MGC :: Volume #16

#1511: One crowd of small monsters

Above Radiant God Courtyard, if meets you, even if not beat, I can also spell.” Cheng Shengnan looks at Du Shaofu saying that words simple and brief, beautiful face flood some bitter and astringent meaning. 光明神庭之上若是遇上你,就算是不敌,我也会一拼。”程胜男望着杜少甫说道,话语简洁明了,绝美脸庞泛着些许苦涩意味。 Regarding Radiant God Courtyard, I will be impolite.” Du Shaofu indifferent [say / way]. “对于光明神庭,我也不会客气。”杜少甫淡然道。 Cheng Shengnan leads still shaken Cheng Chao to depart, changes to the rainbow, after several move sideways, vanished in the midair. 程胜男带着惊魂未定的程超离去,化作长虹,几个闪身之后就消失在了半空。 A bloody battle eventually ended, the major influences that on Great Circle Cult surrounds, came for the Dongli Chi Huang supreme Nirvana, wants to have a look at finally victory and defeat between Demon King Du Shaofu and Dongli Chi Huang, but under this moment this result, all influence has not even said goodbye with Great Circle Cult, then quietly departs. 一场血战终于结束,大轮教上围观的各大势力,原本是为了东离赤凰至尊涅盘而来,也想要看看最后魔王杜少甫东离赤凰之间的胜负,但此刻这种结果下,各方势力甚至是没有和大轮教告别,便都悄然离去。 Heavenly Blade Sect, Gu Quanmen and other entrances, even is dreaded that Du Shaofu will look for their troubles, after all in the day wild mainland, they have many conflicts with Du Shaofu, already quietly smooth did not have the shade. 天刀宗,古拳门等山门,甚至更是忌惮杜少甫会找他们的麻烦,毕竟在天荒大陆上,他们可是和杜少甫之间有着不少的冲突,早就悄然溜的没影了。 Has seen the palace Lord.” “见过殿主。” Before a embroidered robe youth arrived at the Du Shaofu body salutes, he is the day Desolate swallows the star python, these time , etc. came along with Linghuan Tiger King. 一个华服青年到了杜少甫身前行礼,他是天荒吞星蟒,这一次随着灵幻虎王等前来。 Initially went back after the day wild mainland, the day Desolate swallowed the star python continuously in the beast territory. 当初从天荒大陆上回去后,天荒吞星蟒就一直在兽域中。 Previous Linghuan Tiger King , etc. goes back from a Golden Winged Peng clan, Du Shaofu remembered a day of Desolate to swallow the star python, was makes Linghuan Tiger King, Shen Ape King, Kuang Bear King , etc. see that the day Desolate swallowed the star python to call loudly. 上次灵幻虎王等从金翅大鹏鸟一族内回去,杜少甫想起了天荒吞星蟒,便是让灵幻虎王,神猿王,狂熊王等见到天荒吞星蟒大声招呼。 Therefore this Du Shaofu crumb sound transmission jade slip summoned, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. also informed a day of Desolate to swallow the star python to come, formerly it also has been killing the enemy. 因此这一次杜少甫捏碎了传音玉简召唤,灵幻虎王等也通知了天荒吞星蟒前来,先前其一直也在杀敌。 The day Desolate swallows the star python to obtain Thunder God to hammer the body, at this moment is also the Perfect Beast Venerable level, but the ratio begins the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket the imaginary tiger the advantage that obtained to come, in addition Linghuan Tiger King and other books must swallow many that the star python stronger compared with the day Desolate, naturally was the strength differs much. 天荒吞星蟒得到神雷锻体,此刻也已经是圆满兽尊层次,只是比起灵幻虎等得到的好处来,再加上灵幻虎王等本就是要比起天荒吞星蟒要强的多,自然是实力相差不少了。 What do you then have to plan?” “你接下来有什么打算?” Before the Dongli Qingqing lotus steps transferred to the Du Shaofu body lightly, several wisps of temples send in the ear temple flutter gently, just likes the dust. 东离青青莲步轻移到了杜少甫身前,几缕鬓发在耳鬓轻轻飘动,恍若出尘。 Over the two days must go to Radiant God Courtyard to walk.” “这两天要去光明神庭走一趟。” The Du Shaofu look is indifferent, that kills intent to restrain dreadfully, with formerly acted like a different person. 杜少甫神色淡然,那滔天的杀意收敛,和先前判若两人。 Is looking at the present female, is astrays in society likely the exiling immortal, the beautiful condition makings moving heart and soul, the arousing heartstrings, the Du Shaofu mouth bank outlined wipes the smiling expression curve, continued saying: Or you found the time to accompany me to go to Stone City over the two days, saw my Eldest Uncle Second Uncle.” 望着眼前的女子,像是误入世间的谪仙,美态气质动人心魄,撩人心弦,杜少甫嘴畔勾勒一抹笑意弧度,继续道:“要不你抽时间这两天陪我去石城一趟,见见我大伯二伯的。” Why?” “为什么?” The Dongli Qingqing surprise asked that but as if has realized anything afterward, immediately said: I do not go.” 东离青青诧异问道,但随后似乎是意识到了什么,顿时说道:“我才不去呢。” Under is in the glare of the public eye, Du Shaofu held the Dongli Qingqing beast, is very warm, eye of belt smiling expression, said: No, the ugly wife must see the parents-in-law, we such long do not see, do not leave without saying good-bye, previous time......” 众目睽睽下,杜少甫抓住了东离青青的兽,很是热情,目带笑意,道:“别啊,丑媳妇总要见公婆的,我们这么久不见,你不会又要不辞而别吧,上次……” You also put on the time, you......” “你还提上次,你……” Dongli Qingqing felt the tender and beautiful desire that all around vision, has a ruddy complexion drops, immediately pulled out Du Shaofu's, knows that this savage fellow did not have the means to speak well, can only hide to be farther. 东离青青感觉到四周的目光,面色红润的娇艳欲滴,顿时就抽开了杜少甫的手,知道这凶残的家伙根本没办法好好说话,只能够躲远一些。 How previous time, previous time is also to leave without saying good-bye obviously.” “上次怎么了,上次明明也是不告而别啊。” Du Shaofu feels the back of the head, is doubts is very puzzled, the woman also really said that turns hostile turns hostile, absolutely does not have the omen. 杜少甫摸着后脑勺,很是疑惑不解,女人还真是说变脸就变脸,完全没有预兆。 Appearance that blushes, but also is really very well looks.” “不过脸红的样子,还真是挺好看的。” Du Shaofu earnest saying, that fine just the tender and beautiful desire dropped like the elf face, beautiful moving, almost cannot bear want to nip one. 杜少甫认真的说道,那精致如精灵般的脸庞刚刚娇艳欲滴,美艳动人,差点忍不住想要咬上一口。 Su Mu Xinwang Du Shaofu, attracting makings are passing different kind noble and gracefulness, under the eyelash of warpage, the morning dew double pupil passed over gently and swiftly wipes the fluctuation, afterward submerges in the light charming ripples. 苏慕昕望着杜少甫,身上的魅惑气质透着一种别样的高贵与优雅,弯翘的睫毛下,朝露双眸掠过一抹波动,随后淹没在淡淡的妩媚涟漪中。 Boy, should leave in Great Circle Cult.” “小子,该离开大轮教境内了。” The old woman opens the mouth, had pointed to the door, afterward entered the Great Circle Cult deep place. 老妪开口,已经下了逐客令,随后进入了大轮教深处。 Brother Du.” 杜兄弟。” Mu Jianchen, hundred li (0.5km) boundlessness, the wind is free of evil intention, the herd unaccompanied song surrounded side Du Shaofu, greets respectively. 沐剑晨,百里无涯,风无邪,牧清歌等围拢到了杜少甫身边,各自打着招呼。 We change a place to chat.” “我们换个地方聊。” Du Shaofu looks at the direction that old woman is vanishing distantly, somewhat dreaded that afterward and others smiled to Mu Jianchen. 杜少甫遥遥望着那老妪消失的方向,有些为之忌惮,随后对沐剑晨等一笑。 Saint young lad Zhen Qingchun and a Great Circle Cult old ancestor encounters, the entanglement, finally had stopped at this moment. 圣阵童子甄清醇大轮教一个老祖交锋,一直纠缠,此刻也终于停了下来。 Day does not help my Great Circle Cult!” “天不助我大轮教!” Old man facial color yin cold, can only finally, but departs, knew that Dongli Chi Huang had been struck to kill, gets angry roar. 那老者面色阴寒,最后只能够无奈离去,得知东离赤凰已经被击杀,为之怒啸。 The Zhen Qingchun facial color is pale, kills the character who surrounds a Great Circle Cult old ancestor rank by six rounds blood, extreme serious of consumption. 甄清醇面色惨白,以六轮血杀阵困住一个大轮教老祖级别的人物,消耗的极为严重。 All armies start to retreat, Du Shaofu in the teacher's teacher Golden Peng territory advocates peace under south Li Hun introduction, with Gu Yue territory Lord, the Tianfeng territory Lord, the day soul territory Lord, after the day rune/symbol ancestor and others met had greeted, is and Mu Jianchen and others left Great Circle Cult. 各方大军开始退去,杜少甫在师公金鹏域主和南黎魂的介绍下,和古月域主,天凤域主,天魂域主,天符老祖等见面打过招呼后,便是和沐剑晨等离开了大轮教 Remaining battlefield cleanups and other matters concerned, medicine Venerable the medicine not to have the life already to arrange, did not need Du Shaofu to take the trouble completely. 剩下打扫战场等事宜,药尊医无命等早就在安排,完全不用杜少甫费心。 If given time, this boy must achievement be magnificent!” “假以时日,这小子必成就辉煌!” Day soul territory Lord, the day rune/symbol ancestor, Murong Guying and other powerhouses looked at the back that Du Shaofu is departing, at this moment also appreciates. 天魂域主,天符老祖,慕容古鹰等强者望着杜少甫离去的背影,此刻也不禁赞赏。 Person who can defeat supreme Nirvana, so long as does not have the accident to grow, another day magnificence, has been doomed. 一个能够击败至尊涅盘者的人,只要不出意外一直成长,他日的辉煌,已经注定。 But Houtian soul territory main and other powerhouses, is old to three long plasters of Golden Winged Peng clan, three long plasters are old, five long plasters always greet, extremely the ritual respect, especially and four long plaster old Ka Lou Ye, five long plaster old Jia Lou Yuantu, as if also had seen. 后天魂域主等强者,对金翅大鹏鸟一族的三长垩老,三长垩老,五长垩老打着招呼,极为礼敬,特别是和四长垩老迦楼烨,五长垩老迦楼远图,似乎还都曾经见过。 A bloody battle, completely subsides, all armies depart when the dusk thoroughly. 一场血战,彻底平息,各方大军在黄昏之时彻底离去。 Finally in swallowing the demon spirit and blood of cane ghost battlefield remnant soul and blood ghost air/Qi, also satisfiedly departs in the dusk, this harvest, has almost exploded their brace. 最后在吞噬战场残魂和血煞之气的魅灵和血藤煞,也在黄昏中满足离去,这一次的收获,已经将他们差点撑爆。 the sun sets in the west, the setting sun like the blood, shines ten thousand li (0.5km) blood place. 夕阳西下,残阳如血,照耀万里血地。 Inside and outside Great Circle Cult, a piece in confusion, besides Great Circle Cult deep place the place of true core, almost became the ruins, the blood plaster dyes the hills. 大轮教内外,一片狼藉,除了大轮教深处的真正核心之地外,都几乎成为了废墟,血垩染群山。 The innumerable Great Circle Cult disciples stand in all around, is the delay, for a very long time is unable to recover. 无数大轮教弟子站在四周,皆是呆滞,久久无法回过神来。 Stands erect state not but actually Great Circle Cult, even if faces the Demon King Du Shaofu's army not to place in the eye from the beginning. 屹立中州不倒大轮教,就算是一开始面对魔王杜少甫的大军也未曾放在眼中。 But they have not thought finally, Great Circle Cult actually suffered has so conquered by killing. 但他们谁也没想到最后,大轮教却是遭受了如此血洗。 Finally that mysterious female and old woman appear, feared that is the Great Circle Cult present consequence, will be more pitiful. 要不是最后那神秘女子和老妪出现,怕是大轮教现在的后果,将更加凄惨。 Hates!” “恨啊!” Has the Great Circle Cult disciple to be unwilling, is looking at the rivers of blood hills four wildly, roared to the day. 大轮教弟子不甘,望着血流成河的群山四野,对天咆哮。 Old ancestor, had not found the Sacred Child skeleton, the disappearing whereabouts.” “老祖,没有找到圣子的尸骨,不见了下落。” In a blood ghost abyss, several forms plunder, the facial color is dignified. 一条血煞深渊内,数道身影掠出,面色凝重。 They are the Great Circle Cult remaining length plasters are old, seeks for the Dongli Chi Huang skeleton under the abyss, actually discovers the Dongli Chi Huang skeleton disappearing trail. 他们都是大轮教剩下的长垩老,在深渊下寻找东离赤凰的尸骨,却发现东离赤凰的尸骨不见了踪迹。 Is impossible, gets down to look again.” “不可能,再下去找。” The bright empty old ancestor drinks greatly, the form changed to a rainbow to crash in the abyss, he must find the Dongli Chi Huang skeleton, how wanted to investigate clear Dongli Chi Huang is killed by the town. 明虚老祖大喝,身影化作一条长虹冲进了深渊内,他要找到东离赤凰的尸骨,想要调查清楚东离赤凰到底是怎么被镇杀的。 Even if the Dongli Chi Huang supreme Nirvana is defeated, but Dongli Chi Huang Soul Force, is containing the soul of previous generation, wants to strike to kill thoroughly, will not be absolutely easy. 就算是东离赤凰至尊涅盘被击败,但东离赤凰元神,蕴含着前世的灵魂,想要彻底击杀,绝对不会那么容易。 But finally, in the abyss forms plunder once again, bright empty old ancestor and other facial colors were ugly, still had not found the Dongli Chi Huang skeleton, the skeleton of Dongli Chi Huang had not found one. 但最后,深渊内一道道的身影再度掠出,明虚老祖等面色难看,依然是没有找到东离赤凰的尸骨,就连东离赤凰的骸骨都没有找到一根。 Was exploded breaks to pieces, how to disappear.” “难道被爆碎了么,怎么会不见了。” The bright empty old ancestor looks at the midair gloomy, the Dongli Chi Huang skeleton is not seeing, may not explode obviously broken, making him have doubts puzzled. 明虚老祖阴沉望着半空,东离赤凰的尸骨不见,可明明没有爆碎,让他疑惑不解。 The curtain of night arrived, the blood Baleful Qi breath occupies Great Circle Cult not to be loose, in one day, Great Circle Cult today we are no longer as we have been, no longer was initially. 夜幕已经降临,血煞气息盘踞大轮教不散,一日之间,大轮教已经今非昔比,不再是当初。 Why will arrive in this, why...... „ “为什么会走到这一步上,为什么……“ Some Great Circle Cult old men have doubts, they have not known to the present that is any reason, will make Great Circle Cult turn into today's situation. 一些大轮教老者疑惑,到现在他们还不知道,到底是什么原因,会让大轮教变成今天的处境。 in state day pledge, newly established today, by the destruction, absolutely is the alliance that historically perishes most quickly. 中州天盟,今天刚刚成立,就被覆灭,绝对是历史上最快灭亡的联盟。 Great Circle Cult loses seriously, the powerhouse falls from the sky much, tens of millions disciples were slaughtered. 大轮教损失惨重,强者陨落不少,数千万弟子被屠杀。 The army who Sky Serpent Sect and Heavenly Spirit Valley come, the frigid degree of loss, came more pitiful compared with Great Circle Cult, throws down the innumerable skeletons to depart, powerhouse who the ordinary disciple who let alone ran away, ran away, less than 1/10, this 1/10 also included is Soul Force runs away. 天蛇宗灵天谷前来的大军,损失的惨烈程度,比起大轮教来更加凄惨,丢下了无数的尸骨离去,别说是逃回去的普通弟子了,就连逃回去的强者,也不足1,这1还包括是元神而逃的。 in state day pledge routs, Great Circle Cult was conquered by killing, Heavenly Spirit Valley and Sky Serpent Sect killed losing helmet abandons one's armor, is almost annihilated, the innumerable powerhouses bleed, this news also immediately state of biography to entire, simultaneously biography to entire Jiu Zhou. 中州天盟大败,大轮教被血洗,灵天谷天蛇宗被杀的丢盔弃甲,几乎全军覆没,无数强者喋血,这消息也立刻传向整个中州,同时传向整个九州 In that night, the Great Peng sovereign won total victories, has conquered by killing the Great Circle Cult news, early had fed in Stone City by the moon/month ancestral temple. 就在当夜,大鹏皇大获全胜,血洗了大轮教的消息,早已经被月影堂传回了石城 The Stone City ebullition, cheers the call, until dawn. 石城沸腾,欢呼呐喊,直到天亮。 After two day, Wasteland Country, Stone City. 两日后,荒国,石城 Du Shaofu returns, accompanying also leads the powerhouse who the Jiu Zhou major influences are helping one another, the powerhouse of albizzia julibrissin sect, the ghost car(riage), day wild leopard and the others also returned to Stone City. 杜少甫回归,随行还带着九州各大势力相助的强者,合欢宗的强者,鬼车,天荒豹等人也一路回到了石城 As for all armies, is also in behind, let alone that enormous and powerful lineup, is unable to spill into Stone City. 至于各方大军,则是还在后面,何况那浩浩荡荡的阵容,也无法涌进石城来。 This all influence comes to assist, Du Shaofu naturally must completely the friendship of landlord, not can otherwise be justified. 这一次各方势力前来相助,杜少甫自然要尽地主之谊,要不然也说不过去。 „Is this Stone City?” “这就是石城么?” Place is not big, the place of border region, this does Demon King go out from this inside?” “地方不大啊,边陲之地,这魔王就是从这里面走出么?” I depend, that is not the dead grass and hole deep grass, outside the front door of Du Shaofu this fellow actually has such treasure!” “我靠,那是不死草和洞冥草啊,杜少甫这家伙的大门外竟然有着如此宝物!” The people enter Stone City, can it be that to feel freshly. 众人进入石城,莫不是感觉到新鲜。 The Jiu Zhou numerous big influence powerhouses come, to gather Stone City first, this is shocks, lets the entire Stone City ebullition. 九州众多大势力强者先来,汇聚石城,这是何等震撼,让得整个石城沸腾。 Intrepid, was too powerful, these Du family's juniors are under mortal body tyrannicalally no longer Demonic Beast, talent innate skill is excellent!” “强悍,太强悍了,这些杜家的小辈都是肉身强横不再妖兽之下,天姿天赋过人啊!” In Du family, has heard surprised sounds. 杜家内,传来了一道道的惊讶声。 The powerhouses of Jiu Zhou major influences enter Du family, saw Du family many younger generation, can it be that to stare dumbfounded. 九州各大势力的强者进入杜家,见到了杜家不少的后辈,莫不是瞠目结舌。 They intend to inspect to spy on, the law these Du family younger generation of mortal body, making them feel the shock. 他们有意检查窥探,法相那些杜家后辈的肉身之强,让他们感觉到了震惊。 Heard that you were the powerhouse on Jiu Zhou, the head of the clan said your divine ability method was dreadful, can be overwhelming, yes?” “听说你们都是九州上的强者,族长说你们神通手段滔天,能够翻江倒海,是么?” One group of Du family's teenage boys and girls, many suckling babies surrounded to have looked like the benign countenance, face kind Jiu Zhou major influence powerhouses, in the limpid pupil, filled have yearned and awed. 一群杜家的少男少女,还有不少的奶娃围拢向了一些看起来慈眉善目,一脸和蔼的九州各大势力强者,清澈的眸子中,都是充满了向往和敬畏。 Said was serious, you later can also become the powerhouses.” “说的严重了,你们以后也能够成为强者的。” Was awed and faced one another by troop teenage boys and girls, these powerhouses also extremely enjoy, smile are replying everybody. 被一大群少男少女敬畏和相望,这些强者也是极为受用,微笑着回答着大家。 „After that can we and you are equally formidable?” “那以后我们能够和你们一样强大么?” Is flinging the Du family suckling baby of nasal mucus, on the immature face, full is earnest, after they also want to grow up, becomes the powerhouse in legend. 一个甩着鼻涕的杜家奶娃,稚嫩的脸庞上,满是认真,他们也想长大之后成为传说中的强者。 So long as you try hard to practice, has formidable Pulse Soul, later disciplines well, has the opportunity and we are equally formidable.” “只要你们努力修炼,有着一个强大的脉魂,以后好好磨练,就有机会和我们一样强大的。” A grand old man strikes one's chest saying that his first successive is kind, eye of dew smiling expression, receives liking of kids very much. 一个雄伟老者拍着胸脯说道,他一连和蔼,目露笑意,很受小家伙们的喜欢。 Pulse Soul, my such can Pulse Soul, become a powerhouse?” 脉魂,我这样的脉魂,能够成为强者么?” A 6 or 7-year-old appearance, stature solid few Tong Wenyan, the body fills the black ray immediately. 一个六七岁模样,身材结实的少童闻言,顿时身上弥漫黑色光芒。 Roar!” “吼!” In an instant, a tiger's roar startled day, a huge black great tiger appears, strikes an attitude to throw, the aura is astonishing! 刹那间,一声虎啸惊天,一只庞大黑色巨虎浮现而出,作势欲扑,气息惊人! When this black great tiger Phantom appears, all around major influence powerhouses are scared immediately. 而当这一只黑色巨虎虚影浮现,四周各大势力强者顿时傻眼。 I have scratched, I misread, certainly was I misreads!” “我了个擦,我看错了吗,一定是我看错了!” Dark day tiger Pulse Soul, is this real?” “黑暗天虎脉魂,这是真的么?” Afterward, powerhouses stare dumbfounded, Pulse Soul that the casual young child stimulates to movement, is the dark day tiger in legend. 随后,一个个强者瞠目结舌,随便一个小童催动出的脉魂,就是传说中的黑暗天虎。 This did not say first this 6 or 7-year-old young child has built the base to succeed, Pulse Soul of dark day tiger, is absolutely fearful. 这先不说这六七岁的小童就已经筑基成功了,黑暗天虎的脉魂,也是绝对可怕啊。 My, having a look at my Pulse Soul to be formidable?” “还有我的,看看我的脉魂强不强大?” My, looks at my Pulse Soul!” “我的,看我的脉魂!” The time, this group of teenage boys and girls of the suckling baby, are offer valuable advice to be the same, stimulation of movement of rushing to be first own Pulse Soul. 顿时间,这一堆的少男少女和奶娃,便是献宝一样,争先恐后的催动出了自己的脉魂 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Beast roars like thunder, vibrate entire Du family immediately, an only Pulse Soul beast shade appears, pressure fill the air. 一道道兽吼如雷,顿时震动整个杜家,一只只脉魂兽影浮现而出,一股股威压弥漫开来。 But at this moment, the powerhouses of Jiu Zhou major influences, can it be that astonished being dumb as a wooden chicken. 而此刻,九州各大势力的强者,莫不是惊愕的呆若木鸡。 My God, this is pure blood Dragon race Pulse Soul!” “我的天啊,这是纯血龙族脉魂啊!” This also has nine phoenix Pulse Soul, I depend!” “这还有九头凤脉魂啊,我靠!” Day, Golden Winged Peng Pulse Soul!” “天啊,还有金翅大鹏鸟脉魂!” Phoenix Pulse Soul, this absolutely is phoenix Pulse Soul!” “凤凰脉魂,这绝对是凤凰脉魂!” These are one crowd of small monsters that which comes, but also wanted others to live!” “这些都是哪来的一群小怪物啊,还要不要别人活了!” .................. “………………” Cluck......” “咕咕……” Then, the powerhouses of Jiu Zhou major influences were start to shiver, for the it double pupil flood red, body tremor that the holding breath cold air, shocked. 而后间,一个个九州各大势力的强者便是开始颤抖了,为之双眸泛红,倒吸凉气,震撼的身子颤动。
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