MGS :: Volume #40

#3854: Cuts puppet day Monarch

Ye Xiwen was saying, he directly moved, kills to go toward the puppet day Monarch's direction bang directly. 叶希文说着,他就直接动了,直接朝着傀儡天君的方向轰杀而去。 His movement was too quick, obviously before the person, in good fortune, but the next flash, appeared in the middle of Chaos. 他的动作太快了,明明人之前还在造化界之中,但是下一瞬间,已经出现在了混沌当中。 His, early has burnt speed law Peak, used Peak. 他这一手,早已经将速度法则燃烧到了极致,也利用到了极致 A puppet day Monarch long and loud cry, his body sent out Chaos rays of light, at this time, his big hand had extended suddenly all of a sudden, the bombardment, killed to go toward the Ye Xiwen bang at the scene. 傀儡天君一声长啸,他的身上散发出了混沌光芒,这个时候,他的大手猛然一下子伸了出来,轰击,当场朝着叶希文轰杀而去。 Entire Chaos has blasted open, the time river can also see, disruption that directly shelled, the big hand just liked sweeps across terrifying the years of time to rewind suddenly all of a sudden. 整个混沌炸裂了开来,时间长河也看得到,被直接轰击的碎裂了开来,大手猛然一下子犹如席卷出了恐怖的时间的岁月倒卷了出来。 This big hand directly the smashing that Ye Xiwen's attack hits, then the imposing manner does not reduce, caught on Ye Xiwen's directly. 这一只大手直接就将叶希文的攻击打的粉碎,然后气势不减,直接抓到了叶希文的身上。 Bang!”, This big hand and Ye Xiwen's body collided, erupted one unexpectedly just liked gold/metal Tiejiao calls the common sound. “嘭!”的一声,这一只大手与叶希文的身躯碰撞到了,竟然爆发出了一阵犹如金铁交鸣一般的声音。 This strikes makes the Ye Xiwen's body vacillation not have continually, is only coldly indifferent looks at puppet day Monarch, he can look, this puppet day Monarch's fearful place lay in he has refined the puppet oneself, moreover had Ruler Dao Artifact Level. 这一击连让叶希文的身躯动摇都没有,只是冷漠看着傀儡天君,他能够看得出来,这傀儡天君可怕的地方就在于他将自身已经炼制成了傀儡,而且已经有主宰道器级别 Therefore his whole body, almost simply does not have a point weakness, because of this, therefore he dares to meet the tough head-on with toughness with Ye Xiwen. 所以他的全身上下,几乎根本没有一点的弱点,正因为如此,所以他才敢和叶希文硬碰硬。 Although cannot injure to arrive at Ye Xiwen, but puppet day Monarch is not discouraged slightly, but ties smiles one to say strangely: Quack, Martial Lord, you, only then such degree, but also dares saying that wants the town to kill me and others? Really laughable, you think that has the possibility?” 虽然没有能够伤到叶希文,但是傀儡天君也是丝毫都不气馁,只是结界怪笑一声说道:“嘎嘎,武君,你只有这样子的程度,还敢说要镇杀我等?真是可笑了,你以为有可能么?” You think me, only then such method, you were too naive, today the first town kills you!” “你以为我只有这样的手段么,你太天真了,今天先镇杀你!” Ye Xiwen shouts out, his white haired flies upwards in Chaos, qi and blood boiling to most peak, on his body, Martial Venerable Seal flew all of a sudden, gets bigger and bigger, then toward leaving hot day Monarch has suppressed. 叶希文大喝一声,他的白发混沌之中飞扬,气血沸腾到了最巅峰,在他的身上,武尊印一下子飞了出来,越长越大,然后朝着离火天君镇压了下去。 Really not leaving hot day Monarch kills to the town, must stop him merely, does not make him meddle. 不是真的要将离火天君给镇杀,仅仅只是要阻拦他,不让他来插手。 Copes with Ruler and copes with two Ruler, that is the completely different two concepts. 对付一个主宰和对付两个主宰,那是完全不同的两个概念。 Bellows to hot day Monarch, wants to fly to the bang Martial Venerable Seal, does not make it stop itself. 离火天君大吼一声,想要将武尊印给轰飞出去,不让它阻拦自己。 However this time Martial Venerable Seal passed through own quenching, already is proper Ruler Dao Artifact, must say that kills by own strength town to hot day Monarch, that is impossible, but stops him merely, that is very easy. 但是此时的武尊印经过了自己的淬炼,早就已经是正经的主宰道器,要说凭借自身的力量镇杀离火天君,那是不可能的,但是仅仅只是阻拦他,那还是很容易的。 You think that stopped to leave hot day Monarch, was useful?” Puppet day Monarch is sneering. “你以为阻拦住了离火天君,就有用么?”傀儡天君冷笑着。 Unexpectedly, Ye Xiwen felt, own body a little did not listen to direct suddenly, he has opened the deva-eye directly, then saw, when did not know, his body left Great Dao law one after another, these Great Dao law changed to lines to hang from Void, then adhered to stick cohere in the surface of his body, unexpectedly the influence with controlling his movement, must turn into him raises the line puppet to be the same. 蓦地,叶希文就感觉到了,自己的身体突然有点不听使唤了,他直接睁开了天眼,然后就看到了,不知道什么时候,他的身上已经多出了一条一条的大道法则,这些大道法则化作了一条条的线条从虚空之中垂了下来,然后附着在了他身体的表面,居然影响和操控了他的动作,要将他变成提线木偶一样。 Whatever puppet day Monarch organizes. 任凭傀儡天君来摆布。 such an insignificant ability!” 雕虫小技!” Ye Xiwen sneers, his endless qi and blood increased, has washed out the line that these big Dao Law turned into directly, did not have the means to affect him again. 叶希文冷笑一声,他的身上无尽气血攀升了起来,直接将这些大道法则化成的线条冲散了,再也没有办法影响他。 However at this time puppet day Monarch has rushed ahead nearby Ye Xiwen's, a fist has displayed, is peerless martial arts, is hard to imagine. 但是此时傀儡天君已经冲杀到了叶希文的跟前,一拳施展了出来,又是一种绝世的武学,难以想象。 A fist collapsed extinguished the universe, has the picture that was hard to imagine to breed. 一拳崩灭了宇宙,有难以想象的景象在孕育。 But Ye Xiwen fearless, goes forward one step, then a palm racket fell. 叶希文无惧,上前一步,然后一掌拍落了下来。 Good fortune Heaven and Earth palm!” “造化乾坤掌!” A Ye Xiwen palm racket falls, then in an instant, patted above this fist, a huge incomparable rumbled sound. 叶希文一掌拍落下来,然后刹那间,就拍到了这一拳之上,一声巨大无比的轰鸣声。 Puppet day Monarch called out pitifully, personal appearance retreat tens of millions li (0.5km), have given then to tear a huge crack Chaos again and again directly, that has refined the puppet body not to know shattered many. 傀儡天君惨叫一声,然后身形连连后退了数千万里,直接将混沌都给撕裂出了一条巨大的裂缝,那已经炼制成了傀儡的身躯都不知道破碎了多少。 How like this, your qi and blood should unable such strong to be right, we asked you to suffer the heavy losses specially now, frail time began to you, was impossible to make a mistake!” Puppet day Monarch incredible saying. “怎么会这样,你的气血应该不能够这么强了才对,我们专门找你现在遭受了重创,年老体衰的时候来对你动手,不可能出错!”傀儡天君不可置信的说道。 In his look full is inconceivable, because he has after the computation, in this case, Ye Xiwen most is good at the fight skill should display does not come out to be right. 他眼神之中满是不可思议,因为他有经过计算,这种情况下,叶希文最为擅长战斗技巧应该发挥不出来了才对。 The Martial Dao era, most excels is Martial Dao, most excels fights hand-to-hand, but is not only only fleshly body is formidable, but depended on Mar­tial Skill that fleshly body developed formidable also to go to the situation of reaching the pinnacle. 武道纪元,最擅长的就是武道,最擅长的就是肉搏,而不仅仅只是肉身强大,而是依托肉身强大而发展起来的武技也已经达到了登峰造极的地步。 However must display these Mar­tial Skill, must want formidable qi and blood, the so-called fist fears young and strong, where this truth uses in common, early is not peak condition Ye Xiwen, properly speaking should not be impossible to be capable of so formidable fighting hand-to-hand being right again. 但是要施展这些武技,必须得要强大的气血,所谓拳怕少壮,这个道理在哪儿都通用,早已经不是巅峰状态的叶希文,照理说应该不可能再有这般强大的肉搏能力才对。 Even if promotes forcefully qi and blood, but frail is frail, this is not rebuttable, question that is also unable to avoid. 即便强行将气血提升起来,但是年老体衰就是年老体衰,这是无可辩解,也是无法回避的问题 Perhaps yes, frail I, do not have the means to strike to kill you like this!” Ye Xiwen coldly smiles to say. To direct you, has paid many prices!” “是啊,年老体衰的我,或许没有办法这样击杀你们吧!”叶希文冷冷一笑说道。“为了将你们引出来,付出了多少代价!” Ye Xiwen was saying, his sending silk has grow darked unexpectedly, the wrinkle on face also vanished, unexpectedly in short time, restored peak. 叶希文说着,他的发丝居然变黑了,脸上的皱纹也哦度消失了,居然在短短时间内,又恢复到了巅峰 His covers in the immortal light all over the body, innumerable merit Golden Light dance in the air, forms god rainbow trillion. 他的通体都笼罩在仙光之中,无数的功德金光飞舞而出,形成神虹亿万条。 Is impossible, you have encountered natural law backlash, this injury is impossible to disguise!” Puppet day Monarch stared in a big way eye, was incredible. “不可能,你是遭到了规则反噬,这种伤势不可能假装出来的!”傀儡天君瞪大了眼睛,还是不可置信。 He does not believe one have misread, let alone he has misread, impossible four Ruler to misread. 他不相信自己看错了,何况他一个人看错了,不可能四个主宰都看错了吧。 This injury is certainly impossible to camouflage!” “这伤势当然不可能伪装!” Ye Xiwen laughs at one to say. 叶希文嗤笑一声说道。 His injury does not certainly camouflage, the injury of camouflage cannot deceive puppet day Monarch insect Monarch's such certainly generation of Expert, therefore his injury real, but cannot cure is false. 他身上的伤势当然不是伪装出来的,伪装的伤势骗不过傀儡天君虫君这样的绝代高手,所以他的伤势是真的,但是治不好却是假的。 He has absorbed that many merit Golden Light, naturally can cure injury. 他吸收了那么多的功德金光,自然能够治好身上的伤势。 However he had not chosen to restore, he is a such opportunity. 但是他一直都没有选择恢复,他在等的就是这样的一个机会。 This simply is a bureau that he arranges, for these Ruler attracting. 根本就是他布置的一个局,为的就是将那些主宰给吸引过来。 Regarding him, these Ruler are some poisonous insects, momentarily possibly threatens existence of Martial Dao era, but they hide in Chaos, is impossible to get the gate, therefore he must want to manage compelling these Ruler, or gives to attract. 对于他来说,那些主宰就是一些毒虫,随时都可能威胁到武道纪元的存在,但是他们躲在混沌之中,又不可能打上门去,所以他得想办将那些主宰给逼出来,或者说给吸引出来。 He knows that these Ruler dread his battle efficiency very much, will therefore not get rid easily, after all the beforehand Yama day Monarch was rumbled to kill by him, storm day Monarch also conveniently cutting to have killed by him, but now passed these many years. 他知道,那些主宰很忌惮他的战斗力,所以轻易不会出手,毕竟之前阎罗天君被他轰杀,暴风天君也被他顺手给斩杀了,而现在又是过去了这么多年。 What strength they have regarding themselves, in the heart only feared that did not have many bottoms. 他们对于自己到底有什么样的实力,心中只怕也没有多少底了吧。 However Ye Xiwen does not think that in to ignore these darkness existence of poisonous snake, simply attracts, cuts to kill one time. 但是叶希文也不想放任这些黑暗之中毒蛇的存在,干脆一口气吸引过来,一次性斩杀。 Four Venerable Lord butcher, enough was the Martial Dao era reduces very many future troubles. 尊主宰,足够为武道纪元减少非常多的后患了。 By natural law backlash also real, even his this time overcomes nature also real, if can become, that was naturally best, cannot become, he must take this as the bureau, then these Ruler attracting, cut to kill. 规则反噬也是真的,甚至他这一次补天也是真的,如果能成,那自然最好,成不了,他也要以此为局,然后将那些主宰给吸引过来,斩杀。 Ruler of these Ancient eras, when each Heaven and Earth changes, will come out to stir up trouble, it can be said that present age the era natural enemy, is beyond control Ye Xiwen not to be careful. 这些古代纪元的主宰,在每一次天地更替的时候,都会出来兴风作浪,可以说是当世纪元天然的敌人,由不得叶希文不小心。 You were also too self-confident, even if you are not the severely wounded dying condition, but you must fight with our four people, you think that you do have odds of suc­cess?” Puppet day Monarch's injury quickly restores. “不过你也太自信了,就算你不是重伤垂死的状态,但是你要和我们四人交手,你以为你有胜算么?”傀儡天君身上的伤势迅速恢复。 Although was hit one to be caught off guard by Ye Xiwen, suffered a loss, but by his inside story, but also is insufficient to lose one's life in light of this. 虽然被叶希文打了一个措手不及,吃了大亏,但是以他的底蕴,还不至于就此送命。 odds of suc­cess this type of thing, how does not try to know!” 胜算这种东西,不试试怎么知道呢!” Ye Xiwen chuckle, said. 叶希文轻笑一身,说道。 Your Half-Step Ruler, dares to plan our four Ruler unexpectedly, you ended, we will certainly tear to shreds you, frustrate the bone to raise the ash!” “你一个半步主宰,居然敢算计我们四个主宰,你完了,我们一定会将你碎尸万段,挫骨扬灰!” Temperament irritable already could not repress to hot day Monarch, roars was saying. 脾气火爆的离火天君早就按耐不住,咆哮着说道。 You can live to say again!” “你能活下来再说吧!” Ye Xiwen coldly indifferent saw a suffering an optical illusion hot day Monarch, then rumbles to kill to go toward puppet day Monarch directly. 叶希文冷漠的看了一眼离火天君,然后直接朝着傀儡天君轰杀而去。 On Ye Xiwen's innumerable sacred rays of light soar, changed to the fearful raging tide, each Dao Light glow, can tear Chaos, causes heavy losses to a world. 叶希文的身上无数的神圣光芒飞腾而出,化作了可怕的狂潮,每一道光芒,都可以撕裂混沌,重创一个世界。 But puppet day Monarch also refuses to admit being inferior, has killed from the distant place, this time he has not kept the hand again, takes the body as the attack method, a pair of fist blooms unexpectedly the immortal light trillion zhang (3.33 m), then attacks to kill to go toward Ye Xiwen. 而傀儡天君也是不甘示弱,从远处扑杀了过来,这一次他再也没有留手,以身体为进攻手段,一双拳头竟然绽放出仙光亿万丈,然后朝着叶希文攻杀而去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” The puppet day Monarch's fist with the Ye Xiwen's good fortune Heaven and Earth palm knock-on collision, seemed two world is the same at the collision, the sonorous sound energy shakes the endless galaxy, boundless Chaos collapsed in the silence, destruction. 傀儡天君的拳头和叶希文的造化乾坤掌直接碰撞到了一起,好似两个世界在碰撞一样,铿锵之声能震断无尽星河,无边混沌在无声之中崩溃了,覆灭了。 Is looking at extremely terrifying from afar! 远远望着极为恐怖 Both sides more hit are quicker, divine light has torn Chaos unceasingly, when all people think, puppet day Monarch this time can with the Ye Xiwen frontage resistance time. 双方越打越快,身上的神芒不断撕裂了混沌,就当所有人都以为,傀儡天君这一次能够和叶希文正面对抗的时候。 The arm that unexpectedly, a puppet day Monarch pitiful yell, his two shell unceasingly has blasted open unexpectedly in the sky. 蓦地,傀儡天君一声惨叫,他的两条不断轰击出去的手臂竟然当空炸裂了开来。 In fact, during he collided before and Ye Xiwen's, had suffered a loss, but he does not dare to stop, because stopped, not only that suffered a loss is so simple. 事实上,他在之前与叶希文的碰撞之中,就已经吃了大亏了,但是他不敢停下来,因为停下来,那就不只是吃大亏这么简单了。 But these injuries condensed, has concentrated, making him blast open thoroughly. 而这些伤势凝聚了起来,集中了起来,让他彻底炸裂了开来了。 Really was extremely maneating, during the frontage fought hand-to-hand, basic nobody was Ye Xiwen's opponent, differed is too far. 实在是太过凶悍了,在正面肉搏之中,根本无人是叶希文的对手,相差太远了。 But the feeling of puppet day Monarch is right, truly cannot stop, because was rumbled in him the flash of flying, Ye Xiwen's next attack the instantaneous bang has killed, but. 而傀儡天君的感觉是对的,确实不能够停下来,因为就在他被轰飞出去的一瞬间,叶希文的下一个攻击已经瞬间轰杀而至了。 The Ye Xiwen's big hand seems chops the coffin to be the same, chops coffin greatly, fell suddenly all of a sudden. 叶希文的大手好似劈棺材一样,大劈棺材手,猛然一下子落了下来。 That puppet day Monarch is proud, has refined Ruler Dao Artifact fleshly body to be patted by this, the scrap fell at the scene, reacted entire Chaos. 那傀儡天君引以为傲,已经炼制成了主宰道器肉身被这一手拍中了,当场炸碎掉了,震动整个混沌 The endless time, space storm is rewinding, this big hand pierces puppet day Monarch, rumbles to kill him instantaneously. 无尽的时间,空间的风暴在倒卷,这一只大手将傀儡天君洞穿,瞬间将他轰杀。 Makes war now, and not long, puppet day Monarch die, countless person looks at were scared, some countless people are dancing with joy!( ~^~) 开战到现在,并没有多久,傀儡天君却陨落了,无数人看着胆寒,也有无数人在欢欣鼓舞!(~^~)
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