MGS :: Volume #40

#3842: Compensates Yama day Monarch who the madame has folded the soldier

Although Yama day Monarch does not know that Ye Xiwen treated as him has set up the prestige object, but he can feel that Ye Xiwen the threat that started to increase gradually. 阎罗天君虽然不知道叶希文将他当做了立威对象,但是他还是能够感觉到了叶希文开始渐渐增加的威胁。 From the beginning simply is impossible to threaten him, to present, can threaten his survival, Ye Xiwen in this short time, reversed the common people thoroughly to his impression. 从一开始根本就不可能威胁到他,到现在,已经能够威胁到他的生存,叶希文在这短短的时间,已经彻底扭转了世人对他的印象。 Strided in such Realm truly, although merely is only the battle efficiency, but that already enough. 真正跨入了那样一个境界,虽然仅仅只是战斗力而已,但是那就已经够了 At this time, they regard as existence of equality Ye Xiwen truly, has to regard as existence of equality Ye Xiwen, after all the strength strided in this Realm truly. 这个时候,他们才是真正将叶希文看做平等的存在,也不得不将叶希文看做平等的存在,毕竟战力真正跨入了这个境界之中。 Now I must tell you, a Ruler battle efficiency, may not only then these!” “现在我就是要告诉你,一个主宰的战斗力,可不仅仅只有这些!” Yama day Monarch coldly looks at, in his whole body, the era ghost ship reappeared, is surrounding him, travel slowly, then directly swam on his palm, in an instant, changed to a treasured sword. 阎罗天君冷冷看着,在他的周身,纪元鬼船浮现了出来,环绕着他,缓缓的行驶,然后直接游到了他的手掌上,刹那间,化作了一口宝刀。 Shua! 刷! A treasured sword blade that this era ghost ship changes to cuts, this blade, cut a world directly, a world of ghost legendary creature, was fearful, energy of heaven and earth coagulated above this blade. 这一口纪元鬼船化作的宝刀一刀斩出,这一刀,直接斩出了一个世界,一个鬼蜮的世界,可怕极了,天地之力都凝固在了这一刀之上。 The Yama day Monarch's attack strength has promoted a scale very much obviously, has Ruler Dao Artifact in Ruler of body, with not having Ruler Dao Artifact in Ruler of body, at is not a matter. 阎罗天君的攻击力很明显的提升了一个档次,有主宰道器在身的主宰,和没有主宰道器在身的主宰,根本不是一回事。 These Ruler refine their Ruler Dao Artifact, may be only looks at is not only attractive. 这些主宰炼制自己的主宰道器,可不仅仅只是看着好看而已。 But can promote own battle efficiency earnestly! 而是能够切切实实的提升自己的战斗力! But Ye Xiwen is unhurriedly, although now the Yama day Monarch's attack strength is obviously stronger on a level, but did not have the means at this time, although his battle efficiency strided in this level, but discussed the inside story to come, he missed eventually. 叶希文则是不慌不忙,虽然现在阎罗天君的攻击力明显更强上了一个层次,但是此时也已经没有办法了,虽然他战斗力是跨入了这个层次,但是论起底蕴来,他终究还是差了很多。 Ye Xiwen offered a sacrifice to Martial Venerable Seal directly, put forth the Martial Venerable Seal method to move forward to meet somebody. 叶希文直接祭出了武尊印,使出了武尊印法迎了上去。 Comes to contend with my Ruler Dao Artifact by Half-Step Ruler Dao Artifact, I thought you really am silly!” “以半步主宰道器来和我主宰道器抗衡,我看你真是糊涂了!” Yama day Monarch laughs, only thought that odds of suc­cess were also many several points. 阎罗天君哈哈大笑一声,只觉得胜算又多了几分。 New Ruler must pass through such stage, not long, he is also so, was only at that time, he has not encountered to similar Ye Xiwen such situation, just became enlightened, he is in entire Chaos the strongest person, did not have Half-Step Ruler to come to contend. 新的主宰都要经历过这样的阶段,曾几何时,他也是如此,只是那个时候,他并没有遭遇到类似叶希文这样的情况,刚刚成道的时候,他就已经是整个混沌之中最强的人,并没有半步主宰前来抗衡。 Dang! 当! A huge rumbled sound, on Martial Venerable Seal presented a crack, Half-Step Ruler and Ruler Dao Artifact contends, naturally must withstand such price. 一声巨大轰鸣声,武尊印上出现了一道裂纹,半步主宰主宰道器相抗衡,自然是要承受这样的代价的。 On the Yama day Monarch's face has shown several points of fierce smiling face, as if can see that the Ye Xiwen disastrous defeat the appearance is the same. 阎罗天君的脸上露出了几分狰狞的笑容,仿佛能够看到叶希文惨败的样子一样。 However what contrary his medical service is, Ye Xiwen simply has not cared this crack, merit Golden Light poured into afterwards, this crack thoroughly vanished, has saying that merit Golden Light truly was the good thing, in the world first-grade good thing, if were not because obtained is really too difficult, these Ruler perhaps can also do everything possible obtained. 但是出乎他的医疗的是,叶希文根本没有将这一条裂缝放在心上,功德金光注入到了其中之后,这一条裂缝就彻底消失了,不得不说,功德金光确实是好东西,天底下第一等的好东西,如果不是因为得到实在是太难了,这些主宰恐怕也会想方设法的去得到吧。 Snort, I think some of your also many merit Golden Light!” “哼,我看你还有多少功德金光!” Yama day Monarch naturally also understood the Ye Xiwen's plan, but he has not cared, Ye Xiwen can also have many merit Golden Light to be used to fill in this bottomless pit, he has anything to be fearful. 阎罗天君自然也明白了叶希文的打算,但是他并没有放在心上,叶希文还能有多少功德金光用来填补进这个无底洞之中,他有什么可怕的。 Many enough cut you!” “多的足够斩你了!” Ye Xiwen sneers, immediately unemotionally, does not have the means to touch including Yama day Monarch, this time Ye Xiwen , many inside story in hand. 叶希文冷笑一声,随即又是面无表情,连阎罗天君也没有办法摸准,此时的叶希文,到底还有多少的底蕴在手中。 However he was not worried that many merit Golden Light also insufficiently level at this time the disparity of both sides. 不过他也并不担心,再多的功德金光也不够抹平此时双方的差距的。 But Ye Xiwen does not worry, thus both sides fought intensely are almost the flash again intensely collided. 叶希文也并不着急,因而双方激烈的战斗几乎是一瞬间就重新激烈碰撞了起来。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” The collisions of various terrifying let eyes cannot take it all in that these Half-Step Ruler look, only thought that these has not take risked to remain in vain, there is a very big advantage. 各种恐怖的碰撞让那些半步主宰们都看的目不暇接,只觉得这一趟算是没有白白冒险留下来,还是有很大的好处的。 Ye Xiwen makes them shock, not only itself by the body of Half-Step Ruler, the battle efficiency truly bridged over that ranks, those who make them shock, the reserve of Ye Xiwen's merit Golden Light, seems forever has not ended the time is the same. 只是叶希文更让他们震惊,不仅仅本身以半步主宰之身,战斗力就真正跨过了那一个行列,更让他们震惊的是,叶希文的功德金光的储备,仿佛是永远都没有终结的时候一样。 This also makes them be flabbergasted secretly, even if has changed them, does not have the reserves of these many merit Golden Light, this Ye Xiwen has saved many world, can so many merit Golden Light. 这也让他们暗自咋舌,就算是换了他们,也没有这么多的功德金光的储备吧,这叶希文到底是拯救了多少次世界,才能有这么多的功德金光啊。 However such fight surpass in battle is wild, particularly Ye Xiwen his tactical rules are the simple and crude, because just strided in the Ruler battle efficiency, therefore many ingenious methods compared with Yama day Monarch, only have the dependence wild tactical rules to win. 但是这样的战斗越战越是狂暴,尤其是叶希文他的战法更是简单粗暴,因为是刚刚跨入主宰的战斗力,所以很多妙法都是比不过阎罗天君,唯有依靠狂暴的战法才能取胜。 This has set this fight main key directly. 这就直接奠定了这一场战斗的主基调。 However the people had discovered quickly is not right, Ye Xiwen unexpectedly also in continuous promotion, supernatural power also in continuous eruption, that terrifying supernatural power, even has also surpassed Yama day Monarch, only as if looks like a flood, has been stopped by the dam. 不过众人很快就发现了不对,叶希文居然还在源源不断的提升,法力还在源源不断的爆发,那种恐怖的法力,甚至还超过了阎罗天君,只仿佛就像是一股洪水,一直被大坝阻拦住了。 Now that dam was attacked came afterwards, he all of a sudden has attacked, forever the impact without limits will have approached the sea. 现在那一道大坝被冲击了开来之后,他就一下子冲击了出去,永无止境的冲击向了大海。 But now, calculates by the skill purely, but also has surpassed Yama day Mr. 而现在,纯粹以功力计算,还超过了阎罗天君。 Yama day Monarch has also realized this point, in his look killing intent rich, such person, if cannot solve as early as possible, definitely becomes the trusted friend big trouble. 阎罗天君也意识到了这一点,他的眼神之中杀意更加的浓郁,这样的人,如果不能趁早解决的话,必然会成为心腹大患。 In his hand the long blade brandished is fearful, the long blade place visited, space Beng San, the time also disorder, all law vanished, changed to a piece of fearful ghost legendary creature, the innumerable evil spirits were clamoring, was dancing in the air. 他手中长刀挥舞起来更是可怕了,长刀所过之处,空间崩散,时间也紊乱,一切的法则都消失,化作了一片可怕的鬼蜮,无数厉鬼在叫嚣,在飞舞。 However Ye Xiwen simply does not matter, his body has emitted merit Golden Light unceasingly, no matter what evil spirit, is unable to approach him, will be killed to the bang by merit Golden Light completely. 但是叶希文根本就无所谓,他的身上不断的冒出了功德金光,不管是什么样的厉鬼,都根本无法靠近他,全部都会被功德金光给生生轰杀。 Although Yama day Monarch skill by Ye Xiwen surpassing, however now, he grasps Ruler Dao Artifact, by battle efficiency, is pressing a Ye Xiwen head steadily. 阎罗天君虽然功力已经被叶希文给超过了,然而现在,他手持主宰道器,论战斗力,还是稳稳压着叶希文一头。 Simply does not have the plan independently, today Ye Xiwen wants to cut him, but he also wants cutting to kill Ye Xiwen, by never recurring trouble. 根本没有放手的打算,今日叶希文想要斩他,而他也想将叶希文给斩杀了,以绝后患。 Meanwhile his original era, ghost said that the era also destroyed on Ye Xiwen's, this grade of bitter hatred, how possibly did not report. 同时他的本来纪元,鬼道纪元也是摧毁在了叶希文的手上,这等深仇大恨,怎么可能不报。 Also is intense War, three days three nights, both sides have not stopped, each point of each second, has had billion collisions, has surmounted the time, has surmounted the space, only then their two talented people are ancient eternal existences. 又是一场激烈的大战,三天三夜,双方一刻都没有停止过,每一分每一秒,都发生过千百万次的碰撞,超越了时间,超越了空间,只有他们两人才是亘古永恒的存在。 But at this time, unexpectedly, Yama day Monarch suddenly stopped, receives the blade to stand, vision ice-cold looked to Ye Xiwen. 而就在这个时候,蓦地,阎罗天君突然停止了下来,收刀而立,目光冰冷的看向了叶希文 Has not thought that I was given to use by you unexpectedly!” “没想到我居然被你给利用了!” All person puzzled looks at Ye Xiwen, looks at Yama day Monarch, does not know what he said is any meaning. 所有人都不解的看着叶希文,也看着阎罗天君,不知道他说的是什么意思。 Unexpectedly was discovered by you?, Only was what a pity poor!” “居然还是被你发现了?可惜了,就只差一点了!” Ye Xiwen light saying, did not deny that in his front, Martial Venerable Seal sends out dazzling rays of light, Three Thousand Martial Paths is sending out 3000 completely different phenomenon directly, blocks the sky, seemed the load bearing Great Dao of era, the load bearing essence of era was ordinary. 叶希文淡淡的说道,也并不否认,在他的面前,武尊印散发着耀眼的光芒,三千武道直接散发出3000种完全不同的异象,遮天蔽日,仿佛是承载了一个纪元的大道,承载了一个纪元的精华一般。 Many Half-Step Ruler eyes were straight, that is not Half-Step Ruler Dao Artifact, clearly was strided in Ruler Dao Artifact Level to have the phenomenon that. 许多半步主宰眼睛都直了,那不是半步主宰道器,分明是已经跨入了主宰道器级别才会有的异象。 Good, good, good, is really the big courage, you dare to use my strength to help you unexpectedly temper your Martial Venerable Seal, making your Martial Venerable Seal transform into Ruler Dao Artifact!” Yama day Monarch complexion is somewhat ugly, had been used by Ye Xiwen Ping Bai, his mood how possibly. “好,好,好,真是好大的胆子,你居然敢利用我的力量来帮你锤炼你的武尊印,让你的武尊印蜕变成为主宰道器!”阎罗天君脸色有些难看,被叶希文平白利用了一番,他的心情怎么可能会好呢。 At this time, the people finally understand that actually to have anything, Ye Xiwen has used Yama day Monarch unexpectedly, immediately many people only thought suck in a breath of cold air, using the opponent strength helped own Dao Artifact transformation in the fight, this was the astonishing idea, crazy procedure. 这个时候,众人才终于明白,究竟发生了什么,叶希文居然利用了阎罗天君,顿时许多人都只觉得倒吸一口冷气,在战斗中利用对手的力量来帮自己的道器蜕变,这是何等惊人的想法,何等疯狂的做法。 Eye looks at Ye Xiwen must succeed, Ye Xiwen's Martial Venerable Seal has completed the basic transformation, at this time Yama day Monarch had discovered that Ye Xiwen is also only the bad conclusion, did not affect the transformation of Martial Venerable Seal. 偏偏眼看着叶希文就要成功了,叶希文的武尊印已经完成了基本的蜕变,这个时候就算阎罗天君发现了,叶希文也只是差一些收尾而已,已经不影响武尊印的蜕变了。 At this time, many people, when the fight before recollection, has thought is not right, before on Martial Venerable Seal had the crack, Ye Xiwen restored by merit Golden Light, the people only think that was Ye Xiwen by merit opening on Golden Light in restoring Martial Venerable Seal, but now looks like, actually at all was not so, Ye Xiwen clearly used the Yama day Monarch's strength in tempering Martial Venerable Seal, that merit Golden Light integrated going in continuously, absolutely was not only only in restoring the opening on Martial Venerable Seal, was in quenching Martial Venerable Seal, in dual function of external force and under merit Golden Light, Martial Venerable Seal also in thorough transformation.. 这个时候,许多人在回想之前的战斗的时候,都已经想到了不对了,之前武尊印上出现了裂缝,叶希文以功德金光恢复,众人只以为那是叶希文以功德金光在恢复武尊印上的裂口,但是现在看来,却根本不是如此,叶希文分明是利用了阎罗天君的力量在锤炼着武尊印,那一道道的功德金光源源不断的融入了进去,绝对不仅仅只是在恢复武尊印上的裂口,同时也是在淬炼武尊印,在外力和功德金光的双重作用之下,武尊印也在彻彻底底的蜕变。。 Such collision, has every second every point, a time long time, Martial Venerable Seal more and more close succeeds, made Yama day Monarch discover finally was not right, he then stopped. 这样子的碰撞,每一分每一秒都在发生,时间一久,武尊印越来越接近成功,也终于让阎罗天君发现了不对了,他这才停止了下来。 At this time the people look again to Yama day Monarch, immediately in the look also somewhat sympathizes, from beginning to end, Yama day Monarch by Ye Xiwen deceiving, has controlled in the fingers and palms, used the Yama day Monarch's strength, Ye Xiwen has completed there is no construction without destruction, strided in Half-Step Ruler, similarly was uses the Yama day Monarch's strength, Ye Xiwen has completed the transformation of Martial Venerable Seal. 此时众人再看向阎罗天君,顿时眼神之中还有几分同情,从头到尾,阎罗天君就被叶希文给骗了,操控于指掌之间,利用阎罗天君的力量,叶希文完成了不破不立,跨入了半步主宰,同样又是利用阎罗天君的力量,叶希文完成了武尊印的蜕变。 This is typical compensated madame to fold soldier Ah! 这是典型的赔了夫人又折兵啊! The Yama day Monarch's facial expression is also getting more and more ugly, but in his front, Martial Venerable Seal is carrying on the final transformation, infinite endless merit Golden Light emerged, Martial Venerable Seal has completed the final sudden change finally, the Heaven and Earth color deterioration, the entire Mysterious world caused a stir because of the transformation of Martial Venerable Seal. 阎罗天君的神情也越来越难看,而在他的面前,武尊印在进行最后的蜕变,无穷无尽的功德金光涌入了其中,武尊印终于完成了最后的突变,天地变色,整个神秘世界都因为武尊印的蜕变而轰动了。 To this moment, Ye Xiwen has completed finally together the supplement of short board finally, compared with general Ruler, was exactly right. 到了这一刻,叶希文终于完成了最后一块短板的补充,和一般的主宰相比,也是不差分毫了。 The Martial Venerable Seal turning round rotation, then against the wind rose, changed to a huge incomparable ancient god mountain too, maliciously has suppressed toward Yama day Mr. 武尊印滴溜溜的转动了一下,然后迎风而涨,化作了一座巨大无比的太古神山,狠狠的朝着阎罗天君镇压了下去。 The long blade in Yama day Monarch hand changed to the era ghost ship, was welcoming Martial Venerable Seal on, two Ruler Dao Artifact across the sky fought the law. 阎罗天君手中的长刀重新化作了纪元鬼船,迎着武尊印而上,两个主宰道器横空斗起了法来。 Under, only remaining we, Yama day Monarch, has prepared suffering to death!” “下面,就只剩下我们了,阎罗天君,做好了受死的准备了没有!” Ye Xiwen explodes drinks. 叶希文爆喝。 Sought a collection according to the convention for new book «practice Raging tide», saw the Martial God old young masters, elder sister younger sisters, can have a look, 200,000 characters, fat!( Not 还是照惯例为新书《修炼狂潮》求个收藏,看武神的老少爷们,姐姐妹妹们,都可以去看看啦,200000字,肥啦!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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