MGC :: Volume #16

#1506: She is my woman

Dongli Chi Huang is reincarnated Sacred Child for my Great Circle Cult, the supreme Nirvana, can it be that you have wanted to move can move!” 东离赤凰为我大轮教转世圣子,已经至尊涅盘,岂是你想动就能够动的么!” Hundred rounds old ancestor apertures, sound is very loud, makes the four directions hear sufficiently clearly, the vision is unintentional, has wiped from the old woman and Dongli Qingqing body. 百轮老祖开口,声音很大,足以让四方清晰入耳,目光有意无意的,从老妪和东离青青的身上抹过。 The old woman changes countenance slightly, but is not as if strange, she had heard. 老妪微微动容,但似乎并没有太奇怪,她已经听说过。 „To kill me, Du Shaofu you are competent, when really Golden Winged Peng was invincible, in this world, a Golden Winged Peng clan not necessarily was invincible!” Dongli Chi Huang stared Du Shaofu, in eye the dense color has not covered up. “想要杀我,杜少甫你够资格么,真当金翅大鹏鸟无敌了么,在这世上,金翅大鹏鸟一族还不一定无敌!”东离赤凰瞪上了杜少甫,眼中森然之色不加掩饰。 Dongli Qingqing visual Dongli Chi Huang, felt that density and within the body in its filled the air, but killing intent, red lip micro, will start talking, not far away has the sound to transmit: Disturbs, allowing me saying that two matters, this matter was related with Great Circle Cult, but also asked everybody to excuse me.” 东离青青目视东离赤凰,感觉到了其眼中的森然和体内弥漫而出的杀意,红唇微张,正要开口说话,不远处却是有着声音传来:“打扰诸位,容我说两件事情吧,此事和大轮教有关,还请大家见谅。” The sound came from Cheng Shengnan, its beautiful figure goes out, holy noble, the beautiful woman, Bei Chiqing opens, said: My Third Brother Cheng Chao, the intelligence or cultivation base, do not have the qualifications to become the Great Circle Cult founders, withdraws from Great Circle Cult specially. I practice wholeheartedly, has cut off bustling place, has defeated/carrying east to the senior brother profound sentiments, east does not want to delay again leaves the senior brother, therefore the engagement becomes invalid, hopes that east seeks the common people to the senior brother again.” 声音来自程胜男,其倩影走出,圣洁高贵,明眸皓齿,贝齿轻启,道:“我三弟程超,无论是资质还是修为,都没有资格成为大轮教教主,特此退出大轮教。我一心修行,已斩断红尘,有负东离师兄深情厚意,不想再耽搁东离师兄,故此订婚作废,希望东离师兄再觅良人。” The Cheng Shengnan voice falls, deep ritual raises slightly to bow. 程胜男话音落下,深深一礼欠身鞠躬。 All around is somewhat silent, this words everyone can hear, Radiant God Courtyard Cheng Shengnan must lead Cheng Chao to depart, but must break an engagement with Dongli Chi Huang, no longer wants with Great Circle Cult has many relations. 四周有些寂静,这话语谁都听得出来,光明神庭程胜男是要带着程超离去,还要和东离赤凰退婚,不再想和大轮教有多少的关系。 Today Dongli Chi Huang has sufficed aggrievedly, at this moment broke an engagement by Cheng Shengnan again, this is in the wound puts salt without doubt. 今天东离赤凰已经够憋屈了,此刻再被程胜男退婚,这无疑是伤口上撒盐。 Cheng Chao in the Cheng Shengnan side, this moment whole body trembles, both eyes are atheistic. 程超在程胜男的身边,此刻浑身发颤,双眼无神。 Today shocked, has exceeded Cheng Chao the imagination, in the heart is unappeasable to the present, 今天一幕幕震撼,超出了程超的想象,心中到现在还无法平息、 Dongli Chi Huang broke an engagement!” 东离赤凰被退婚了!” Heard that initially that Cheng Shengnan and Demon King Du Shaofu has many relations, Dongli Chi Huang appears, feared that after is Cheng Shengnan has the possibility now is Wasteland Country.” “听说当初那程胜男魔王杜少甫可是有着不少关系,要不是东离赤凰出现,怕是程胜男有可能现在就是荒国之后了。” Dongli Chi Huang of tragedy, is really bad luck today enough!” “悲剧的东离赤凰,今天真是够倒霉的!” All around crowd some people discussed make noise, cannot escape many powerhouse Soul Force on the scene, clarity that can listen. 四周人群有人议论出声,逃不过在场不少强者的元神,能够听的清清楚楚。 The Dongli Chi Huang corner of the eye twitches, the vision stares at Cheng Shengnan, the body somewhat is trembling, is in front of Jiu Zhou to break an engagement, this was equal to that is pulling out his face. 东离赤凰眼角抽搐,目光盯着程胜男,身子在有些发颤,当着九州的面被退婚,这是等于在抽他的脸。 Today on plaster Great Circle Cult, he waited to strike to kill Du Shaofu, wants to shake Jiu Zhou, makes Cheng Shengnan know that Du Shaofu, always is just his stepping-stone. 今天垩大轮教上,他原本是等着击杀杜少甫,要名震九州,也让程胜男知道那杜少甫,从来就只不过是他的垫脚石。 May from the beginning to the present, all be clearly opposite, under he who and he thinks by Du Shaofu person devastation, works as now is in the glare of the public eye breaks an engagement, he barely escapes death, the previous generation is also the top powerhouse above this Jiu Zhou, has not had is so distressed and cannot withstand today. 可从头到现在,一切都是和他所想的截然相反,他被杜少甫身边的人蹂躏,现在还被当着众目睽睽下被退婚,他两世为人,前世也是这九州之上的顶尖强者,却是未曾有着今日这般狼狈和不堪。 Initially thinks that Great Circle Cult great, thinks that Dongli Chi Huang has supernatural might how to be uncommon, then abandons my brother to depart, with the Dongli Chi Huang engagement. Now knows that Great Circle Cult is just the green elder sister's domestic servant, Dongli Chi Huang is also only the waste of collapsing at the first blow, therefore broke an engagement, was difficult to be inadequate also wants to turn head to ask my brother to be inadequate.” “当初以为大轮教有多了不起,以为东离赤凰有多么的神武不凡,便弃我哥哥离去,和东离赤凰订婚。现在才知道大轮教只不过是青青姐的家仆,东离赤凰也只是不堪一击的废物,所以就又退婚了么,难不成还想要回头找我哥哥不成。” Du Xiaoqing said loudly, gratefully, she most does not like Cheng Family and Cheng Shengnan, at this moment is impolite is damaging. 杜小青大声说道,毫不客气,她最是不喜欢程家程胜男,此刻便是不客气的损着。 As if there is story!” “似乎是有着故事啊!” All around vision twinkle, looked to Du Shaofu, Dongli Chi Huang and Cheng Shengnan three people. 四周目光闪烁,望向了杜少甫,东离赤凰程胜男三人。 This fellow, the story are definitely many!” “这家伙,故事肯定不少啊!” Mu Jianchen, hundred li (0.5km) boundlessness, Le Zhengtong the tawny day lily smiled secretly. 沐剑晨,百里无涯,乐正彤萱等暗自相视一笑。 Su Mu Xin, Dongli Qingqing two females, was the vision went to Du Shaofu one. 苏慕昕,东离青青两女,也是目光投向了杜少甫一眼。 Du Shaofu forced smile, but is indifferent afterward, fine and clear, initial dimness, early already in heart clear, got over an emotion is very long. 杜少甫苦笑,但随后淡然,风轻云淡,当初的朦胧,早已经在心中清晰,释怀很久了。 Cheng Shengnan is looking at Du Xiaoqing, facing that and other words, sighed slightly, finally has not said anything. 程胜男望着杜小青,面对那等话语,微微叹气,最终也没有说什么。 Cheng Chao cannot withstand uses greatly, fears death timidly, indeed does not match for my Great Circle Cult founder, Cheng Shengnan is the Radiant God Courtyard disciple, is a companion with Demon Religion, now breaks an engagement, just like my Great Circle Cult intent!” “程超不堪大用,胆小怕死,的确是不配成为我大轮教教主,程胜男光明神庭弟子,和魔教为伍,现在退婚,正如我大轮教意!” Said that empty old ancestor start to talk, sound is light, but is having the dignity, everyone can hear in his heart disgruntled. 道虚老祖开口,声音平淡,但带着威严,谁都听得出来其心中不悦。 Today plaster Great Circle Cult by sufficing of slapping the face, Dongli Chi Huang also broke an engagement many finally, this without doubt is the signal that Great Circle Cult must decline. 今天垩大轮教被打脸的够多了,最后东离赤凰还被退婚,这无疑是大轮教一个要没落的信号。 My can Great Circle Cult, decline really?” “难道我大轮教,真要没落了么?” Some Great Circle Cult old men sighed that the facial features are pale, today's all, prove are standing erect state Great Circle Cult not but actually, started to move toward the decline. 大轮教老者感叹,面容苍白无神,今天的一切,证明着屹立中州不倒的大轮教,也开始走向了没落。 Today plaster Great Circle Cult must to me and other confession, the matter of breaking an engagement and we have nothing to do, said again, the Great Peng sovereign said that Dongli Chi Huang must die, feared that has not assigned to get married!” “今天垩大轮教必须给我等一个交代,退不退婚的事情和我们无关,还是以后再说吧,大鹏皇已经说了,东离赤凰必须死,怕是也没有命成婚了!” Saw falling of all around many vision surprise in Cheng Shengnan, Dongli Chi Huang also had on Du Shaofu's, the Zhu Xue beautiful figure went out slowly, opens the mouth to say. 见到四周不少目光诧异的落在了程胜男,东离赤凰还有杜少甫的身上,朱雪倩影徐徐走出,开口说道。 Zhu Xue does not want to make Du Shaofu think embarrassed, this moment facial features are chilly, although cannot compare the fineness of Dongli Qingqing, Su Muxin attracting, beautiful of Ouyang Shaung, but also elegant peerless, has own makings, can the moving soul. 朱雪不想让杜少甫觉得难堪,此刻面容清冽,虽然比不上东离青青的精致,苏慕昕的魅惑,欧阳爽的绝美,但也秀美绝伦,自有一股属于自己的气质,能够动人心魂。 Inexpensive maid, is also natural depending on you fainting word, courts death!” “贱婢,凭你也大方厥词,找死!” Could not be finding to vent exit / to speak Dongli Chi Huang to stare at Zhu Xue immediately, he does not care Zhu Xue. 正找不到发泄出口的东离赤凰顿时盯上了朱雪,他不将朱雪放在心上。 Chop suey, dying should be you, wants to move her depending on you!” “杂碎,死的应该是你,凭你也想动她么!” The Du Shaofu start to talk, stood before the body of Zhu Xue, cold Shi Dongli Chi Huang. 杜少甫开口,站在了朱雪的身前,冷视着东离赤凰 Du Shaofu, you think really one can cope with me, you depended on the woman before, now closes right up against a Golden Winged Peng clan, by winning over all influence works oneself to death for you, but you are any thing, depending on you, you dares to move my Great Circle Cult!” 杜少甫,你真以为自己能够对付我么,你以前靠女人,现在靠着金翅大鹏鸟一族,靠拉拢各方势力为你卖命,可你自己又算是什么东西,凭你自己,你敢动我大轮教么!” Dongli Chi Huang fixes the eyes on Du Shaofu gloomily, drinks gloomy coldly, if abandons all, how small Wasteland Country dares to move his Great Circle Cult. 东离赤凰阴森紧盯杜少甫,阴沉冷喝,要是抛开一切,一个小小的荒国又怎么敢动他大轮教 Today plaster Great Circle Cult has defeated, in the Dongli Chi Huang heart hates, to have the unwillingness, he thought one defeat is not Du Shaofu, but is a Golden Winged Peng clan. 今天垩大轮教败了,东离赤凰心中有恨,有不甘,他觉得自己败的不是杜少甫,而是金翅大鹏鸟一族。 Dongli Chi Huang, you think that I cannot extinguish Great Circle Cult, I change the mind not to extinguish Great Circle Cult, that is because Great Circle Cult is the servant of my Du Shaofu's woman. I must extinguish you, that is wants some people to pay the price for my Wasteland Country juniors, your this person, I did not feel relieved that makes you keep the side of my woman, sooner or later meets the dog to nip the master, when early extinguishes kills!” 东离赤凰,你以为我灭不了大轮教么,我改变主意不灭大轮教,那是因为大轮教是我杜少甫的女人之仆。我要灭你,那是要有人为我荒国子弟付出代价,你这种人,我也不放心让你留在我女人的身边,迟早会狗咬主人,当早灭杀!” The Du Shaofu start to talk, back Great Peng Golden Wing expands, the double pupil such as jumps shoots the golden light. 杜少甫开口,背后大鹏金翅扩展,双瞳如迸射金光。 Hissing hissing!” “嘶嘶!” Du Shaofu behind not far away, secretly plundered four snake clan King skeleton puppets that in the state day pledge army has slaughtered, such as the big dragon occupies after behind the non- deep space. 杜少甫身后不远处,原本暗自掠进了中州天盟大军内大开杀戒的四条蛇族王者骸骨傀儡,如巨龙盘踞在身后不远空间。 Above of middle three Sea dragon snakes, has together appears the tiny form. 中间三头海龙蛇的一头之上,有着一道显得渺小的身影。 That is a fearful puppet, in the bloody battle, as long as has met that puppet person, nobody escapes, was put to death all, because that is cloudy Thunder Kui. 那是一尊可怕的傀儡,血战之中,但凡是遇上了那一尊傀儡的人,没有一个人逃脱,尽数被诛杀,因为那可是阴雷傀。 Demon King Du Shaofu's woman?” 魔王杜少甫的女人?” The full house was stunned, the information content in the Du Shaofu words containing was really too big. 满场愕然了,杜少甫话中蕴含的信息量实在是太大了。 „Is she Demon King Du Shaofu's woman?” “她是魔王杜少甫的女人?” After the people ponder over carefully, all around vision directly curious looking have then approached Dongli Qingqing. 众人仔细琢磨之后,四周一道道的目光便是直接好奇的望向了东离青青 That Du Shaofu conquers by killing Great Circle Cult, wasn't this Dashuichong Longwang Temple?” “那杜少甫血洗大轮教,这不是大水冲了龙王庙么?” Some people discussed in a low voice that is very the surprise. 有人低声议论,很是诧异。 Ouyang Shaung, Ye Zijin, Su Muxin, Tang Meiling, Ji Zhiyan, Zhu Xue , etc., numerous vision, can it be that looking of surprise has been sizing up on the body of Dongli Qingqing, the pupil light is somewhat special. 欧阳爽,叶子衿,苏慕昕,唐美玲,季芷嫣,朱雪等,众多目光,莫不是诧异的望在了东离青青的身上打量着,眸光都是有些特别。 Dongli Chi Huang has also gawked, the vision twitches maliciously, this is he most has not thought. 东离赤凰也愣了,目光狠狠抽搐,这是他最没有想到的。 The old women and hundred rounds old ancestors, said that the empty old ancestor and others, have gawked at this moment, then is the respective color deterioration. 老妪和百轮老祖,道虚老祖等,此刻也都愣了,而后皆是各自变色。 „The posterity of that clan, reluctantly can be joined to few head of the clan of my Golden Winged Peng clan actually.” “那一族的后人,倒是也勉强能够配得上我金翅大鹏鸟一族的少族长了。” The nods of five long plaster old Jia Lou Yuantu engrossing, the sound is very loud, many people can hear clearly. 五长垩老迦楼远图饶有兴趣的点头,声音很大,很多人都能够听得清楚。 Shaofu...... You spoke irresponsibly anything, I......” 少甫……你乱说什么,我……” In midair, Dongli Qingqing delay a meeting, double pupil deep place flood the fluctuation of difference. 半空中,东离青青呆滞了一会,双眸深处泛着异样的波动。 That monster demon female side him, why he do not speak these words, he knew the matter that after that was affected, has by the illusion......’ ‘那妖魅女子不是在他身边么,他为何还要说这些话,难道他已经知道了那被幻境影响后发生的事情了么……’ Thinks of this, Dongli Qingqing tender face is ruddy immediately, in original conscience absent-minded also starts to disappear slowly pale, that words make her charming, but she is listening, in the heart is actually extremely happy. 想到这,东离青青顿时娇颜红润,原本心中的恍惚也开始徐徐消淡,那话让她娇羞,但她听着,心中却是极为高兴。 You are my woman, in the day wild mainland I have said that will not change in my heart.” “你是我的女人,天荒大陆上我就说过了,在我心中不会改变。” Du Shaofu has interrupted the Dongli Qingqing words, the light smiling face makes widely known on the face. 杜少甫打断了东离青青的话,淡淡的笑容张扬在脸庞上。 Do not raise this matter again, later said again.” “不要再提此事,以后再说。” The Dongli Qingqing tender face is even more ruddy, the tender and beautiful desire drops, as if can pinch the water leakage to come, vision unintentional is hinting Du Shaofu, her is also standing her master, moreover she does not want to continue this topic with Du Shaofu again. 东离青青娇颜越发红润,娇艳欲滴,似乎是能够捏出水来了,目光有意无意的示意着杜少甫,她的身后可是还站着她师父在,而且她也不想和杜少甫再继续这个话题。 Dongli Qingqing understands Du Shaofu's, once fellow said anything, that has not occluded to cover, when the time comes will unable to get out. 东离青青可是了解杜少甫的,那家伙一旦说什么,那可是没遮没掩的,到时候会更加下不来台。 But is thinking he possibly is the matter that clear that illusion influence had, Dongli Qingqing is the tender and beautiful desire that the whole face blushes drops. 而想着他可能是清楚了那幻境影响发生的事情,东离青青更是满脸红晕的娇艳欲滴。 Good, these private affairs, we go back to chat again.” “好,这些私事,我们回去再聊。” Du Shaofu is very earnest saying, is looking at Dongli Qingqing, stern [say / way]: Great Circle Cult is your servant, therefore I can repulse the enemy today, but this Dongli Chi Huang is mean, a lot of dirty tricks, the grafty and evil person is sinister and ruthless, he feared at this moment is also gives lip-service to you, if there is an opportunity, perhaps will nip your one, I did not plan that makes you keep a poisonous snake in the side. Juniors who my Wasteland Country falls from the sky, he must pay the price, therefore Dongli Chi Huang must die today.” 杜少甫很是认真的说道,望着东离青青,正色道:“大轮教是你之仆,所以我今天可以退兵,但这东离赤凰阴狠无比,一肚子坏水,奸邪阴毒,他此刻怕是也对你是口服心不服的,若是有机会,说不定就会咬你一口,我可不打算让你留着一条毒蛇在身边。我荒国陨落的子弟,他也要付出代价,所以今天东离赤凰必须死。” This......” “这……” The ruddiness on Dongli Qingqing fine face starts to disappear slowly pale, returned to normal, the vision looked once again to Dongli Chi Huang went. 东离青青精致脸庞上的红润开始徐徐消淡,恢复了正常,目光再度望向了东离赤凰而去。 This definitely has the story, did not have the story to blame!” “这绝对是有故事啊,没故事才怪了!” Is looking at the dialog of Du Shaofu and Dongli Qingqing, that did not have the relations to blame. 瞧着杜少甫东离青青的对话,那没关系才怪了。 Cheng Shengnan is looking at Dongli Qingqing, such fine beautiful such as the female of elf, is the woman, she can feel that she and he, has not the general relations absolutely, she is his woman, even she was equal to that has tacitly approved. 程胜男望着东离青青,那样一个精致绝美如精灵的女子,身为女人,她更是能够感觉到,她和他,绝对是有着不一般的关系,她是他的女人,甚至她等于已经默认。 At this moment, why does not know, in the Cheng Shengnan heart somewhat feels uncomfortably. 这一刻,不知为何,程胜男心中有些感觉到难受。
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