MGC :: Volume #16

#1510: Threat of Heavenly Spirit Valley and Sky Serpent Sect

Dongli Chi Huang of supreme Nirvana uses the supreme strength, the awakening previous generation, to is the border area boundary peak powerhouse can also cut to kill forcefully finally, making the square powerhouse sigh that no wonder it defeated in a hand of Du Xiaoyao and in that Golden Winged Peng clan youth, but also has the absolute self-confidence, he indeed also has that and other qualifications. 至尊涅盘的东离赤凰动用至尊之力,强行觉醒前世,到了最后便是封域境巅峰强者也都能够斩杀,让四方强者感叹,难怪其败在了杜小妖和那金翅大鹏鸟一族青年的手中,还有着绝对的自信,他的确是也有着那等本钱。 The Dongli Chi Huang supreme Nirvana, was fearful to the pinnacle, Jiu Zhou young generation of peak has been worthy of the reputation absolutely, if can grow safely, achievement first was sufficiently magnificent, the future was limitless. 东离赤凰至尊涅盘,绝对是可怕到了极致,九州年轻一辈巅峰名副其实,若是能够安全的成长下去,足以成就一世辉煌,前途不可限量。 But Dongli Chi Huang of this kind of supreme Nirvana, has used the strongest card in a hand finally, was still cut neat that kills by that Demon King, moved toward the dead end. 但这样一个至尊涅盘的东离赤凰,最后动用了自己最强底牌,依然是被那魔王斩杀的干净利落,走向了末路。 Demon King or Demon King, are still Jiu Zhou young generation of strongest existence!” 魔王还是魔王,依然是九州年轻一辈最强的存在!” Dongli Chi Huang of supreme Nirvana, cannot resist Demon King!” “至尊涅盘的东离赤凰,也不可抵御魔王!” What Demon King walks is the invincible road, in peer never has the defeat!” 魔王走的是无敌之路,同辈中从未有过败绩!” The full house sighed that the Dongli Chi Huang supreme Nirvana, vibrates Jiu Zhou, but finally actually to so the way finish. 满场感叹,东离赤凰至尊涅盘,震动九州,但最后却是以如此方式结束。 Demon King Du Shaofu, has the invincible posture, fears not long, pushes the world sufficiently horizontally!” In Immeasurable Cult, there are senior monk to open the mouth, the heart vibrates very much. 魔王杜少甫,有无敌之姿,怕是不用多久,足以横推天下!”无量教中,有老和尚开口,心头很是震动。 On Jiu Zhou, Heavenly Blade Sect, Gu Quanmen that and other powerhouses in entrance, facial color some are not quite attractive, although they have not meddled today's bloody battle, what are more is hopes that Dongli Chi Huang can win. 九州上,天刀宗,古拳门那等山门中的强者,面色有些不太好看,他们虽然是没有插手今天的血战,但更多的是希望东离赤凰能够获胜。 But the present result, thinks with them clearly opposite, that Demon King Du Shaofu is formidable, for them more has the threat. 可现在的结果,和他们所想的截然相反,那魔王杜少甫越是强大,对他们来说就越是有着威胁。 The old woman pupil light falls on Du Shaofu's, flood the surprise, the Dongli Chi Huang supreme Nirvana was also being cut to kill, this on behalf of anything, she is very clear. 老妪眸光落在杜少甫的身上,泛着诧异,东离赤凰至尊涅盘也被斩杀,这代表着什么,她很清楚。 Hundred rounds old ancestors, bright empty, said that empty and other Great Circle Cult powerhouses, the vision in twitching maliciously, is unwilling and angry. 百轮老祖,明虚,道虚等大轮教强者,目光在狠狠的抽搐,不甘而愤怒。 Hates!” “恨啊!” Their double pupils flood red, but is unable to meddle, looks at the reincarnation helplessly the Dongli Chi Huang supreme Nirvana, finally was also cut to kill, not only this cuts is Dongli Chi Huang that kills, but also cut off Great Circle Cult to rise hope thoroughly energetically. 他们双眸泛红,但无法插手,眼睁睁看着转世的东离赤凰至尊涅盘,最后也被斩杀,这斩杀的不仅是东离赤凰,还彻底斩断了大轮教崛起大兴的希望。 ......” “噗……” Has the Great Circle Cult old man, in the heart the vitality turns wells up, puts out the blood. 大轮教的老者,心中气血翻涌,吐出鲜血。 Cheng Shengnan lifts the pupil, looks at front, the pupil is recovering mixed. 程胜男抬眸,望着前方,眸光复杂。 Overreaches oneself.” “不自量力。” The Jia Lou Jueyu light start to talk, this result he already knew fairly well. 迦楼绝羽淡淡开口,这种结果他早就心中有数。 But regarding three elders, four elders and the others, does not have any surprised. 而对于三长老,四长老等人来说,更是没有任何惊讶。 Sima Taxing, Gu Qinyang, the Golden Peng territory Lord, south Li Hun and others, is out of control actually the chin stunned for a very long time cannot receive. 倒是司马踏星,古清扬,金鹏域主,南黎魂等,一个个禁不住下巴愕然的久久收不回去。 They guessed that Du Shaofu naturally should also be have the method to resist Dongli Chi Huang, otherwise cannot personally take a shot / make a move. 他们猜测杜少甫自然也应该能够有手段抵御东离赤凰,要不然也不会亲自出手 But Sima treads the magnitude not to think absolutely, Dongli Chi Huang in front of Du Shaofu's, like that easily was cut to kill. 可司马踏星等也绝对没想到,东离赤凰会在杜少甫的面前,那般轻易的被斩杀。 Ha Ha, supreme calculates anything, my disciple cuts to kill in the same old way!” “哈哈,至尊涅盘算什么,我的弟子照样斩杀!” Gu Qinyang excited hearty laughter, does not have scruples the image. 古清扬激动的放声大笑,毫不顾忌形象。 Du Shaofu in the sky, the golden light fills the air, in hand a Cosmos Bag non- scar took in the bosom, that was just on Dongli Chi Huang plundered. 杜少甫当空,金光弥漫,手中一个乾坤袋不留痕迹收进了怀中,那是刚刚东离赤凰身上所搜刮而来。 Dongli Chi Huang has suffered extreme penalty, the Great Circle Cult person can draw back, the Heavenly Spirit Valley Sky Serpent Sect disciple, kills without the amnesty!” 东离赤凰已经伏诛,大轮教的人可以退开了,灵天谷天蛇宗弟子,杀无赦!” Du Shaofu shouted to clear the way, in the hand Tyrant Shadow plundered, with billowing imperial palace Dragon Qi, recited for nine days in Dragon, blustery, killing entered Mystic Abyss Sect and in the Heavenly Spirit Valley army. 杜少甫喝道,手中霸影掠出,伴随着滚滚皇宫龙气,在龙吟九天,风起云涌中,扑杀进入了玄冥宗灵天谷大军中。 Dongli Chi Huang had been cut to kill, Du Shaofu can look that lets off Great Circle Cult in the Dongli Qingqing share, but actually does not plan to let off Heavenly Spirit Valley and Sky Serpent Sect. 东离赤凰已经被斩杀,杜少甫能够看在东离青青的份上放过大轮教,但却并不打算放过灵天谷天蛇宗 Especially Heavenly Spirit Valley also set out the top powerhouse halfway to intercept itself, the new enmity old debt, this moment Du Shaofu must criticize together. 特别是灵天谷还出动了顶尖强者半路截杀自己,新仇旧账,此刻杜少甫要一起清算。 Kills!” “杀!” The day 18 health/guard once again take a shot / make a move, ten eight-part essay strength aura confused swells imperceptibly, letting all around the space trembling millet. 天将18卫再度出手,十八股无形中的力量气息暴涌,让得四周空间颤粟。 18 youth kick out, was 18 javelins plunders the crowd just like that swift and fierce incisive, was bringing bloody, killed the four directions greatly. 18个青年扑出,宛如那是18杆标枪掠进了人群,凌厉尖锐,带着血腥,大杀四方。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Extinguishes kills Heavenly Spirit Valley and Sky Serpent Sect!” “灭杀灵天谷天蛇宗!” Kills!” “杀啊!” The Du family juniors, the Under The Heaven Association disciple, the Wasteland Country army, Heavenly Beast palace Demonic Beast , etc. all lineup Qi Qi kill to go once again. 杜家子弟,天下会的弟子,荒国大军,天兽殿妖兽等各方阵容再度齐齐扑杀而去。 Dongli Chi Huang was cut to kill, can it be that blood rushes, they call the weapon, murders swiftly and fiercely. 东离赤凰被斩杀,莫不是血液澎湃,他们唤出兵器,杀伐凌厉。 Draws back, draws back quickly!” “退,快退!” The Great Circle Cult army in the trembling millet, suddenly to retreat, does not want to be swept across immediately. 大轮教大军在颤粟中,顿时暴退,不想被席卷进去。 The army surprised balls of Heavenly Spirit Valley and Sky Serpent Sect trembled, can it be that to be absolutely terrified. 灵天谷天蛇宗的大军吃惊胆颤了,莫不是毛骨悚然。 This moment Great Circle Cult withdrew, they are not the matches. 此刻大轮教已经退出,他们更加不会是对手。 Draws back, draws back quickly!” “退,快退啊!” Sky Serpent Sect, the powerhouse in Heavenly Spirit Valley drinks greatly, roaring clouds. 天蛇宗,灵天谷中的强者大喝,咆哮云霄。 Du Shaofu, you must be ruthless, my Sky Serpent Sect also has Gu Zu to save the world, is ruthless to us, our Gu Zu will decide however will not let off your!” 杜少甫,你真要赶尽杀绝么,我天蛇宗也有古祖存世,对我们赶尽杀绝,我们古祖定然不会放过你们的!” My Heavenly Spirit Valley also ancient protects valley to exist, cultivation base was exceedingly high, Du Shaofu, you are ruthless us, must be retaliated surely bloody!” “我灵天谷也有一位古老护谷者存在,修为已经通天,杜少甫,你将我们赶尽杀绝,也定要遭受血腥报复!” In Sky Serpent Sect, has an old man to shout to clear the way loudly, at this moment he has feared, is afraid Demon King Du Shaofu to be ruthless. 天蛇宗内,有着一个老者大声喝道,此刻他怕了,害怕魔王杜少甫赶尽杀绝。 Army who this Sky Serpent Sect and Heavenly Spirit Valley come but elite, the powerhouse who two big entrances come is also the elite in entrance, once were ruthless, Sky Serpent Sect and Heavenly Spirit Valley are unable to withstand that and other serious prices. 这一次天蛇宗灵天谷来的大军可是精锐,两大山门来的强者也是山门中的精英,一旦被赶尽杀绝,天蛇宗灵天谷都无法承受那等惨重的代价。 Dies to being imminent also dares to threaten me, all person take a shot / make a move, kill without the amnesty fully!” “死到临头还敢威胁我么,所有人全力出手,杀无赦!” Du Shaofu drinks greatly, does not pay attention, the double pupil is dense, kills intent to soar to the heavens, grasps Tyrant Shadow to kill the four directions greatly, stimulates to movement cloudy Thunder Kui and four snake clan skeleton puppets, the place visited, the blood dyes the mountains and rivers, the pitiful yell whins unceasingly, such as demon territory present world. 杜少甫大喝,毫不理会,双瞳森然,杀意冲霄,手持霸影大杀四方,催动阴雷傀和四具蛇族骸骨傀儡,所过之处,血染山河,惨叫哀嚎不绝,如魔域现世。 Du Shaofu murders decisively, keeps these people are being the disaster, is ruthless, Heavenly Spirit Valley and Sky Serpent Sect the thorough fear and dreaded. 杜少甫杀伐果断,留着这些人更是祸害,只有赶尽杀绝,灵天谷天蛇宗才会彻底的害怕和忌惮。 That Demon King was too savage!” “那魔王太凶残了!” Was feeling Du Shaofu that killed intent, the square powerhouse is also scared. 感觉着杜少甫那等杀意,四方强者也胆寒。 Immeasurable Cult, Bright Sword Sect, the Immortal Metropolis Sect people were rejoicing that compares Great Circle Cult and Sky Serpent Sect, Heavenly Spirit Valley comes, Du Shaofu has sufficed to them benevolently. 无量教,慧剑门,仙都门的人都在庆幸,相比大轮教天蛇宗,还有灵天谷来,杜少甫对他们已经够仁慈了。 All powerhouse take a shot / make a move, purple day revere once again, Yu Xianzi, Jia Lou Jueyu, the day wild leopard, the day moon/month poisonous spider, the wild gu carves and other killing four directions. 所有强者再度出手,紫天尊,玉仙子,迦楼绝羽,天荒豹,天月毒蛛,蛮荒蛊雕等扑杀四方。 Heavenly Spirit Valley and Sky Serpent Sect powerhouse also one after another falls from the sky, the book is unable to contend, at this moment after having been short of Great Circle Cult, may not contend. 灵天谷天蛇宗的强者也接连陨落,本就是无法抗衡,此刻少了大轮教之后,更加是不可抗衡。 Such as dream such as crazy two territory main four elder Jia Lou Yehe five elder Jia Lou Yuantu, killed to the distant place upper air with Ancient Heaven Sect, top powerhouse who the Profound Talisman Sect powerhouse battled. 就连如梦如狂两位域主四长老迦楼烨和五长老迦楼远图,也扑杀向了远方高空正在和古天宗,玄符门强者激战的顶尖强者。 Three elder take a shot / make a move, he has not plundered in the midair. 三长老并未出手,他在半空掠阵。 This is a savage slaughter, kills the blood to dye ten thousand li (0.5km) mountains and rivers, kills gloomily, kills the final livelihood not to have up. 这是一场凶残的屠杀,杀到血染万里山河,直杀到天昏地暗,杀到最后日月无光。 The major influence powerhouses who besieges, are looking in the distant place finally, is absolutely terrified. 围攻的各大势力强者,最后在远处望着,也都毛骨悚然。 Later who also wants to move Wasteland Country again, in the heart feared that is intolerable does not think over, that murdered, who can resist. 以后谁还想要再动荒国,心中怕是就要不得不掂量了,那等杀伐,谁又能够抵御。 Heavenly Spirit Valley and Sky Serpent Sect powerhouse bleeds unceasingly, some people from exploding, some people go all out, some people run away, some people closed right up against the method to run away Soul Force. 灵天谷天蛇宗的强者不断喋血,有人自爆,有人拼命,有人逃走,也有人靠着手段逃走了元神 The pitiful yell whins unceasingly, such as the ghost crying god is howling. 惨叫哀嚎不绝,如鬼哭神嚎。 Actually all are not long, under the besieging slaughter of all influence, the Heavenly Spirit Valley Sky Serpent Sect army, 99% was then cut to kill cleanly. 其实一切也未曾太久,在各方势力的围攻屠杀下,灵天谷而后天蛇宗的大军,99被斩杀干净。 The field littered with corpses, blood ghost is dreadful, skeleton piles up outside Great Circle Cult, is mountain tops goes far away likely continuously. 尸横遍野,血煞滔天,尸骨堆积在大轮教外,像是一个个山头连绵远去。 The blood overflows, gathers scarlet brook, inside and outside Great Circle Cult, ten thousand li (0.5km) mountains and rivers were exaggerated the scarlet, sad and shrill bright, looks at being scared. 鲜血溢出,汇聚成血色溪流,大轮教内外,万里山河被渲染血色,凄厉鲜明,望之发毛。 Bastard, made their several old fogies run away unexpectedly.” “混蛋,竟然让他们几个老家伙逃了。” Far airborne, such as dream such as crazy territory Lord, four elder Ka Lou Ye, five elder Jia Lou Yuantu, but also has six mysterious powerhouses to arrive. 远空中,如梦如狂域主,四长老迦楼烨,五长老迦楼远图,还有着六个神秘强者降临。 These six mysterious powerhouse aura, not in Great Circle Cult bright empty and under empty two old ancestor. 这六个神秘强者身上的气息,一个个都不会在大轮教明虚和道虚两位老祖之下。 These six people formerly have been intercepting Sky Serpent Sect and powerful existences of spirit day several old ancestor rank powerhouses. 这六人正是先前一直在拦截天蛇宗和灵天几个老祖级别强者的强悍存在。 They are the Profound Talisman Sect day soul old ancestors, day rune/symbol Yuzhu, Mystic Abyss Sect Murong Guying, Wu Mingyu Lord. 他们是玄符门的天魂老祖,天符域主,还有玄冥宗慕容古鹰,乌冥域主。 Finally also had Ancient Heaven Sect Gu Yue yu to advocate peace the Tianfeng territory Lord. 最后还有古天宗的古月域主和天凤域主。 On them has brought heavy treasure, is hard to prevent him to flee, but they have paid the serious price now, feared that cannot restore in a short time.” “他们身上带来了重宝,难以阻挡其逃离,不过他们现在也都付出了惨重的代价,怕是短时间内是恢复不过来了。” The Murong Guying start to talk, the sound reverberation four directions, may Du Shaofu greet afterward directly, said: Little friend, we had to meet.” 慕容古鹰开口,声音回荡四方,随后直接可杜少甫打招呼,道:“小友,我们有见面了。” Many thanks the senior helps one another.” “多谢前辈相助。” Du Shaofu received Tyrant Shadow and Great Peng Golden Wing, Mystic Abyss Sect helps one another, Murong Guying came personally, this moment Du Shaofu has not shown due respect for the feelings. 杜少甫收起了霸影大鹏金翅,玄冥宗相助,慕容古鹰亲自前来,此刻杜少甫也没有不给面子。 Ha Ha, should.” “哈哈,应该的。” Murong Guying laughs, but also quite appreciation has given a deep Rong Yin smiling face. 慕容古鹰大笑,还颇为赞赏的给了冥容隐一个笑容。 Murong Guying this old fogy, wily old fox.” 慕容古鹰这老家伙,老奸巨猾啊。” Bright Sword Sect, Immortal Metropolis Sect, in Immeasurable Cult, there is an old man to sigh secretly. 慧剑门,仙都门,无量教中,有老者暗自叹道。 Cheng Shengnan, you also want to depart, Radiant God Courtyard must pay the interest!” 程胜男,你还想离去么,光明神庭得付出利息了!” Suddenly, not far away spread has drunk the sound greatly, Dongli Diao, Lin Weiqi, Wu Masheng, Tao Yu and others surrounded to Cheng Shengnan and Cheng who Chao wanted to depart, killed intent to surge. 突然,不远处传开了大喝声,东里雕,林薇琪,巫马圣,陶玉等围拢向了正欲要离去的程胜男和程超,杀意涌动。 Radiant God Courtyard extinguishes Seven Star Palace, this moment Dongli Diao , etc. know that Cheng Shengnan is the Radiant God Courtyard disciple, does not plan to let off, must be the Seven Star Palace senior brother sister and brother revenges. 光明神庭七星殿,此刻东里雕等都知道程胜男光明神庭的弟子,不打算放过,要为七星殿的师兄姐弟报仇。 You also insufficiently block me, lets your Master Men powerhouse take a shot / make a move.” “你们还不够拦住我,让你们师门的强者出手吧。” Cheng Shengnan is looking at Dongli Diao, Lin Weiqi , etc., opens the mouth slightly. 程胜男望着东里雕,林薇琪等,微微开口。 You walk, told god light the old dog, let his again Radiant God Courtyard , etc. I!” “你走吧,告诉神光老狗,让他再光明神庭等我!” The Du Shaofu form quietly appears, stood in Dongli Diao, the before body of Lin Weiqi, making Cheng Shengnan depart. 杜少甫身影悄然出现,站在了东里雕,林薇琪的身前,让程胜男离去。
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