MGS :: Volume #40

#3848: Cuts storm day Monarch

Is sensing Ye Xiwen in Great Dao not to pay attention to the change of outside world, even if over a million years passes, he not slight change, even moves also motionless, looked like petrifies generally. 正在感悟大道之中的叶希文并没有理会外界的变化,哪怕上百万年的时间过去,他都没有丝毫的变化,甚至动也不动,就像是石化了一般。 To by strength of the wild Ruler alarming, this revived from the long sensibility. 一直到被一股狂暴的主宰之力给惊动了,这才从漫长的感悟之中苏醒了过来。 That formidable Ruler chased down Heavenly Venerate to enter in Good Fortune Divine Dynasty. 那一个强大的主宰一路追杀着中天尊杀入了造化神朝之中。 That terrifying aura covered in entire good fortune, has almost caused immediately innumerable formation and counter-attack of knot in good fortune. 恐怖气息笼罩在了整个造化界之中,几乎是立刻就引起了造化界之中的无数阵法和结界的反击。 These formation and knot, had is good fortune day Monarch in the past left behind, but also had afterward Ye Xiwen to make up, was almost suddenly, recovered, to resist that formidable Ruler aura. 这些阵法和结界,有很多是造化天君当年所遗留下来的,但是也有很多是后来叶希文补上的,几乎是一刹那间,都被复苏了,为了抵抗那一个强大的主宰气息 However even if so, that Ruler aura rules the world, the innumerable lives trembled, kneel to bend down on the ground, does not dare to gain ground slightly. 不过即便如此,那一个主宰气息还是君临天下,无数的生灵瑟瑟发抖,跪伏在了地上,根本丝毫都不敢抬起头来。 It looks like the God in legend is simply same, is unapproachable, is unmatchable. 简直就像是传说中的老天爷一样,无可匹敌,也根本无法对抗。 But these practice, they likely are not common life ignorance like that they have realized, had terrifying Expert to invade Good Fortune Divine Dynasty. 而那些修炼者,他们不像是寻常生灵那般的愚昧,他们都意识到了,有恐怖高手入侵造化神朝了。 That terrifying aura blots out the sky, the entire Good Fortune Divine Dynasty sensation arrived, this is most terrifying. 恐怖气息铺天盖地,整个造化神朝都感知到了,这才是最为恐怖的。 Must know that million years ago, several big Half-Step Ruler joint attack Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, in fact their pressure also merely can only cover big territory that's all, is impossible is this strange and formidable imposing manner so can cover entire Good Fortune Divine Dynasty likely. 要知道,百万年前,几大半步主宰联手进攻造化神朝,实际上他们的威压也仅仅只能够覆盖一个大域罢了,根本不可能像是这一股陌生又强大的气势这般能够覆盖整个造化神朝 Therefore many people are not difficult to guess that had Ruler to invade. 所以很多人也不难猜测,有主宰入侵了。 All people were flustered, because they are very clear, the great strength of Ruler Level Expert, must know that established Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, and takes peak good fortune day Monarch Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, merely is only Ruler. 所有人都慌张了,因为他们都很清楚,主宰级别高手的强大,要知道创立了造化神朝,并且将造化神朝带上巅峰的造化天君,也仅仅只是一个主宰而已。 It can be imagined, in the heart of people, this is the fearful disaster. 可想而知,在众人的心中,这是何等可怕的灾难。 However is good because of the people not despairs, because they know, in the side of Martial Dao era, formidable Ruler Level Expert, can give them such asylum. 不过好在众人还不算绝望,因为他们知道,在武道纪元的一方,也有一个强大的主宰级别高手,可以给他们那样的庇护。 Infiltrated Good Fortune Divine Dynasty in this Ruler Level Expert, eye looks at must the collapse that entire good fortune hit time. 就在这一个主宰级别高手打入了造化神朝,眼看着就会就要将整个造化界都打的崩溃的时候。 A big hand drops from the clouds, rises against the wind, gets bigger and bigger, then patted that to try to enter Good Fortune Divine Dynasty the body of Ruler directly. 一只大手从天而降,迎风而涨,越长越大,然后直接拍到了那个试图杀入造化神朝主宰的身上。 Bang!” “轰!” A fearful collision, heaven-shaking moves the place strikes, that formidable Ruler was departed Good Fortune Divine Dynasty by the direct bang, has flown into Chaos directly. 一次可怕的碰撞,惊天动地的一击,那一个强大的主宰被直接轰飞出了造化神朝,直接飞入了混沌之中。 Was saved!” “得救了!” Heavenly Venerate cannot help but slightly relaxed, if this time does not have the asylum of good fortune Heaven and Earth chart, he is impossible to return to Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, will possibly die in Chaos. 天尊不由得微微松了一口气,这一次如果不是有造化乾坤图的庇护的话,他根本不可能逃回造化神朝,很可能就会死在混沌之中了。 This fought also makes him understand Half-Step Ruler profoundly again formidable, but compared with Ruler, as before was too weak. 这一战也让他深刻明白了半步主宰就算再强大,但是和主宰相比起来,依旧是太弱了。 But can achieve to cut to kill Ruler Ye Xiwen's to be formidable, is thus it can be seen ordinary, such long time does not see, the disparity between both sides has not reduced, instead has further also widened the disparity. 而能做到斩杀了主宰叶希文的强大,也由此可见一般,这么长的时间不见,双方之间的差距没有缩小,反而还更进一步的拉开了差距。 Is good also has Ye Xiwen because of Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, otherwise, the this time matter does not know how must end, does not know that must pay many prices, has the possibility to cut to kill the opposite party. 好在造化神朝还有叶希文,否则的话,这一次的事情都不知道要如何收场,也不知道要付出多少代价,才有可能将对方斩杀。 This palm might is infinite, but in the entire process, does not have lifting any mighty waves, all strengths rumbled on the body of that Ruler, the tiny bit have not fallen in torrents, it can be imagined, Ye Xiwen was in the what kind situation regarding the control of strength. 这一掌威力无穷,但是整个过程中,却没有掀起任何的波澜,所有的力道都轰在了那个主宰的身上,一星半点都没有倾泻出来,可想而知,叶希文对于力量的掌控已经到了何等地步。 In Chaos, that Ruler was rumbled to fly, to entering in Chaos, finally stopped. 混沌之中,那一个主宰被轰飞了出来,一直到进了混沌之中,才终于停止了下来。 That is one all over the body the life comprised of one group of bright storms, indistinct, can see the human form, can see some features. 那是一个通体都由一团碧色的风暴组成的生灵,隐约之间,能够看出人形来,能够看得出一些眉目。 Comes out!” “出来!” This Ruler bellows, entire Chaos immediately lifting difficult situation. 这个主宰大吼一声,整个混沌顿时掀起惊涛骇浪。 But just fell on this Ruler voice, silhouette appeared in Chaos together, who that person was actually not Ye Xiwen is. 而在这个主宰话音刚落,一道身影出现在了混沌之中,那人却不是叶希文又是谁呢。 Martial Venerable, you gave up from your tortoiseshell finally!” This Ruler saw Ye Xiwen, sneering that but does not live. 武尊,你终于舍得从你的乌龟壳中出来了!”这个主宰看到了叶希文,只是不住的冷笑。 He and Ye Xiwen not too big enmity, however first, saw him to classify in the ranks of enemy, because not only the life and death between present age eras and Ancient eras is contradictory, was because Ye Xiwen cut to kill Ruler. 他和叶希文没有太大的仇怨,然而第一时间,就见他归类进了敌人的行列之中,不仅仅因为当世纪元和古代纪元之间的生死矛盾,更是因为叶希文斩杀了主宰 Ye Xiwen no doubt makes a name for oneself, the name moves entire Chaos, but this also vacillated their these Ruler authorities, making many Half-Step Ruler be ready to make trouble. 叶希文固然功成名就,名动整个混沌,但是这也动摇了他们这些主宰的权威,让许多半步主宰都蠢蠢欲动了起来。 Had this example, many Half-Step Ruler even believe that so long as the method is appropriate, they have not struck not necessarily to kill the Ruler ability. 有了这个榜样,很多的半步主宰甚至都相信,只要方法得当,他们也未必没有击杀主宰的能力。 Holds Half-Step Ruler of such idea to be getting more and more, makes him feel bothersome extremely bothersome. 抱有这样想法的半步主宰越来越多,也让他觉得烦不胜烦。 Ye Xiwen sighed: Why?” 叶希文叹了一口气:“为什么呢?” What why?” That Ruler open mouth to talk asked. “什么为什么?”那个主宰开口问道。 Why do you want to bring death? I want to make your live is longer, why must bring death!” “为什么你要来送死呢?我本来想让你们活的久一些,为什么要来送死呢!” Ye Xiwen sighed to say. 叶希文叹了一口气说道。 His words, immediately lifting great unrest, even if Expert of Martial Dao era has not thought that Ye Xiwen can say such words, was seriously insane? 他的话,顿时掀起了轩然大波,就算是武道纪元的高手也没想到叶希文能够说出这样的话,难道当真是已经疯了么? Even many have such view including Expert of Martial Dao era, the Ye Xiwen strength is very strong is not truly false, but does not pay attention to other people completely, is makes them very helpless. 甚至连武道纪元的高手都不乏有这样的看法,叶希文实力很强劲确实不假,但是完全不将其他人放在眼里,也是让他们都很无奈。 I thought that you were really were insane insanely, even if you occupied Yama day Monarch do not think that you can sweep the decks all Ruler?” This Ruler coldly smiles. “我看你真是得了失心疯了,就算你占了阎罗天君也不要以为你就能够通吃所有的主宰?”这个主宰冷冷笑着。 Storm day Monarch, if you do not appear on own initiative, I am also not necessarily able to kill you, since you entered Good Fortune Divine Dynasty on own initiative, that is the life and death archenemy, today you must die, the storm era also wants the destruction!” Ye Xiwen facial expression coldly indifferent even more. “暴风天君,如果你不主动出现,我也未必会杀你,但是既然你主动杀入了造化神朝,那就是生死大敌,今日你要死,暴风纪元也要覆灭!”叶希文神情愈发的冷漠 Has understood character tablet afterwards, he view of thing before the world and was different, in his opinion, era change Heaven and Earth Great Dao. 参透了道字碑之后,他对于天下间事物的看法都和以前不同了,在他看来,纪元更替正是天地大道 Ha, I thought you really am insane!” “哈哈哈,我看你真是疯了!” Storm day Monarch is sneering, he is during the storm era only Ruler, is the entire storm era most formidable safeguard, if he died, then the storm era destruction is also very normal. 暴风天君冷笑着,他是暴风纪元之中所出的唯一一个主宰,也是整个暴风纪元最为强大的保障,如果他死了,那么暴风纪元覆灭也很正常。 However the premise was he must die, all these might occurrence. 但是前提是他得死了,这一切才有可能发生。 Storm day Monarch sneers, finally has gotten rid, in an instant, entire Chaos started to collapse, the endless crack appeared in Chaos, was fearful, entire Chaos turned into world of one storms along with his will. 暴风天君冷笑一声,终于出手了,刹那间,整个混沌开始崩溃了,无尽的裂缝出现在混沌之中,可怕极了,整个混沌都随着他的意志变成了一片暴风的世界。 endless storm divine ability just likes light rain blots out the sky toward Ye Xiwen equally, sweeps across to come, the entire scene looks like, grand occasion that the illusion, is hard to imagine extremely. 无尽的暴风神通犹如光雨一样朝着叶希文铺天盖地,席卷而来,整个场景看起来,极为梦幻,难以想象的盛况。 The Ye Xiwen facial expression is invariable, looks at this, was only the look even more ice-cold, his body started to interweave Great Dao law, interwove instantaneously on his body a mail-armor and helmet, protected in which him. 叶希文神情不变,看着这一幕,只是眼神愈发的冰冷了起来,他的身上开始交织起了大道法则,瞬间在他的身上交织出了一件甲胄,将他守护进了其中。 What method regardless of storm day Monarch has, is unable to cause a stir in this mail-armor and helmet, the bang broken mail-armor and helmet. 无论暴风天君有什么样的手段,都无法轰动这一件甲胄,轰碎甲胄。 Sword!” “剑来!” Ye Xiwen bellows, in the hand innumerable sword Dao Law condenses, is away from the Void condensation formation, then a Ye Xiwen sword cut to fall suddenly. 叶希文大吼一声,手中无数的剑道法则凝聚而成,隔着虚空凝聚成型,然后叶希文猛然一剑斩落了下来。 Bang!” “轰!” Entire Chaos has blasted open, the endless energy has splashed, entire Chaos hit boiling. 整个混沌炸裂了开来,无尽的能量飞溅了开来,整个混沌都被打的沸腾了。 All living things tremble, innumerable Expert looks at this, a little ignorant has compelled, Ruler Level Expert, if not careful, even together will possibly destroy entire Good Fortune Divine Dynasty. 众生颤栗,无数的强者看着这一幕,都有点懵逼了,主宰级别高手,如果不小心,甚至可能会将整个造化神朝跟着一起毁灭了。 But above Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, innumerable knot and formation in instantaneous automatically recovered, to resist this War complementary waves. 造化神朝上方,无数的结界和阵法都在瞬间自动复苏了,为了抵抗这一场大战的余波。 sword glow has swept entire Chaos directly, the direct bang has approached storm day Mr. 剑芒直接扫过整个混沌,直接轰向了暴风天君。 Storm day Monarch bellows, the front presented wall of the law, blocked this heaven-shaking to move the place a sword. 暴风天君大吼一声,面前出现了一堵法则之墙,挡住了这惊天动地的一剑。 Kara, Kara!” “卡拉,卡拉!” On the wall of this law has revealed the crack finally, prestige energy that this sword crush gets down, even made the world tremble. 这一堵法则之墙上终于露出了裂缝,这一剑碾压下来的威能,甚至让世界都跟着颤栗了。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” sword glow penetrated this law Zhiqiang, almost all destructions, this storm day Monarch called out pitifully, the entire body has flown upside down, his chest was pierced big hole, the blood crossflow. 剑芒穿透了这一堵法则志强,几乎将一切毁灭,这暴风天君惨叫一声,整个身体倒飞了出去,他的胸口被洞穿了一个大洞,鲜血横流。 During lies in Ye Xiwen's fights, his complete falling in leeward, at is not Ye Xiwen's opponent. 在于叶希文的交手之中,他完完全全的落于了下风,根本不是叶希文的对手 Overreaches oneself!” “不自量力!” Ye Xiwen holds the sword to stand, his facial expression is callousness like that as if in his eyes, storm day Monarch is only one scurries about the laughable ants to be the same merely. 叶希文持剑而立,他的神情是那般的冷酷,仿佛在他的眼中,暴风天君仅仅只是一个上蹿下跳可笑的蝼蚁一样。 Storm day Monarch violent anger, but he knows that this fights , if unable to defeat the Ye Xiwen's words, the consequence will be very perhaps serious, before is him, does not have serious that crosses first. 暴风天君暴怒了,但是他更知道,这一战如果无法击败叶希文的话,后果恐怕会很严重,是他之前没有先过的严重。 Because before him, had never considered Ye Xiwen will exceed itself by far, this possibility. 因为他之前从未考虑过叶希文会远远胜过自己,这一个可能性。 Bang!” “轰!” On storm day Monarch has terrifying aura in boiling, trillion multi-colored sunlight change to the strength of storm in boiling, does not draw back instead enters, has instead killed toward Ye Xiwen. 暴风天君身上有恐怖气息沸腾,有亿万道霞光化作暴风之力在沸腾,不退反进,朝着叶希文反杀了过去。 But Ye Xiwen is only coldly looked at Chaos, because he knows that had other Ruler to arrive, they were also spying on this War. 叶希文只是冷冷的看了一眼混沌,因为他知道有其他的主宰已经到了,他们也在窥探着这一场大战 As long as he has revealed slightly the weak situation, these Ruler collectively will begin, encircles him massacres, he is clear, these Ruler have coldly indifferent this how is the inevitable matters. 但凡他露出了丝毫不支的情况,这几个主宰就会集体动手,将他围杀掉,他非常清楚,这些主宰有多么的冷漠这是必然的事情。 However he will not give them such opportunity! 不过他不会给他们这样的机会! Ye Xiwen does not draw back similarly instead enters, erupted terrifying attack War with storm day Mr. 叶希文同样不退反进,与暴风天君爆发了恐怖的对攻大战 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Both sides in three milliseconds time, erupted have surpassed thousands of collisions, each collision, erupted except for attacks and sinks a world sufficiently at will the terrifying strength. 双方在三千分之一秒的时间,就爆发了超过千万次的碰撞,每一次的碰撞,都爆发除了足以随意击沉一个世界的恐怖力量。 Regarding their such peak Expert, in a flash, enough fights, enough decided the victory and defeat. 对于他们这样的顶尖高手来说,一瞬间,就足够交手,足够分出胜负了。 Ye Xiwen struck the Martial Venerable Seal direct bang in the storm day Monarch's chest, struck, storm day Monarch could not withstand, was pierced the chest, the whole person had flown upside down instantaneously. 叶希文一击武尊印直接轰在了暴风天君的胸口,一击而已,暴风天君承受不住,被洞穿了胸口,整个人瞬间倒飞了出去。 His body has been split up instantaneously, this withstood Ye Xiwen too multiple attack, finally could not withstand, erupted collectively. 紧接着他的身体瞬间四分五裂了起来,这是承受了叶希文太多次的攻击,终于承受不住,集体爆发了。 Ye Xiwen is only a sword falls, instantaneously links Primordial Spirit to bring Great Dao to cut Void storm day Monarch directly. 紧接着叶希文只是一剑落下,就瞬间将暴风天君连元神大道直接斩成虚无 New book «practice Raging tide» sought the support! 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