MGS :: Volume #40

#3850: Continues the life for the Martial Dao era

Ye Xiwen was also feels this destruction aura gradually the enrichment, this went out, had certain cultivation base life to feel increase that this type destroyed aura, that depressing feeling was smothery. 叶希文也是感受到了这种毁灭的气息正在逐渐增浓,这才出关的,有一定的修为的生灵都能够感觉到这种毁灭气息的增加,那种压抑的感觉让人透不过气来。 The between Heaven and Earth element, spiritual energy no longer is like that active, but started to fall into the deathly stillness gradually. 天地间的元素,灵气不再是那般活跃的,而开始渐渐陷入了死寂之中。 This change, Ye Xiwen naturally is the first sensation. 这种变化,叶希文自然是最先感知到的。 Naturally, the deterioration of Martial Dao era just started, has very long time from the destruction of Martial Dao era, but just experienced peak, goes down hill, this feeling does not feel better. 当然,武道纪元的衰败刚刚开始,距离武道纪元的覆灭还有很长的时间,但是刚刚经历了巅峰,就走下坡路,这种感觉不好受。 During all times, the peak time in fact is shortest. 所有的时期当中,巅峰期实际上是最短的。 This stage is also most unendurable, looks like the lukewarm water boils the frog to be the same, bit by bit was boiled, looks at bit by bit died, this feeling is most terrifying. 这个阶段也是最难熬的,就像是温水煮青蛙一样,一点一点被熬死,一点一点的看着自己死去,这种感觉才是最为恐怖的。 Naturally, by Ye Xiwen nowadays cultivation base, even if the Martial Dao era destruction, he could not die, but he can understand that feeling. 当然,以叶希文现如今的修为,即便武道纪元覆灭了,他也死不掉,但是他能够明白那种感觉。 Went out afterwards, Ye Xiwen first, looks for Heavenly Venerate, even closed up during continually the Lord of Martial Sect, Qin Venerable also looked for by him. 出关之后,叶希文第一时间,就是找来了中天尊,甚至连闭关之中的武宗之主,秦尊也被他找了过来。 Three people sit facing each other, in some sense, during nowadays Martial Dao era, only has them to be considered as on has the qualifications to treat as an equal, although the Ye Xiwen strength strided in Ruler Realm, however could not cover as before, he merely was only a Half-Step Ruler fact. 三人相对而坐,从某种意义上来说,在现如今的武道纪元之中,唯有他们三人能够算得上是有资格平起平坐,虽然叶希文战力已经跨入了主宰境界,然而也依旧掩盖不了,他仅仅只是一个半步主宰的事实。 Does not know that Fellow Daoist looks for our two, behavior what?” “不知道道友将我们两个找来,所为何事?” In Divine Court, three people sit facing each other, Heavenly Venerate open mouth to talk said. 神庭之中,三人相对而坐,中天尊率先开口说道。 In his heart has doubts most, basically these year of Martial Dao eras' matters are he are worrying, Ye Xiwen or Qin Venerable, in long-term closing up, even previous storm day Monarch invades, was Ye Xiwen is alarmed had gotten rid, but Qin Venerable has not gone out. 他心中疑惑最多,基本上这些年武道纪元的事情都是他在操心,无论是叶希文还是秦尊,都在长期闭关之中,甚至上一次暴风天君入侵,也是叶希文被惊动了出手了,而秦尊也没有出关。 These 10 million years, 10 million years of past, to the present! 这10000000年,10000000年的过去,一直到了现在! I think, two Fellow Daoist should also already the sensation, recently the change of this Heaven and Earth!” Ye Xiwen steady saying. “我想,两位道友应该也已经感知到了吧,最近这天地的变化!”叶希文稳稳的说道。 „The Martial Dao era moved toward eventually has deteriorated, got down according to such trend, only feared that the destruction was also only question that's all of time Qin Venerable open mouth to talk said. 武道纪元终究还是走向了衰败了,按照这样子的趋势下去,只怕覆灭也只是时间的问题罢了”秦尊开口说道。 He when recently practice sensibility, felt that Great Dao started to blur gradually, before likely is not, was like that clear, moved toward the Martial Dao era of deterioration time, all were in the late in life stage likely, but he does not have any means. 他在最近修炼感悟的时候,也感觉到了大道开始逐渐模糊了,不像是之前那般清晰了,走向了衰败期的武道纪元,一切的一切都像是进入了迟暮的阶段,但是他却没有任何的办法。 It seems like we must early do to plan, collects some elite seeds, when era destruction, good is the Martial Dao era preserves many Origin Energy!” Heavenly Venerate said. “看来我们要早作打算了,将一些精英种子都搜集起来,等到纪元覆灭,也好为武道纪元保存更多的元气!”中天尊说道。 Regarding this he does not have any means that can only early prepare, the era change is Heaven and Earth Great Dao, Heaven and Earth Great Dao that is unable to change. 对此他也没有任何的办法,只能是早做准备,纪元更替乃是天地大道,无法改变的天地大道 I and ideas of two Fellow Daoist are different, I have a plan, does not know that two Fellow Daoist are interested in listening!” Ye Xiwen said. “我和两位道友的想法却不同,我有一个计划,不知道两位道友有没有兴趣听一听!”叶希文道。 They somewhat strange looked at Ye Xiwen, does not know is any medicine that in the Ye Xiwen bottle gourd sells. 两人都有些奇怪的看了看叶希文,不知道叶希文葫芦里卖的到底是什么药。 Fellow Daoist might as well spoke frankly!” Qin Venerable open mouth to talk said. 道友不妨直说!”秦尊开口说道。 „My idea, is the Martial Dao era continues the life!” Ye Xiwen said his idea slowly. “我就一个想法,为武道纪元续命!”叶希文缓缓说出了他的想法。 Immediately shocks four, they were the experienced generation, Half-Step Ruler almost one are one of the present age most formidable that crowd of people. 顿时震惊四座,两人都是见多识广之辈,半步主宰几乎一就已经是当世最强大的那一群人之一了。 However by the Ye Xiwen's words frightening. 但是还是被叶希文的话给吓到了。 „Does the Fellow Daoist plan go on a punitive expedition against the Ancient era wantonly? That will perhaps make our Martial Dao era fall into the ganged up on condition!” “难道道友打算大肆征伐古代纪元么?那恐怕会让我们武道纪元陷入被群殴的状态吧!” Heavenly Venerate said that thinks of that scene, his cannot help but suck in a breath of cold air, although these year of Martial Dao eras and many Ancient eras attack brutally, both sides have not made the brain fluid on the difference, but generally speaking, but also in restraint range. 天尊说道,一想到那个场面,他就不由得倒吸一口冷气,虽然这些年武道纪元和诸多的古代纪元大打出手,双方就差没打出脑浆了,但是总的来说,还在克制的范围之内。 Although in this process, Heavenly Venerate also a destruction over Ancient era, but that is not anything. 虽然这过程中,中天尊也曾经覆灭过一个古代纪元,但是那都算不上什么。 Because these Ancient eras are enduring patiently, they are waiting for the Martial Dao era also together destruction, but if the Martial Dao era attacks the Ancient era once again wantonly, was a different matter. 因为那些古代纪元都在忍耐,他们都在等待着武道纪元也一起覆灭,但是如果武道纪元再度大肆攻伐古代纪元的话,那么就又是另外一回事了。 Perhaps these Ancient eras can rally together to attack collectively, like this will not let off the Martial Dao era easily. 恐怕那些古代纪元会集体群起而攻之吧,根本不会轻易就这样子放过武道纪元。 This can be said as absolutely the dangerous situation! 这可以说是绝对危险的情况! At this time is different in those days, did not have Ruler of Ancient era at that time, but now, but Ruler of several Ancient eras assume personal command, was not enough to give the destruction by the strength of Martial Dao era them, so continued the life only to fear that also nothing but delayed tens of millions year of that's all, the possibility powerful besieged!” Qin Venerable did not agree with the Ye Xiwen's procedure. “今时不同往日,那个时候没有古代纪元的主宰也就算了吧,但是现在,可是有好几个古代纪元的主宰坐镇的,以武道纪元的实力不足以将他们都给覆灭了,这般续命只怕也无非就是多拖延数千万年罢了,还有可能强势围攻!”秦尊也不同意叶希文的做法。 Continues the life for the Martial Dao era, is actually not any difficult matter, but continues the peak time the life and continues the feeble time the life, that is not a matter. 武道纪元续命,其实不算什么难事,但是续巅峰时期的命和续衰弱时期的命,那可不是一回事呢。 The peak time was too short, but also is the most magnificent time. 巅峰时期太短了,但是也是最为辉煌的时候。 It looks like the youth of person with old age time, can similar one year, as a result, be the same? 就像是人的青年和老年时期,同样的一年,其结果,能一样么? Your worries are reasonable, but I am not such that you think, plans to attack other Ancient eras wantonly!” Ye Xiwen said. “你们的担心有道理,但是我并不是你们所想的那样,打算大肆攻伐其他的古代纪元!”叶希文说道。 He understands that in Qin Zunhe the worry of Heavenly Venerate, feared Ye Xiwen like was insane, disregarded let other Martial Dao era attack Ancient eras wantonly. 他明白,秦尊和中天尊的顾虑,就怕叶希文像是疯了一样,不管不顾的让武道纪元大肆的攻击其他的古代纪元。 How do you plan to do?” Some Qin Venerable cannot help but also doubts, said. “那你打算怎么做?”秦尊不由得也有些疑惑,说道。 I the insight big method, found recently can make the Martial Dao era continue the life the method!” Ye Xiwen assured saying, does not need your destruction Ancient era, can continue the life!” “我最近参悟大法,找到了能够让武道纪元续命的方法!”叶希文笃定的说道,“不需要你覆灭古代纪元,也能够续命!” They shocking looks at Ye Xiwen, does not know the method where he obtains, is an era continues the life, is not nobody has done, but are also most continues the life thousands of years, that also obtains through the destruction Ancient era. 两人都震惊的看着叶希文,不知道他从哪儿得到的这种方法,为一个纪元续命,不是没人做过,但是也最多就是续命千万年,那也是通过覆灭古代纪元得到的。 Ye Xiwen light saying: Two Fellow Daoist both know that the destruction Ancient era can be the Martial Dao era continues the life, however reason, because of the destruction Ancient era afterwards, has swallowed Great Dao afterwards of this Ancient era actually, has improved Great Dao of part of Martial Dao eras, thus achieves for the era continues the life!” 叶希文淡淡的说道:“两位道友都知道,覆灭古代纪元能够为武道纪元续命,但是其中的原因,其实是因为覆灭了古代纪元之后,吞噬了这个古代纪元的大道之后,完善了一部分武道纪元的大道,从而做到为纪元续命!” Actually to put it bluntly , because Great Dao is imperfect, will therefore have the birth and death of era, looks like the common life is the same, why they have the birth and death, looks like because of not Cultivation reason, but in fact? Is because their life essences are not very perfect!” “其实说穿了,就是因为大道还不完善,所以才会有纪元的生老病死,就像是寻常的生灵一样,他们有生老病死是为什么,看起来是因为不曾修行过的原因,但是实际上呢?是因为他们的生命本质不够完美!” „The practice process is one continually improves the life essence the process, to can improve the life essence, can thus with Old as Heaven and Earth, practice be only a method, but the life that at the beginning of the intrinsic reason because of the disparity of life essence, looks like these is epoch-making is born, these live spiritual root not to use practice are the immortal lives!” 修炼的过程就是一个不断完善生命本质的过程,一直到能够完善了生命本质,从而能够与天地同寿,修炼只是一种手段,而内在的原因是因为生命本质的差距,就像是那些开天辟地之初诞生的生灵,那些生灵根本不用修炼都是永生的生灵!” Ye Xiwen continues saying: If you treat as a life to regard the era, can discover that is the Ancient era, their lives are also shorter, more approaches the Martial Dao era the Ancient era, their era lives are also longer, like likely is not the person in unceasingly a practice process, but will absorb inevitably also part of Martial Dao eras in the era of Martial Dao era following birth the big law, his Great Dao improvement, the life also on is stronger, looks like common life practice is the same, first generation is stronger than first generation, to finally, has improved all Great Dao, perfect. The era appears, at that time, can be immortal, did not need to experience the pain that the era changed unceasingly again!” 叶希文继续说道:“如果你们将纪元当做一个生灵来看待,就能够发现,越是古代的纪元,他们的寿命也就越短,越是靠近武道纪元的古代纪元,他们的纪元寿命也就越长,像不像是人在不断修炼的一个过程,而在武道纪元后面一个诞生的纪元必然也会吸收一部分武道纪元的大法,他的大道更加完善,寿命也就更强,就像是寻常生灵修炼一样,一代更比一代强,一直到最后,完善了所有的大道,一个完美的。纪元出现,到那个时候,就可以永生,不用再经历纪元不断更替的痛苦了!” Isn't this? Half-Step Ruler is also good, is Ruler is also good, does everything possible to survive, only then can survive unceasingly, they have the opportunity to wait till that perfect era, immortal Great Dao!” Ye Xiwen said that „before us, is the Martial Dao era continues the life, the destruction Ancient era, is actually is making up Great Dao that the Martial Dao era lacks, if I can achieve to make up the Martial Dao era Great Dao, then the Martial Dao era naturally can restore peak, what this is I finds out is the Martial Dao era continues the law of life!” “不是这样么?无论是半步主宰也好,还是主宰也好,都是想尽办法在存活,只有能够不断的生存下去,他们才有机会能够等到那个完美的纪元,永生的大道!”叶希文道,“我们之前为武道纪元续命,覆灭古代纪元,其实就是在补完武道纪元所缺乏的大道,如果我能够做到补完武道纪元的大道,那么武道纪元自然可以恢复到巅峰,这就是我想出的为武道纪元续命之法!” As soon as they listen, truly so, before they had not thought of such deep level the thing, if compares with a process of life evolution the era, then passing of all question explanations. 两人一听,确实如此,之前他们都没有想到这么深层次的东西,如果将纪元比作生灵进化的一个过程,那么一切问题就解释的通了。 The era practice big method are more, implication Great Dao are more, then his skill is also profound on the moon/month, survival is also naturally longer, to finally likely is common life Proving The Dao like that Transcendent Chaos, exists forever through ancient times. 纪元修炼的大法越多,蕴含的大道越多,那么他的功力也就月高深,存活的自然也就越长,一直到最后像是寻常生灵证道那般,超脱混沌,亘古长存。 However Qin Venerable slightly, then open mouth to talk said: Words, although so yes right, but do you have the means to make up the Martial Dao era Heavenly Dao?” 不过秦尊只是稍微顿了顿,然后开口说道:“话虽如此是没错,但是你有办法能够补完武道纪元的天道?” He stares big eye looks at Ye Xiwen, was the disparity between both sides so big? 他瞪大眼睛看着叶希文,难道双方之间的差距已经有那么大了么? He is still finding the way to comprehend the Martial Dao era Great Dao, wants Transcendent, but can Ye Xiwen make up the Martial Dao era unexpectedly Great Dao? 他还在想办法领悟武道纪元的大道,想要超脱,而叶希文居然能够补完武道纪元的大道 Such disparity, is disparity essentially. 这样的差距,是本质上的差距。 I had truly found means that take risks very much, even if take risks, I do not think that looks at Martial Dao era this deteriorates slowly, then lethal!” Ye Xiwen slow and firm saying. “我确实找到了一个办法,很冒险,但是即便冒险,我也不想看着武道纪元这样慢慢衰败,然后致死!”叶希文缓慢而又坚定的说道。 The method that he found naturally was in that say|way character tablet. 他找到的方法当然就是那个道字碑中了。 In fact, Great Dao and big law of many Ancient eras, can find in inside, even is very detailed, can therefore complement the Martial Dao era theoretically Great Dao. 事实上,诸多的古代纪元的大道和大法,都在里面可以找到,甚至是十分详细,所以理论上是可以补全武道纪元的大道的。 However this is theoretically, must complement an era Great Dao, through the ages, no person has succeeded, even nobody has tried, the difficulty of could be imagined, has gone far beyond the imagination of people. 然而这是理论上来说,要补全一个纪元的大道,古往今来,从来没有人成功过,甚至都没有一个人试过,其中的难度可想而知,远远超过了众人的想象。 However he wants to try, this even also related to his promotion, he is unable to promote, its basic reason was because good fortune day Monarch seized completely the Heaven and Earth good fortune, in person's gave the suck dry this Heaven and Earth essence. 但是他还是想试一试,这甚至也关系到了他自己的晋升,他无法晋升,其根本原因就是因为造化天君夺尽了天地造化,一个人将这个天地中的精华给吸干了。 Since originally these did not have, Ye Xiwen finds the way to make this Heaven and Earth essence increase, joins essence of Ancient era, such between Heaven and Earth permitted breakthrough. 既然原本的那些没有了,叶希文就想办法重新让这个天地精华增多起来,加入更多古代纪元的精华,这样子天地间就又重新允许突破了。 In that case, if he wants breakthrough to Ruler Realm, had the basic on possibility.( ~^~) 那样的话,他要想突破主宰境界,也才有了根本上的可能性。(~^~)
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