MGC :: Volume #13

#1278: Equally good results from different methods

Chapter 1276: Equally good results from different methods 第1276章:异曲同工 Chapter 1276: Equally good results from different methods. 第1276章:异曲同工。 Is exceptionally good, showed that this Heavenly Beast palace decided but not yet announced however is such as the expectation has the big chance to appear generally, can by my Dragon race obtained.” “异常才好,证明这一次天兽殿内定然是如预料一般有着大机缘出现,能够被我龙族所得。” The dragon seven wears the scarlet-red war clothes, just like having the flame is burning, is confident. 龙七身着赤红战衣,宛如有火焰在燃烧,信心十足。 Strange, as if has not seen that Du Shaofu.” “奇怪,似乎没有见到那杜少甫。” The dragon eight knits the brows slightly, under blue long gown, the makings appear peaceful and elegant. 龙八微微皱眉,蓝色长袍下,气质显得安静而飘逸。 Perhaps had been stranded in Heavenly Beast grave dangerous situation, hopes do not die in light of this, he must die, should die in the hand of my Dragon race!” “或许已经在天兽墓险境内被困,但愿不要就此死了,他就算是要死,也应该死在我龙族的手中!” The dragon seven sink saying that in the eye has wiped the chill in the air. 龙七沉道,眼中抹过寒意。 Not far away, the peaks and ridges fluctuate, Huang Ling is looking at the Heavenly Beast palace direction, in seven color double pupils flood the fluctuation, static standing there, the fine dust does not dye immediately elusively, light leisurely, noble unparalleled, muttered the light [say / way] that could not say: Three days, these time really has the big chance.......” 不远处,峰峦起伏,凰灵儿望着天兽殿方向,七彩双眸中顿时泛起波动,静静的站在那里,纤尘不染,说不出的空灵轻逸,高贵无双,喃喃轻道:“三天了,这一次真是有着大机缘么……。” ............ ………… «Day Spirit Record»!” “《天灵录》!” In the illusory space, Du Shaofu does not know when has opened the double pupil, a look piece surprised and surprise, the throat dry swallows the saliva but actually. 虚幻的空间内,杜少甫不知道何时已经睁开了双眸,神色一片惊讶和诧异,喉咙干涩倒咽唾沫。 Afterward on the resolute face of Du Shaofu that surprised surprise, gushed out the wild with joy color gradually. 随后杜少甫那惊讶诧异的刚毅脸庞上,逐渐涌出了狂喜之色。 Du Shaofu from the information in mind knew that on this day the spirit record is not Martial arts, is not the beast energy, but is one side door beyond one type skill in Martial arts and soul, the inconceivable side door, all-embracing, contains all. 从脑海内的信息中杜少甫得知,这天灵录不是武学,也不是兽能,而是一种在武学和灵魂技能之外的一种偏门,不可思议的偏门,包罗万象,蕴含一切。 Du Shaofu is searching the information in «Day Spirit Record» carefully, among records the innumerable strategies, although these strategies are some seem to be different from ordinary Arrays, but ten thousand laws return to the birth family, is not difficult to comprehend. 杜少甫仔细搜索着《天灵录》中的信息,其内记载着无数的阵法,虽然这些阵法和普通的符阵似乎是有些不一样,但万法归宗,不难领悟。 In «Day Spirit Record», the refinement method of numerous puppet and weapon, wraps the law of medicinal pill refinement. 《天灵录》中,还有众多傀儡和兵器的炼制方法,包裹丹药炼制之法。 Du Shaofu is stunned, because of these refinement the method of puppet and weapon, is exactly the same as Secret Weapon Formula that master Venerable, is more profound, but in «Day Spirit Record» does not have the body of the emperor Secret Art actually. 杜少甫更是愕然,因为这些炼制傀儡和兵器的方法,和师父器尊的秘兵诀如出一辙,也更加高深,不过《天灵录》中倒是没有圣体诀。 In addition, in «Day Spirit Record», but also has many unusual method records, for example searches for spirit technique, can the memory in nosing opposite party mind. 除此之外,《天灵录》中,还有着不少奇特的手段记载,比如说‘搜灵术’,能够查探对方脑海中的记忆。 This searched for spirit technique to make Du Shaofu remember itself in the albizzia julibrissin sect universe building in ninth state of mind technique in one that in cultivated ‚ the soul search technique' the divine ability method. 这‘搜灵术’让杜少甫想起了自己在合欢宗乾坤楼内第九层内‘神魂技’里面修炼的一种‘搜魂术'神通手段。 ‚The soul search technique then can search for the memory of wanting in the Soul Force soul of opposite party, but the premise is own Soul Force must compare to the opposite party to be formidable, if opposite party Soul Force is stronger, is hard to search for or more be hard to be successful on exceed. 搜魂术’便是能够在对方的元神灵魂中搜寻到想要的记忆,不过前提是自己的元神要比起对方强大,要是对方元神越强,就越难以搜寻或者越难以成功。 This searches for spirit technique and ‚the soul search technique equally good results from different methods, but searches for the spirit technique appears more formidable. 这‘搜灵术’和‘搜魂术’异曲同工,不过搜灵术显得更为强大。 In «Day Spirit Record» also has one type to control beast technique, only then there is an enough cultivation base strength, can direct control Demonic Beast massively, simultaneously can cultivate Demonic Beast since childhood. 《天灵录》中还有着一种‘控兽术’,只有有足够的修为实力,就能够直接大量控制妖兽,同时能够自己从小培育妖兽 Controls the Demonic Beast method, on Jiu Zhou also and many, under the arrangement the soul Soul Force mark is enough together, if Demonic Beast not, since, a thought that can his state of mind entirely to extinguish. 控制妖兽的手段,在九州上也并不少,布置下一道灵魂元神印记就足以,若是妖兽不从,一个念头,就能够将其神魂俱灭。 But this controls beast technique to be possible not to be completely different, now the powerhouse above Jiu Zhou controls Demonic Beast, never some people can control Demonic Beast massively. 但这‘控兽术’可完全不一样,现在九州之上的强者控制妖兽,从未有人能够大量的控制妖兽的。 The reason is very simple, because controls Demonic Beast every time, the arrangement soul Soul Force mark, must consume many soul strength together, this regarding powerful spirit talisman master, absolutely cannot consume. 原因很简单,因为每控制一只妖兽,布置一道灵魂元神印记,都要耗费不少的灵魂力,这对于强悍的灵符师来说,也都是绝对耗费不起的。 Therefore, above Jiu Zhou present these powerful spirit talisman master, subdues some control extremely few bloodline level quite high Demonic Beast generally. 所以,九州之上现在那些强悍的灵符师,也一般都是收服控制极少的一些血脉层次颇高的妖兽 Controls Demonic Beast more, means the soul strength that needs to consume are more. 控制妖兽越多,意味着需要消耗的灵魂力就越多。 Soul Soul Force strength consumption are too much, but the soul Soul Force strength comes compared with Profound Qi, does not know on wanting difficult many times to supplement. 灵魂元神力量消耗过多,而灵魂元神力量比起玄气来,不知道要难上多少倍才能够补充回来。 This regarding anybody, absolutely is a big death anniversary, directly affects later cultivation base. 这对于任何人来说,绝对是一个大忌,直接影响到以后的修为 Even soul Soul Force strength consumption many words, directly affect the foundation, when the time comes simply is the self-destruction future, therefore anybody does not dare to control massive Demonic Beast casually. 甚至灵魂元神力量消耗过多的话,直接影响根基,到时候简直就是自毁前途,所以任何人也是不敢随便控制大量的妖兽的。 Some time ago, Du Shaofu even not arranged the soul Soul Force mark in Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King and other mind, then has this scruples. 不久前,杜少甫甚至没有在灵幻虎王狂熊王等脑海内布置灵魂元神印记,便是有着这种顾忌。 Even if Soul Force formidable and specially, Du Shaofu does not dare to make that type matter that affects oneself foundation. 就算是自己元神强大和特别,杜少甫也不敢做出那种影响自己根基的事情。 But now in this «Day Spirit Record» controls the beast technique not to be different, controls Demonic Beast not to have the issue massively, so long as in the Demonic Beast mind soul, arrangement together blood soul seal. 但现在这《天灵录》中的控兽术就不一样了,大量控制妖兽并没有问题,只要在妖兽的脑海灵魂中,布置一道‘血魂印’。 Has this blood soul seal arrangement in the Demonic Beast mind, can assign is since, produces from the soul Soul Force deep place obeyed. But does not arrange together the soul Soul Force mark forcefully, letting Demonic Beast has to be forced to obey. 有着这‘血魂印’布置在妖兽脑海中,就能够为命是从,从灵魂元神深处而产生顺服。而非强行布置一道灵魂元神印记,让妖兽不得不被迫顺从。 Controls Demonic Beast with the soul mark forcefully, like this is long-time, is not a good deed. 强行以灵魂印记控制妖兽,这样长久下去,也绝非是一件好事。 Once there is in a powerhouse's to destroy Demonic Beast mind soul Soul Force mark, when the time comes that controlled Demonic Beast, retaliates sufficiently savage. 一旦有强者将妖兽脑海内的灵魂元神印记摧毁,到时候那被控制的妖兽,足以凶残报复。 Simultaneously arranges the soul Soul Force mark, many have some influences to Demonic Beast later cultivation base. 同时布置灵魂元神印记,多少对妖兽以后的修为有着一些影响。 But was controlled beast technique control Demonic Beast, is continues to practice, has not affected to the later practice completely. 但被‘控兽术’控制的妖兽,则是继续能够修炼,对以后的修炼完全没有影响。 However displays to control the request of beast technique to soul Soul Force extremely harsh, needs extremely formidable soul Soul Force strength. 不过施展控兽术对灵魂元神的要求极其的苛刻,需要极为强大的灵魂元神力量。 Otherwise arrangement blood soul seal failure, light cultivation base greatly damages, heavy died has the possibility. 否则布置‘血魂印’失败,轻则自己修为大损,重则身亡都有可能。 Shouted......” “呼……” However blood soul seal method of cultivation, after letting the Du Shaofu mind sweeps, has held breath cold air. 不过‘血魂印’的修炼之法,让杜少甫心神扫过去之后,也不禁是倒吸了一口凉气。 Blood soul seal must add on several spirit medicine to refine to turn into pill with own Essence Blood together, immediately under the clothing/taking refining up, finally the assistance soul strength condenses seal. ‘血魂印’必须用自己的精血加上数种灵药一起炼化成丹,随即服下炼化,最后辅助灵魂力凝聚成印。 Prestige energy of blood soul seal, depends on the soul strength the strong and weak, condenses seal by the soul Soul Force strength, infiltrates in the Demonic Beast mind, can display to control the beast technique to control Demonic Beast. 血魂印的威能,也取决于灵魂力的强弱,以灵魂元神力量凝聚成印,打入妖兽脑海之内,就能够施展控兽术控制妖兽 This does not have anything actually, but is that takes out the Essence Blood process, letting Du Shaofu has to be absolutely terrified. 这倒是没有什么,而是那取出精血的过程,让杜少甫不得不是为之毛骨悚然。 This practice blood soul seal Essence Blood must be Essence Blood in marrow, withdraws the method of oneself marrow Essence Blood, easiest is condenses the spirit talisman master flame to burn down in within the body, bi from the whole body marrow sheds the jing blood. 这修炼‘血魂印’的精血必须是自己骨髓内的精血,提取自己骨髓精血之法,最容易的就是凝聚灵符师的火焰在体内焚烧,从全身骨髓中bi出jing血来。 The conceivable that ache makes person not seek livehood to ask sufficiently unable, few individuals can insist absolutely. 可以想象那种疼痛足以让人求生不得求死不能,绝对没有几个人能够坚持下来的。 This was also too abnormal.” “这也太变态了吧。” The Du Shaofu holding breath cold air, this practice blood soul seal must breakneck simply first is good. 杜少甫倒吸凉气,这修炼血魂印简直就是要先玩命才行。 In the mind has swept all in day spirit record, the Du Shaofu innermost feelings are hard to return to normal for a very long time, understands why some people said the Heavenly Beast palace the beast territory. 脑海中扫过天灵录内的一切,杜少甫内心久久难以平复,才明白为何有人说得天兽殿得兽域。 At this moment is only in this «Day Spirit Record» controls the beast technique, sufficiently can control Fang Shouyu. 此刻光是这《天灵录》内的控兽术,就足以能够掌控一方兽域了。 Let alone in «Day Spirit Record» may not only be has to control the beast technique, that compares to Secret Weapon Formula a more profound puppet, weapon the law of refinement, innumerable profound strategies. 更何况《天灵录》中可不仅仅是有着控兽术而已,还有那比起秘兵诀内更为高深的傀儡,兵器的炼制之法,还有无数高深的阵法。 Any same method in «Day Spirit Record» recording, sufficiently compared the big divine ability method in this world, even went beyond. 《天灵录》中记载的任何一样手段,都是足以相比这世上的大神通手段了,甚至有过之而无不及。 Thinks to look, person who controls many Demonic Beast, the puppet is also having the strategy, who also dares to provoke, rules a region by force above this Jiu Zhou sufficiently. 想想看,一个掌控着不少妖兽,傀儡还有阵法的人,谁还敢招惹,足以在这九州之上雄霸一方。 Shouted......” “呼……” The holding breath cold air, Du Shaofu visual all around, the master Duanmu Qiongtian illusory form was disappearing does not see, the soul remnant shade dissipated thoroughly. 倒吸凉气,杜少甫目视着四周,师父端木穹天的虚幻身影已经消失不见,灵魂残影已经彻底消散。 «Day Spirit Record» can practice slowly, first controls the Heavenly Beast palace.” “《天灵录》可以慢慢修炼,先掌控天兽殿。” The Du Shaofu double pupil selects, face smiling expression abundant, master Duanmu Qiongtian has left behind oneself together soul mark, can help one another oneself to obtain this Heavenly Beast palace, later has the opportunity, can with having the opportunity and master meets. 杜少甫双眸一挑,脸庞笑意盎然,师父端木穹天留下了自己一道灵魂印记,能够相助自己得到这天兽殿,以后有机会,自会和有机会和师父相见。 Whiz......” “嗖……” The Du Shaofu form disappeared in this illusory space, but Heavenly Beast palace at this moment the thing of without owner, when the Du Shaofu form appeared once again, the form appeared in a space of piece of runes twinkle. 杜少甫身影消失在了这虚幻空间内,此刻的天兽殿可是无主之物,当杜少甫身影再度出现的时候,身影出现在了一片符文闪烁的空间内。 The space of this runes twinkle, was passed through the innumerable year of years of likely, was spreading desolate ancient aura, was relating a Vicissitudes' dreariness. 符文闪烁的空间,像是已经经过了无数年的岁月,蔓延着一股股苍凉古老的气息,诉说着一种沧海桑田的沉寂。 The runes space center, Du Shaofu watches to go with rapt attention, the front has one piece by the region that the space ripple wraps. 符文空间中央,杜少甫凝神注视而去,前方有着一片被空间波纹包裹的区域。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” The space ripple revolves slowly, the twinkle that the ripple keeps, making the person soul tremble, is faint has the ten thousand sounds of beast neighing to resound through. 空间波纹徐徐旋转,波纹不停的闪烁,让人灵魂为之发颤,隐隐间有着万兽嘶鸣之声响彻。 Controls the Heavenly Beast palace!” “掌控天兽殿!” The Du Shaofu mouth bank flood smiling expression, next one flickers, Hand Imprints congeals, in the forehead the radiant Soul Force strength, plunders together immediately, plunders the space vortex that twinkle has kept to go directly. 杜少甫嘴畔泛起笑意,下一瞬,手印凝结,眉心中一道璀璨元神力量,顿时掠出,直接掠进了那闪烁不停的空间漩涡而去。 .................................... ……………………………… Illusory space, vast boundless. 虚幻空间,辽阔无边。 The purple splendid light twinkle, that black purple flame monster phoenix Phantom of huge blocking the sky gradually vanishes does not see, changes to last purple splendid light, just likes the purple thunder plundered under nearly thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge purple flame monster phoenix directly in body forehead. 紫色华光闪烁,那一只庞大的遮天蔽日的黑紫炎妖凰虚影逐渐消失不见,化作最后一道紫色华光,犹如紫色雷霆径直掠进了下方一只近乎千丈庞大的紫炎妖凰的之躯眉心内。 With it simultaneously, in the body of that huge almost thousand zhang (3.33 m) purple flame monster phoenix, the aura starts to be faint to increase, but is in this vast space, the aura of increasing received a some suppression imperceptibly. 与之同时,那庞大几乎千丈的紫炎妖凰之躯内,气息开始隐隐间攀升起来,只不过身在这辽阔空间内,攀升的气息无形中受到了某一种压制。 The time passes by slowly, in the square before Heavenly Beast palace, still a dreariness. 时间徐徐过去,天兽殿前的广场上,依然一片沉寂。
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