MGS :: Volume #40

#3851: Overcoming nature

Since the original pool has done, the water did not have, he expands the pool, introduction more water, making him be able to grow. 既然原来的池子干了,水没了,那他就扩大池子,引入更多的水,让他能够成长起来。 This is the Ye Xiwen's plan, the greatness of this plan, has daunted in Qin Zunhe Heavenly Venerate they, even they were the Ye Xiwen's idea frightening. 这就是叶希文的计划,这个计划之宏大,也吓住了秦尊和中天尊两人,甚至他们都为叶希文的想法给吓到了。 Is the Martial Dao era continues the life with this method, it can be said that is unprecedented, idea of latter non- newcomer. 用这种方法为武道纪元续命,可以说是前无古人,后无来者的想法。 How many assurances do you have?” Qin Venerable open mouth to talk asked. “你有多少把握?”秦尊开口问道。 I have 50% assurances, this method my these years have been studying, but do not have complete odds of suc­cess as before, but generally speaking have considerable odds of suc­cess!” Ye Xiwen open mouth to talk said. “我有五成的把握,这种方法我这些年一直在研究,但是依旧没有完全的胜算,不过总的来说还是有相当的胜算的!”叶希文开口说道。 50% odds of suc­cess were worth wrestling!” Heavenly Venerate said. You want anything to help, although open mouth to talk, so long as Good Fortune Divine Dynasty has, you can take away!” “有五成的胜算就值得一搏了!”中天尊说道。“你要什么帮助,尽管开口,只要造化神朝有的,你都可以拿走!” Heavenly Venerate understands certainly that Ye Xiwen so is the Martial Dao era continues the life the significance, he also felt that now bottleneck, regarding him, has been equal to the fish of sea water being been all of a sudden same by the draw off, a good fortune day Monarch person seized completely the Heaven and Earth good fortune. 天尊当然明白叶希文这般为武道纪元续命的意义,他现在也感觉到了瓶颈,对于他来说,等于一下子是被抽去了海水的鱼儿一样,造化天君一个人就夺尽了天地造化。 If Ye Xiwen can be the Martial Dao era continues the life, then their further breakthrough also existed to have the possibility. 如果叶希文能够为武道纪元续命,那么他们更进一步突破也就存在有可能性了。 So long as can breakthrough, Ye Xiwen want any him to give anything, again not compared with his breakthrough more important matter. 只要能够突破,叶希文要什么他都能给什么,再也没有比他突破更加重要的事情了。 Here also bigger question, that is these Ruler day Monarch of Ancient era, they looks at helplessly will you continue the life for the Martial Dao era?” Qin Venerable open mouth to talk said. “不过这里还有一个更大的问题,那就是那些古代纪元的主宰天君们,他们会眼睁睁的看着你为武道纪元续命么?”秦尊开口说道。 Right, truly so!” Heavenly Venerate suddenly has also thought anything same nodded, must know that these Ancient eras Ruler, were waiting for demise of Martial Dao era, they disseminate Great Dao, and captures in the Martial Dao era the eternal material , to continue the life for oneself. “没错,确实如此!”中天尊也陡然想到了什么一样点了点头,要知道那些古代纪元的主宰们,都在等待着武道纪元的灭亡,他们传播大道,并且夺取武道纪元中永恒的物质,为自己续命。 If they knew Ye Xiwen must be the Martial Dao era continues the plan of life, then they will definitely not let off Ye Xiwen's. 如果他们知道了叶希文要为武道纪元续命的打算的话,那么他们肯定不会放过叶希文的 During the beforehand Ancient era, not necessarily does not have the Genius person with outstanding ability to think this step, even if can think that does not have any use, because these Ruler definitely their ideas strangling. 在以前的古代纪元之中,也未必没有天纵英才能够想到这一步,但是即便能够想到也没有任何用处,因为那些主宰肯定会将他们的想法给扼杀掉。 Will not make them have the successful possibility. 不会让他们有成功的可能性。 This also why I look for the relations of two Fellow Daoist, these Ruler looks at helplessly I will definitely not succeed, when the time comes only feared that is an unrivalled war, I hope that two Fellow Daoist can for my protector, now I in not being able to find the good fortune day Monarch's situation, two Fellow Daoist were I can want to obtain only to help my person!” Ye Xiwen open mouth to talk said. “这也是为什么我找上两位道友的关系,那些主宰肯定不会眼睁睁的看着我成功的,到时候只怕又是一场旷世之战,我希望两位道友能够为我护法,现在我在找不到造化天君的情况下,两位道友是我唯一能够想得到能帮我的人了!”叶希文开口说道。 In his smiling face is somewhat bitter and astringent, this Martial Dao era also is really the foe all over the sky, usually been good, but on this important matter time, the Martial Dao era that all over the sky below enemy will brave. 他的笑容之中有几分苦涩,这武道纪元还真是仇敌满天下,平时还好,但是每逢这种大事的时候,武道纪元那满天下的敌人就会冒出来了。 However this does not have the means that so long as will be the present age era is given to aim by these Ancient eras, will not have other results. 不过这也没办法,只要是当世纪元都会被那些古代纪元给针对,不会有其他的结果。 I do not have question, I coordinate the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart, can block Ruler, although the time is not very long, but Fellow Daoist this is planning for our entire Martial Dao era, I have no reason not to support, does not help!” At this time, Heavenly Venerate took a stand to say. “我没问题,我配合造化乾坤图,能够拦得住一个主宰,虽然时间不是很长,但是道友这是为了我们整个武道纪元在谋划,我也没有理由不支持,不帮忙!”此时,中天尊率先表态说道。 I also took a stand to block next!” Qin Venerable also raised hand saying that „, although I could not compare Fellow Daoist you, can cut to kill Ruler, has not strided in Ruler Realm, but blocked merely, I want!” “我也表态拦下一个!”秦尊也举手说道,“虽然我比不上道友你,能够斩杀主宰,也还未跨入主宰境界,但是仅仅只是拦住其中一个,我想还是可以的!” In these many years, Qin Venerable cultivation base was not a progress does not have, although was unable such to strike to kill Ruler with Ye Xiwen, but contended with Ruler to a certain extent, did not have question. 在这么多年的时间之中,秦尊的修为可不是一点长进都没有,虽然还不能和叶希文那样击杀主宰,但是一定程度上抗衡主宰,还是没有问题的。 Good, help of two Fellow Daoist, my assurance on big were many, so long as the ray of hopes, we must whole-heartedly, I not think the Martial Dao era becomes the Ancient era, regarding the common life, that is the total destruction, but regarding me and others, is the total destruction, the path that I and others went forward will be broken, therefore has no other alternative, only war!” Ye Xiwen facial expression firm saying. “那好,有两位道友的帮助,我的把握就大的多了,只要有一线希望,我们就要全力以赴,我也不想武道纪元成为古代纪元,对于寻常生灵来说,那是灭顶之灾,但是对于我等来说,又何尝不是灭顶之灾呢,我等前进的道路都会被断,所以别无他法,唯有一战而已!”叶希文神情坚定的说道。 Two go back to prepare, ten years of afterwards, I start to get ready to overcome nature!” Ye Xiwen said slowly. “两位回去准备吧,十年之后,我就开始准备补天!”叶希文缓缓说道。 Then, in Qin Zunhe Heavenly Venerate vanished in Divine Court. 说完,秦尊和中天尊都已经消失在了神庭之中。 They must prepare ahead of time, this War they are avoidless, no choice, only war, since must fight, must be ready. 他们也要提前准备,这一场大战他们谁都无法避免,没有的选择,唯有一战而已,不过既然要一战,就要做好准备。 This is they currently only occupies the superior place, because they know that Ye Xiwen must overcome nature, can prepare ahead of time. 这是他们目前唯一占据优势的地方,因为他们知道叶希文要补天,可以提前进行准备。 Immediately, Ye Xiwen also mobilized the entire Human Race strength, the arrangement knot layer by layer, formation. 随即,叶希文也发动了整个人族的力量,布置下了一层又一层的结界,一个又一个的阵法 Ye Xiwen is born afterwards, is the shuttle that keeps in various Good Fortune Divine Dynasty places, ties and formation under regional arrangement. 叶希文出世之后,就是不停的穿梭在造化神朝各处,在各地布置下结界和阵法 Nobody knows that he wants to do, looks like in many people, Ye Xiwen should want to increase the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty inside story, similar motion, good fortune day Monarch had also done, many ancient formation and ancient who Jiejie nowadays Good Fortune Divine Dynasty uses were the past good fortune day Monarch remain. 没有人知道他想干什么,在许多人看起来,叶希文应该是想增加造化神朝的底蕴吧,类似的行动,造化天君也曾经做过,现如今造化神朝用的很多古阵法和古结界都是当年造化天君留下来的。 Even Ye Xiwen also shuttled back and forth on era battlefield, arrangement on battlefield many formation and knot. 甚至叶希文还穿梭到了纪元战场上,在战场上布置下了很多的阵法和结界。 The Ye Xiwen's motion has also brought to the attention of that several Ruler. 叶希文的行动也引起了那几个主宰的注意。 „Is he doing? At this time was still increasing the Martial Dao era the inside story?” “他在干什么?这个时候还在增加武道纪元的底蕴么?” But this is useful, how many hundred million years cannot cross again, the Martial Dao era must be destroyed, did he make these to be also useful at this time?” “可这有什么用,再过不了多少亿年,武道纪元都要被毁灭了,他这个时候做这些又有什么用处呢?” „Before is at the point of death struggling that's all, he thinks that this arrangement is useful regarding the era destruction?” “不过是临死前的挣扎罢了,他以为这种布置对于纪元毁灭有什么用处么?” He also young, has never experienced the era change, therefore also thinks that such method is useful!” “他到底还年轻,从未经历过纪元更替,所以还以为这样子的手段有什么用处吧!” These Ruler recklessly ridiculed to Ye Xiwen that Ye Xiwen's young is not only he most fearful and proud place, but similarly, is his soft rib, because is extremely young, a lot have not experienced, therefore in their opinion, Ye Xiwen this puts up a last-ditch struggle, appears so laughable. 这几个主宰都对叶希文肆意嘲笑,叶希文的年轻既是他最为可怕和骄傲的地方,但是同样的,也是他的软肋,因为太过年轻,很多事情都没有经历过,所以在他们看来,叶希文这不过是垂死挣扎,显得是如此的可笑。 Ye Xiwen does not spare a glance, only some he knows that he is making anything. 叶希文对此不屑一顾,唯有他自己知道,他在做什么。 He is formation and knot arrangement. 他还是一个又一个的阵法和结界布置下来。 In a flash, ten years passed, Ye Xiwen already proliferates the entire Martial Dao era his knot and formation, then he then returned to not in Zhoushan. 一晃眼,十年的时间过去了,叶希文已经将他的结界和阵法遍布整个武道纪元,然后他这才回到了不周山之中。 Then, the people saw, Ye Xiwen changed to a trillion zhang (3.33 m) terrifying giant, his Law Manifestation Heaven and Earth, entire good fortune can see. 然后紧接着,众人就看到了,叶希文化作了一个亿万丈的恐怖巨人,他的法相天地,整个造化界都能够看得到。 Then only sees Ye Xiwen to mumble, unceasing is pinching the seal Secret Art, then innumerable law and Great Dao have grazed unceasingly, submerged in Void. 然后就只看到叶希文念念有词,不断的捏着印诀,然后无数的法则大道不断的飞掠了出来,没入了虚空之中。 „Is Martial Lord is doing?” Expert looks at this of many good fortune have shocked, nobody knows that Ye Xiwen is doing. 武君是在干什么?”许多造化界的高手看着这一幕都震惊了,没有人知道叶希文是在干什么。 At this time the Ye Xiwen's action seems like somewhat strange. 此时叶希文的举动看起来是有些奇怪。 However quick, they have discovered that originally densely covered the death and destruction aura in sky in the gradual decline, originally started the gradual fuzzy Martial Dao era Great Dao also to start to be clear gradually. 但是很快,他们就发现了,原本密布在天空之中的死亡和毁灭的气息在逐渐的衰退,原本已经开始逐渐的模糊的武道纪元的大道也开始逐渐清晰了起来。 This feeling, probably returned the peak time of Martial Dao era to be the same. 这种感觉,就好像是又重新回到了武道纪元的巅峰时期一样。 Many people are cheering, in recent years, the Martial Dao era gradually moves toward the decline, they are clearest one group of people of sensation, it can be said that in the waiting death slowly, regarding Half-Step Ruler, the era destroyed them unable dead. 许多人都在欢呼,这些年来,武道纪元逐渐走向没落,他们是感知的最为清楚的一群人,可以说是在慢慢的等待死亡,对于半步主宰来说,纪元毁灭他们也都死不了。 However Expert in common life, will actually die, looks like very fierce with Old as Heaven and Earth, but died including Heaven and Earth, they calculate anything. 但是寻常生灵之中的高手,却是会死的,与天地同寿看起来很厉害,可是连天地都死了,他们又算的了什么呢。 Innumerable Great Dao flooded in Void, even many people saw these Great Dao whole person sublimated, one day Enlightenment, daytime flew upwards, said was this truth. 无数的大道充斥在了虚空之中,甚至有很多人看到了这些大道整个人都升华了,一日悟道,白日飞升,说的就是这个道理。 As Ye Xiwen Great Dao sends out more and more, the merit that the space lowers are also getting more and more, all fell on Ye Xiwen's. 随着叶希文身上的大道散发出去越来越多,天上降下的功德也越来越多,全部都落到了叶希文的身上。 Ye Xiwen this is making up the Martial Dao era Great Dao, naturally has made the great merit. 叶希文这是在补完武道纪元的大道,自然是立下了大功。 The destruction Ancient era itself does not have what merit, truly those who have the merit is the Ancient era by destruction afterwards, his Great Dao was given to swallow by the Martial Dao era, makes up Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era, will thus have the merit to lower. 覆灭古代纪元本身是没有什么功劳的,真正有功劳的是古代纪元被覆灭之后,他的大道武道纪元给吞噬,补完了武道纪元的天道,从而才会有功德降下。 But now Ye Xiwen does not have the destruction Ancient era with deep veneration, but the effect is the same, therefore all kinds of merit continuous falling. 而现在叶希文肃然没有覆灭古代纪元,但是效果是一样的,因而各种各样的功德源源不断的落下。 That dense and numerous merit crazy falling, looks like rains to be the same simply, the people in entire Martial Dao era looked scared, only saw that everywhere the merit fell, then fell into the Ye Xiwen's body completely, was received by him completely. 那密密麻麻的功德疯狂的落下,简直就像是下雨一样,整个武道纪元中的人都看傻眼了,只看到漫天的功德落下,然后全部都落入了叶希文的身体之中,全部都被他收了起来。 Many people obtain a point, can cultivation base enter greatly, even if general Heavenly Venerate, can cultivation base progress by leaps and bounds, but regarding Ye Xiwen, these is insufficient, better and better. 许多人得到其中一点,都可以修为大进,哪怕是一般的天尊,都可以修为突飞猛进,但是对于叶希文来说,这些还不够,多多益善。 If he in the future wants breakthrough to arrive at Ruler, is the Martial Dao era creates such atmosphere, can the breakthrough atmosphere be only first that's all, he must have the breakthrough ability by himself, but merit Golden Light is most important part. 他将来要想突破主宰,为武道纪元营造出那样一个氛围,一个能够突破的氛围只是第一步罢了,紧接着他还必须要让自己有突破的能力,而功德金光就是其中最重要的一环。 But the change of Martial Dao era, has caused in Chaos finally the attention of that several Heavenly Venerate. 武道纪元的变化,也终于引起了混沌之中那几个天尊的注意了。 The Martial Dao era changes for the better day by day, the situation of that deterioration obtained change for the better unexpectedly, returned to peak gradually. 武道纪元一天比一天好转,那种衰败的局势居然得到了好转,又逐渐回到了巅峰之中。 This is how possible!” “这怎么可能!” How he achieves!” “他怎么做到的!” He is overcoming nature unexpectedly, this how, if made him succeed one time, to have the second time, the third time, in that case, who can trig him, the Martial Dao era must exist forever through ancient times!” “他居然在补天,这怎么可以,如果让他成功了一次,岂不是还有第二次,第三次,那样的话,谁能够制得住他,武道纪元岂不是要亘古长存了!” The Martial Dao era gradually restored peak, let these Ruler and Half-Step Ruler finally cannot repress. 武道纪元逐渐恢复到了巅峰,也终于让那些主宰半步主宰们都根本按捺不住了。 If made Ye Xiwen succeed, then the consequence was simply dreadful. 如果让叶希文成功了,那么后果简直不堪设想。 The Martial Dao era off and on does not assign, then obtains the biggest advantage is the life in Martial Dao era, but regarding them, life unceasing wasted time, but does not have the achievement, this does not permit absolutely. 武道纪元不断续命,那么得到最大好处的就是武道纪元之中的生灵,而对于他们来说,寿命不断的被蹉跎,而没有作为,这是绝对不允许的。 But at this time, when overcame nature to carry on 9981 afterwards, Ye Xiwen could not insist finally, a blood has spurted, he looked like the billion year had been in a flash same, hair Pale, on the face also presented the wrinkle. 而就在这个时候,当补天进行到了9981年之后,叶希文终于坚持不住了,一口鲜血喷了出来,一瞬间,他就像是过了十亿年一样,头发发白,脸上也出现了皱纹。 The situation develops rapidly after a sudden turn! 形势急转直下! Today renews is quite late, the eating delicacies dust yesterday evening belly has hurt for day, goes to sleep to 89 : 00 am, therefore today is sleeping, therefore the renewals of two books are very late today, was embarrassed. 今天更新比较晚,啸尘自己昨天晚上肚子疼了一天,到早上89点才睡下,所以今天白天都在睡觉,所以今天两本书的更新都很晚,不好意思了。 Moreover again has an advertisement for new book «practice Raging tide», ten days, the new book on the top carriage, sought the support again!( Not 另外再为新书《修炼狂潮》打个广告,再有十天,新书就上架了,求支持!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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