MGC :: Volume #8

#722: Gu Qinyang turns over to!

Chapter 720: Gu Qinyang turns over to! 第720章:古清扬归! Is looking under that many early already has reached an agreement the elder, that is the malignant tumor that in a gang of sect accumulates, Sima Taxing facial color starts gloomy. 望着下方那不少早已经商量好了的长老,那是一股宗中积累的毒瘤,司马踏星面色开始阴沉。 Suddenly, in Sima Taxing colored glaze profound double pupil, has brilliance to glitter, looks up to the main hall. 突然,司马踏星琉璃般的深邃双瞳内,有着光华闪烁,抬头望向了大殿之外。 Outside the main hall, the form silent emergence, the personal appearance is together thin, the 70-year-old appearance, wears the pale pigment robe, shoulder back upper back handle Gu sword. 大殿外,一道身影无声无息般出现,身形清瘦修长,七旬模样,身着青白色素袍,肩后背上背一柄古剑。 The old man white hair is floating, half -and-a-half bunches of powder, several wisps of white temples send along with pinch of white beard are floating, seems like the features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, such as immortal being near world, but at this time looks like, look in a hurry, travel-worn. 老者白发飘飘,半束半散,几缕白色鬓发随着一撮白色胡须飘飘,看似仙风道骨,如仙人临世,但此时看起来,神色匆匆,风尘仆仆。 My disciple Shaofu?” “我徒少甫呢?” The old men appear in the main hall, first looks in the main hall the people to ask, the limpid binocular vision, flood the ray was flashing at this time. 老者出现在大殿,第一时间望着大殿内众人问道,原本清澈的双眼目光,此时泛着光芒闪动。 Gu Qinyang elder...... He such came back!” 古清扬长老……他这么回来了!” In the main hall, Hu Elder and the others looked at the old man who outside the main hall is presenting, some people mind tremble for no reason. 大殿内,扈长老等人望着大殿外出现的老者,有人无端心神发颤。 Finally came back.” “终于回来了。” Hu Sankun and others move in old man vision darkly, the face look that concentrates relaxed, they oppose to punish Du Shaofu, but the elder rolls, they do not get the advantage. 胡三坤等在老者目光暗动,微凝的脸庞神色松弛了一些,他们反对惩处杜少甫,但长老团中,他们并不占优势。 In the sects has many elders to form cliques, in sect ingrained, this Talisman Alliance big game, Du Shaofu encroached their benefit, therefore they will not forgive Du Shaofu absolutely lightly. 宗中有着不少的长老拉帮结派,在宗中根深蒂固,这一次符盟大赛,杜少甫侵犯到了他们的利益,因此他们绝对不会轻饶杜少甫 Master, you came back finally, they must hit nightfall prison one year the young junior brother, now half a month, the young junior brother in the black territory does not know that is lives dies.” “师父,你终于回来了,他们要将小师弟打入黑狱一年,现在已经半个月了,小师弟在黑域中也不知道是生是死。” In the main hall, sees that familiar form, Yu Wanli an arrow step rushed together immediately, in the dignified look has revealed the happy expression. 大殿内,见到那一道熟悉的身影,于万里顿时一个箭步冲了上去,凝重的神色中露出了喜色。 In these a half moon/month, Yu Wanli is trying to find the solution every day, every day is waiting for the master to return. 这半个月中,于万里每一天都在想办法,每一天都在等着师父归来。 Gu Qinyang elder hear speech/words, that flood limpid both eyes of ray twinkle, then directly was looking immediately up to Sima Taxing, asked: Sovereign, my disciple Shaofu, has violated the what kind sect regulations crime, can hit nightfall prison one year?” 古清扬长老闻言,当下那泛着光芒闪烁的清澈双眼,便是直接抬头望向了司马踏星,问道:“宗主,我弟子少甫,犯了何等宗规罪过,要打入黑狱一年?” Is hearing the voice of Gu Qinyang elder, everyone can hear, the Gu Qinyang elder has gotten angry, particularly Hu Elder and the others, all are the facial color keep changings. 听着古清扬长老的声音,谁都能够听得出来,古清扬长老怒了,尤其是扈长老等人,皆是面色不停变化。 Sima Taxing smiles bitterly, sets out to say to the Gu Qinyang elder: Returns to the teacher's younger brother, Du Shaofu violates sect regulations, is not enough to hit the nightfall prison, some elders but who the elder rolls discussed that hits the nightfall prison Du Shaofu forcefully, we were discussing.” 司马踏星苦笑,起身对古清扬长老说道:“回师叔,杜少甫所犯宗规,不足以打入黑狱,只是长老团的一些长老商议,将杜少甫强行打入黑狱,我们正在商议。” Elder rolls some elders to discuss that you are Ancient Heaven Sect sovereign, the elder group is Ancient Heaven Sect sovereign, in this Ancient Heaven Sect, you decide, do some elders decide?” “长老团一些长老商议,你才是古天宗宗主,还是长老团是古天宗宗主,这古天宗内,你说了算,还是一些长老说了算?” Gu Qinyang elder pastor Sima Taxing, is unforgiving. 古清扬长老牧师司马踏星,不依不饶。 What teacher's younger brother teaches is!” “师叔教训的是!” Sima Taxing nods, visual main hall, said: In sect investigated clearly, this matter in Du Shaofu, I did not announce mistakenly now that Du Shaofu emits the black prison!” 司马踏星点头,目视大殿,道:“宗中已经调查清楚,此事原本错不在杜少甫,现在我宣布,杜少甫放出黑狱!” Sima Taxing voice falls, in main hall many vision mixed blessings have the complex color. 司马踏星声音落下,大殿内不少目光有喜有忧有复杂之色。 Sovereign, the elder rolls the voting results of all elders, is this must change?” After Hu Elder clenched teeth, strong emboldening, treads the star to ask to Sima. “宗主,长老团所有长老的表决结果,难道这是要更改么?”扈长老咬了咬牙后,壮了壮胆,对司马踏星问道。 Master, Hu Elder disciple Chang Qinghai, with Cao Zhao, Fei Chengming, white dust four people, leading more than 5000 disciples to besiege the young junior brother, the young junior brother is injured heavily, but Cao Zhao, Fei Chengming and the others also self-defensed to cut off an arm by the young junior brother, but some people believe that young junior brother take a shot / make a move is cruel and merciless, must therefore hit the nightfall prison the young junior brother!” Yu Wanli said to the Gu Qinyang elder that refers to naturally is this Hu Elder and the others. “师父,扈长老的弟子常清海,和曹肇,费成明,白一尘四人,带着5000多弟子围攻小师弟,小师弟受伤不轻,但曹肇,费成明等人也被小师弟自卫斩断了一臂,但有人认为,小师弟出手是心狠手辣,所以一定要将小师弟打入黑狱!”于万里古清扬长老说道,所指自然是这扈长老等人。 So that's how it is, sect regulations where!” “原来如此,宗规何在!” hear speech/words, the Gu Qinyang elder gives a loud shout, just like thunderous, the vibration entire main hall also shakes, the voice is billowing: „More than 5000 disciples besiege my disciple, counter- must hit the nightfall prison my disciple, your this was bullies me to be old!” 闻言,古清扬长老大喝一声,宛如雷鸣,震动的整座大殿也为之一震,声浪滚滚:“5000多个弟子围攻我徒,反要将我徒打入黑狱,你们这是欺我老了么!” This grade of startling thunderclap drinks to fall greatly, in the main hall all person mind tremble. 这等惊雷大喝落下,大殿内所有人心神发颤。 Everyone clear feeling, the Gu Qinyang elder has gotten angry at this time truly, the spunk is dreadful. 谁都真切的感觉到,此时古清扬长老是真正的怒了,怒意滔天。 Gu Elder said was serious, more than 5000 disciples do not besiege, but watches the fun, true take a shot / make a move also only then 20-30 people, Du Shaofu take a shot / make a move person also several, more than 5000 people besiege, purely is nonsensical talk!” Hu Elder clenches teeth saying that visual the Gu Qinyang elder, in the heart is trembling for no reason. “古长老说的严重了,5000多个弟子不是围攻,只是看看热闹而已,真正出手的也只有二三十人,杜少甫出手的人也有好几个,5000多人围攻,纯粹是无稽之谈!”扈长老咬牙说道,目视着古清扬长老,心中无端发颤。 Good nonsensical talk, dozens to besiege personally insufficiently also!” “好一个无稽之谈,难道几十个人围攻还不够么!” The Gu Qinyang elder the double pupil looks straight ahead Hu Elder immediately, loudly shouted to clear the way: Hu Zhishan is, your disciple suffered a loss, can punish my disciple?” 古清扬长老顿时双瞳直视扈长老,大喝道:“扈智善,是不是你弟子吃了亏,就要严惩我徒?” Gu Qinyang elder drinks the sound greatly, making Hu Elder complexion for no reason turn white, vision absent-minded, the vitality that almost shakes is scattered in disorder, cannot speak. 古清扬长老的大喝声,让得扈长老脸色无端发白,目光失神,差点震的气血散乱,说不出话来。 Old man elder cultivation base a moment later, said: Ancient elder words anything meaning, is Du Shaofu is cruel and merciless to same side take a shot / make a move, the severe punishment is just sect regulations!” 身边的一个老者长老修为片刻之后,才道:“古长老此话什么意思,是杜少甫对同门出手心狠手辣,严惩只不过是正宗规!” I only asked one, that dispute, which is right and which is wrong?” The Gu Qinyang elder shouted to clear the way, the vision spunk surged. “我只问一句,那一番争执,孰是孰非?”古清扬长老喝道,目光已经怒意涌动。 Hu Elder and other elder hear speech/words, in the heart is scared for no reason, they know the Gu Qinyang elder is hard to deal with, but is not good to provoke. 扈长老等长老闻言,心中无端发毛,他们原本知道古清扬长老难缠,可是不好招惹的。 Therefore they are thinking while the Gu Qinyang elder outside, hits the nightfall prison to set the result Du Shaofu, when the time comes is the Gu Qinyang elder comes back, feared that was also too late. 因此他们想着趁着古清扬长老在外,将杜少甫打入黑狱定下结果,到时候就算是古清扬长老回来来,怕是也为时已晚了。 May actually not think the Gu Qinyang elder assembly comes back is so quick, knows according to them, the Gu Qinyang elder is outside is situated in Lizong the important matter, in a short time cannot come back, must otherwise, they not dare so. 可却是没想到古清扬长老会回来的这么快,据他们所知,古清扬长老身在外地处理宗中要事,可不是短时间内能够回来的,要不然的话,他们也不敢如此。 Qing Yang Elder, in the sect investigated clearly, in Du Shaofu, is not that Cao Zhao and the others provoked mistakenly in first!” 清扬长老,宗中已经调查清楚,错不在杜少甫,是那曹肇等人招惹在先!” Hu Sankun elder sets out saying that although Du Shaofu made him lose many Dao Artifact and medicinal pill, but also has defeated his disciple, but he has actually supported Du Shaofu's. 胡三坤长老起身说道,虽然杜少甫让他输了不少道器丹药,还击败了他的弟子,但他却是一直力挺杜少甫的 hear speech/words, the Gu Qinyang elder vision takes a fast look around the audience, the violent anger look instead was tranquil, but was so, instead was passing a pressure imperceptibly, making people feel, looked like a quiet volcano is ordinary, said: Does not know that you are when my disciple Shaofu is good to bully, when my Gu Qinyang is good to bully?” 闻言,古清扬长老目光扫视全场,暴怒的神色反而是平静了下来,但偏偏是如此,反而是无形中透着一种威压,让人感觉着,就像是一座沉寂的火山一般,道:“不知道你们是当我徒少甫好欺,还是当我古清扬好欺?” Ancient elder, this is the vote that elder rolls.” Hu Elder said that is looking at this time Gu Qinyang elder, somewhat shivers for no reason. “古长老,这是长老团的表决。”扈长老说道,望着此时的古清扬长老,无端有些颤抖。 Elder group, compares sovereign also big, do not think that I do not know your in secret behavior, some bad apples, the elimination is.” “长老团,难道比起宗主还大么,别以为我不知道你们暗中所为,一些害群之马,清除就是。” The Gu Qinyang elder sighed slightly, light [say / way]: Actually this blames me, blaming me being softhearted, therefore, you thought that is I quite bullies!” 古清扬长老微微一叹,轻道:“其实这都怪我,怪我心慈手软,所以,你们才觉得是我好欺啊!” Main hall people hear speech/words, many elders Protector dignifiedly. 大殿众人闻言,不少长老护法凝重。 Ancient elder, you crossed, although you rank is extremely high, but the elder group is representing anything, you should know, although Du Shaofu is your disciple, but this matter result has been voted by the elder group, unmodifiable!” “古长老,你过了,你虽然辈分极高,但长老团代表着什么,你应该知道,杜少甫虽然是你的弟子,但此事结果已经由长老团表决,不可更改!” Hu Elder clenches teeth, his disciple is seriously battered, but also after relating to them , the benefit in sect, decides however cannot make Gu Qinyang disturb. 扈长老咬牙,他的弟子遭受重创,还关系到他们以后在宗中的利益,定然不能够让古清扬捣乱。 Sovereign Master nephew, I in the sect am what status, has what responsibility authority!” “宗主师侄,我在宗中是何身份,有何职责权威!” The Gu Qinyang elder gains ground, the stride going forward several steps, tread the star to ask to Sima. 古清扬长老抬头,跨步上前数步,对司马踏星问道。 „The teacher's younger brother's in Second Elder for the sect, leading of elder group, above the elders, the necessary time, has the right to handle in the sect any disciple, including elder!” “师叔为宗中二长老,长老团之率,众长老之上,必要时候,有权处置宗中任何弟子,包括长老!” Sima Taxing said that visual main hall, in the colored glaze double pupil, profound is passing the fine glow. 司马踏星说道,目视大殿,琉璃双瞳内,深邃中透着精芒。 Has forgotten actually, I am Second Elder, the necessary time, has the right to handle in the sect any disciple, including elder!” “倒是忘记了,我是二长老,必要时候,有权处置宗中任何弟子,包括长老在内啊!” The Gu Qinyang in a low voice light [say / way], the limpid double pupil fine glow, just likes the electricity glow twinkle, making Hu Elder and the others sending of looking cold, the body shivers for no reason. 古清扬低声轻道,清澈的双眸精芒,犹如电芒闪烁,让得扈长老等人望之发寒,无端身子颤动。 Already, the Gu Qinyang elder visual Protector and the others white and shiny, said: Hu Zhishan, you can others know the crime?” 已然,古清扬长老目视颢护法等人,道:“扈智善,你等可知罪?” hear speech/words, Hu Elder Hu Zhishan immediately the footsteps staggers, is looking at the Gu Qinyang elder, said: Ancient elder, I do not know that has committed what crime? 闻言,那扈长老扈智善顿时脚步踉跄,望着古清扬长老,道:“古长老,我不知道所犯了宗中何罪?” You and other some people tolerated the disciple to run amuck, the following defies superiors, its crime one?” The Gu Qinyang elder said calmly. “你等一干人纵容弟子胡作非为,以下犯上,其罪一?”古清扬长老平静说道。 Ancient elder, I and other disciple what to come runs amuck, does the following defy superiors?” Hu Elder refuses to accept, clenches teeth to say. “古长老,我等弟子何来胡作非为,以下犯上?”扈长老不服,咬牙说道。 My disciple Shaofu, with you and other peers, you and other disciples, is younger generation, younger generation also dares below to defy superiors, besieges in the sect the elder, you and others do not tolerate the disciple to run amuck, aren't they the following defy superiors?” The Gu Qinyang elder said. “我徒少甫,和你等同辈,你等弟子,自是后辈,后辈还敢以下犯上,围攻宗中长辈,你等不是纵容弟子胡作非为,他们不是以下犯上么?”古清扬长老说道。 hear speech/words, Hu Elder and others had nothing to say in reply, Cao Zhao, Chang Qinghai and others, by having the status in sect, naturally comes on small one generation compared with Du Shaofu, the following defies superiors, this crime may be possible to be small greatly. 闻言,扈长老等无言以对,曹肇,常清海等,论起在宗中的身份,自然是比起杜少甫来小上一辈,以下犯上,这罪过可是可大可小。 Hu Zhishan, you and others disrespects to me, does not place in me the eye, this is its crime two.” “扈智善,你等对我不敬,不将我放在眼中,这是其罪二。” The Gu Qinyang elder looks straight ahead that Hu Zhishan and others, the opens mouth shouts to clear the way loudly: Two crimes and punishing, and other some people removed the elder position you today, hits nightfall prison a half year!” 古清扬长老直视那扈智善等,张口大声喝道:“两罪并罚,今天将你等一干人撤除长老职位,打入黑狱半年!” Anything......” “什么……” In the main hall people hear speech/words, all person facial colors change suddenly. 大殿内众人闻言,所有人面色骤然大变。 Hu Zhishan and other people are set out to shiver, the vision fluctuates. 扈智善等一干人更是起身颤抖,目光波动。 Ancient elder, you have no right such to do, removes the elder, this needs Eldest Elder and three elders also presents!” “古长老,你无权这么做,撤除长老,这必须要大长老和三长老同时在场!” Has the elder start to talk, but the sound trembles, the look is very flustered. 有长老开口,但声音微颤,神色很是慌张。 Master, the young junior brother was hit the nightfall prison by Eldest Elder!” “师父,小师弟就是被大长老打入黑狱的!” Yu Wanli feared that the master does not know the circumstances of the matter, opens the mouth to say to master Gu Qinyang. 于万里怕师父不知情,开口对师父古清扬说道。 I knew!” “我知道了!” The Gu Qinyang elder nods, is very tranquil, seems is not strange, visual Hu Zhishan and others, continued to give a loud shout: I finally said that can you know the crime?” 古清扬长老点头,很是平静,似乎是并不奇怪,目视着扈智善等,继续大喝一声:“我最后说一遍,你们可知罪?” Ancient elder, you do not go too far!” Hu Zhishan clenches teeth to sink to drink, he after all is also an elder, cannot so weak the imposing manner. “古长老,你别欺人太甚!”扈智善咬牙沉喝,他毕竟也是长老,不能够如此弱了气势。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” The Gu Qinyang elder sinks to drink one, the voice startling thunderclap, the entire main hall that shakes is shivering, the fearful imposing manner just likes the volcano gushes out, in the eye just likes has the runes fight to shoot, gradually moved toward Hu Zhishan to go, both sides elder people, connected the recession. 古清扬长老沉喝一声,声浪惊雷,震的整座大殿都在颤动,可怕的气势犹如火山般喷薄而出,眼中犹如有着符文斗射,一步步的走向了扈智善而去,两旁长老众人,接连退离。 Was seeing with own eyes the Gu Qinyang elder walks, Hu Zhishan and other elders also one after another withdraw, in the eye the vision dreads, body ‚’ trembles. 眼见着古清扬长老走来,扈智善等长老也接连退后,眼中目光畏惧,身躯‘唰唰’发颤。 Looks for the Tianlu elder quickly.” “快去找天鹿长老。” Hu Elder and the others look at each other in shock, see the potential not to be wonderful, shivers the backlash, wants to leave the main hall. 扈长老等人面面相觑,见势不妙,颤抖后退,欲要离开大殿。 Halts to me!” “给我站住!” The Gu Qinyang elder gives a loud shout, the entire main hall shivers, creakies, the white robe flap flap stirs, a fearful aura with dazzling talisman-pattern proliferation, thunder hit in Hu Zhishan and other on people. 古清扬长老大喝一声,整座大殿颤动,摇摇欲坠,白袍猎猎鼓荡,一股可怕的气息伴随着一股股耀眼的符箓秘纹扩散,雷霆般的撞击在了扈智善等一众人身上。
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