MGC :: Volume #16

#1504: Half domain

„Are you......?” “难道你是……?” Hundred rounds old ancestors are looking at Dongli Qingqing, that aura makes him also tremble, within the body Profound Qi was also affected, was similar to has met the king. 百轮老祖望着东离青青,那气息让他也发颤,体内玄气也受到影响,就如同是遇上了王。 According to news that hundred rounds old ancestors hear, that clan early all was extinguished vanishes in this world, some people will appear why at this moment, this makes him shock also is very the surprise. 按照百轮老祖所听说的消息,那一族早已经尽数被灭消失在了这世上,为何此刻还有人会出现,这让他震惊也很是诧异。 You think that my clan does not save, even if my clan does not save, Great Circle Cult also forever is only the servant of my clan.” “你以为我族不存了么,就算是我族不存,大轮教也永远只是我族之仆。” In the Dongli Qingqing hand has put out token once again, fills the boundless ancient aura. 东离青青手中再度拿出了令牌,弥漫苍莽古老的气息。 Hundred rounds old ancestors are Great Circle Cult most ancient in the old ancestor, the origin of that token, he naturally knows. 百轮老祖身为大轮教最古在老祖,那令牌的来历,他自然知道。 But many years, Great Circle Cult had not received any limit again, this moment that clan suddenly appears, lets in hundred rounds old ancestor hearts suddenly complex. 可多少年了,大轮教再未收到过任何限制,此刻那一族突然出现,让百轮老祖心中骤然复杂。 To this level situation, who has wanted to be limited, becomes the servant. 到了他这种层次地步,谁又想受到限制,还是成为仆人。 „The token, what does not represent together, that clan has me to hear, what token but with is not representing, feared that isn't able to prove your status?” “一块令牌,不代表什么,那一族的存在我听说过,但就凭着着不代表什么的令牌,怕是也无法证明你的身份?” Hundred rounds old ancestor apertures, the legend of that clan he has heard, that is a fearful clan, although has not saved, but Great Circle Cult is the servant of that clan, the remaining prestige still, frightened still to save, the depth of that clan, he completely is not clear. 百轮老祖开口,那一族的传说他听说过,那是可怕的一族,虽然已经不存了,但大轮教身为那一族之仆,余威仍在,震慑犹存,那一族的深浅,他也还完全不清楚。 Therefore hundred rounds old ancestors at this moment, does not dare extremely in explicitly to express anything, but wants to let him for the servant, he will not want absolutely. 所以百轮老祖此刻,也不敢太过于明确表示什么,但想让他为仆,他也绝对不会愿意。 My status, what Xu showed that you are want to revolt instead!” “我的身份,何需证明,你这是想要叛反!” The Dongli Qingqing start to talk, the innate dignity, peerless stands in the sky. 东离青青开口,自有威严,绝世当空而立。 Statement of only one of the parties, what token does not fall table in addition, I naturally need to suspect, if everyone takes the token to come together, said that is the posterity of that clan, should believe obsolete?” Hundred rounds Old Zu asked that the pupil opened and closed, the god was only radiant. “一面之词,加上一块不掉表什么的令牌,我自然需要怀疑,要是谁都拿上一块令牌前来,说是那一族的后人,难道老朽也该相信么?”百轮老祖反问道,眸子开合,神光璀璨。 Token is my clan is dignified, you do not revere to make the line, was disrespects the initial lord, I had the right to punish!” “令牌是我族威严,你不尊令而行,便是不敬当初的主子,我有权惩处!” Dongli Qingqing scolds saying that the look is chilly. 东离青青叱道,神色清冽。 That clan was remote, even I also heard, by, even if you to, fear was I cannot hit a bamboo pole.” “那一族已经久远,甚至我也只是听说,论起来,哪怕你为真,怕是和我也打不着一竿子了。” Hundred rounds old ancestor apertures, meaning is also very clear, the time was remote, even if were initially Great Circle Cult is the servant of that clan, but this moment time was remote, he even also heard existence of that clan, by, him has not related with that clan, naturally no longer was the servant. 百轮老祖开口,意思也很明确,时间已经久远,就算是当初大轮教是那一族之仆,但此刻时间已经久远,他甚至也只是听说了那一族的存在,论起来,他和那一族可没有关系,自然不再是仆。 Deep meaning method that merit law that you practice, you comprehend, is my clan passes on, that is the servant of my clan, if you want to walk, I do not detain, from waste cultivation base, can depart voluntarily!” “你修炼的功法,你领悟的奥义手段,皆是我族所传,那便是我族之仆,你要想走,我绝不强留,自废修为,便是可自行离去!” Dongli Qingqing faces hundred rounds old ancestors at this moment, sends the silk to dance in the air, an eye of dew sneers, the beautiful fascinating'winsome graceful body fills the dark green sparkling stone light, its graceful physique that serves as contrast is such as the elf in illusion. 东离青青此刻面对百轮老祖,发丝飞舞,目露冷笑,婀娜曼妙的躯体弥漫青绿莹光,衬托的其曼妙身姿更是如梦幻中的精灵。 You in bi I!” “你这是在bi我!” Hundred rounds old ancestor facial colors sank, is Great Circle Cult Gu Zu, he practices does not know that several thousand years, so had been fought at this moment by younger generation relative and disregard, even are the suppressions, in the heart naturally is also is enduring patiently. 百轮老祖面色沉了下来,身为大轮教古祖,他修行不知道已经几千年,此刻被一个后辈如此争锋相对和无视,甚至是压制,心中自然也是在忍耐。 Sufficed!” “够了!” The old woman opens the mouth, visual hundred rounds old ancestors, the vision is very cold, said: You do not want the certificate, I give you opportunity take a shot / make a move one time.” 老妪开口,目视着百轮老祖,目光很冷,道:“你不是想要证明么,我给你机会出手一次。” Is looking at the vision of old woman, why hundred rounds old ancestors do not know, in the heart some hearts tremble secretly. 望着老妪的目光,百轮老祖不知为何,心中暗自有些心颤。 To this level, entire Jiu Zhou, if these old fogies also maintain the vitalities at the deep sleep, closes in order to further also finally to live in choke-out, some people can contend with him actually. 到了他这种层次,整个九州要是那些老家伙都也在沉睡保持生机,在闭死关以求更进一步还最后活着的话,倒是也有人能够和他抗衡。 But freely is this, hundred rounds old ancestors do not need to dread anybody on Jiu Zhou certainly. 但尽管是这样,百轮老祖也绝地不需要忌惮九州上的任何人。 May face at present the ray in that old woman eyes at this moment, hundred rounds old ancestors are actually the mind secretly for some it tremors. 可此刻面对眼前那老妪眼中的光芒,百轮老祖却是心神暗自为之有些颤动。 At this time, should not have this mood fluctuation, hundred rounds old ancestors get down their mood on returning to normal immediately, in the pupils some have glittered secretly, but welled up the lost light afterward, looked at the old woman, the nod was saying: Good.” 这种时候,不应该有着这种心境浮动,百轮老祖立刻就平复下了自己的心情,眸子间有些暗自闪烁,但随后涌出神光,望着老妪,点头道:“那好。” Idle talk little said that lets you first take a shot / make a move, the opportunity that if I take a shot / make a move, you hit back will not have.” “废话少说,让你先出手,我要是出手,你连还手的机会都不会有。” The old woman vision is dense, cold Pie hundred rounds old ancestor eyes. 老妪目光森然,冷瞥了百轮老祖一眼。 „The old woman is any background, does not place in Great Circle Cult Gu Zu the eye unexpectedly.” “那老妪又是什么来头,竟然是不将大轮教的古祖放在眼中。” All around powerhouse is can it be that fearful and apprehensive, above this Jiu Zhou, who dares so not to despise Great Circle Cult that Gu Zu. 四周强者莫不是胆颤心惊,这九州之上,又有谁敢不将大轮教的那位古祖如此轻视。 But that in old woman as if not only also despises that hundred rounds old ancestor, but also is having obvious disdaining. 可那在老妪似乎还不只是轻视那百轮老祖,还带着明显的不屑。 Hundred rounds old ancestors' looks also started very not too attractively, no longer hesitated, the aura surged, the form ascended, the god was only radiant, all around space coagulated directly, has the sound of wind and thunder, imitated, if transmitted in the ancient times, was bringing a desolate ancient intent, was passing a vitality. 百轮老祖的神色也开始很不太好看了起来,不再犹豫,气息涌动,身影升腾,神光璀璨,四周空间直接凝固,有风雷之声,仿若是是在远古传来,带着一种苍凉的古意,也透着一种生机。 This flickers, a fearful pressure arrives in the world, covers the four directions, the world altogether trembles. 这一瞬,一股可怕的威压降临在天地,笼罩四方,天地共颤。 Inside and outside Great Circle Cult, all living things trembling millet, many people cannot bear the trembling play. 大轮教内外,众生颤粟,许多的人忍不住颤剧。 Gu Zu raises me to teach prestige!” “古祖扬我教威!” Some disciples in Great Circle Cult, are more like received what Zhong to tow, kneels prostrates oneself, kneels to bend down. 大轮教之中的一些弟子,更像是受到了何种牵引,为之跪地膜拜,为之跪伏。 Meets to incur, hundred rounds god seal!” “接招吧,百轮神印!” Hundred rounds old ancestor take a shot / make a move, the whole body illumination, changed to the giant in the flash body, a god continuously light follows vitalities to gush out from the world , the power and influence shocking space underground, huge body waves, last radiant Hand Imprints finds out from the vault of heaven deep place. 百轮老祖出手了,浑身发光,在一瞬间身躯化作巨人,一缕缕的神光伴随着一股股生机自天地内涌出,威势震惊天上地下,庞大身躯挥手,最后一道璀璨手印自苍穹深处探出。 This is together radiant Hand Imprints, just likes is the Spiritual God gets angry, wants to hold to destroy this temporals, destroys in society common people. 这一道璀璨手印,犹如是神灵发怒,欲要一掌摧毁这世间万物,摧毁世间苍生。 At this moment all around void coagulated, but inside and outside below Great Circle Cult, is still everything may become vulnerable, the abyss shifts, the wind and thunder is intermittent, thunder, world phenomenon. 此刻四周的虚空已经凝固,但下方大轮教内外,依然是地动山摇,深渊移位,风雷阵阵,电闪雷鸣,天地异象。 That Spiritual God Hand Imprints, is containing ten thousand spirits together likely, pressure in society, making the world chaotic, making the vault of heaven turbulent. 那一道神灵手印,像是蕴含着万灵,威压世间,让天地混乱,让苍穹动荡。 All around is in charge has the obvious jet black space crack crack, such as the spider web fills the air generally above the universe, broke the entire sky likely, this picture was too fearful. 掌印四周有着明显的漆黑空间裂缝龟裂,如蜘蛛网一般弥漫在天宇之上,像是将整个天空都已经震碎,这种景象太可怕了。 Day, is fearful!” “天啊,何等可怕!” All around numerous powerhouses at this moment also fearful and apprehensive, under that fearful Hand Imprints, a huge pressure fills the air immediately inside and outside Great Circle Cult. 四周众多强者此刻也心惊胆颤,那可怕的手印之下,一股巨大威压顿时弥漫在大轮教内外。 That fearful pressure aura sweeps across the four directions, vibrates ten thousand li (0.5km), must in the state entire also vibrate likely. 那可怕威压气息席卷四方,震动万里,像是要将整个中州也震动。 So fearful strength, actually to what situation!” “如此可怕的实力,究竟是到了何种地步!” Has the old man to send coldly, under that fearful pressure, they are unable to resist that and other pressure. 有老者发寒,那可怕的威压下,他们都无法抵御那等威压。 Inside and outside Great Circle Cult, is chest fiercely fluctuates at this moment, holding breath cold air, Soul Force beast soul deep place in deep dreading. 大轮教内外,此刻皆是胸膛剧烈起伏,倒吸凉气,元神兽魂深处都在深深的忌惮。 That piece of space coagulates, that space coagulated, hundred rounds old ancestors do not want to destroy entire Great Circle Cult, feared that is under this moment this palm, entire Great Circle Cult inside and outside lives, sufficiently by a palm destruction. 那一片空间还是凝固的,要不是那空间已经凝固,百轮老祖可不想毁了整个大轮教,怕是此刻这一掌之下,整个大轮教内外的生灵,都足以被一掌覆灭。 Fearful, was too fearful!” “可怕,太可怕了!” Du Shaofu this moment heart also maliciously shocks, that fearful strength no small matter, Great Circle Cult can stand erect in state not but actually, has it to rely on. 杜少甫此刻心头也狠狠震惊,那可怕的实力非同小可,大轮教能够屹立在中州不倒,自有着其凭仗。 But at this moment, the old woman has not had any fluctuation, is looking fearfully that is in charge falls, puts out a hand slightly, has talisman-pattern to spout from the palm, changes to a strange void vortex. 但此刻,老妪未曾有任何波动,望着那可怕的掌印落下,微微伸手,有符箓秘纹自掌心内喷出,化作一个诡异的虚空漩涡,。 Humming sound!” “嗡嗡!” Around the vortex has the phenomenon to appear, flood the ripples, are swallowing the myriad things! 漩涡四周有异象出现,泛着涟漪,吞噬万物! That void vortex seems like not big, but actually occurred has most made the person shake the surprised matter, that void vortex was hi swallows that fearful being in charge unexpectedly directly directly. 那虚空漩涡看似不大,但却是发生了最为让人震愕的事情,那虚空漩涡竟然是hi直接将那可怕的掌印直接吞噬。 Rumble......” “隆隆……” Both clash, runes is radiant, is scattering void, sends out the world resonance rumble the sound. 两者对撞,符文璀璨,在虚空四溅,发出天地共鸣的隆隆之声。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” That void vortex was too fearful, erupts overlapping strange talisman-pattern, is powerful enough to destroy all around void being in charge to swallow that directly, finally obliterates its runes, swallows cleanly all. 那虚空漩涡太可怕了,爆发层层叠叠的诡异符箓秘纹,将那足以摧毁四周虚空的掌印直接吞噬,最后磨灭其符文,将一切吞噬干净。 Nine revolutions of gods turn the Secret Art, what you practice is only incomplete, cultivation base of half domain, collapses at the first blow in my eyes, even if were you are breakthrough to the true domain, still small and weak incomparable.” “九转神轮诀,你修炼的只是残缺之篇,半步领域的修为,在我眼中不堪一击,哪怕是你就算是突破到了真正的领域,也依然弱小无比。” The old woman opens the mouth, the void vortex tremor that does not extinguish, changes similarly is in charge together, such as plunders like lightning, not having the big pressure to fill the air, but actually in hundred rounds old ancestor that god light double pupils open and close gush out the scared looks, sweeps across suddenly in his chest. 老妪开口,那不灭的虚空漩涡颤动,同样化作一道掌印,如闪电般掠出,没有多大威压弥漫,但却是在百轮老祖那神光双眸开合涌出惧色间,骤然席卷在其胸膛。 Bang!” “砰!” The body that hundred rounds old ancestor Chest dull thumping sounds, send huge was destroyed directly, changes to the main body appearance size, in the mouth the blood put out, sends the silk to be disorderly, the instantaneous facial color is pale. 百轮老祖心口闷响,庞大发的身躯直接被摧毁,化作本体原本模样大小,口中鲜血吐出,发丝凌乱,瞬间面色惨白。 „The Great Circle Cult old ancestor arrived at half domain boundary, actually collapses at the first blow before that old woman, that is the peerless powerhouse!” 大轮教的老祖已经到了半步领域境,却是在那老妪面前不堪一击,那是绝世的强者!” The distant place powerhouse is shocked, half domain four characters, sufficiently frighten Jiu Zhou. 远处强者震惊,半步领域四个字,就足以震慑九州 But this moment the powerhouse of that -and-a-half domain boundaries, actually collapses at the first blow in the front of that old woman, this is fearful. 而此刻那一个半步领域境的强者,却在那老妪的面前不堪一击,这是何等可怕。 „The old woman is not simple, the cultivation base level feared that is at least and greatly long plaster is always equal, perhaps must in the greatly long plaster old above.” “那老妪不简单,修为层次怕是至少和大长垩老等同,或许还要在大长垩老之上。” Three long plaster old sound transmission, spread in the Du Shaofu ear in a soft voice. 三长垩老的传音,轻声在杜少甫耳中传开。 Didn't know greatly long plaster old cultivation base to what level?” “不知道大长垩老修为到了何种层次?” Du Shaofu asked that at this moment also in deep shock, initially ascended, the border area, the big territory, the domain, was the domain boundary. 杜少甫问道,此刻也在深深的震撼,初登,封域,大域,界域,而后才是领域境。 The Great Circle Cult that Gu Zu half domain level, was equal to that a foot has overstepped the domain, although is not the true domain, but compares to domain boundary peak to come, has huge difference completely. 大轮教的那古祖半步领域层次,等于是一只脚已经踏过了领域,虽然不是真正的领域,但比起界域境巅峰来,完全是有着天壤之别了。 Greatly long plaster old had visited the main territory recently.” Three long plaster old sound transmission said again. “大长垩老已经最近踏足主域。”三长垩老传音再次说道。 Main territory.” “主域。” Du Shaofu muttered the start to talk, that was must the level above domain, was equal to the legend, this in society, how many people also there are able to achieve that step? 杜少甫喃喃开口,那是还要在领域之上的层次,等于是传说了,这世间,又有几个人能够达到那一步? Afterward Du Shaofu knits the brows, greatly long plaster always the main territory level, initially in nine Demon Emperor that a Golden Winged Peng clan extramarital affair arrived, can with the greatly long plaster old war, that also at least be the main territories. 随后杜少甫皱眉,大长垩老是主域层次,当初在金翅大鹏鸟一族外遇到的九魔皇,能够和大长垩老一战,那也至少都是主域。 But it is also only ninth Demon Emperor, front also has stronger eight Demon Emperor, can that tyrannicalally to what situation? 而其还只是第九魔皇而已,前面还有更强的八个魔皇,那又要强横到何种地步? The Demon Religion strength, was extremely formidable! 魔教的实力,太过于强大了! Three long plasters always sighed, said to Du Shaofu: Two long plasters early have visited the domain many years, only then I, vulgar event, is unable to comprehend wholeheartedly, was unable the breakthrough domain, if two long plaster old this, you must be more relaxed today again.” 三长垩老叹气,对杜少甫说道:“二长垩老早已经踏足领域多年,只有我,俗事为了,无法一心领悟,至今还未曾能够突破领域,要是今天二长垩老再此,你就要轻松多了。” Exhausted three long plasters are old, was embarrassed.” “劳烦三长垩老,已经不好意思了。” Du Shaofu returns saying that afterward also secretly contrasts, three long plasters old should be domain peak, but can actually contend with that Great Circle Cult old ancestor half domain directly, this has been enough frightening. 杜少甫回道,随后也暗自对比,三长垩老应该是界域巅峰,但却是能够直接抗衡那大轮教老祖半步领域,这已经足以恐怖了。 To the territory boundary level, is the level between domain and domain, that is what kind gap. 到了域境层次,还是领域和界域之间的层次,那是何等的一条鸿沟。 The average men want more step to contend, are no different were equal to that must ascend the strong day. 常人想要越阶抗衡,无异于等于是要直登强天。 But three long plasters old can make no distinction between victory and defeat with Great Circle Cult that old ancestor directly, as if fully take a shot / make a move, but can also at least cause heavy losses to it, this also sufficiently proved a Golden Winged Peng clan was fearful. 但三长垩老能够和大轮教的那老祖直接不分胜负,似乎全力出手,还能够将其至少重创,这也足以证明金翅大鹏鸟一族的可怕了。 You must revolt instead, making me extinguish you today directly? Perhaps recognizes the Lord!” “你是要叛反,让我今天直接灭了你?或是认主!” The old woman opens the mouth, looks straight ahead hundred rounds old ancestors, the double pupil cold brightness surges, at this moment feared that is hundred rounds old ancestors, once shakes the head, killer who perhaps will immediately suffer the old woman, the old woman absolutely is not the softhearted person. 老妪开口,直视百轮老祖,双眸寒光涌动,此刻怕是百轮老祖一旦摇头,或许就会立马遭受到老妪的杀手,那老妪绝对不是什么心慈手软的人。
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