MGS :: Volume #40

#3856: Duplicate deinsectization era

Both sides fight are the short time, insect Monarch had suffered a loss! 双方交手不过是短短时间而已,虫君就已经吃了大亏了! Insect Monarch has not cared about Ye Xiwen, or he is nowadays formidable regarding Ye Xiwen's, not an objective understanding. 虫君没有太在意叶希文,或者说,他对于现如今叶希文的强大,并没有一个客观的认识。 The Ye Xiwen strength cuts puppet day Monarch and to hot day Monarch time, insect Monarch had not seen that by this comes up, the entire head was exploded by the Ye Xiwen bang. 叶希文力斩傀儡天君和离火天君的时候,虫君并没有看到,是以这一上来,整个头颅都被叶希文轰爆。 Ate such big one to owe, insect Monarch again and again retreat, grew a head in Chaos again! 吃了这么大一个亏,虫君连连后退,又重新在混沌之中长出了一个头颅! He in looking to the Ye Xiwen's time, in the look is full of the meaning of dreading, if he has not made clear Ye Xiwen's to be formidable from the beginning, then now, he thoroughly understood Ye Xiwen's was fearful. 他在看向叶希文的时候,眼神之中充满了忌惮的意思,如果说一开始他还没有搞清楚叶希文的强大的话,那么现在,他已经彻底明白了叶希文的可怕了。 Ye Xiwen moved toward insect Monarch gradually, each step, is steps forward 1 million li (0.5km) surely, speed quick astonishment, but actually appears like that serene. 叶希文一步一步走向了虫君,每一步,都是跨出1000000里千万里,速度快的惊人,但是却显得那般云淡风轻 His movement is extremely quick, toward the insect Monarch's direction crush, that terrifying aura, let the Chaos scrap instantaneously directly, nobody can imagine, possibly some people will be how formidable to this situation. 他的动作极快,瞬间朝着虫君的方向碾压了下来,那恐怖气息,直接让混沌炸碎了开来,没有人能够想象的到,怎么可能有人会强大到这个地步。 Insect Monarch roared, seemed soaraway Green Dragon same soars, mixed entire Chaos, in his whole body, the entire space, the time was twisted, one after another terrifying Chaos rays of light **** however left, toward the Ye Xiwen bang killed, but. 虫君咆哮一声,好似一条腾飞的青龙一样飞腾而起,搅动整个混沌,在他的周身,整个空间,时间都被扭曲了,一道又一道恐怖混沌光芒****而出,朝着叶希文轰杀而至。 Insect Monarch's attack compared with terrifying, can break Chaos together, thick such as the galaxy is ordinary, Heaven and Earth is panic-stricken. 虫君的攻击一道比一道恐怖,都能够震碎混沌,粗如星河一般,天地惊骇。 However Ye Xiwen is actually slightly fearless, but simple one step steps forward, then a fist rumbles. 不过叶希文却是丝毫无惧,只是简简单单的一步跨出,然后一拳轰出。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” No matter this insect Monarch has many method, in front of Ye Xiwen's, seems not anything. 不管这虫君有多少的手段,在叶希文的面前,似乎都根本算不上什么。 Ye Xiwen is only unarmed, hit to explode them conveniently. 叶希文只是徒手而已,随手就将他们打爆了。 Close insect Monarch gradually, rushed ahead the insect Monarch's front. 一步一步的接近虫君,冲杀到了虫君的面前。 Ye Xiwen lifted the right hand, the palm has faced upwards, Martial Venerable Seal ‚’ flew all of a sudden, then the turning round rotation, seemed a galaxy is concentrated in this Martial Venerable Seal, endless Martial Dao rays of light bloomed, then has suppressed suddenly all of a sudden. 叶希文抬起了右手,手掌朝天,武尊印‘咻’的一下子飞了出来,然后滴溜溜的转动,好似一条星河被浓缩在了这一个武尊印之中,无尽武道光芒绽放了出来,然后猛然一下子镇压了下来。 Bang!” One group of rays of light explode from Chaos, takes the impact point as core, then takes away as many things as possible toward four sides all di­rec­tions directly, this strikes, pierced entire Chaos directly, made a basis unable to see the bottom terrifying to be empty, even if were the air/Qi of Chaos fills not to have any use, because by this cavity unceasing swallowed. “轰隆!”一团光芒混沌之中爆炸而出,以碰撞点为核心,然后直接朝着四面八方席卷而去,这一击,直接洞穿了整个混沌,打出了一条根本看不见底的恐怖空洞,就算是混沌之气填补过来也没有任何用处,因为会被这个空洞不断的吞噬进去。 Roar!” “吼!” A huge terrifying roaring sound erupted from Chaos, in Chaos, silhouette turns in Chaos wells up, who that person is actually not insect Monarch is. 一声巨大恐怖的咆哮声从混沌之中爆发了出来,紧接着在混沌之中,一条身影混沌之中翻涌,那个人却不是虫君又是谁呢。 The people then see, insect Monarch in Chaos, the head wiped out, on his entire head, presented a huge incomparable cavity, huge that is by Ye Xiwen's Martial Venerable Seal pounding is empty. 众人这才看到,虫君在混沌之中,脑袋都被打掉了,他的整个头颅上,出现了一个巨大无比的空洞,那是被叶希文的武尊印给砸出来的巨大空洞。 Martial Venerable Seal is merit Saint Artifact, its degree of hardness can be imagined. 武尊印是功德圣器,它的硬度可想而知。 Insect Monarch when touches with it hardly, ate one to owe greatly. 虫君在和它硬碰的时候,吃了一个大亏了。 Ye Xiwen's killing intent boiling, he joins hands behind the back to stand, said: Today, your trusted friend big troubles, must be killed by the town!” 叶希文的杀意更加的沸腾,他背手而立,道:“今日,你们这些心腹大患,都要被镇杀!” His facial expression is very self-confident, sets up the world arrogantly, looks disdainfully eternally, never some people can with him side by side, slaughter Ruler by Half-Step Ruler, extends Ancient Capital not to exist to have such character. 他的神情无比自信,傲立天下,睥睨万古,从未有人能够与他比肩,以半步主宰屠戮主宰,亘古都不存在有这样的人物。 At this time, not some people, the town that Ye Xiwen says kills four big Ruler matters to treat as to crack a joke, he really has such ability, he also has such strength. 此时,再也不会有人将叶希文所说的,镇杀四大主宰的事情当做开玩笑了,他确实有这样的能力,偏偏他也有这样的实力。 At this time, insect Monarch he moved suddenly all of a sudden, in remote Chaos, an insect era in sending out trillion rays of light, was blotting out the sky directly, in a flash, an insect era appeared in front of Ye Xiwen's, then killed toward the Ye Xiwen counter- town under. 这个时候,虫君他陡然一下子动了,在遥远的混沌之中,虫道纪元在散发着亿万道的光芒,直接铺天盖地而下,一瞬间,虫道纪元就已经出现在了叶希文的面前,然后朝着叶希文反镇杀而下。 You unexpectedly an insect era refining your Ruler Dao Artifact!” “你居然将虫道纪元给炼制成了你的主宰道器!” In the Ye Xiwen look flashes through wisp of fine to say. 叶希文眼神之中闪过一缕精芒说道。 He has seen all kinds of Dao Artifact, even if were Ruler Dao Artifact also sees had been many, there are likely is good fortune Heaven and Earth chart this, projected in the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart the mountains and rivers, killed opponent by the projection bang of good fortune. 他见过各种各样的道器,即便是主宰道器也见过很多了,也有像是造化乾坤图这样子,将山河投影进造化乾坤图之中,以造化界的投影轰杀对手 However directly has become era refining Ruler Dao Artifact, this is the fearful matter. 但是直接将一个纪元炼化成了主宰道器,这是何等可怕的事情。 Insect Monarch swallows the day to swallow, has swallowed all, finally also one and has swallowed Heavenly Dao of their era, can change into his Ruler Dao Artifact their insect era. 虫君吞天吞地,吞噬了一切,最终将他们纪元的天道也一并吞噬了,才能够将他们虫道纪元化为他的主宰道器 This is very terrifying, even by might, but must above general Ruler Dao Artifact, but this insect era is also the insect Monarch's den, in the situation of commonplace, easily passively will not use. 这是非常恐怖的,甚至论威力,还要在一般的主宰道器之上,只是这虫道纪元也是虫君的老巢,等闲的情况下来说,都不会轻易被动用。 However at this time, he by Ye Xiwen had been compelled in the dead end, unable to attend to that many. 然而这个时候,他已经被叶希文逼到了绝路上了,已经顾不上那么许多了。 Insect era big of might can be imagined, even if merely is only a Ancient era, in fact the might is also very scary, insect Monarch also passed through several eras time embezzling of slowly, finally succeeds. 虫道纪元的威力之大可想而知,哪怕仅仅只是一个古代纪元而已,实际上威力也是十分骇人的,虫君也是经过了好几个纪元的时间的慢慢侵吞,才最终成功的。 Bang!” “轰!” This strikes, finally compelling to have drawn back Ye Xiwen, an innumerable insect army just likes the mercury flows swiftly is the same, the shop has sprinkled, sweeps across enormously and powerful. 这一击,终于将叶希文给逼退了,无数的虫道大军犹如水银泻地一样,铺洒了过来,浩浩荡荡席卷而来。 But an insect era is to just like a snake is the same, has opened the big mouth, must embezzle the Ye Xiwen one breath. 而虫道纪元更是犹如一条长虫一样,张开了血盆大口,要将叶希文一口气侵吞了。 But at this time, Ye Xiwen slightly sneered one after another, in his hand does not know when condensed sword Dao Law, a sword cleaned, immediately seemed the galaxy is swept away together, sword qi rushed, directly horizontally flushed. 而就在这个时候,叶希文微微冷笑一声一声,他的手上不知道什么时候已经凝聚了剑道法则,一剑扫除,顿时好似一道星河被横扫而出,剑气澎湃,直接横冲了出来。 This enormous and powerful rushing army, was swept Void at the scene, even/including Chong said the big mouth that the era opens, was prevented. 这浩浩荡荡的冲到大军,当场就被扫成了虚无,连虫道纪元张开的血盆大口,都被阻挡住了。 However such impediment also has the flash, in an instant, was the infinite endless rushing army has rushed ahead, that was terrifying to the extreme army, some insect galaxy so were even long, are fearful, small also had mountain general huge. 但是这样的阻挡也就只有一瞬间而已,刹那间,又是无穷无尽的冲到大军冲杀了出来,那是恐怖到了极点的大军,有的虫子甚至有一条星河那么长,可怕极了,小的也有山岳一般的庞大 At this time, densely and numerously seemed the locust same sweeps away. 这个时候,密密麻麻好似蝗虫一样横扫而出。 You forever kill, not only, ha!” An insect Monarch long and loud cry, his injury is changing for the better, was offering a sacrifice to insect era big killing weapon afterwards, he had a respite opportunity finally, was insufficient to be given to persecute to death by Ye Xiwen at the scene. “你是永远杀不光的,哈哈哈!”虫君一声长啸,他的伤势在好转,在祭出了虫道纪元这个大杀器之后,他终于获得了一丝喘息的机会,不至于被叶希文当场给逼死了。 But Ye Xiwen also looked, so long as this insect era also in one day, then these insect armies continuously will reappear, the fabrication life regarding the average person, simply was the unimaginable matter, but regarding an era, was actually only the method of commonplace. 叶希文也看出来了,只要这虫道纪元还在一天,那么这些虫道大军就会源源不断的浮现出来,凭空捏造生命对于一般人来说,简直是不可想象的事情,但是对于一个纪元来说,却只是等闲的手段。 Such being the case, I first destruction your insect era!” “既然如此,那我就先覆灭了你的虫道纪元!” Ye Xiwen was saying, he mumbled, whole body immortal light rushed, has illuminated entire Chaos, terrifying aura emerged in his body one after another, that was the Martial Dao era Heavenly Dao will, in Ye Xiwen has used in the situation of method, all emerged in his body, making him obtain in addition of era to hold. 叶希文说着,他念念有词,全身上下仙光澎湃,照亮了整个混沌,一股一股恐怖气息涌入了他的身体之中,那是武道纪元天道的意志,在叶希文动用了手段的情况下,全部都涌入了他的身体之中,让他得到了纪元的加持。 He has performed the innumerable merit for the Martial Dao era, therefore the contact with Martial Dao era is also more and more close, even it can be said that tied up on same war chariot, therefore can also transfer the Martial Dao era easily the Heavenly Dao will. 他为武道纪元立下了无数的功劳,所以与武道纪元的联系也是越来越紧密,甚至可以说是绑在了同一架战车上了,所以也可以轻易调动武道纪元的天道意志。 This is also the place that these Ruler day Monarch most dread, rather decides battlefield in Chaos, will not choose in thorough Good Fortune Divine Dynasty easily. 这也是那些主宰天君们最为忌惮的地方,宁愿将战场定在混沌之中,轻易不会选择深入造化神朝之中。 Ye Xiwen extended big hand, then patted during an insect era suddenly all of a sudden. 叶希文伸出了一只大手,然后猛然一下子拍到了虫道纪元之中。 Bang!” “轰隆!” An insect era had laid out a huge cavity by Ye Xiwen this palm directly. 虫道纪元直接被叶希文这一掌拍出了一个巨大的空洞。 This is how possible!” “这怎么可能!” Insect Monarch calls out in alarm, does not dare to believe simply, his insect era was refined Ruler Dao Artifact, where has is pierced easily, heavy losses. 虫君一声惊呼,简直不敢置信,他的虫道纪元可是被炼制成了主宰道器,哪有那么容易就被洞穿,重创的。 However fact on pendulum at present, but he grins fiendishly immediately, on that huge incomparable terrifying face has shown several points of fierce smiling face. 但是事实就摆在眼前,不过他随即只是狞笑一声,那巨大无比的恐怖脸庞上露出了几分狰狞的笑容。 The insect era of then by a Ye Xiwen hand being pierced turned into a terrifying beast directly, then all of a sudden Ye Xiwen swallowing. 那被叶希文一只手洞穿的虫道纪元直接化成了一条恐怖大虫,然后一下子将叶希文给吞噬了下去。 Martial Lord!” 武君!” In Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, many people call out in alarm make noise, they only saw Ye Xiwen by an insect era the terrifying beast has embezzled directly, that scene is really extremely scary. 造化神朝之中,许多人都惊呼出声,他们只看到叶希文被虫道纪元所化的恐怖大虫给直接吞没了,那种场景实在是太过骇人。 However when they still in calling out in alarm, Dao Light glow explode to shoot from this terrifying beast deep place, looked like wisp of light tears everywhere darkness to be the same. 不过就在他们还在惊呼的时候,一道光芒从这一条恐怖大虫深处爆射而出,就像是一缕光明撕裂了漫天的黑暗一样。 Then, second, third, fourth, explodes to split from this beast deep place to rays of light of innumerable say|way, these rays of light seem the innumerable double big hands, has torn this terrifying beast directly. 然后紧接着,第二道,第三道,第四道,一直到无数道的光芒从这一条大虫深处爆绽而出,这些光芒好似无数双大手,直接将这一条恐怖大虫撕裂了开来。 terrifying aura arrived, that is the Heavenly Dao will of Martial Dao era, has covered this terrifying beast directly. 紧接着,一股更加恐怖气息降临了,那是武道纪元的天道意志,直接覆盖了这一条恐怖的大虫。 The people only see, the body collapse of this terrifying beast bit by bit, obviously melted the original appearance, that is an insect era, an insect era is collapsing, everywhere is the earth-shattering, originally Heavenly Dao of insect era in the Heavenly Dao entanglement of Martial Dao era during, Heavenly Dao of insect era can by insect Monarch swallowing, which naturally to did not go, can prevent the Martial Dao era Heavenly Dao, but is among the moments, on was swallowed a cleanness. 众人就只看见,这一条恐怖大虫的身躯一点一点的崩溃了,显化出了本来的面目,那是虫道纪元,虫道纪元在崩溃,到处都是天崩地裂,原本的虫道纪元的天道在和武道纪元的天道纠缠之中,虫道纪元的天道能够被虫君给吞噬了,自然也强不到哪儿去,怎么阻挡得住武道纪元的天道,不过是片刻之间,就被吞噬了个干干净净。 Then the people only saw a judgment day same scene, an entire insect era collapsed, innumerable insect tragic deaths, all kinds, including many evolution degrees are very high, has evolved the insect person, but does not have the use, in the front of this extinguishing world great misfortune, nobody can resist radically. 然后众人就只看到了一副世界末日一样的场景,整个虫道纪元崩溃了,无数虫子惨死,各种各样的,其中有很多进化程度很高,已经进化成了虫人了,但是没有用处,在这种灭世大劫的面前,根本没有人能够抵挡。 And has Emperor Monarch, the Heavenly Venerate Level ominous insect, attempts, but they just flushed, entirely was patted by a Ye Xiwen palm of the hand. 其中有帝君,天尊级别的凶虫,试图冲出来,不过他们才刚刚冲出来,就被叶希文一巴掌统统拍死了。 In front of Ye Xiwen's, the possibility that they simply have not escaped. 叶希文的面前,他们根本没有逃脱的可能性。 Ye Xiwen's personal appearance shuttle during an insect era, but in the deep place of insect era, a great insect of colossus reappeared in his front, was insect Mr. 叶希文的身形穿梭在虫道纪元之中,而在虫道纪元的深处,一条庞然大物的巨虫浮现在了他的面前,正是虫君。 At this time the insect Monarch incomparable distress , the whole body all kinds of wounds, he an insect era swallowing, has merged into one organic whole with an insect era. 只是此时虫君无比的狼狈,全身上下各种各样的伤口,他将虫道纪元给吞噬了,和虫道纪元融为一体。 An insect era is all right, he is the advantage is naturally many, but insect era, once has an accident, he together will also cause heavy losses.( ~^~) 虫道纪元没事,他自然是好处很多,但是虫道纪元一旦出事,他也会被一起跟着被重创。(~^~)
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