MGC :: Volume #16

#1512: Hundred flowers gate moon

These small monsters were too fearful, Pulse Soul sufficiently were scary, but also talent innate skill is fearful, mortal body powerful anomaly. 这些小怪物太可怕了,一个个身上的脉魂就足以吓人了,还偏偏天姿天赋可怕,就连肉身都强悍的变态。 How you have such practiced, is the small age so fierce?” “你这么是怎么修炼了,小小年纪就这么厉害?” Has the old man unable to bear ask, the heart vibrates. 有老者忍不住问道,心头震动。 These small monsters, any sufficiently causes the outstanding person wind, later grows, to astonishing situation. 这些小怪物,任何一个都足以使人中龙风,以后成长起来,又将是到何等惊人的地步啊。 Your these young brats, has been loaf, has not given me the soaking-bath.” “你们这些小兔崽子,又偷懒了,还不给我泡澡去。” Has in a big way drinks the sound to transmit, Du family many people were alarmed, saw that one group of kids are entangling the powerhouses of Jiu Zhou major influences, immediately directly patted. 有大喝声传来,杜家不少人被惊动,见到一群小家伙在缠着九州各大势力的强者,顿时都直接拍走了。 Great master came, run.” “大师傅来了,快跑。” One group of kids see that middle age, as if dreaded that extremely that soaking-bath, disperses instantly immediately, speedily on running did not have the shade. 一群小家伙见到那中年,似乎是极为忌惮那‘泡澡’,顿时就一哄而散,一溜烟就跑的没影了。 „Is this really only a border region small town?” “这真的只是一个边陲小城么?” Leaves behind one group of Jiu Zhou major influence powerhouses to sigh same place that for a very long time is hard to recover, this kind of Du family, was really too fearful. 留下一堆九州各大势力强者在原地感叹,久久难以回过神来,这样一个杜家,实在是太可怕了。 Dusk, in the Wasteland Country imperial palace, has the giant grand meeting, entertains the Jiu Zhou major influence powerhouses, Profound Talisman Sect, Ancient Heaven Sect, Mystic Abyss Sect, the albizzia julibrissin sects has the participation. 黄昏,荒国皇宫内,有着巨大盛会,招待九州各大势力强者,玄符门,古天宗,玄冥宗,合欢宗都有参与。 Good wine delicacies, fine wine. 美酒佳肴,琼浆玉液。 Also there are people of Golden Winged Peng clan, Jia Lou Jueyu, Jia Lou Cailing, Jia Lou Juekong , etc., is suppression young one generation of scene has not gasped for breath. 也有金翅大鹏鸟一族的众人在,迦楼绝羽,迦楼彩翎,迦楼绝空等,更是压制的现场的年轻一辈也喘不过气来。 However has the Du Shaofu's relations, Jia Lou Jueyu, Jia Lou Juekong , etc. regarding Mu Jianchen, hundred li (0.5km) boundlessness, the herd unaccompanied song, spending purple Mo and other not to be indifferent, after several cups of fine wines, has wound ripe much. 不过有着杜少甫的关系,迦楼绝羽,迦楼绝空等对于沐剑晨,百里无涯,牧清歌,花紫陌等几个也没有太冷漠,几杯琼浆玉液之后,也熟络了不少。 Du Shaofu raises glass, thank major influences to assist. 杜少甫举杯,感谢各大势力相助。 Major influence powerhouses set out to nod, are looking at that purple robe youth, imperial palace Dragon Qi adds the body, free greatest dignified, anybody does not dare to despise. 各大势力强者起身点头,望着那一个紫袍青年,皇宫龙气加身,自由莫大威严,没有任何人敢轻视。 On Great Circle Cult, this purple robe youth bloomed the most flaming ray. 大轮教上,这紫袍青年已经绽放出了最炽盛的光芒。 This kind of youth, but is the 20-year-old age, if given time, will visit the astonishing degree, will bring first to be magnificent, who dares to despise again! 这样一个青年,只不过是20多岁的年纪,假以时日,将踏足何等惊人的程度,将带来一世辉煌,谁敢再轻视! The grand feast is lively, all powerhouses get together, likely is a Jiu Zhou grand occasion. 盛宴热闹,各方强者齐聚,像是一场九州盛事。 Senior, this time many thanks the hundred flowers gate helps one another.” “诸位前辈,此番多谢百花门相助。” Before hundred flowers gate many powerhouses, Du Shaofu sets out to propose a toast alone. 百花门不少强者前,杜少甫单独起身敬酒。 „The Great Peng sovereign was polite.” 大鹏皇客气了。” A numerous hundred flowers gate powerhouse sets out, the person of the same generation treats, without any pulls rank. 一众百花门强者起身,平辈相待,没有任何托大。 Actually also has a matter, the younger generation has my presumptuous request.” “其实还有着一件事情,晚辈有着不情之请。” The Du Shaofu start to talk, drew Mu Ruobai, said to the powerhouse of hundred flowers gate: Mu Ruobai is my Under The Heaven Association day will protect one, is the brothers of younger generation, feels emotion the righteousness with your home girl student, but also asks senior to be able beauty of to become Eren, stretches the rules 12, the younger generation is deeply grateful, this thing is my regard.” 杜少甫开口,拉来了穆若白,对百花门的一众强者道:“穆若白是我天下会天将卫一员,也是晚辈的兄弟,和贵门一位女弟子有情有义,还请诸位前辈能够成垩人之美,通融12,晚辈感激不尽,此物乃是我的一点心意。” The voice falls, in the Du Shaofu hand a jade bottle pulled out from Cosmos Bag, has given a middle-aged beautiful woman in hundred flowers gate. 话音落下,杜少甫手中一个玉瓶从乾坤袋中掏出,递给了百花门之中的一个中年美妇。 This beautiful woman is hundred flowers gate time leader, border area boundary cultivation base. 这美妇人是百花门这一次的领头人,封域境修为 Well, is Du Shaofu that boy doing, was this requests the marriage?” “咦,杜少甫那小子在干嘛,这是要求婚了么?” Was difficult to be inadequate is that boy has a liking for which girl student of hundred flowers gate to be inadequate?” “难不成是那小子看上了百花门的哪个女弟子不成?” Is looking at this grade of sound, all around has surrounded immediately many curious forms. 瞧着这等动静,四周顿时就围拢了不少的好奇身影。 Great Peng sovereign, what is this?” 大鹏皇,这是什么意思?” Middle-aged beautiful woman hesitant, looks that Du Shaofu lifts the jade bottle that the hand sends, is not good to refute the surface, under hesitates slightly first receives. 中年美妇犹豫了一下,看着杜少甫抬手送来的玉瓶,也不好驳面,微微迟疑下还是先接了过来。 What senior can have a look first is.” Du Shaofu shows a faint smile to say. “前辈可以先看看是何物。”杜少甫微微一笑道。 The beautiful women are also curious, hear speech/words, was under the curious vision gaze turned on the stopper in all around. 美妇也好奇,闻言,在四周都是好奇的目光注视下打开了瓶塞。 Bang!” “轰!” Immediately a dazzling ray erupts, air/Qi of real dragon sweeps across, forms the resonance with the entire imperial palace. 顿时一股耀眼光芒爆发,一股真龙之气席卷而出,和整个皇宫形成共鸣。 „......” “嗷……” Has Dragon Yinsheng to spread, in that jade bottle, has a real dragon to roar likely. 有龙吟声传出,那玉瓶内,像是有着一条真龙要咆哮而出。 Dragon race Essence Blood, this grade of prestige energy, definitely is Dragon race Essence Blood of pure blood!” 龙族精血,这等威能,肯定是纯血的龙族精血!” The powerhouse who all around surrounds, some people guessed immediately, that is Dragon race Essence Blood, Dragon race Essence Blood of pure blood, lets the heavy treasure that presents anybody also to be jealous. 四周围拢的强者,顿时有人猜测了出来,那是龙族精血,纯血的龙族精血,让在场任何人也要眼红的重宝。 „The small regard, using temporarily as is if white gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family, but also asked the hundred flowers gate senior to help.” “一点小小心意,权当是若白的聘礼,还请百花门的前辈成全。” Du Shaofu said with a smile, in the jade bottle, was several drops of Dragon race Essence Blood, although had several drops, but was priceless. 杜少甫笑道,玉瓶内的,正是几滴龙族精血,虽然只有几滴,但价值连城。 This......” “这……” Powerhouse of hundred flowers gate trembles, the enticement of Dragon race Essence Blood was too big, this grade of writing skill, is no one can take absolutely. 百花门的强者目颤,龙族精血的诱惑太大了,这等手笔,绝对不是谁都能够拿得出来的。 „The Great Peng sovereign, is not we do not show due respect for the feelings, is really has the sect rule, the girl student of my hundred flowers gate, is unable to be related trhough marriage outward.” 大鹏皇,不是我们不给面子,实在是门有门规,我百花门的女弟子,无法向外通婚。” The beautiful women feel embarrassed, Dragon race Essence Blood is the heavy treasure, but the gate has the sect rule, is unable to change. 美妇人为难,龙族精血是重宝,可门有门规,无法更改。 „The sect rule of hundred flowers gate can revise 12 slightly, why awkward feeling emotion person!” “百花门的门规可以稍微修改12了,何必为难有情人啊!” Yes, the sect rule of hundred flowers gate, should revise.” “是啊,百花门的这门规,应该修改了。” All around major influences create a disturbance, is very excited. 四周各大势力起哄,很是兴奋。 The girl student of hundred flowers gate, is pretty like the flower, beautiful, if the angel, youth talents in the major influences, some people have kept thinking from ancient to present. 百花门的女弟子,一个个都是貌美如花,美若天仙,各大势力之中的青年才俊,从古到今一直有人惦记。 The sect rule of hundred flowers gate, making a youth talent only be able to look to sigh, is regrettable. 只是百花门的门规,让一众青年才俊只能够望而兴叹,一直是遗憾。 But if the present can make hundred flowers gate revise that sect rule, even if were they already old missing an opportunity , can also leaves behind the opportunity for the disciple and posterity, why not. 但若是现在能够让百花门修改了那门规,哪怕是他们已经老了错过了机会,也能够为门徒和后人留下机会,何乐而不为。 All around major influences create a disturbance, concerned about this moment Du Shaofu's face countenance, the beautiful woman is somewhat awkward, let alone this matter her book does not have the means to take responsibility thoroughly. 四周各大势力起哄,碍于此刻杜少甫的颜面,美妇人有些为难,何况此事她也本就是没办法彻底做主。 „The Great Peng sovereign, this matter is indeed awkward, the sect rule of my hundred flowers gate for a long time, is in the older generation remains, is unable to change arbitrarily, that is disrespects to the older generation.” The beautiful women look the embarrassment. 大鹏皇,此事的确为难,我百花门的门规已久,乃是门中先辈所留,无法擅自更改,那是对先辈不敬。”美妇人面露难色。 Indeed cannot disrespect to the older generation, but something, can be accommodating actually, that has not related.” “的确不能够对先辈不敬,但有些事情,倒是能够变通一下,那就没关系了。” Du Shaofu smiles, is patting Mu Ruobai the shoulder, said to the beautiful women: My this brothers, talent and moral behavior are not bad, does not know the hanger-on who bows into the senior, how is a disciple?” 杜少甫一笑,而后拍着穆若白的肩膀,对美妇人道:“我这位兄弟,天姿和人品都是不差,不知道拜入前辈的门下,做个弟子如何?” Does obeisance into my hanger-on......” “拜入我门下……” beautiful woman hear speech/words, stares. 美妇人闻言,也是一愣。 Mu Ruobai the uncommonness, this beautiful woman naturally is knows that initially had routed many hundred flowers gate peer, to finally only then flowered purple Mo can its suppression. 穆若白的不凡,这美妇人自然是知道的,当初就大败了不少百花门的同辈,到了最后只有花紫陌才能够将其压制。 Does obeisance into my hanger-on, after does not fear this boy, actually does not observe the sect rule,......” “拜入我门下,倒不是不可以,就怕这小子以后不遵守门规,……” The beautiful women hesitated, this kind of young people, if can do obeisance into her hanger-on, is indeed good, on Great Circle Cult, she has also paid attention to Mu Ruobai, that is what kind powerful, feared that spends purple Mo at this moment with its war, may not ninety percent sure how. 美妇人犹豫了,这样一个年轻人,要是能够拜入她的门下,也的确是不错的,在大轮教上,她也注意过穆若白,那是何等的强悍,怕是此刻花紫陌与其一战,也不一定能够十拿九稳奈何了。 Du Shaofu smiles immediately, hints Mu Ruo the moon's orbit hastily: If white, the senior agreed that haven't you acknowledged as teacher?” 杜少甫顿时一笑,连忙示意穆若白道:“若白,前辈同意了,你还不拜师?” Mu Ruobai stares, afterward understood, immediately kneels kowtows, said: Disciple pays a visit the master.” 穆若白一愣,随后明白了过来,顿时就跪地磕头,道:“弟子拜见师父。” „, Gets up, this disciple I accepted.” “也罢,起来吧,这弟子我收下了。” The beautiful women wave, a gentle strength served as contrast Mu Ruobai, thought of Dragon blood the jade bottle to take in Cosmos Bag that. 美妇人一挥手,一股柔和之力衬托起了穆若白,也将那装着龙血的玉瓶收进了乾坤袋 Mu Ruobai is the hundred flowers gate disciple, that present did not affect the sect rule of your home, but also asked the senior to help.” Du Shaofu said. “穆若白已经是百花门的弟子,那现在也不影响贵门的门规了,还请前辈成全。”杜少甫说道。 Asked the master to help.” Mu Ruobai seizes an opportunity, opens the mouth to plead. “请师父成全。”穆若白不失时机,也开口恳求。 But the beautiful women smile bitterly, looks at Mu Ruobai, in the eye the look is also passing satisfaction, exceed was looking that more has liked unexpectedly, afterward smiles to Du Shaofu, said: Flowings moon/month of that girl, I am not only the elder in her gate, is the elder in her clan, this matter when the time comes I will go back to arrange, should not have any issue.” 美妇人无奈苦笑,望着穆若白,眼中神色也透着满意,越看竟然越是喜欢了起来,随后对杜少甫一笑,说道:“漓月那丫头,算起来我不仅是她门中的长辈,也是她族中的长辈,此事到时候我回去会安排,应该不会有什么问题了。” Many thanks master.” “多谢师父。” hear speech/words, Mu Ruobai salutes immediately, afterward stands before the Du Shaofu body, in the heart feels grateful, the single knee salutes, the vision gushes out some moistly, said: Many thanks association president.” 闻言,穆若白顿时行礼,随后站在杜少甫身前,心中感激,单膝行礼,目光涌出些许湿润,道:“多谢会长。” Thanked anything, you are day will protect one, was my brother, remembers that the wedding day do not forget to inform me well.” Du Shaofu smiles, pulled up Mu Ruobai, in the heart has also been happying for him. “谢什么,你是天将卫一员,是我的兄弟,记得大喜之日别忘记通知我了就好。”杜少甫笑着,一把拉起了穆若白,心中也替他高兴着。 Congratulates, if white.” “恭喜若白。” Ye Piaoling, Qiangu Yu, Yin Hu and other brothers, crowd around immediately on, for Mu Ruobai deep is happy. 夜飘凌,千古玉,银狐等17个兄弟,顿时簇拥而上,为穆若白深深的高兴着。 „The Great Peng sovereign, do you have Dragon blood, in my gate many girl students have not married, I am looking at the day in 18 health/guard, there are several people is very appropriate.” 大鹏皇,你还有没有龙血,我门中也还有不少女弟子尚未婚配,我瞧着天将18卫中,有几个人都很合适啊。” In my gate many girl students, pretty like the flower, talent are also excellent, the day in the health/guard has appropriately, not having the dragon blood not to relate, Essence Blood of dark day tiger.” “我门中也有不少女弟子,一个个貌美如花,天姿过人,天将卫中有合适的都可以,没有龙血也没关系,黑暗天虎的精血也可以。” In my gate also has girl student, I wanted Essence Blood to be good casually.” “我门中也有女弟子,我随便要点精血就好了。” The time, all around is very lively, the vision of many old man are to stare to ascend the sky 18 health/guard, that uncommon young people, if can draw crosses the threshold, itself gained in a big way, but can also obtain that and other gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family, it may be said that greatly gained. 顿时间,四周好不热闹,不少老者的目光都是盯上了天将18卫,那一个个不凡的年轻人,要是能够拉入门中,本身就赚大了,还能够得到那等聘礼,可谓是大赚。 Goes......” “去……” The beautiful woman of hundred flowers gate stares many powerhouse one eyes that all around has created a disturbance, in the eye a pupil light non- scar revolution, said to Du Shaofu: „The Great Peng sovereign, I complied with your incident, currently the old woman also has a matter, must ask you to comply to be good.” 百花门的美妇人瞪了四周起哄的不少强者一眼,眼中眸光不留痕迹一转,对杜少甫说道:“大鹏皇,我答应了你一事,现在老妇也有件事情,得请你答应了才好啊。” Senior please say, if can achieve, the younger generation naturally cannot decline.” “前辈请说,若是能够做到,晚辈自然不会推辞。” Du Shaofu nods, looks in hundred flowers gate this share of assisting, so long as can accomplish, naturally cannot decline. 杜少甫点头,看在百花门这一次相助的份上,只要能够办到,自然不会推辞。 The beautiful women smile, said: „It is not the big plaster matter, I see Du family to have a small girl in the afternoon, probably is called Du Yan, hits it off well with one another with me very much, I want to treat as the closing disciple to teach his income hanger-on well, is good to inherit my mantle, the Great Peng sovereign should not shut out the old woman my cultivation base not fine.” 美妇人一笑,道:“也不是什么大垩事,我下午见到杜家有着一个小丫头,好像叫做杜妍,和我很是投缘,我想将其收入门下当做关门弟子好好教导,也好继承我衣钵,大鹏皇应该不会嫌弃老妇我修为不精吧。” This......” “这……” Du Shaofu stares, has not thought the beautiful woman who this hundred flowers gates said unexpectedly is this matter, must accept the disciple in Du family. 杜少甫一愣,没想到这百花门的美妇人说的居然是此事,要在杜家收徒。 All around the powerhouses of major influences also stare, is some surprise. 四周各大势力的强者也是一愣,都是有些诧异。 „It is not good, hundred flowers gate this is plays cloudy.” In the Salmon sword sect, an old man the vision selects immediately. “不好,百花门这是玩阴的啊。”萨蒙剑宗中,一个老者顿时目光一挑。 Hundred flowers gate moon, Du Yan that small girl I knows that is only eight years old, has phoenix martial pulse, talent is excellent, intelligent clever.” “百花门太阴了,杜妍那小丫头我知道,才八岁,身怀凤凰武脉,天姿过人,聪明伶俐。” The day sound teaches a beautiful woman to change color immediately, she daytime also runs into the small girl who that is called Du Yan, continuously in heart. 天音教一个美妇顿时变色,她白天也遇到那叫做杜妍的小丫头,一直记在心中。 To their this cultivation base and ages, sought a good disciple, that was compares to obtain a heavy treasure to be happy. 到了她们这种修为和年纪,寻得一个好弟子,那可是比起得到一件重宝还要开心的。
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