MGC :: Volume #16

#1567: Demon King resentment

Bang!” “轰!” With it simultaneously, from always Venerable to advocate Zhou empty/sky, has a formidable fluctuation to fill the air, vibrates the void world, finally changes to a piece of ray to fill the universe. 与之同时,自老尊主周空,有着一股强大的波动弥漫而出,震动虚空天地,最后化作一片光芒弥漫天宇。 Therefore all over the sky started to overspread dazzling runes, the shining four directions, imitated , if there is Spiritual God born. 于是满天开始铺满了耀眼的符文,照耀四方,仿若是有着神灵在降世。 Always Venerable mainly opens the altar|jar to preach!” “老尊主要开坛布道了!” All around people see that immediately is excited, immediately sits cross-legged to sit, the preparation listens respectfully to a sound. 四周众人见状,顿时激动不已,立刻盘膝而坐,准备聆听道音。 Shaofu, you sit by me.” 少甫,你就坐在我旁边吧。” Always Venerable the main start to talk, hints Du Shaofu to sit in his side hear said. 老尊主开口,示意杜少甫就坐在他的旁边听道。 All around people hear speech/words, all are the surprise. 四周众人闻言,无不是诧异不已。 Always Venerable main this act, without doubt is to entire Fa Family, to entire Jiu Zhou, the monster territory, the beast territory announced that Fa Family accepted Du Shaofu's to exist, but also the treatment was extraordinary. 老尊主此举,无疑是在对整个法家,也是对整个九州,妖域,兽域等宣告法家接受了杜少甫的存在,还待遇超绝。 Can sit always Venerable main side is listening respectfully to a sound, feared that is beforehand Han Yingmo not necessarily has such treatment. 能够坐在老尊主身边的聆听道音的,怕就算是以前的韩影漠也不一定有着如此的待遇吧。 But afterward, many people feel relaxed, Demon King Du Shaofu of greatly supreme Nirvana, itself has the huge relations with Fa Family, Fa Family fully will naturally win over and detain. 但随后,很多人都释然,大至尊涅槃的魔王杜少甫,本身就和法家有着巨大的关系,法家自然是会全力拉拢和挽留。 Du Shaofu has not rejected, distant is looking at mother in the distant place, afterward is always then revering main behind sits cross-legged to sit. 杜少甫没有拒绝,远远的望着母亲就在远方,随后便是在老尊主身后盘膝而坐。 „, The institute of myriad things however, ten thousand principles check. Principle, the article of finished goods also......” “道者,万物之所然也,万理之所稽也。理者,成物之文也……” Always Venerable the main start to talk, body ray fills the air, the radiant package whole body, changes to the innumerable phenomenon above void, imitates, if becomes a side world. 老尊主开口,身上光芒弥漫,璀璨包裹周身,在虚空之上化作无数的异象,仿若是自成一方世界。 Listens respectfully carefully, to draft a fruit!” “仔细聆听,以征道果!” All Fa Family juniors are pleasantly surprised, listens respectfully in abundance. 所有的法家子弟惊喜,纷纷聆听。 World all living things, in society ten thousand spirits, read the eternity, two read the Middle Ages, reads the present age again, Vicissitudes......” “天地众生,世间万灵,一念千古,二念中古,再念当世,沧海桑田……” Always Venerable the main start to talk, all around radiant ray package, just like miracle, sound, if such as a sound, can penetrate the will of the people, resounds through the world. 老尊主开口,四周璀璨光芒包裹,宛如神迹,声音若如道音,能够击穿人心,响彻天地。 At this moment, seven dredge, Huang Ling also all immerses, in the sound listens respectfully. 此刻,柒家浚,凰灵儿等也尽数沉浸在道音聆听中。 Always Venerable to advocate the altar|jar to preach, time enough three days three nights, making the world move, the stars revolve, gush out the innumerable phenomenon, was leads the people to have been through repeatedly the hundredth samsara likely, all people benefitted. 老尊主开坛布道,持续的时间足足三天三夜,让得天地为之而动,星辰旋转,涌出无数异象,像是带领众人历经了百世轮回,所有人都获益匪浅。 In the broad plaster field, countless people sit cross-legged to sit, the whole body covers the fluorescence, immersion in, for a very long time has not regained consciousness. 广垩场上,无数人盘膝而坐,周身笼罩荧光,沉浸其中,久久没有苏醒。 But starting from fourth day, connects some people breakthrough to go a step further at the scene. 而第四天开始,接连有人当场突破更进一步。 Many Fa Family followers, these time obtain in the person who the quota enters , some people of breakthrough, the eye of dew happy expression, obtains the enormous advantage. 不少法家的追随者,这一次获得名额进入的人中,也有人突破,目露喜色,得到极大好处。 Sixth in seventh day, Taoism, in Zongheng Family and other eight great families, some people go a step further. 第六第七天中,道家,纵横家等八大家中,也有人更进一步。 In eighth day, Du Shaofu regains consciousness, in the eye the golden light twinkle, the body ray is reserved. 在第八天,杜少甫苏醒,眼中金光闪烁,身上光芒内敛。 The Du Shaofu vision looks, in stage always Venerable main does not know when vanished does not see, but for these days, indeed had sensed actually. 杜少甫目光所望,高台上的老尊主不知道什么时候已经消失不见,但这几天,倒是的确有所感悟。 However perhaps because of the reason of supreme greatly Nirvana, is not the average man road that walks, Du Shaofu discovered that and other sensibility are not quite big, but also is obtains benefits a great deal. 不过或许是因为自己大至尊涅槃的原因,走的并不是常人路,杜少甫发现那等感悟并不太大,但也已经是获益良多。 Afterward, in the broad plaster field people one after another regain consciousness. 随后间,广垩场上陆陆续续的有人苏醒。 11 th day, Fa Family has put out many treasures as the reward. 第11天,法家拿出了不少的宝物作为奖赏。 Some Fa Family followers, these time obtain the quota to enter Fa Family, has attained some good treasures, has heavenly materials or earthly treasures, has spirit medicine, has Magical Artifact. 一些法家的追随者,这一次获得名额进入法家者,都是拿到了一些不俗的宝物,有天材地宝,有灵药,有法器 Value highest, when was -and-a-half Saint Artifact, the Fa Family reward has given Zongheng Family Hui Mutian. 价值最高的当属一件半圣器了,法家奖赏给了纵横家的惠暮天。 Afterward various everybody and in major influences comes the person to depart one after another, Fa Family also gradually returned to normal. 随后各大家和各大势力中的来人陆续离去,法家也逐渐恢复了平静。 However, this also represents was fearing that is the outside has been doomed unable to be tranquil, Demon King Du Shaofu greatly supreme Nirvana, at this moment also already in the Fa Family news, once spreads, causes the entire world to vibrate sufficiently. 不过,这也代表着怕是外界已经注定不能够平静,魔王杜少甫大至尊涅槃,此刻还已经在法家的消息一旦传出,足以引起整个天地震动。 But for serveral days, Du Shaofu was accompanying mother. 而这些天,杜少甫则是在陪着母亲。 Among after mother and child is familiar, even more was intimate with much. 母子之间熟悉后,也越发亲近了不少。 Child, these years you in the outside, decided however has suffered many hardships, these time came back, our lineage/vein were very happy that hopes made anything for you, the Fa Family ten beautiful that several small girl, you had a liking for several to like, how might as well marry, was my Fa Family another celebration.” “孩子,这些年你在外界,定然是吃了不少的苦头,这一次回来,我们这一脉都很高兴,希望为你做些什么,法家十美那几个小丫头,你看上几个喜欢的,不如娶了如何,也算是我法家的又一件喜事。” On this day, a Fa Family old man appears, by having rank, but also is Han Ào tóng great uncle, the status is not obviously low in Fa Family, is a Fa Family good long plaster is old, the facial color is quite actually gentle, asked to Du Shaofu. 这一日,法家一个老者出现,论起辈分来,还算是韩傲彤的叔公,地位显然在法家内不低,是法家的一个不俗长垩老,面色倒是颇为慈祥,对杜少甫问道。 „......” “呃……” Du Shaofu stares, afterward smiles, said: I want to marry actually, but the marital big plaster matter, must have the word of life of matchmaker parents, my father in the side, cannot ask that my father's meaning is good.” 杜少甫一愣,随后一笑,道:“我倒是想娶,不过婚姻大垩事,得有父母之命媒妁之言,我爹还不在身边,得问问我爹的意思才好。” Relax, when the time comes makes your father also come back, you can reunite.” The old men said. “放心,到时候让你爹也回来,你们可以一家团聚。”老者道。 Initially Fa Family once complied to seek for my father, why did not have any movement, must otherwise, my father fear at this moment was early already in Fa Family.” Du Shaofu tranquil start to talk. “当初法家曾答应寻找我爹,为何一直没有任何动作,要不然的话,我爹此刻怕是早已经在法家了。”杜少甫平静开口。 This......” “这……” The old men stare, he felt that in the Du Shaofu's heart has the resentment, said: Child, something passed, now all are are not developing to the good aspect, you also saw your mother, later, your can also reunite.” 老者一愣,他感觉到了杜少甫的心中有着怨气,道:“孩子,有些事情已经过去了,现在一切不是在向好的方面发展么,你也见到你娘了,以后,你们一家也能够团聚的。” Our reunites, whether needs me to keep Fa Family?” Du Shaofu opens the mouth to ask. “我们一家团聚,是否需要我留在法家?”杜少甫开口问道。 Your book is the Fa Family person, the body upper reaches the blood of Fa Family.” The old man pupil moves, afterward gentle start to talk. “你本就是法家的人,身上流着法家的血。”老者眸动,随后慈祥开口。 Shouted......” “呼……” Du Shaofu has made a deep breath, tranquil is looking at the old man, asked: „Before why , is not so, does Fa Family take three four times to drive me to commit suicide?” 杜少甫做了一个深呼吸,平静的望着老者,问道:“那为何以前不是如此,法家要三番四次置我于死地?” This......” “这……” The old men have gawked, afterward said: Perhaps you misunderstood.” 老者愣了,随后道:“或许你误会了。” If Fa Family admits me, why must also to want me to keep Fa Family?” “若是法家真的接纳我,又何须非要我留在法家呢?” Du Shaofu said to the old man: Initially that two Protector to have person to make my one separate, if Fa Family the sincerity treats me, should give me to handle it?” 杜少甫对老者说道:“当初那二护法带人让我一家分离,法家要是真心待我,是不是应该将其交给我处置呢?” Du Shaofu proposed these two requests, the old man is unable to answer. 杜少甫提出了这两点要求,老者无法作答。 Child, the one who understands the times is outstanding, I am your elder, to hello, you again well think.” The old men shake the head sigh lightly, finally departs. “孩子,识时务者为俊杰啊,我是你长辈,是为了你好,你再好好想想。”老者摇头轻叹,最后离去。 Child, the long plaster always looks for you, should be makes you keep Fa Family?” “孩子,长垩老找你,应该是让你留在法家吧?” After the moment, in the courtyard, Han Ào tóng asked to Du Shaofu, although she just not on the scene, but was extremely bright, has guessed correctly the purpose in coming of that elder. 片刻后,院子中,韩傲彤杜少甫问道,她虽然刚刚不在场,但冰雪聪明,猜到了那位长辈的来意。 Um, I said that I must consider.” “嗯,我说我得考虑一下。” Du Shaofu has not said anything, does not think that mother was worried. 杜少甫没有多说什么,不想母亲担心。 For serveral days, Du Shaofu also general knew more than 20 years, mother is unable to go out in Fa Family, totally does not know regarding outside matter, even if initially had come Fa Family, mother did not know, this partly put under house arrest. 这些天来,杜少甫也大概的知道了这20多年,母亲也一直都是在法家无法外出,对于外面的事情一概不知,哪怕是当初自己来过法家,母亲也不知晓,这就是半软禁。 Therefore, this made in the Du Shaofu heart more some resentment, but mother in this huge Fa Family, feared that also said lightly, if can change anything, already changed. 因此,这让杜少甫心中更多了一些怨气,而母亲在这庞大的法家,怕是也言轻,要是能够改变什么,早就改变了。 Therefore, Du Shaofu were not many said that eye of belt smiling expression, was not willing mother to worry. 因此,杜少甫不多说,目带笑意,不愿母亲担忧。 „To be good according to your heart, if this time, they must feel embarrassed you, mother decides however does not depend on, even if were they spells.” “按照你心中所想就好,若是这一次,他们还要为难你,娘定然不依,哪怕是和他们拼了。” Han Ào tóng start to talk, the facial features were chilly, the vision is firm and resolute, this time no one can move her son again. 傲彤开口,面容清冽了一些,目光坚毅,这一次谁也不能够再动她儿子。 I understand.” “我明白。” Du Shaofu fine and clear, smiles slightly, then said: Mother, after the younger sister goes out, we go home to have a look, to have a look son's Wasteland Country.” 杜少甫风轻云淡,微微笑着,而后道:“娘,等妹妹出关后,我们回家看看吧,去看看儿子的荒国。” Regarding Du Shaofu, this Fa Family throughout is not the family|home, that family|home in heart, throughout in Stone City, is Ancient Heaven Sect, Seven Star Palace, a Golden Winged Peng clan, even is Heavenly military college, but this Fa Family is actually not. 对于杜少甫而言,这法家始终不是家,心中的那个家,始终是在石城,然后是古天宗,七星殿,金翅大鹏鸟一族,甚至是天武学院,但这法家却不是。 At least, is in Fa Family, Du Shaofu has not felt any type family|home the feeling. 至少,身在法家,杜少甫没有感觉到任何一种‘家’的感觉。 Good, when your younger sister goes out, mother has a look at my son's Wasteland Country, but was I, a queen mother.” Han Ào tóng said with a smile. “好,等你妹妹出关,娘就去看看我儿子的荒国,而我,是不是太后了。”韩傲彤笑道。 In the evening, the sun sets in the west, sunset glow incarnadine day. 傍晚,夕阳西下,晚霞染红了天。 Dissolute, the boy clarified has not wanted to stay in Fa Family relieved, but also wanted to handle me, was really the big courage!” “放肆,那小子摆明了就不想安心呆在法家,还想要处置我,真是好大的胆子!” In the main hall, two Protector to sit well a corner/horn, the look black is ugly. 大殿内,二护法端坐一角,面色阴沉难看。 Thinks really the greatly supreme Nirvana, my Fa Family is requesting him, was supplying him!” “真以为大至尊涅槃,我法家就要求着他,供着他了么!” Boy compared with Shaojing wanting hard-to-control many, if makes him stay behind, perhaps, also will directly affect Shaojing, if made Shaojing what happened, when the time comes was the genuine catastrophe!” “那小子比起少璟要难以控制的多,要是让他留下,说不定以后还会直接影响少璟,要是让少璟发生了什么事情,到时候才是真正的大祸!” Shaojing cannot have any accident, if the boy is unappreciative, that decidedly cannot remain, so as to avoid when the time comes affects Shaojing!” 少璟不能够发生任何意外,那小子要是真的不识抬举,那就断然不能够留,免得到时候影响少璟!” He is the greatly supreme Nirvana, if the sincerity can stay behind, has the endless advantage to my Fa Family, even if satisfies his some desires, when also remains!” Also some people hope to detain. “他是大至尊涅槃,要是真心能够留下,对我法家有着无尽好处,哪怕是满足他一些愿望,也当留!”也有人希望挽留。 Remains, two protects buddhist law to give that boy to handle, well, after is us, must be handled by him, this is Fa Family!” Some people opposed fiercely. “怎么留,把二护法交给那小子处置么,那这样的话,是不是我们所有人以后也要被他处置了,这可是法家!”有人剧烈反对。 In the main hall is a dispute, for a very long time, forms depart. 大殿内又是一场争执,久久之后,一道道身影才离去。
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