MGC :: Volume #16

#1565: Choice of Fa Family

The peaceful garden is very big, all around is pure, although inside arrangement is simple, but is very refined. 安静的庭院很大,四周清净,里面的陈设虽然简单,但很雅致。 However this garden has nobody to come obviously some time, but should have the servant to clean, did not have the dust, was very clean. 不过这庭院显然是有着一段时间没有人来了,但应该是有仆人打扫,并没有灰尘,很干净。 These years pain? “这些年过的苦么? In the small hall, Han Ào tóng is looking at carefully Du Shaofu, slightly face up, initially the baby in swaddling clothes, at this moment already compared with on her high one, indistinct she can see his trace, in the foreheads wipes the heroic spirit, is exactly the same. 小厅内,韩傲彤端详着杜少甫,微微仰面,当初襁褓中的婴儿,此刻已经比起她高上一个头了,隐约中她能够见到他的痕迹,眉宇间的一抹英气,如出一辙。 Not painstakingly.” Du Shaofu shakes the head, returns to say. “不苦。”杜少甫摇头,回道。 Hates mother?” “恨娘么?” Han Ào tóng is looking at Du Shaofu, looks at the direction of Du Shaofu heart, the sound somewhat trembles, asks: Your heart......” 傲彤望着杜少甫,看着杜少甫心脏的方向,声音有些发颤,问道:“你的心……” Does not hate.” “不恨。” Du Shaofu shakes the head, afterward returns saying: I am all right, passed, Shaojing has been all right well, I am very also good.” 杜少甫还是摇头,随后回道:“我没事,都过去了,少璟没事了就好,我现在也很好。” For Shaojing, you suffered hardships.” Grieved that Han Ào tóng start to talk, in her heart could not say. “为了少璟,你受苦了。”韩傲彤开口,她的心中说不出的酸楚。 When heard that own child in founding a country for the Desolate, sweeps away Jiu Zhou, in the day wild mainland cuts the dragon, in a Golden Winged Peng clan the greatly supreme Nirvana, the Han Ào tóng double pupil flood shining, the deep pride, can think that own child, that is the what kind certainly generation of graceful bearings. 当听说自己的孩子在开国为荒,横扫九州,天荒大陆上斩龙,金翅大鹏鸟一族中大至尊涅槃,韩傲彤双眸泛起流光溢彩,深深的自豪,能够想到自己的孩子,那是何等的绝代风姿。 Shaojing is my younger sister, our bloodline is connected, is the whole family, inseparable whole family.” Du Shaofu said that the mouth bank is having the smiling expression curve. 少璟是我妹妹,我们血脉相连,是一家人,不可分离的一家人。”杜少甫说道,嘴畔带着笑意弧度。 Child......” “孩子……” At this moment, Han Ào tóng could not bear the sound somewhat sob finally, is looking at the present youth, that fine and clear facial expression, she never cannot think he suffered many suffering from injustice with calamity. 这一刻,韩傲彤终于是忍不住声音有些哽咽了起来,望着眼前的青年,那风轻云淡的神情,她何尝想不到他到底遭受到了多少的委屈和厄难。 I am very good, these years, my father also very much thinks you and younger sister.” “我真的很好,这些年,我老爹也很想你和妹妹。” The Du Shaofu start to talk, on the face of resolute resolute reappeared the smiling face. 杜少甫开口,刚毅锐志的脸庞上浮现出了笑容。 Your father he fortunately?” “你爹他还好吗?” hear speech/words, Han Ào tóng has subsided, looks at Du Shaofu to ask, her same is anxious another man, every day, is thinking of their fathers and sons, the missing bone to inter the body. 闻言,韩傲彤平息了下来,望着杜少甫问道,她一样的紧张着另外一个男人,每一天,都在想念他们父子,思念入骨。 Father entered the Thunder God Heavenly Saint cave mansion, how now does not know, but should be all right.” Du Shaofu returns to say. “老爹进入了神雷天圣的洞府,现在也不知道怎么样了,不过应该会没事。”杜少甫回道。 Among this pair of mother and child somewhat was afterward awkward, looks at each other speechless, as if not know that should say any good. 随后这一对母子之间有些尴尬了起来,相顾无言,似乎是都不知道该说些什么好。 The mother and child are speechless, never has seen from infancy to maturity, does not know that should say anything. 母子无言,从小到大,从未见过,不知道该说些什么。 In the Du Shaofu heart is somewhat uncomfortable and awkward, is thinking in this moment mother's heart, fears sadly. 杜少甫心中有些在难受和尴尬,想着此刻母亲的心中,怕是更加的难过。 Therefore, Du Shaofu mentioned many matters afterward on own initiative, does not know that should say anything, then from infancy to maturity on and on was saying interesting matter. 所以,杜少甫随后主动说起了不少的事情,也不知道该说什么,便是将从小到大的有趣事情娓娓说着。 Han Ào tóng line of sight has been looking at Du Shaofu, is more than 20 years has not seen likely, at this moment must make up completely. 傲彤视线一直都是望着杜少甫,像是这20多年没有见过,此刻要全部补回来。 Since childhood has spoken in a big way, Du Shaofu hid all disciplining dangerous situations, had not said that appears fine and clear. 从小一直说到大,杜少甫把所有的磨练险境都隐藏了,没有多说,显得风轻云淡 Hears own child amusing thing since childhood, on Han Ào tóng face has also shown the smile. 听到自己的孩子从小的趣事,韩傲彤脸庞上也露出了微笑。 When heard that own child in founding a country for the Desolate, sweeps away Jiu Zhou, in the day wild mainland cuts the dragon, in a Golden Winged Peng clan the greatly supreme Nirvana, the Han Ào tóng double pupil flood shining, the deep pride, can think that own child, that is the what kind certainly generation of graceful bearings. 当听说自己的孩子在开国为荒,横扫九州,天荒大陆上斩龙,金翅大鹏鸟一族中大至尊涅槃,韩傲彤双眸泛起流光溢彩,深深的自豪,能够想到自己的孩子,那是何等的绝代风姿。 But in Han Ào tóng heart is hiding bitterly and astringently, she knows that these years his back, actually to experience what Zhong disciplining, otherwise, how to have such achievement. 但韩傲彤心中藏着苦涩,她何尝不知道这些年他的背后,究竟是经历过何种的磨练,否则,怎么会有如此的成就。 But she rejoiced that at this moment her child, so stands in her front splendidly, what is more important, his all well. 但她庆幸,此刻她的孩子,这般的出色站在她的面前,更重要的是,他一切无恙。 You and Han Yingmo fight, the body may have the wound, under quick clothing/taking medicinal pill.” “你和韩影漠交手,身上可有伤,快服下丹药。” Then, Han Ào tóng as if thinks that immediately pulled out big pile of medicinal pill to give Du Shaofu from Cosmos Bag altogether, all kinds of medicinal pill had. 然后,韩傲彤似乎是才想起来,顿时从身上的乾坤袋中掏出了一大堆的丹药一股脑都交给了杜少甫,各种各样的丹药都有。 Perhaps never has seen from infancy to maturity, all make Du Shaofu somewhat absent-minded, there are some not real. 或许是从小到大从未见过,一切让杜少甫有些恍惚,有些许的不真实般。 Du Shaofu smiles helplessly, has selected under several medicinal pill clothing/taking, actually on him does not have the injury, is only some consumptions. 杜少甫无奈一笑,挑了几枚丹药服下,其实他身上并没有伤势,只是有些消耗。 In the Du Shaofu heart knows that is mother, always hopes that all gives own child, if do not eat, certainly will make her be worried. 只是杜少甫心中知道,做娘的,总是希望把所有的一切都交给自己的孩子吧,要是自己不吃,一定会让她担心。 This is mother and child separates first meeting, Du Shaofu knows in mother's heart for more than 20 years in guilty, therefore she wants to make up, coming out that making up that doubles, Du Shaofu can feel. 这是母子分隔二十多年来第一次见面,杜少甫知道母亲的心中在愧疚,所以她想要弥补,加倍的弥补,杜少甫能够感觉的出来。 The mother and child were together were very long, spoke many words. 母子相处了很久,说了很多的话。 The Du Shaofu also aunt personally knew that younger sister Shaojing as if is still closing up, therefore has not come. 杜少甫也从母亲口中得知,妹妹少璟似乎还在闭关,所以没有现身。 Then Han Ào tóng departs, as if there is matter to have the office, confessed that controls one's breathing Du Shaofu to the room well breathing exercise. 而后韩傲彤才离去,似乎有事情有办,交代杜少甫到房间去好好调息吐纳 In the room, Du Shaofu sits cross-legged to sit on the bed, the vision is in a daze, imitates, if some do not believe at this moment general, oneself see mother really...... 房间中,杜少甫盘膝而坐在床榻上,目光一些发呆,仿若是此刻有些不相信一般,自己真的见到母亲么…… Perhaps never has seen from infancy to maturity, all make Du Shaofu somewhat absent-minded, there are some not real. 或许是从小到大从未见过,一切让杜少甫有些恍惚,有些许的不真实般。 Afterward Du Shaofu Bi Mu controls one's breathing, has not hidden anything again, revolved merit law of Golden Winged Peng clan. 随后杜少甫闭目调息,没有再隐藏什么,运转了金翅大鹏鸟一族的功法 A day slowly, but on this day regarding entire Fa Family, is actually incomparably long and serious one day, everywhere is a silence, spoke without many people. 一天徐徐而过,但这一天对于整个法家来说,却是无比漫长和沉重的一天,到处都是一片沉默,没有多少人说话。 At nightfall, moon/month dark star is bright. 入夜,月暗星明。 Only then two roads, making him join Fa Family, otherwise strangles as early as possible, otherwise, once he grows, that will be my entire Fa Family huge hidden danger. “只有两条路,让他加入法家,要不然趁早扼杀,否者一旦等到他成长起来,那将是我整个法家的巨大隐患。 „The boy is insane does not die, is the miracle, that and other martial pulse were fearful, can fuse three spirit thunder, comprehends a Golden Winged Peng clan supreme beast energy, aura is true Golden Winged Peng seems to be common, but can also the greatly supreme Nirvana, his body, decide however is containing the huge secret, if all these can spy on to know by us mysteriously, that can Fa Family accomplish innumerable peak younger generation to me!” “那小子失心不死,已经是奇迹,那等武脉可怕,能够融合三道灵雷,领悟金翅大鹏鸟一族至尊兽能,身上的气息似乎是真正的金翅大鹏鸟一般,还能够大至尊涅槃,他的身上,定然蕴藏着巨大的秘密,若是这一切能够被我们窥探得知其中奥妙,那将能够给我法家造就无数巅峰后辈!” „The boys can the greatly supreme Nirvana, the body certainly have many secrets, is insane not dead, fuses three spirit thunder, these are the miracles!” “那小子都能够大至尊涅槃,身上一定有诸多隐秘,失心而不死,融合三道灵雷,这些都是奇迹!” If my Fa Family can find out by secret inquiry his mystery, decides however can the forcing other eight and all sea, the Phoenix Tree mountain. “要是我法家能够探知他身上的奥妙,定然能够力压其它八家和四海,梧桐山等。 Feared that boy does not hope, Han Ào tóng arm also outward turns, we were hard to achieve wishes!” “就怕那小子不愿啊,韩傲彤胳膊也往外拐,我们难以如愿!” That cannot accommodate him, must make him keep Fa Family, must hand over mystery again badly, his body upper reaches the blood of my Fa Family, having the duty must be Fa Family makes contribution.” “那也容不得他,必须让他留在法家,再不济也要交出身上的奥秘,他身上流着我法家的血,有义务要为法家尽力。” His disposition is not quite suitable to force, if makes him be willing to keep Fa Family, this is best!” Some old men worried. “他的性格不太适合强迫,若是让他心甘情愿留在法家,这才是最好的!”有老者担忧。 Is willing to stay behind, can be long-time.” “心甘情愿留下,才能够长久啊。” If he is willing to stay behind, that knows the limitation actually, but if is unappreciative, snort|hum!” “要是他心甘情愿留下,那倒是识相,但若是不识抬举,哼!” The son controls one's breathing in next door breathing exercise, in her heart was filled up by a happy feeling, that feeling and she was initially different in the same place with his father, but same makes her feel at ease. 儿子就在隔壁吐纳调息,她的心中被一种欢喜的感觉所填满,那种感觉和当初她和他爹在一起的时候并不一样,但一样的让她心安。 Occasionally, Han Ào tóng lifts pupil to look to the wall, on the face exposes the smiling face, she is very happy, in heart from unprecedented steadfast. 偶尔间,韩傲彤抬眸望向墙壁,脸上展露出笑容,她很开心,心中从所未有的踏实。 One at night, Han Ào tóng slightly makes the rest in needlework, will have arrived to the next door entrance unrestrainedly. 一夜间,韩傲彤在针线中略作休息,都会情不自禁的走到了到了隔壁门口。 She puts out a hand, wants to shove open door very much. 她伸手,很想要推开房门。 She wants to have a look at son's appearance well, touches his face, his sending, traces the forehead and bridge of the nose that he and he are exactly the same. 她想去好好的看看儿子的模样,摸一摸他的脸,他的发,摸一摸他和他如出一辙的眉宇和鼻梁。 But she has borne, the son is controlling one's breathing breathing exercise, she does not want to disturb. 可是她忍住了,儿子正在调息吐纳,她不想打扰。 She does not dare, to her, initially the baby in swaddling clothes, said goodbye is the heroic bearing is like that peerless, the appearance of peerless talent in her front, she has thought that this is the dreamland, all these came to come suddenly, likely was not real. 她也不敢,对她而言,当初襁褓中的婴儿,再见已经是那般英姿绝世,风华绝代的出现在了她的面前,她以为这是梦境,这一切来得来突然了,根本不像是真实的。 Therefore she feared that after all the son is strange with her, she feared that she has been scared the son, will make the son vanish in own front once more. 所以她怕,毕竟儿子还和她陌生,她怕自己吓着了儿子,会让儿子再次在自己的面前消失。 Ting porch, our children are very outstanding, is more outstanding than you, these years, were laborious you, not long, we can also meet one to reunite once more, right, I quite thought you......” “庭轩,我们的孩子很优秀,比你还优秀,这些年,辛苦你了,不用多久,我们也能够再次相见一家团聚,对吗,我好想你……” Han Ào tóng muttered the light [say / way], at this moment in her heart was happy that the son in the side, the matter as if toward the good situation, perhaps not long, can reunite after all now. 傲彤喃喃轻道,此刻她的心中是高兴的,毕竟现在儿子已经在身边,事情似乎在朝着好的地步发展,或许不用多久,一家就能够团聚了。 His clothes broke, I must catch up.” “他的衣服破了,我得赶出来。” Afterward, Han Ào tóng returned to the room once more, on that beautiful moving face shows the satisfied smiling face, is sewing the clothing. 随后,韩傲彤再次回到了房间,那美丽动人的脸庞上露出满足的笑容,缝制着衣衫。 At this moment, she is not Fa Family Han Ào tóng, was not that initially once had vibrated Nine Great Family Han Ào tóng, but was only an ordinary mother. 此刻,她不是法家的韩傲彤,不是那一个当初曾震动过九大家的韩傲彤,而只是一个普通的母亲。 A night, the dawn has swept the curtain of night. 一夜而过,晨光扫开了夜幕。 Shouted......” “呼……” In the morning, Du Shaofu in controlling one's breathing in breathing exercise exhales foul air, aura restraining, the body golden color ray shuttles back and forth, finally is reserved, the vision in the golden light twinkle, belongs to afterward clearly and brightly 清晨,杜少甫在调息吐纳中呼出一口浊气,气息收敛,身上金色光芒穿梭,最后内敛,目光在金光闪烁中,随后也归于清朗 Du Shaofu felt that mother came back, has stood in out some little time. 杜少甫感觉到了母亲已经回来,已经站在门外好一会了。 Mother......” “娘……” Du Shaofu shoved open the door, mother has been standing in out of the door. 杜少甫推开了房门,母亲正站在门外。
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