MGC :: Volume #16

#1509: Cuts to kill Dongli Chi Huang

Universe pompom, dies!” “乾坤轮回枪,去死吧!” Dongli Chi Huang drinks swiftly and fiercely greatly, whole body radiant runes is similar to the god fire is burning, the long bayonet leaves, the volume first six rounds radiant god link sending out rays cover on the long gun|spear. 东离赤凰凌厉大喝,浑身璀璨符文如同神火在燃烧,长枪刺出,额前六轮璀璨神环散发光芒笼罩在长枪上。 That is the strength of supreme Nirvana, results in the world to aid, the ditch moves the world energy, finally gathers the peerless spear|gun, straight thrust Du Shaofu. 那是至尊涅盘之力,得天地护佑,沟动天地能量,最后汇聚成绝世一枪,直刺杜少甫 Under this spear|gun, void disintegration, the black space crack propagation, swallows all over the sky the ray, making the four directions have nothing to do dimly. 这一枪之下,虚空崩碎,黑色的空间裂缝蔓延,吞噬满天光线,让四方昏暗无关。 In gloomy world, only then that together spear|gun glow radiant such as deep green thunder, the twinkle, spreads especially to Du Shaofu. 天昏地暗的天地之中,只有那一道枪芒璀璨如碧绿雷霆,格外闪烁,蔓延向杜少甫 This spear|gun, border area boundary peak must bleed!” “这一枪,封域境巅峰也要喋血!” Some powerhouses exclaimed in surprise, this moment Dongli Chi Huang this disregards all consequences crazy strikes, ordinary peak border area cultivation base, is unable to be a worthy opponent absolutely. 有强者惊叹,此刻东离赤凰这不计后果的疯狂一击,普通的巅峰封域修为者,也绝对无法匹敌。 Du Shaofu moved, does not draw back instead to enter, leaps to empty, Great Peng fluttered, meets a fist to rumble. 杜少甫动了,不退反进,跃空而出,大鹏振翅,接一拳轰了出去。 This fist any gaudiness, has not been only a simplest fist. 这一拳没有任何的花哨,只是最为简单的一拳。 Bang!” “轰!” But rumbles along with Du Shaofu this fist, Dragon recited for nine days, of sound shaking entire world idol long cry. 但随着杜少甫这一拳轰出,龙吟九天,神象长鸣之声震动寰宇。 Before a fist, space in suddenly crash-bang in sound direct avalanche. 一拳之前,空间在骤然间‘哗啦啦’的声响中直接崩塌。 This is Du Shaofu's Tyrant Quandao, the strength today we are no longer as we have been, Tyrant Quandao also once again comprehended to have the tremendous progress, the prestige can also be suddenly to increase. 这是杜少甫的霸拳道,实力已经今非昔比,霸拳道也再度领悟有着巨大进步,威能也更是暴增。 Du Shaofu's this fist, directly suddenly explosion has approached a Dongli Chi Huang spear|gun. 杜少甫的这一拳,也是直接暴轰向了东离赤凰的一枪。 Clang!” “铛!” The fist direct clashing spear|gun glow, flesh and blood clashes Magical Artifact, making the innumerable vision look is also being fearful and apprehensive. 拳头直接对撞枪芒,血肉对撞法器,让无数目光望着也是心惊胆颤。 But finally, has not presented one that flesh and blood blasts out, but erupts the dreadful radiant shatter runes ray, all around space disintegration jet black crack. 但最后,却是并未曾出现那血肉炸开的一幕,只是爆发出滔天的璀璨的破碎符文光芒,四周空间崩碎漆黑裂缝。 Ka......” “咔咔……” In a sonorous shatter sound, before Du Shaofu's fist, the lance point shatter becomes the fragment toward the square lasing, such as Mars jump shoot. 在一片铿锵的破碎声中,杜少甫的拳头之前,枪尖破碎成碎片朝着四方激射,如火星迸射。 Then is not only only the lance point, the furniture also direct crack disintegration, changed to the innumerable fragments, the ray is gorgeous, the aura is astonishing. 而后不仅只是枪尖,就连枪体也直接龟裂崩碎,化作了无数碎片,光芒绚丽,气息惊人。 All around dim world, started to restore brightly. 四周昏暗的天地,也开始恢复了明亮。 The Du Shaofu's mortal body, a lot of forging, boil down the god body accomplishment. 杜少甫的肉身,千百次的锻造,更是熬炼神体大成。 On Du Shaofu mortal body intensity, let alone was true Golden Wing Great Peng is also hard to compare, Jia Lou Jueyu could not hold a candle. 杜少甫肉身的强度,别说是真正的金翅大鹏也难以相比了,就连迦楼绝羽都望尘莫及。 This mortal body, what kind fearfulness and strong, dare to face directly Magical Artifact. 这种肉身,何等的可怕和强势,敢直面法器 My God, this is a person, how to have such abnormal mortal body!” “我的天啊,这还是人么,怎么会有这么变态的肉身!” Du Shaofu's this fist, has shocked all powerhouses, has broken to pieces middle-grade peak Magical Artifact by the fist of bang flesh and blood, this is the what kind anomaly. 杜少甫的这一拳,震撼了所有强者,以血肉之拳轰碎了一件中品巅峰法器,这是何等的变态。 Tittered......” “噗嗤……” The Dongli Chi Huang mouth spits the blood, his arm in the convulsion, the severe pain is incomparable, the palm in the crack, gushes out the bloodstain. 东离赤凰口吐鲜血,他的手臂在痉挛,剧痛无比,手掌在龟裂,涌出血迹。 Just Du Shaofu's that fist, had the overbearing peerless strength to sweep across by the universe pompom directly in Dongli Chi Huang within the body. 刚刚杜少甫的那一拳,有霸道绝伦之力透过乾坤轮回枪直接席卷在了东离赤凰的体内。 Does not have the universe pompom and energy armor, feared that was Dongli Chi Huang was very just possible to be broken the mortal body dead directly. 要不是没有乾坤轮回枪和身上的能量铠甲,怕是刚刚东离赤凰就很可能要被直接震碎肉身而死了。 Dongli Chi Huang shocks, vision shocking is looking at Du Shaofu, he does not believe the present all. 东离赤凰震骇,目光震惊的望着杜少甫,他不相信眼前的一切。 No, you are impossible not possibly to win me, you strong I!” “不,你不可能胜我,你不可能强过我!” Dongli Chi Huang roared loudly, in both hands paddled, in congealment Hand Imprints, a piece of radiant ray erupted, the six rounds god links before volume changed alternately, making its body illumination inflate, that six god of journeys links melted with it as one finally. 东离赤凰大声咆哮,双手间划动,在凝结手印,一片璀璨光芒爆发中,额前的六轮神环交替变化,让得其身躯发光膨胀开来,那六道神环最后与其融于一体。 In a flash, the body also direct expansion of Dongli Chi Huang the hundred zhang (333m) had, such as a fearful Spiritual God changes from. 一瞬间,东离赤凰的身躯也直接膨胀到了百丈有余,如一尊可怕神灵化形。 On Dongli Chi Huang that huge body organism gushes out runes, melts with the world, crazy in the absorption world energy, the pressure is unparalleled, making the person crawl to prostrate oneself! 东离赤凰那庞大身躯肌体上涌出符文,和天地相融,疯狂的在吸收天地能量,威压盖世,让人匍匐膜拜! I am the supreme Nirvana, results in the world to aid, you fight the undefeated I, you are what kind, today must die without doubt!” “我是至尊涅盘,得天地护佑,你战不败我的,你再怎么样,今日也必死无疑!” Dongli Chi Huang sneers incisively, his supreme Nirvana, results in the world to aid, at this moment the strength of thorough use supreme Nirvana, is the strongest card in a hand. 东离赤凰尖锐冷笑,他至尊涅盘,得天地护佑,此刻彻底动用至尊涅盘之力,便是最强的底牌。 Therefore from the beginning, even if defeated in a youth and Du Xiaoyao of that Golden Winged Peng clan hand, Dongli Chi Huang also thought that was only Golden Winged Peng that youth and Du Xiaoyao is very strong, but if true spelled, finally death has not known that was. 所以从一开始,哪怕是败在了那金翅大鹏鸟一族的青年和杜小妖的手中,东离赤凰也觉得只是金翅大鹏鸟那青年和杜小妖很强,但要是真正的拼起来,最后死的还不知道是谁。 He is the supreme Nirvana, is reincarnated Sacred Child, this is Dongli Chi Huang biggest relying on, therefore from beginning to end, he thought Du Shaofu died. 他是至尊涅盘,还是转世圣子,这就是东离赤凰最大的凭仗,所以从头到尾,他都觉得杜少甫已经死定了。 Du Shaofu, you must die eventually!” 杜少甫,你终究要死!” Dongli Chi Huang moved once again, a blink, the huge body of that inflation, is the dive, separates presses down spatially, is in charge from the upper air together huge falls. 东离赤凰再度动了,一眨眼而已,那膨胀的庞大之躯,便是俯冲而下,一手隔空按下,一道庞大掌印自高空落下。 In charge all around, void was flood the Tsunami, the sound such as the wind and thunder was likely intermittent, all around the fearful prestige can let blast out void, the luxuriant ancient air/Qi, followed Tianwei in the sky, can destroy all. 掌印四周,虚空像是泛起了海啸,声音如风雷阵阵,可怕威能让四周虚空炸开,莽莽古老之气,伴随天威当空,能够摧毁一切。 All people were startled, has not thought that the Dongli Chi Huang astonishing method is actually to have these many, this is in charge together, the pressure extremely in swift and fierce and fearful. 所有人吃惊了,没想到东离赤凰的惊人手段竟然是有着这么多,这一道掌印,威压太过于凌厉和慑人了。 „!” “咻!” Du Shaofu has also counterattacked, waved to call a thing, was radiant with the golden light, directly in the sky. 杜少甫也还击了,挥手唤出了一物,伴随着金光璀璨,直接当空。 Bang!” “轰!” At this moment, this side world trembles, a greatest pressure volcanic eruption, the golden light seems to be dreadful, spreading vault of heaven. 就在此刻,这一方天地一颤,一股莫大的威压仿佛一座火山喷发,金光滔天,铺展苍穹。 That and other imposing manners such as ten thousand thunder sound together, sonorous clank, vibrates for nine days! 那等气势如万雷齐鸣,铿锵铮铮,震动九天! In an instant, Du Shaofu all around has partly visible gold dragon Phantom to circle, just like the Saint mark, has Tianwei to fill the air, rules the world! 刹那间,杜少甫四周有着若隐若现的金龙虚影盘旋,宛如圣迹,有天威弥漫,君临天下! That and other power and influence were too fearful, lets all person color deterioration trembling millet, a Tianwei makes people unable the trembling millet not to crawl. 那等威势太可怕了,让所有人变色颤粟,一股天威让人无法不颤粟匍匐。 That probably is imperial palace Dragon Qi!” “那好像是皇宫龙气!” Some people call out in alarm, that fearful golden light aura, impressively is imperial palace Dragon Qi. 有人惊呼,那可怕的金光气息,赫然是皇宫龙气 Du Shaofu in the sky, grasps a handle nimble and resourceful long sword, that is Tyrant Shadow, Wasteland Country the great talent of town country, imperial seal of the life Tyrant Shadow refines , the book is Du Shaofu's this life. 杜少甫当空,手持一柄灵动长剑,那是霸影,荒国的镇国之大器,霸影所炼制成的本命之玺,也本就是杜少甫的本命之器。 „!” “咻!” Du Shaofu wields a sword to cut directly, in all around world, in the boundless all around expansive sky, has a mysterious mighty force from the world seepage, finally gathers before the sword glow. 杜少甫直接挥剑斩下,四周天地内,茫茫四周长空中,自有一股神秘伟力自天地渗透而出,最后在剑芒之前汇聚。 This sword plunders, is containing Sword of the Tyrant, the imperial palace Dragon Qi in addition holds, the void [gold/metal] ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the sword glow changes to golden big dragon Phantom finally directly. 这一剑掠出,蕴含着霸剑道,皇宫龙气加持,虚空金芒万丈,最后剑芒直接化作一条金色的巨龙虚影 gold dragon passes the huge nearly thousand zhang (3.33 m), dignified fierce, the [gold/metal] ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), with a world situation, plundered to be together fearful to Dongli Chi Huang that directly Hand Imprints. 金龙通庞大近乎千丈,威严狰狞,金芒万丈,伴随着一股天地大势,直接掠向了东离赤凰那一道可怕手印 This sword glow, holds by the imperial palace Dragon Qi in addition together, that is a country destiny gathers, the innumerable subjects believe to condense, making the entire world shiver, all around life trembling play! 这一道剑芒一出,以皇宫龙气加持,那是一国气运所汇聚,无数臣民信仰所凝聚,让得整个天地颤抖,四周生灵颤剧! This imperial palace Dragon Qi so is how strong!” “这皇宫龙气怎么这么强!” The innumerable powerhouses change countenance, that was imperial palace Dragon Qi was too fearful, was not general imperial palace Dragon Qi, followed the prestige of world situation, the mortal difficult enemy! 无数强者动容,那是皇宫龙气太可怕了,不是一般的皇宫龙气,伴随天地大势之威,凡人难敌! gold dragon Phantom gallops, imperial palace Dragon Qi is billowing, vast surging void vault of heaven. 金龙虚影奔腾,皇宫龙气滚滚,浩瀚激荡虚空苍穹。 A aura eruption of frightening, blots out the sky to sweep across, the square wind and cloud, hits directly on that fearful Hand Imprints. 一股恐怖的气息爆发,铺天盖地席卷而出,四方风云,直接撞击在那可怕手印上。 Being in charge of Dongli Chi Huang had not insisted how long was shattered, is unable to prevent that huge gold dragon. 东离赤凰的掌印也并未曾坚持多久就破碎,无法阻挡那庞大金龙。 „......” “嗷……” gold dragon across the sky, Dragon Yinzhen the person soul, directly hit in Dongli Chi Huang that huge body. 金龙横空,龙吟震人心魂,直接撞进了东离赤凰那庞大躯体之内。 Ping ping......” “砰砰砰砰……” In an instant, the Dongli Chi Huang huge body blasts out directly, ray god link also in scrap. 刹那间,东离赤凰庞大的身躯直接炸开,身上的光芒神环也在炸碎。 Fearful surging imposing manner sweeps across, lets the entire world vault of heaven thunder, making the person soul palpitate. 可怕的激荡气势席卷,让整个天地苍穹电闪雷鸣,让人灵魂悸动。 The surrounding space is also blasting out, the under abyss appears, the rivers and streams flow backwards, this fearful just like is extinguishing the world! 周围空间也在炸开,下方深渊浮现,江河倒流,这可怕的一幕宛如在灭世! The Dongli Chi Huang huge body blasts out, finally has replied appearance originally, energy armor that the body covers also in gloomy, the corners of the mouth dripping with blood, is all over the body gloomy. 东离赤凰庞大的身躯炸开,最后回复了原本的模样,身上覆盖的能量铠甲也在暗淡,嘴角鲜血淋漓,通体暗淡。 You...... You unexpectedly also... Is ......... “你……你居然也…是………” This at the last minute, Dongli Chi Huang double pupil expansion, merely is staring at Du Shaofu, as if has discovered anything finally. 这最后一刻,东离赤凰双瞳扩展,仅仅的盯着杜少甫,似乎是终于发现了什么。 That imperial palace Dragon Qi may unable true so causes heavy losses to him, but is in that imperial palace Dragon Qi, contained one type to make him be familiar, but was actually the aura that made him probably kneel to bend down. 那皇宫龙气可无法真正的将他如此重创,而是那皇宫龙气中,也蕴含了一种让他熟悉,但却是让他要跪伏的气息。 That strength, lets the air/Qi of his supreme Nirvana, collapses at the first blow. 那力量,让他至尊涅盘之气,不堪一击。 Cuts to kill!” “斩杀!” The Dongli Chi Huang voice has not fallen, Tyrant Shadow in Du Shaofu hand plunders directly, unpredictable, changes to a series of sword whips, wrapped the sound radiant silver golden color electricity glow to pierce the space, plundered the Dongli Chi Huang forehead directly. 只是东离赤凰话音未曾落下,杜少甫手中的霸影直接掠出,变幻莫测,化作一连串的剑鞭,包裹声了一层璀璨的银金色电芒洞穿空间,直接掠进了东离赤凰的眉心。 The sword whip plunders, afterward the Tyrant Shadow homing, a sword jabbed into the Dongli Chi Huang forehead directly. 剑鞭掠进,随后霸影归位,一剑直接刺进了东离赤凰眉心。 Tyrant Shadow is radiant, the golden ray jumps shoots the four directions, but also has the radiant silver golden color electric arc to be forever glorious. 霸影璀璨,金色光芒迸射四方,还有着璀璨的银金色电弧光芒万丈。 Has the voice such as Dragon Yin, is faint has gold dragon Phantom to reappear in all around void, that is an astonishing phenomenon. 有声浪如龙吟,隐隐间有金龙虚影在四周虚空浮现,那是一种惊人的异象。 Tyrant Shadow plunders the Dongli Chi Huang forehead, the prestige of imperial palace Dragon Qi, follows also has the strength of Du Shaofu's Soul Force, destroys all in Dongli Chi Huang mind Niwan Palace, Dongli Chi Huang Soul Force , the direct town kills to destroy. 霸影掠进东离赤凰眉心,皇宫龙气之威,伴随的还有杜少甫的元神之力,在东离赤凰脑海泥丸宫内摧毁一切,将东离赤凰元神,也直接镇杀摧毁。 Dongli Chi Huang energy armor in gloomy, finally vanishes, both eyes are atheistic, in fear tight is staring Du Shaofu. 东离赤凰身上的能量铠甲在暗淡,最后消失,双眼无神,在恐惧中紧紧的瞪着杜少甫 That in Dongli Chi Huang mouth and other words have not fallen thoroughly, is having the fear, has the final hatred unwillingly, has closed both eyes eventually tightly, in the body vitality and mind Niwan Palace Soul Force vanished to disappear pale. 只是东离赤凰口中的那等话语还没有彻底落下,便是带着恐惧,不甘还有最后的怨毒,终究是紧闭上了双眼,身上生机和脑海泥丸宫元神消失消淡。 Deng!Deng!......” 蹬蹬……” The corona covers, bright empty old ancestor, said that empty old ancestor and other Great Circle Cult powerhouses, the body is trembling, staggers backward the backlash, present, they are unable to accept. 光轮笼罩,明虚老祖,道虚老祖等大轮教强者,身子在发颤,为之向后踉跄后退,眼前的一幕,他们无法接受。 Died, Dongli Chi Huang of supreme Nirvana was cut to kill by Demon King Du Shaofu!” “死了,至尊涅盘的东离赤凰魔王杜少甫斩杀了!” The square powerhouse calls out in alarm, the Chest was pressed a ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) big stone likely. 四方强者惊呼,心口像是被压上了一块万斤大石。 Dongli Chi Huang solemn supreme Nirvana, unexpectedly so easy cutting to have killed by Demon King Du Shaofu, making the person look helplessly, is unbelievable! 东离赤凰堂堂的至尊涅盘者,竟然就这般轻而易举的被魔王杜少甫给斩杀了,让人眼睁睁的看着,也难以置信! I extinguish with the imperial seal of Wasteland Country kill you, holds a memorial service for the imperial jade seal, is the Wasteland Country falling from the sky juniors wants the justice!” “我以荒国之玺灭杀你,祭奠玉玺,为荒国陨落子弟讨回公道!” The Du Shaofu start to talk, waves a move, Tyrant Shadow plunders to the hand, sound spreading four directions. 杜少甫开口,挥手一招,霸影掠回至手中,声音传开四方。 The Dongli Chi Huang corpse, crashes the abyss that from the upper air below ground splits, does not have the vitality again, Soul Force is scattered, is unable again the samsara, dying very clean thorough. 东离赤凰的尸体,自高空坠落下方地面裂开的深渊,再无生机,元神都被打散,无法再轮回,死的很干净彻底。 Tyrant Shadow in the hand, at this moment, the upper air [gold/metal] ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), Du Shaofu back Great Peng Golden Wing expands, all around gold dragon Phantom occupies, looks that just likes the Saint mark arrives, that pressure is to shake the person soul. 霸影在手,这一刻,高空金芒万丈,杜少甫背后大鹏金翅扩展,四周金龙虚影盘踞,看着犹如圣迹降临,那威压更是震人心魂。 Violates my Wasteland Country, kills!” “犯我荒国者,杀!” Du Shaofu grasps Tyrant Shadow, whole body gold dragon Phantom shivers, the sound roar thunderously just like the dragon, all around world of vibration shivers, vibrates for nine days! 杜少甫手持霸影,周身金龙虚影颤动,声音宛如龙啸雷鸣,震动的四周天地颤抖,震动九天! At this moment, innumerable glassy-eyed faces one another, that purple robe youth covers the golden light, just like the Saint mark, rules the world! 这一刻,无数目光呆滞相望,那一个紫袍青年笼罩金光,宛如圣迹,君临天下! „The Great Peng sovereign rules the world, raises my national prestige!” 大鹏皇君临天下,扬我国威!” In the Wasteland Country juniors, sword king, the golden eagle king, the profound flood dragon king and others conferred the title of prince upon the conferring nobility upon long and loud cry to drink certainly much greatly, the innumerable Wasteland Country juniors follow open the mouth, the sound moves the clouds. 荒国子弟中,绝剑王,金雕王,玄蛟王等不少封王封侯者长啸大喝,无数荒国子弟紧随其后开口,音动云霄。
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