MGC :: Volume #13

#1281: Flagitious Gui Che

Chapter 1279: Flagitious Gui Che 第1279章:凶残鬼車 Chapter 1279: Flagitious Gui Che. 第1279章:凶残鬼車 In sight in the body Houtian beast palace situation Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, Kuang Bear King, the small bird of prey, listening to all around that to drink and frightening imposing manner of eruption suddenly greatly, immediately turned head. 正在望着身后天兽殿内情况的鬼車,灵幻虎王,小应应,狂熊王,小隼等,听着四周突然间那一道道大喝声和爆发的恐怖气势,顿时回过头来。 Looks Demonic Beast that all around public sentiment is surging, the Gui Che brow selects. 望着四周群情涌动的妖兽,鬼車眉头微挑。 Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, Kuang Bear King , etc. for it brow micro wrinkle. 灵幻虎王,小应应,狂熊王等为之眉头微皱。 Is following Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King that not under 30 Demonic Beast King, at this moment faces all around public sentiment numerous beasts angrily, the look is dignified. 跟随着狂熊王,灵幻虎王的那不下于30个妖兽王者,此刻面对四周群情愤然的众兽,神色更是凝重。 However of this moment all around numerous beast shouting, roared continuous, surrounded , etc. went to Linghuan Tiger King and Xiao Yingying, but did not have Demonic Beast to dare true overrunning actually, was only at the same time shouting fierce and tough. 不过此刻四周众兽叫嚷的雷海,咆哮不休,围拢向了灵幻虎王小应应等而去,但倒是没有妖兽敢真正的冲过去,只是在一边叫嚷的凶悍而已。 Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King , etc. in beast territory , is ominous illustrious, the background is formidable, is no one dares to provoke truly. 灵幻虎王,狂熊王等在兽域,也皆是凶名赫赫,背景强大,可不是谁都敢真正招惹的。 .............................. ………………………… What a that purple flame monster phoenix clan is one looks like very pretty that woman, is the purple robe youth very also young?” “那紫炎妖凰一族的是不是一个看起来很漂亮的那女人,紫袍青年也很年轻?” The mountain peak stands tall and erect, a little girl of 5 or 6-year-old appearance, immature infant voice clear loudly rapidly was asking to behind several war servants. 山峰高耸,一个五六岁模样的小女孩,稚嫩的童音清脆的对着身后数个战仆大声急促问道。 Returns to purple Sir Dragon Huang, that purple robe youth is a that woman of very young, purple flame monster phoenix clan also indeed is very attractive.” “回紫龙皇大人,那紫袍青年是很年轻,紫炎妖凰一族的那女人也的确是很漂亮。” A youth of two eighteen or nineteen years old appearances, facing present girl, is actually reveals the color of fear, the body is shivering, returns saying: He She The strength was too strong, nobody is a match, he She And Gui Che, Kuang Bear King, the Linghuan Tiger King and other same places, has plundered all advantage, finally also entered in the Heavenly Beast palace.” 一个二十八九岁模样的青年,面对眼前的女童,却是露出恐惧之色,身子颤抖着,回道:“他【她】们的实力太强了,没有人是对手,他【她】们和鬼車,狂熊王,灵幻虎王等一起,掠夺了所有的好处,最后还进入了天兽殿内。” Snort, their strengths, naturally are not you can cope.” “哼,他们的实力,自然不是你们能够对付的。” Little girl hear speech/words, on that immature face suddenly on flood smiling expression, smiling face like flower, naive bright. 小女孩闻言,那稚嫩的脸庞上突然就泛起了笑意,笑颜如花,天真灿烂。 However this moment little girl behind several fierce Demonic Beast King and several war servants, but had not felt on that immature face has many purity, what are more is an awe. 不过此刻小女孩身后的数只狰狞妖兽王者和数个战仆,可是没有感觉到那一张稚嫩的脸庞上有多少的纯真,更多的是声声的敬畏。 They are clearest, behind that immature face, is not the superficial human and animals is harmless, but is hiding the absolute fearfulness and hard to deal with, if who provoked her, knows that anything was called the true devil. 它们可是最清楚,那一张稚嫩的脸庞背后,可不是表面的人畜无害,而是隐藏着绝对的可怕和难缠,谁要是招惹到了她,才知道什么叫做真正的恶魔。 .............................. ………………………… Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Dragon Jue, kills me to fight the servant, you must give me today a confession!” 灵幻虎王,狂熊王,龙珏,杀我战仆,你们今天要给我一个交代!” In all around crowding around numerous beast angrily, the name shakes the ominous tooth of beast territory, the mastiff dragon, the blood ice three beasts goes out. 四周簇拥愤然的众兽之中,名震兽域的凶牙,獒龙,血凌三兽走出。 Dragon Jue is the Xiao Yingying given name, is on bloodline of dragon clan, is the ominous illustrious generation, compared with Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King comes, to go beyond. 龙珏是小应应的名号,身为应龙一族的血脉,也是凶名赫赫之辈,比起灵幻虎王狂熊王来,有过之而无不及。 But a mastiff dragon of tian gou clan at this moment, that treads, the body of main body tian gou is only the tiger size, but the whole body covers all black colored light glow, in the mouth is in a thundering rage, the build is vigorous, the sharp mouth fang, fills the air, but a fearful aura. 而此刻,那踏出的天狗一族的獒龙,本体天狗之躯只是老虎般大小,但浑身覆盖纯黑色光芒,嘴中咆哮如雷,体型矫健,尖嘴獠牙,弥漫而出一股可怕气息。 Ominous tooth gluttony main body, its shape such as the wolf head, its eye in the armpit, the tiger tooth person claw, the incisive hair is but actually vertical, head Dai Shi, whole body sending out fearful aura. ‘凶牙’的饕餮本体,其形如狼首,其目在腋,虎齿人爪,尖锐毛发倒竖,头上戴豕,浑身散发可怕气息。 A rumor gluttony clan, the long neck four feet, natural fierce and tough, is extremely gluttonous, rapid, if the wind, has to swallow the energy of myriad things. 传言饕餮一族,长颈四足,性凶悍,极贪吃,迅疾若风,有吞噬万物之能。 The main body of blood ice is poor wonderful, but the main body and given name as if fully do not tally, whole body hair snow white, the volume lives two pale golden Dragon Corner/Horn, the mouth such as the hawk beak, carries on the back a pair of black wing to proliferate, but the fierce and tough aura for no reason is frightening. 血凌的本体是穷奇,但本体和名号似乎完全不符合,浑身毛发雪白,额生两只淡金色龙角,嘴如鹰喙,背上一双黑色羽翼扩散,但无端的凶悍气息令人胆颤心惊。 A tian gou clan, a gluttony clan, the poor wonderful clan, these three clans in the beast territory are third most fierce and tough beast clan. 天狗一族,饕餮一族,穷奇一族,这三族在兽域可谓是最为凶悍的兽族之三。 But this at this moment, is in these three clans the most outstanding younger generation mastiff dragon, the ominous tooth, the blood ice three people tread, can it be that making all around flock of beasts secretly shiver. 而此此刻,还是这三族中最为杰出的后辈獒龙,凶牙,血凌三人踏出,让得四周群兽莫不是暗自颤抖。 Linghuan Tiger King, you must today give us a confession!” 灵幻虎王,你必须今天给我们一个交代!” Kuang Bear King, confessed to us, otherwise we are not willing to give up!” 狂熊王,给我们交代,否则我们绝不甘休!” ............ “…………” Some bullying the weak by relying on powerful connections, are roars to shout angrily even more fierce. 一些狐假虎威者,更是咆哮怒喝的越发剧烈。 Has the ominous tooth, the mastiff dragon, with the blood ice , the group beast that these bully the weak by relying on powerful connections, then had absolute relying on, to Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying fear immediately was also diluted. 有着凶牙,獒龙,和血凌在,那些狐假虎威的群兽,便是有了绝对的凭仗,对灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应等的畏惧也立刻被冲淡了开去。 Then troubled in a big way.” “这下麻烦大了。” Qin Mo Shangguan seven strings stand in Gui Che, nearby Linghuan Tiger King and other lineups, is looking at this moment the fierce and tough numerous beasts that came from all around surrounding, especially works as first that ominous tooth, the mastiff dragon and blood ice exists, resembles murmur the eye pupil of spring water to be no longer tranquil, mild such as the makings of wind also no longer leave the dust. 琴魔上官七弦站在鬼車,灵幻虎王等阵容附近,望着此刻从四周一件包围而来的凶悍众兽,特别是当先的那凶牙,獒龙和血凌存在,似潺潺春水的眼眸不再平静,温润如风的气质也不再出尘。 Across the sky treads at this moment facing this, imposing manner bi person ominous tooth, mastiff dragon and blood ice, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying , etc. has naturally had to do, therefore is the brow tight wrinkle. 面对这此刻横空踏出,气势bi人的‘凶牙’,‘獒龙’和‘血凌’,灵幻虎王狂熊王,小应应等自然是打过交道,因此更是眉头紧皱。 Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying, small bird of prey and other look at each other in shock, this moment at this time, they were secretly Qi Qiwang went to Gui Che. 灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应,小隼等面面相觑,此刻这种时候,他们不由是暗自齐齐望向了鬼車而去。 The Gui Che vision has swept all around one slowly, finally the vision fell on the ominous tooth, the mastiff dragon, the blood ice three people of bodies, the scarlet scarlet double pupil fluctuated lightly, is having some yin cold, the ice-cold stubborn sound spread from the mouth in: Ominous tooth, the blood ice, the mastiff dragon, you nothing but are want to mix an advantage, why hides, wants the advantage, begins, I am waiting!” 鬼車目光徐徐扫过四周一眼,最后目光落在了凶牙,獒龙,血凌三人的身上,赤血色双眸淡淡波动,带着些许阴寒,冰冷桀骜的声音自嘴中传出:“凶牙,血凌,獒龙,你们无非就是想要混点好处而已,何必躲躲藏藏,想要好处的,就动手吧,我等着!” The voice falls lightly, Gui Che look fine and clear, static standing in midair, is for no reason fearful, lets all around have the vision to look unceasingly to tremble darkly. 话音淡淡落下,鬼車神色风轻云淡,静静的站在半空,无端慑人,让得四周不断有着目光望来为之暗颤。 Gui Che fierce and tough, entire beast territory also for it trembling millet. 鬼車凶悍,整个兽域也为之颤粟。 Is listening to the Gui Che words, these bullying the weak by relying on powerful connections do not dare to say a word, their where dares to provoke existence of Gui Che that fearful frightening, all was the vision looks to the blood ice, the mastiff dragon, the ominous tooth three people went. 听着鬼車的话,那些狐假虎威者根本不敢言语,它们哪里敢去招惹鬼車那可怕恐怖的存在,皆是目光望向了血凌,獒龙,凶牙三人而去。 In numerous beast also hearts clear, fights the servant, dies several to have not much to do with, to them wanting taking the opportunity to obtain the advantage at this moment, 众兽也心中清楚,战仆而已,死几个对它们来说没有太大关系,此刻只是想要借机得到好处而已, The advantage in Heavenly Beast palace, but completely scolded in Gui Che and the others, made all Demonic Beast be jealous sufficiently. 天兽殿内的好处,可是尽数落在了鬼車等人身上啊,足以让所有妖兽眼红。 The mastiff dragon, the ominous tooth, the blood ice three people of ominous pupils fixes the eyes on Gui Che, the vision trembles, suddenly also has gawked staring. 獒龙,凶牙,血凌三人凶瞳紧盯鬼車,目光微颤,一时间也愣了愣。 Mastiff dragon three, they are clear, if true beginning, did not say first all around these bully the weak by relying on powerful connections radically unreliable, will refer to one having what accident erratically. 獒龙三个,它们何尝不清楚,要是真正的动手的话,先不说四周那些狐假虎威的根本就靠不住,指不定一会发生何种变故。 Depending on their three, feared that is unable to be able to eat up Gui Che and Linghuan Tiger King truly, Kuang Bear King, Dragon Jue. 就凭他们三个,怕是也无法就能够真正的吃得下鬼車灵幻虎王,狂熊王,还有龙珏。 Let alone independent combat, they really have not been able to guarantee that in them any person can eat up Gui Che. 何况单打独斗,他们还真是无法保证他们三人中的任何一人能够吃得下鬼車 But is they can cope with Gui Che and Linghuan Tiger King , etc., but currently side also has Dragon race, a phoenix clan, in addition has purple star demon Dragon Huang who that emitted recently, the number uncertain behind is also hiding other powerhouses. 而就算是它们能够对付鬼車灵幻虎王等,可现在旁边还有龙族,凤凰一族,另外还有那最近才冒出的紫星魔龙皇,数不定背后还隐藏着其它强者。 The crane freshwater mussel contends, matter of benefitting as the third party in a dispute, they do not want to do absolutely, so as to avoid has helped others. 鹤蚌相争,渔翁得利的事情,它们也绝对不想做,免得成全了别人。 Even at this moment the ominous tooth, blood ice, in the mastiff dragon three hearts, each other does not trust, they temporarily to resist purple star demon Dragon Huang walked in one. 甚至此刻凶牙,血凌,獒龙三个的心中,对于彼此也根本就不信任,它们只是临时为了抵御紫星魔龙皇而走在了一起。 Does not dare to begin, that makes way to me!” “不敢动手,那就给我让开!” Gui Che faint is looking at ominous tooth, the mastiff dragon and blood ice, the scarlet scarlet double pupil is sharp, the surface does not have too many expressions, the start to talk sound like the knife point. 鬼車淡漠的望着凶牙,獒龙和血凌,赤血色双瞳锐利,面无太多表情,开口声音如刀锋。 Gui Che, left arrogantly is too excessive!” 鬼車,别太傲过头了!” The ominous tooth visual Gui Che, the look vision is somewhat ugly, but in the heart is actually clear, Gui Che, that absolutely is savage existence, has never heard existence of defeat in peer. 凶牙目视着鬼車,神色目光有些难看,但心中却是清楚,鬼車,那就绝对是一个凶残的存在,一个在同辈中从未听闻过败绩的存在。 Initially met the Dragon race dragon nine, Gui Che also directly defeated, in peer, was hard radically several people are his match. 当初遇上龙族龙九,鬼車也直接击败,同辈中,根本难以有几个人是他的对手。 How I, you dare to be inadequate to my take a shot / make a move arrogantly, who wants dead, gives a try!” “我傲又如何,你们难道敢对我出手不成,谁想死的,就上来试试看!” Gui Che cold [say / way], that knife point sound reverberation falls in the ears of all around numerous beasts, the body light aura surges, is passing cruelly. 鬼車冷道,那刀锋般的声音回荡落在四周众兽的耳中,身上淡淡的气息涌动,透着暴戾。 Nobody dares to go forward really to Gui Che take a shot / make a move, existence that was one initially the Dragon race dragon nine directly defeated. 没有谁敢真的上前对鬼車出手,那是一个当初龙族龙九都被直接击败的存在。 It is said and Gui Che has fought, has the Dragon race dragon 91 people final intact, this is also the dragon nine strengths itself powerful. 据说和鬼車交手过的,也只有龙族龙91人最后完好无缺,这也还是龙九实力本身强悍。 Other and Gui Che has fought, does not die is the severe wound, dies multi- residual injury. 其它和鬼車交手过的,非死即重伤,死多余伤 Even had the rumor, Gui Che once a anger, alone has conquered by killing several Demonic Beast entire clans. 甚至有传言,鬼車曾经一怒,独自血洗了好几个妖兽全族。 The fearful strength, savage attitude, this existence, is makes the person dread that no one will provoke this savage existence easily. 可怕的实力,凶残的作风,这种存在,更是让人忌惮,谁也不会轻易去招惹这种凶残的存在。 All around fell into one awkward atmosphere, ominous tooth, blood ice, mastiff dragon look at each other in shock, has not thought that Gui Che unexpectedly is so strong. 四周陷入了一种尴尬的气氛中,凶牙,血凌,獒龙面面相觑,也没有想到鬼車居然是这般强硬。 They also think that can close right up against all around many Demonic Beast to suppress Gui Che together, making Gui Che obey. 原本它们还以为,能够靠着四周不少妖兽一起压制鬼車的,让鬼車就范的。 But their three have not actually thought that Gui Che daring without hesitation at this moment is even contending with this moment four directions all Demonic Beast, does not place in it the eye. 可它们三个却是万万没想到,鬼車甚至毫不犹豫的敢在此刻抗衡此刻四方所有妖兽,不将其放在眼中。 Passed on a message the Gui Che disposition to be eccentric, temperament was flagitious, if really lived up to reputation! 传言鬼車性格孤僻高傲,脾气凶残霸道,果真是名不虚传! Worthily is Gui Che!” “不愧是鬼車啊!” Looked at this moment Gui Che one person to assume sole responsibility for an important task, frightens the ominous tooth, the mastiff dragon, the blood ice and square group beast, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying, Linghuan Tiger King, the small bird of prey have to acclaim secretly, felt ashamed of one's inferiority. 瞧着此刻鬼車一人独当一面,震慑住了凶牙,獒龙,血凌和四方群兽,狂熊王,小应应,灵幻虎王,小隼等也不得不是暗自赞叹,自愧不如。 Gui Che, left arrogantly was too excessive, how began!” 鬼車,别太傲过头了,动手又如何!” Yin Cold incisive sound spreads, the blazing aura swept across together immediately in the four directions, from midair above, together scarlet-red such as the remnant shade of fire, was having the distortion void blazing aura, if quickly lightning to Gui Che was pillaging, but. 阴寒尖锐的声音传出,一道炽热的气息顿时席卷在了四方,自半空之上,一道赤红如火的残影,带着扭曲虚空的炽热气息,快若闪电的对着鬼車暴掠而至。 This towering, some people to Gui Che take a shot / make a move, have surpassed the anticipation of many vision suddenly. 这突兀之间,有人对鬼車突然出手,超出了很多目光的意料。 After the flash, all around Demonic Beast recovers, in heart startled, sees only that scarlet-red such as the form of fire, is the ghosts and demons appearance before the body of Gui Che. 等一瞬间后四周妖兽回过神来,在心惊之下,只见那赤红如火的身影,已经是鬼魅般的出现在了鬼車的身前。 „!” “嗷!” Blazing claw-print, just like the dragon claw, runes is together densely covered, is faint is passing the sound of dragon eating delicacies, can tear likely void, maliciously is detaining to go to the Gui Che neck. 一道炽热的爪印,宛如龙爪,符文密布,隐隐间透着龙啸之声,像是能够撕裂虚空,狠狠的对着鬼車脖子扣押而去。 „!” “咻!” claw-print tears void, in situation that blazing temperature in the naked eye is hard to see, void burns down the nihility that in claw-print twists. 爪印撕裂虚空,那炽热的温度在肉眼难以见到的情况下,将爪印内扭曲的虚空生生焚烧成了虚无。 That fearful claw-print, in the flash, directly buckled on the neck of Gui Che. 那可怕的爪印,也在一瞬间,直接扣在了鬼車的脖子上。
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