MGC :: Volume #13

#1279: Changes the pattern

Chapter 1277: Changes the pattern 第1277章:改变格局 Chapter 1277: Changes the pattern. 第1277章:改变格局。 Heavenly Beast palace outer space distortion coagulates, all people were stranded, is unable to leave. 天兽殿外空间扭曲凝固,所有人被困,无法离开。 But the Heavenly Beast palace that at present that stands tall and erect huge towers, occupies just like peerless Ferocious Beast, quiet did not respond. 而眼前那庞大高耸的天兽殿耸立,宛如绝世凶兽盘踞,沉寂的毫无反应。 The square ground, the antiquity viper and other huge skeletons occupied, just like four continuous mountain ranges, making the person appear tiny, but is still unable to compare that huge Heavenly Beast palace. 广场地面,上古蝰蛇等四首庞大骸骨盘踞,宛如四条连绵山脉,让人显得渺小,但也依然无法相比那庞大的天兽殿。 Many war servants feeling helpless are waiting , the vision non- time falls on that four huge snake clan skeletons, the vision is blazing, but does not dare to do to move. 不少战仆在不知所措的等待着,目光不时间落在那四具庞大的蛇族骸骨上,目光炽热,但丝毫不敢多做动弹。 They know these snake clan skeletons, even if the heavy treasure, that is not they can bribe. 他们自知那些蛇族骸骨,就算是重宝,那也不是他们所能够染指的。 Has Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King , etc., they do not dare to go forward, Gui Che , etc. did not cope with them is good. 有着鬼車,灵幻虎王,狂熊王等在,他们谁也不敢上前,鬼車等不对付他们就算是好的了。 That savage fellow went in already for three days, does not know that was the luck is the calamity.” “那凶残的家伙进去已经三天了,不知是福是祸。” The Qin Mo Shangguan seven string front surfaces look at duo duo the dubhe palace of bi person that is standing tall and erect, under not the thick not pale thick eyebrow, eye pupil murmur the spring water, is indistinct has wiped the doubts. 琴魔上官七弦迎面望着那高耸的咄咄bi人的天枢殿,不浓不淡的粗眉下,眼眸似潺潺春水,隐约间抹过疑惑。 .................. ……………… In the space of dazzling ripple fluctuation, the Du Shaofu double pupil shuts, forehead has the dazzling Soul Force strength and front dazzling ripple space is connected. 耀眼波纹波动的空间内,杜少甫双眸微闭,眉心处有着耀眼的元神力量和前方耀眼波纹空间相连。 Incites......” “滋滋……” In the special Soul Force strength, is bringing silver yellow radiant electric arc. 特别的元神力量中,带着一股银黄色璀璨电弧。 „......” “呼啦啦……” This moment Du Shaofu whole body, has white god glow to be dazzling, passes an overbearing Wasteland aura to howl the fluctuation. 此刻杜少甫周身,也有着一股白色神芒耀眼,透着一股霸道荒古的气息呼啸波动。 Bang......” “轰……” In Soul Force energy along with Du Shaofu forehead to disappearance time, the last silver yellow color electric arc soul energy was swallowed by the front dazzling ray. 随着杜少甫眉心内的元神能量到了消失的时候,最后一丝银黄色电弧灵魂能量被前方耀眼的光芒吞噬。 In the Du Shaofu forehead that Soul Force strength vanishes together thoroughly, suddenly, in this space a dazzling glare spreads immediately. 杜少甫眉心中那一道元神力量彻底消失,突然间,这空间内一股刺眼的强光顿时蔓延。 An extremely ancient invisible fluctuation was also just likes the storm generally instantaneously covers on Du Shaofu's, the enormous and powerful aura brought ten thousand beasts to whoosh the sound astonishing spread. 一股极为古老的无形波动亦是犹如风暴一般瞬间笼罩在了杜少甫的身上,浩荡的气息带着万兽嘶吼声惊人的蔓延开去。 This flickers, the Du Shaofu whole body trembles, the double pupil also continues to shut, but this moment whole body has an invisible soul energy just like to be tidal, release of blotting out the sky. 这一瞬,杜少甫浑身一颤,双眸还继续微闭着,但此刻周身自有着一股无形的灵魂能量宛如潮水般,铺天盖地的释放开去。 The time, a piece of vast space, is all the clear appearance, in the Du Shaofu's mind spied on. 顿时间,一片辽阔的空间,便是尽数清晰的出现在了杜少甫的脑海窥探中。 This moment Du Shaofu's mind can realize that any tiny corner in this space, imperceptibly already and this square space is connected. 此刻杜少甫的心神能够察觉到这空间内的任何细小角落,无形中已经和这四方空间相连。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” But in this moment, outside the Heavenly Beast palace, everything may become vulnerable, the Heavenly Beast palace that stands tall and erect huge creakies, as if must momentarily crash. 而在此刻间,天兽殿之外,地动山摇,那庞大高耸的天兽殿摇摇欲坠,似乎是要随时坠落下来. Scoffs......” “嗤啦啦……” The distant place twisted the closure the entrance, starts to open once again. 远处原本扭曲关闭的入口,开始再度打开。 In the square that numerous war servant, including Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King, the small bird of prey, Kuang Bear King, was pushed aside all. 广场上那众多的战仆,包括鬼車,灵幻虎王,小隼,狂熊王等,尽数被排挤而出。 What's the matter, the palace Lord may not come out.” “怎么回事,殿主可还没有出来啊。” Kuang Bear King, the small bird of prey called out in alarm, but square space that huge repel strength is keeps anyone from resisting, was pushed aside all. 狂熊王,小隼等惊呼,但广场空间那那巨大的排斥力量却是让谁也无法抵御,生生被尽数排挤而出。 However that antiquity viper, the antiquity hook snake and other huge skeletons, just like the rock, has not actually come under any influence. 不过那上古蝰蛇,上古钩蛇等四具庞大的骸骨,却是宛如磐石,没有受到任何的影响。 .................. ……………… This moment Du Shaofu mind spies on, presented the big piece vast space, an only huge Demonic Beast skeleton, had ancient times Qinglong, white tiger, the phoenix, the Black Tortoise four supreme beast clans, ancient times gluttony, tian gou, Bai Ze, kui, tao low stool, metaphorical animal, hou, Tianlu, prison, legendary wild animal, scarlet flame beast, far flying chicken, South China Sea spider, quiet An Niao, Zhu Yan, when Hu, white fox, scarlet eye pig monster, what Luo Yu...... 此刻杜少甫心神窥探中,出现了大片辽阔的空间,一只只庞大的妖兽骸骨,有远古青龙,白虎,凤凰,玄武四至尊兽族,还有远古饕餮,天狗,白泽,夔,梼杌,獬豸,犼,天禄,狴犴,狻猊,赤炎兽,远飞鸡,南海蜘蛛,幽安鸟,朱厌,当扈,天马,赤眼猪妖,何罗鱼…… These had the ancient times, the far Ancient Monster beast that descendant almost vanished, actually all existed in the Heavenly Beast palace. 这些只是存在远古,后代几乎已经绝迹的远古妖兽,却在天兽殿内尽数存在。 Although these Demonic Beast are not the living creatures, but stays behind is actually the complete inheritance, even has left behind the complete divine ability beast energy, can other person and Demonic Beast comprehends. 这些妖兽虽然不是活物,但留下的却是完整的传承,甚至留下了完整的神通兽能,能够人和其它妖兽领悟。 The Heavenly Beast palace the beast territory, Du Shaofu really understood its meaning at this moment. 天兽殿得兽域,杜少甫此刻算是真正明白了其含义。 Has the inheritance of these far Ancient Monster beasts, the inheritance of any far Ancient Monster beast sufficiently causes the entire monster territory, even is entire Jiu Zhou is turbulent. 有着这些远古妖兽的传承,任何一股远古妖兽的传承都足以引起整个妖域,甚至是整个九州为之动荡。 But master Duanmu Qiongtian, almost a far Ancient Monster beast super battlefield, captures the reorganization in the Heavenly Beast palace, this is the what kind writing skill! 而师父端木穹天,几乎是将一个远古妖兽超级战场,收缴整理在天兽殿内,这是何等的手笔! If the far Ancient Monster beast inheritance in Heavenly Beast palace is born, by Demonic Beast obtained, feared that not long, sufficiently changes now the pattern of entire monster territory radically. 天兽殿内的远古妖兽传承若是出世,被妖兽所得,怕是根本不用多久,就足以改变现在整个妖域的格局。 The entire vast Heavenly Beast palace, appeared in the Du Shaofu's mind at this moment all. 整个辽阔的天兽殿,此刻尽数出现在了杜少甫的脑海中。 The mind fluctuates, Du Shaofu can spy on the entire Heavenly Beast palace at this moment. 心神波动,杜少甫此刻能够窥探到整个天兽殿内部。 Under the arrangement own soul mark, Du Shaofu can definitely control the Heavenly Beast palace at this moment, melted with the Heavenly Beast palace in a body. 布置下自己的灵魂印记,杜少甫此刻已经完全能够掌控天兽殿,也已经和天兽殿融于了一体。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” For a very long time, Du Shaofu has opened the double pupil, at the same time that in the eye the dazzling ray plunders, full shocks the doubts, in Heavenly Beast palace hides, was extremely scary! 久久之后,杜少甫才睁开了双眸,眼中刺眼光芒掠出的同时,也满是震骇疑惑,天兽殿内的所藏,太过于骇人了! Regarding Du Shaofu, but master Duanmu Qiongtian, almost captures the reorganization a far Ancient Monster beast super battlefield in the Heavenly Beast palace, this is the what kind great writer big method! 对于杜少甫而言,而师父端木穹天,几乎是将一个远古妖兽超级战场收缴整理在天兽殿内,这是何等的大手笔大手段! „Was cultivation base of master, in the what kind situation?” “师父的修为,到底到了何等地步?” After the moment, Du Shaofu thoroughly recovers, the heart deeply shocks regarding master Duanmu Qiongtian. 片刻后,杜少甫才彻底回过神来,心头对于师父端木穹天为之深深震撼。 Builds this grade of Heavenly Beast palace, then can bring in the person in Heavenly Beast palace an ancient times battlefield, that is what kind existence, can be exceedingly high sufficiently. 打造这等天兽殿,然后能够将一个远古战场都搬进天兽殿的人,那是何等的存在,足以能够通天了吧。 All these, showed sufficiently master Duanmu Qiongtian came from the ancient times, its said is predestined friends from can meet truly, indicated that it still had in this world, still exists to now from the ancient times, this made Du Shaofu be hard to imagine master Duanmu Qiongtian, as tyrannical as what situation. 这一切,也足以证明师父端木穹天来自远古,其所言有缘自能够真正相见,足见其还存在这世上,从远古到今还存在,这让杜少甫难以想象师父端木穹天,到底强横到了何种地步。 Was only this world has left behind this together soul remnant shade, did this in society have other world to be inadequate?” “只是这世界留下了这一道灵魂残影,难道这世间还有其它的世界不成?” Du Shaofu muttered the light [say / way], remembers words that the Duanmu vault of heaven of master spoke, but has left behind a soul remnant shade in this world, none who does not became beyond this world also has other world to be inadequate. 杜少甫喃喃轻道,想起了师父的端木穹天所说的话,只是在这世界留下了一道灵魂残影,莫不成这世界之外还有其它世界不成。 These issues, Du Shaofu cannot ponder over now, is unable to know, simply no longer thought. 这些问题,杜少甫现在也琢磨不出,更加无法得知,也干脆不再想了。 The double pupil vision fluctuates slightly, seems felt that anything, Du Shaofu the form has calculated afterward, immediately vanished in same place. 双瞳目光微微波动,似乎是感觉到了什么,杜少甫随后身影一算,顿时消失在了原地。 Whiz...... ” 嗖……” When Du Shaofu moves sideways once again, appeared above a giant square, the square of this square outside compared with Heavenly Beast palace is huge. 杜少甫再度闪身而出的时候,已经是出现在了一处巨大的广场之上,这广场比起天兽殿外面的广场还要巨大。 The entire square is vast, the ancient aura fills the air, was relating a Vicissitudes' dreariness. 整个广场一望无际一般,古老的气息弥漫而出,诉说着一种沧海桑田的沉寂。 Around the square, giant ancient main halls, stand erect just like the mountain generally in this space. 广场四周,一座座巨大的古老大殿,宛如高山一般屹立在这空间内。 Main halls present the bronze, the innumerable year of years, let these main halls, are spreading the motley desolate ancient aura. 一座座大殿呈现古铜色,无数年的岁月,让得这一座座大殿,都是蔓延着斑驳苍凉古老的气息。 At this time the space in Heavenly Beast palace, grand palatial, this grade of writing skill was scary, was not the general influence can build. 这时天兽殿内的空间,雄伟巍峨,这等手笔骇人,绝不是一般势力所能够打造出来的。 Stands in the square center, Du Shaofu gazes at to go with rapt attention, afterward the form dodged, stretches across the space to appear in a huge palace entrance, the form dodged to plunder directly. 站在在广场的中央,杜少甫凝神注视而去,随后身影一闪,横跨了空间出现在了一座庞大宫殿门口,身影直接闪掠其中。 When the Du Shaofu form then appears, what appears at present is one piece seems like illusory, but vast space. 杜少甫身影接着出现的时候,出现在眼前的是一片看似虚幻,但辽阔的空间。 Shouted......” “呼……” In body of the huge purple flame monster phoenix, the aura starts in increasing, but is in this vast space, the aura of increasing received a some suppression imperceptibly. 一只庞大的紫炎妖凰之躯内,气息开始在攀升起来,只不过身在这辽阔空间内,攀升的气息无形中受到了某一种压制。 She in breakthrough?” “她在突破么?” The Du Shaofu vision selects slightly slightly, that is the main body of purple flame monster phoenix, at this moment was feeling purple flame monster phoenix aura, seems has to want the breakthrough sign, 杜少甫微微目光微微一挑,那是紫炎妖凰的本体,此刻感觉着紫炎妖凰身上的气息,似乎是有着欲要突破的迹象、 But in this space, seems received what Zhong to affect, the aura in purple flame monster phoenix main body has been suppressed, within the body has the huge energy, but is also hard breakthrough. 只不过在这空间内,似乎是受到了何种影响,紫炎妖凰本体内的气息一直被压制,体内有着庞大能量,但也难以突破 In this space, even the cultivation base level of beast territory boundary cannot exist. 这空间内,甚至连兽域境的修为层次也不能够存在。 Must leave this place to be good, otherwise, to her feared that not helpfuls but harmful.” “得离开此地才行,否则,对她怕是有害无益。” Du Shaofu knits the brows, was feeling purple flame monster phoenix aura, is not difficult to know where the issue leaves. 杜少甫皱眉,感觉着紫炎妖凰身上的气息,不难知道问题出在什么地方。 Bang......” “轰……” The Heavenly Beast palace outer space, before the group peak overlaps, the exit / to speak had the sound finally, the runes twinkle is dazzling. 天兽殿外空间,群峰重叠之前,出口终于是有了动静,符文闪烁耀眼。 Finally had the war servant to come out!” “终于有战仆出来了!” Numerous Demonic Beast that is waiting outside, waits for the several days, early had a difference and doubts, this moment vision is on the rise to face one another immediately, aura surge suddenly, fill the air in the square mountain range, is in the ominous pupil gushes out the happy expression and anticipation. 正在外等候的众多妖兽,等待数日,已经早已经有所差异和疑惑,此刻一道道目光顿时抬头相望,一股股气息骤然涌动,弥漫在四方山脉,皆是凶瞳内涌出喜色和期待。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” The Demonic Beast ominous pupil that blots out the sky in all around that fought the servant form to appear in the line of sight gradually, plundered gradually from that Heavenly Beast palace space. 在四周那铺天盖地的妖兽凶瞳中,一道道战仆身影正逐渐出现在了视线中,自那天兽殿空间逐渐掠出而来。 Well, is somewhat strange, the rumor beforehand Heavenly Beast palace opens, these war servants compete for the advantage, finally can come out, but remaining is less than many, these time as if came out much.” “咦,有些奇怪啊,传言以前天兽殿开启,那些战仆争夺好处,最后能够出来的可是剩下不到多少个,这一次似乎是出来了不少啊。” Looks that is being dense and numerous the war servant who wants to come out, many Demonic Beast doubts. 瞧着那密密麻麻正欲要出来的战仆,不少妖兽疑惑。 Regarding Demonic Beast, fights the servant is only their servants, does not have too many caring, dies several not to matter. 对于妖兽而言,战仆只是他们的奴仆而已,没有太多的在乎,死几个也无所谓。 Only then these talent are quite good, the strength tyrannical war servant, will pay attention to by Demonic Beast, but also merely treats as the foreign renowned tool. 只有那些天姿极为不俗,实力强横的战仆,才会受到妖兽的注意,但也仅仅只是当做对外显耀的工具而已。 Therefore these go in the war servant in Heavenly Beast palace dead finally many, they will not care, they care has from the Heavenly Beast palace obtains the advantage. 所以那些进去天兽殿的战仆最后会死多少,它们不会多在意,它们在意的只是有没有从天兽殿内得到好处。 Ps: Couple days ago continuously in rural area, caught up with the city that left lived, causing the renewal not to be unstable, but also missed everybody to renew, apologized everybody, for these days will make up all, apologized again 【ps:前几天一直在农村老家,又赶上搬离原本住的城市,导致更新不稳定,还差大家更新,致歉大家,这几天会尽数补上,再次致歉】
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