MGS :: Volume #40

#3852: Ruler besieges

Was bad, Martial Lord has encountered backlash!” “糟了,武君则是遭到了反噬!” Many people saw is not right, they looked obviously, Martial Lord has encountered natural law backlash, if he wants to complement the Martial Dao era Great Dao, did not seem like anything, the regulations are not easy. 许多人都看出了不对,他们都明显看出来了,武君是遭到了规则反噬,他要想补全武道纪元的大道,看似没有什么,实则并没有那么容易。 Otherwise, some countless people had already done, however in fact, merely only then Martial Lord is handling this matter. 否则的话,早就有无数人去做了,然而事实上,也仅仅只有武君在做这个事情。 Ye Xiwen blood essence has spurted, this time backlash is really ruthless enough, can say that disposable wanted he over a hundred million years of life. 叶希文一口精血喷了出来,这一次反噬的真是够狠的,可以说,一次性就要了他上亿年的寿命。 However he not any being discouraged, because he knows, although by serious of natural law backlash, but similarly, deepened him regarding the understanding of Great Dao. 不过他并没有任何的气馁,因为他知道,虽然被规则反噬的严重,但是同样的,也是加深了他对于大道的理解。 Some groups, have gone astray, instead can understand correctly how. 有些路,走错了,反而更能理解正确的如何了。 Many people started to be worried for him, prayed for him, because all people know that Ye Xiwen was the backbone of Martial Dao era, if Ye Xiwen accident sentiment, then the consequence will be dreadful. 许多人都开始为他担心了起来,为他祈祷了起来,因为所有人都知道,叶希文武道纪元的顶梁柱,如果叶希文出了什么事情,那么后果将会不堪设想。 However they cannot help, to existence of such situation, in fact, is not the common person can understand. 但是他们又帮不上忙,到了那样地步的存在,事实上,已经不是寻常人能够理解的了的了。 Many person looks at Ye Xiwen, looks at his white haired is as before gray, the appearance of wrinkle whole body, cannot help but thinks somewhat the feeling of palpitation. 只是许多人看着叶希文,看着他依旧还是白发苍苍,皱纹满身的模样,不由得觉得有几分心悸的感觉。 By Ye Xiwen present cultivation base, can be said as Dao Law is seriously exceedingly high, what wound, even is a wound, in an instant can restore. 叶希文现在的修为,当真可以说是道法通天,什么样的创伤,甚至是道伤,一念之间都可以恢复。 However this time was injured by natural law, unexpectedly to the present, but also does not have the means to restore, in which order of severity, even if thinks that can also understand. 然而这一次规则所伤,居然到了现在,还没有办法恢复,其中的严重程度,即便只是想想也能够明白。 However many people hope that Ye Xiwen can succeed, at this time they also understood, Ye Xiwen is Heaven and Earth continues the life, this is the motion that shocks everybody. 但是许多人更希望叶希文能成功,此时他们也都已经明白了,叶希文是在为天地续命,这是何等惊世骇俗的行动。 Never has a person to have breadth of spirit so through the ages, might be considered as unprecedented melts now. 古往今来都从来没有一个人有这般气魄,堪称是旷古烁今。 Once if can be successful, then can be the Martial Dao era continued from above many years lives, even in the hearts of many people also cannot help but ascended such idea, if has succeeded one time, not necessarily has not succeeded the second time possibility, in that case, the Martial Dao era can exist forever in Shi. 而如果一旦能够成功的话,那么就能够为武道纪元续上许多年的命,甚至许多人的心中也不由得升腾起了这样的想法,如果成功了一次,就未必没有成功第二次的可能性,那样的话,武道纪元岂不是可以长存于世了。 Such words they can also not use. 那样的话他们这些人也可以不用死了。 They and Heaven and Earth exist forever, with Old as Heaven and Earth, so long as Heaven and Earth does not extinguish, they can exist forever through ancient times, regarding them, survives the matter that the next era is hard to imagine, they can pin the hope, be only the Martial Dao era existed forever through ancient times. 他们与天地长存,与天地同寿,只要天地不灭,他们就可以亘古长存,对于他们来说,存活到下一个纪元是难以想象的事情,他们能够寄托希望的,也就只有武道纪元亘古长存了。 Unexpectedly, a big hand of terrifying, has extended from Chaos, immediately pierced Good Fortune Divine Dynasty various formation and knot. 蓦地,一只恐怖的大手,从混沌之中伸了过来,顿时洞穿了造化神朝的各种阵法和结界。 Good Fortune Divine Dynasty formation and knot recovered in the flash, changed to the fearful offensive, the direct bang has approached this big hand. 造化神朝阵法和结界都在一瞬间复苏,化作了可怕的攻势,直接轰向了这一只大手。 However is unable to prevent this big hand! 但是都无法阻止这一只大手! This big hand extremely terrifying, was condensed by natural law completely, the unprecedented great strength, surmounts they had seen any Expert. 这一只大手太过恐怖了,完完全全由规则凝聚而成,前所未有的强大,超越了他们所见过的任何一个高手 This big hand, patted on Ye Xiwen's directly. 这一只大手,直接拍到了叶希文的身上。 Ye Xiwen was only the body rocked slightly, then changed into Void this big hand strength. 叶希文只是身躯微微晃动了一下,然后就将这一只大手的力量化为了虚无 On Ye Xiwen's in each pore is emitting sword Dao Law. 紧接着叶希文的身上每一个毛孔之中都在喷吐着剑道法则。 Sword Dao Law instantaneously changes to one has been thousands of zhang (3.33 m) giant treasured sword, then a sword cut to fall on this big hand maliciously. 道法则瞬间化作了一口长达千万丈的巨型宝剑,然后狠狠一剑斩落在了这一只大手上。 Bang!” “轰隆!” This big hand has blasted open immediately all of a sudden, changed to everywhere blood mist to drop, has nourished Great Dao of Martial Dao era. 这一只大手当即一下子炸裂了开来,化作了漫天的血雾跌落了下来,滋养了武道纪元的大道 Must kill me, presently True Body, depending on this method, but is insufficient!” Ye Xiwen open mouth to talk, at this time, many talented people understand slowly, there is Ruler to meddle. “要杀我,就现真身吧,光凭这种手段,可不够!”叶希文缓缓开口,这个时候,许多人才明白,又有主宰插手了。 Many people start to call out in alarm, Ruler Level Expert can be imagined, has terrifying how. 许多人开始惊呼,主宰级别高手可想而知,有多么的恐怖 If previous time by Ye Xiwen stopping, merely is that Ruler by a person of strength, can cause heavy losses to the Martial Dao era. 上一次如果不是被叶希文给阻拦住了,仅仅是那个主宰自己以一人之力,就可以重创武道纪元。 But this time, although Ye Xiwen also, but looks at his appearance, obviously already not in peak, but clearly, the opposite party also knows this point, or is waiting for Ye Xiwen by natural law backlash this day, gets rid. 这一次,虽然叶希文还在,但是看他的样子,明显就已经不在巅峰了,而很明显,对方也知道这一点,或者说,就是在等着叶希文规则反噬的这一天,才出手的。 The opposite party is Ruler Level Expert, passed through these many years being dormant, waits is this time, can Ye Xiwen escape death by a hair's breadth really? 对方是主宰级别高手,又经过了这么多年的蛰伏,等的就是这个时间,叶希文真的能够幸免于难么? Many people also can only be hold the breath to collect the god to wait for that like this fight they cannot meddle, can only be the selective wait. 许多人也只能是屏息敛神等待,这样的战斗他们插不上手,只能是选择等待。 At this time, in Chaos, a person came, but this person is not a person, but is an insect. 这个时候,混沌之中,一个人现身了,只是这个人并不是一个人,而是一条虫子。 On this insect is sending out shocking everybody aura, only by one person on anchorage Chaos, aggressive unparalleled, is twining supreme divine light all over the body, even if so, the people can feel ominous severe aura that is hard to imagine from its body. 只是这一条虫子身上散发着一种惊世骇俗的气息,只以一人就定住了混沌,霸气无双,通体缠绕着一种无上神光,但是即便如此,众人还是能够从它的身上感受到难以想象的凶厉气息 Insect Monarch!” Ye Xiwen coldly looks at that insect, that is from place of return Mysterious of insect Monarch several Ruler, he was once magnificent a temporary insect era Old Ancestor, might be considered as the epoch-making first insect, even can say that afterward all insect discipline prime culprit illustrious insects said Expert, was his generation after generation, even if were swallows day insect this to swallow all eras, swallowed all world the terrifying insect classes, it is said that also had very big relations with it. “虫君!”叶希文冷冷看着那一条虫子,那是从神秘之地回归的几个主宰之一的虫君,他是曾经辉煌一时的虫道纪元的老祖,堪称是开天辟地第一虫,甚至可以说,后来所有的虫道纪元凶名赫赫的虫道高手,都是他的子子孙孙,即便是吞天虫这样能够吞噬一切纪元,吞噬一切世界的恐怖虫类,据说,和它也有很大的关系。 When sees him, Ye Xiwen understood, who before that swallowed deity Monarch's back Expert is, should be this insect Mr. 当看到他的时候,叶希文就已经明白了,之前那一个吞天神君背后的高手是谁了,应该就是这一个虫君了。 Even can say that all has to swallow the era that the day insect appears and disappears, its secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, is this tenia Monarch, once gave the innumerable eras to cause the damage of huge, even there are, therefore direct destruction present age era. 甚至可以说,所有有吞天虫出没的纪元,它的幕后黑手,都是这一条虫君,曾经给无数的纪元造成巨大的伤害,甚至有因此直接覆灭的当世纪元。 Such character appears, it can be imagined, has no alternative but to be anxious including Ye Xiwen. 这样的人物出现,可想而知,连叶希文也不能不紧张。 Right, Martial Lord, you know that what you are making? You are heaven defying the line, cannot accommodate you including the day of your Martial Dao era, you will receive natural law backlash!” “没错,武君,你知道你在做什么么?你这是逆天而行,连你们武道纪元的天都容不得你,你才会受到规则反噬!” In insect Monarch that pair of thousand items of bug-eaten parts, is sending out scary ominous severe rays of light, stubbornly is staring at Ye Xiwen, seems is not looking at a person, but was looking that food is the same. 虫君那一双千目虫眼之中,散发着骇人凶厉的光芒,死死的盯着叶希文,仿佛不是在看一个人,而是在看一个食物一样。 „Do you believe?” Ye Xiwen is sneering, but prints the Secret Art actually unceasingly to pinch on hand, emits unceasingly from his body big Dao Law , to continue to supplement Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era continuously. “你信么?”叶希文冷笑着,但是手头印诀却是不断捏着,从他的身上不断喷吐出大道法则,继续源源不绝的补充着武道纪元的天道 As if simply has not paid attention to be the same insect Mr. 似乎根本没有将虫君放在眼里一样。 You do not dare to come, feared that brought in the Martial Dao era by me Heavenly Dao, shoots down you at one fell swoop!” “你也不敢进来吧,怕被我引来武道纪元的天道,一举将你击落吧!” Ye Xiwen laughs at one, looks at insect Monarch said that the insect Monarch's height innumerable trillion li (0.5km), look like a long line are the same, in Chaos, his ominous name, the innumerable eras heard horizontally, even he can mobilize the infinite endless insect clan army, submerges to exist. 叶希文嗤笑一声,看着虫君说道,虫君的身长无数亿万里,就像是一条长龙一样,横在混沌之中,他的凶名,无数个纪元都有所耳闻,甚至他能够发动无穷无尽的虫族大军,淹没一切存在。 Even if so, he does not dare to enter during the Martial Dao era, he can feel that Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era under the Ye Xiwen's supplement, not only has not weakened, instead grow stronger. 但是即便如此,他也不敢进入武道纪元之中,他能够感觉到,武道纪元的天道叶希文的补充之下,非但没有变弱,反而变强了。 Although normally, Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era independently will obviously not melt, only if likely is half a month immortal Monarch such in the special method Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era compelling, otherwise at all impossible matter. 虽然正常情况下,武道纪元的天道并不会自主显化出来,除非像是半月仙君那样子以特殊的手段将武道纪元的天道给逼出来,否则根本不可能的事情。 However this representative the Martial Dao era is not dangerous, in fact by the Ye Xiwen's strength and he in the status of Martial Dao era, can definitely inspire the Martial Dao era the strength of Heavenly Dao, the heavy losses even strike to kill Ruler at one fell swoop, that is not Myth, but truly the matter that may achieve. 但是这不代表武道纪元内部就不危险了,事实上以叶希文的实力和他在武道纪元的地位,完全可以引动武道纪元的天道之力,一举重创甚至击杀一个主宰,那并不是神话,而是确实有可能做到的事情。 Although such does, Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era will also cause heavy losses, but insect Monarch cannot guarantee that Ye Xiwen does not certainly dare such to do. 虽然这么做,武道纪元的天道也会遭到重创,但是虫君也不敢保证叶希文一定不敢这么做。 The people were compelled anxiously, any matter can do, makes anything to be nothing unusual. 人被逼急了,什么事情都能够干得出来,做出任何事情都不足为奇。 Therefore he is planning, he hesitates. 所以他在筹谋,他在犹豫。 Insect Monarch, light you, you kills not dead / undead I, but must prepare for by that I kill, what subsequent party has, entirely uses, otherwise, I feared you useless opportunity!” The Ye Xiwen facial expression is as before callous, his words are unfeeling. “虫君,光你一个人,你杀不死我,还得做好被我杀死的准备,有什么样的后手,就统统用出来吧,否则的话,我怕你就没有用的机会了!”叶希文神情依旧冷酷,他的话语冷酷无情。 Fellow Daoist, planned that makes him continue to get down rampantly?” Insect Monarch open mouth to talk. “诸位道友,难道打算让他继续嚣张下去么?”虫君开口了。 Insect Monarch Fellow Daoist, I and others may collaborate to kill this younger generation, he was extremely insolent!” “虫君道友,我等可联手杀死这个晚辈,他太过张狂了!” Is a vigorous sound came from Chaos, with this sound, can say together that boundless endless Sea of Blood spread, in a flash, submerged entire Chaos directly, but above this piece of Sea of Blood, silhouette, floats together above endless Sea of Blood. 紧接着又是一声浑厚的声音从混沌之中而来,伴随着这一道声音,可以说,无边无尽血海蔓延了出来,一瞬间,直接淹没了整个混沌,而在这一片血海之上,一道身影,漂浮在无尽血海之上。 That is one indistinct can only see the person's shadow appearance silhouette, however his body is actually sending out the dreadful ominous prestige. 那是一个隐隐约约只能够看出人影模样的身影,但是他的身上却散发着滔天的凶威。 Blood Monarch!” Ye Xiwen opened mouth put out came the name of person, supreme Ruler of blood era, by a person of strength, conquered by killing one not to leave the Ruler present age era, changed into own Dao Temple that era, what end was the ominous prestige is dreadful. “血君!”叶希文张口吐出了来人的名字,血道纪元的无上主宰,曾经以一人之力,血洗过一个不曾出过主宰的当世纪元过,将那个纪元化为了自己的道场,端的是凶威滔天。 He had been also in charge of eternal sacred land, can say that is the Ye Xiwen natural enemy. 他曾经也入主过万古圣地,可以说,是叶希文天然的敌人。 His Great Dao also part spreads during the Martial Dao era, even linked Ye Xiwen also to study some blood Monarch's Great Dao actually. 他的大道也有一部分在武道纪元之中流传,甚至连叶希文其实也曾经学过一些血君的大道 Also insufficient, depending on you, I same shoots down you!” Ye Xiwen does not care blood Monarch, even in the look is somewhat contemptuous. “还不够,光凭你们两个,我一样击落你们!”叶希文并不将血君放在心上,甚至眼神之中有几分轻蔑。 Ye Xiwen is as before old, the circulation of qi and blood not so was smooth, but his as before looking disdainfully world, is in the world most fearful existence. 叶希文依旧苍老,身上的气血的流通都不那么顺畅了,但是他依旧睥睨天下,是天底下最为可怕的存在。 Big tone, insect Monarch Fellow Daoist, since he like is the turtle, hides that we first gives to knock off his tortoiseshell under the protection of Martial Dao era, first destroys this so-called era battlefield, changes into my blood slave this innumerable lives, is attacking the Martial Dao era wantonly!” “好大的口气,虫君道友,既然他像是缩头乌龟一样,躲在武道纪元的保护之下那我们就先将他的乌龟壳给敲掉,先毁灭这个所谓的纪元战场,将这无数的生灵化为我的血奴,在大肆进攻武道纪元!” Blood Monarch hearing this is sneering, seemed looking that a deceased person is the same. 血君闻言冷笑着,仿佛在看一个死人一样。 His voice just fell, infinite endless Sea of Blood spread the past, must submerge entire era battlefield directly, gives to embezzle the Martial Dao era life on entire era battlefield, changes to the blood slave, uses for him. 他的话音刚落,无穷无尽血海就蔓延了过去,直接要淹没整个纪元战场,将整个纪元战场上的武道纪元生灵都给吞没,化作血奴,为他所用。 But at this time, a blue lotus instantaneously put in the universe, seems created the world time Chaos blue lotus, has blocked all of a sudden this limitless Sea of Blood. 而就在这个时候,一朵青莲瞬间盛放在了宇宙之中,好似创世的时候的混沌青莲,一下子就挡住了这无边无际的血海 Has an 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