MGC :: Volume #16

#1505: The bottom line in heart

Hundred rounds old ancestor whole body god glittering, the whole person was covered by the radiant ray, visual old woman and Dongli Qingqing, finally finally is lowers the head to salute to Dongli Qingqing, said: Hundred rounds have seen the young lady.” 百轮老祖浑身神光闪烁,整个人被璀璨的光芒笼罩,目视着老妪和东离青青,最后终于是对东离青青低头行礼,道:“百轮见过小姐。” You?” “你们呢?” Inside and outside old woman visual all around Great Circle Cult the disciple, the sound is not loud, but is makes the person mind tremble. 老妪目视四周大轮教内外弟子,声音不大,但却是让人心神发颤。 Has seen the young lady!” “见过小姐!” Inside and outside Great Circle Cult, the voice gathers, rushes to the clouds. 大轮教内外,声浪汇聚,冲上云霄。 Regarding the Great Circle Cult disciple, they, although does not know that what happened, but Gu Zu has recognized the Lord, how dare they revolt. 对于大轮教的弟子来说,他们虽然不知道发生了什么事情,但就连古祖都已经认主,他们何敢反抗。 They saw that a that old woman move can cause heavy losses to Gu Zu, at this moment faces the bloody murder of Wasteland Country allied armies, in the heart also hopes that old woman to be able under the resistance Demon King Du Shaofu. 他们见到那老妪一招就能够重创古祖,此刻面对荒国联军的血腥屠杀,心中也希望那老妪能够抵御下魔王杜少甫 Bright empty, said that empty also lowers the head, although is unwilling, the look black is ugly, but hundred rounds Gu Zu has lowered the head, they are unable to talk too much again. 明虚,道虚等也都低头,虽然心有不甘,面色阴沉难看,但百轮古祖都已经低头,他们无法再多言。 In the Dongli Chi Huang eye the look is glittering, has been sizing up Dongli Qingqing. 东离赤凰眼中神色在闪烁,一直在打量着东离青青 Day, Great Circle Cult unexpectedly is only the servant of that female, this what's the matter?” “天啊,大轮教竟然只是那女子的仆人,这到底是怎么回事?” All around has the powerhouse to be astonished, all these have been above the anticipation of all people. 四周有强者惊愕,这一切超乎了所有人的意料。 Stands erect state Great Circle Cult not but actually, unexpectedly is only others' servant, that beautiful female has what mysterious fearful origin. 屹立中州不倒的大轮教,竟然只是别人的奴仆,那绝美女子到底是有着何种神秘可怕的来历。 This regarding Sky Serpent Sect and Heavenly Spirit Valley, is the facial color is ugly. 只是这一幕对于天蛇宗灵天谷来说,却无不是面色难看。 That mysterious beautiful female, is obviously concerned with Du Shaofu, now Great Circle Cult Gu Zu has submitted to recognizes the Lord, Great Circle Cult, once withdraws, then by Heavenly Spirit Valley and Sky Serpent Sect strength, is unable to prevent Demon King Du Shaofu at this moment. 神秘的绝美女子,明显是和杜少甫有关,现在大轮教的古祖都已经臣服认主,大轮教一旦撤出,那以灵天谷天蛇宗的实力,更加无法阻挡此刻的魔王杜少甫 That clan, actually still has bloodline.” “那一族,竟然还存在血脉。” Golden Winged Peng clan three elder light [say / way], he as if knows anything, therefore surprise. 金翅大鹏鸟一族三长老轻道,他似乎是知道什么,因此更为诧异。 Du Shaofu looks at all these that is having, surpasses the anticipation, simply has not thought that Great Circle Cult is unexpectedly related with Dongli Qingqing. 杜少甫望着发生的这一切,也超出意料,也根本没有想到过,大轮教居然是和东离青青有关。 Solemn Great Circle Cult, but also is only in her clan the servant. 堂堂的大轮教,还只是她族中之仆。 Initially in the heavenly thunder mountain range, Du Shaofu once listened to Fu Yibai saying that the Great Circle Cult old ancestor initially had the master. 当初在天雷山脉,杜少甫就曾听伏一白说过,大轮教老祖当初有主人。 So looks like, Fu Yibai initially referred to is also the person in Dongli Qingqing clan. 如此看来,伏一白当初指的也是东离青青族中的人。 Originally Great Circle Cult, is only a domestic servant, is really the nonsense.” “原来大轮教,只是家仆而已,真是狗屁。” The Du Xiaoqing start to talk, the sound is very loud, seems intentionally the behavior, has spread over inside and outside Great Circle Cult. 杜小青开口,声音很大,似乎是故意所为,传遍了大轮教内外。 Immediately lets Great Circle Cult all powerhouses, is the facial color is all ugly, many vision staring maliciously have approached Du Xiaoqing. 顿时让得大轮教所有强者,皆是面色难看无比,不少目光狠狠的瞪向了杜小青 But Du Xiaoqing not cares a whoop, will not have all around the vision to place in the eye, the form plundered the Dongli Qingqing front directly, opened the mouth saying: Green elder sister, east your house slave leaves the bird, over and over again and elder brother opposes, kills my Wasteland Country juniors and Heavenly Beast palaces, the Under The Heaven Association disciple, whether you did execute him?” 杜小青毫不在意,丝毫没有将四周目光放在眼中,身影直接掠到了东离青青的面前,开口道:“青青姐,你的家奴东离小鸟,三番五次的和哥哥作对,杀我荒国子弟和天兽殿,天下会弟子,你可否把他处决了?” Is listening to the Du Xiaoqing words, is looking at Du Xiaoqing and that mysterious beautiful female, obviously was not the general relations, Great Circle Cult these person facial colors ugly, Dongli Chi Huang facial color also in twitches maliciously. 听着杜小青的话,瞧着杜小青和那神秘绝美女子,明显不是一般的关系,大轮教的那些人更加面色难看了起来,就连东离赤凰面色也在狠狠的抽动。 Is she, has not thought that she actually has such background.” “是她,没想到她竟然是有着如此来头。” If water cold and many other people, has been in sight Dongli Qingqing, initially in the day wild mainland, many people saw her once to appear side Du Shaofu. 水若寒等不少人,一直在望着东离青青,当初在天荒大陆上,不少人都见过她曾在杜少甫身边出现。 Initially was actually nobody once thinks that female, unexpectedly was the Lord of Great Circle Cult. 当初却是没有人曾想到,那一个女子,竟然是大轮教之主。 Dongli Qingqing smiles to Du Xiaoqing, afterward is looking at Du Shaofu, opens the mouth saying: Shaofu, Great Circle Cult and your gratitude and grudges, I to you a confession, but whether now to repulse the enemy first.” 东离青青冲着杜小青一笑,随后望着杜少甫,开口道:“少甫,大轮教和你的恩怨,我会给你一个交代,但现在可否先退兵。” Du Shaofu is looking at all around, the distant place upper air sound, but also in blustery, Profound Talisman Sect and Ancient Heaven Sect several most formidable powerhouses, but also still with Heavenly Spirit Valley and Sky Serpent Sect powerhouse showdown. 杜少甫望着四周,远处高空声,还在风起云涌,玄符门古天宗的几个最为强大的强者,还依然在和灵天谷天蛇宗的强者对决。 Big brother Zhen Qingchun kills and Great Circle Cult that powerhouse by six rounds blood, is inextricably involved. 大哥甄清醇以六轮血杀阵和大轮教的那一个强者,也还难解难分。 Great Circle Cult kills my Wasteland Country juniors over and over again, needs to give me now a confession.” 大轮教三番五次杀我荒国子弟,需要现在给我一个交代。” Du Shaofu smiled to Dongli Qingqing painstakingly, shook the head. 杜少甫东离青青苦笑了笑,摇了摇头。 Initially supported Stone Dragon Empire Cheng Fanxia in some Great Circle Cult people, slaughtered in Stone City, then Great Circle Cult over and over again in view of oneself, this Great Circle Cult several times planned sinister and ruthless, the governor river blood dyed eight thousand li(500 km), this kept Du Shaofu from repulsing the enemy. 当初在大轮教就有人支持石龙帝国程梵昰,在石城大开杀戒,而后大轮教三番五次针对自己,这一次大轮教更是数次计划阴毒,中州长河血染八千里,这让杜少甫无法退兵。 Boy, these year also progress seemed to be many, but under drawing back, is relying on your back person, today could not have moved Great Circle Cult.” “小子,这些年似乎也进步不少了,但退下吧,凭仗着你背后的人,今天还动不了大轮教。” The old woman opens the mouth, Great Circle Cult has recognized Lord, she must protect Great Circle Cult, regarding Du Shaofu, she has seen, has observed in secret, but also is in the heart shocks at this moment. 老妪开口,大轮教已经认主,她要护着大轮教,对于杜少甫,她见到过,暗中也观察过,但此刻也很是心中震惊。 Is listening to the words of old woman, hundred rounds old ancestor pupils open and close, has revealed smiling expression secretly, all such as he expects. 听着老妪的话,百轮老祖眸子开合间,暗自露出了笑意,一切如他所料。 How today my Golden Winged Peng clan must move Great Circle Cult.” “今天我金翅大鹏鸟一族非要动大轮教又如何。” Three elder apertures, knew that old woman strength cultivation base is fierce, actually fearless, not making concessions half minute. 三长老开口,自知那老妪实力修为厉害,却无惧,未曾退让半分。 „A Golden Winged Peng clan.” 金翅大鹏鸟一族。” The old woman is looking at three elders, vision also in flood the fluctuation, she knew that the great strength and fearfulness of that clan, initially in Wild Beast Mountains, she wanted to obtain that Golden Winged Peng arcane bone and Essence Blood for the disciple. 老妪望着三长老,目光也在泛着波动,她自知那一族的强大和可怕,当初在蛮兽山脉内,她就想要为徒得到那一只金翅大鹏鸟秘骨精血 Afterward that mysterious woman meddled, the strength keeps her from how, she considers everything, deduces the secret, has not actually deduced that mysterious woman to appear meddles, making her fall short, that mysterious beautiful woman was too fearful, she deduces the secret unable to calculate her form. 只是后来那神秘妇人插手,实力让她也无法奈何,她千算万算,推演天机,却是没有推演出那神秘妇人会出现插手,让她功亏一篑,那神秘美妇人太可怕了,就连她推演天机也无法推算出她的身影来。 „A Golden Winged Peng clan is very strong, but you as if also insufficient.” 金翅大鹏鸟一族是很强,但你似乎还不够。” The old woman is looking at three elders, saw cultivation base of three elders. 老妪望着三长老,看出了三长老的修为 I know an origin of your clan, when is your clan most flourishing, must make concessions in the face of my Golden Winged Peng clan, let alone is now!” “我知道你一族的来历,就算是你族全盛之时,在我金翅大鹏鸟一族面前也要退让,何况是现在!” Three elder vision twinkle golden light, is a Golden Winged Peng clan, in this world radically fearless any influence. 三长老目光闪烁金光,身为金翅大鹏鸟一族,这世上根本无惧任何势力。 hear speech/words, the old woman vision flood the mighty waves, she knows overbearing of Golden Winged Peng clan secretly, even if does not fear present these Golden Winged Peng today, feared that will bring in stronger Golden Winged Peng immediately, in the situation by present clan, indeed is unable to contend with an entire Golden Winged Peng clan. 闻言,老妪目光暗自泛起波澜,她知道金翅大鹏鸟一族的霸道,就算是今天不惧眼前的这几只金翅大鹏鸟,怕是立刻就会引来更强的金翅大鹏鸟,以现在族中的情况,的确是无法抗衡整个金翅大鹏鸟一族。 Shaofu, how you want me to give you to confess that can fight with all might really finally?” 少甫,你要我如何给你交代,难道真要拼杀到最后吗?” Dongli Qingqing start to talk, tall Tiao graceful arc, under deep green Glowing covers lives the splendor. 东离青青开口,高挑曼妙的弧线,在身上碧绿霞光笼罩下生辉。 The Dongli Qingqing double pupil is looking at Du Shaofu, Great Circle Cult is in her clan remains, at this moment she is unable to see that Great Circle Cult was extinguished helplessly, but she does not want to begin with him. 东离青青双眸望着杜少甫,大轮教是她族中所留,此刻她也无法见到大轮教眼睁睁被灭,可她也不想和他动手。 On she elf beautiful appearance is carving the beautiful five senses, the beautiful pupil limpid flood moves the azure glow, saw Du Shaofu behind Ye Zijin in this, Ouyang Shaung, the female of that monster demon all living things. 她精灵般的玉颜上雕刻着绝美的五官,美眸清澈泛动青芒,也在此见到了杜少甫身后的叶子衿,欧阳爽,还有那妖魅众生的女子。 Du Shaofu is looking at Dongli Qingqing, Great Circle Cult is in her clan remains, must kill today really finally, that fearful old woman will not stand by absolutely, once continues to begin, feared that cannot take any advantage. 杜少甫望着东离青青,大轮教是她族中所留,难道今天真的要杀道最后么,那可怕的老妪也绝对不会袖手旁观,一旦继续动手,怕是也占不到任何便宜。 I can repulse the enemy in Great Circle Cult, but Dongli Chi Huang must die today!” “我可以在大轮教退兵,但东离赤凰今天必须死!” Du Shaofu start to talk, this is the bottom line, the chief criminal is Dongli Chi Huang, that the remnant soul of barely escaping death, must extinguish. 杜少甫开口,这是底线,罪魁祸首是东离赤凰,那一个两世为人的残魂,必须要灭。 hear speech/words, Dongli Qingqing looked to Dongli Chi Huang, all people looked to Dongli Chi Huang went. 闻言,东离青青望向了东离赤凰,所有人都望向了东离赤凰而去。 The Dongli Chi Huang facial color continues in gloomy, is getting more and more ugly, cloudy and cold dense staring has approached Du Shaofu. 东离赤凰的面色持续在阴沉,越来越难看,阴冷森然的盯向了杜少甫
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