MGC :: Volume #8

#724: The teacher's teachers take responsibility!

Chapter 722: The teacher's teachers take responsibility! 第722章:师公做主! Their strengths were too strong, is hard to see clearly their take a shot / make a move!” “他们的实力太强了,难以看清楚他们的出手!” Was too intrepid, was too fearful!” “太强悍了,太可怕了!” All around numerous elders exclaimed in surprise that the Tianlu elder and strength of Gu Qinyang elder, they could not completely understand, is unable to place on a par. 四周众多长老惊叹,天鹿长老和古清扬长老的实力,就连他们也看不透,无法相提并论。 Fierce combat above upper air, is unable to see clearly, only then the thunder sonic bang sound and dazzling runes proliferation spread. 高空之上的激战,根本无法让人看清楚,只有雷霆般的音爆声和耀眼的符文扩散传开。 Brother Qingyang, has not thought your years progressive is really not slow, uses the sword, uses the sword is your strongest strength!” 清扬师弟,没想到你这些年进步的还真是不慢啊,出剑吧,出剑才是你的最强实力!” The Tianlu long Boss drinks, waves to spurt Bo Shenhui, the whole body covers the runes armor, the double pupil flood the ray bright yellow, the attack is unparalleled, frightening is dreadful! 天鹿长老大喝,挥手喷薄神辉般,周身覆盖符文铠甲,双瞳泛着光芒熠熠的黄色,攻击盖世,恐怖滔天! If you hope!” “如你所愿!” The Gu Qinyang elder back ancient sword comes out of sheath, the sword glow plunders, changes to the thunder sword glow, of this day spatial above, keeps the Tianlu elder's attack resistance. 古清扬长老背后古剑出鞘,剑芒掠动,化作雷霆般的剑芒,在这天空之上,不停将天鹿长老的攻击抵御。 Good strength sword technique, can practice so the prestige energy the bright Saint sword spectrum, in entire Ancient Heaven Sect, has Gu Qinyang elder now!” “好强的剑法,能够将明圣剑谱修炼到如此威能的,整个古天宗内,现在也只有古清扬长老一人了!” „The Tianlu elder is also powerful!” 天鹿长老也强悍啊!” All around sound exclaims in surprise to make noise, although cannot see clearly their detailed take a shot / make a move, but is actually can also their aura be fearful. 四周声音惊叹出声,虽然看不清两人的详细出手,但却是也能够两人的气息可怕。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” The upper air sound is unceasing, the vibration entire world, can destroy the vault of heaven likely, fearful aura fluctuation beyond comparison, if not for had been blocked the sky by them, feared that is destroys all sufficiently. 高空动静不绝,震动寰宇,像是能够摧毁苍穹,无以伦比的可怕气息波动,若不是被两人封锁了天空,怕是足以将一切摧毁。 Good strength!” “好强!” The mind that all around elder looks at ripples, that and other strengths, they are unable to place on a par. 四周长老看的心神荡漾,那等实力,他们也无法相提并论。 Ping!” “砰砰!” The Tianlu elder form is fuzzy, the yellow glow package, punctures the person eyeball all over the body, is in charge dreadfully, covers the sky. 天鹿长老身影模糊,通体黄芒包裹,刺人眼球,掌印滔天,笼罩天空。 „!” “咻咻!” Gu Qinyang elder sword glow erupts, the sword sword just likes the thunder, flaming runes is dreadful, astral air/Qi enormously and powerful, wreaking havoc expansive sky. 古清扬长老剑芒爆发,剑剑犹如雷霆,炽盛符文滔天,罡气浩荡,肆虐长空。 ........................ …………………… Above the black prison, the astonishing showdown, but in the black prison, is actually still tranquil, Zhen Qingchun and Du Shaofu their form is still crashing, in this black prison, looks like a bottomless pit is ordinary, is quite fearful, deeply does not see the bottom, black ghost astral air/Qi is getting more and more rich. 黑狱之上,惊人对决,但在黑狱之中,却是依然平静,甄清醇杜少甫两人身影还在坠落,这黑狱内,就像是一个无底洞一般,极为可怕,深不见底,黑煞罡气越来越浓郁。 That aura seems vanishes to disappear.” “那气息似乎是消失不见了。” Du Shaofu can feel that and other aura, but discovered immediately that and other aura vanish suddenly do not see. 杜少甫原本已经能够感觉到那等气息,但随即发现,那等气息突然消失不见。 Well, some people spy on, not likely by the person of imprisoning.” “咦,有人窥探,不像是被囚之人。” Unexpectedly, the Zhen Qingchun illusory form stagnates, afterward has discovered anything likely suddenly, immediately the body of Soul Force changed to the light fog to sneak in tiny pagoda in Du Shaofu bosom together. 蓦地,甄清醇虚幻身影停滞,随后像是突然间发现了什么,顿时元神之躯化作一道光雾钻进了杜少甫怀中的小塔内。 Du Shaofu stares slightly, is having doubts, under the vicissitudes overbearing sound in the bottomless pit spread unexpectedly together, reverberates in this vacuum: Boy, how is you, how did you come to the black prison?” 杜少甫微微一愣,正在疑惑间,蓦地一道沧桑霸道的声音下方无底洞内传出,回荡在了这真空之内:“小子,怎么是你,你怎么来了黑狱?” The sound falls, afterward together form then from bottomless pit bottom of the black prison plunders, appeared before the Du Shaofu's body directly. 声音落下,随后一道身影便是从无底洞内般的黑狱底部掠出,直接出现在了杜少甫的身前。 The Du Shaofu vision looks, wears the golden wide robe, over fifty-year-old, the double pupil fluctuation golden light, suddenly appeared just like the overlord old man before own body, was staring at itself, seemed is searching for anything. 杜少甫目光望去,一个身着金色宽袍,年过半百,双瞳波动金光,宛如霸主般的老者突然就出现在了自己的身前,正凝视着自己,似乎是在搜寻着什么。 Is Golden Peng!” “是金鹏尊者!” When looks at the clear this together form, the Du Shaofu double pupil fluctuates immediately, has not thought that unexpectedly was initially in the place of seal has seen Golden Peng, he actually in the black territory, immediately salutes, said: Disciple has seen the Golden Peng teacher's teacher!” 当瞧清楚这一道身影,杜少甫双瞳立刻波动,没想到竟然是当初在封印之地内见到过的金鹏尊者,他竟然在黑域中,立刻行礼,道:“弟子见过金鹏师公!” Dispense with ceremony “免礼” Golden Peng smiles, whole body aura vast like sea, pair of golden double pupil, swift and fierce fearful, making the person look at each other one, the energetic soul must collapse, but at this time to Du Shaofu, actually full is smiling expression, just the spying on color of secretly hidden went, has wiped some doubts. 金鹏尊者一笑,周身气息浩瀚如海,一双金色双瞳,凌厉慑人,让人对视一眼,精神灵魂都要为之崩溃,但此时对杜少甫,却满是笑意,刚刚暗自的窥探之色隐去,抹过些许疑惑。 Golden Peng teacher's teacher, you how in this?” 金鹏师公,你怎么在这里面?” The Du Shaofu doubts asked that a Golden Peng appearance, let the Du Shaofu big feeling doubts, aura that formerly discovered that was Golden Peng, Golden Peng comprehended the Golden Wing Great Peng beast energy, the aura was also quite special. 杜少甫疑惑问道,金鹏尊者的出现,让杜少甫大感疑惑,难道先前发现的气息,是金鹏尊者么,金鹏尊者领悟了金翅大鹏兽能,气息也极为特别。 In this black ghost astral air/Qi, can hammer the body to Golden Wing Great Peng, I come to close up, hopes that can be able on to go a step further in the Golden Wing Great Peng beast again.” Golden Peng said. “这里面的黑煞罡气,能够对金翅大鹏锻体,我前来闭关,希望能够在金翅大鹏兽能上能够再进一步。”金鹏尊者说道。 „Does this place close up?” “此地闭关?” Du Shaofu hear speech/words is also surprised, Golden Peng, but the body of humanity, is unexpectedly mad by black ghost astral hammers the body, this is not the matter that the normal person can handle, evidently this one's teacher's older brother, is not the average person. 杜少甫闻言也是惊讶,金鹏尊者可是人类之躯,竟然也是以黑煞罡气锻体,这可不是正常人所能够做的事情,看样子这位师伯,也不是一般人。 I some time ago felt that in black prison has the breakthrough aura, seems related with a Golden Winged Peng clan, is you......” “我不久前感觉到黑狱内有着突破的气息,似乎和金翅大鹏鸟一族有关,难道是你……” Suddenly, a Golden Peng vision fell on Du Shaofu's, the color deterioration, said suddenly: Martial King boundary Mysterious, but also was really your breakthrough?” 突然,金鹏尊者的目光落在了杜少甫的身上,骤然变色,道:“武王玄妙,还真是你突破了?” Du Shaofu shows a faint smile, said: Disciple was feeling this black ghost astral air/Qi can also hammer the body, therefore tries to bring to hammer the body, has not thought many advantage, seized the chance breakthrough.” 杜少甫微微一笑,道:“弟子感觉着这黑煞罡气也能够锻体,所以就试着拿来锻体,没想到得到了不少的好处,也就趁机突破了。” Such quickly on breakthrough......” “这么快就突破了……” A Golden Peng vision shakes surprised, he is very clear, some time ago Du Shaofu initially ascended to the Martial King boundary in place of breakthrough seal. 金鹏尊者目光震愕,他可是很清楚,不久前杜少甫才在封印之地突破到了武王境初登。 But then how long time, this kid, since is Martial King boundary Mysterious, how this can make him not shocking, on this day next within, several people have such innate skill. 而这才多久的时间,这小家伙既然就已经是武王玄妙了,这如何能够让他不震惊,这天下间,又有几人有着如此天赋 You in black prison?” “你怎么也在黑狱内?” Shook a meeting, Golden Peng was looking at Du Shaofu surprised, quite doubts. 震愕了一会,金鹏尊者望着杜少甫,颇为疑惑。 I......” “我……” Du Shaofu stares, immediately smiles bitterly, said: „The Golden Peng teacher's teacher, this matter did not say.” 杜少甫一愣,随即苦笑,道:“金鹏师公,此事不说也罢。” You violated the crime, was hit the nightfall prison?” “你犯下了罪过,被打入黑狱了?” Golden Peng knits the brows, he knows that the black prison makes anything. 金鹏尊者皱眉,他自是知道黑狱是做什么的。 Disciple is innocent, but offended should not the person of offending.” Du Shaofu said. “弟子无罪,只是得罪了不该得罪的人。”杜少甫说道。 Said that looks?” “说说看?” Golden Peng is looking at the Du Shaofu's look, an invisible aura fluctuation, passes overbearing and swift and fierce that is unable to conceal. 金鹏尊者望着杜少甫的神色,一股无形的气息波动,透着无法掩饰的霸道和凌厉。 Du Shaofu gains ground, afterward then told Golden Peng the general situation. 杜少甫抬头,随后便是将大概的情况告诉了一下金鹏尊者。 „, They were actually evidently getting more and more excessive!” “看样子,他们倒是越来越过分了啊!” Golden Peng hear speech/words, visual Du Shaofu, [gold/metal] Pao is moving slightly, mutters the light [say / way]: Has not thought these many years, can actually boldly to this grade of situation, but also dares to ruin the hope of Ancient Heaven Sect, unforgivable!” 金鹏尊者闻言,目视着杜少甫,金袍微动,喃喃轻道:“没想到这么多年了,竟然能够大胆到这等地步,还敢葬送古天宗的希望了,不可饶恕!” This place is not friendly, your strength is insufficient, first leaves this place, below bad risk numerous, was not you can go.” “此地不是善地,你实力还不够,先离开此地吧,下面凶险重重,不是你能够去了的。” Golden Peng is looking at Du Shaofu afterward, said: My this leads you to leave the black prison, relax, the teacher's teacher gives your abbot / abbess to be just, whom looks at to dare you!” 金鹏尊者随后望着杜少甫,道:“我这就带你离开黑狱,放心吧,师公给你住持公道,看谁胆敢动你!” .................. ……………… Bang......” “轰隆……” Sky over the black prison, the earth-shattering, the Tianlu elder and elder their showdowns, had continued enough half double-hour in the past, has not decided the victory and defeat. 黑狱上空,天崩地裂般,天鹿长老和过去长老两人的对决,持续了足足半个时辰,还没有分出胜负。 In the fearful ray, divine ability displays, the beast can stimulate to movement, shakes the person heart and soul, that is two top super powerhouses is battling. 可怕的光芒内,神通施展,兽能催动,震人心魄,那是两个顶尖的超级强者在激战。 Shouted......” “呼……” That and other fearful war intent and prestige energy, lets in Ancient Heaven Sect numerous elder holding breath cold air, if not for the two have blocked the battlefield, in entire Ancient Heaven Sect feared that is must be razed. 那等可怕的战意和威能,让得古天宗内众多长老也倒吸凉气,若不是那两人都封锁了战场,整个古天宗内怕是也要被夷为平地。 „!” “咻咻咻!” Unexpectedly, the upper air erupts ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword glow just likes the thunder is shocking, the dazzling sword glow and runes also bloom, in the space surges up, afterward some people fly upside down to go. 蓦地,高空爆发万丈剑芒犹如雷霆惊世,刺眼的剑芒与符文同时绽放,空间内波澜起伏,随后有人倒飞而去。 Deng!Deng!......” 蹬蹬……” Under is in the glare of the public eye, the people see, staggers according to the Eldest Elder form impressively one after another to the after shock draws back dozens zhang (3.33 m), the long hair hangs loose, Huang Mangshuang pupil flood cold intent. 众目睽睽之下,众人所见,赫然是按大长老身影接连踉跄向后震退数十丈,长发披散,黄芒双瞳泛着冷意。 Above the shoulder of this moment Tianlu elder, has the sword glow bloodstain together, in the corners of the mouth, a blood overflows! ” 此刻天鹿长老的肩头之上,有着一道剑芒血痕,嘴角之中,一丝鲜血溢出!” „The Tianlu elder was suppressed, the Gu Qinyang elder also is really powerful!” 天鹿长老被压制了,古清扬长老还真是强悍啊!” Has the elder to shock, Gu Qinyang elder intrepidly in this way! 有着长老震撼不已,古清扬长老强悍如斯! Really is good, Brother Qingyang these years really has not been idling evidently!” “真是不错,看样子清扬师弟这些年果然没有闲着啊!” The Tianlu elder voice is icy cold, the voice falls, the whole body aura starts to swarm the vibration, the world of fearful energy oppression thunders. The Tianlu elder is unable to endure itself to be suppressed by Gu Qinyang, waves to move, in the palm, the thunder ray gushes out together, finally changed to an ancient times flood dragon. 天鹿长老声音冰凉,话音落下,周身气息开始蜂拥抖动,可怕的能量压迫的天地轰鸣.天鹿长老无法忍受自己被古清扬压制,挥手而动,掌心之内,一道雷霆般的光芒喷薄而出,最后化作一条远古蛟龙。 „Was this must fully?” “这是要全力了么?” All around elder talked in whispers, the vision shocked. 四周长老窃窃私语,目光震撼。 Sima Taxing float and vertical, the facial color concentrates, in colored glaze double pupil fine glow twinkle, makes people unable to completely understand profoundly. 司马踏星悬浮而立,面色微凝,琉璃般的双瞳内精芒闪烁,深邃的让人无法看透。 „!” “嗷!” Ancient times the flood dragon roared, frightening, was connected with the world, the pressure was unparalleled, plunders to Gu Qinyang! 远古蛟龙咆哮,让人心惊胆颤,与天地相连,威压盖世,掠向古清扬 The Gu Qinyang elder gains ground, before hand Middle Ages sword float spatial, lets go, buzzes, resembles Ferocious Beast that is dormant to start to want Su Fu. 古清扬长老抬头,手中古剑悬浮前空,脱手而出,嗡嗡作响,似蛰伏的凶兽开始要苏复。 Chirp!” “叽!” Unexpectedly, in this at this moment, sound of the birds and beasts cry resounds through the expansive sky, on this day within trembles suddenly, as if there is extreme fearful air/Qi to appear in this day place, really square people trembling startled millet! 蓦地,就在这此刻,一声禽鸣之声响彻长空,这天地间突然一颤,似乎有着极端可怕之气出现在了这天地,真的四方众人发颤惊粟! But Houtian spatial above, suddenly the golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), fearful Golden Winged Peng Phantom across the sky, blocks the sky, the overbearing aura sweeps across on this day between. 后天空之上,突然金光万丈,一只可怕的金翅大鹏鸟虚影横空而出,遮天蔽日,霸道气息席卷这天地之间。 Bang!” “轰!” Fearful Golden Winged Peng Phantom across the sky, fluttering makes in this stretch of world send out to thunder. 可怕的金翅大鹏鸟虚影横空,振翅让得这一片天地之内发出轰鸣。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦啦……” The golden light fills the air, submerges pushes all horizontally, that blocks the sky Golden Winged Peng Phantom, easy destroys the ancient times flood dragon that Tianlu elder condenses directly. 金光弥漫,淹没横推一切,那遮天蔽日般的金翅大鹏鸟虚影,轻而易举的将那天鹿长老所凝聚的远古蛟龙直接摧毁。 Golden Winged Peng beast energy, this is Golden Peng!” 金翅大鹏鸟兽能,这是金鹏尊者!” The visual upper air, in the vision of shivering, some elders guessed that future status, cannot bear makes noise surprisedly. 目视高空,颤抖的目光中,有长老猜测出了来者身份,忍不住惊讶出声。 Golden Peng, initially the state in entire, has left behind many legend, that is Ancient Heaven Sect the powerhouse of being proud, in the sect, has the extremely high status. 金鹏尊者,当初在整个中州,留下了多少的传奇,那是古天宗的引以为傲的强者,在宗中,有着极高的地位。 „The Golden Peng teacher's teacher really came out!” 金鹏师公果然出来了!” But at this moment, the Sima Taxing tight pressed brow has stretched slightly, seems early some expectations, muttered the light [say / way]: Was that boy has alarmed the Golden Peng teacher's teacher, should the person be all right evidently.” 而此刻,司马踏星紧蹙的眉头微微舒展了一下,似乎是早有预料,喃喃轻道:“是那小子惊动了金鹏师公么,看样子应该人没事。” But at this moment, before Tianlu elder and Gu Qinyang elder they also visual spatial, the vision respective change is uncertain. 而此刻,天鹿长老和古清扬长老两人也目视前空,目光各自变化不定。 Stops to me!” “都给我住手!” At this moment, in the black prison, has overbearing ice sound certainly to shoot up to the sky, resounds through the upper air, such as the startling thunderclap is unceasing. 这一刻,黑狱之内,有着霸道凌绝的声音冲天而起,响彻高空,如惊雷不绝。 " Brothers, renew today. " 「兄弟们,今天更新完毕。」
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