在他的身上不断的割一样,这也是他应该承受的代价。 He chose an insect era swallowing, naturally must withstand backlash that therefore brought, this itself very normal matter. 他选择将虫道纪元给吞噬了,自然要承受因此带来的反噬,这本身就非常正常的事情。 It looks like Ye Xiwen, since chooses and Martial Dao era more walks is more intimate, then must withstand the Martial Dao era deterioration even is the evil consequence that destruction afterwards brings. 就像是叶希文,既然选择和武道纪元越走越亲密,那么就要承受武道纪元衰败甚至是覆灭之后所带来的恶果。 Why this is also, he goes all out to be the Martial Dao era continues the life an important reason. 这也是为什么,他拼命要为武道纪元续命的一个重要原因。 To this situation, was it can be said that involuntary, the difficult position that therefore his very clear insect Monarch faces now, an insect era collapses every time a point, the part of injuries of will shift to his body. 到了他这个地步,可以说是身不由己了,所以他很明白虫君现在面临的困境,虫道纪元每崩溃一分,就会有一部分的伤害转移到他的身上。 However to close right up against a duplicate deinsectization era to kill insect Monarch, that is impossible, after all insect Monarch is an independent individual. 不过要想靠着覆灭虫道纪元就杀死虫君,那还是不可能的,毕竟虫君是一个独立的个体。 Only can cause heavy losses, even is severe wound dying, to kill insect Monarch directly, that is impossible. 只能够重创,甚至是重伤垂死,但是要想直接弄死虫君,那是根本不可能的。 Insect Monarch only felt that own fleshly body also collapsed, Primordial Spirit also wants the avalanche, on the body, is one destroys the day to extinguish the place everywhere the scene, extremely fearsome, but all these, actually also already as he expected. 虫君只感觉自己的肉身也崩溃了,元神也要崩塌,身体上,到处都是一副毁天灭地的情景,极为可怖,而这一切,其实也早就在他的预料之中了。 Because knows that has such risk, therefore he usually also little uses, but now, he simply does not have the unnecessary choice, only has with Ye Xiwen fights to the death, but now, arrived at backlash finally time. 正因为知道有这样的风险,所以他平时也很少使用,而现在,他根本没有多余的选择,唯有和叶希文决一死战,而现在,终于到了反噬的时候了。 Where he also dares to stay in front of Ye Xiwen's at this time, even if he is in the peak time, cannot fight Ye Xiwen, let alone was the present. 他这个时候哪里还敢在叶希文的面前呆着,就算他处于巅峰时期,也斗不过叶希文,更别说是现在了。 When he wants to run away, discovered when in entire Chaos the space does not know, had been blocked, but will handle such matter, who obviously except for Ye Xiwen cannot. 然而当他想要逃走的时候,才发现,整个混沌之中空间不知道什么时候,已经被人封锁住了,而会做这样的事情的,显然除了叶希文也不会有谁了。 But the next instance, Ye Xiwen has killed his front. 而下一个瞬间,叶希文就已经扑杀到了他的面前。 Six Paths Reincarnation Fist!” 六道轮回拳!” Ye Xiwen bellows, each fist rumbles, seems Green Dragon is the same, glittering in Chaos trillion Dao Light glow, direct bang on insect Monarch's body. 叶希文大吼一声,每一拳都轰出,好似一条青龙一样,在混沌之中闪烁着亿万道光芒,直接轰在了虫君的身上。 Insect Monarch simply does not have the means to revolt, the place that or he can run away did not have. 虫君根本没有办法反抗,或者说,他能够逃走的地方都没了。 He does not have the time to break through the space that Ye Xiwen supposes to tie. 他也没有时间去冲破叶希文设下的空间结界。 Bang!” “嘭!” Insect Monarch's personal appearance was flown by direct bang, this time, he could not insist finally, fleshly body was collapsing, his untold hardships also can only suppress reluctantly, but now he cannot suppress finally, collapses. 虫君的身形被直接轰飞了出去,这一次,他终于坚持不住了,肉身本来就在崩溃,他千辛万苦也就只能够勉强压制住,而现在他终于压制不住,崩溃了。 Insect Monarch's body has dispersed loudly all of a sudden, changed to everywhere blood mist. 虫君的身体轰然一下子散开了,化作了漫天的血雾 His body just condensed, then only saw that Ye Xiwen's another fist fell loudly all of a sudden. 他的身躯刚刚重新凝聚了起来,然后就只见到叶希文的又一拳轰然一下子落了下来。 Bang!” “嘭!” His body once again scrap, frigid, each his fleshly body was in the extreme long to be killed to the bang by Ye Xiwen. 他的身躯再度炸碎了开来,惨烈的无以复加,每一次他的肉身重新长出来就被叶希文给轰杀了。 I am not willingly!” “我不甘心!” Roaring of insect Monarch huge, that huge both eyes looks to Ye Xiwen, that is the final despair, roaring, the flesh and blood of whole body has been burning, even the people can feel that the entire universe was disclosing a filled with grief emotion, that is Chaos is insect Monarch is filled with grief. 虫君一声巨大的咆哮,那庞大双目看向叶希文,那是最终的绝望,咆哮着,全身上下的血肉都燃烧了,甚至众人能够感觉到,全宇宙都透露着一种悲怆的情感,那是混沌为虫君而悲怆。 Was compelled the insect Monarch of limit, has burnt the complete flesh and blood, changed fearfully strikes, this strikes is Ruler final attack is also his most terrifying strikes, extremely terrifying. 被逼到了极限的虫君,燃烧了全部的血肉,化作了可怕的一击,这一击是一个主宰最后的攻击也是他最恐怖的一击,太过恐怖了。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Entire Chaos was swept away, has revealed a huge incomparable scar, that is a crack, as if exists forever through ancient times, the strength of time lost the function in this crack. 整个混沌被横扫而过,露出了一条巨大无比的伤痕,那是一条裂缝,仿佛亘古长存,时间之力在这一条裂缝上失去了作用。 Ye Xiwen evades not to be possible to evade, this struck the direct bang to the Martial Dao era, if Ye Xiwen did not keep off, the entire Martial Dao era will cause heavy losses. 叶希文避无可避,这一击直接轰向了武道纪元,如果叶希文不挡下来的话,整个武道纪元都会被重创。 After all this is Ruler strikes finally, has burnt all life essence. 毕竟这是一个主宰最后一击,也是燃烧了所有的生命精华 Ye Xiwen does not dodge does not evade, then the big hand wields suddenly, a picture roll drops from the clouds, is the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart. 叶希文也不闪不避,然后大手猛然一挥,紧接着一张图卷从天而降,正是造化乾坤图。 Ye Xiwen pinched an seal Secret Art, the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart has gotten bigger and bigger, but was in an instant time, changed to a size of world. 叶希文捏了一个印诀,造化乾坤图越长越大,不过是刹那间的时间,就已经化作了一个世界的大小。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Insect Monarch final struck to sweep away directly, rumbled into the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart. 虫君最后的一击直接横扫了出来,轰入了造化乾坤图之中。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” In good fortune Heaven and Earth chart innumerable Heaven and Earth, the innumerable mountains and rivers were mopped up entirely, this fearful attack, seems extinguishes the world to be the same. 造化乾坤图之中无数的乾坤,无数的山河统统被扫灭,这种可怕的攻击,好似灭世一样。 If by the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart preventing, the consequence is simply dreadful. 如果不是被造化乾坤图给阻挡住,后果简直不堪设想。 However even if the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart, must stop such attack, is somewhat unbearable, eye looks at must unable to prevent, this was struck pierces, Ye Xiwen has gotten rid, his big hand stressed into the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart. 不过即便是造化乾坤图,要阻拦住这样的攻击,也有些够呛,眼看着就要阻挡不住,被这一击洞穿的时候,叶希文出手了,他的大手抓入了造化乾坤图之中。 The Ye Xiwen's big hand looks like the order, which the big hand catches, which order stabilizes, which natural law has stabilized. 叶希文的大手就像是秩序,大手抓到哪儿,哪儿的秩序就稳定下来,哪儿的规则就稳定了下来。 Then one grasped in this group of blood essence energy, stressed this group of blood essence energy all of a sudden explodes. 然后一把抓在了这一团精血的能量之中,一下子就将这一团精血的能量抓爆了。 This strikes, hence, was vanishes thoroughly. 这一击,至此,算是彻底消失了。 I am not willingly Ah! insect Monarch to roar, the body scrap fell, Primordial Spirit thoroughly has also burnt, he only saw oneself that final struck is defeated eventually. “我不甘心啊啊啊啊!”虫君咆哮着,身躯炸碎掉了,元神也彻底燃烧了起来,他只看到了自己那最后的一击终究还是失败了。 Collaborated to prevent by the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart and Ye Xiwen. 被造化乾坤图和叶希文联手阻挡住了。 He is not willingly, oneself that final strikes, even cannot cause anything to trouble to Ye Xiwen. 他不甘心,自己那最后的一击,甚至都不能对叶希文造成什么麻烦。 A Ye Xiwen hand has grasped hastily, caught in insect Monarch's surplus fleshly body the hand, but erupted this has struck afterwards, the energy and law that in insect Monarch fleshly body contained had been burnt most. 叶希文连忙一只手抓了出去,将虫君剩余的肉身抓到了手中,只是爆发了这一击之后,虫君肉身中所蕴含的能量和法则都已经被燃烧掉了大半了。 The value has sold at a discount greatly. 价值已经大打折扣了。 However Ye Xiwen has not said anything, is only insect Monarch's huge fleshly body, in the income in Heaven and Earth. 不过叶希文也没有多说什么,只是将虫君的庞大肉身,收入内天地之中。 Died, insect Monarch this was not dies like this has considered as finished, he together has ruined Ah! an insect era “又死了一尊,虫君这可不是自己死了就这样算了,他可是将虫道纪元一起葬送了啊! Another Ancient era by destruction, was a Inheritance destruction!” “又一个古代纪元被覆灭了,又是一种传承覆灭了!” Cannot be the destruction, an insect era by the Martial Dao era swallowing, definitely will have bred an insect era in the Martial Dao era the civilization!” “也不能算是覆灭了,虫道纪元被武道纪元给吞噬了,肯定会在武道纪元内部重新孕育出虫道纪元的文明!” Countless person shocking looks at Ye Xiwen, four Venerable Lord butcher besieges to the Martial Dao era, that situation is the what kind emergence, however is the suddenly time, had three Ruler die. 无数人都震惊的看着叶希文,四尊主宰围攻给武道纪元,那情况是何等的危急,然而不过是眨眼间的功夫,已经有三个主宰陨落了。 Remaining also merely only remaining with blood Monarch who Qin Venerable confronted. 剩下的也仅仅只剩下了与秦尊对峙的血君了。 Only feared that blood Monarch was also difficult to run away dies. 只怕血君也是难逃一死了。 The people one has not inscribed was like this confident at this time to Ye Xiwen. 人们从来没有一刻有这个时候这样子对叶希文有信心。 In all people in looks at Ye Xiwen, does not know when will get rid, but Ye Xiwen actually stopped. 就在所有人都在看着叶希文,不知道什么时候会出手,但是叶希文却停止了下来。 On era battlefield that he in ten big god cities are, here is edge Zone of Martial Dao era. 他只是在十大神城所在的纪元战场上,这里已经是武道纪元的边缘地带了。 He has not gotten rid, was only looks at Qin Venerable! 他没有出手,只是看着秦尊! At this time the fight of Qin Venerable and blood Monarch reached the stage of superheating. 此时秦尊与血君的战斗已经到了白热化的阶段了。 Sea of Blood of blood Monarch that everywhere, submerged entire Chaos directly, been good had not made war in the Martial Dao era, otherwise, only a blood Monarch person can pose the threat of huge to the Martial Dao era. 血君那漫天的血海,直接淹没了整个混沌,还好没有在武道纪元内开战,否则的话,只血君一个人就能够对武道纪元造成巨大的威胁。 Ruler is different from Half-Step Ruler, Half-Step Ruler must coordinate the infinite endless army to pose the threat of huge to the Martial Dao era, but Ruler can achieve single-handedly, if even does not have Ye Xiwen to stop, destroys completely the Martial Dao era also to have the possibility single-handedly. 主宰半步主宰到底还是不一样的,半步主宰还要配合着无穷无尽的大军才有可能对武道纪元造成巨大的威胁,但是主宰单枪匹马就可以做到了,甚至如果没有叶希文阻拦的话,单枪匹马灭掉武道纪元也是有可能的。 But Qin Venerable was also not the least bit off, Sword Dao that swayed conveniently, can destroy a world, his blue lotus, had the background greatly, that was born the Chaos blue lotus truly in Chaos. 而秦尊也是丝毫不差,随手之间挥洒出的剑道,就能够毁灭一个世界,他脚下的青莲,也是大有来头,那是真正诞生在混沌中的混沌青莲。 Once in epoch-making appeared briefly, afterward vanished, some countless people once one after another has looked for the Chaos blue lotus, but failed finally. 曾经在开天辟地的时候昙花一现,后来就消失了,有无数人都曾经陆陆续续的找过混沌青莲,但是最后都失败了。 Not is only the Martial Dao era, even also includes Expert in other Ancient eras, because the Chaos blue lotus appears may not only in the Martial Dao era, during other eras have the legend about Chaos blue lotus, probably before for a long time is very very long during many eras, has innumerably legend about Chaos blue lotus. 不仅仅是武道纪元,甚至还包括其他古代纪元之中的高手,因为混沌青莲出现的可不仅仅只是在武道纪元,其他的纪元之中也有关于混沌青莲的传说,好像是从很久很久以前的诸多纪元之中,就有无数的关于混沌青莲的传说。 Since this innumerable eras, countless people have been tracking down the trace of Chaos blue lotus, even if Ruler has not succeeded, now unexpectedly is obtained by Qin Venerable. 这无数纪元以来,无数人都在追寻着混沌青莲的踪影,然而即便是主宰都没有成功,现在居然被秦尊得到了。 Some Ye Xiwen also bursting out laughing, this Qin Venerable destiny also similarly formidable fearfulness, generally speaking, during an era, only then a person can the road of achievement supreme Ruler, he become enlightened afterwards, has blocked all roads. 叶希文也有些哑然,这秦尊的气运也同样强大的可怕,一般来说,一个纪元之中只有一个人能够成就无上主宰之路,他一个人成道之后,就挡住了所有的路。 It looks like the Martial Dao era, a good fortune day Monarch person seized completely among the world all good fortunes, blocked the road that other people upward took. 就像是武道纪元,造化天君一个人夺尽了天下间所有的造化,也挡住了其他所有人往上走的路。 However besides him, Qin Venerable unexpectedly also some hopes of becoming enlightened, although is hopeful, in other people are impossible to have in the tiny bit opportunity situation, this was very astonishing. 但是除了他之外,秦尊居然也有成道的希望,虽然只是有希望而已,但是在其他人根本不可能有一丝一毫机会的情况下,这就已经很惊人了。 The Chaos blue lotus can be found by him, itself explained certain question. 混沌青莲能够被他找到,本身就说明了一定的问题 Destiny type of thing, said that does not scavenge unclearly, but at crucial moment, actually meets Ruler all. 气运这种东西,说不清道不明,但是在关键时候,却会主宰一切。 Ye Xiwen takes a broad view to look, although Qin Venerable in fell with the fight of blood Monarch during leeward obviously, however his fight was more tenacious, has not given up slightly. 叶希文放眼望去,虽然秦尊在和血君的战斗之中明显落于下风,但是他的战斗更加顽强,丝毫都没有放弃。 Moreover along with the fight, Qin Venerable was accelerating regarding the comprehension of Great Dao unexpectedly, he needed like this turning point. 而且随着战斗,秦尊对于大道的领悟居然在加速,他需要这样一个契机。 Ye Xiwen understood immediately, Qin Venerable in breakthrough! 叶希文顿时明白了,秦尊在突破 Yes, Qin Venerable has been closing up thousands of year afterwards, finally welcomed oneself breakthrough turning point, the originally Qin Venerable external force has been insufficient, therefore has given his these many time, had not actually succeeded. 是的,秦尊在闭关了千万年之后,终于迎来了自己突破的契机,原本秦尊的外力一直不足,所以给了他这么多的时间,却一直都没有成功。 But now then blood Monarch's pressure, Qin Venerable that finally must take root to germinate in the turning point that the place of Mysterious looked. 而现在接着血君的压力,秦尊那在神秘之地找来的契机终于要生根发芽了。 Bit by bit in breakthrough, bit by bit is transforming! 一点一点的在突破,一点一点的在蜕变! Ye Xiwen stubbornly is staring at this, Qin Venerable the transformation was his textbook is simply same, making him be able change of observation Qin Venerable Great Dao in this process. 叶希文死死的盯着这一幕,秦尊的蜕变简直就是他的教科书一样,让他能够观察在这个过程之中秦尊大道的变化。 Such opportunity is not common, generally Half-Step Ruler simply does not have the opportunity to see that this was equal to Ruler teaches you in according to personal experience breakthrough. 这样的机会可是不常有的,一般半步主宰根本没有机会能够见到,这等于是一个主宰在以亲身经历来教你突破 War has continued fully for ten years, during these ten years time Qin Venerable transformation bit by bit, has brought to the attention of blood Monarch finally, but he was impossible to walk at this time, even he is unable to withdraw from the fight. 大战整整持续了十年,这十年的时间之中秦尊一点一点的蜕变,终于引起了血君的注意,但是此时他已经不可能走了,甚至他都无法从战斗之中脱身。 Finally, Qin Venerable has completed the final transformation, in Chaos, that final extinguishing world Heavenly Tribulation reappeared. 终于,秦尊完成了最后的蜕变,混沌之中,那最后的灭世天劫浮现了出来。 Asked support new book «practice Raging tide»!( ~^~) 求支持新书《修炼狂潮》!(~^~)
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