MGC :: Volume #13

#1280: Public sentiment angrily

Chapter 1278: Public sentiment angrily 第1278章:群情愤然 Chapter 1278: Public sentiment angrily. 第1278章:群情愤然。 At this moment, all around Dragon race, in phoenix clan and other lineups, vision have the anticipation visual to go. 此刻,就连四周龙族,凤凰一族等阵容内,一道道目光也是带着期待目视而去。 Came out!” “出来了!” The dragon seven gains ground, the red fights clothes like the fire, in the eye gushes out the light fine glow. 龙七抬头,赤色战衣如火,眼中涌出淡淡精芒。 The Heavenly Beast palace comes out, to them, this is only starts merely, the genuine war just launched, these war servants are just the vanguards. 天兽殿出来,对于他们而言,这仅仅只是开始而已,真正的大战才刚刚展开,那些战仆只不过是前锋。 Entered for several days, should be some advantage.” Dragon eight blue color long hair move slightly, the double pupil is profound. “进入了数天,应该是有些好处吧。”龙八蓝色长发微动,双眸深邃。 Not far away summit, the Huang Ling red pattern pleated skirt front, is revealing such as snow crisply wipes the chest, the double pupil vision is looking at the exit / to speak, has wiped the fluctuation secretly. 不远处山巅,凰灵儿红色花纹百褶裙胸前,浅浅的露着如雪似酥的一抹胸脯,双眸目光望着出口,也暗自抹过波动。 Whiz whiz!” “嗖嗖!” Short several time of respites, in the runes exit / to speak, forms appear immediately. 只是短短几个喘息的时间,符文出口内,一道道身影顿时出现。 When some are exported to push aside first first, but war servant, finally is Luan sword, the Qin Mo Shangguan seven strings, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, with Gui Che. 当先一些乃是最先被出口排挤而出的战仆,最后才是栾剑,琴魔上官七弦,狂熊王,灵幻虎王,和鬼車等。 Well, isn't that Gui Che?” “咦,那不是鬼車吗?” Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King their fellows.” “还有狂熊王,灵幻虎王他们那一帮家伙。” How they the space will come out from the Heavenly Beast palace, the body of Demonic Beast is unable to enter, what's all this about?” “他们怎么会从天兽殿内空间出来的,妖兽之躯根本无法进入啊,这是怎么回事?” As Gui Che and the others in the space from the Heavenly Beast palace appeared exporting, immediately is recognized by all around many vision, has caused a surprised sound, making all around Demonic Beast inconceivable. 随着鬼車等人自天兽殿内空间出现在出口,立刻被四周不少目光认出,引起了一片惊讶声,让四周妖兽不可思议。 In the Heavenly Beast palace the space, the body of Demonic Beast is unable to enter. 天兽殿内空间,妖兽之躯根本无法进入。 But this moment Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. are inexplicable from comes out, this has to lets the audiences beast surprise. 可是此刻鬼車,灵幻虎王等又是莫名自其中出来,这不得不是让得众兽诧异。 Came out, finally came out!” “出来了,终于出来了!” The war servants plunder, has a lingering fear, afterward reveals smiling expression that is survived, quite excited excited, afterward all respectively returned to four to put in the Demonic Beast lineup. 一个个战仆掠出,心有余悸,随后露出大难不死的笑意,颇为兴奋激动,随后皆是各自回到了四放妖兽阵容内。 Has Gui Che, Kuang Bear King , etc., after visual all around, all was turns head to look to that distant Heavenly Beast palace space. 只有鬼車,狂熊王等,目视了四周一眼后,皆是回头望向了那遥遥的天兽殿空间内。 The Heavenly Beast palace at this moment the space, the great strength sweeps across the repel, is unable to put on again. 此刻的天兽殿内空间,巨力席卷排斥,再也无法穿进去。 How palace main has not come out, not in inside......” “殿主怎么还没有出来,不会是在里面……” Kuang Bear King stared that distantly the obvious Heavenly Beast palace tightly, in the heart is having to gush out some worst result. 狂熊王紧瞪着那遥遥才可见的天兽殿,心中不得不是涌出了一些最坏的结果来。 Pours also rather is not good deed, we were also free.” “倒也未免不是好事,我们也自由了。” Linghuan Tiger King weak saying, if that savage fellow had the worst result, at this moment an outstandingly beautiful female of that purple flame monster phoenix clan, had not come out in the Heavenly Beast palace together, they now naturally are also free. 灵幻虎王弱弱的说道,要是那凶残的家伙真的出了最坏的结果,此刻就连那紫炎妖凰一族的绝色女子,也已经一同在天兽殿内不曾出来,他们现在也自然是自由了。 Actually the words of that fellow humanity, are good with him.” “其实那家伙要不是人类的话,跟着他也不错。” Xiao Yingying said in a low voice, regarding the freedom of arrival, as if has not imagined suddenly was so happy. 小应应低声说了一句,对于突然间到来的这种自由,似乎是并没有想象中那么高兴。 „......” “咻咻……” On all around mountain peak, has many war servants to fall, before Dragon race lineup, two youth fall, the facial color is pale, the double pupil also brings fearing intent that is having a lingering fear. 四周山峰上,有着不少战仆落下,龙族阵容前,两个青年落下,面色惨白,双眸还带着心有余悸的惧意。 This Dragon race has gone in many war servants, coming out was only remaining two youth has actually fought the servant. 这一次龙族进去了不少战仆,出来的却只是剩下了两个青年战仆而已。 [Gold/Metal] silver two copper three they?” “金一银二铜三他们呢?” Looked at the present two youth to fight the servant, the dragon eight pairs of pupils changes color secretly, resembles to be faint to feel one not good premonition. 望着眼前的两个青年战仆,龙八双眸暗自变色,似已经隐隐间感觉到了一种不好的预感。 Returns to eight crown princes, other people by Gui Che and on the dragon, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King kill, they take orders in a purple robe youth, that person of strength was too tyrannical, has plundered all advantage, finally and a female of purple flame monster phoenix clan entered in the Heavenly Beast palace.” “回八太子,其他人都被鬼車和应龙,灵幻虎王,狂熊王所杀,他们听命于一个紫袍青年,那人的实力太强横了,掠夺了所有好处,最后和一个紫炎妖凰一族的女子进入了天兽殿内一直未出。” A youth the one breath eight said immediately to dragon that this excuse is real, was in the heart already meditated several hundred, once they came out to face the dragon eight dragons seven, this time they did not harvest, when the time comes will guarantee Dragon Balong seven not to vent anger in them difficultly, therefore this responsibility naturally must kick distant, let alone they also indeed were not the Gui Che and other frightening fellow of the matches. 一个青年顿时一口气对龙八说完,这一番说辞是真实的,也是心中早就默念了几百遍的,一旦他们出来就要面对龙八龙七,这一次他们毫无收获,到时候难保龙八龙七不会迁怒于他们,所以这责任自然要踢的远远的,何况他们也的确不是鬼車恐怖家伙的对手。 Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King......” 鬼車,灵幻虎王,狂熊王……” Dragon seven hear speech/words, just also the surprise discovered that Gui Che and the others in the space from that Heavenly Beast palace come out, such as the hot red fights under the clothes, the chest fluctuates, visual the youth of that speech is fighting the servant, the sinking sound asks: Then, Gui Che did they enter inside really?” 龙七闻言,刚刚也诧异发现鬼車等人正是自那天兽殿内空间出来的,如火赤色战衣下,胸膛起伏,目视着那说话的青年战仆,沉声问道:“这么说来,鬼車他们真的进了里面?” The youth fights the servant seven to be stared by the dragon, aura imperceptibly bursts to depress, almost the body becomes tender, flutters saying: Gui Che they in inside, they have called that purple robe youth probably are the palace hosts, was that purple robe youth orders, making them kill [gold/metal] silver two and copper three.” 那青年战仆被龙七瞪着,无形中的气息溃压下,几乎身子发软,颤声回道:“鬼車他们一直在里面,他们好像还称呼那紫袍青年为殿主,是那紫袍青年下令,让他们杀了金一银二和铜三。” „Is that purple robe youth also Demonic Beast?” “那紫袍青年也是妖兽?” The dragon eight please ask, in the vast double pupil, wipes some being hard to let gloomy that the person realizes. 龙八请问道,浩瀚双眸中,抹过些许难以让人察觉的阴沉。 That person of aura is very strange, likely is Demonic Beast, but probably is humanity.” “那人气息很古怪,像是妖兽,不过好像又是人类。” The youth body shivers to shake the head, that purple robe youth aura is hard to spy on radically, he is cultivation base is not weak, even if in entire Jiu Zhou young one generation, he also absolutely is talent, but is continually the aura of that purple robe youth is actually not able to feel. 青年身子颤抖摇头,那紫袍青年身上的气息根本难以窥探出来,他也算是修为不弱了,就算是在整个九州年轻一辈中,他也绝对算是天才之列,但却是连那紫袍青年的气息都无法感觉出来。 Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, but also is really the big courage!” 鬼車,灵幻虎王,狂熊王,还真是好大的胆子!” The dragon seven looks are cloudy, the double pupil deep place, was seeming to be the flame is burning, the aura fights clothes within the body to surge slowly. 龙七神色阴沉,双眸深处,似有着火焰在燃烧,气息自战衣体内徐徐涌动。 Pays attention to the discretion slightly, the back of that monster fire spirit imaginary tiger and wild crack bear, the old fogies are not good to cope, especially Gui Che, the back these fellows are hard to deal with.” “稍微注意一下分寸,那妖火灵幻虎和狂暴裂地熊的背后,老家伙都不是好对付的,特别是鬼車,背后的那些家伙更是难缠。” Felt aura that the dragon seven fluctuates, an old man goes out, five ten-day appearance age, double pupil flood dark ray, whole body aura concealment, without any leak. But goes out along with the form, this all around space trembles unexpectedly. 感觉到龙七身上波动的气息,一个老者走出,五旬模样年纪,双眸泛着幽暗光芒,浑身气息隐匿,没有任何外泄。但随着身影走出,这四周空间蓦地为之一颤。 Our Dragon race, what fears other families!” “我们龙族,何惧外族!” The dragon seven apertures, the sound is passing a stubbornness, but the look quite respects to that old man actually. 龙七开口,声音透着一股桀骜,但神色对那老者倒是颇为尊敬。 Has seen four princesses......” “见过四公主……” Not far away, the summit of mountain peak, Luan sword and several war servants fall, visual Huang Ling is saluting respectfully. 不远处,山峰之巅,栾剑和数个战仆落下,目视着凰灵儿恭敬行礼。 In Luan Jianshou Demonic Beast arcane bone also handed over to Huang Ling, opened the mouth saying: „ Obtains arcane bone, other uncommon arcane bone, by Gui Che, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King and the others were taken away, they appear in the Heavenly Beast palace space, has a powerhouse of purple flame monster phoenix clan with a purple robe youth in the same place, has plundered all advantage, but also has killed a Dragon race [gold/metal] silver two copper three, I am not a match. „ 栾剑手中一根妖兽秘骨也递向了凰灵儿,开口道:“只是得到一根秘骨,其它所有的不凡秘骨,都被鬼車,狂熊王,灵幻虎王等人夺去了,他们出现在天兽殿空间内,和一个紫袍青年还有紫炎妖凰一族的强者在一起,掠夺了所有好处,还杀了龙族金一银二铜三,我不是对手。“ Huang Ling behind that middle age received in Luan Jianshou arcane bone, the vision has revealed some colors of shock, that arcane bone is not every thing. 凰灵儿身后的那中年接过了栾剑手中的秘骨,目光露出些许震撼之色,那秘骨不是凡物。 The Huang Ling vision from front Gui Che, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King and other bodies took back slowly, the pupil moves slightly, the indistinct doubts, are looking at Luan sword, the sound is light, asks: Gui Che, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King they in inside?” 凰灵儿目光徐徐从前方鬼車,狂熊王,灵幻虎王等身上收回,眸子微动,隐约疑惑,望着栾剑,声音淡淡动人,问道:“鬼車,狂熊王,,灵幻虎王它们都在里面?” Luan sword lifts the pupil slightly, nodded , etc. can appear regarding Gui Che in the space in Heavenly Beast palace, he is unable to understand for it to the present that to Huang Ling answering, said: Gui Che , etc. in inside, why does not know, they can appear in inside.” 栾剑微微抬眸,点了点头,对于鬼車等能够出现在天兽殿内的空间中,他到现在为之也还是无法想明白,对凰灵儿回话,道:“鬼車等都在里面,不知道为何,他们能够出现在里面。” That purple robe youth 22 or 23-year-old appearance, practice merit law is quite overbearing, that [gold/metal] silver two and copper three, is the homicide?” Huang Ling is quite tranquil. “那紫袍青年二十二三岁模样,修炼的功法极为霸道,那金一银二和铜三,也是他杀的吧?”凰灵儿颇为平静。 Luan sword difference, has not thought that four princesses outside are actually know inside all, said: That purple robe youth is not big, [gold/metal] one and silver two copper three, although is not it kills personally, is his ordering lets Gui Che and Linghuan Tiger King kills.” 栾剑差异,没想到四公主在外面却是知道里面的一切,道:“那紫袍青年是不大,金一和银二铜三,虽然不是其亲手所杀,却是他下令让鬼車灵幻虎王杀的。” I knew, you are not his match, this time you are in unfavorable situation and you have nothing to do.” “我知道了,你不是他的对手,这一次你失利和你无关。” The Huang Ling light [say / way], in the moving appearance, reveals some forced smiles. 凰灵儿轻道,动人的容颜上,露出些许苦笑。 Gui Che, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, you must give me today a confession!” 鬼車,狂熊王,灵幻虎王,你们今天得给我一个交代!” Kuang Bear King, kills me to fight servant, you did not place in me the eye really!” 狂熊王,杀我战仆,你真不将我放在眼中了么!” Linghuan Tiger King, seizes me to fight servant arcane bone, kills me to fight the servant, you must make war with me!” 灵幻虎王,夺我战仆秘骨,杀我战仆,你这是要和我开战么!” Unexpectedly, in the Huang Ling voice falls, above all around sky, astonishing drinks the sound to resound through greatly immediately. 蓦地,就在凰灵儿话音落下之际,四周天空之上,一声声惊人的大喝声顿时响彻。 Numerous Demonic Beast aura surge, ominous pupil flood the cold glow spunk, successively was staring in pairs in a twinkling to Gui Che, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. went. 众多妖兽气息涌动,一双双凶瞳泛着寒芒怒意,霎时间就先后纷纷盯向了鬼車,狂熊王,灵幻虎王等而去。 Passes sound that is resounding through suddenly, the Huang Ling black eyebrow coloring eyebrow selects slightly, the vision looks following the sound, sees only at this moment all around in the mountain range, many powerful Demonic Beast King, all are the aura gushes out, surrounded in abundance bursts the pressure to Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King. 通着那突然响彻的声音,凰灵儿黛眉微微一挑,目光顺着声音望去,只见此刻四周山脉内,不少的强悍妖兽王者,皆是气息涌出,纷纷围拢溃压向了鬼車,灵幻虎王狂熊王等。 The public sentiment angrily, seemed Linghuan Tiger King and the others at this moment has stirred up the popular anger. 群情愤然,似乎是灵幻虎王等人此刻已经惹起了众怒。 But before these public sentiment angrily, is an ominous tooth of gluttony clan, a mastiff dragon of tian gou clan, blood Ling Weishou of poor wonderful clan. 而在那些群情愤然之前,正是饕餮一族的凶牙,天狗一族的獒龙,穷奇一族的血凌为首。 Kuang Bear King, you must give us today a confession.” 狂熊王,你今天必须给我们一个交代。” Linghuan Tiger King is, kills me to fight the servant, I and you vow not to rest!” 灵幻虎王是,杀我战仆,我和你誓不罢休!” ............ “…………” Has the ominous tooth, the mastiff dragon, the blood ice took the lead, all around Demonic Beast King is in a thundering rage, joins. 有着凶牙,獒龙,血凌等领头,四周的妖兽王者更是咆哮如雷,纷纷加入。 At this moment, even some usually feared that is saw Demonic Beast that Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King must allow to pass through directly, had at this moment has relied on general, shouted roared was quite loud. 此刻,甚至一些平常怕是见到狂熊王灵幻虎王就要直接让路的妖兽,此刻也是有了凭仗一般,叫嚷咆哮的极为大声。 Evidently, had looks lively.” “看样子,有热闹看了。” Looks the turbulent atmosphere that all around short time is creating, Huang Ling light smiles, the makings are refined, does not have the tiny bit world smoke and fire taste, imitates, if around this all, have had nothing to do with her at this moment, flood in scarlet red seven color pupils, if. 望着四周短短时间就造成的汹涌气氛,凰灵儿淡淡一笑,气质脱俗,不带一丝一毫人间烟火味,仿若此刻这四周的一切,已经与她无关,泛着赤红色的七彩眸子内,若有所动。
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