MGC :: Volume #16

#1569: The vitality wells up, heart anger, eyebrow resentful wrinkle!

My blood, really did not have Fa Family now, must say that is also my mother, does not have the half minute to relate with Fa Family, you cheated me to come Fa Family in the past, wants my heart, as for me in the deathtrap, these time cheated me to come Fa Family, actually wants my secret, wanted to drive me to commit suicide, ha ha ha ha ha......” “我身上的血,现在还真是没有法家的,要说有,那也是我娘的,和法家没有半分关系,你们当年哄骗我前来法家,是要我的‘心’,至于我于死地,这一次哄骗我来法家,却是想要我身上的秘密,还是想要置我于死地,哈哈哈哈哈……” Du Shaofu laughs, laughter somewhat dry, the laughter is also very big, vision looking straight ahead has swept main hall all people, the vision is clear and bright, said: This is Fa Family, this is solemn Fa Family!” 杜少甫大笑,笑声有些干涩,笑声也很大,目光直视扫过大殿所有人,目光清朗,道:“这就是法家啊,这就是堂堂的法家啊!” hear speech/words, in main hall many vision twinkles, especially meets Du Shaofu's vision looking straight ahead, some people move aside, some people change color secretly. 闻言,大殿内不少目光闪烁,特别是遇上杜少甫的目光直视,有人躲闪,有人暗自变色。 Snort, your heart to rescue Shaojing, saves your younger sister, that is perfectly justified, your body upper reaches the blood of Fa Family, is having the duty to hand over secret, is perfectly justified, your time comes Fa Family secretly, is the scheme is clearly significant, harbors evil intentions!” Two Protector shouts to clear the way coldly. “哼,你的心为了救少璟,救你妹妹,那是天经地义,你身上流着法家的血,有义务交出身上的秘密,也是天经地义,你这一次偷偷前来法家,分明也是图谋重大,不怀好意!”二护法冷喝道。 My heart rescues my younger sister Shaojing, I am willing, even if wants my heart one time to save my younger sister again, I will not hesitate absolutely, but you cheated in me, bullied in me, three four times wanted to drive me to commit suicide, you kept on proclaiming my body upper reaches the blood of Fa Family, when you how could I and Fa Family had any relations, only wants as for my deathtrap, you also really sufficed ruthlessly spicy, your Fa Family person, knows that the conscience was anything, never had in the heart really restless, has never been worried about the retribution!” “我的心救我妹妹少璟,我心甘情愿,就算是再要我的心一次救我妹妹,我也绝对不会犹豫,可你们哄骗于我,欺压于我,三番四次欲要置我于死地,你们口口声声说我身上流着法家的血,你们何曾当我和法家有过任何关系,只想至于我死地,你们还真是够狠辣的啊,你们法家的人,知道良心是什么吗,难道真的就从未有过心中不安,从未担心过报应吗!” Du Shaofu laughs, laughter somewhat dry, the laughter is also very big, vision looking straight ahead has swept main hall all people, the vision is clear and bright, said: This is Fa Family, this is solemn Fa Family!” 杜少甫大笑,笑声有些干涩,笑声也很大,目光直视扫过大殿所有人,目光清朗,道:“这就是法家啊,这就是堂堂的法家啊!” Du Shaofu enhanced the sound once more, laughs saying: Schemes Fa Family as for me, Ha Ha, is really laughable, Fa Family is anything, I am Golden Winged Peng clan few head of the clan, anyone of you dares to move me!” 杜少甫再次提高了声音,大笑道:“至于我图谋法家,哈哈,真是可笑,法家又算是什么,我是金翅大鹏鸟一族少族长,你们谁敢动我!” Bang!” “轰!” The voice falls, Du Shaofu golden light fills the air, Golden Winged Peng Phantom flutters to circle after behind, a supreme beast can the pressure fill the main hall, the vibration main hall is void, making the person change color. 话音落下,杜少甫身上金光弥漫,一只金翅大鹏鸟虚影振翅盘旋在身后,一股至尊兽能威压弥漫大殿,震动大殿虚空,让人变色。 In this moment Du Shaofu heart does not get angry, because before coming already to have thought of this result. 此刻杜少甫心中不怒,因为在来之前早就想到了这种结果。 Du Shaofu does not hate, because this result makes Du Shaofu at this moment not strange, Fa Family never kindly treat itself. 杜少甫也不恨,因为这种结果让杜少甫此刻并不奇怪,法家从未要善待过自己。 Bang!” “轰!” In this moment Du Shaofu heart some are only the anger hates, to have an indescribable resentment to be hard to get over an emotion, Fa Family over and over again must move itself, over and over again cheating oppression, really when are so good to bully, the Fa Family person so does not have the conscience! 此刻杜少甫心中有的只是怒恨,有着一种难以言喻的怨气难以释怀,法家三番五次的要动自己,三番五次的哄骗欺压,难道真的就当自己这般好欺么,难道法家的人就如此没有过良心么! Snort, first did not say your humanity, how possibly becomes few head of the clan of Golden Winged Peng clan, when we are silly, has the blood of my Fa Family, actually joins the beast clan, you are the revolting ancestor forget the sect, harbors evil intentions!” “哼,先不说你一个人类,怎么可能成为金翅大鹏鸟一族的少族长,当我们傻么,身怀我法家的血,却加入兽族,你这是叛祖忘宗,居心叵测!” In the main hall the head, an old man look black, Fa Family early heard a Golden Winged Peng clan for the matter that this boy is born, once had caused the huge sound in Jiu Zhou. 大殿上首,一个苍老老者面色阴沉,法家早已经听说了金翅大鹏鸟一族为这小子出世的事情,曾在九州引起过巨大动静。 But he did not think that a humanity is really few head of the clan of Golden Winged Peng clan, this is too inconceivable, is absolutely impossible. 但他不觉得一个人类真的就是金翅大鹏鸟一族的少族长,这太不可思议,绝对不可能。 Let alone, they are also Fa Family, one of the Nine Great Family, the rarity must fear a Golden Winged Peng clan. 何况,他们也是法家,九大家之一,难得就要惧怕金翅大鹏鸟一族么。 Also in this same instantaneous, Du Shaofu moved, already was ready, in the forehead the radiant ray has revealed together, afterward has form together to kick out in the flash, radiant runes erupts, the direct fist clashed by the incomparable potential above that distortion void light screen. 也在这同一瞬间,杜少甫动了,早就做好了准备,眉心中一道璀璨光芒露出,随后在一瞬间有着一道身影扑出,璀璨符文爆发,直接一拳以无匹之势对撞在了那扭曲虚空的光幕之上。 Looks straight ahead Du Shaofu, this old man look is faint , to continue ice-cold to sink saying: How let alone a Golden Winged Peng clan, nine brothers, moves my Fa Family, is moves entire Human Race, a Golden Winged Peng clan dares to move entire Human Race? This is the Fa Family habitat, feared that is a Golden Winged Peng clan does not dare to come Fa Family, actually wants by a beast clan guard, is a companion by the beast clan, the revolting ancestor forgets the generation of sect, is not the good thing!” 直视杜少甫,这苍老老者神色淡漠,继续冰冷沉道:“何况金翅大鹏鸟一族又如何,九家同气连枝,动我法家,就是动整个人族,金翅大鹏鸟一族敢动整个人族么?这是法家栖息之地,怕是金翅大鹏鸟一族也不敢来法家,竟然想要靠一个兽族护身,以兽族为伍,叛祖忘宗之辈,不是什么好东西!” My blood is a blood of Golden Winged Peng clan, my bone is the Golden Wing Great Peng bone, my body is the Stone City Du family's flesh and blood, my soul was the Stone City Du family's soul, what to come the revolting ancestor forgets an sect saying, you why must say was so of pleasant to hear, was not concerned about face directly is not concerned about face well, today you nothing but are want to obtain my anything's secret, I must have a look but actually, anyone of you can move me!” Du Shaofu sneers loudly, scolds, vitality wells up, heart anger, eyebrow resentful wrinkle. “我身上的血是金翅大鹏鸟一族的血,我身上的骨是金翅大鹏骨,我的身是石城杜家的血肉,我的魂是石城杜家的魂,何来叛祖忘宗一说,你们何必要说的这么好听,不要脸就直接不要脸就好,今天你们无非就是想要得到我什么的秘密,我倒要看看,你们谁能够动得了我!”杜少甫大声冷笑,呵斥,气血涌,心头怒,眉怨皱。 Snort!” “哼!” In the main hall, numerous old person powerhouse look black, somewhat had nothing to say in reply, but facial casts were actually appear indifferent, ice-cold. 大殿内,众多老人强者面色阴沉,有些无言以对,但一张张的脸庞却是显得更加的冷漠了起来,一片冰冷。 Their bodies have the aura to surge, the twinkle ray, gathers in together, such as 1 million mountains, surround Du Shaofu with the town plaster pressure, can the void pressure violent. 他们的身上有着气息涌动,闪烁光芒,汇聚在一起,如一座1000000大山,将杜少甫围堵和镇垩压,能够将虚空压暴。 Has contacted the Du Shaofu's Han old man start to talk, he hopes the Du Shaofu compromise, in the heart some not to endure, does not want to destroy a greatly supreme Nirvana truly, if he can compromise, will be happy, will be the best result. 一直联络杜少甫的韩家老者开口,他希望杜少甫妥协,心中有些不忍,不想真正的毁了一个大至尊涅槃,若是他能够妥协,将是皆大欢喜,是最好的结果。 You think that your greatly supreme Nirvana can resist inadequately with my Fa Family, the greatly supreme Nirvana is rare, but you were too small and weak, insufficiently contends with my Fa Family by far, in front of my Fa Family, is still only the ants, does not hand over secret, does not want to recognize the ancestor to return to the birth family, we have the means to make you honest, docile!” “难道你以为你大至尊涅槃就能够和我法家对抗了不成,大至尊涅槃难得,可你还太弱小了,远远不够抗衡我法家,在我法家面前,依然只是蝼蚁而已,不交出身上的秘密,不想认祖归宗,我们自有办法让你老老实实,服服帖帖的!” In the main hall that old man cold [say / way], looks at that purple to fight the clothes youth, at this moment he thought that must strangle as early as possible, once if lets its growth, later will be the Fa Family trusted friend big trouble, at this moment, the boy is faint within makes him feel that was restless. 大殿上首那老者冷道,望着那一个紫色战衣青年,此刻他更加觉得一定要趁早扼杀,要是一旦让其成长,以后将是法家的心腹大患,此刻,那小子就已经是隐隐间让他感觉到不安了。 Child, do not destroy themselves, you are young, so long as repented, later also has the immeasurable future.” “孩子,不要毁了自己啊,你还年轻,只要悔过,以后还有无量前途。” Has contacted the Du Shaofu's Han old man start to talk, he hopes the Du Shaofu compromise, in the heart some not to endure, does not want to destroy a greatly supreme Nirvana truly, if he can compromise, will be happy, will be the best result. 一直联络杜少甫的韩家老者开口,他希望杜少甫妥协,心中有些不忍,不想真正的毁了一个大至尊涅槃,若是他能够妥协,将是皆大欢喜,是最好的结果。 I have not told my mother , because I do not want to make my mother know behind elder who she trusts, is what deceit countenance.” “我没有告诉我娘,是因为我不想让我娘知道她信任的长辈背后,是一张什么样的欺骗嘴脸。” Du Shaofu does not hate, because this result makes Du Shaofu at this moment not strange, Fa Family never kindly treat itself. 杜少甫也不恨,因为这种结果让杜少甫此刻并不奇怪,法家从未要善待过自己。 This is turning head of Du Shaofu to that old man, lets that old man facial color blanch, is unable to say a word. 这是杜少甫对那老者的回头,让那老者面色发白,无法言语。 Boy is obstinate argumentative, does not need to talk too much, implements the family discipline!” “小子嘴硬,无需多言,执行家法吧!” Previous that gloomy old man start to talk, vision ice-cold, with its indifferent, the body aura fluctuates, must begin directly. 上首那阴沉的老者开口,目光冰冷,与其冷漠,身上气息波动,就要直接动手。 His mother is surnamed Han, must begin is also my Maidong surnamed Han, is not one's turn others!” “他娘姓韩,要动手也是我姓韩的一脉动手,轮不到别人!” On the first chair, that double pupil micro close old man has opened the double pupil, in the eye the ray just like the lightning, the imposing manner is fearful. 上首座椅上,那一个一直双眸微闭的耄耋老者睁开了双眸,眼中光芒宛如闪电,气势慑人。 Also in this same instantaneous, Du Shaofu moved, already was ready, in the forehead the radiant ray has revealed together, afterward has form together to kick out in the flash, radiant runes erupts, the direct fist clashed by the incomparable potential above that distortion void light screen. 也在这同一瞬间,杜少甫动了,早就做好了准备,眉心中一道璀璨光芒露出,随后在一瞬间有着一道身影扑出,璀璨符文爆发,直接一拳以无匹之势对撞在了那扭曲虚空的光幕之上。 Is listening to the old man start to talk, the people in main hall look at each other in shock, some people tremble immediately secretly, does not dare to say anything again, even some people withdrew. 听着老者开口,大殿内的众人顿时面面相觑,有人暗自发颤,不敢再多说什么,甚至有人退后了一些。 Du Shaofu is looking at that old man, aura imperceptibly is very fearful, will fear not under five long plaster old Jia Lou Yuantu. 杜少甫望着那老者,无形中的气息很是可怕,怕是不会在五长垩老迦楼远图之下。 Child, the greatly supreme Nirvana was a pity that you pledge allegiance, has the advantage to you, otherwise, do not blame Fa Family, is strange, blames you being weak.” “孩子,大至尊涅槃可惜,你归顺,对你有好处,否则,也别怪法家,要怪,就怪你自己还不够强。” Afterward this old man to the Du Shaofu start to talk, facial color with deep veneration, sincere. 随后这老者对杜少甫开口,面色肃然,语重心长。 About his side, has several just continuously the look black indifferent old man, in the double pupil has the ray to dodge to pass. 他的身边左右,也有着几个刚刚一直面色阴沉冷漠的老者,双眸中有着光芒一闪而逝。 Indeed, law of the jungle, strength to revere, if I today's enough strength, decide however conquer by killing Fa Family, does not remain the chicken dog that you kill!” “的确,弱肉强食,实力为尊,我要是今天足够的实力,定然血洗法家,将你们杀的鸡犬不留!” Indeed, law of the jungle, strength to revere, if I today's enough strength, decide however conquer by killing Fa Family, does not remain the chicken dog that you kill!” “的确,弱肉强食,实力为尊,我要是今天足够的实力,定然血洗法家,将你们杀的鸡犬不留!” Du Shaofu nods, in the eye twinkle golden light, he approves the words of that old man very much, may also know one are insufficient, Fa Family was too huge. 杜少甫点头,眼中闪烁金光,他很认同那老者的话,可也自知自己还不够,法家太庞大了。 Yeah... That do not blame Fa Family...” “哎…那就不要怪法家了…” This old man sighed, the long sleeve wielded, confused swell of a radiant ray from the hand, just liked changed to distortion void light screen immediately, covered instantaneously to Du Shaofu went. 这耄耋老者叹气,长袖一挥,一股璀璨的光芒自手中顿时暴涌而出,犹如是化作了一片扭曲虚空的光幕,瞬间笼罩向了杜少甫而去。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” In the main hall, numerous old person powerhouse look black, somewhat had nothing to say in reply, but facial casts were actually appear indifferent, ice-cold. 大殿内,众多老人强者面色阴沉,有些无言以对,但一张张的脸庞却是显得更加的冷漠了起来,一片冰冷。 Also in this same instantaneous, Du Shaofu moved, already was ready, in the forehead the radiant ray has revealed together, afterward has form together to kick out in the flash, radiant runes erupts, the direct fist clashed by the incomparable potential above that distortion void light screen. 也在这同一瞬间,杜少甫动了,早就做好了准备,眉心中一道璀璨光芒露出,随后在一瞬间有着一道身影扑出,璀璨符文爆发,直接一拳以无匹之势对撞在了那扭曲虚空的光幕之上。
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