MGS :: Volume #40

#3855: Extinguishes to hot day Monarch

looks at scared naturally is the Ancient eras in these Chaos, looks at Ye Xiwen cuts to kill puppet day Monarch seems is killing the chicken slaughter dog to be the same, is simply scared, as if saw peerless Killing God was born. 看着胆寒的当然就是那些混沌之中的古代纪元,看着叶希文斩杀傀儡天君就好似在杀鸡屠狗一样,简直胆寒,仿佛又看到了一尊绝世杀神出世了。 However these Good Fortune Divine Dynasty Expert, saw the Ye Xiwen so fierce performance, one after another is excited. 但是那些造化神朝高手们,看到了叶希文如此厉害的表现,纷纷兴奋无比。 Some this kind of outstanding God of War are protecting, they possibly are not how prosperous, particularly starts to go down hill in this kind of Martial Dao era, even more feeble time, Ye Xiwen probably is the Dinghai god needle is the same, anchorage all person flurried restless hearts. 有这样一个盖代的战神守护着,他们怎么可能不繁盛,尤其是在这样一个武道纪元开始走下坡路,愈发的衰弱的时候,叶希文就好像是定海神针一样,定住了所有人慌乱不安的心。 Ye Xiwen struck to kill puppet day Monarch afterwards, his corpse also by Ye Xiwen receiving, although his whole body was the puppet, was not the flesh and blood, but the world tree also had the means absorption. 叶希文一击击杀了傀儡天君之后,他的尸首也被叶希文给收了起来,虽然他全身上下都是傀儡,不是血肉,不过世界树也有办法吸收。 Not only to absorb flesh and blood, but also absorbs these Ruler law, continually improves law on world tree. 不仅仅只是为了吸收血肉而已,而且还吸收这些主宰法则,不断完善世界树上的法则 You bring in us, for our defeat in detail, if you attack on own initiative, perhaps did not have the opportunity of defeat in detail!” “你将我们引来,是为了将我们各个击破吧,如果你主动出击的话,恐怕就没有各个击破的机会了!” Flew Martial Venerable Seal to a hot day Monarch hand bang, aggressive incomparable, but cannot change the general situation at this time, Ye Xiwen the town has killed puppet day Monarch, just like before Ye Xiwen , said that this is a general situation. 离火天君一只手轰飞了武尊印,霸气无比,但是此时已经改变不了大局了,叶希文已经镇杀了傀儡天君,正如叶希文之前所说的,这是一个大局。 To hot day Monarch also looked that understood Ye Xiwen's has planned, if Ye Xiwen attacks on own initiative, then several Ruler will collaborate, at that time, Ye Xiwen in formidable was impossible to face four people to collaborate also to be able them to cut to kill entirely. 离火天君也已经看明白了叶希文的谋划了,如果叶希文主动出击,那么几个主宰就会联手,在那个时候,叶希文在强大也不可能面临四人联手还能将他们统统斩杀了。 Because in the Chaos deep place, in Qin Zunhe Heavenly Venerate was very difficult to reassign the strength of belief, let alone blocks any people in their these Ruler. 因为在混沌深处,秦尊和中天尊可是很难抽调到信仰之力,更别说是拦住他们这些主宰之中的任何一个人了。 At that time, Ye Xiwen truly will turn into the loner, by a person of strength faced with four people of besieging. 到那个时候,叶希文才会真正变成孤家寡人,以一人之力面临四人的围攻。 However was different in left Jin of Martial Dao era, because they worried that brought in the Martial Dao era Heavenly Dao to strike to kill them by Ye Xiwen, the long time period of five days is the hands tied feet tied, this by Ye Xiwen planning. 但是在武道纪元的左近就不同了,因为他们都担心被叶希文引来武道纪元的天道将他们击杀,很多时候都是束手束脚,这才被叶希文给算计到了。 You are really good to plan Ah! to say to hot day Monarch coldly looks at Ye Xiwen. “你真是好算计啊!”离火天君冷冷看着叶希文说道。 However at this time said these again, the basic significance did not have. 但是此时再说这些,根本一点意义都没有了。 If not for you eye covetously regarding the Martial Dao era, constantly wants to destroy my Martial Dao era, I why so!” Ye Xiwen said that this bureau seemed like he has succeeded, the regulations have paid many, only then he was clearest, was not good to withstand by natural law backlash this, if even the skill almost, common Half-Step Ruler, beforehand that backlash might make them die slightly. “若不是你们对于武道纪元虎视眈眈,无时无刻都想要毁灭我武道纪元,我又何必如此呢!”叶希文道,这个局看似他成功了,实则付出了多少只有他自己最清楚,被规则反噬这可不是好承受的,甚至如果功力稍微差一点,寻常的半步主宰,之前的那一次反噬就有可能让他们死亡。 You in heaven defying line, you think that you can rescue the Martial Dao era? You stand in all person opposites, nobody meets to ignore your such situation to continue, when the time comes Ruler in place of that Mysterious one after another is born, you think that you do have odds of suc­cess?” Said to hot day Monarch loud. “你这是在逆天而行,你以为你能够救得了武道纪元么?你这是站在所有人对立面,没有人会放任你这样的情况继续下去的,到时候那神秘之地之中的主宰都相继出世,你以为你有胜算么?”离火天君高声说道。 Ye Xiwen this act, that is Ruler of all Ancient eras opposes, has sufficed fearfully, let alone these many people. 叶希文此举,那是和所有的古代纪元的主宰作对,一个就已经够可怕的了,何况这么多人。 Some matters have to be done, although thousands of people I toward!” Ye Xiwen sighed, joined hands behind the back to stand. “有些事情不得不做,虽千万人吾往矣!”叶希文叹了口气,背手而立。 Do not say is so noble, I and other actions, but to live, when that complete era arrives, when that eternal, but you so, to live!” Does not show due respect for saying of feelings to hot day Mr. “不要说的那么高尚,我等所作所为,不过是为了活着等到那个无缺的纪元降临,等到那个永恒,而你如此,也只是为了活着而已!”离火天君丝毫不给面子的说道。 Yes, to live, how many people no matter you have to keep off in my front, how many people said that I have made a mistake, I will not withdraw, is not only I, I must preserve my family member, all my, you have not thought that with its waited for that indistinct non- trace the so-called complete era, was inferior do one begin to create? These many Ruler collaborate, I do not believe unable to build this kind of era!” Ye Xiwen looks at said to hot day Mr. “是啊,为了活着,所以不管你们有多少人挡在我的面前,多少人说我错了,我都不会退后,不仅仅是我,我还要保全我的家人,我的一切,你们没有想过,与其等待那缥缈无踪的所谓无缺的纪元,不如自己动手来创造么?这么多的主宰联手,我就不信打造不出这样一个纪元!”叶希文看着离火天君说道。 To the hot day Monarch body slightly shakes, as if also by the Ye Xiwen's big breadth of spirit blowing, did not wait not to depend, oneself build such complete era, this is an astonishing idea. 离火天君身躯微震,似乎也被叶希文的大气魄给镇住了,不等不靠,自己打造那样一个无缺的纪元,这是一个惊人的想法。 Without enough time, we on this road walked was too far, your I did not say same, did not deal with the stratagem!” Also excited to hot day Monarch, finally also can only give up low-spirited, a difference, enough explained all. “来不及了,我们在这一条路上已经走的太远了,你我道不相同,不相与谋!”离火天君也很心动,最终也只能黯然放弃,道不同,就已经足够解释一切了。 Such being the case, that had nothing saying that suffered to death!” “既然如此,那就没什么可说的了,受死吧!” Ye Xiwen bellows, one step steps forward, immediately, changed to a Dao Divinity rainbow, penetrated the Chaos universe, rushed ahead to leave the hot day Monarch's front directly. 叶希文大吼一声,一步跨出,顿时,化作了一道神虹,穿透了混沌宇宙,直接冲杀到了离火天君的面前。 Also calls out one to hot day Monarch, must fight to the death with Ye Xiwen, his surroundings, are the endless god fire are burning, just likes Fire Dragon soars, killing has approached Ye Xiwen. 离火天君也是暴吼一声,要与叶希文决一死战,他的周围,是无尽的神火在燃烧,犹如一条条火龙飞腾而起,扑杀向了叶希文 But Ye Xiwen is also the five fingers pinches fist, a fist rumbled. 叶希文也是五指捏拳,一拳轰了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” The huge rumbled sounds, Ye Xiwen hits to explode these Fire Dragon directly, then bullied the body to the hot day Monarch's front, the direct fist rumbled to leave the hot day Monarch's body. 一声声巨大轰鸣声,叶希文直接将这些火龙打爆,然后欺身到了离火天君的面前,直接一拳轰到了离火天君的身上。 Has spurted to a hot day Monarch blood, changed to everywhere Flame, flaming has burnt in Chaos. 离火天君一口鲜血喷了出来,化作了漫天的火焰,在混沌之中熊熊燃烧了起来。 The Ye Xiwen's fist potential does not reduce, the bang is leaving the hot day Monarch's body, to the hot day Monarch whole body is the blood, Chaos rushes, entire scene incomparable astonishment. 叶希文的拳势不减,不停的轰在离火天君的身上,离火天君浑身是血,混沌澎湃,整个场面无比的惊人。 To struggle to hot day Monarch, but obviously, in front of Ye Xiwen's, insufficiently looked radically that Ye Xiwen gets rid, is a complete strength falls ten meetings. 离火天君想要挣扎,但是显然,在叶希文的面前,根本不够看,叶希文出手,就是完完全全的一力降十会。 On the magical skill and Realm, he does not have the means and to hot day Monarch compared with, therefore he had not considered that suppresses in this aspect. 在道行和境界上,他没有办法和离火天君相比,所以他也没有考虑在这方面进行压制。 However his built fleshly body that became by merit Golden Light is really extremely strong, can present the trend of crush facing Ruler. 但是他那以功德金光打造而成的肉身实在是太过强势了,面对主宰都能够呈现碾压的趋势。 Bang!” “轰!” To hot day Monarch by Ye Xiwen to the bang, had been flown upside down once again at the scene, was rumbled into Chaos, gave to make the huge crack Chaos. 离火天君又一次被叶希文给轰中了,当场倒飞了出去,被轰入了混沌之中,将混沌都给打出了巨大的裂缝。 !” “噗!” Has put out a blood to hot day Monarch once again, is mixing with his Great Dao in the blood, his Essence. 离火天君再度吐出了一口鲜血,在鲜血之中夹杂着他的大道,他的本源 Was rumbled by a Ye Xiwen fist. 都被叶希文一拳轰了出来。 I am not willingly, my not willingly Ah! “我不甘心,我不甘心啊! Called out pitifully to hot day Monarch, his whole person was increasing, his Law Manifestation Heaven and Earth also very terrifying, that was fires of one group of Chaos, was his Essence is, he must give living burning through Ye Xiwen. 离火天君惨叫一声,他整个人都在变大,他的法相天地也很恐怖,那是一团混沌之火,是他的本源所在,他要将叶希文给活生生烧穿。 However Ye Xiwen is fearless, but a palm of the hand has grasped, penetrated the fires of that group of Chaos all of a sudden, will then leave hot day Monarch's Primordial Spirit grasping. 但是叶希文根本无所畏惧,只是一巴掌抓了出去,一下子穿透了那一团混沌之火,然后一把将离火天君的元神给抓了出来。 Bang!”, To hot day Monarch's Primordial Spirit by Ye Xiwen to at the scene the crumb, did not have the strength to hit back. “嘭!”的一下,离火天君的元神就被叶希文给当场捏碎了,毫无还手之力。 Another Ruler die! 又一个主宰陨落了! All people by this terrifying slaughtering efficiency shocking, an era have been not necessarily able born Ruler, like this died on Ye Xiwen's, almost did not have the strength to hit back. 所有的人都被这恐怖的杀戮效率给惊呆了,一个纪元都未必能够诞生一个的主宰,就这样子死在了叶希文的手上,几乎毫无还手之力。 Nowadays Ye Xiwen seriously already powerful to this Realm? 现如今的叶希文当真已经强悍到了这个境界了么? No wonder before these Ruler, does not dare to get rid toward Ye Xiwen, so the terrifying strength, these Ruler need more careful facing Ye Xiwen, this is absolutely right. 难怪那些主宰之前也不敢率先朝着叶希文出手了,这般恐怖的战力,那些主宰面对叶希文需要小心一些,这是绝对没错的。 When the people are shocked, unexpectedly, was ominous severe recovered to extreme aura together in Chaos, the people looked that insect Monarch ran out of good fortune Heaven and Earth to attempt. 就在众人震惊的时候,蓦地,又是一道凶厉到了极点的气息复苏在了混沌之中,众人一看,正是虫君冲出了造化乾坤图了。 Heavenly Venerate cannot prevent insect Monarch, just like before him , said that can only be Ye Xiwen constrains Little Duan time that's all reluctantly. 天尊根本阻挡不住虫君,正如他之前所说的,只能够勉强为叶希文拖住一小段的时间罢了 After all his skill and Ye Xiwen, compared with Qin Venerable, the obvious difference were far. 毕竟他的功力和叶希文,和秦尊相比,都明显差远了。 At this time his vomit blood was repulsed again and again in good fortune, but on his face not slightly startled. 这个时候他连连吐血败退进了造化界之中,不过他脸上并没有丝毫惊慌。 Before Ye Xiwen, cuts kills to hot day Monarch and puppet day Monarch time, he watches, looks like in him, this time, most at least was the self-preservation does not have no question. 叶希文之前斩杀离火天君和傀儡天君的时候,他都看在眼里,在他看起来,这一次,最起码也是自保没有什么问题了。 Compared with Heavenly Venerate, just ran out of the insect Monarch of good fortune Heaven and Earth chart to compel all of a sudden ignorant, he was stranded in the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart before, although the time is not very long, but truly ignorant had been compelled the sensation, therefore he does not know that puppet day Monarch and left hot day Monarch already die. 而与中天尊相比,刚刚冲出了造化乾坤图的虫君一下子懵逼了,他之前被困在造化乾坤图之中,虽然时间不是很长,但是确实被懵逼了感知,所以他并不知道傀儡天君和离火天君都已经陨落了。 However as soon as he comes out, felt that Heaven and Earth will, even he can feel that two big Ruler law have not diverged, unexpectedly the sad meaning, that was the Heavenly Dao will is also sad. 但是他一出来,就感觉到了那一股天地意志,甚至他都能够感觉到,两大主宰法则还未散去,居然又悲伤之意,那是天道意志在悲伤。 You... You have killed them unexpectedly really!” Insect Monarch dumbstruck looks at present Ye Xiwen, as if did not know that he was the same. “你。。。你居然真的杀了他们两个!”虫君目瞪口呆看着眼前的叶希文,仿佛是不认识他了一样。 Right, below you can also be the same, will not have anything to distinguish!” “没错,下面你也会是一样,不会有什么区别!” Ye Xiwen's sound incomparable callousness. 叶希文的声音无比的冷酷。 Good balls!” An insect Monarch long and loud cry, in entire Chaos does not know when by the infinite endless insect sea flooding, that boundless endless insect sea has swallowed all in Chaos, even was mad them to swallow including Chaos directly, was relying on this way, was crossing the Chaos universe. “好胆!”虫君一声长啸,整个混沌之中不知道什么时候已经被无穷无尽的虫海给充斥了,那无边无尽的虫海在混沌之中吞噬了一切,甚至连混沌之气他们都直接吞噬了,然后凭借着这种方式,在横渡混沌宇宙。 These infinite endless insect seas, even can destroy the entire era civilization, in Chaos, hears trembling with fear all. 这些无穷无尽的虫海,甚至能够毁灭整个纪元文明,在混沌之中,无不闻之丧胆。 such an insignificant ability!” 雕虫小技!” Ye Xiwen opens mouth, immediately has put out infinite endless Chaos Flame directly, these infinite endless insect seas in an instant, had been fired the ashes, does not remain. 叶希文张开嘴,顿时直接吐出了无穷无尽混沌火焰,这些无穷无尽的虫海刹那间,就已经被烧成了灰烬,根本丝毫不剩了。 But when Ye Xiwen burns these insect seas, unexpectedly, in Chaos, huge incomparable insect reappeared, then opened has been able to swallow a world easily the terrifying big mouth, has nipped toward Ye Xiwen. 而就在叶希文烧死这些虫海的时候,蓦地,混沌之中,一个巨大无比的虫头浮现了出来,然后张开了可以轻易吞下一个世界的恐怖血盆大口,朝着叶希文咬了下来。 This is must bite to death Ye Xiwen livingly. 这是要将叶希文给活生生咬死。 However Ye Xiwen is truly unhurriedly, turns the body, a side kicks, a leg just liked the supporting-heaven pillar same has swept away, entire Chaos was torn a huge incomparable crack, then actually saw only Ye Xiwen's this direct bang on the insect Monarch's head. 不过叶希文确实不慌不忙,一个扭身,一个侧踢,一条腿犹如擎天柱一样横扫了出去,整个混沌被撕裂出了一条巨大无比的裂缝,然后却只见叶希文的这一只直接轰在了虫君的头颅上。 Bang!” Insect Monarch's head directly by blasting open that a Ye Xiwen foot trampled, the innumerable flesh and blood flying in all directions came, but his huge the huge body of being hard imagination also flew upside down in Chaos, again and again retreat. “嘭!”虫君的头颅直接被叶希文一脚踹的炸裂了开来,无数的血肉横飞开来,而他那庞大的难以想象的巨大身躯也在混沌之中倒飞出去,连连后退 Strikes, caused heavy losses to insect Monarch! 一击而已,就重创了虫君! Insect Monarch has not seen the fights of beforehand Ye Xiwen and other two day Monarch, otherwise does not dare such to pull rank, this and Ye Xiwen junction began. 虫君没有看到之前叶希文和其他两个天君的战斗,否则的话也不敢这么托大,就这样和叶希文交上手了。 His that huge to the Peak body, has not played any role! 他那庞大到了极致的身躯,并没有起到任何作用! New book «practice Raging tide» also remaining one weeks on the top carriage, 200,000 characters, can have a look at everybody!( Not 新书《修炼狂潮》还剩下一个礼拜就上架啦,200000字啦,可以看看啦大家!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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