MGS :: Volume #40

#3847: 1 million years pass, Ye Xiwen gets rid again

Looked like the fish enters in the desert to be the same, important the water regarding the fish was actually drained. 就像是鱼儿进了沙漠里一样,对于鱼儿来说至关重要的水却被抽干了。 Good fortune day Monarch seizes completely the Heaven and Earth good fortune, is this appearance! 造化天君夺尽天地造化,就是这个样子! Position extremely, only allows a person to follow truly, a person followed, other people could not get away, this truth, Ye Xiwen naturally understands. 真正绝顶的位置,只允许一个人走,一个人走了,其他人就走不了了,这个道理,叶希文自然是明白的。 Probably extremely said Expert, each said extremely Expert must take own road, cannot be the same with others, each said extremely Expert will give a road certainly. 就好像是极道强者,每一个极道强者都要走出自己的路,不能和别人相同,每一个极道强者都会将一条路给走绝了。 The place that some people have been, other people did not go. 有人到过的地方,其他人就去不了。 This is the suppression of Great Dao, never some people can make an exception! 这是大道的压制,从未有人能够破例! Even if Bian Xiaoyue this is his student, but also went out of own road afterwards finally, can breakthrough. 哪怕边晓月这样是他的学生,但是最终也是走出了一条自己的路之后,才得以突破的。 This inappropriate breakthrough environment, making Ye Xiwen also quite have a headache! 这种不合适突破的环境,让叶希文也是颇为头疼! He has not hoped absolutely, only if were Qin Venerable such snatches the legend base of becoming enlightened likely, but now in the Ye Xiwen hand being correct character tablet is different. 本来他是绝对没有希望的,除非像是秦尊那样抢到传说中的成道之基,但是现在叶希文手中有道字碑却不同了。 That is the Great Dao general outline of endless Chaos era, even also has Great Dao that will soon present however has not presented that compared with the era of but appeared, Great Dao of era these have not presented was obviously few, is very simple general outline. 那是无尽混沌纪元的大道总纲,甚至于还有即将出现但是还未出现的大道,只是和已经出现的纪元相比,那些还未出现的纪元的大道明显就很少了,就是很简单一个总纲而已。 Ye Xiwen understood immediately, the change of each era, evolves the extremely prosperous civilization, this civilization also will fill then that Great Dao for the character tablet. 叶希文顿时就明白了,每一次纪元的更替,演化出极为繁荣的文明,然后这个文明也会替道字碑将那一种大道填充起来。 It looks like the Martial Dao era, develops the present, Martial Dao early is to the utmost prosperous, was just not born by far time can compare, even also integrated Great Dao of other eras, the civilization of Martial Dao era bit by bit developed. 就像是武道纪元,发展到了现在,武道早已经是极尽繁盛,远远不是刚刚诞生的时候能够相比的,甚至还融入了其他纪元的大道,一点一点发展出来的武道纪元的文明。 This is not person two people can achieve, even if he, or good fortune day Monarch, impossible by strength of the the civilization development of Martial Dao era nowadays situation. 这可不是一个人两个人能够做到的,就算是他,或者造化天君,也不可能以一己之力将武道纪元的文明发展到现如今的地步。 The manpower exhausts, Heavenly Dao is inexhaustible, but Heavenly Dao is anything, Heavenly Dao is all living things all sum total! 人力有穷尽,天道无穷尽,而天道是什么,天道就是众生万物的总和! Even his some fearful guess, the this time era change, should some simply people not control in the back actually! He examines the corridor character tablet, has been drawing support from many years refining Mysterious Space, he can examine thing that the common person cannot see. 甚至他有了一个可怕的猜测,这一次次的纪元更替,该不会其实根本就是有人在背后操控吧!他查看过道字碑,借助着多年来炼化神秘空间,他能够查看到很多寻常人根本看不到的东西。 Three thousand Chaos Great Dao, 3000 eras, Great Dao of majority of era can find in the character tablet, but also part, Great Dao that then has not presented. 三千混沌大道,3000纪元,大部分的纪元的大道都能够在道字碑中找到,而还有一部分,则是还未出现的大道 This is most terrifying! 这才是最为恐怖的! Ye Xiwen felt that own all like are raise the line puppet, some people have planned all, a change of era era, in their opinion, is the life and death speed, races against time, but regarding that secret person, perhaps, merely is only a game. 叶希文就感觉自己的一切都像是提线木偶一样,已经有人算计好了一切,一个纪元一个纪元的更替,在他们看来,是生死时速,争分夺秒,而对于那幕后的人来说,说不定,仅仅只是一个游戏而已。 He is not willing to think, but only thought that if is really so, then too was fearful. 他也不愿意那么想,但是只觉得,若是真是如此的话,那么就真的太可怕了。 This type felt that he does not like! 这种感觉他并不喜欢! However no matter what, this is his only one can have the opportunity to stride in the Ruler Realm opportunity, once he can achieve, then all over the world, he does not have what fearfully. 不过不管怎么样,这是他唯一一个能够有机会跨入主宰境界的机会,一旦他能够做到,那么普天之下,他就没有什么可怕的了。 This is his only opportunity! 这是他唯一的一次机会! Passing that the time keeps, gathers in a river, goes toward endless Void galloping, spring the last spring comes, the world trades several white haired, did not know many years. 时间不停的流逝,汇聚成一条长河,朝着无尽虚空奔腾而去,春去春又来,人间换得几头白发,也不知道过去了多少年。 This point, has not cared including Ye Xiwen, he sits alone in boredom above a Divine Court mountain peak, Motionless, looked like dies was the same, each breath, possibly was separated for several years, dozens years. 这一点,连叶希文也不在意了,他就是那么枯坐在神庭一处山峰之上,一动不动,就像是死了一样,每一次呼吸,都可能间隔十几年,几十年。 If closes the eye, even could not feel that his existed, looks like with this piece of Heaven and Earth fusion for a body. 如果闭上眼睛,甚至都感觉不到他的存在了,就像是与这一片天地融合为了一体。 For a long time, he finally gains ground, the eye that opens, this in a flash, was 100,000 years passes. 许久,他才终于抬起头,睁开的眼睛,这一晃眼,就又是100000年过去了。 Ye Xiwen at this moment truly has achieved that type time flies, was in a flash the situation. 此刻的叶希文才真正达到了那种岁月如梭,弹指一挥间的地步了。 During 100,000 years, the Martial Dao era Fan Huajin variety, just likes the raging fire boils the oil generally even more prosperously, Human Race has become the first large clan who between Heaven and Earth has been worthy of the reputation, entered the peak Heavenly Venerate ranks along with Ye Mo and the others one after another, was among the High Grade Heavenly Venerate ranks including Bian Xiaoyue and the others. 100000年间,武道纪元繁花锦簇,犹如烈火烹油一般愈发的繁盛,人族已经成了天地间名副其实的第一大族,随着叶墨等人相继步入了巅峰天尊的行列,连边晓月等人也跨入了高级天尊的行列。 Relies on is backing on the great strength of Divine Court, Bian Xiaoyue became the strong character who this between Heaven and Earth have several. 凭借着背靠神庭的强大,边晓月已经成为了这天地间有数的强势人物。 Human Race is getting more and more formidable, Divine Court is also getting more and more formidable, compared with Good Fortune Divine Dynasty and ten ten thousand years ago, formidable were too many. 人族越来越强大,神庭也越来越强大,造化神朝和十万年前相比,也强大太多了。 Ye Xiwen opens the eye, all of entire good fortune fell into the eye, besides some a few place good fortune god good fortune heavenly palaces , the hundred birds of Martial Sect deep place toward the phoenix palace, the place that between Heaven and Earth he could not see through are too for example few. 叶希文睁开眼睛,整个造化界的一切就都落入了眼中,除了少数一些地方比如说造化神都的造化天宫,还有武宗深处的百鸟朝凰宫,天地间他看不穿的地方太少了。 His vision even can see the Chaos deep place, was stilled along with the foreign country, the Chaos god toward also merged into the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty deep place, entire Good Fortune Divine Dynasty can mobilize many strengths to enter in Chaos, therefore all kinds of size collisions are unceasing. 他的目光甚至能够看到混沌深处,随着外域被平定,混沌神朝也并入了造化神朝深处,整个造化神朝可以调动更多的力量进入混沌之中,因此各种各样的大小碰撞不断。 But in these people, most liveliness that three kinds of people display, one is the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty direct descendant army, elite in elite. 而在这些人中,三类人表现的最为活跃,一个是造化神朝嫡系的部队,精锐之中的精锐。 One is the Divine Court family background Human Race juniors, similarly is experts as common as the clouds. 一个就是神庭出身的人族子弟,同样是高手如云 Last is various Great Expert of Martial Sect family background, 100,000 years enough made inside story most simple Martial Sect also train fierce Expert. 最后一个则是武宗出身的各大高手,100000年的时间足够让底蕴最为浅显的武宗也培养出厉害的高手了。 Tripartite young Expert run amuck in Chaos, unceasing with formidable fights with more formidable opponent, unceasing growth, in this moment, as if Martial Dao era formidable to limit. 三方的年轻高手们在混沌之中横行,不断的与强大与更加强大的对手交手,不断的成长起来,在这一刻,仿佛武道纪元强大到了极限。 Even Ye Xiwen also saw small crescent moon leads to contend with Expert of Ancient era personally, because there is Ruler to assume personal command . Moreover the Ancient era allied armies that more than one, therefore formed an alliance are very similarly strong, strong lawlessness. 甚至叶希文还看到了小月牙儿亲自带队与古代纪元的强者抗衡,因为有主宰坐镇,而且不止一个,所以结成了联盟的古代纪元联军同样很强势,强势的无法无天。 Many people said that if were not the Martial Dao era presented Ye Xiwen such Monster, normalcy of not being able to gain ground normally, the Martial Dao era should suppressed. 许多人都说,如果不是武道纪元出现了叶希文这么一个怪物,正常情况下,武道纪元应该是会被压制的抬不起头来的才正常。 Between both sides fights unceasingly, but the small crescent moon has gained the victory eventually, she is the Ye Xiwen only male offspring, quite in the Ruler son of first wife, Princess Chosen of entire Martial Dao era, by the strength, she also most is the best, even in her follower also many have formidable Heavenly Venerate. 双方之间交手不断,不过终究还是小月牙儿取得了胜利,她是叶希文唯一的子嗣,就相当于主宰的嫡子,整个武道纪元的天骄公主,论实力,她也是最为拔尖的,甚至她的追随者中也不乏有强大的天尊 She grew thoroughly, does not need Dao Protector, she instead can protect countless people, becomes others' Dao Protector. 她已经彻底成长起来了,并不需要护道者,她自己一个人反而能够护住无数人,成为别人的护道者。 Ye Xiwen is quite gratified, in these 100,000 years, the growth of small crescent moon is rapid! 叶希文颇为欣慰,在这100000年中,小月牙儿的成长迅速! He changed Martial Sect the vision, since Qin respected has refined hundred birds newly toward phoenix palace afterwards, he entered closed up, 100,000 years passed by, have not come out eventually. 他又将目光转向了武宗,自从秦尊重新炼制了百鸟朝凰宫之后,他就进入了其中闭关,100000年过去了,终究还是没有出来。 Ye Xiwen sighed, he knows that bridges over this unusual difficulty, initially strided in that Realm for the strength, he has spent many free time, only then he is clearest. 叶希文叹了一口气,他知道跨过这一步非常的困难,当初为了战力跨入那个境界,他花费了多少工夫,只有他自己最为清楚。 He has closed the eye, continued Enlightenment, because was backing on Divine Court such colossus, simultaneously he was Good Fortune Divine Dynasty Heavenly Venerate Dong, all kinds of resources continuous transportation entered in Divine Court, used for him, the resources that therefore he does not need to consume for his Enlightenment were worried. 他闭上了眼睛,又继续悟道了起来,由于背靠着神庭这样的庞然大物,同时他又是造化神朝东天尊,各种各样的资源都源源不断的输送进入了神庭之中,为他所用,所以他根本不需要为自己悟道所消耗的资源而担心。 Also only has his consumption that such colossus can support. 也唯有这样的庞然大物才能够支撑的起他的消耗。 Why this is during the Ancient era is also very difficult to present Ruler Level Expert again, resources that light consumes, is not they can imagine! 这也是为什么古代纪元之中很难再出现主宰级别高手,光是其中所消耗的资源,就不是他们能够想象的了的! 100,000 years, another 100,000 years pass by. 100000年,又一个100000年过去。 Among a blink, are enough over a million years pass by! 一眨眼间,已经是足足上百万年的时间过去! In Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, Divine Court, under the leadership of Martial Sect tripartite influence, influence unceasing expansion of Martial Dao era in Chaos, expands , to continue to expand. 造化神朝,神庭,武宗三方势力的带领之下,武道纪元在混沌之中的势力不断的扩张,又扩张,继续扩张。 Even gave to compress activity range of Ancient era. 甚至都将古代纪元的活动范围都给压缩掉了。 Even presented Half-Step Ruler Level Expert to send out, the ambush set out Good Fortune Divine Dynasty Expert, this war, a Good Fortune Divine Dynasty advance party, direct loss several Heavenly Venerate. 甚至出现了半步主宰级别高手出动,狙击出动了的造化神朝高手,这一战,造化神朝的一支先遣队,直接损失了好几个天尊 This also let assume good fortune god in the Heavenly Venerate complete violent anger. 这也让坐镇造化神都之中的中天尊完全暴怒了。 Heavenly Venerate has gotten rid directly, has infiltrated in Chaos, attacks brutally with that getting rid Half-Step Ruler of Ancient era, finally to run away the severe wound that Half-Step Ruler hits, nearly dying ends. 天尊直接出手了,打入了混沌之中,与那个出手的古代纪元的半步主宰大打出手,最终以将那个半步主宰打的重伤逃窜,险些垂死而终结。 This fights also thoroughly makes the Heavenly Venerate prestige know very well for the common people that originally during the Martial Dao era, not only has Martial Venerable Ye Xiwen, Qin Venerable, had this kind of powerful in Good Fortune Divine Dynasty to the extreme character. 这一战也彻底让中天尊的威名为世人所熟知,原来在武道纪元之中,不仅仅有武尊叶希文,还有秦尊,在造化神朝之中还有这样一个强势到了极点的人物。 In these over a million years, Heavenly Venerate does not idly spend the time, conversely, he has also reached an unprecedented situation, although could not have caught up with Ye Xiwen like that to be initially fearful, however in Half-Step Ruler, was very strong. 在这上百万年的时间之中,中天尊可不是虚度时光的,相反的,他还走到了一个前所未有的地步,虽然还赶不上当初叶希文那般可怕,但是在半步主宰之中,也很强势了。 In that afterwards, Heavenly Venerate participated in several times with War that Ancient era Half-Step Ruler Level Expert fights, because expanded to reduce the existing space of these Ancient eras along with the Martial Dao era influence unceasingly enormously, the contradiction of both sides was getting more and more intense. 在那之后,中天尊又参与了好几次与古代纪元半步主宰级别高手交手的大战,因为随着武道纪元势力不断扩大已经极大的压缩到了那些古代纪元的生存空间,双方的矛盾越来越激烈。 Even finally Heavenly Venerate also personally manages to expedite, the destruction a Ancient era, having made this Ancient era drop the curtain thoroughly, became past tense. 甚至最后中天尊还亲自主持远征,覆灭了一个古代纪元,让这个古代纪元彻底落下了帷幕,成为了一个过去式。 This war, has shocked entire Chaos thoroughly, making all people realize, Heavenly Venerate was not an affable fellow. 这一战,彻底震惊了整个混沌,让所有人都意识到了,中天尊可不是一个好惹的家伙。 Suddenly the crest of wave does not have two, even must cover had Ye Xiwen and Qin who Venerable over a million years have not gone out. 一时间风头无俩,甚至都要盖过了有上百万年都不曾出关的叶希文和秦尊了。 But all these, has alarmed Ruler of Ancient era finally, separates gets rid spatially, in Chaos, toward Heavenly Venerate bang kills, but. 而这一切,也终于惊动了一尊古代纪元的主宰,隔空出手,在混沌之中,朝着中天尊轰杀而至。 Heavenly Venerate also retreats fighting, he carries the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart, can contend with this Chaos Ruler of Ancient era reluctantly, both sides War entered in ten big god cities, nearly vacillated including ten big god cities. 天尊也是且战且退,他身负造化乾坤图,勉强能够抗衡这个混沌之中的古代纪元的主宰,双方一路大战进了十大神城之中,连十大神城都险些动摇了。 Ruler of this Ancient era also moved has killed the heart, must strike to kill Heavenly Venerate not to be possible, has chased down, even entered ten big god city garrison lines, cannot stop him including the defense lines of ten big god city unions, it may be said that was If Gods block, kill the Gods if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, nobody may keep off! 这个古代纪元的主宰也是动了杀心,非要击杀中天尊不可,一路追杀了进去,甚至杀入了十大神城防线内部,连十大神城联合的防线都阻拦不住他,可谓是神挡杀神佛挡杀佛,无人可挡! this time, Heavenly Venerate is unable to resist, even if there is a good fortune Heaven and Earth chart guard, but faces Ruler of genuine goods at reasonable prices, he has too many problems to tackle, how he was sigh with emotion initially Ye Xiwen can achieve such situation. 这一次,就连中天尊都无法抵挡,即便有造化乾坤图护身,但是面对一个货真价实的主宰,他还是捉襟见肘,他更是感慨当初叶希文如何能够做到那样的地步。 But during this time, closed up Ye Xiwen to be alarmed finally, gets rid.( Not 而就在这个时候,闭关之中的叶希文终于被惊动,出手了。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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