MGS :: Volume #40

#3844: Return, Chaos shock

This war, eruption sudden of , but is also expected in the people. 这一战,爆发的很突然,但是也在众人意料之中。 By their enmities, this fights will sooner or later occur, where the only suspense is, when erupts. 以两人的仇怨来看,这一战迟早会发生,唯一的悬念就是在什么地方,什么时候爆发而已。 Truly those who make people thorough contrary unexpected was cutting of Ye Xiwen success has killed Yama day Monarch unexpectedly. 真正让众人彻底出乎意料之外的是叶希文居然真的成功的斩杀了阎罗天君。 Moreover looks like, has not paid too many prices, most at least looks like in the people, truly is this. 而且看起来,并没有付出太多的代价,最起码在众人看起来,确实是这样的。 But the Ye Xiwen's powerful also blew the people of many being ready to make trouble, Ye Xiwen clearly can feel that some people retreated, some formidable to the Peak character. 叶希文的强势也镇住了很多蠢蠢欲动的人,叶希文分明能够感觉到,有一些人退去了,一些强大到了极致的人物。 But now, Ye Xiwen was too not worried these people existed, but has to acknowledge as before that these people regarding their threat are very big. 而现在,叶希文并不是太担心这些人的存在了,但是依旧不得不承认,这些人对于自己的威胁还是非常大的。 However this fought afterwards, Ye Xiwen does not choose to remain, although here can harvest many, but the danger was also very big. 不过这一战之后,叶希文也不选择留下来了,在这里虽然能够收获很多,但是危险也很大。 Especially now, he attracted in many people the situations of attention, may be ambushed, will have when the time comes likely the mishap. 尤其是现在,他已经吸引了许多人的注意的情况下,可能会遭到狙击,到时候可能会发生不测。 He has such predict that present age Ruler, always the eye-sore thorns in the side of many people , he although is not Ruler, but its significance and Ruler do not have what difference. 他有这样的预测,当世的主宰,总是许多人的眼中钉肉中刺,他虽然不是主宰,但是其意义和主宰也没有什么差别。 He must return to the Martial Dao era, the comprehension, this time obtained the character tablet well, his harvest was too big. 他要回到武道纪元,好好领悟,这一次得到了道字碑,他的收获太大了。 That is entire Chaos, the general outlines of innumerable era, can say the character tablet, then becomes enlightened is only question that's all of time. 那是整个混沌,无数的纪元的总纲,可以说得到了道字碑,那么成道就只是时间的问题罢了 He does not fear the risk, but does not fear the danger, but does not have the risk of significance, he will not attempt easily. 他不怕冒险,但是也并不怕危险,但是没有意义的冒险,他不会轻易去尝试。 While all people think that Ye Xiwen must have an exciting future in this Mysterious Space, even many people guessed, Ye Xiwen can also with many Ruler such choice keeps this Mysterious Space the time. 正当所有人都以为叶希文要在这个神秘空间之中大展宏图,甚至很多人猜测,叶希文也会和很多主宰那样子选择留在这神秘空间的时候。 Ye Xiwen chose unexpectedly left Mysterious Space, this was also thorough contrary unexpected of all people, even some Ruler of being ready to make trouble were also stunned. 叶希文居然选择了离开了神秘空间,这也彻底出乎了所有人的意料之外,甚至一些蠢蠢欲动的主宰也都愕然了。 How this also plays! 这还怎么玩! Ye Xiwen did not play with them! 叶希文根本不和他们玩了! Has attempt Ruler to pursue it to be inferior, this time Ye Xiwen's speed was too fast, although is only Half-Step Ruler, under Ruler, the relaxedness had not actually found the eternal gate direction, then left the place of this Mysterious. 一些别有企图的主宰追之不及,此时的叶希文的速度太快了,虽然只是半步主宰,却不下于主宰,轻松就找到了永恒之门的方向,然后离开了这一片神秘之地。 But in Chaos, Ye Xiwen cut to kill the Ruler Yama day Monarch's news to spread over entire Chaos, in entire Chaos various ****** at earthquake. 而在混沌之中,叶希文斩杀了主宰阎罗天君的消息传遍了整个混沌,整个混沌之中各******都在大地震。 Without a doubt, Expert was extremely born, in the past innumerable years, Ruler was powerful, radically nobody can contend. 毫无疑问,一个绝顶的高手诞生了,在过去无数年之间,主宰都是实力强大,根本没有人能够抗衡。 During the past long time, and had Ruler die, but let their die, similarly was formidable Ruler. 在过去的漫长时间之中,并不是没有主宰陨落过,但是让他们陨落的,也同样都是强大的主宰 Half-Step Ruler goes against the flow to cut to kill Ruler, this is through the ages first time. 半步主宰逆行斩杀主宰,这还是古往今来头一次。 As Ye Xiwen's is fierce, his legend seemed terrifying unrest has swept away in entire Chaos equally directly, innumerable Expert boiling, the innumerable eras trembled. 随着叶希文的厉害,他的传说好似一场恐怖的风潮一样直接横扫了整个混沌之中,无数强者沸腾了,无数纪元都震颤。 Formidable Half-Step Ruler, has not heard Half-Step Ruler to be able powerful to such situation!” “一个强大的半步主宰,从来没有听说过半步主宰能够强悍到这样的地步!” Just crossed the tribulation to complete cuts to kill established Ruler, future will Chaos be ruled by him?” “才刚刚渡劫完成就斩杀了一个老牌的主宰,难道未来的混沌将由他来统治了么?” Only feared that had not run, in many Ruler also keep that Mysterious in the situation in place, only fears the footsteps that in entire Chaos radically nobody can prevent him to go forward!” “只怕是没跑了,在诸多主宰还留在那神秘的的地方的情况下,只怕整个混沌之中都根本没有人能够阻挡他前进的脚步!” What terrifying is, had insisted these many era afterwards, the ghost said the era could not insist eventually, the destruction in a hand of person, including Yama day Monarch also together die, the ghost said unexpectedly the era did not have the hope thoroughly!” “更恐怖的是,坚持了这么多个纪元之后,鬼道纪元终究还是坚持不住了,居然覆灭在了一个人的手中,连阎罗天君也跟着一起陨落了,鬼道纪元是彻底没有希望了!” That had ruled Chaos colossus Ah! “曾经那可是统治过混沌的一个庞然大物啊! But the news comes, the influence is biggest, most feel happy, naturally must be the Martial Dao era, Good Fortune Divine Dynasty. 而消息传来,影响最大的,最为开心的,当然要属于武道纪元,造化神朝 Even if they have not thought that in good fortune day Monarch afterwards, Good Fortune Divine Dynasty also has the opportunity of rising unexpectedly, Ye Xiwen can stand unexpectedly in that peak ranks. 哪怕是他们也没有想过,在造化天君之后,造化神朝居然还有重新崛起的机会,叶希文居然能够站到那巅峰的行列之中。 Although Ye Xiwen merely is only Half-Step Ruler, but can cut to kill Ruler Half-Step Ruler and Ruler also has anything to distinguish. 虽然叶希文仅仅只是半步主宰,但是一个能够能够斩杀主宰半步主宰主宰又有什么区别呢。 Suddenly, entire Good Fortune Divine Dynasty boiling, particularly Good Fortune Divine Dynasty just toward had given to annex the Chaos god, is will of the people not steady time, time that this news passes on, has blown all of a sudden also the people of many being ready to make trouble. 一时间,整个造化神朝沸腾了,尤其是造化神朝刚刚将混沌神朝都给吞并了,正是人心不稳的时候,这个消息传过来的时候,一下子也镇住了很多蠢蠢欲动的人。 In front of this kind of powerful unparalleled outstanding Expert, they simply do not have the opportunity to revolt. 在这样一个强势无双的盖代强者面前,他们根本没有机会反抗。 „The Martial Dao era will certainly revive, real man, this imposing first!” 武道纪元必将重新复兴,大丈夫,就该轰轰烈烈的一世!” Many originally still also started to close up toward Good Fortune Divine Dynasty in half independent place influence of waiting and seeing, regardless of they are willing to be also good, was not willing to be also good. 许多原本还在观望的半独立的地方势力也开始朝着造化神朝靠拢了,无论他们是愿意也好,还是不愿意也好。 Was beyond control they to take responsibility, now the Martial Dao era has Ye Xiwen to assume personal command, also had Heavenly Venerate to assume personal command, was almost in the past good fortune day Monarch and predecessor Heavenly Venerate reigns the reprint. 都由不得他们做主了,现在武道纪元有叶希文坐镇,同时又有中天尊坐镇,几乎就是当年造化天君和前任中天尊在位的时候的翻版。 Has the so strong character to assume personal command, naturally does not allow the influence of subordinates to maintain that half independent condition, therefore their no choices, can only choose to close up to Good Fortune Divine Dynasty. 有这般强势的人物坐镇,自然不允许麾下的势力保持着那种半独立的状态,所以他们没有的选择,只能选择靠拢向造化神朝 Entire Good Fortune Divine Dynasty suddenly the morale greatly inspires, the young generation wants to join the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty subordinates, is the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty potency, attraction that peak Expert has , can thus be inferred. 整个造化神朝一时间士气大振,许多年轻一辈都想要加入造化神朝麾下,为造化神朝效力,一个顶尖强者所具备的吸引力,也由此可见一斑。 He can arrive unexpectedly such one step, is hard to imagine seriously!” “他居然能够走到这样的一步,当真是难以想象!” Although I thought that on the same day he is not in the pond the thing, however has not thought he can rule the world!” “虽然当日我就觉得他并非池中之物,然而还是没有想过他能够君临天下!” But had fought with Ye Xiwen, or person one after another has sighed with emotion with he has competed, initially Ye Xiwen was also only promising youth that's all, even hundreds of thousands years ago, he also merely was only one just arrived at Good Fortune Divine Dynasty Emperor Monarch. 而很多曾经与叶希文交手过,或者与他竞争过的人都纷纷感慨过,当初叶希文还不过只是一个后起之秀罢了,甚至十几万年前,他还仅仅只是一个刚刚来到造化神朝帝君而已。 At that time, although Emperor Monarch said Expert extremely, but also just strided in this Domain that's all, who will care him. 那个时候,帝君虽然是极道强者,但是也只是刚刚跨入这个领域罢了,谁会真的将他放在心上。 However hundreds of thousands years of past afterwards, he unexpectedly became existence that the people only have been able to look up. 然而十几万年过去之后,他居然成了众人都只能仰望的存在。 Initially with Ye Xiwen has competed existence, existence that crosses for the enemy with Ye Xiwen, now thorough is silent. 无论是当初与叶希文竞争过的存在,还是与叶希文为敌过的存在,现在都彻底沉默了。 When the news has fed in Human Race afterwards, entire Human Race boiling, nowadays Ye Xiwen was too strong, original Ye Xiwen or Heavenly Venerate time, he is entire Good Fortune Divine Dynasty first under heaven Expert, basic nobody can keep off, but now, he in Ruler basically not in the situation, is the entire Chaos first person. 当消息传回了人族之后,整个人族沸腾了,现如今的叶希文太强势了,本来叶希文还是天尊的时候,他就已经是整个造化神朝天下第一高手,根本无人能挡,而现在,他在主宰们基本都不在的情况下,已经是整个混沌第一人。 Although a little in mountain the meaning of non- tiger, but Ye Xiwen through cutting to have killed Yama day Monarch, making all people know, he was not because in the mountain did not have the tiger, can the full weight king, even if in the mountain had the tiger, he was also one of the most Expert. 虽然有一点山中无老虎的意思,但是叶希文通过斩杀了阎罗天君,让所有人都知道了,他不是因为山中无老虎,才能够称大王,哪怕山中有老虎,他也是最强者之一。 But has Ye Xiwen to support, can say that Human Race this first under heaven large clan has also been worthy of the reputation, nobody will suspect that has anything not to be right. 而有叶希文撑腰,可以说,人族这天下第一大族也就名副其实了,没有人会怀疑有什么不对。 Returned to not Zhoushan afterwards in Ye Xiwen, many Expert one after another come greetings, Emperor Monarch is also good, Heavenly Venerate is also good, in front of Ye Xiwen's, at is not anything, can only the little darling come greetings. 叶希文回到了不周山之后,许多高手纷纷前来拜见,无论是帝君也好,天尊也好,在叶希文的面前,都根本不算什么,都只能乖乖前来拜见 Especially all influence above eastern territory, other places , the eastern territory can be said as the Ye Xiwen directly under place, how can allow some people to revolt in this place Ye Xiwen. 尤其是东域之上的各方势力,其他的地方也就算了,东域可以说是叶希文直辖的地方,在这种地方叶希文怎么能允许有人反抗呢。 The side of bed, it allows other people to sleep soundly. 正所谓卧榻之侧,其容他人酣睡。 originally held world Confucianism little girl Heavenly Dao to teach also to lower the head to Ye Xiwen at this time, this was different from before, although before they do not dare to be dissolute, but always drifted away beyond the system of eastern territory Ye Xiwen constructed, wanted to obtain a relative independence the status. 原本执天下大教妞儿的天道教这个时候也不得不对叶希文低头了,这不同于之前,之前虽然他们也不敢放肆,但是总还是游离于叶希文所构建的东域的体系之外,想要获得一个相对独立的地位。 However at this time, their all ideas became foolish looked to approach very much obviously, simply impossible matter. 然而在这个时候,他们所有的想法很显然都成了痴心就望向,根本就不可能的事情。 Heavenly Dao teaches the palm to teach also only to come greetings Ye Xiwen personally, originally his such peak Heavenly Venerate, even if sees right in front of one Heavenly Venerate, Heavenly Venerate must treat with good manners to him, because his influence was really too big, can say that was Chief in the world all Confucianism recessive alliances. 天道教掌教也只能亲自前来拜见叶希文,原本他这样的巅峰天尊,哪怕是面见中天尊,中天尊都要对他以礼相待,因为他的影响力实在是太大了,可以说,是天底下所有大教隐性联盟的盟主 However this set of custom is facing the Ye Xiwen's time, no matter has used, the Ye Xiwen's battle efficiency strided in Ruler Realm, let alone was trivial Heavenly Dao teaches to revolt, even if were entire Good Fortune Divine Dynasty must revolt, his sword sufficiently suppressed all rebellion. 然而这一套规矩在面对叶希文的时候,就不管用了,叶希文的战斗力已经跨入了主宰境界,别说是一个区区天道教要造反了,就算是整个造化神朝要反抗,他一人一剑都足以镇压所有的叛乱。 Compared with only then Heavenly Venerate of Half-Step Ruler battle efficiency did not know to tyrannicalally to any situation. 比起只有半步主宰战斗力的中天尊又是不知道要强横到什么地步了。 Even if formidable just likes Heavenly Dao teaches palm to teach only to be static outside Zhoushan were not waiting for the Ye Xiwen's interview, comes with him together, many Confucianism, the palm of large clan teaches, Old Ancestor. 即便是强大犹如天道教掌教都只能是静静的在不周山外等待着叶希文的接见,与他一同前来的,还有许多大教,大族的掌教,老祖 Even if in choke-out closes in practice, at this time was also awakened from practice by the disciples and followers of later generation. 哪怕是在闭死关修炼中,此时也都被后辈的徒子徒孙从修炼之中叫醒。 At this time must be they go to greetings personally, might obtain the Ye Xiwen's interview. 这个时候必须是他们亲自前往拜见,才有可能得到叶希文的接见。 At this time the Ye Xiwen's status, is not the casual any person wants greetings to have opportunity greetings, even if common Heavenly Venerate, to see that Ye Xiwen is not easy, this is once in a thousand years opportunity. 此时叶希文的身份,已经不是随便什么人想要拜见就有机会拜见的了,即便是寻常的天尊,要想见到叶希文也不容易,这可是千载难逢的机会。 Taking advantage of congratulating the Ye Xiwen breakthrough matter, comes to try to find the true situation, this is the true goal, they want to know that what strategy will adopt in afterwards Ye Xiwen. 借着恭贺叶希文突破的事情,前来探听虚实,这才是真正的目的,他们都想要知道,在之后叶希文将会采取什么样的策略。 Although for long, Ye Xiwen on performance regarding government affairs not too many interests, even if nowadays Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, he dominates existence above Heavenly Venerate, but had still held the post of Heavenly Venerate Dong, has not meddled to intervene the plan of Good Fortune Divine Dynasty revolution. 虽然长久以来,叶希文就表现的对于政务并没有太多的兴趣,哪怕是现如今的造化神朝,他是凌驾于中天尊之上的存在,但是仍然只是担任了东天尊,并没有插手干预造化神朝运转的打算。 However nobody dared underestimate his influence, although he did not dare, but if he spoke thoughtlessly, might create the fatal total destruction to them, even did not need him to get rid personally, Good Fortune Divine Dynasty itself had to suppress regional revolts the absolute strengths. 但是没有人敢小看了他的影响力,他虽然不敢,但是如果他随口说上一句,都有可能对于他们造成致命的灭顶之灾,甚至都不需要他亲自出手,造化神朝本身就拥有镇压各地反抗的绝对实力。 Before the rebellion of Good Fortune Divine Dynasty native place, the territory that in Chaos god Royal Court just annexed, has had the scale not small revolt, however is unable to vacillate the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty dominant strength. 之前无论是造化神朝本土的造反,还是刚刚吞并进来的混沌神朝的领地,都发生过规模不小的反抗,然而都无法动摇造化神朝的统治力。 Many people are want to know that what view Ye Xiwen maintains regarding their these half independent influence is being, for fear that stirs up Ye Xiwen one not to be happy that eradicates them thoroughly, that thoroughly ended.( Not 许多人更是想要知道叶希文对于他们这些保持着半独立的势力是什么样的看法,生怕惹得叶希文一个不高兴,将他们彻底连根拔起,那就彻底完了。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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