MGC :: Volume #8

#723: Gu Qinyang prestige!

Chapter 721: Gu Qinyang prestige! 第721章:古清扬威! Tittered......” “噗嗤噗嗤噗嗤……” Hu Zhi friendly elder and the others all are the powerhouses, but at this moment in the front of Gu Qinyang elder, unexpectedly is shaking flies away horizontally, the mouth spurts the blood, the main hall chair that hits flies horizontally, falls down. 扈智善长老等人无一不是强者,但此刻在古清扬长老的面前,竟是一个个震的横飞开去,口喷鲜血,撞的大殿座椅横飞,摔倒在地。 In the main hall, Hu Sankun and other elders, stare dumbfounded! 大殿内,胡三坤等长老,瞠目结舌! Ancient elder, you goes too far!” “古长老,你欺人太甚!” Hu Zhishan crawls to set out, he is an elder, at this time is actually so embarrassed distressed, in the heart is angry, but more frightened fear. 扈智善爬起身来,他身为长老,此时却是如此难堪狼狈,心中大怒,但更为恐惧害怕。 The strength of his very clear Gu Qinyang elder, although the before disciple of his hanger-on, is not too Jinan, but the Gu Qinyang elder's strength, is actually exceptionally powerful. 他很清楚古清扬长老的实力,虽然其门下的弟子以前不是太济,但古清扬长老本身的实力,却是异常强悍的。 Also dares to disrespect to me, bold, the crime may not!” “还敢对我不敬,大胆,罪不可恕!” The Gu Qinyang elder waves, carries on the back that handle ancient sword to come out of the sheath suddenly, just likes the thunder plunders, with wipes the dazzling eye-catching sword glow twinkle. 古清扬长老挥手,背上那一柄古剑骤然出鞘,犹如雷霆般掠出,伴随着一抹刺眼夺目的剑芒闪烁。 Does not want......” “不要……” Hu Zhishan yelled suddenly that an eye of dew fears, the pupil contraction, has the fear from soul, that fearful aura front, making him even not have the strength of revolt. 扈智善突然大叫,目露恐惧,瞳孔收缩,有着来自灵魂的恐惧,那可怕的气息面前,让他甚至没有反抗之力。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” The sword glow passed over gently and swiftly, the Hu Zhi friendly body was pierced directly the forehead by a sword, overflows without the blood, only then runes wreaks havoc, finally body soft falls down, Soul Force cannot escape. 剑芒掠过,扈智善身躯直接被一剑从中洞穿眉心,没有鲜血溢出,只有符文肆虐,最后身躯软绵绵的瘫倒在地,就连元神都没有能够逃出。 An entire main hall silence, all people are shocked. 整个大殿一片寂静,所有人震惊。 That with the Hu Zhishan together elder, statures shivered, does not dare to depart again, in the pupil is flood the color of fear. 那原本和扈智善一起的长老,一个个身躯颤抖,不敢再离去,瞳孔中无不是泛着畏惧之色。 All people have not thought that the Gu Qinyang elder will kill people unexpectedly, but also has killed Hu Zhishan elder. 所有人没有想到,古清扬长老竟然会真的杀人,还杀了扈智善长老。 Originally the Gu Qinyang elder loses one's temper, so murders decisively. 原来古清扬长老动怒起来,也是这般的杀伐果断。 Sima Taxing, Yu Wanli, Hu Sankun elder and others, is the surprise shakes at this time surprised. 司马踏星,于万里,胡三坤长老等,此时皆是诧异震愕。 The Gu Qinyang elder holds Gu sword, the whole body is proliferating the ray, at this moment is not that features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, floating the makings outside thing, but is Ferocious Beast that is dormant to regain consciousness, starts to stick out suddenly. 古清扬长老持着古剑,周身扩散光芒,此刻再不是那仙风道骨,飘然物外的气质,而是一只蛰伏苏醒的凶兽,开始暴起。 Malignant tumor, I, if endures suffering earlier take a shot / make a move, does not care about the face, perhaps the matter on the evolution, was not I was too until now benevolent, you, when I quite bullied!” “毒瘤,我要是早点忍痛出手,不顾及情面,或许事情就演变不到如今,是我太仁慈了,还是你们当我好欺!” The Gu Qinyang elder spoke, the white hair stirred, the elders who gradually to that trembled walked, making these elders frighten the facial color to be pale, the body just liked the frightened rabbit shivers erratically, but does not dare to have any backlash. 古清扬长老说话,白发鼓荡,缓步对着那正在发颤的长老们走去,让得那些长老一个个吓呃面色惨白,身躯犹如受惊的小兔子般颤抖不定,但又不敢有着任何的后退。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The Gu Qinyang elder puts out a hand to grasp, twists the space, in the limpid double pupil, just likes has this Thunder Light to glitter, finally the adsorption that an old man elder does not dare to revolt against in the palm, seized directly before the body. 古清扬长老伸手一抓,扭曲空间,清澈双眸中,犹如有这雷光在闪烁,最后将一个老者长老不敢反抗的吸附在了掌心内,直接擒在了身前。 Does not want, does not want......” “不要,不要……” Entreaty that then keeps in the old man elder, facial color pale such as grey, but actually does not dare to have any revolt. 那在老者长老不停的哀求,面色惨白如灰,但却是不敢有着任何的反抗。 Because in the heart of this old man elder is very clear, by his strength, in the front of Gu Qinyang elder, simply does not have any opportunity. 因为这老者长老的心中很清楚,以他的实力,在古清扬长老的面前,根本没有任何的机会。 „!” “啪!” The Gu Qinyang elder, a Palestinian long-handled fan maliciously on the face of that old man, in his mouth of fan the dripping with blood, the body has flown away horizontally, finally numerous pounding fall the main hall ground, the vibration main hall creaky. 古清扬长老,狠狠的一巴掌扇在了那老者的脸上,扇的其嘴中鲜血淋漓,身躯横飞开去,最后重重的砸落大殿地面,震动的大殿摇摇欲坠。 Main hall many people, are dumb as a wooden chicken, the Gu Qinyang elder today's manner, has shocked everyone. 大殿不少人,都是呆若木鸡,古清扬长老今天的态度,震惊了每一个人。 No one has thought that the Gu Qinyang elder actually also has so swift and fierce side, frightens the will of the people. 谁也没有想到,古清扬长老竟然也有着如此凌厉的一面,震慑人心。 You and other some people, withdraw the elder position, hits the nightfall prison, its crime sovereign decides finally!” “你等一干人,撤去长老职位,打入黑狱,其罪过最后宗主定夺!” The Gu Qinyang elder said that the sound is billowing, nobody dares to revolt again, afterward the form jumps, left the main hall directly. 古清扬长老说道,声音滚滚,再也没有人胆敢反抗,随后身影纵身,直接离开了大殿。 Ancient elder went certainly to the black prison, he must meet Du Shaofu to come out.” “古长老一定是去了黑狱,他要去接杜少甫出来。” „The Tianlu elder guarded in black prison for serveral days, feared that has the confrontation.” 天鹿长老这些天在黑狱镇守,怕是会有着交锋。” Visual Gu Qinyang elder form departs, in main hall has the elder to lower the head the discussion, the facial color change. 目视古清扬长老身影离去,大殿内有着长老低头议论,面色变化。 You and other some people, wait to handle, if dares to depart, sect regulations heavy fine!” “你等一干人,等候处置,若敢离去,宗规重罚!” Sima Taxing many elders to frightened trembling drinks one lightly, the looking disdainfully world, but the facial color concentrates afterward, was many people left the main hall, went to the black prison in it place. 司马踏星对被吓的发颤的不少长老轻喝一声,睥睨天下,但随后面色微凝,亦是不少人离开了大殿,前往黑狱所在之地。 The dim sky, the group peak extends continually, stands tall and erect like clouds. 昏暗的天空,群峰连亘,高耸如云。 Here is the black prison in it place, but usually nobody dares to come, in Ancient Heaven Sect also has the stipulation, this place does not make in the sect the disciple approach. 这里是黑狱所在之地,平常可是没有什么人敢来,古天宗中也有着规定,此地并不让宗中弟子靠近。 Whiz......” “嗖……” In the tranquil sky, suddenly, has a rainbow to plunder spatially, moved sideways to appear in the sky. 平静的天空上,突然间,有着一道长虹掠空,一个闪身就出现在了上空中。 Brother Qingyang, did you return to sect?” 清扬师弟,你回宗了么?” While that rainbow form plunders empties to come, actually passed the dignified sound formerly in the spatial dim sky to spread together tranquilly, although the sound was light, pale can actually to tremble for no reason. 就在那长虹身影掠空而来的同时,一道平静却是又透着威严的声音从前空昏暗的天空内传出,声音虽然平淡,淡却是能够让人无端为之一颤。 I came back, does not come back, feared that was my disciple must not have, so did not let off to a junior, Brother Tianlu, your this time!” “我回来了,再不回来,怕是我的弟子就要没有了,对一个小辈也如此不放过,天鹿师兄,你这一次过了!” Rainbow form float midair, the ray dissipates, the Gu Qinyang elder comes, the vision like the electricity, the white robe moves slightly. 长虹身影悬浮半空,光芒消散,古清扬长老现身而出,目光如电,白袍微动。 How this words said that was Brother Qingyang, as if there is complaint to me?” The light sound stands tall and erect such as in the cloud mountain peak to spread from front five, the space of vibration fluctuates. “此话怎么讲,清扬师弟,似乎是对我有怨言啊?”淡淡的声音从前方五座高耸如云的山峰之中传出,震动的空间波动。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” The distant place midair, big piece flowing light form plunders, the form falls on the distant place, is Sima Taxing, Hu Sankun elder, Yu Wanli and the others. 远处半空,大片流光身影掠来,身影落在远处,正是司马踏星,胡三坤长老,于万里等人。 Brother Tianlu, your years few takes a walk outside, regarding something, extremely in lulling, was muddled, in the sect presented that many malignant tumors, you not only sit by and do nothing, look but not see, but also acts as the protection in secret, you crossed!” 天鹿师兄,你这些年鲜少在外面走动,对于有些事情,太过于麻痹了,也糊涂了,宗中出现了那么多的毒瘤,你不仅坐视不理,视而不见,还暗中充当保护,你过界了啊!” In the Gu Qinyang elder pupil runes flashes, has breath all at once to proliferate for no reason slowly from within the body. 古清扬长老眸子中符文闪动,无端间,有着一股气息自体内徐徐扩散开去。 Brother Qingyang, you are the following defy superiors, do not forget, I am Ancient Heaven Sect Eldest Elder!” 清扬师弟,你这是以下犯上,不要忘了,我才是古天宗大长老!” In the front mountain peak, in the sound dignity starts to seep the spunk, the sky fluctuation of vibration continuous. 前方山峰内,声音威严中开始渗透怒意,震动的天空波动不休。 Brother Tianlu, I thought that Eldest Elder this position did not suit you, making me come!” 天鹿师兄,我觉得大长老这个位置不适合你了,让我来吧!” Before Gu Qinyang elder pastor spatial, sound is instead tranquil. 古清扬长老牧师前空,声音反而平静。 But at this moment, all around vision shivers, no one has thought that the Gu Qinyang elder unexpectedly is to Eldest Elder so. 而此刻,四周目光颤动,谁也没有想到,古清扬长老竟然是对大长老如此。 Ha Ha Ha Ha......” “哈哈哈哈……” The front mountain peak quiet moment, the big laughter resounded through the expansive sky afterward icy coldly, the space ripple ebullition of vibration, the sound immediately, loudly shouted to clear the way: Brother Qingyang, can you seize the position?” 前方山峰沉寂片刻,随后大笑声响彻长空,震动的空间波纹沸腾,声音随即也冰凉了起来,大喝道:“清扬师弟,你这是要夺位么?” Does not seize the position, but thought that you were muddled, no longer suits into Ancient Heaven Sect Eldest Elder, you made the elder group have the malignant tumor, I thought that I was good, I can become Eldest Elder.” The Gu Qinyang elder is tranquil saying. “不是夺位,只是觉得你糊涂了,不再适合成为古天宗大长老,你让长老团有了毒瘤,我觉得我还不错,我可以成为大长老。”古清扬长老还是平静的说道。 Brother Qingyang, you thought evidently you can win me, that makes me have a look at these years, your strength has many progress!” 清扬师弟,看样子你是觉得你能够胜得了我了,那就让我看看这些年,你的实力有多少长进吧!” In front mountain peak, sound icy cold to pinnacle, unexpectedly, has the dazzling runes ray from above a mountain peak dazzling sun proliferation. 前方山峰中,声音冰凉到了极致,蓦地,有着耀眼的符文光芒自其中一座山峰之上曜日般扩散开来。 Bang!” “轰!” Huge space Hand Imprints just likes withstands great pressure, is patting to the midair Gu Qinyang elder, entire space trembling millet, a space ripple unceasing spread layer upon layer, pressure temporary, enormous and powerful frightening! 一道巨大的空间手印犹如泰山压顶,对着半空的古清扬长老拍下,整个空间颤粟,一层层的空间波纹不断的蔓延开去,威压临时,浩荡恐怖之极! Space Hand Imprints falls enormously and powerful, the Gu Qinyang elder does not swing motionless, puts out a hand, the fingerprint light beam just likes the thunder pierces the space together, then directly fell above that space Hand Imprints. 空间手印浩荡落下,古清扬长老不动不摇,伸手一点,一道指印光束犹如雷霆般洞穿空间,而后直接落在了那空间手印之上。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦啦……” Space Hand Imprints was pierced directly, changes to the dazzling runes proliferation, the shining midair just likes the innumerable gorgeous fireworks blooms. 空间手印被直接洞穿,化作耀眼的符文扩散,照耀的半空犹如无数绚丽的烟花绽放。 „!” “嗤嗤!” Above the front mountain peak, the form falls together, a vast aura fluctuates, just liked dashes to like lightning to the Gu Qinyang elder. 前方山峰之上,一道身影落下,一股浩瀚气息波动,犹如闪电般直扑向了古清扬长老。 The Gu Qinyang elder moved, the form changes to the light beam, runes is dazzling, erupts the dazzling ray, two forms immediately meteorite clashing in one. 古清扬长老动了,身影化作光束般,符文耀眼,爆发刺眼光芒,两道身影顿时陨石般的对撞在了一起。 Ping......” “砰砰……” These two clash, just likes the bomb blasts out, making the sky thunder, the space fluctuation fierce proliferation, shakes the person heart and soul, immediately has brought to the attention in entire Ancient Heaven Sect. 这两人对撞,犹如炸弹炸开,让得天空都在轰鸣,空间波动剧烈扩散,震人心魄,立刻引起了整个古天宗内的注意。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Probably has the big sound!” “好像是有大动静!” This instant, the distant place Ancient Heaven Sect four directions, many disciples go out, the vision is on the rise looks at to the upper air. 这一霎,远处古天宗四方,不少弟子走出,目光抬头望向的高空。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Two forms, just like light thunder and lightning, clashes in the midair unceasingly, the runes twinkle, the god light rushes, vast fluctuation of energy, frightening. 两道身影,犹如光影雷电,在半空对撞不绝,符文闪烁,神光澎湃,浩瀚的能量波动,让人心惊胆颤。 But this fearful fighting, does not have any energy leak, intended to be controlled by them likely in the controllable place, under has not let raze, sound life Tu Tan. 但这种可怕的交手,都没有任何能量外泄,像是有意被两人控制在了可控之地,没有让下方夷为平地,声生灵涂炭。 „The Tianlu elder and Gu Qinyang elder they have blocked the space, they must vie to see who better!” 天鹿长老和古清扬长老两人已经封锁了空间,他们要一争高低!” " Brothers, next one immediately. " 「兄弟们,下一更马上到。」
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