MGS :: Volume #40

#3846: Qin Zunli Confucianism

Has such possibility, was good cuts to kill Yama day Monarch before you, they will have worry, the time of after all waiting for was long, was not worthwhile, for this time delivered the life!” Qin Venerable smiles to look at Ye Xiwen. “不是没有这样的可能性,好在你之前斩杀了阎罗天君,他们也会有所顾忌吧,毕竟就算等候的时间再长,也不值当为了这点时间就把命送了!”秦尊笑笑看了看叶希文 In some sense, Ye Xiwen truly has the Legend(ary) nature, but Heavenly Venerate Realm dares to prey on Half-Step Ruler, goes all out with Half-Step Ruler. 从某种意义上来看,叶希文确实是非常具有传奇性的,只是天尊境界就敢搏杀半步主宰,和半步主宰拼命。 But has dared to slaughter Ruler to Half-Step Ruler, such experience, might be considered as Legend(ary). 而到了半步主宰更是敢宰杀了主宰,这样的经历,堪称是传奇 Because of this, these Ruler possibly make these Ruler have worry, does not dare to get rid at will. 正因为如此,那些主宰才可能让那些主宰们有所顾忌,不敢随意出手。 Once because gets rid, the opposite party dares with existence that you go all out! 因为一旦出手,对方可是敢和你拼命的存在! Nobody is willing to take risk easily! 没有人愿意轻易冒险! This time regarding the common life, naturally is very long, even so-called and Old as Heaven and Earth was also this, but regarding Ruler, this time was not very long, therefore they and others!” Qin Zundao. “这点时间对于寻常的生灵来说,自然是很漫长的,甚至所谓的与天地同寿也不过就是这样子了,但是对于主宰来说,这点时间却不算很漫长,所以他们等得起!”秦尊道。 No matter what, no matter they do have the plan that begins ahead of time, I cannot sit waiting for death, if they want to come, only the war, cuts 1-2, the association made them fear!” Ye Xiwen said. “不管怎么样,不管他们有没有提前动手的打算,我都不能坐以待毙,如果他们想来的话,也就唯有一战而已,斩掉一两个,总会让他们怕了吧!”叶希文道。 Cuts 1-2, if trades to do is other people, I will only think that he is blowing from the start flamboyant, but you? That was different!” Qin Venerable said. “斩掉一两个,啧啧,如果换做是其他人的话,我只会觉得他压根就是在吹牛逼,但是你么?那就不同了!”秦尊说道。 „The following some time, I will not stay in Zhoushan, opens the Confucianism, Inheritance my Great Dao, then I also fully sprint, crash in Ruler Realm, at that time, the Martial Dao era assumes two Ruler, even if they again how wild, does not dare to begin at will!” Qin Venerable said. “接下来的一段时间,我也会留在不周山中,开辟大教,传承我的大道,然后我也全力冲刺,冲进主宰境界,到那个时候,武道纪元坐镇两个主宰,就算他们再如何猖狂,也不敢随意动手了!”秦尊说道。 In his spoken language is the incomparable self-confidence, although the simple several words, make the person believe, other people cannot achieve, but if were Qin Venerable, not necessarily could not achieve. 他的言语之中是无比的自信,虽然只是简简单单几句话,却让人十分的信服,其他人做不到,但是如果是秦尊的话,也未必做不到。 Even if were in the legend has caught innumerable Half-Step Ruler Ruler Realm. 哪怕是传说中卡住了无数半步主宰主宰境界 Em!” “恩!” Ye Xiwen nodded, if Qin Venerable can breakthrough to Ruler Realm, naturally be the advantage is for him enormous, at least faces these Ruler pressures also to reduce. 叶希文点了点头,如果秦尊能够突破主宰境界,对他来说,自然是好处极大的,起码面对那些主宰的压力也会减轻很多。 But reason that Qin Venerable will choose to join, actually is also because wants to obtain the asylum of certain extent, Half-Step Ruler breakthrough arrives at Ruler, including many bad risks, only then he is clearest. 而秦尊之所以会选择加入,其实也是因为想要获得一定程度的庇护,半步主宰突破主宰,其中有多少凶险,只有他自己最清楚。 At this time naturally must strive absolutely safe, had Ye Xiwen to assume personal command, can save lots of troubles! 这个时候自然要争取万无一失,有叶希文坐镇,能够省去很多的麻烦! Human Race another Half-Step Ruler, Qin Venerable travelled for pleasure finally the return, has joined the Human Race not Zhoushan, opened sect Lijiao, opened Martial Sect, suddenly admirer scenery since. 人族另外一个半步主宰,秦尊终于游历归来,也加入了人族不周山,开宗立教,开辟了武宗,一时间仰慕者景从。 Resounding Heavenly Venerate of many given names come with admiration, the follower who wanted into Qin Venerable. 许多名号的响亮的天尊都慕名而来,想要成为秦尊的追随者。 Matter that this most shocks, because since, has been others has wanted into the Heavenly Venerate follower, but is unavailable, but Qin Venerable can obtain following of many Heavenly Venerate unexpectedly, big of its influence, is thus it can be seen ordinary. 这才是最为震撼的事情,因为一直以来,都是别人想要成为天尊的追随者而不可得,而秦尊居然能够得到许多天尊的追随,其影响力之大,也由此可见一般了。 Naturally, if Ye Xiwen is also willing to recruit the follower, will then have many people to come with admiration, attaches to Expert, being everyone can have the thoughts. 当然,如果叶希文也愿意招收追随者的话,那么也会有很多人慕名而来,依附强者,是每一个人都会有的心思。 Does not lower the head merely, but can also obtain a lot of resources from Expert, but can also obtain blessing of Expert, these advantage are very obvious. 绝不仅仅只是低头而已,还可以从强者那边得到很多的资源,还可以得到强者的庇佑,这些好处都是很明显的。 Ye Xiwen is not interested, he and Qin Venerable were different, he has managed for ten several thousand years in good fortune, by the strength, by the inside story, strove to excel compared with Qin Venerable, does not need to expand own religious sect with this method. 只是叶希文对此不感兴趣,他和秦尊不同,他在造化界经营了十数万年,论实力,论底蕴,都远比秦尊要强,不需要用这种方法来壮大自己的教派。 After hundreds of thousands years of development, in Human Race Expert pours forth, was only Heavenly Venerate Level Expert appeared, including Ye Mo, Ye Wudi, small Kunpeng, Hua Menghan, Ye Qianqian and the others smoothly strided in Heavenly Venerate Realm, and already practice to High Grade Heavenly Venerate Realm. 经过十几万年的发展,人族之中高手辈出,光是天尊级别高手就出现了很多,包括叶墨,叶无敌,小鲲鹏,华梦涵,叶芊芊等人都已经顺利跨入了天尊境界,并且已经修炼到了高级天尊境界 Soon, can stride to peak Heavenly Venerate Realm, has Ye Xiwen such Half-Step Ruler momentarily to direct, their strengths are increased naturally are extremely quick. 用不了多久,都能够跨入到巅峰天尊境界,有叶希文这么一个半步主宰随时指点,他们的实力提升起来自然是极快的。 In addition, Bian Xiaoyue, small crescent moon and the others also in these ten several thousand years in strided in Heavenly Venerate Realm, became formidable existence that between Heaven and Earth have several. 除此之外,边晓月,小月牙儿等人也在这十数万年的时间之中跨入了天尊境界,成为了天地间有数的强大存在。 Especially Bian Xiaoyue, Ye Xiwen opens Divine Court Dao Temple, nowadays wields Divine Court Dao Temple is Bian Xiaoyue, to nowadays the Divine Court palm teach, but the small crescent moon is became the vice- palm of Divine Court teaches, they support mutually, is known as the Divine Court two artificial flowers with gold-foil. 尤其是边晓月,叶希文开辟神庭道统,现如今执掌神庭道统的就是边晓月,是为现如今神庭掌教,而小月牙儿则是成为了神庭的副掌教,两人相互扶持,更是号称神庭两朵金花。 Although has not strided in High Grade Heavenly Venerate Realm, but they can actually treat as an equal with these peak Heavenly Venerate, backs on a Divine Court such colossus, Expert are innumerable, influence strange Da. 虽然还未跨入高级天尊境界,但是他们却可以和那些巅峰天尊平起平坐,背靠神庭这么一个庞然大物,高手无数,势力奇大。 Let alone behind is also backing on one pile of High Grade Heavenly Venerate elder, they are nowadays Divine Court Supreme Elder, the status and Bian Xiaoyue this palm teach same. 何况背后还背靠着一堆高级天尊的长辈,他们都是现如今神庭太上长老,地位与边晓月这个掌教相同。 Moreover all people know that the Bian Xiaoyue back is also backing on nowadays first under heaven Expert Ye Xiwen, did not look that the monk surface must think the Buddha surface, nobody dares to look down on him. 而且所有人都知道,边晓月的背后还背靠着现如今天下第一高手叶希文,不看僧面也要看佛面,没有人敢小瞧了他。 As for Emperor Monarch, Quasi-Emperor and so on Expert, is just likes the blowout general braves, can say that nowadays Human Race is known as the first under heaven race wrong also not. 而至于帝君,准帝之类的高手,就更是犹如井喷一般的冒出来,可以说,现如今的人族号称天下第一种族也并没有错。 Has such inside story, Ye Xiwen did not certainly use is Qin Venerable like that from the beginning starts likely. 有这样的底蕴,叶希文当然不用像是秦尊那般从头开始。 However even if so, Qin Venerable the momentum also all of a sudden opened, Martial Sect opened sect Lijiao immediately also has become entire Good Fortune Divine Dynasty Martial Dao sacred land. 不过即便如此,秦尊的声势也是一下子打开了,武宗开宗立教顿时也成了整个造化神朝的一个武道圣地 Human Race has these two Great Saint to assume personal command, the natural momentum rises suddenly, can with be faintly the legitimate good fortune gods places on a par. 人族有这两大圣地坐镇,自然声势暴涨,隐隐能够与身为正统的造化神都相提并论。 But nowadays, the entire world, probably is divided into these three sacred land, the good fortune gods, Divine Court, Martial Sect, the confrontation among three forces. 而现如今,整个天下,大约就是分成这三个圣地,造化神都,神庭,武宗,三足鼎立。 Does not open sect Li to teach afterwards in Zhoushan is about ten thousand years, Qin Venerable pulled, went to the western region to open own Dao Temple, officially the confrontation among three forces with Divine Court and good fortune gods, is majestically located a side. 在不周山上开宗立教之后不过万年,秦尊就牵走了,远赴西域开辟自己的道场,正式与神庭和造化神都三足鼎立,雄踞一方。 Regarding the plan that Qin Venerable, Ye Xiwen understands that although after all he and Qin Venerable did not have what contradiction, but two Confucianism great distances were too near, unavoidably will rub, since this, might as well withdrew one. 对于秦尊的这个打算,叶希文还是明白的,毕竟虽然他与秦尊没有什么矛盾,但是两个大教相隔太近了,难免会有所摩擦,既然这样,还不如撤走一个。 Regarding this he does not have what opinion, regarding their like this big divine ability, the eastern territory or the western region is actually a thought matter, if what happened he to support is also very simple matter. 对此他也没有什么意见,对于他们这样的大神通者来说,东域还是西域其实就是一个念头的事情,如果发生了什么事情他要支援也是非常简单的事情。 But Qin Venerable went to the western region also to bring in the western region Human Race, situation of stability of reform. 而秦尊前往西域也正是将人族带到了西域之中,繁荣发展了起来。 However is the short time, was backing on Qin Venerable such Half-Step Ruler, Martial Sect also became an extremely prosperous Confucianism, unclearly was the first under heaven Confucianism. 不过是短短时间,背靠着秦尊这么一个半步主宰,武宗也就成为了一个极为繁荣的大教,隐隐然就是天下第一大教。 Although is inferior to Divine Court, but Divine Court attaches in Human Race, is the influence of tribal group, compares the disciple of Martial Sect recruitment Qin Venerable opened not only to be restricted in Human Race, so long as to the military, can through all life of inspection, be able to become the Martial Sect disciple wholeheartedly. 虽然不如神庭,不过神庭依附于人族,属于族群的势力,相比起来秦尊开辟的武宗招收的弟子就不仅仅只是仅限于人族,只要一心向武,能够通过考核的各方生灵,都可以成为武宗的弟子。 This type does not suppose threshold the way of recruitment disciple also to make Martial Sect develop quickly, disseminates in the broad boundless western region Martial Dao that Qin Venerable. 这种不设门槛的招收弟子的方式也让武宗很快就发展起来,将秦尊的武道传播到了广阔无边的西域之中。 In the western region, has formed Martial Sect and western Heavenly Venerate mansion compound situation, although western Heavenly Venerate has not strided in Half-Step Ruler, but backs on Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, does not fear actually. 在西域之中,形成了武宗和西天尊府并列的情况,西天尊虽然还未跨入半步主宰,但是背靠造化神朝,倒是也并不怵。 Is good because of Qin Venerable was also good, was Ye Xiwen is also good, has not broken immediately the plan of pattern, Venerable Good Fortune Divine Dynasty is entire good fortune Ruler. 好在无论是秦尊也好,还是叶希文也好,都没有打破当下格局的打算,还是尊造化神朝为整个造化界的主宰 Therefore the entire aspect has not evolved the scene of final outstanding heroes compete, in the order or good fortune the most basic criterion. 所以整个局面没有演变成最后群雄逐鹿的场面,秩序还是造化界之中最为根本的准则。 But lives in good fortune god in Heavenly Venerate also to refuse to admit being inferior, develops the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty strength, while stills regional chaotic situations, strengthens the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty dignity, suddenly, it can be said that the crest of wave does not have two, in addition Ye Xiwen this Heavenly Venerate Dong does not mix the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty important matter basically, therefore he is the effective and influential word Paragon character. 而身居造化神都之中的中天尊也是不甘示弱,一边发展造化神朝的实力,一边平定各地的乱局,增强造化神朝的威严,一时间,可以说是风头无俩,加上叶希文这个东天尊基本也不掺和造化神朝的大事,所以他便是一言九鼎的至尊人物。 Suddenly, development is also dramatically! 一时间,发展的也是有声有色! The entire aspect seems the raging fire boils oil to be the same, Fan Huajin variety, good fortune momentum one day strong one day. 整个局面仿佛是烈火烹油一样,繁花锦簇,造化界的声势一日强过一日。 The middle is the Ancient era in Chaos has erupted several conflicts, even the Heavenly Venerate personally royal cart has drafted several times, it may be said that is the earth-shattering that hits, but both sides dreaded that behind the opposite party has the character of Ruler Level strength, has not attacked brutally finally. 中间更是和混沌之中的古代纪元爆发过好几次的冲突,甚至中天尊都亲自御驾亲征了好几次,可谓是打的天崩地裂,不过双方都忌惮对方背后拥有主宰级别战力的人物,没有最后大打出手。 However entire situation also even more simple, this is also through the ages is situation so, once present age era formidable, expedites the Ancient era is very normal matter. 不过整个局势也是愈发的简单了起来,这也是古往今来都是这般的局势,一旦当世的纪元强大了起来,远征古代纪元都是很正常的事情。 In turn, present age era, once feeble, then by the example of Ancient era destruction is also everywhere. 反过来,当世的纪元一旦衰弱了下去,那么被古代纪元毁灭的例子也是比比皆是。 Both sides' relations are always not hello my good hello, instead is the life and death, inversely related relations, weakened the opposite party then to strengthen itself has become the mutual recognition of all people. 双方的关系从来都不是你好我好大家好,反而是你死我活,此消彼长的关系,削弱对方然后增强自己已经成了所有人的共识了。 If not for during the Ancient era presented several Venerable Lord to butcher, perhaps Heavenly Venerate must manage to expedite, even if so, intense War, were once for a while eruption. 若不是古代纪元之中出现了几尊主宰,中天尊恐怕就要主持远征了,不过即便如此,激烈的大战,还是时不时的爆发。 However all people know that decided the person who truly victory and defeat is not they, but is Ye Xiwen! 然而所有人都知道,真正决定胜负的人并不是他们而是叶希文 That several Ruler left place of afterwards Mysterious, has not been born, but sometimes will get rid, shows own existence feeling, but Ye Xiwen does not participate in this collision. 那几个主宰离开了神秘之地之后,也并没有出世,只是有时候会出手,来展现自己的存在感,而叶希文也并不参与这种碰撞。 Qin Venerable in the choke-out pass/test, is preparing breakthrough to that final Realm, attacked Ruler Realm! 秦尊正在闭死关,准备突破到那最后的境界,冲击到了主宰境界 But Ye Xiwen leads Great Dao in Enlightenment character tablet in Divine Court. 叶希文则是在神庭之中领悟道字碑之中的大道 He knows, the own base of becoming enlightened in this say|way character tablet! 他知道,自己的成道之基就是在这个道字碑之中! Is the comprehension, he regarding the sensibility of Heaven and Earth is profound, even in natural law including Chaos was grasped by him quite many, but he actually felt that breakthrough was getting more and more difficult. 只是越是领悟,他对于天地的感悟越是深刻,甚至连混沌之中的规则都被他掌握了相当多,但是他却感觉突破越来越难了。 Existence of good fortune day Monarch, seized completely the Heaven and Earth good fortune! 造化天君的存在,夺尽了天地造化! In other words, in good fortune day Monarch , the Martial Dao era is one suits the birth Ruler environment, however in good fortune day Monarch breakthrough to Ruler afterwards, he seized completely the good fortune, causing in Heaven and Earth to turn into not the suitable breakthrough environment. 也就是说,在造化天君在的时候,武道纪元还是一个适合诞生主宰的环境,但是在造化天君突破到了主宰之后,他一个人就夺尽了造化,导致天地之中变成并不适合突破的环境。 After , the newcomer successive can breakthrough to Half-Step Ruler is few, is this reason, let alone was Ruler, the common method was impossible. 以至于后来者连能够突破半步主宰的都是寥寥无几,便是这个原因,更别说是主宰了,寻常方法是根本不可能的。 Qin Venerable was also for this reason has to take risk to enter the place of Mysterious to seek for the base of becoming enlightened! 秦尊也是因为这个原因才不得不冒险进入神秘之地寻找成道之基! But now, is one's turn him to feel that type suppressed. 而现在,轮到他感觉到那一种压制了。 Has an advertisement to seek a collection to new book «practice Raging tide», sought the monthly ticket subscription support while convenient again!( Not 给新书《修炼狂潮》打个广告求个收藏,顺便再求月票订阅支持!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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