MGC :: Volume #16

#1508: Crazy Dongli Chi Huang

The fearful vortex arrived from the sky above, has covered the vault of heaven, the vision beyond comparison, the ray expanded, having one to swallow the vitality the aura to sweep across crazily, must swallow the earth common people likely. 可怕的漩涡自天空之上降临,遮盖了苍穹,视觉无以伦比,光芒扩展,带着一股吞噬生机的气息疯狂席卷,像是要将大地苍生吞噬。 The Dongli Chi Huang end stands in the vortex, the whole body dazzling talisman-pattern spread, pesters finally mutually, the 2 ply fearful aura also loudly arrives, makes all around void seethe with excitement immediately, swallows the ray, just like having the boundless catastrophe approaches! 东离赤凰端站在漩涡之内,周身耀眼的符箓秘纹蔓延而出,最后互相纠缠,第二股可怕的气息也轰然降临而下,让四周虚空顿时沸腾,吞噬光芒,宛如有着无边浩劫来临! This moment Dongli Chi Huang has stimulated to movement own samsara martial pulse, the ray is bright, just likes the Spiritual God arrives, all around is sweeping across the aura of growing continually, that radiant Saint light runes everywhere, the god overawes the world, making the person want to crawl. 此刻东离赤凰催动了自己的轮回武脉,光芒熠熠,犹如神灵降临,四周席卷着生生不息的气息,那一波波璀璨的圣光符文漫天,神威震世,让人为之欲要匍匐。 My supreme Nirvana, can it be that you can prevent, Du Shaofu, died!” “我至尊涅盘,岂是你所能够阻挡的,杜少甫,死去吧!” Dongli Chi Huang drinks greatly, has launched the strongest attack directly, stimulates to movement the strength of supreme Nirvana, the ditch moves the world pressure, adds on own samsara martial pulse in the strongest method, fuses most to strike, with that fearful vortex, covered immediately to Du Shaofu went. 东离赤凰大喝,直接展开了最强攻击,催动至尊涅盘之力,沟动天地威压,以最强手段加上自己的轮回武脉,融合成最强一击,伴随着那可怕的漩涡,顿时笼罩向了杜少甫而去。 That fearful aura wants to Du Shaofu lead into the samsara, extinguishes Du Shaofu kills in the samsara, making the distant place people look at one also to unable to bear fall into the samsara. 那可怕气息欲要将杜少甫带入轮回,将杜少甫灭杀在轮回之内,让远处众人望上一眼也要忍不住陷入轮回。 Supreme Nirvana, what Nirvana is the heart, but is not the person, your this type of supreme Nirvana was too weak, Pulse Soul collapses at the first blow!” “至尊涅盘,涅盘的是心,而不是人,你这种至尊涅盘太弱了,脉魂更是不堪一击!” The Du Shaofu start to talk, with it simultaneously, carries on the back above Great Peng Golden Wing the golden talisman-pattern twinkle, just likes the innumerable golden thunder and lightning is glittering. 杜少甫开口,与之同时,背上大鹏金翅之上金色符箓秘纹闪烁,犹如无数金色雷电在闪烁。 True Golden Wing Great Peng that suddenly, the Du Shaofu imposing manner just likes birth, flutters to bend down to look in society, the radiant golden ray fills the vault of heaven from Great Peng Golden Wing on, imitates, if can flutter to cover antique, shoots down the stars, the town plaster presses the common people! 乍然间,杜少甫气势犹如一只出世的真正金翅大鹏,振翅俯览世间,璀璨的金色光芒自大鹏金翅上弥漫苍穹,仿若是能够振翅遮盖太古,击落星辰,镇垩压苍生! Then under the vision of innumerable with amazement trembling millet, Du Shaofu waves, stimulates to movement the Great Peng broken dun claw, claw-print condenses together immediately, can suffice to tear the vault of heaven, grasps the broken galaxy stars, the fearful vortex of Dongli Chi Huang stimulation of movement, tears into shreds directly. 而后就在无数骇然颤粟的目光下,杜少甫挥手,催动大鹏碎沌爪,一道爪印顿时凝聚,能够够撕裂苍穹,抓碎星河星辰,将东离赤凰催动的可怕漩涡,直接撕碎开去。 The Great Peng broken dun claw, the rumor can tear into shreds the real dragon, Du Shaofu at this moment, boils down the god body accomplishment, in a Great Peng Golden Wing bird clan, comprehends the Golden Winged Peng deep meaning divine ability method once again enters greatly, the prestige energy is suddenly to increase. 大鹏碎沌爪,传言能够撕碎真龙,此刻的杜少甫,熬炼神体大成,在大鹏金翅鸟一族中,将金翅大鹏鸟奥义神通手段再度领悟大进,威能更是暴增。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” Was torn into shreds void, the vortex was torn into shreds, Dongli Chi Huang samsara martial pulse directly was also torn into shreds. 虚空被撕碎,漩涡被撕碎,东离赤凰的轮回武脉也直接被撕碎。 claw-print was not loose, tears into shreds grasps void to Dongli Chi Huang. 爪印不散,撕碎虚空抓向了东离赤凰 The Dongli Chi Huang vision startles greatly, wants to avoid rapidly, but actually quickly Du Shaofu. 东离赤凰目光大骇,想要急速避开,但却快不过杜少甫 Immediately, Dongli Chi Huang was twisted the void Great Peng broken dun claw by Du Shaofu, to twist the four directions to be void, stressed its body in the waist, looked like a fish is seized by the eagle claw. 顿时,东离赤凰杜少甫扭曲虚空的大鹏碎沌爪,以扭曲四方虚空,将其身躯生生抓在了腰间,就像是一条鱼被鹰爪所擒。 The Dongli Chi Huang facial color startles greatly, the radiant god light from within the body confused swell, a fearful strength surges in within the body, wants to work loose. 东离赤凰面色大骇,璀璨的神光自体内暴涌,一股可怕力量在体内涌动,欲要挣脱。 Bang!” “砰!” Du Shaofu waves to fling maliciously, has abandoned from the midair Dongli Chi Huang directly but actually under spatial, such as brandishes the stone its body, pounded in a mountain peak directly. 杜少甫挥手狠狠一甩,将东离赤凰从半空直接倒扔下了下空,将其身躯如抡石块般,直接砸进了一座山峰之内。 A mountain peak destroys, the Dongli Chi Huang body was buried by the huge mountain peak. 一座山峰生生摧毁,东离赤凰身躯被庞大山峰所掩埋。 The earth thunders, everything may become vulnerable, the giant stone tumbles! 大地轰鸣,地动山摇,巨石滚落! This stirring, making person be dumb as a wooden chicken, fearful and apprehensive! 这一幕震撼人心,让人呆若木鸡,胆颤心惊! Solemn supreme Nirvana Dongli Chi Huang, take a shot / make a move, most strikes fully, just likes in front of Demon King Du Shaofu's each family has been ordinary, at is not the match, once again devastated does not know that is dies lives. 堂堂的至尊涅盘者东离赤凰,全力出手,最强一击,却是在魔王杜少甫的面前犹如过家家一般,根本不是对手,再度被蹂躏的也不知道是死是活。 The Great Circle Cult powerhouse was confident, in the Human Race peer, they think that some people cannot be the Dongli Chi Huang matches, no one is possible to exceed supreme Nirvana. 大轮教的强者原本信心十足,人族同辈之中,他们认为根本就不会有人会是东离赤凰的对手,谁也不可能胜过至尊涅盘者。 How could but they think that they think Dongli Chi Huang that in peer will not defeat, was again like that maliciously is actually devastated. 可他们何曾想到,他们认为同辈之中根本不会败的东离赤凰,却是再次被那般狠狠的蹂躏了。 Cluck!” “咕咕!” Silent all around, enough quiet several respites, then the sounds of some innumerable holding breath cold air continuously spread, some people of throat plaster throat dry, pours to swallow the saliva. 寂静的四周,足足沉寂了数个喘息的时候,而后才有无数倒吸凉气之声此起彼伏传开,有人喉垩咙干涩,倒咽唾沫。 Demon King Du Shaofu, vanished the several years time, after this return, although has caused many sounds, even a sword has defeated the Bright Sword Sect sword great territory Lord, formerly war, cut to kill many Martial Domain boundaries initially to ascend the powerhouse, Heavenly Spirit Valley tyrant Martial Domain main directly was also cut to kill. 魔王杜少甫,消失了数年时间,这一次回归之后,虽然是引起了不少的动静,甚至一剑击败了慧剑门的剑弘域主,先前的大战,也斩杀了不少武域境初登强者,灵天谷的霸武域主也直接被斩杀。 But all these, might as well just that institute shock! 但这一切,都远不如刚刚那一幕所来的震撼! After Demon King Du Shaofu returns, nobody knew its strength to what situation, immeasurably deep. 魔王杜少甫回归之后,无人知道其实力到底是到了何种地步,深不可测。 But in just, Dongli Chi Huang of supreme Nirvana, equally was devastated, collapses at the first blow, the people know that Demon King returned thoroughly, is still that invincible savage Demon King! 但就在刚刚,至尊涅盘的东离赤凰,一样被蹂躏,不堪一击,众人才知道,那一个魔王已经彻底回归,依然是那个不可战胜的凶残魔王 Demon King Du Shaofu, is still Jiu Zhou young one generation of first person!” 魔王杜少甫,依然是九州年轻一辈第一人!” Mu Jianchen, hundred li (0.5km) boundlessness, herd unaccompanied song and the others opened the mouth. 沐剑晨,百里无涯,牧清歌等人开口。 Supreme calculates anything, this moment teacher's younger brother Du returns, Dongli Chi Huang collapses at the first blow!” “至尊涅盘算什么,此刻杜师叔回归,东离赤凰不堪一击!” The Ancient Heaven Sect disciple is excited, since Dongli Chi Huang supreme Nirvana, the entire state was discussing Great Circle Cult, when rose, other eight big entrances were suppressed by the public opinion. 古天宗的弟子激动兴奋,自从东离赤凰至尊涅盘之后,整个中州都在谈论大轮教当崛起,其它八大山门已经被舆论压制。 Ancient Heaven Sect, naturally also felt that the pressure, they went out of Ancient Heaven Sect, can feel that obviously the outside Ancient Heaven Sect were many regarding Great Circle Cult craving tall Guo. 古天宗在其中,自然也感觉到了压力,他们走出古天宗,也明显是能够感觉到外界对于大轮教的热衷高过了古天宗不少。 But that purple robe youth, goes out from Ancient Heaven Sect now, is the Ancient Heaven Sect disciple, making Dongli Chi Huang collapse at the first blow. 可现在那一个紫袍青年,是从古天宗走出,也是古天宗的弟子,让东离赤凰不堪一击。 Few palaces are main, extremely defeats!” “少殿主雄威,不堪战胜!” The Seven Star Palace disciple is also excited, the few palace main returns, have informed Jiu Zhou in this manner truly, it is still the Jiu Zhou peer first person! 七星殿的弟子也在激动,少殿主回归,以这种方式真正的告知了九州,其依然是九州同辈第一人! Dongli Chi Huang, collapses at the first blow, supreme calculates a nonsense!” 东离赤凰,不堪一击,至尊涅盘算个狗屁!” Profound Talisman Sect and Mystic Abyss Sect disciples were happy that Profound Talisman Sect and Wasteland Country are the allies, at this moment happy excited also in reason. 玄符门的和玄冥宗的弟子都在为之高兴,玄符门荒国一直是盟友,此刻高兴激动也在情理之中。 But regarding the Mystic Abyss Sect disciple, initially rushed to the deep lake regarding Du Shaofu, naturally is in the heart disgruntled. 但对于玄冥宗的弟子而言,当初对于杜少甫直闯冥湖,自然是心中不悦的。 But this moment Mystic Abyss Sect with Wasteland Country , etc. in the same line, who naturally is also lived the infinite favorable impression to that purple robe youth heart. 但此刻玄冥宗已经和荒国等在同一条线,自然也谁是对那紫袍青年心生了无限好感。 Association president strong wind does not reduce!” “会长雄风不减!” The Under The Heaven Association disciple is excited, some people flutter the call, has on the face of blood contamination the old person battles, weeps, the body trembles excitedly. 天下会弟子激动不已,有人颤声呐喊,更是有老人激战的鲜血沾染的脸庞上,为之喜极而泣,身子激动发颤。 Third Brother is invincible!” “三哥无敌!” Du family's younger generation, can it be that excited blood rushes, some old people who Du family enters the war, cannot bear want to cry loud and long loudly. 杜家的后辈,莫不是激动的血液澎湃,杜家参战的一些老人们,忍不住想要大声长啸。 Du family rose thoroughly, third brother of Du family new generation, on Great Circle Cult of today's Jiu Zhou attention, bloomed the most dazzling brilliance. 杜家已经彻底崛起,杜家新一代的老三,在今天九州关注的大轮教上,绽放了最为耀眼的光彩。 Delay that Cheng Chao shocks, in his heart invincible brother-in-law Dongli Chi Huang, at this moment directly was actually abandoned by that purple robe youth. 程超震撼的呆滞了,他心中无敌的姐夫东离赤凰,此刻却是被那紫袍青年直接扔下。 The supreme Nirvana did not say invincibly, Cheng Chao really cannot think through, why Dongli Chi Huang collapses at the first blow today. 至尊涅盘不是说无敌么,程超实在想不通,为何东离赤凰今天都是不堪一击。 Cheng Shengnan is looking at the midair, pupil light is tranquil, but the vision drops down on the body of that purple robe youth, for a very long time has not taken back the line of sight. 程胜男望着半空,眸光平静,但目光一直落在那紫袍青年的身上,久久没有收回视线。 Four directions trembles, Demon King Du Shaofu, before for several years, is first person in state young one generation, the success is magnificent. 四方目颤,魔王杜少甫,数年前乃是中州年轻一辈中的第一人,一路战绩辉煌。 In young one generation, Demon King is never a defeat! 年轻一辈中,,魔王更是从未一败! Initially Demon King Du Shaofu, cut to kill dragon nine, defeated that nine in a big way family|home in uncommonness, was pushed by the Jiu Zhou uncommon peer is 12 god heads, the name moved Jiu Zhou. 当初魔王杜少甫,斩杀龙九,击败那九大‘家’之中的不凡者,被九州不凡同辈推为12神杰之首,名动九州 At this moment, these opportunities have also been praised, what kind wind and cloud! 事到如今,那些时机也都还一直被人传颂,何等风云! Passes along with the time, Demon King vanishes in the row the state, chases down by Demon Religion and Radiant God Courtyard. 只是随着时间过去,魔王消失在列中州,被魔教光明神庭追杀。 Dongli Chi Huang the supreme Nirvana, all these made the person have to suspect, that Demon King Du Shaofu's was magnificent, feared that was also gloomy, no longer past wind and cloud. 东离赤凰又至尊涅盘,这一切让人不得不是怀疑了起来,那魔王杜少甫的辉煌,怕是也已经暗淡了,不复当年的风云。 Formerly, Du Shaofu not to Dongli Chi Huang take a shot / make a move, some people even more believe that Demon King Du Shaofu is still powerful, but entire Jiu Zhou strongest young generation, already no longer, when belongs to the supreme Nirvana Dongli Chi Huang. 就连先前,杜少甫一直没有对东离赤凰出手,也有人越发认为,魔王杜少甫是依然强悍,但整个九州最强的年轻一辈,已经不再,当归属至尊涅盘的的东离赤凰了。 But now, Du Shaofu with one move, had proven, therefore. 可现在,杜少甫是用一招,就证明了所以。 Bang......” “轰……” Under just the mountain peak of avalanche started to shiver, has the radiant god light becomes in the slit of mountain fights to shoot, finally the fearful aura runs out, such as the volcanic eruption, the ray radiant dazzling letting person does not dare to look straight ahead, the innumerable giant stone disintegrations, the crushed stone stirs up the plaster to shoot the expansive sky. 下方刚刚崩塌的山峰开始颤动,有着璀璨神光自成山的缝隙中斗射,最后可怕气息冲出,如火山喷发,光芒璀璨耀眼的让人不敢直视,无数巨石崩碎,碎石激垩射长空。 Dongli Chi Huang appeared once again, corners of the mouth dripping with blood, but actually covers a green armor, just like fighting clothes. 东离赤凰再度出现了,嘴角鲜血淋漓,但身上却是覆盖上了一层青色的铠甲,宛如战衣。 That is the Dongli Chi Huang nine revolutions of gods turns the extraordinary method in Secret Art, condenses the guard armor, even can promote the prestige energy. 那是东离赤凰九转神轮诀中的非凡手段,凝聚护身铠甲,甚至能够提升威能。 But this moment Dongli Chi Huang visits the midair once again, the prestige can promote is not the tiny bit, but rose suddenly the several fold to have. 而此刻东离赤凰再度踏足半空,威能提升的可不是一星半点,而是暴涨了数倍有余。 In the Dongli Chi Huang forehead, has god light to beat like the flame, before his volume, above top of the head, but also has six rounds gods light to linger, just like the god link, a vast aura fills the air, the supreme ice presses the square world life. 东离赤凰的眉心间,有着神光如火焰般在跳动,他额前头顶之上,还有着六轮神光萦绕,宛如神环,一股浩大的气息弥漫,至尊凌压四方天地生灵. Borrows the strength of previous generation with the supreme Nirvana, within the short time accelerates to awaken, he was putting together the name!” “以至尊涅盘借用前世之力,短时间之内加速觉醒,他在拼名了!” The old woman looks at Dongli Chi Huang that is presenting once again, the vision selects, before looking at the Dongli Chi Huang volume , the six rounds god links on top of the head slightly, that is the symbol of supreme Nirvana, the implication world pressure, at this moment showed that Dongli Chi Huang thoroughly has also been going all out, he in the strength of awakening previous generation according to supreme Nirvana, this consequence was very forcefully serious. 老妪望着再度出现的东离赤凰,目光微微一挑,望着东离赤凰额前头顶上的六轮神环,那是至尊涅盘的标志,蕴含天地威压,此刻证明东离赤凰也彻底是在拼命了,他在以至尊涅盘之力强行觉醒前世,这后果很严重。 Dongli Chi Huang aura, how suddenly that many?” 东离赤凰身上的气息,怎么会突然强了那么多?” All around has the powerhouse to feel immediately Dongli Chi Huang aura rose suddenly suddenly the several fold, for it surprise, the Dongli Chi Huang flash, can once again breakthrough. 四周有强者立刻感觉到了东离赤凰身上的气息突然间暴涨了数倍,为之诧异,难道东离赤凰一瞬间,就能够再度突破了一层么。 Dongli Chi Huang should by the strength of Nirvana in the awakening previous generation, this have the huge consequence forcefully, will have the side effect that is hard to imagine, Dongli Chi Huang was plans and Demon King Du Shaofu evidently goes all out.” 东离赤凰应该是以涅盘之力在强行觉醒前世,这有着巨大的后果,会有难以想象的副作用,看样子东离赤凰是打算和魔王杜少甫拼命了。” Has the powerhouse eyesight to be uncommon, had heard the secret matter and secret in Xin many this world, guess Dongli Chi Huang now the general situation. 有强者眼力不凡,听说过不少这世上的隐秘事情和秘辛,猜测到了东离赤凰现在大概的情况。 Du Shaofu, I must kill you today!” 杜少甫,今天我必杀你!” Dongli Chi Huang roared, the sound was incisive, if the shape were crazy, in the hand presented a handle long gun|spear, the flowing light was radiant, revealed completely all over the body, the shining vault of heaven, caused the world to shiver, for it resonance. 东离赤凰咆哮,声音尖锐刺耳,状若疯狂,手中出现了一柄长枪,流光璀璨,通体毕露,照耀苍穹,引起天地颤动,为之共鸣。 This is Divine Weapon of Dongli Chi Huang previous generation ‚the universe pompom, middle-grade peak Magical Artifact, he was actually can control the previous generation!” “这是东离赤凰前世的神兵‘乾坤轮回枪’,中品巅峰法器,他竟然是已经能够掌控前世之器了!” Initial Golden Peng, the Golden Peng territory main start to talk at this moment, in the eye the vision of twinkle golden color brilliance was startled, Magical Artifact of middle-grade peak level, the prestige energy was absolutely fearful. 当初的金鹏尊者,此刻的金鹏域主开口,眼中闪烁金色光华的目光吃惊,一件中品巅峰层次的法器,威能绝对是可怕的。
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