MGC :: Volume #16

#1507: Demon King vs Dongli Chi Huang

She has cut off bustling place obviously, thinks one have put down all, but in fact, seems not so. 她明明已经是斩断了红尘,以为自己放下了一切,但事实上,似乎并不是如此。 Cheng Shengnan has remembered initially in dark forest, she and he separate, she also once the self-confident start to talk, let him and others she. 程胜男想起了当初在黑暗森林中,她和他分离,她也曾自信的开口,让他等她。 But after that leaves, all become are different, they are getting more and more far, to the present, has met already like the passer-by. 可那一别之后,一切都变得不一样了,他们越来越远,到了现在,相见已如路人。 Boy, you rest talk nonsense, when really my Great Circle Cult was good to bully inadequately!” “小子,你休得胡言乱语,真当我大轮教好欺了不成!” Hundred rounds old ancestors cannot bear shout angrily to make noise, that Du Shaofu is the bloodline female of that clan relates obviously great, this is he has not expected. 百轮老祖忍不住怒喝出声,那杜少甫明显是和那一族的血脉女子关系不浅,这是他也未曾预料到的。 „One side get lost, the words that refuses to accept, spoke with the fist!” “滚一边去,不服的话,用拳头说话!” Three long plasters always open the mouth to shout to clear the way to hundred rounds Old Zu, the overbearing degree always goes beyond compared with five long plasters. 三长垩老开口对百轮老祖喝道,霸道程度比起五长垩老有过之而无不及。 This, Dongli Chi Huang and a Du Shaofu war, life and death, regardless , after fights, whoever wins whom to defeat, all people leave Great Circle Cult, otherwise, does not take it ill my take a shot / make a move!” “这样吧,东离赤凰杜少甫一战,生死无论,一战之后,无论谁胜谁败,所有人离开大轮教,否则,休怪我出手!” The old woman opens the mouth, vision unintentional falling in the body of Du Shaofu and Dongli Chi Huang, the double pupil deep place, passed over gently and swiftly secretly wipes the fluctuation. 老妪开口,目光有意无意的落在了杜少甫东离赤凰的身上,双眸深处,暗自掠过一抹波动。 Does not have the issue, I complied, Great Circle Cult is in my woman the servant, I am not good to cope again, but my Wasteland Country myriad son blood debts, I have no alternative but to ask, I also cannot make my woman order to extinguish have killed Dongli Chi Huang, therefore is the man, is solved by my personally take a shot / make a move by rights ought to!” “没问题,我答应了,大轮教是我女人家中之仆,我也不好再对付,但我荒国万千男儿血债,我也不能够不讨,我亦不能够让我的女人下令灭杀了东离赤凰,所以身为男人,理当就由我自己亲自出手解决!” The Du Shaofu nod start to talk, Dongli Chi Huang cannot remain in brief today, having no intention makes Dongli Qingqing order to solve. 杜少甫点头开口,总之今天东离赤凰不能够留,也无意让东离青青下令解决。 Dongli Qingqing accepts Great Circle Cult, naturally some people give lip-service. 东离青青才接受大轮教,自然是有人口服心不服。 Dongli Chi Huang in Great Circle Cult, the status is aloof, if Dongli Qingqing opens the mouth to solve, feared when the time comes will make in Great Circle Cult produce many accidents. 东离赤凰大轮教中,地位超然,要是东离青青开口要解决,怕是到时候会让大轮教内产生不少变故。 That Great Circle Cult several old ancestors and many powerhouses, are awed by the strength of that old woman to submit to obviously recognize the Lord, Du Shaofu is not difficult to know that feared is whenever an opportunity presents itself, these old fogies can immediately behind take a shot / make a move. 大轮教的几个老祖和不少强者,明显只是慑于那老妪的实力而臣服认主,杜少甫不难知道,怕是一旦有机会,那些老家伙就会立刻背后出手 Therefore the Du Shaofu also book intends, to probably take a shot / make a move solve Dongli Chi Huang personally, all chief criminals, is Dongli Chi Huang, this person is the huge future trouble, today cannot live absolutely again. 所以杜少甫也本就是有意,要自己要亲自出手解决东离赤凰,一切的罪魁祸首,也是东离赤凰,此人是巨大后患,今日绝对不能够再活着。 Shaofu, you can consider again.” 少甫,你可以再考虑一下。” The Dongli Qingqing start to talk, she understands her master, matter is far from simple, this is the master is intentional, wants to cope with Du Shaofu by Dongli Chi Huang, at least can also play the probe role, the Dongli Chi Huang supreme Nirvana, that and other innate skill, the peer in that Nine Great Family, definitely will not have several, she feared that he suffers a loss. 东离青青开口,她了解她师父,事情绝非简单,这是师父有意为之,想要以东离赤凰对付杜少甫,至少也能够起到试探作用,东离赤凰至尊涅盘,那等天赋,那九大家之中的同辈,也绝对是不会有几个,她怕他吃亏。 Did not need to consider, you must believe that your man was very strong, small Dongli Chi Huang, had not placed in the eye.” “不用考虑了,你要相信你男人很强的,小小东离赤凰而已,一直未曾放在眼中。” The Du Shaofu start to talk, took in Purple gold day error in hand Spirit Gate, wants empty hand, empty fist to handle the Dongli Chi Huang appearance, has not placed in Dongli Chi Huang the eye. 杜少甫开口,将手中的紫金天阙收进了神阙中,一副要赤手空拳搞定东离赤凰的样子,根本就没有将东离赤凰放在眼中。 Dongli Qingqing stamped the feet, the fellow also dislikes the sound to be not very big, this is makes her wish one could to look for a crack to hide, did not have the face to see the person, the fellow was also more and more impudent and shameless, oneself may not have to acknowledge anything. 东离青青跺了跺脚,那家伙还嫌声音不够大么,这是让她恨不得找个地缝躲进去,没脸见人了,那家伙也是越来越厚颜无耻了,自己可没有承认什么。 However regarding the Du Shaofu's strength, Dongli Qingqing also afterward felt relieved that savage fellow, in peer, has not eaten any has owed. 不过对于杜少甫的实力,东离青青也随后放心,那凶残的家伙,同辈之中,可从来没有吃过任何亏的。 More and more is not concerned about face, facial skin returns the true thickness!” “越来越不要脸了,脸皮还真厚!” Ouyang Shaung is staring Du Shaofu, purses the lips slightly, in the heart as if somewhat is not feeling well. 欧阳爽瞪着杜少甫,微微撅嘴,心中似乎是有些不爽。 Also is really our sister-in-law.” “还真是我们三嫂啊。” Du Yu is looking at the midair, said to Du family people. 杜宇望着半空,对身边杜家众人说道。 Sister-in-law is really pretty, after the Third Brother marries goes home, certainly can for my Du family give birth to several very attractive adorable kids, Third brother's bloodline, decides however is exceptionally powerful.” Du Xue earnest saying. “三嫂真漂亮,三哥娶回家之后,一定能够为我杜家生下几个很漂亮可爱的小家伙,三哥的血脉,也定然是异常强悍的。”杜雪认真的说道。 Du family's person, at this moment already that fine beautiful like elf female, was regarded as the Du family's person. 杜家的人,此刻已经是将那一个精致绝美如精灵般女子,当做是杜家的人了。 Jie Jie...... „ “桀桀……“ Cloudy and cold smiles, Dongli Chi Huang coldly looks straight ahead Du Shaofu, his book is to extinguish kills the former, just like at this moment he hopes. 阴冷而笑,东离赤凰冷冷直视杜少甫,他本就是想要灭杀前者,此刻正如他所愿。 Today all make his face countenance completely damage, has admitted defeat, all because of the present boy, cold intent and murderous intention of Dongli Chi Huang heart are unable to constrain again, open the mouth saying: You do not hide finally, fights the solution, I give you this opportunity!” 今天一切让他颜面尽损,一直吃瘪,一切都是因为眼前的小子,东离赤凰心头的冷意和杀机无法再压抑,开口道:“你终于不躲了么,一战解决吧,我给你这个机会!” Why must few head of the clan take a shot / make a move, making me solve well.” “何须少族长出手,让我解决就好。” The Jia Lou Jueyu start to talk, Dongli Chi Huang, he has probed, although is the supreme Nirvana, but that and other strengths were too weak, does not need to want few head of the clan Du Shaofu take a shot / make a move. 迦楼绝羽开口,一个东离赤凰,他已经试探过,虽然是至尊涅盘,但那等实力太弱了,根本无需要少族长杜少甫出手 However this moment Jia Lou Jueyu words fell in the ear of Dongli Chi Huang, all are different. 不过此刻迦楼绝羽的话落在了东离赤凰的耳中,一切却是不一样了。 Listens to the Jia Lou Jueyu words, Dongli Chi Huang almost to affirm, although Du Shaofu is very strong, but also absolutely is a Golden Winged Peng clan that powerful youth, therefore an powerful youth of that Golden Winged Peng clan, wants generation of Du Shaofu take a shot / make a move. 听着迦楼绝羽的话,东离赤凰几乎是能够肯定,杜少甫虽然很强,但也绝对是强不过金翅大鹏鸟一族那强悍青年的,所以那金翅大鹏鸟一族的强悍青年,才要代杜少甫出手 Ha Ha Ha Ha, Du Shaofu, you must depend on others, alone a courage of war does not have!” “哈哈哈哈,杜少甫,你又要靠别人么,难道就连单独一战的勇气都没有么!” Dongli Chi Huang sneers loudly, is indistinct, a fearful aura gushes out from within the body, the god light soars to the heavens, the radiant dazzling, fearful pressure fluctuation in the upper air, frightens Du Shaofu, sneers saying: Words that does not dare to fight, get lost, when you can I have fought by yourself, looks for me again!” 东离赤凰大声冷笑,隐隐约约间,一股可怕的气息自体内涌出,神光冲霄,璀璨耀眼,可怕的威压波动在高空,震慑杜少甫,冷笑而道:“不敢一战的话,就滚回去吧,等你什么时候能够靠自己和我一战了,再来找我!” Du Shaofu hear speech/words, has selected the eyebrow immediately, points to Dongli Chi Huang, shouted abuse: Goes to your paternal grandmother bear, when I had said does not dare to fight, little gives me chirp chirp, the supreme Nirvana is extraordinary, barely escapes death, the remnant soul is reincarnated together, showed that which previous generation to does not go, is waiting for suffering to death to me!” 杜少甫闻言,顿时挑了挑眉,直指东离赤凰,破口大骂道:“去你奶奶个熊,我何时说过不敢一战了,少给我叽叽哇哇的,至尊涅盘了不得么,两世为人,一道残魂转世,证明前世也强不到哪去,给我等着受死!” The Du Shaofu's sound is very loud, reverberates all around sky, such as the thunderclap thunders! 杜少甫的声音很大,回荡四周天空,如雷声轰鸣! Dongli Chi Huang, supreme Nirvana, although from the beginning by a youth move of devastation of that Golden Winged Peng clan, then by a Du Xiaoyao fist bang under. 东离赤凰,至尊涅盘,虽然一开始就被那金翅大鹏鸟一族的青年一招蹂躏,而后又被杜小妖一拳轰下。 Youth and Du Xiaoyao, but one is Golden Wing Great Peng of pure blood, one is scarlet buttocks horse Hou. 那青年和杜小妖,但一个是纯血的金翅大鹏,一个是赤尻马猴。 Therefore Dongli Chi Huang was devastated, although people are shocked, but does not have any to dare to despise Dongli Chi Huang, after all that is the match is not ordinary. 所以东离赤凰被蹂躏,虽然众人震惊,但却是也没有任何敢小看东离赤凰,毕竟那是对手不一般。 The supreme Nirvana, Jiu Zhou is difficult to see, that surmounts existence of Tianjiao, the second kills peer sufficiently the same level, that is a supremeness. 至尊涅盘,九州难见,那是超越天骄的存在,足以秒杀同辈同级,那是一种至尊。 Dongli Chi Huang, the previous generation is fearful powerhouse, after the reincarnation, supreme Nirvana, once later true rising, that shocks the Jiu Zhou fearful powerhouse sufficiently, is the Jiu Zhou without a peer certainly generation of generations, accomplishes first to be magnificent sufficiently. 东离赤凰,前世就为可怕强者,转世后,又至尊涅盘,一旦以后真正的崛起,那足以是震惊九州的可怕强者,是九州不可匹敌的绝代之辈,足以造就一世辉煌。 But now, that Demon King Du Shaofu, as always does not place in it the eye. 可现在,那魔王杜少甫,一如既往的不将其放在眼中。 They eventually are unavoidably a war!” “他们终究是免不了一战!” Does not know that finally who wins who loses, in Human Race, has peer to be able to defeat supreme Nirvana really?” “不知道最后谁胜谁负,人族中,真有同辈能够击败至尊涅盘者么?” All around some people make noise, Dongli Chi Huang had been devastated, but is not Human Race, supreme Nirvana, passed on a message the Human Race peer, that was absolutely without a peer. 四周有人出声,东离赤凰被人蹂躏了,但都不是人族,至尊涅盘者,传言人族同辈,那是绝对不可匹敌的。 That Dongli Chi Huang I must cut to kill personally, I came to be good, cannot take many efforts.” “那东离赤凰我要亲手斩杀,我自己来就好,费不了多少力气。” Du Shaofu spoke to Jia Lou Jueyu afterward, has patted the shoulder of Jia Lou Jueyu, still did not place in Dongli Chi Huang the eye, in the expression was passing disdaining. 杜少甫随后对迦楼绝羽说话,拍了拍迦楼绝羽的肩膀,依然是不将东离赤凰放在眼中,语气中透着不屑。 Dongli Chi Huang heard the Du Shaofu's words, vision is cold, but ices coldly, he today all aggrievedness and shame, must erupt at this moment thoroughly, cold sound said: Du Shaofu, I must kill you today!” 东离赤凰听到了杜少甫的话,目光冷冽而冰寒,他今天一切的憋屈和羞辱,此刻都要彻底爆发开来,冷声而道:“杜少甫,我今日必杀你!” Does not know where really your self-confidence comes, distressedly so, but also dares to clamor!” “真不知道你的自信哪里来的,都狼狈如此了,还敢叫嚣!” Du Shaofu disdains, stamps the spatial rising typhoon on, the back Great Peng Golden Wing golden light is radiant, the look is tranquil, but has one to be greatest dignified and aggressive, the letting will of the people as always trembles. 杜少甫不屑,跺空扶摇而上,背后大鹏金翅金光璀璨,神色平静从容,但自有着一股莫大威严和霸气,一如既往的让人心颤。 Dongli Chi Huang and Demon King Du Shaofu, this is an old enemy, finally cannot escape a war, whom does not know even better!” 东离赤凰魔王杜少甫,这是宿敌,终于逃不过一战,不知道谁更胜一筹!” They fight, what represents is a state young generation of strongest peak war!” “他们两人一战,代表的是中州年轻一辈最强的巅峰一战!” All around has the powerhouse to make noise, anticipated that looks at steadily. 四周有强者出声,为之期待,目不转睛。 Demon King Du Shaofu, supreme Nirvana Dongli Chi Huang, this is the Jiu Zhou young generation of strongest showdown!” 魔王杜少甫,至尊涅盘东离赤凰,这这是九州年轻一辈最强对决!” Mu Jianchen, hundred li (0.5km) boundlessness, wind free of evil intention and other apertures, in their hearts also has to acknowledge that supreme Nirvana later Dongli Chi Huang, is state young generation of peak, only Demon King Du Shaofu can contend. 沐剑晨,百里无涯,风无邪等开口,他们心中也不得不承认,至尊涅盘之后的东离赤凰,已经是中州年轻一辈的巅峰,唯一魔王杜少甫能够抗衡。 They, can represent entire Jiu Zhou strongest young generation of peak absolutely. 他们两人,也绝对能够代表整个九州最强的年轻一辈巅峰 Great Circle Cult and Wasteland Country powerhouse has also drawn back, has the tacit understanding has given Du Shaofu and Dongli Chi Huang the battlefield. 大轮教荒国的强者也都退了下去,都颇有默契的将战场让给了杜少甫东离赤凰 Regarding Dongli Chi Huang, Great Circle Cult several old ancestors, as if have the huge confidence regarding Dongli Chi Huang at this moment. 对于东离赤凰,大轮教的几个老祖,此刻似乎对于东离赤凰也有着巨大的信心。 The supreme Nirvana, of the same generation Human Race, is absolutely impossible to have the rival. 至尊涅盘,同辈人族之中,绝对是不可能有着敌手。 But regarding a Golden Winged Peng clan, three long plasters is old, four long plasters are old, five long plasters are old, Jia Lou Cailing, Jia Lou Jueyu and the others, are the look is calmer, in their heart clear, the Dongli Chi Huang supreme Nirvana, that is only the small supreme Nirvana. 而对于金翅大鹏鸟一族来说,三长垩老,四长垩老,五长垩老,还有迦楼彩翎,迦楼绝羽等人,更是神色从容,他们都心中清楚,东离赤凰至尊涅盘,那只是小至尊涅盘而已。 Jia Lou Jueyu similarly is the supreme Nirvana, has a real bone of Golden Winged Peng clan, is in itself a pure blood of Golden Winged Peng clan, but also has boiled down the god body to be successful close, is actually out of control a Du Shaofu move. 迦楼绝羽同样是至尊涅盘,又身怀金翅大鹏鸟一族的真骨,本身是金翅大鹏鸟一族的纯血,还已经最为接近熬炼神体成功,却也禁不住杜少甫一招。 A that Dongli Chi Huang small supreme Nirvana, his fate, a powerhouse of Golden Winged Peng clan in the heart had the result, that ignorant humanity, this is digging one's own grave not to know. 东离赤凰一个小至尊涅盘,他的下场,金翅大鹏鸟一族的强者已经心中有了结果,那无知的人类,这是在自掘坟墓而不自知。 However regarding Du family and Under The Heaven Association person, slightly has the anxiety actually, but looks at a powerhouse of Golden Winged Peng clan not to be worried , the confidence increases immediately. 不过对于杜家天下会的人来说,倒是略有紧张,但瞧着金翅大鹏鸟一族的强者都未曾担心,也顿时信心大增。 Cheng Shengnan has not departed, at this moment is looking at that two youth, the pupil light line of sight, cannot help but looks. 程胜男还未离去,此刻望着那两个青年,眸光视线,不由自主望去。 Dongli Chi Huang looks is stepping Du Shaofu of midair, has not spoken, he does not want argument, he to prove all by the strength again, scrubbing formerly all shames. 东离赤凰望着踏上半空的杜少甫,没有说话,他不想再多费口舌,他要靠实力来证明一切,洗刷先前的一切耻辱。 Bang!” “轰!” From the body of Dongli Chi Huang, the big piece radiant god light erupts, just like dazzling sun, a fearful strength wells up the expansive sky, sky also disintegration. 东离赤凰的身上,大片璀璨的神光爆发,宛如曜日,一股可怕的力量涌上长空,将天空也崩碎。 Nine revolutions of gods turn the Secret Art, the god wheel extinguish the common people!” “九转神轮诀,神轮灭苍生!” Dongli Chi Huang drinks greatly, sound like the startling thunderclap, runes is dreadful, the god is only radiant, the disintegration sky, changes to the fearful god light eddy currents finally, that is the Great Circle Cult strongest nine revolutions of gods turns the Secret Art, rumor that is Heaven rank merit law. 东离赤凰一声大喝,音如惊雷,符文滔天,神光璀璨,崩碎天空,最后化作一个个的可怕神光漩涡,那是大轮教最强的九转神轮诀,传言那是天级功法 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” The vortex gushes out, above this sky appears, inside god is only radiant, fills astonishing eddy currents, contains the strength of mysterious, the radiant letting person is unable to look straight ahead. 漩涡涌出,此天空之上浮现,里面神光璀璨,弥漫一个个惊人的漩涡,蕴含神秘之力,璀璨的让人无法直视。
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