MGC :: Volume #16

#1566: Sees always Venerable main

I saw your clothes to break, you gave a try to be good-fitting quickly.” “我见你的衣服破了,你快试试看合不合身。” Han Ào tóng start to talk, the sound is very gentle, on the powerful with yesterday's card military stage acted like a different person. 傲彤开口,声音很是柔和,和昨日证武台上的强势判若两人。 Du Shaofu gawked, received clothing. 杜少甫一愣,接过了衣衫。 Exchanges quickly, has a look to be good-fitting.” “快换上,看看合不合身。” Han Ào tóng drove back room Du Shaofu, has taken the door. 傲彤杜少甫推回了房间,带上了房门。 Then, Han Ào tóng started to be somewhat disturbed and anxious, she does not know the clothes that she made did meet his body, worked is not good, can he shut out. 然后,韩傲彤开始有些忐忑和紧张了起来,她不知道她做的衣裳会不会合他的身,做工不是太好,他会不会嫌弃。 In the room, Du Shaofu is pinching the clothes in hand, has the personal clothing clean neat folds in together, the coat is a purple battle dress, the cotton material is very good, as if has joined what Demonic Beast skin, soft is bringing hardly, feared that is not can be torn to pieces easily. 房间中,杜少甫捏着手中的衣裳,有着贴身的衣裤干净整齐的折叠在一起,外衣是一件紫色的战袍,布料很好,似乎加入了何种妖兽的皮,柔软中带着坚硬,怕不是容易能够被撕破的。 The work of clothes can only be general, the words that carefully looks, many places have the line and wrong needle. 衣裳的做工只能够算是一般,仔细看的话,不少地方还有着线条和错针。 This is mother hand sews.” “这是娘亲手所缝制的。” Du Shaofu determined that this clothing is mother hand sews, afterward exchanges, is actually very good-fitting, showed that this was also mother last night at the same night personally sewed, otherwise so will not be good-fitting. 杜少甫确定,这衣衫是娘亲手所缝制,随后换上,倒是很合身,证明这也是母亲昨晚连夜亲手缝制的,否则不会如此合身。 Strokes purple to fight clothes, tranquil Du Shaofu, as if then true feeling real, in the double pupil has some moistness. 抚摸着身上的紫色战衣,平静的杜少甫,似乎这才真正的感觉到真实,双眸中有着些许的湿润。 When Du Shaofu goes out of the door once more, Han Ào tóng is looking at the present purple battle dress youth, this secretly has delivered the one breath, seems actually good-fitting, afterward saw obviously, but also the gentle voice asked intentionally: Also good-fitting?” 杜少甫再次走出房门,韩傲彤望着眼前的紫色战袍青年,这才暗自送了一口气,似乎倒是合身,随后明明看到了,还故意柔声问道:“还合身么?” Good-fitting.” “合身。” Du Shaofu nods, afterward returned to one specially: Is very good-fitting.” 杜少甫点头,随后特意又回了一句:“很合身。” That is good.” “那就好。” Han Ào tóng shows the smiling face, somewhat is afterward embarrassed, said: Is some models is unattractive.” 傲彤露出笑容,随后有些不好意思,道:“就是有些式样不好看。” I inborn am clothes rack, puts on anything to be attractive. “我天生就是衣架子,穿什么都好看的。 Du Shaofu strikes one's chest saying that is immodest, he thought one said is the truth. 杜少甫拍着胸脯说道,一点也不谦虚,他觉得自己说的就是实话。 Your this child, does not know to shame, looked that the later which miss can bear you.” “你这孩子,不知羞,看以后哪个姑娘能够受得了你。” Han Ào tóng is very happy, she was feeling and son have pulled closer many distances, this distance is getting more and more near. 傲彤很开心,她感觉着自己和儿子拉近了不少的距离,这种距离在越来越近。 Miss, mother, if likes, later I marry several am.” “姑娘么,娘要是喜欢,以后我多娶几个就是。” Du Shaofu said with a smile, revealed the white tooth, the vision was clear and bright. 杜少甫一笑道,露出洁白的牙齿,目光清朗透彻。 If these misses do not have the opinion, mother naturally does not have the opinion, but you do not permit to cheat the miss, otherwise mother may unable to forgive you.” “要是那些姑娘没有意见,娘自然也没有意见,不过你可不准去哄骗姑娘,要不然娘可饶不了你。” Han Ào tóng is pinching son's face, a gentleness of face, at this moment, she clear feeling real, day thought of the son who the night thought really to her side, was so real. 傲彤捏着儿子的脸,一脸的温柔,这一刻,她才真真切切的感觉到了真实,日思夜想的儿子真的到了她的身边,如此真实。 Was right, I looked for in the family|home yesterday an old ancestor, wanted to lead you to visit, but that old ancestor wanders outside has not turned over, now not in family|home.” “对了,我昨天去找了家中一位老祖,本来想要带你去拜访,但那位老祖在外云游未归,现在并不在‘家’中。” Afterward, Han Ào tóng opens the mouth to make noise, said one specially: In the past, protected your fathers and sons finally, is that old ancestor, he very much has also looked after to me, I knew yesterday that initially you had killed some Fa Family people in the day wild mainland, the old ancestor once had also opened the mouth.” 随后,韩傲彤开口出声,特意说了一句:“当年,最后护住你们父子的,就是那位老祖,他对我也一直很照顾,我昨天才得知,当初你在天荒大陆上杀了法家一些人,老祖也曾开口过。” I know him.” “我知道他。” Du Shaofu nods, initially also once had seen together the radiant form in void picture scroll, does not see the true body, but should be the old ancestor who in mother said. 杜少甫点头,当初在虚空画卷内也曾见过一道璀璨身影,不见真身,但应该就是母亲此刻口中所说的老祖。 But initially after day wild mainland, the Fa Family person afterward did not have the sound, Du Shaofu also once to feel strange, originally is that Fa Family old ancestor has opened the mouth. 而当初天荒大陆之后,法家的人后来也没有动静,杜少甫也曾奇怪过,原来是那位法家老祖开口过。 Du Shaofu is not silly, yesterday mother departed, looks that to have looked after her old ancestor, feared that for oneself, oneself have annoyed some troublesome in Fa Family, mother wanted that old ancestor help to melt. 杜少甫不傻,昨日母亲离去,去找那位一直关照她的老祖,怕是为了自己,自己在法家惹了一些麻烦,母亲想要那位老祖帮忙来化解。 Today always Venerable the main birthday, his rank, should to be outside you great-great-grandson, he has the word, today wants the foresight you.” “不过今天是老尊主大寿,他的辈分算起来,应该要算是你外玄孙了,他有言,今天要先见你。” Han Ào tóng said that is looking at Du Shaofu, said: I know that Fa Family to all that you make, always Venerable the Lord to see you, possibly is to ask that your opinion, must keep Fa Family, when the time comes you can decide that mother knows your graceful bearing certainly generation, perhaps but Fa Family imagines you also wants to be stronger, you can reject, but at least before you do not have enough strength, do not have the accident again, mother does not want to lose you again.” 傲彤说道,望着杜少甫,道:“我知道法家对你所做的一切,老尊主想要见你,可能是想要问问你的意见,要不要留在法家,到时候你可以自己决定,娘知道你风姿绝代,但法家或许比你想象中还要强一些,你可以拒绝,但至少在你没有足够实力之前,不要再发生意外,娘不想再失去你。” Um, I understand.” “嗯,我明白。” The Du Shaofu eye moves, then nodded, said to mother: I can see him.” 杜少甫目动,然后点了点头,对母亲说道:“我可以去见见他。” Well the performance, my son, is strongest!” “好好表现,我的儿子,是最强的!” Han Ào tóng start to talk, in the eye vision fills the brilliance, earnest said to Du Shaofu: As for other Fa Family people, mother will not make them bully you again.” 傲彤开口,眼中目光弥漫光辉,认真的对杜少甫道:“至于法家其他人,娘不会让他们再欺负你。” I may not be good to bully.” Du Shaofu said with a smile. “我可也不是好欺负的。”杜少甫笑道。 After the moment, before a lake, the microwave ripples, all around green. 片刻后,一片湖泊前,微波荡漾,四周葱翠。 Has the small bridge over the flowing stream, the green bamboo sparkling stone is green, world spiritual energy full. 有小桥流水,翠竹莹绿,天地灵气充盈。 In the fine also plain yard, under mother's leadership, Du Shaofu alone saw person who must see. 精致也古朴的小院中,在母亲的带领下,杜少甫单独见到了一个要见到的人。 Du Shaofu thinks it can be in the old man, or is an old man, but is above the result too Du Shaofu's imagination. 杜少甫原本以为其会是一个在苍老老者,或者是一个耄耋老翁,但超乎结果太杜少甫的想象。 Finally Du Shaofu sees, unexpectedly is a middle age of 40 -year-old appearance. 最后杜少甫见到的,竟然是一个只有40来岁模样的中年。 However, in Du Shaofu heart actually exceptionally clear, this is Fa Family always Venerable main, lives did not know for several thousand years fearful existence. 然而,杜少甫心中却是异常的清楚,这是法家的老尊主,活了不知道几千年了的可怕存在。 Greatly supreme Nirvana, talent certainly generation, good kid.” “大至尊涅槃,天姿绝代,不错的小家伙。” Always Venerable the main start to talk, eye of belt smiling face, that year light appearance, easy absent-minded, likely is not solemn Fa Family always Venerable main. 老尊主开口,目带笑容,那年轻的模样,让人容易恍惚,一点也不像是堂堂法家的老尊主。 His appearance looks like is also very ordinary, but that for no reason air/Qi field and imposing manner, make anybody be inspired and look up to sufficiently. 他的模样看起来也很普通,但那无端间的气场和气势,却是足以让任何人心生敬畏和仰望。 This is fearful existence, feared that is this day within, can for it truly fearful powerhouse able to move unhindered. 这是一个可怕的存在,怕是这天地间,都能够为之真正纵横的可怕强者。 Du Shaofu does not dare to pull rank at this moment actually, good a ritual. 杜少甫此刻倒是也不敢托大,行了一礼。 On you also has the blood of Fa Family, before no matter this and that reason, making you experience much, but passed, later felt relieved that was staying in this place, if some people wanted to make anything, I will strike 12, some people will not ask you to trouble again.” “你身上也有着法家的血,以前不管是这样那样的原因,让你经历了不少,但都已经过去,以后放心在此地呆着吧,有些人若是想要做什么,我会敲打12,不会再有人找你麻烦。” Always Venerable the main smile, does not have what rack. 老尊主微笑,没有什么架子。 Du Shaofu has not spoken, at this moment as if this always Venerable the main words, oneself do not know that should return to anything. 杜少甫没有说话,此刻似乎这老尊主的话,自己也不知道该回什么。 As for must join Fa Family, in the Du Shaofu's heart, naturally does not hope. 至于要加入法家么,杜少甫的心中,自然是不愿的。 Later has free time, strolls in Fa Family everywhere, many places have the advantage to you, from now henceforth, any place in Fa Family, you have the qualifications to go.” Always Venerable the Lord to look at Du Shaofu to say with a smile. “以后有空,在法家内到处逛一逛,很多地方对你有好处,从今以后,法家内的任何地方,你都有资格能够去。”老尊主望着杜少甫一笑道。 Many thanks.” Du Shaofu start to talk, does not know that should say anything. “多谢。”杜少甫开口,还是不知道该说什么。 Always Venerable main smiles suddenly, looks at Du Shaofu to ask: Was right, listening to the person saying that in the present junior has ten beautiful, do you want to marry?” 老尊主突然一笑,望着杜少甫问道:“对了,听人说,现在的小辈中有个十美,你都想娶了么?” This......” “这……” Du Shaofu one stares immediately, has not thought that solemn always Venerable main, was held responsible this matter unexpectedly. 杜少甫顿时有些一愣,没想到堂堂一位老尊主,竟然是问起了此事。 Anything is not embarrassed, young people, are full of vigor, if you like, that married well, does not have anything at the worst.” Always Venerable the Lord to say. “没什么不好意思的,年轻人嘛,都血气方刚,若是你喜欢,那就都娶了就好,没什么大不了的。”老尊主说道。 This feared that is I wants, ten misses will not want.” Du Shaofu forced smile. “这怕是我愿意,十位姑娘也不会愿意把。”杜少甫苦笑。 Relax, I open the mouth, they will not want.” “放心,我开口,她们不会不愿意。” Always Venerable the Lord to look at Du Shaofu, seems is sizing up, shows the smiling face, said: Naturally, your so talent, they followed you, is their chances, later blooms a loose leaf for my Fa Family, decides however to train many such as your kid so.” 老尊主望着杜少甫,似乎是在打量着,露出笑容,道:“当然,你如此天姿,她们跟了你,也是她们的机缘,以后为我法家开枝散叶,定然能够培养出更多如你这般的小家伙。” „......” “呃……” Du Shaofu was speechless, has no way to say anything again. 杜少甫无语,没法再多说什么。 Must marry that ten beautiful, must marry, in the Du Shaofu heart is pondering over secretly. 难道真要娶那十美么,真的要娶么,杜少甫心中在暗自琢磨着。 Was good, this matter you ponder over slowly again, now I lead you to go out for a walk.” “好了,此事你慢慢再琢磨,现在我带你出去走走。” Always Venerable the main start to talk, the smiling face appears, bringing Du Shaofu to depart. 老尊主开口,笑容浮现,带着杜少甫离去。 Although Fa Family was heavy yesterday, but today is still lively, the jubilant, many places, pasted completely in a big way longevity character. 尽管昨天法家沉重,但今天依然是热闹不已,喜气洋洋,不少地方,都贴满了大大的‘寿’字。 Today always Venerable the main birthday, invited eight Fang Laihe broadly, will open the altar|jar to preach. 今天是老尊主大寿,广邀八方来贺,也将开坛布道。 Various everybody, many big influences, sent out younger generation to come to congratulate, the beast territory, the monster territory, all sea, the Phoenix Tree mountain, came some people. 各大家,不少大势力,都派出了后辈前来祝贺,兽域,妖域,四海,梧桐山,都将有人前来。 Many people come, although spies on the respective actual situation at the same time, but also indeed also rushes is opening the altar|jar to preach to come. 不少人前来,虽然一方面是窥探各自虚实,但也的确是也奔着开坛布道而来的。 Fa Family always Venerable main, that lived over several thousand years fearful powerhouses. 法家老尊主,那等活了数千年以上的可怕强者。 He is willing to open the altar|jar to preach, then regarding younger generation, that is a greatest chance. 他肯开坛布道,那对于后辈来说,那将是一场莫大的机缘。 In the vast square, gathers very early in the morning densely and numerously, the tide of people of sea of people. 辽阔的广场上,一大早也汇聚起来密密麻麻,人山人海的人潮。 This does not prove Wu Tai, is in Fa Family other square, extremely huge vast, the middle has built the stage. 这不是证武台,是法家内另外的一处广场,极其庞大辽阔,中间搭建了高台。 Faint within, the Mohist school and other eight great families, Dragon race, Huang Ling and other beast clans and major influence lineups, all early eagerly anticipate here by the person of Du family. 隐隐间,墨家等八大家,龙族,凰灵儿等兽族和各大势力阵容,皆是早早被杜家之人引领来了此处。 In the square, all people are waiting , is very peaceful, anybody has not made noise. 广场上,所有人都在等待着,很是安静,没有任何人出声。 Haughty such as Dragon race Dragon race that and other person, at this moment also respectful, without any spoken language, today is Fa Family always Venerable to advocate the altar|jar to preach, in his heart also has to be inspired. 就连狂傲如龙族龙族那等的人,此刻也恭恭敬敬,没有任何言语,今天是法家老尊主开坛布道,他心中也不得不是心生敬畏。 All around many Fa Family old people and powerhouses also in the row, the opportunity that this met rarely, they also want to listen respectfully, hopes that can solicit the chance, can sense, when the time comes may go a step further. 四周不少法家的老人和强者也在列,这等难得遇到的机会,他们也想要聆听,希望能够征得机缘,能够有所感悟,到时候可更进一步。 Bang......” “轰……” When the sun increases, in the stage, the flowing light is suddenly radiant, mysterious is vast, two forms appear, a middle age, purple fights the clothes youth. 当日头攀升之际,高台上,突然流光璀璨,神秘而浩大,有两道身影出现,一个中年,一个紫色战衣青年。 When saw that purple fights the clothes youth, all around many vision that Du Shaofu, lets are stunned. 而当见到那紫色战衣青年,那正是杜少甫,让的四周不少的目光错愕。 Many people in Fa Family , is very the accident, vision flood heavy mighty waves. 法家内的很多人,也很是意外,目光泛起不轻的波澜。 Always Venerable the Lord to pay birthday respects!” “给老尊主拜寿!” Pays birthday respects to the profound ancestor!” “给玄祖拜寿!” When that middle age appears, only shook the surprised surprise for Du Shaofu merely a meeting, afterward from detecting these Mr. Fa Family and powerhouses started, some people knelt to bend down, some people kneed down, start to pay birthday respects respectfully. 当那中年出现,仅仅只为了杜少甫震愕诧异了一会,随后从发觉的那些法家老人和强者开始中,有人跪伏,有人单膝跪地,开始恭敬拜寿。 The voice gathering, resounds through the skies, finally from void above, there is a cloud to occupy, appears in a big way longevity character, releases the radiant ray, abstruse is dazzling. 声浪汇聚,响彻云霄,最后自虚空之上,有云彩盘踞,浮现一个大大的‘寿’字,释放璀璨光芒,玄奥而炫目。 Respectfully congratulated always Venerable the main luck like all sea, the longevity and day were uneven!” “恭祝老尊主福如四海,寿与天齐!” Various everybody, in major influences permanent seven, the empty witch, Jiang Yunfeng, the dragon five, Huang Ling, red and others none who does not awed salutes. 各大家,各大势力中的恒七,虚灵子,姜云枫,龙五,凰灵儿,红妮等莫不敬畏行礼。 Although they awe, but has not actually knelt down, but bends the waist. 他们虽然敬畏,不过却是没有跪下,只是弯腰。 Sets out!” “都起身吧!” Always Venerable the main start to talk, eye of belt smiling expression, the sound is loud and clear, the vibration is void. 老尊主开口,目带笑意,声音洪亮,震动虚空。
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