MGS :: Volume #40

#3845: Brand-new crisis

Beforehand Good Fortune Divine Dynasty has many misgivings, regarding the wealthy and powerful family of subordinates, is primarily winning over, does not dare excessive coping, particularly Heavenly Dao teaches such tyrants influence, is rampant domineering, in the area of jurisdiction, dares to speak the last words with Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, even relies on the alliances of major influences is having faintly, contends with Good Fortune Divine Dynasty. 以前的造化神朝顾虑重重,对于麾下的豪族,也只是以拉拢为主,不敢过分的对付,尤其是天道教这样的豪强势力,更是嚣张跋扈,在辖区之内,敢和造化神朝叫板,甚至凭借着隐隐存在的各大势力的联盟,与造化神朝相抗衡。 However now, they were actually basic even want cannot think, reason that they can more and more offcenter, to a great extent be hurried that because initially good fortune day Monarch walked, the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty influence drop significantly. 然而现在,他们却是根本连想都不敢想了,他们之所以能够越来越离心,很大程度上是因为当初造化天君走的匆忙,造化神朝势力大降。 But now Ye Xiwen's breakthrough, making the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty strength endure compared with initially good fortune day Monarch reigned, that at is not they can contend 而现在叶希文的突破,让造化神朝的实力堪比当初造化天君在位的时候,那就根本不是他们能够抗衡的了的 But their future status, even is fate, to a great extent, depends on a hand of Ye Xiwen person. 而他们未来的地位,甚至是命运,很大程度上,是取决于叶希文一个人的手里。 Ye Xiwen has the strength to erase them entirely will not have any repercussions. 叶希文有实力将他们统统抹除也不会有什么后遗症 In this case, the life and death of all people must depend on the Ye Xiwen's manner, but they before and Ye Xiwen's dirty was really too many, simply did not have many friendship, this was they thinks the incomparably disturbed reason. 在这种情况下,所有人的生死存亡都要取决于叶希文的态度,而偏偏他们之前和叶希文的龌龊实在是太多了,彼此之间根本没有多少交情,这才是他们觉得无比忐忑的原因。 However this time, they have not seen Ye Xiwen, because Ye Xiwen came back to close up, the ginseng Enlightenment character tablet went, simply has not received them, but he has gotten down a Dao Law aim, making these present the local tyrant influence of offcenter belong to the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty power and influence that they invaded to hand over, later obeyed dispatching of Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, then before all, can not go into one's past, otherwise, had the dead end. 不过这一次,他们谁都没有见到叶希文,因为叶希文一回来就闭关了,参悟道字碑去了,根本没有接见他们,不过他还是下了一道法旨,让那些现在已经离心的土豪势力将他们侵占的属于造化神朝的权势交出来,以后听从造化神朝的调遣,那么之前的一切,都可以既往不咎,否则的话,就只有死路一条。 hearing this, these Confucianism palms teach with clan Old Ancestor while the meat pain slightly relaxed, although will hand over the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty power and influence that originally will invade to make them lose seriously, however same also will be insufficient to be destroyed thoroughly, vanishes in puff of smoke, generally speaking, although will not be the best result, but will not be the worst result, but also in acceptable range. 闻言,那些大教掌教和一族老祖们在肉痛的同时还是微微松了一口气,虽然交出原本侵占的造化神朝的权势会让他们损失惨重,但是同样的也不至于彻底被毁灭,灰飞烟灭,总的来说,虽然不是最好的结果,但是也不是最差的结果,还在可以接受的范围之内。 But the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty also therefore influence rises sharply, has taken back many authorities all of a sudden, obtained offering services to of many clan and tribe Confucianism. 造化神朝也因此势力大涨,一下子收回了很多的权力,同时也得到了很多部族大教的投效。 Even if before is, good fortune day Monarch reigns does not have the so strong time, because also had the foreign country area and Good Fortune Divine Dynasty at that time opposes, but now was different, Good Fortune Divine Dynasty has annexed the Chaos god toward completing regarding good fortune and even the unification of entire Martial Dao era, the strength rose suddenly several compared with before. 就算是以前造化天君在位的时候也没有这般强势的时候,因为那个时候还有外域地区与造化神朝作对,但是现在则不同了,造化神朝已经吞并了混沌神朝完成了对于造化界乃至整个武道纪元的统一,实力比起之前暴涨了好几番。 Regarding rising of Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, other ****** is maintaining a vigilant vision, after all the present Martial Dao era was the powerful to the extreme, hung to hit their several eras to collaborate the basic difficulty casually not to have, likely was not hundreds of thousands years ago, but also possible to perish because of their invasions. 对于造化神朝的崛起,其他的各******都保持着一种警惕的目光,毕竟现在的武道纪元可谓是强势到了极点,随随便便吊打他们几个纪元联手根本一点难度都没有,不像是十几万年前,还可能因为他们的入侵而灭亡。 The present Martial Dao era is the strongest time. 现在的武道纪元才是最为强势的时候。 But person who brings all these changes, is Ye Xiwen, this name also became the name that Expert of innumerable Ancient era harbors intentions, has does not know that has many people to hate to clench jaws. 而带来这一切改变的人,就是叶希文,这个名字也成为了无数古代纪元的高手心心念念的名字,更有不知道有多少人恨得咬牙切齿。 If not Ye Xiwen, their days not so difficult, if not Ye Xiwen, Good Fortune Divine Dynasty will not have the integration opportunity, naturally will not have such powerful. 如果不是叶希文,他们的日子不会过的这般艰难,如果不是叶希文,造化神朝不会得到统合的机会,自然也不会有如此的强势。 Even linked two Great Saint to start incomparably to dread to the Martial Dao era, although after all two Great Saint the foundation was solid, but Good Fortune Divine Dynasty was not bad, even compared to them not to be only weak. 甚至连两大圣地都对武道纪元开始无比忌惮了起来,毕竟两大圣地虽然底蕴深厚,但是造化神朝也并不差,甚至比起他们只强不弱。 Before two Great Saint were wants many Half-Step Ruler regarding the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty superiority compared with the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty quantity that they had. 之前两大圣地对于造化神朝的优势就是他们所具备的远比造化神朝数量要多的半步主宰 However regardless of many Half-Step Ruler, regarding nowadays Ye Xiwen, delivers the dish, in the face of his Ruler Level battle efficiency, simply does not have, appointed what is meaning of this righteousness. 但是无论再多的半步主宰,对于现如今的叶希文来说,都是送菜,在他主宰级别的战斗力面前,根本没有任何意义。 Therefore facing this time Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, they must to look straight at to treat, only if these were in charge of two Great Saint places Ruler to come out, otherwise, their odds of suc­cess does not have. 所以面对此时的造化神朝,他们也必须要以正眼相待,除非那些曾经入主过两大圣地的主宰们能够出来,否则的话,他们真的一点胜算都没有。 When entire Chaos is the Ye Xiwen's success shocks, the place of that Mysterious finally has also closed, the eternal gates and ten thousand ancient god bridges also vanished. 而在整个混沌都为叶希文的战绩而震惊的时候,那神秘之地也终于重新合上了,永恒之门和万古神桥也都消失了。 These entered place of Mysterious Heavenly Venerate and Half-Step Ruler one after another came out, some people have the harvest, but some people have achieved nothing, how nobody knows their harvest. 那些进入了神秘之地的天尊半步主宰纷纷出来了,有些人有收获,而有些人则是一无所获,没有人知道他们的收获情况如何。 The travel of this time imposing Mysterious, like this had ended, truly what makes the people not think, there are several Ruler from the place of Mysterious. 这一次轰轰烈烈的神秘之旅,就这样子结束了,但是真正让众人没有想到的是,有几个主宰神秘之地中出来了。 Suddenly, entire world reacted, but Ancient era also because of their appearances, but has felt at ease, now the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty aspect has the battle efficiency to compare favorably with Ruler Level Ye Xiwen, but their side has true Ruler. 一时间,整个天下震动,而古代纪元方面也因为他们的出现而安心了下来,现在造化神朝方面有战斗力媲美主宰级别叶希文,但是他们那边可是拥有真正的主宰 At least at the scene looked that does not lose the person, cuts to kill Ruler this point as for Ye Xiwen, had forgotten by their selectivity, even many people also clamored must do over the Martial Dao era, thoroughly was perishing while several big Ruler the Martial Dao era, making the Martial Dao era thoroughly the history. 起码场面上看,并不输人,至于叶希文斩杀过主宰这一点,被他们选择性遗忘了,甚至于很多人还叫嚣着要返工武道纪元,趁着几大主宰都在彻底灭亡了武道纪元,让武道纪元彻底成为历史。 Although is only few people are clamoring, but can also look, they under forcing of Ye Xiwen person, already flustered to what kind situation. 虽然只是一部分人在叫嚣,但是也可以看得出来,他们在叶希文一个人的逼迫之下,已经慌张到了何等地步了。 However along with the returns of several Ruler, the situation in entire Chaos entered the power struggle aspect, although some Ruler left Chaos many eras, however was having extremely astonishing deterrent force as before, merely was only that Ruler status, had the common person the terrifying deterrent force that was hard to imagine. 不过随着几个主宰的回归,整个混沌之中的形势又进入到了群雄争霸的局面,虽然有的主宰已经离开了混沌好多个纪元了,然而依旧拥有着极为惊人的威慑力,仅仅就只是那个主宰的身份,就拥有寻常人难以想象的恐怖威慑力了。 If usually, in Chaos several big Ruler return, definitely will let the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty high and low flurry, but nowadays, does not have situation like that because only Ye Xiwen's exists, looked like a Dinghai god needle, the anchorage all. 如果是平时,混沌之中几大主宰回归,肯定会让造化神朝上下一片慌乱,但是现如今,却没有那般情况,只因为叶希文的存在,就像是一根定海神针,定住了一切。 Not the Zhoushan deep place, in Divine Court, Ye Xiwen and Qin Venerable sat facing each other. 不周山深处,神庭之中,叶希文与秦尊相对而坐。 Fellow Daoist, in that Mysterious Space, many thanks Fellow Daoist upholds justice to get rid!” Ye Xiwen raises glass saying that said drank one glass of immortal liquor to say. 道友,在那神秘空间之中,多谢道友仗义出手!”叶希文举杯说道,说完饮了一杯仙酒道。 That is not anything, if were I were in such situation at that time, I believe that you will also get rid!” “那不算什么,如果当时是我处于那样的情况,我相信你也会出手的!” Qin Venerable shook the head to say. 秦尊摇了摇头说道。 A little was sorry that before we reached an agreement the turning point that must form an alliance competes for that to become enlightened together, but I actually ahead of time left, again from punishing one cup!” “不过还是有点抱歉的,之前我们说好要结成联盟共同争夺那成道的契机而我却提前离开了,再自罚一杯!” Ye Xiwen completely drank one glass of immortal liquor saying that on this question, a little insufficient tunnel that he truly made, collaboration that initially reached an agreement has not realized. 叶希文又满饮了一杯仙酒说道,在这个问题上,他确实做的有点不够地道,当初说好的联手并没有实现。 Fellow Daoist is not no need to say anything, I am understandable, the situation that at that time Fellow Daoist faced also truly is vile, several Ruler are ready to make trouble!” Qin Venerable shook the head saying that he can understand reason that initially the Ye Xiwen choice left. 道友不必多说什么,我都可以理解的,当时道友面临的情况也确实是恶劣,好几个主宰都在蠢蠢欲动!”秦尊摇了摇头说道,他能够理解当初叶希文选择离开的缘由。 Really is because at that time was really too dangerous, even if Ye Xiwen were strong, facing besieging of one crowd of Ruler, odds of suc­cess was not big, will also possibly die. 实在是因为当时实在是太危险了,即便叶希文再强,面对一群主宰的围攻,胜算也不大,甚至还可能会死。 By the Ye Xiwen Half-Step Ruler strength, can cut to kill Yama day Monarch is the miracle, but can also request how? 叶希文半步主宰的实力,能够斩杀阎罗天君就已经是奇迹了,还能够要求更多么? Afterward actually how, Fellow Daoist whether snatched the base of becoming enlightened?” Ye Xiwen, open mouth to talk said that formerly question will have uncovered. “事后究竟如何了,道友是否抢到了成道之基了?”叶希文顿了顿,开口说道,将先前的问题揭了过去。 They stem from Human Race, but eventually the ally is also only the ally, the benefit has come and gone out is also very normal, both sides have the tacit understanding did not raise then. 两人同是出自人族,但是终究盟友也只是盟友而已,利益有所出入也很正常,双方都有默契的不提便是了。 this time also has the harvest, had been lucky beforehand Fellow Daoist struck to kill Heavenly Punishment god Monarch, this time has competed for the base of becoming enlightened, was mainly I and Heavenly Punishment god Monarch as well as discipline day Monarch, did not have Heavenly Punishment god Monarch afterwards, my pressure small were many, robbed the base of becoming enlightened by luck!” Qin Venerable nodded, now thinks that also thought to be choked up with emotions, that was the opportunity and hope that he became enlightened, in this tumultuous times, confusion even more, Ye Xiwen has forestalled a step strength to stride in Ruler Realm. 这一次还算是有收获,也多亏了之前道友击杀了天罚神君,这一次争夺成道之基,主要是我和天罚神君以及戒律天君,没有了天罚神君之后,我压力小的多了,侥幸抢夺到了成道之基!”秦尊点了点头,现在想起来还觉得心潮澎湃,那是他成道的机会和希望,在这个乱世之中,愈发的混乱,叶希文已经抢先一步战力跨入了主宰境界 But the returns of afterwards these Ruler will also make the entire Chaos situation confusing with vile. 之后那些主宰的回归也会让整个混沌的形势变得更加的扑朔迷离和恶劣了起来。 His sense of urgency also wins, if unable more further promotion strength before the following storm arrival, not to have including the strength of self-preservation. 他的紧迫感也更胜,如果无法在接下来的风暴到来之前更进一步的提升实力,岂不是连自保的实力都没有了。 I also worried these Ruler will get rid to intervene, was good is attracted finally by you because of their attention, I can the base of such smooth capturing becoming enlightened, say, although Fellow Daoist has not made anything, actually also helped me be busy!” “本来我还担心那些主宰会出手干预,好在最后他们的注意力都被你吸引走了,我才能够这么顺利的夺取成道之基,说起来,道友虽然没有做什么,却也帮了我大忙了!” Ye Xiwen beckons with the hand saying: These first do not raise, do you know that these Ruler choices were born at this time, the plan does What! 叶希文摆摆手说道:“这些就先不提了,你知道不知道那些主宰选择这个时候出世,到底打算干什么! Qin Venerable heard this words, cannot help but mouth corner slightly selected, reveals has wiped to sneer, said: Why can also, they be comes out to plan that the arrangement of layout next era, has disseminated the next era own say|way, regarding them is also the non- common advantage!” 秦尊听到这个话,不由得嘴角微微一挑,露出了一抹冷笑,道:“还能为什么,他们是出来打算布局下一个纪元的安排了,将自己的道传播到下一个纪元,对于他们来说也是非常有好处的!” They disseminate during own Great Dao the brand-new era, will have countless person practice, these people's in the practice process also in improving this Great Dao process, but also has developed the brand-new possibility, regarding these Ruler, this is an own progressive method, is when the Martial Dao era was just born not long also had the beforehand Ancient era to spread to coming in own big law, was born very much a number of Xiantian Spiritual God, they were a number of Xiantian lives of entire Martial Dao era earliest birth, on each was almost shouldering Great Dao of past era, Then on such first generation first generation Inheritance process , the unceasing improvement, fuses with the Martial Dao era, turns into Martial Dao part!” “他们将自身的大道传播到全新的纪元之中,就会有无数人修炼,这些人在修炼的过程中也是在完善这种大道的过程中,还开拓了全新的可能性,对于这些主宰来说,这是自身进步的一个方法,便是在武道纪元刚刚诞生没有多久的时候也有以前的古代纪元将自己的大法传入了进来,很是诞生了一批先天神灵,他们便是整个武道纪元最早诞生的一批先天生灵,每一个身上几乎都背负着过去纪元的大道,然后就这样一代一代传承的过程中,不断的改良,与武道纪元相融合,化成武道的一部分!” Ye Xiwen cannot help but secretly is flabbergasted, must say, truly these Ruler layouts big to have been hard to imagine the situation that takes an era as a chess, has Ruler to be able below got up, even if Half-Step Ruler by far is unqualified. 叶希文不由得暗自咋舌,要说起来,确实那些主宰的布局大到了难以想象的地步,以一个纪元为一盘棋,也就只有主宰能够下的起了,就算是半步主宰都远远不够格。 Now the Martial Dao era also prime of life, can their this time coming out layout, a little too early...” Ye Xiwen muttered, he has thought of anything unexpectedly probably, was difficult to be inadequate they to plan itself to get rid, ended the Martial Dao era to be inadequate forcefully!” “不过现在武道纪元还正春秋鼎盛,他们这个时候出来布局,会不会有点太早了。。。”叶希文喃喃自语道,蓦地他好像是想到了什么,“难不成他们打算自己出手,强行终结武道纪元不成!” Thinks of here, Ye Xiwen cannot help but back fine hair stands upside down, if is really so, that was too fearful, ten ten thousand years ago crises and compared with the crisis that may Ruler of arrival besiege, simply is not anything. 想到这里,叶希文不由得后背汗毛倒立,如果真是如此,那就太可怕了,十多万年前的危机和有可能到来的主宰围攻的危机相比,根本就不算什么。 Has an advertisement to new book «practice Raging tide», sought the support, sought the collection!( Not 给新书《修炼狂潮》打个广告,求支持,求收藏!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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