MGC :: Volume #16

#1568: Fa Family ruthless spicy

Child, you considers how?” “孩子,你考虑的怎么样了?” Next morning, yesterday's long plaster old came once more, asked the Du Shaofu's opinion. 翌日清晨,昨日的长垩老再次前来,询问杜少甫的意见。 Initially made my one separate, wants to drive me Protector to commit suicide two, whether to give me to handle, did Fa Family have the result?” Du Shaofu asked. “当初让我一家分离,欲要置我于死地的二护法,可否交给我处置,法家有结果了么?”杜少甫问道。 Child, Rao Renchu, and Rao people, two Protector in the past is also follows orders to handle affairs, initially your mother and your father union, in something with clan was related, is unable to go into seriously.” The old man start to talk, Fa Family is impossible two Protector to hand over, this involves too in a big way. “孩子,得饶人处且饶人,当年二护法也是奉命行事,当初你娘和你爹结合,和族中的一些事情有关,无法深究。”老者开口,法家是不可能将二护法交出来,这牵扯太大。 Why must make me probably join Fa Family, now is not very good.” “何必要让我非要加入法家,现在不是很好么。” Is formidable by other people, naturally was well below one are formidable, this account, he thought that will not owe. 以他人强大,自然是远远不如自己本身强大,这笔账,他觉得不会亏。 The Du Shaofu start to talk, in the heart knew the result, first to that two does not protect buddhist law any favorable impression, two come is also wants taking the opportunity to probe Fa Family now to their manner. 杜少甫开口,心中已经知道了结果,一来是对那二护法没有任何好感,二来也是想要借机试探法家现在对自己的态度。 But the result such as in the Du Shaofu heart expects, therefore is not strange, knows fairly well. 但结果如杜少甫心中所料,所以也并不奇怪,心中有数。 You can consider again.” “你可以再考虑考虑。” The old men nod, too bi has not compelled, is looking at Du Shaofu, said: Your initial heart has rescued your younger sister Shaojing, although now seems like unobstructive, but family|home cared very much that feared you have the accident, moreover you fuse three spirit thunder in within the body, this was too dangerous, from ancient to present, never heard that some people have succeeded. Your martial pulse, Shaojing did not have, is very strange, family|home the hope can give you to inspect well, protects you to be complete, so as to avoid when the time comes has the accident.” 老者点头,没有太bi迫,而后望着杜少甫,说道:“你当初的心已经救了你妹妹少璟,虽然现在看似无碍,但‘家’中很关心,怕你发生意外,另外你融合三道灵雷在体内,这太危险了,从古至今,从未听说有人成功过。还有你身上的武脉,少璟却没有,很奇怪,‘家’中希望能够好好的给你检查一番,护你周全,免得到时候发生意外。” Ha Ha......” “哈哈……” Boy, do not give to be concerned about face, proposes a toast does not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit, on you are also keeping the blood of my Fa Family, has the duty is Fa Family makes anything, called secret, otherwise...... Snort!” “小子,别给脸不要脸,敬酒不吃吃罚酒,你身上也留着我法家的血,有义务为法家做点什么,把身上的秘密都叫出来,否则……哼!” Du Shaofu has smiled, smiles is very helpless, finally knows why Fa Family must make him join Fa Family, is not only totally lacking in sincerity, stares truly own, is mystery, wants to find out, studies oneself mysterious divine ability method. 杜少甫笑了,笑的很无奈,终于知道为何法家一直要让他加入法家了,不仅毫无诚意,真正盯上自己的,还是自己身上的奥秘,想要一探究竟,研究自己身上奥妙神通手段。 Really many thanks care of Fa Family.” “真是多谢法家的关心啊。” Du Shaofu start to talk, sound not too big fluctuation. 杜少甫开口,声音没有太大的波动。 Is looking at Du Shaofu, is listening to that and other laughter, the old man facial color also secretly changes, in the heart somewhat changes countenance, family|home as if really to this kid some. 望着杜少甫,听着那等笑声,老者面色也暗自变化,心中有些动容,‘家’中似乎真的对这小家伙有些过了。 Child, family|home is also worried about you . Moreover, family|home also hopes that you can go a step further, all mystical places, heavenly materials or earthly treasures, you can use densely.” “孩子,‘家’中也是担心你,另外,‘家’中也希望你能够更进一步,所有的密地秘境,天材地宝,你都能够动用。” Du Shaofu is not difficult to know that feared is, once has exposed secret, only will thoroughly become their test pieces. 杜少甫不难知道,怕是自己一旦暴露了身上的秘密,就只会彻底成为他们的实验品了吧。 The old man start to talk, this is the compensation, in Fa Family regarding can fuse three spirit thunder, is insane does not die, that and other martial pulse and Golden Winged Peng supreme beast energy, indeed exerts its utmost. 老者开口,这算是补偿,法家中对于能够融合三道灵雷,失心不死,还有那等武脉金翅大鹏鸟至尊兽能,的确是势在必得。 If can find out by secret inquiry the mystery, decides, but, can be Fa Family cultivates innumerable peak young one generation, this regarding Fa Family, is the enticement that is unable to resist, this enticement even compares to greatly supreme Nirvana to be big. 若是能够探知奥妙,定然以后能够为法家培育出无数巅峰年轻一辈,这对于法家来说,是一个无法抵御的诱惑,这个诱惑甚至比起一个大至尊涅槃者还要大。 After all, this greatly supreme Nirvana is surnamed Du, but is not true Fa Family core one. 毕竟,这个大至尊涅槃者姓杜,而不是真正的法家核心一员。 I now am very good, do not need Fa Family to worry, when my younger sister goes out, I hope that leads mother and younger sister returns to Wasteland Country.” “我现在很好,无需法家操心,等我妹妹出关,我希望带母亲和妹妹回一趟荒国。” Du Shaofu direct rejection, oneself secret, how regardless of cannot give Fa Family, this does not have any possibility of discussion. 杜少甫直接拒绝,自己身上的秘密,无论如何也不能够交给法家的,这没有任何商议的可能。 Sun Jidu the ghost technique tests the noisy distant descendant star my secret child, do not persist errors, you considered again.” The old men said that afterward departs. 孙技独克鬼技考闹远孙星我秘“孩子,别过于执迷,你再考虑考虑。”老者说完,随后离去。 Du Shaofu is not difficult to know that feared is, once has exposed secret, only will thoroughly become their test pieces. 杜少甫不难知道,怕是自己一旦暴露了身上的秘密,就只会彻底成为他们的实验品了吧。 If purple Thunder Xuanding exposes, feared that has not known will cause any accident, purple Thunder Xuanding as if other with Fa Family. 而要是身上的紫雷玄鼎暴露,怕是还不知道会引起什么变故,紫雷玄鼎似乎还和法家等有关。 The people under the eaves, the strength are also insufficient, Du Shaofu has to guard. 人在屋檐下,实力也不够,杜少甫不得不防。 Child, do not persist errors, you considered again.” The old men said that afterward departs. “孩子,别过于执迷,你再考虑考虑。”老者说完,随后离去。 The old men depart, Du Shaofu stands still, heart was very depressing, feels the crisis. 老者离去,杜少甫静立,心头很压抑,感觉到了危机。 Sun Jiqing the post ghost tests the moon/month far ball alone study to be too cool 孙技情岗鬼考太月远球独学酷 That makes Shaojing never know, let alone, if can control the soul mystique to control that boy, Shaojing will be only more relieved.” “那就让少璟永远不知道,何况,要是能够以控魂秘法掌控了那小子,少璟只会更安心。” Afterward Du Shaofu tidies up the mood, does not want to make mother be worried. 随后杜少甫收拾心情,不想让母亲担心。 Du Shaofu has not told Han Ào tóng this matter, feared that mother makes any extreme matter to come, in this huge Fa Family, how mother can, that protect mother's old ancestor, at this moment also not in Fa Family. 杜少甫也没有将此事告诉韩傲彤,怕母亲做出什么偏激的事情来,在这庞大的法家,母亲一人又能够如何,那一位一直护着母亲的老祖,此刻也并不在法家 .................................... ……………………………… He wants to depart, but must bring Shaojing and Ào tóng departs, this is to run!” In the Fa Family grand main hall, there is an old man start to talk. “他想要离去,还要带着少璟傲彤离去,他这是想跑!”法家宏伟的大殿内,有老者开口。 „It is not willing to hand over mystery, but also wants to carry off Shaojing, absolutely not can remain!” “不愿意将身上的奥秘交出,还想带走少璟,断不能留!” Has the old man to be cloudy, said: Let alone, our Fa Family does not lack his one, must control, otherwise eradicates the future trouble.” 有老者阴沉,道:“何况,我们法家不缺他一个,必须掌控,要不然就铲除后患。” Use mystique, searches its Soul Force, can find out by secret inquiry all secrets in the same old way!” “使用秘法,搜索其元神,照样能够探知一切秘密!” In use clan controls soul mystique, makes its docile, although, will not have anything to progress again, so long as can represent our Fa Family, when the time comes entered the god domain to assist Shaojing , etc. to be enough.” “动用族中的‘控魂秘法’,让其服服帖帖的的,虽然以后不会再有什么长进,但只要能够代表我们法家,到时候进入神域空间辅助少璟等就足够了。” His heart not in Fa Family, if departs cannot use for my Fa Family, unavoidably also will become the future trouble, if Shaojing were also affected, that price will be too big.” “他的心不在法家,要是离去不能够为我法家所用,难免还会成为后患,要是少璟还受到影响,那代价太大。” Non- plaster line, needs to give him again an opportunity, unless it is absolutely essential, do not destroy him, his body, has the blood of my Fa Family after all.” “不垩行,需要再给他一次机会,不到万不得已,不要毁了他,他的身上,毕竟也有着我法家的血。” Has the old man start to talk, he is these times contacts with the Du Shaofu's old man, is Han Ào tóng elder, he does not have the heart. 有老者开口,他是这几次联系杜少甫的老者,是韩傲彤的长辈,他于心不忍。 I also go.” “我也去。” He is keeping the blood of Fa Family, but also has the inexpensive blood from outside, if his mystery can be known by us, feared is my Fa Family young one generation, weakly in him, when the time comes my Fa Family cannot genuine Daxing.” “他是留着法家的血,但也有着来自外界的贱血,要是他身上的奥秘能够被我们得知,怕是我法家的年轻一辈,都不会弱于他,到时候我法家才能够真正的大兴。” „The boy is stubbornly difficult to tame, so as to avoid raises the tiger to create disaster, if one day were cultivated the genuine powerhouse by us, could not say that instead will nip our one, when the time comes you guess that rudes awakening!” “那小子桀骜难驯,免得养虎为患,万一有一天被我们栽培成了真正的强者,说不得就会反咬我们一口,到时候你们猜后悔莫及!” Has the old man to be cloudy, said: Let alone, our Fa Family does not lack his one, must control, otherwise eradicates the future trouble.” 有老者阴沉,道:“何况,我们法家不缺他一个,必须掌控,要不然就铲除后患。” Shaojing after is his sister, if later Shaojing knew, will fear is in the heart will also revolt.” Some people worried that after all the brother and sister are intimate friends, bloodline is connected. 少璟毕竟是他妹妹,要是以后少璟知道了,怕是心中也会反抗。”有人担忧,毕竟兄妹连心,血脉相连。 That makes Shaojing never know, let alone, if can control the soul mystique to control that boy, Shaojing will be only more relieved.” “那就让少璟永远不知道,何况,要是能够以控魂秘法掌控了那小子,少璟只会更安心。” Sun Jidu star cool technique feather makes secret to be far noisily child, we are worried about you very much, hopes that inspects for you, cannot make you have the accident.” 孙技独星酷技羽闹远闹秘远“孩子,我们很担心你,希望替你检查一番,不能够让你出现了意外。” Just the gloomy old man sneered, the sharp weapon that could not control, can only injure itself, raised the tiger to create disaster, might as well stamp out the source of trouble, Fa Family did not lack a handle sharp weapon. 刚刚阴沉的老者冷笑,掌控不了的利器,只会伤了自己,养虎为患,不如斩草除根,法家不缺少一柄利器。 If had known perhaps all mysteries, can let Fa Family henceforth Daxing. 而要是得知了一切奥秘,说不定还能够让法家从此大兴。 Is formidable by other people, naturally was well below one are formidable, this account, he thought that will not owe. 以他人强大,自然是远远不如自己本身强大,这笔账,他觉得不会亏。 .................................... ……………………………… In the evening, the setting sun like the blood, covers the half universe, the glowing red red cloud, launches in the mountain range. 傍晚,残阳如血,覆盖半边天宇,红彤彤的火烧云,在山脉展开。 Du Shaofu is not difficult to know that feared is, once has exposed secret, only will thoroughly become their test pieces. 杜少甫不难知道,怕是自己一旦暴露了身上的秘密,就只会彻底成为他们的实验品了吧。 Child, in the clan some long plaster old hopes sees you, chats with you.” “孩子,族中一些长垩老希望见你,和你聊聊。” I also go.” “我也去。” Han Ào tóng start to talk, in her heart did not feel relieved, the hope must with. 傲彤开口,她心中还是不放心,希望要跟去。 Relax, but long plaster old wants to see him, does not need to be worried that you haven't believed me?” The old men have prevented Han Ào tóng, does not hope her with. “放心吧,只是长垩老们想要见见他,无须担心,你还不相信我么?”老者阻止了韩傲彤,不希望她跟去。 Du Shaofu has smiled, smiles is very helpless, finally knows why Fa Family must make him join Fa Family, is not only totally lacking in sincerity, stares truly own, is mystery, wants to find out, studies oneself mysterious divine ability method. 杜少甫笑了,笑的很无奈,终于知道为何法家一直要让他加入法家了,不仅毫无诚意,真正盯上自己的,还是自己身上的奥秘,想要一探究竟,研究自己身上奥妙神通手段。 „The association that should come must come, is the calamity does not evade.” “该来的总会要来的,是祸躲不过。” Du Shaofu moral nature secret passage, does not hope that mother again what happened, smiles to mother Han Ào tóng, fine and clear, said: Does not need to be worried that I urge to go faster return.” 杜少甫心底暗道,也不希望母亲再发生什么事情,对母亲韩傲彤一笑,风轻云淡,说道:“无须担心,我去去就回。” Good.” “好吧。” Han Ào tóng is hesitating, comes person is her lineage/vein elder, finally nodded. 傲彤犹豫着,来人又是她一脉的长辈,最终点了点头。 Therefore, Du Shaofu follower that old person, arrived at a grand vast main hall, all around is grand, just like fairyland. 于是,杜少甫跟随者那老人,一路到了一处雄伟辽阔的大殿,四周壮丽宏伟,宛如仙境。 The people under the eaves, the strength are also insufficient, Du Shaofu has to guard. 人在屋檐下,实力也不够,杜少甫不得不防。 In the main hall, the aura is vast, sits well over a hundred old people and powerhouses, making Du Shaofu enter the main hall , the mind trembles. 大殿内,气息浩瀚,端坐上百老人和强者,让得杜少甫进入大殿,也心神一颤。 The vision has swept, Du Shaofu has also found many familiar forms, that two Protector, on the same day in around card military stage has seen many people. 目光扫过,杜少甫也瞧见了不少熟悉的身影,那二护法就在其中,还有当日在证武台四周见过的不少人。 In this main hall head, what on this moment chair sits well is an old man of old age, is the double pupil has actually been shutting, cannot feel plaster any aura. 这大殿上首,此刻座椅上端坐的是一个耄耋年纪的老者,却是一直双眸微闭着,感觉不到身上垩任何的气息。 Child, we are worried about you very much, hopes that inspects for you, cannot make you have the accident.” “孩子,我们很担心你,希望替你检查一番,不能够让你出现了意外。” In the main hall, on an old man face is having the smiling face, appears is very kind, said to Du Shaofu: You are young, may misunderstand our good intentions, but you could rest assured that this will not injure your.” 大殿内,一个老者脸庞上带着笑容,显得很是和蔼,对杜少甫说道:“你还小,可能会误解我们的好意,不过你放心,这不会伤害你的。” I also go.” “我也去。” Du Shaofu is looking at that old man, tranquil [say / way]: My matter, does not need Fa Family to worry, is I do not make you inspect today, couldn't go out of this main hall?” 杜少甫望着那老者,平静道:“我的事情,无需法家操心,是不是我今天不让你们检查,就走不出这大殿了么?” hear speech/words, the old man in main hall, many people start to change color immediately. 闻言,大殿内的老者,顿时不少人开始变色。 Boy, do not give to be concerned about face, proposes a toast does not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit, on you are also keeping the blood of my Fa Family, has the duty is Fa Family makes anything, called secret, otherwise...... Snort!” “小子,别给脸不要脸,敬酒不吃吃罚酒,你身上也留着我法家的血,有义务为法家做点什么,把身上的秘密都叫出来,否则……哼!” These Fa Family old men as if do not have what patience, has torn down the mask, has revealed the fang directly, said their goal, they do not believe that a boy, can escape their palms. 这些法家老者似乎并没有什么耐心,撕下了面具,直接露出了獠牙,说出了他们的目的,他们不相信一个小子,能够逃过他们的手掌心。
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