MGS :: Volume #40

#3853: Four big Ruler

A blue lotus, has then blocked that everywhere Sea of Blood, limitless, bloomed in the Chaos blue lotus, has absorbed all Sea of Blood. 一朵青莲,便挡住了那漫天的血海,无边无际,绽放在了混沌之中的青莲,吸收了所有的血海 On this Chaos blue lotus, silhouette stepped on this Chaos blue lotus to reappear together in the front of all people. 在这一朵混沌青莲上,一道身影踩着这一朵混沌青莲浮现在了所有人的面前。 Who this person was actually not Qin Venerable is. 这个人却不是秦尊又是谁呢。 This fought finally, really does not have the means to avoid!” “这一战到最后,果然没有办法避免了!” In Qin Venerable the hand held the sword, open mouth to talk said. 秦尊手中持剑,开口说道。 Is Half-Step Ruler, present Half-Step didn't Ruler so know profoundly?” Blood Monarch looked at Qin Venerable, has not paid attention to Qin Venerable, Half-Step Ruler eventually is also only Half-Step Ruler, can practice to Ye Xiwen that situation, simply be ancient rare, presented one, is impossible to present second again. “又是一个半步主宰,现在的半步主宰都已经如此不知道天高地厚了么?”血君看了一眼秦尊,也未曾将秦尊放在眼里,半步主宰终究也只是半步主宰而已,能够修炼叶希文那个地步的,根本就是亘古罕有,出现了一个也就算了,不可能再出现第二个。 If the miracle can frequently appear, that was not the miracle, but was realistic. 奇迹如果能够经常出现的话,那就不是奇迹了,而是现实了。 Yeah, you were really come today mistakenly!” Qin Venerable sighed, long saying. “哎,今天你们真是来错了!”秦尊叹了一口气,悠悠的说道。 Qin Venerable the body erupted terrifying to extreme aura, shook entire Chaos directly, in the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty deep place, in Martial Sect, infinite endless the strength of belief billowing, then flooded into Qin Venerable within the body. 紧接着,秦尊的身上爆发出了一股恐怖到了极点的气息,直接震荡了整个混沌,在造化神朝深处,武宗之中,无穷无尽的信仰之力滚滚而出,然后涌入了秦尊的体内。 Coming in waves the strength of belief made on Qin Venerable erupt the infinite endless phenomenon, Violet Qi east came 300 million li (0.5km), the good luck to soar to the heavens enters in Chaos. 滚滚而来的信仰之力让秦尊身上爆发出了无穷无尽的异象,紫气东来300000000里,瑞气冲天直入混沌之中。 All people by Qin Venerable change frightening simply inconceivable. 所有人都被秦尊身上的变化给吓到了简直不可思议。 In whole body that Qin Venerable, was five side Divine Beast, the Qilin, Green Dragon, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, White Tiger, revolved around his side respectively, was endless the strength of belief, for thousands of years, the strength of belief condensed one, but this war, thorough transformed. 在秦尊的周身,是五方神兽,麒麟,青龙,朱雀,玄武,白虎,分别围绕在他的身边,都是无尽的信仰之力所化的,千万年来,信仰之力凝聚到了一起,而这一战,彻彻底底的幻化了出来。 „Was this Qin Venerable? He was really too formidable!” “这还是秦尊么?他实在是太强大了!” „This many strength of belief!” “这得多少信仰之力!” These years, Good Fortune Divine Dynasty is at the peak stage, but Martial Sect also became one of the three Great Saint places, now, these inside story dynasties, but left, was really extremely scary!” “这些年,造化神朝处于巅峰的阶段,而武宗也成为了三大圣地之一,现在,这些底蕴一朝而出了吧,实在是太过骇人了!” Many Expert looks at this, simply have shocked, is not only Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, in Chaos Expert of Ancient era, by Qin Venerable daunting. 许多高手看着这一幕,都简直震惊了,不仅仅是造化神朝内部,还有混沌之中古代纪元的高手,都被秦尊给吓住了。 Especially also has discipline day Monarch, he is distant looks at this, frightening. 尤其是其中还有戒律天君,他更是远远的看着这一幕,给吓到了。 His originally also thought that oneself and Qin Venerable was about the same, has arrived at entire Half-Step Ruler peak, has had no way out. 原本还觉得,自己和秦尊不过是伯仲之间,都已经走到了整个半步主宰巅峰,已经是无路可走了。 Left Ye Xiwen, is a miracle, he did not think that also some people can go to such situation. 出了一个叶希文,就已经是一个奇迹了,他不觉得还有人能够达到那样的地步。 However now, Qin Venerable told him by own strength, he wants to be many, that step truly can walk, although step might as well Ye Xiwen is so big, however has also gone far beyond the imagination of common person. 但是现在,秦尊却以自己的实力告诉了他,他想多了,那一步确实还是可以走出去的,虽然步伐还不如叶希文这般大,然而也已经远远超过了寻常人的想象了。 How possible, he has achieved really this step!” “怎么可能,他真的做到了这一步!” Only has is also in this peak Domain truly, he knows, to step forward this step, has difficulty how. 唯有真正也处于这个巅峰领域之中,他才知道,要想跨出这一步,到底有多么的困难。 Either was steps the past, became Ruler, either is unable to surmount. 要么就是跨过去,成为主宰,要么就是无法跨越过去。 But resembled Qin Venerable such, went out of Half-Step is most difficult. 而似秦尊那样子,走出了半步才是最难的。 As for Ye Xiwen, had been disregarded by him thoroughly, from the beginning, Ye Xiwen should not calculate in their social stratum, because he was too strong, strong to has been hard to imagine the situation that. 而至于叶希文,已经被他彻底无视了,从一开始,叶希文就不该算进他们的阶层之中,因为他太强了,强到了难以想象的地步。 Now you also thought that I not with the ability that you do fight?” Qin Venerable looks at present blood Monarch said. “现在你还觉得,我没有与你一战的能力么?”秦尊看着眼前的血君说道。 His vision incomparable firmness. 他的目光无比的坚定。 Will be innumerable the strength of year of belief, condensed time, making you obtain the sublimation, but has been a pity, was only such that's all. “将无数年的信仰之力,凝聚到了一个时间,让你得到了升华,但是可惜了,也不过就只是这样子罢了 Half-Step Ruler again fierce, is only Half-Step Ruler that's all! ” 半步主宰就算再厉害,也只是一个半步主宰罢了!” Blood Monarch sighed, he has not given to care Qin Venerable, him, Qin Venerable truly also fell far short. 血君叹了一口气,他还是没有将秦尊给放在心上,于他来说,秦尊确实还差得远呢。 Do not say rubbish, a war!” “不要多说废话了,一战吧!” Qin Venerable this Chaos blue lotus, entered in Chaos. 秦尊脚下他这混沌青莲,进入了混沌之中。 Blood Monarch slightly looked at Qin Venerable, then has stepped into the Chaos deep place with him. 血君只是稍微看了一眼秦尊,然后就跟着他踏入了混沌深处。 Here, their nobody can display completely, regarding Qin Venerable, feared that hits to be destroyed in a moment entire era battlefield. 在这里,他们没有一个人能够完全施展开来,对于秦尊来说,也怕打起来将整个纪元战场毁于一旦。 But blood Monarch also feared that is away from the Martial Dao era to be too near, will be moved the Martial Dao era by Qin Venerable the strength of Heavenly Dao, shoots down him. 而血君也怕距离武道纪元太近,会被秦尊移动武道纪元的天道之力,将他击落。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” A collision of terrifying, has blasted open directly, many people can feel that a Chaos deep place intermittent fearful explosive sound transmits, various Sea of Blood phenomenon and phenomenon of Chaos blue lotus obviously melts unceasingly, is colliding. 一阵恐怖的碰撞,直接炸裂了出来,许多人都能够感觉到,混沌深处一阵阵可怕的爆炸声传来,各种血海的异象和混沌青莲的异象不断显化出来,在碰撞。 Chaos slightly is shivering! 混沌都在微微颤抖! Many people felt that the feeling of that trembling, many people also understood, this is the collision of Ruler Level, although Qin Venerable reluctantly strided in that level, has depended on the strength of innumerable belief, but to after all to. 许多人都感觉到了那种颤栗的感觉,许多人也都明白了,这是主宰级别的碰撞,虽然秦尊只是勉强跨入了那个层次,还是靠了无数的信仰之力,但是到了毕竟就是到了。 Snort!” “哼!” Insect Monarch sneers, his huge body moved, this must break during the Martial Dao era directly, said accurately that must go in view of Ye Xiwen. 虫君冷笑一声,他那庞大的身躯动了起来,这就要直接冲入武道纪元之中,准确的说,是要针对叶希文而去。 But at this time, a picture roll directly flew, then gets bigger and bigger, seems a huge incomparable world is the same. 而就在这个时候,一张图卷直接飞了出来,然后越长越大,好似一个巨大无比的世界一样。 That insect Monarch has fired into during the Martial Dao era, then all of a sudden by this picture roll loading. 那虫君冲向了武道纪元之中,然后一下子就被这一张图卷给装入了其中。 „The good fortune Heaven and Earth chart, is the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart!” “造化乾坤图,正是造化乾坤图!” Many people have called out in alarm, this huge picture roll, is actually not the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart is anything. 许多人惊呼了出来,这一张巨大的图卷,却不是造化乾坤图又是什么呢。 Good fortune Heaven and Earth chart all of a sudden insect Monarch loading. 造化乾坤图一下子将虫君给装入了其中。 Insect Monarch roared immediately, that terrifying unceasing swaying from side to side of body in the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart, every time sways from side to side in the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart is destroys the day to extinguish the place the appearance, heaven-shaking moves, the mountains and rivers crack. 虫君顿时咆哮了起来,那恐怖的身躯在造化乾坤图之中不断的扭动,每一次扭动造化乾坤图之中就是一阵毁天灭地的模样,惊天动地,山河崩裂。 „Do you want to stop me? Wishful thinking!” “你想阻拦住我?痴心妄想!” Insect Monarch drinks coldly, only felt incomparable is laughable he is solemn Ruler, how possibly by the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart extinguishing. 虫君一声冷喝,只感觉无比的可笑他可是堂堂的主宰,怎么可能被造化乾坤图给灭了。 Even including the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart , to surround him is a very difficult matter, he was not Half-Step Ruler is impossible easily defeating by the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart. 甚至连造化乾坤图要想困住他都是一件非常困难的事情,他毕竟不是半步主宰不可能轻易被造化乾坤图给击败了。 But at this time, together personal appearance reappeared, who this person is actually not Heavenly Venerate is. 而就在这个时候,一道身形浮现了出来,这个人却不是中天尊又是谁呢。 At this time, Heavenly Venerate was pinching the seal Secret Art, stubbornly has blocked insect Monarch with the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart. 这个时候,中天尊捏着印诀,死死的用造化乾坤图拦住了虫君。 But in his back, the strength of innumerable belief flooded into his within the body with infinite endless spiritual energy, making him be able to support the consumption of good fortune Heaven and Earth chart. 而在他的背后,无数的信仰之力伴随着无穷无尽灵气涌入了他的体内,让他能够支撑得住造化乾坤图的消耗。 Martial Lord, I can help you stop it not to be impossible to be very long, remaining can only test you!” Heavenly Venerate said that to stop insect Monarch, he is also spells to try. 武君,我能够帮你阻拦它也不可能很久,剩下的就只能考你自己了!”中天尊说道,为了阻拦住虫君,他也已经是拼尽全力了。 Also can only achieve this by his Half-Step Ruler strength. 以他半步主宰的实力也只能够做到这一步了。 Ye Xiwen nodded, he also in unceasing is pinching the seal Secret Art, in making up Great Dao of Martial Dao era, his facial expression serious, in Qin Zunhe Heavenly Venerate can for him who he prevents prevent now. 叶希文点了点头,他也在不断的捏着印诀,在补完武道纪元的大道,他的神情更加凝重,现在秦尊和中天尊能够为他阻挡的都已经为他阻挡了。 Martial Lord, you are the action of heaven defying, is impossible to succeed!” A cloudy and cold incomparable sound reappeared from Chaos. 武君,你这是逆天之举,根本不可能成功的!”一声阴冷无比的声音从混沌之中浮现了出来。 Unexpectedly, one group of Flame reappeared from Chaos, then changed to a human form. 蓦地,一团火焰混沌之中浮现了出来,然后化作了一个人形。 To hot era leaves hot day Monarch!” Ye Xiwen looks at this person's shadow said at present. Has not thought to kill me, set out three Ruler unexpectedly, is really big writing skill Ah! “离火纪元的离火天君!”叶希文看着眼前这个人影说道。“没想到为了杀我,居然出动了三个主宰,真是好大的手笔啊! Light is this, I thought that some were not safe, wait to strike to kill Martial Lord afterwards, so long as I his fleshly body practiced the puppet, other you can take away!” “光是这样,我还是觉得有些不稳妥,等击杀了武君之后,我只要他的肉身练成傀儡,其他的你们都可以自己拿去!” Also is a terrifying sound comes out from Chaos. 又是一声恐怖的声音从混沌中出来。 Actually sees, that is a taking the form of puppet same person, looks like extremely obsolete, seemed passes through devastation of time to be the same. 却见,那是一个形似木偶一样的人,看起来极为陈旧,好似经过了时间的摧残一样。 However his body is bringing some puppet at all impossible good terrifying aura, with leaving compared with hot day Monarch, is slightly is not bad. 但是他的身上却带着木偶根本不可能有的好恐怖气息,和离火天君相比,也是根本丝毫都不差。 „The puppet day Monarch of puppet era, ha, set out four Great Expert unexpectedly!” “傀儡纪元的傀儡天君,哈哈哈,居然出动了四大高手!” Ye Xiwen has laughed, his mouth corner flashed through has wiped to sneer, like taunting them. 叶希文哈哈大笑了起来,他的嘴角闪过了一抹冷笑,像是在嘲讽两人一样。 To cope with me, set out four big Ruler unexpectedly, you have fear me, even if I am such condition, did not feel relieved can cut to kill me as before to a hot day Monarch person?” Ye Xiwen looks at puppet day Monarch said. “为了对付我,居然出动了四大主宰,你们到底是有多怕我,即便我已经是这样子的状态了,依旧不放心离火天君一个人能够斩杀我么?”叶希文看着傀儡天君说道。 Puppet day Monarch is not angry, is only light open mouth to talk, the sound of that blockhead collision, only makes people think the incomparable infiltration person. 傀儡天君也并不恼怒,只是淡淡的开口,那一阵木头碰撞的声音,只让人觉得无比的渗人。 To guarantee absolutely safe that's all, your such person, since decided that must begin to you, must do utmost, in order to avoid there is any repercussions, therefore we, once gets rid, you must die!” “只是为了确保万无一失罢了,你这样的人,既然决定要对你动手,就要竭尽全力,以免有什么后遗症,所以我们一旦出手,你就要死!” In puppet day Monarch's words ice-cold heartless, but regarding Ye Xiwen, he very dreaded that after all the Ye Xiwen's success was really too magnificent. 傀儡天君的话语之中冰冷无情,但是对于叶希文,他还是十分的忌惮的,毕竟叶希文的战绩实在是太辉煌了。 His Ruler never cuts to kill existence with Level, but Ye Xiwen this Half-Step Ruler has actually achieved, moreover more than once, such character, how again attaches great importance to not being overrated. 他这个主宰都从未斩杀过同级别的存在,而叶希文这个半步主宰却做到了,而且不止一次,这样的人物,再怎么重视都不为过。 Not other people? If there are other people, can get rid together!” Ye Xiwen light saying, as if simply does not have the present puppet day Monarch and they pays attention to hot day Mr. “没有其他人了么?要是有其他人的话,可以一起出手!”叶希文淡淡的说道,似乎根本没有将眼前的傀儡天君和离火天君两人放在眼里。 Both of us also on enough!” Previous step said to the hot day monarch. “我们两人也就够了!”离火天君上前一步说道。 Since only then your four, that has made me happen to kill your entirely town!” Ye Xiwen shouts out one, in the foreheads, was infinite endless killing intent has released, his body, qi and blood was burning, in a flash, burnt Peak, he beyond example was also formidable. “既然只有你们这四个了,那就让我正好将你们统统镇杀!”叶希文大喝一声,眉宇之间,是无穷无尽杀意释放了出来,他的身上,气血在燃烧,一瞬间,燃烧到了极致,他也空前强大。 „Does town kill us? Ha, Martial Lord, I thought you really am insane, even if you could not achieve in the peak time, let alone was at this time, the natural law backlash taste did not feel better, you think how long you can also maintain this peak condition!” Puppet day Monarch Jie Jie has smiled strangely. “镇杀我们?哈哈哈,武君,我看你真是疯了,就算你在巅峰时期也做不到,何况是这个时候,规则反噬的滋味不好受吧,你以为你还能够保持这种巅峰状态多久!”傀儡天君桀桀怪笑了起来。 He looked that seems to the Ye Xiwen's look was looking a pitiful creature is the same, but is putting up a last-ditch struggle that's all of person. 他看向叶希文的眼神就好似在看一个可怜虫一样,不过是一个人的垂死挣扎罢了 Enough cut to kill you, regarding the Martial Dao era, you were the trusted friend big troubles, today may the town kill four Ruler, quick!” “足够斩杀你们了,对于武道纪元来说,尔等都是心腹大患,今日可镇杀四个主宰,快哉!” Ye Xiwen has laughed, his eyes just likes the stars is generally vast, the facial expression is very firm and resolute. 叶希文哈哈大笑了起来,他的双眸犹如星辰一般浩瀚,神情无比坚毅。 Unexpectedly, his body moved finally. 蓦地,他的身躯终于动了。 New book «practice Raging tide» also one week on the top carriage, various types sought the support, sought the collection!( Not 新书《修炼狂潮》还有一礼拜就上架啦,各种求支持,求收藏!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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