MGS :: Volume #40

#3849: The deterioration of Martial Dao era

War ends, defeats storm day Monarch by Ye Xiwen, even was cuts to kill storm day Monarch to come to an end. 大战落幕,以叶希文战胜暴风天君,甚至是斩杀了暴风天君而告终。 This war shocks Chaos, all people know that Ye Xiwen is very strong, but he strong to any situation, a people not direct-viewing impression, but the day, Ye Xiwen by the storm day Monarch's life, came to take an oath him to the people to have how formidable. 这一战震惊混沌,所有人都知道叶希文很强,但是他到底强到了什么地步,众人并没有一个直观的印象,而这一日,叶希文以暴风天君的命,来向众人宣誓了他到底有多么的强大。 Besides storm day Monarch, Yama day Monarch also die in his hand, these two War has twisted enough serves as contrast Ye Xiwen incomparable was fearful. 除了暴风天君之外,还有阎罗天君也陨落在了他的手上,这两大战绩足够将叶希文衬托的无比可怕了。 Initially good fortune day Monarch approximately was also only such that's all. 当初造化天君大约也不过只是这样子罢了 Ye Xiwen sneers slightly, received in the storm day Monarch's corpse Heaven and Earth, the irrigation has given the world tree, he can feel, Ruler that several spied on left. 叶希文微微冷笑一声,将暴风天君的尸首收入了内天地之中,浇灌给了世界树,他能够感觉到,那几个正在窥探的主宰离开了。 This war, Ye Xiwen has not only shocked entire Chaos, similarly, has shocked them, making them understand, oneself simply was completely underestimate Ye Xiwen! 这一战,叶希文不仅仅是震惊了整个混沌,同样的,也震惊了他们,让他们明白了,自己根本就是完全小看叶希文 So fearful existence, they , to have the Ye Xiwen's idea again, must have a look at itself to have that good appetite. 这般可怕的存在,他们如果再想打叶希文的主意,也得看看自己有没有那么好的胃口了。 Ye Xiwen this time thunder method struck to kill storm day Monarch, actually also to deter these people, for own buy time that's all. 叶希文这一次雷霆手段击杀了暴风天君,其实也正是为了震慑这些人,为自己赢得时间罢了 It may be said that punishes one to deter others, but storm day Monarch does not know that his solemn Ruler, became that has killed unexpectedly to the chicken that the monkey looked, what he did not know, regarding Ye Xiwen, who violated in his hand not to have what difference. 可谓是杀鸡给猴看,而暴风天君也并不知道,他堂堂一个主宰,居然成了那一只杀给猴看的鸡,他不知道的是,对于叶希文来说,谁犯到他的手上都没有什么差别。 But storm day Monarch, can be other people, there is any relations. 可是暴风天君,也可以是其他人,又有什么关系呢。 He wants to do only, strives to oneself to time that's all. 他唯一想做的,就是给自己争取到一个时间罢了 Worthily is Martial Lord, besides him, who other people can achieve!” “不愧是武君啊,除了他之外,其他人谁能够做到!” Now, during the entire Martial Dao era, many people have no longer politely called Ye Xiwen are Martial Venerable, but is Martial Lord, the meaning is the character who and Ruler day Monarch contends with. 现在,整个武道纪元之中,许多人已经不再尊称叶希文武尊,而是武君,意为和主宰天君相抗衡的人物。 But in the views of many people, Ye Xiwen also truly has such qualifications, although is also not Ruler, but also has anything to distinguish with Ruler. 而在许多人看来,叶希文也确实拥有这样子的资格,虽然还不是主宰,但是和主宰又有什么分别呢。 Martial Lord formidable, Martial Lord long live!” 武君威武,武君万岁!” Many people are cheering, this war, has established the supreme prestige of Martial Dao era thoroughly, even if these Ancient eras, facing the Martial Dao era, must consider, must really with the Martial Dao era one high, like mad. 许多人都在欢呼,这一战,彻底奠定了武道纪元的无上威望,就算是那些古代纪元,面对武道纪元,都要考虑一下,是不是真的要和武道纪元一较高下,拼死拼活。 Is good relaxed because of them quickly, because they discovered that Ye Xiwen will not participate in their common fights. 好在他们很快就松了一口气,因为他们发现,叶希文不会参与他们寻常的战斗。 Even is the fight of Half-Step Ruler Level, Ye Xiwen will not get rid to help. 甚至是半步主宰级别的战斗,叶希文也不会出手帮忙。 The people also understood, Ye Xiwen will only get rid during the fight of Ruler Level, the interest of but regarding his such character, the general fight truly not having gotten rid. 众人也就明白了,叶希文只会出手在主宰级别的战斗之中,不过对于他这样的人物来说,一般的战斗确实也没有出手的兴趣了。 Asked him to get rid, that was to his one insult! 叫他出手,那都是对他的一种侮辱! This war, lifting heaven-shaking raging tide afterwards, has belonged to tranquilly, 100,000 years of insufficient, that 200,000 years, but 100,000 years of insufficient, 1 million years passes, all will belong to tranquilly. 这一战,掀起惊天狂潮之后,还是归于了平静,100000年不够,那就200000年,而100000年不够,1000000年过去,一切都会归于平静。 In the front of time, without any cannot smooth. 在时间的面前,没有任何是不能够抚平的。 During extinguishing killed storm day Monarch afterwards, Ye Xiwen entered has closed up, but experienced this has fought afterwards, Heavenly Venerate also low-key were many, he had also realized the insufficiency on oneself cultivation base, started crazy practice. 在灭杀了暴风天君之后,叶希文又进入了闭关之中,而经历了这一战之后,中天尊也低调的多了,他也意识到了自己修为上的不足,开始了疯狂的修炼 One 1 million years, another 1 million years passes, before Martial Dao era that should start to deteriorate because Ye Xiwen , these eras of destruction, enriched Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era, making the Martial Dao era Heavenly Dao nowadays also maintain formidable. 一个1000000年,又一个1000000年的时间过去,本来应该已经开始衰败的武道纪元因为叶希文之前覆灭的那些纪元,充实了武道纪元的天道,让武道纪元的天道现如今还保持着强大。 The Good Fortune Divine Dynasty prestige also proliferates entire Chaos, in Human Race naturally is most formidable one, Expert are innumerable, Heavenly Venerate Expert has. 造化神朝的威名也是遍布整个混沌,在其中人族自然是最为强大的一支,其中高手无数,天尊高手都有许多。 Ye Mo and the others was among the peak Heavenly Venerate ranks successively, including Bian Xiaoyue, small crescent moon and the others also successively was among the peak Heavenly Venerate ranks. 叶墨等人先后都跨入了巅峰天尊的行列之中,连边晓月,小月牙儿等人也都先后跨入了巅峰天尊的行列之中。 Makes the entire Human Race peak Heavenly Venerate quantity be over ten at one fell swoop, was known as that ten big peak Heavenly Venerate, but other Heavenly Venerate are the several fold in this, by strength of the, compares favorably with a Ancient era the inside story. 一举让整个人族巅峰天尊的数量超过十尊,号称十大巅峰天尊,而其余的天尊更是数倍于此,以一己之力,媲美一个古代纪元的底蕴。 Suddenly, was thousands of years instantaneous in the past, Good Fortune Divine Dynasty also had the new movement finally. 眨眼间,又是一个千万年的瞬间过去,造化神朝终于又有了新的动作。 South originally Good Fortune Divine Dynasty Heavenly Venerate attacks Half-Step Ruler, on that day, the Heaven and Earth color deterioration, that terrifying Half-Step Ruler Heavenly Tribulation also made all people change color. 原本造化神朝天尊冲击半步主宰,那一天,天地变色,那恐怖半步主宰天劫也让所有人都为之变色。 However the final result is actually south Heavenly Venerate attacks the Half-Step Ruler failure, the direct tragic death, can say that has stirred the controversy in Good Fortune Divine Dynasty. 然而最后的结果却是南天尊冲击半步主宰失败,直接惨死,可以说,在造化神朝之中引起了轩然大波。 Although nowadays Good Fortune Divine Dynasty did not know formidable many times compared with thousand ten thousand years ago, but southern Heavenly Venerate such existence was outstanding person, until now is still in the most formidable that crowd of Heavenly Venerate ranks. 虽然现如今的造化神朝比起千多万年前不知道强大了多少倍,但是南天尊这样的存在一直都是其中的佼佼者,至今依然是最强大的那一群天尊的行列之中。 In south Heavenly Venerate afterwards, there are several peak Heavenly Venerate to try to attack Half-Step Ruler, but without exception, failed entirely, has also included northern Heavenly Venerate, several City Lord of ten big god cities. 在南天尊之后,又有了好几位巅峰天尊试图冲击半步主宰,但是无一例外,统统失败了,其中还包括了北天尊,还有十大神城的几位城主 They already card in the peak Heavenly Venerate innumerable years, is unable breakthrough, rather the choice risk to wrestle, must attempt breakthrough. 他们已经卡在巅峰天尊无数年了,还是无法突破,宁愿选择冒险一搏,也要试图突破 However their deaths, regarding Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, without doubt is a huge turbulence. 但是他们的死,对于造化神朝来说,无疑是一个巨大的动荡。 Even closes up for a long time Heavenly Venerate to personally act continually, appoints these big Heavenly Venerate. 甚至连闭关已久的中天尊都不得不亲自出面,重新任命这几大天尊 But at this time, Human Race has also sent a Ye Xiwen's Dao Law aim, that was Ye Xiwen resigned from the position of Good Fortune Divine Dynasty Heavenly Venerate Dong, this time he is situated the position of Heavenly Venerate Dong is really is inappropriate. 而这个时候,人族也送来了叶希文的道法旨,那就是叶希文辞去了造化神朝东天尊之位,此时的他再位居东天尊之位实在是不合适了。 Then must abdicate to give up one's post to a more qualified person, however the Heavenly Venerate consideration over and over, considered that entire eastern territory is quick Human Race supreme headquarters, in addition Ye Xiwen regarding the contribution of entire Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, appointed the small crescent moon finally became new Heavenly Venerate Dong. 便要退位让贤,然而中天尊考虑再三,考虑到整个东域都快成了人族的大本营了,加上叶希文对于整个造化神朝的贡献,最终任命了小月牙儿成为了新任的东天尊 Also is the female receives the occupation of the father's! 也算是女承父业! If other people becomes Heavenly Venerate Dong, perhaps the eastern territory high and low not necessarily is convinced, particularly Human Race, the Human Race strength may be called in the space is nowadays strongest, Expert are innumerable, who becomes Heavenly Venerate Dong being insufficient makes them be convinced. 如果说是其他人成为东天尊,或许东域上下都未必服气,尤其是人族,现如今人族的实力堪称宇内最强,高手无数,谁成为东天尊都不足以让他们服气。 However this person is the small crescent moon words, all people have been convinced, has a Ye Xiwen such father, has not compared this to choose again well. 然而这个人是小月牙儿的话,所有人都服气了,有叶希文这么一个父亲,再也没有比这更好的选择了。 But finally, although has appointed a number of major Paragon, but is quick, many people have discovered that took die of these people as the beginning, the Martial Dao era starts to move toward unexpectedly feebly. 而最后,虽然又重新任命了一批各大至尊,但是很快,许多人就发现了,以这些人的陨落为开端,武道纪元居然开始走向了衰弱。 Various clan genius birth rates markedly reduced, various clan Expert breakthrough get up, they discovered that the difficulty was also bigger, like was not before just likes eats meal to drink water. 各族天才的出生率都明显降低了,还有各族高手突破起来,他们发现难度也大了很多,不像是之前犹如吃饭喝水一样。 Martial Dao era formidable time, their breakthrough gets up is very easy, can say that their practice are the entire Martial Dao era is closely linked, must relate. 武道纪元强大的时候,他们突破起来也很容易,可以说他们的修炼是和整个武道纪元都息息相关的,是要联系起来的。 Another thousands of years passed by, this trend was more obvious, various clan Expert breakthrough are getting more and more difficult, the people in these floors must upward crawl are also getting more and more difficult, before likely is not thousands of years, it can be said that Expert genius just likes the volcanic eruption is the same, erupted completely. 又一个千万年过去了,这种趋势就更明显了,各族高手突破越来越困难,那些底层的人要往上爬也就越来越困难,不像是之前的千万年,可以说是高手天才犹如火山喷发一样,全部喷发了出来。 Even had sensation of sensitive Heavenly Venerate in air to decayed and destruction aura, originally was not very obvious destruction law starts unexpectedly obviously even more, some practice destroyed the Great Dao practice strength to progress by leaps and bounds, but other practice Great Dao Expert obviously felt, practice difficulty even more. 甚至有敏感的天尊在空气中感知到了腐朽和毁灭的气息,原本不是很明显的毁灭法则居然开始越发的明显了起来,一些修炼毁灭大道修炼者实力突飞猛进,而修炼其他大道高手都明显感觉到了,修炼愈发的困难。 Hence, many people confirmed finally, the Martial Dao era entered the deterioration time! 至此,许多人终于确认了,武道纪元进入了衰败期! This is the prediction in remote Myth, in the Ancient Myth fable has the record, an era from the birth to the death, was divided into several times. 这是遥远的神话之中的预言,古老神话寓言之中就有记载,一个纪元从诞生到死亡,分成几个时期。 First is many Xiantian Spiritual God able to move unhindered sides the Chaos time of just being born. 第一个就是诸多先天神灵纵横一方的刚刚诞生的混沌期。 Next is the major foreign country clan and tribe able to move unhindered world, several big Half-Step Ruler rule world growth periods, but appearance of good fortune day Monarch, established Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, and ended this stage successfully. 其次就是各大外域部族纵横天下,几大半步主宰统治天下的成长期,而造化天君的横空出世,创立了造化神朝,并且成功的终结了这个阶段。 But leaves afterwards to appear to Martial Lord Ye Xiwen in good fortune day Monarch, these days, is the mature period of Martial Dao era, in this stage, the Martial Dao era rushes to peak slowly. 而在造化天君离开之后一直到武君叶希文横空出世,这段时间,就是武道纪元的成熟期,在这个阶段之中,武道纪元慢慢奔向巅峰 To the Ye Xiwen success superior, saves the Martial Dao era again in the crisis, and success expedites Chaos, the destruction many Ancient eras, Good Fortune Divine Dynasty and Martial Dao era has achieved own most peak, this is the peak time of Martial Dao era. 再到叶希文成功上位,拯救武道纪元于危机之中,并且成功远征混沌,覆灭多个古代纪元,造化神朝武道纪元都达到了自身的最巅峰,这是武道纪元的巅峰期。 But in peak time afterwards, inevitable must arrive at the deterioration time, this is also a long process, in this process, the Martial Dao era gradually will be on the wane, slowly first is Expert is on the wane, is on the wane of life, then everywhere is the landslide Tsunami, the volcanic eruption, to links Heaven and Earth also to crack finally, that is the Martial Dao era true end. 而在巅峰之后,就不可避免的要来到衰败期,这也将是一个漫长的过程,在这个过程之中,武道纪元将会渐渐凋零下去,慢慢的先是高手凋零,再是生灵的凋零,然后到处都是山崩海啸,火山喷发,一直到最后连天地也崩裂,那就是武道纪元真正的末日。 Life that the world will destroy all Martial Dao eras, except for one small can obtain Heavenly Venerate partially even is Half-Step Ruler, blessing of Ruler, can survive, other metropolis destruction during that end. 那末世会摧毁一切武道纪元的生灵,除了一小部分能够得到天尊甚至是半步主宰,主宰的庇佑,能够存活下来,其他的都会覆灭在那一场末日之中。 Even this end will spread to endless Chaos, must be critical situation including the Ancient era. 甚至这一场末日会蔓延到无尽混沌之中,连古代纪元都要如临大敌。 This process will have continued till the birth of next era. 这个过程一直会持续到下一个纪元的诞生为止。 Because in Heaven and Earth Chaos was born the too multiple era, this process already was also known very well. 因为天地混沌之中诞生过太多次的纪元了,这个过程也早就被人所熟知了。 Therefore Expert one after another of Martial Dao era understands that this was the Martial Dao era must enter the deterioration time. 所以武道纪元的高手纷纷明白,这是武道纪元要进入衰败期了。 Many person one after another have sighed woefully, although had already prepared, understands, these step inevitably inevitable, when the Martial Dao era finally has also entered the deterioration time, many people thoroughly despaired. 许多人都纷纷哀叹了起来,虽然早就有所准备,也明白,这一步必然不可避免,但是当武道纪元也终于迈入了衰败期的时候,许多人还是彻底绝望了。 Nowadays, with these Ancient era confrontation is not the first important matter, they must start to get ready, prepared Martial Dao era destruction afterwards. 现如今,和那些古代纪元交锋已经不是第一要紧的事情了,他们要开始准备起来了,做好武道纪元覆灭之后的准备了。 How to open a station in Chaos, can make them bring the person live day to day of Martial Dao era surviving to breathe heavily greedily, was the same with former all Ancient eras. 如何在混沌之中重新开辟出一个驻地,能够让他们带着武道纪元残存的人苟延馋喘下去,和之前所有的古代纪元一样。 Even if they are the Martial Dao eras, in fact will not have the slight difference. 哪怕他们是武道纪元,实际上也不会有丝毫的区别。 All are filling destruction aura, all these, even affected in Human Race, Expert die, even more was one after another hot tempered, even Human Race newborn Expert and genius were also getting fewer and fewer. 一切都弥漫着毁灭的气息,这一切,甚至都波及到了人族之中,高手相继陨落,愈发的暴躁起来,甚至人族新生的强者天才也越来越少。 In Human Race also starts to be ready, even if this deterioration time must very long time, they also probably be ready ahead of time, Human Race is impossible to bless all people, can only choose elite to preserve Human Race lineage/vein in Chaos. 人族之中也开始做好准备,哪怕这个衰败期还要很长的时间,他们也得提前做好准备,人族不可能庇佑所有人,只能选择其中的精英保存人族一脉在混沌之中。 But during this school is flustered, Ye Xiwen went out!( Not 而就在这一派人心惶惶之中,叶希文出关了!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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