MGS :: Volume #40

#3843: Yama day Monarch die

Ye Xiwen shouted, reacted entire Chaos! 叶希文一声大喝,震动整个混沌 expression of all people changed, Ye Xiwen said that must cut to kill Yama day Monarch is not the first time, however has this time, all people have taken seriously his words, because this time Ye Xiwen and Yama day Monarch compares, did not miss anything. 所有人的神色都变了,叶希文说要斩杀阎罗天君并不是第一次,然而只有这一次,所有人把他的话当真了,因为此时的叶希文和阎罗天君比起来,也并不差什么了。 Not only itself battle efficiency surmounted that line, what is most important, his Martial Venerable Seal also strided in Ruler Dao Artifact Level, does not miss in Yama day Mr. 不仅仅本身战斗力已经跨越了那一条线了,最重要的是,他的武尊印也跨入了主宰道器级别,不差于阎罗天君。 Imposing manner that in addition now Ye Xiwen continually rises perhaps, he really has to slaughter the Ruler ability! 加上现在叶希文不断上升的气势,或许他真的有屠戮主宰的能力! But this time, Yama day Monarch has not treated as the neglected advice the Ye Xiwen's words, but is earnest caring. 这一次,阎罗天君也没有将叶希文的话当做耳旁风,而是认真的放在心上。 This is one can with the violent treachery that treat as an equal. 这是一个可以和自己平起平坐的毒手。 Ruler will not shake the fist to quarrel easily, after all can practice to this situation, not be easy, who is willing for the minor matter and opposite party of showdown some goose bumps, may cause own die at risk of life. 主宰轻易不会挥拳相向,毕竟能够修炼到这个地步,都不容易,谁愿意为了一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事和对方拼死对决,有可能会导致自己的陨落 However between he and Ye Xiwen, did not have what cushion, the ghost said that the era nearly makes the Martial Dao era enter end the world ahead of time, direct Beng to extinguish, but Ye Xiwen is more direct, has breathed heavily slightly the one breath, directly extinguished the ghost to say the era, at that time was only Heavenly Venerate does not give him merely the face, he not only lost face, lost own vertical body basis. 然而他和叶希文之间,已经没有什么缓冲了,鬼道纪元险些让武道纪元提前进入末世,直接崩灭,而叶希文更直接,稍微喘过一口气,就直接灭了鬼道纪元,那个时候仅仅只是一个天尊就不给他面子了,他不仅仅是丢脸,更是丢失了自己的立身根本。 Both sides are life and death, this fate, what is most essential, present Ye Xiwen was so fearful, has in addition of Martial Dao era to hold again, he can grow to any situation in the future, does not dare to imagine simply. 双方只有你死我活,这一种下场,最关键的是,现在的叶希文已经这么可怕了,再有武道纪元的加持,他未来能够成长到什么地步,简直不敢想象。 If such person cannot reconcile can only try to cut to kill! 这样的人如果不能和解就只能尽全力斩杀! Therefore he had the murderous intention, his whole body, each cell in glittering rays of light, is swallowing the scary energy, then condensed the body completely, the ghost said that law of era obviously melted. 所以他动了杀机,他的全身上下,每一个细胞都在闪烁光芒,都在吞噬着骇人的能量,然后全部都凝聚到了身上,鬼道纪元的法则显化了出来。 this time, he must rout Ye Xiwen, even is strikes to kill. 这一次,他要一口气将叶希文击溃,甚至是击杀。 Yama day Monarch was earnest, it seems like both sides must seize really to slaughtering, not dead / undead continuous!” “阎罗天君认真了,看来双方真的要捉对厮杀,不死不休了!” Some Half-Step Ruler open mouth to talk said that is only he in the holding breath cold air/Qi, Ruler Level Expert fights, although rare, but has, but life and death opposite direction are not many. 半步主宰开口说道,只是他在倒吸冷气,主宰级别高手交手虽然少见,但是还是有,但是生死相向的却不多。 But now, they must see finally. 而现在,他们终于要看到了。 But Ye Xiwen also earnest, in his whole body, has Three Thousand Martial Paths law to encounter, this is the miniature of two era confrontation, the ghost said that era by the Martial Dao era destroying completely, became part of Martial Dao era. 叶希文也认真了起来,在他的周身,有三千武道法则在交锋,这是两个纪元交锋的缩影,鬼道纪元已经被武道纪元给灭掉了,成为了武道纪元的一部分。 But now, the Yama deva-eye wants the representative ghost saying that the era asked. 而现在,阎罗天眼要代表鬼道纪元重新讨回来了。 The fight of both sides is ready to be set off, Yama day Monarch rushed to nearby Ye Xiwen's directly horizontally, the ghost said that the big law of era condensed above his palm directly, then fell maliciously. 双方的战斗一触即发,阎罗天君直接横冲到了叶希文的跟前,鬼道纪元的大法直接凝聚到了他的手掌之上,然后狠狠的落了下来。 This is not the confrontation of Martial Dao, Martial Dao is only the ghost who the load bearing Yama day Monarch is studying says era the carrier of Great Dao. 这不是武道的交锋,武道只是承载着阎罗天君所学的鬼道纪元的大道的一个载体而已。 Was too slow!” “太慢了!” Ye Xiwen shouts out, has then lifted the hand, cut to fall suddenly all of a sudden, at this time, his entire arm changed to a sharp sword to cut to fall all of a sudden, cutting to break Yama day Monarch's attack. 叶希文大喝一声,然后抬起了手,猛然一下子斩落了下去,这个时候,他的整条手臂就化作了一口利剑一下子就斩落了下来,就将阎罗天君的攻击给斩破了。 But at this time, Ye Xiwen one step has stepped forward, first launched the attack. 而就在这个时候,叶希文已经一步跨出,抢先发动了进攻。 Bang!” “轰!” War erupted instantaneously, both sides saved must kill the heart of opposite party, therefore at this time, will again certainly not keep the hand, got rid, was life and death. 大战瞬间爆发了,双方都存了要杀死对方的心,所以这个时候,当然不会再留手,一出手,就是你死我活。 This is most terrifying, had drawn back very far Half-Step Ruler, almost compelled and withdrew was very far, this reluctantly can adapt to the both sides fight time the complementary waves. 这才是最为恐怖的,本来已经退出去很远的半步主宰们,几乎是被逼的又退后了很远,这才勉强能够适应双方战斗时候的余波。 Martial Venerable, you are anything, initially my good fortune day Monarch had fought, let alone is you!” Yama day Monarch is sneering, however his sound is actually the incomparable vigor. 武尊,你算什么,当初我连造化天君都交过手,何况是你!”阎罗天君冷笑着,但是他的声音却是无比的浑厚。 How has fought? I am I, he is he, he has not killed you, representative I cannot kill you!” “交过手又如何?我是我,他是他,他没有杀你,不代表我不能杀你!” Sneering that Ye Xiwen does not live. 叶希文只是不住的冷笑。 law and ghost of Martial Dao era said that law of era in this moment, erupted thoroughly, pestered one, collided, such scene, was heaven-shaking moves seriously, degree that the common person was hard to imagine radically. 武道纪元的法则和鬼道纪元的法则在这一刻,彻底爆发了,纠缠到了一起,碰撞到了一起,这样的场景,当真是惊天动地,寻常人根本难以想象的程度。 However the people had discovered quickly is not right, because both sides in going all out transports attack to the body of opposite party, but the result is actually widely divergent, both sides almost decided the victory and defeat immediately. 不过众人很快就发现了不对了,因为双方都在拼命的将攻击输送到对方的身上,但是结果却是大相径庭,双方几乎是立刻就分出了胜负。 Whatever Ye Xiwen Yama day Monarch falls in torrents attack on own body, but Yama day Monarch actually cannot to Ye Xiwen attack. 叶希文任凭阎罗天君将攻击倾泻在自己的身上,而阎罗天君却不能任凭叶希文攻击 Yama day Monarch's fleshly body is also the out of the ordinary one system, is he founds, during the entire era is difficult to meet the rival. 阎罗天君的肉身也是非同凡响的一种体制,是他自己开创的,整个纪元之中都难逢敌手。 Even if in boundless endless Chaos, his system is most peak, but who that also scored points and compares. 即便是在无边无尽混沌之中,他的体制都是最顶尖的,但是那也得分和谁比了。 But Ye Xiwen this system, is fearfully most peak, merit golden body! 叶希文这种体制,才是最可怕最为顶尖的,功德金身! Through the ages, no matter during any era, the merit golden body is most fearful, that is not can refine inborn, even does not have anything to relate with the Houtian effort, depends entirely on the merit to form. 古往今来,不管是任何一个纪元之中,功德金身都是最可怕的,那不是天生能够炼成的,甚至和后天的努力也没什么关系,全靠功德才能够成形。 This is most fearful! 这才是最为可怕的! However generally is Heavenly Venerate, the merit golden body that the Half-Step Ruler time practices, in the Ruler front, that insufficiently looked that a hand can scatter. 不过一般就算是天尊,半步主宰时期所练成的功德金身,在主宰的面前,那都不够看的,一只手就能够打散掉。 However Ye Xiwen is different, his merit golden body was striding in Half-Step Ruler afterwards to condense one time, smelted more merit Golden Light, therefore his merit golden body, even if were Yama day Monarch is also very difficult how. 但是叶希文却不同,他的功德金身在跨入了半步主宰之后又重新凝聚了一次,熔炼了更多的功德金光,所以他的功德金身,即便是阎罗天君也很难奈何的了。 This system said that is difficult to practice is also difficult to practice, because simply does not have the normal practice method, even like this will not promote with your cultivation base, but simultaneously said simply also simple, so long as there is enough merit Golden Light, how then does not need the self-torture , to promote is rides the rocket to be ordinary simply likely. 这种体制说难练也难练,因为根本没有正常修炼的法门,甚至不会跟着你的修为就这样子提升上去,但是同时说简单也简单,只要有足够的功德金光,那么也不需要怎么苦修,提升起来简直像是坐火箭一般。 The average people are the former, occasionally can practice the merit golden body not to have more merit Golden Light to make it promote, but Ye Xiwen belongs to the latter. 只是一般人都是前者,偶尔能够练成功德金身也没有更多的功德金光让它提升了,而叶希文却是属于后者。 If the beforehand people have not discovered that then they have discovered the Ye Xiwen's powerful now. 如果说之前众人还没有发现的话,那么现在他们都发现了叶希文的强势。 This not equal attack, quick during this preys mutually, revealed high under. 这样子不平等的攻击,很快就在这相互搏杀之中,显露出了高下。 Bang!” “嘭!” Ye Xiwen received Yama day Monarch hardly strikes, as soon as then he directs, in an instant, directly pierces the Yama day Monarch's shoulder, bleeds instantaneously. 叶希文硬接下了阎罗天君的一击,然后他一指点出,刹那间,就直接洞穿阎罗天君的肩膀,瞬间喋血。 Previous time, Ye Xiwen, although had also cut off his arm, but that is unexpectedly, to a great extent is his general idea is the result, but this time is different, is Ye Xiwen is relying on the strength has achieved this step. 上一次,叶希文虽然也曾经斩断过他的手臂,但是那是出其不意,很大程度上是他大意所致,但是这一次却不同,是叶希文凭借着本身的实力做到了这一步。 Although is only one finger, but regarding Yama day Monarch is also heavy losses, Cultivation to this share, is one finger, is a palm, is a fist, actually did not have anything to distinguish, any martial arts was a load bearing Ye Xiwen Martial Dao carrier. 虽然只是一指而已,但是对于阎罗天君来说也是一次重创,都已经修行到了这个份上,到底是一指,还是一掌,还是一拳,其实也没有什么分别了,任何的武学都是承载叶希文武道的一个载体而已。 Yama day Monarch retreat, on his shoulder presented a huge cavity again and again, including the shoulder blade in this finger, directly changed into Void. 阎罗天君连连后退,他的肩膀上出现了一个巨大的空洞,连肩胛骨都在这一指头之中,直接化为了虚无 Ye Xiwen's this struck too terrifying! 叶希文的这一击太恐怖了! Yama day Monarch unceasing roaring, has spouted blood essence, the wound on his shoulder was also instantaneously good to get up, this was he has used secret skill, making own injury change for the better instantaneously, at this time his vision cloudier and colder. 阎罗天君不断的怒吼,喷出了一口精血,他肩膀上的伤口瞬间又好了起来了,这是他动用了秘法,让自身的伤势瞬间好转,此时他的目光更加阴冷。 Not long, he facing Half-Step Ruler, must do utmost unexpectedly, but also was compelled in this share. 曾几何时,他面对一个半步主宰,居然都要竭尽全力,还被逼到了这个份上。 He is not willingly, rushed ahead nearby Ye Xiwen's once again, blood essence of his whole body was burning, was compelled in this share he not to have other to choose, only had with Ye Xiwen fights to the death. 他不甘心,再度冲杀到了叶希文的跟前,他全身的精血都在燃烧,被逼到了这个份上他也已经没有别的选择了,唯有和叶希文决一死战。 Person who if Ye Xiwen not dead / undead, dying likely is he! 如果叶希文不死,死的人很可能就是他! However is facing the Ye Xiwen's time, all these make him not have toward, but the disadvantageous method, actually as if expired, Ye Xiwen was too strong, moreover his aura still in the unceasing strengthen, he probably is creates the world god to be the same, the invincible might is unparalleled, cannot contend, the look callously seems together cold Dian, has the callousness, there is swift and fierce. 但是在面对叶希文的时候,这一切让他无往而不利的手段,却仿佛都失效了,叶希文太强了,而且他的气息还在不断的变强,他就好像是创世神一样,神威盖世,不能够抗衡,眼神冷酷好似一道冷电,有冷酷,也有凌厉。 Bang!” “嘭!” Yama day Monarch was rumbled to fly once again, this time, his entire arm probably must be rumbled to disperse, with Ye Xiwen's to the bang, he let slip once again, will put in order an arm to rumble by the Ye Xiwen blood the fragment. 阎罗天君再度被轰飞了出去,这一次,他的整条手臂都好像是要被轰散掉了,再度与叶希文的对轰之中,他失手了,被叶希文鲜血将整条手臂都轰成碎片。 At this time even if era ghost ship thinks that the help is also useless, Ye Xiwen's Martial Venerable Seal has blown the era ghost ship stubbornly, various merit Golden Light like does not ask for money, has sprinkled entirely. 此时纪元鬼船即便想下来帮忙也没有用,叶希文的武尊印死死的镇住了纪元鬼船,各种功德金光像是不要钱的一样,统统洒落了下来。 This is the fight of surface alone surface, is the one-to-one fight, other bystanders cannot participate. 这是面独面的战斗,也是一对一的战斗,没有其他外人能够参与进来。 Ye Xiwen one step caused heavy losses to Yama day Monarch afterwards, like this has not given up, instead attacked to kill once again, Three Thousand Martial Paths changed to 3000 different offensive, entire tribe. 叶希文一步重创了阎罗天君之后,并没有就这样子放弃,反而再度攻杀了上来,三千武道化作3000种不同的攻势,全部落了下来。 Yama day Monarch sprouted to draw back intent at this time, such person perhaps is not can cope, but does not have any means that because Ye Xiwen was too strong, closed off his all escape routes. 阎罗天君此时已经萌生退意,这样的人或许不是自己能够对付的了的,但是却没有任何办法,因为叶希文太强了,封锁住了他所有的退路。 Ye Xiwen unceasing attack falls, the flaw that Yama day Monarch shows finally are getting more and more, the entire arm was hit to explode in the sky, but the Ye Xiwen's offensive castrates does not reduce, fell on his body directly. 叶希文不断的攻击落下,阎罗天君终于露出的破绽越来越多,整条手臂当空被打爆了,而叶希文的攻势去势不减,直接落在了他的身上。 Bang!” “嘭!” Yama day Monarch was rumbled to fly directly, the entire body has blasted open. 阎罗天君直接被轰飞了出去,整个身体都炸裂了开来。 Goes too far!” Yama day Monarch bellows, whole body, whether there is the endless ghost air/Qi rushes, formed has been hard to imagine the imposing manner, this was he is burning oneself, wrestled with every effort finally. “欺人太甚!”阎罗天君大吼一声,全身上下,有无边无尽的鬼气澎湃而出,形成了难以想象气势,这是他在燃烧自己,尽力最后一搏了。 Goes too far? You by the body of Ruler, bully, only then Heavenly Venerate Realm I, at that time, how you did not say have gone too far, since cannot fight me, then on Accept your coming fate!” “欺人太甚?你以主宰之身,欺负只有天尊境界的我,那个时候,你怎么不说欺人太甚了,既然战不过我,那就纳命来吧!” Ye Xiwen's facial expression very coldly indifferent, killing intent was boiling, the method that Yama day Monarch died, boiling Heavens, looked including these Half-Step Ruler only thought that the facial expression changed, incomparable fearfulness. 叶希文的神情很冷漠,杀意更是沸腾,阎罗天君绝命的手段,沸腾诸天,连那些半步主宰看了都只觉得神情变了,无比的可怕。 However in front of Ye Xiwen's, as before is not anything, a fist defeats, this time Ye Xiwen was seriously fearful, the invincible these four characters used on his body, was not improper. 但是在叶希文的面前,依旧不算什么,还是一拳击破,这个时候的叶希文当真可怕极了,所向无敌这四个字用在他的身上,并无不妥。 The Ye Xiwen's fist potential castrates does not reduce, direct bang on Yama day Monarch's body. 叶希文的拳势还是去势不减,直接轰在了阎罗天君的身上。 Yama day Monarch's fleshly body blasts open once again, but this time, he did not have good luck that to cheat the death. 阎罗天君的肉身再度炸裂开来,但是这一次,他没有那么好运能够逃脱死亡。 Ye Xiwen has chased down directly, a bang has broken to pieces his Primordial Spirit! 叶希文直接追杀了上来,一把轰碎了他的元神 Formidable Ruler, thorough die! 一个强大的主宰,彻底陨落 New book «practice Raging tide» sought the support!( Not 新书《修炼狂潮》求支持!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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