MGC :: Volume #13

#1277: Results in the day spirit record

Chapter 1275: Results in the day spirit record 第1275章:得天灵录 Chapter 1275: Results in the day spirit record. 第1275章:得天灵录。 You can also accept insincerely with me, after obtaining the advantage, reneges on a promise again may also, the person does not know the ghost unconsciously, this grade of chance, don't you move really?” Duanmu Qiongtian asked. “你也可以假意应承与我,得到好处后再反悔也可,人不知鬼不觉,这等机缘,难道你真的不动心么?”端木穹天问道。 This grade of chance, naturally moves, matter that but that were perfidious, if the younger generation has done, later does not have the face countenance to my drunkard father, does not have the face countenance to several teachers, does not have the face countenance to my mother and younger sister who has not met.” “这等机缘,自然动心,只是那等背信弃义的事情,若是晚辈做了,以后也无颜面对我那酒鬼老爹,无颜面对几位师尊,无颜面对未曾见面的家母和胞妹。” The Du Shaofu purple long gown shakes, is quite free and easy, has missed in any case, shameless free and easy is also appears is more attractive. 杜少甫紫色长袍一抖,颇为洒脱,反正已经是无缘了,强颜洒脱也是显得要好看一些。 Duanmu Qiongtian is looking at Du Shaofu, the stars vast double pupil flood unusual smiling expression. 端木穹天望着杜少甫,星辰般浩瀚的双眸泛着奇特的笑意 Scoffs......” “嗤……” Unexpectedly, Du Shaofu a flower, the present Duanmu vault of heaven vanished at present does not see. 蓦地,杜少甫眼前一花,眼前的端木穹天已经消失不见。 With it simultaneously, Du Shaofu felt immediately former's form, appeared before own body silently, was in charge together falls on own head. 与之同时,杜少甫顿时感觉到前者的身影,已经是无声无息出现在了自己的身前,一道掌印落在了自己的脑袋上。 Under that is in charge, Du Shaofu discovered one actually absolutely do not have the strength of revolt. 那掌印之下,杜少甫发现自己竟然是完全没有反抗之力。 In former's front, Du Shaofu had not even felt that any aura exists, but does not have the strength of revolt, the whole body could not mention the whole body strength imperceptibly, Profound Qi coagulates, Soul Force was for no reason quiet. 在前者的面前,杜少甫甚至没有感觉到任何的气息存在般,但就是毫无反抗之力,全身无形中提不起浑身力气,玄气凝固,元神为之无端沉寂。 Well, has thunder martial pulse in this world, practice merit law seems Golden Winged Peng merit law, humanity cultivates Demonic Beast merit law, but also so unusual conditions, actually first seeing. Body also spirit root, has three spirit thunder in this world, Soul Force fused two types, well...... That gadget that these fellows make broke, had part on your boy.” “咦,有这世上的雷霆武脉,修炼的功法似乎是金翅大鹏鸟功法吧,人类修炼妖兽功法,还如此浑然天成,倒是第一次见。身上还有一种灵根,身怀三种这世上的灵雷,元神已融合两种,咦……那些家伙弄的那玩意破碎了么,怎么有一部分在你小子身上。” Duanmu Qiongtian spies on to Du Shaofu's within the body, from the mortal body to Soul Force, is all cannot escape his spying on likely, immediately spies on to go toward the dantian seas of qi of land few tour. 端木穹天窥探向杜少甫的体内,从肉身到元神,像是一切都逃不过他的窥探,随即往陆少游的丹田气海内窥探而去。 Good of this handle sword forging, has black dragon white tiger actually, the trace of phoenix Black Tortoise, the law of forging refinement probably the old man leaves behind, but is not the law of complete forging, true Great Peng Golden Wing, that clan actually indeed is formidable, in a outside macrocosm also able to move unhindered side,...... This is......!” “这一柄剑倒是锻造的不错,有着青龙白虎,凤凰玄武的痕迹,好像还是老夫留下的锻造炼制之法,只是并不是完整的锻造之法,还有真正的大鹏金翅,那一族倒是的确强大,在外面的大世界也纵横一方,还有……这是……!” Unexpectedly, seems felt that what Zhong existed, Duanmu Qiongtian illusory form face also changes color, Hand Imprints congeals, afterward several fingerprints fell on Du Shaofu's, let above the Du Shaofu body surface, flood light Purple gold ray. 蓦地,似乎是感觉到了何种存在,端木穹天虚幻身影脸庞也为之变色,手印凝结,随后数道指印落在了杜少甫的身上,让得杜少甫体表之上,泛着淡淡的紫金光芒。 Does not extinguish the profound body, unexpectedly was cultivates not to extinguish the profound body!” “不灭玄体,居然是修炼出了不灭玄体!” Duanmu Qiongtian form withdraws , the color of eye dew surprise, after the moment, the illusory form such as the Chen double pupil looks at a Du Shaofu eye of belt to smile, said: Also planned lets obtain the person who the Heavenly Beast palace and old man keep, needs to help to assist one person, deals in this world together the great misfortune, now is actually evidently simpler.” 端木穹天身影退后,也目露诧异之色,片刻后,虚幻身影如辰双眸望着杜少甫目带微笑,道:“原本还打算让得到天兽殿和老夫所留的人,需要帮忙辅助一人,共同应付这世上大劫,看样子现在倒是简单多了。” Duanmu senior, why are you?” “端木前辈,你这是为何?” Du Shaofu instinct withdrew several steps, the vision has revealed the absolute vigilant color with amazement. 杜少甫本能的退后了数步,目光露出了绝对的警惕骇然之色。 Present Duanmu Qiongtian was too fearful, as if can see through itself on all, even has does not extinguish the profound body also to see that Du Shaofu is vigilant stemming from the instinct below heart. 眼前的这端木穹天太可怕了,似乎是能够看穿自己身上的一切,甚至就连自己有着不灭玄体也能够看出,杜少甫出于本能的下心警惕。 Has no need anxiously, I am harmless.” “用不着紧张,我无恶意。” Duanmu Qiongtian is looking at Du Shaofu, said: You also practice Talisman Dao, can practice me to remain actually, even the foundation is reliable, the mood is also quite stable, Soul Force also is very uncommon, this is absolutely rare, do you name?” 端木穹天望着杜少甫,道:“你也修炼符道,倒是能够修炼我所留,甚至根基牢固无比,心境也极为稳固,元神还很是不凡,这绝对是难得的,你叫什么名字?” Du Shaofu.” 杜少甫。” Du Shaofu relaxed some vigilantly, returns to feel present long hair old man Duanmu Qiongtian, indeed like does not have the evil intention to oneself. 杜少甫放松了一些警惕,回感觉着眼前的这长发老者端木穹天,的确是不像对自己有恶意。 Du Shaofu......” 杜少甫……” Duanmu Qiongtian shows a faint smile to Du Shaofu, said: Was good, kowtows to acknowledge as teacher, your this disciple I received, this perhaps is the divine intervention.” 端木穹天冲着杜少甫微微一笑,道:“好了,磕头拜师吧,你这弟子我收了,这或许是天意。” hear speech/words, Du Shaofu is looking at Duanmu Qiongtian, the surprise, said slightly: Senior, the disciple does not plan to cut off transiting the discipling from originally.” 闻言,杜少甫望着端木穹天,略微诧异,道:“前辈,弟子可不打算斩断原本的师承。” You, if plans to cut off transiting the discipling from originally for the advantage enticement, does not have the qualifications to become my disciple, at this moment already state of mind entirely to extinguish, had no need.” “你要是真的为了好处诱惑打算斩断原本的师承,也没有资格成为我的弟子,此刻已经神魂俱灭,也用不着出去了。” Duanmu Qiongtian looks at Du Shaofu, satisfaction is saying with a smile: Can remain unmoved faced with this grade of enticement, this grade of quality is I most regards as important, you transit the discipling from many to be immaterial, that disciple who the old man initially received, transits the discipling from compared with you feared that is must.” 端木穹天望着杜少甫,满意笑道:“能够在这等诱惑面前不为所动,这等品质才是我最看重的,你师承多少无关紧要,老夫当初收的那一位弟子,师承比起你来怕是还要多的。” Narrow squeak, this is an old fox.” “好险啊,这就是一只老狐狸啊。” Listened to Duanmu Qiongtian words, Du Shaofu to hold breath immediately secretly cold air, gathered just to escape, did not have the hypocrisy to comply luckily, otherwise the present words, feared that was the consequence can be imagined. 听着端木穹天的话,杜少甫顿时暗自倒吸了一口凉气,合着刚刚自己已经逃过了一劫,也幸好没有假意答应,要不然现在的话,怕是后果可想而知了。 This mysterious Duanmu vault of heaven to still has been testing at present finally, Du Shaofu is supposing, if this has other powerhouses to close right up against the absolute strength to rush, if finally this pass/test, the thoughts have not been positive, has the evil thought that must waste all previous efforts, but must encounter the great misfortune. 眼前这神秘的端木穹天到了最后还在考验,杜少甫估摸着,这要是有其他强者靠着绝对的实力闯了进来,最后要是过不了这一关,心思不正,心存邪念的话,也要前功尽弃,还要遭遇大劫。 Disciple pays a visit the master.” “弟子拜见师父。” In heart secretly holding breath cold air secretly whisper old fox at the same time, Du Shaofu is also decent respectful knocking to begin immediately. 心中暗自倒吸凉气暗自嘀咕老狐狸的同时,杜少甫也立刻有模有样恭敬的磕起了头来。 Du Shaofu has knocked three knocks continually, knocks several heads, cannot lose several two, this is acknowledges as teacher, Du Shaofu does not have to think but actually one suffered a loss. 杜少甫一连磕了三个响头,磕上几个头,也掉不了几两肉,这可是拜师,杜少甫倒没有认为自己吃亏了。 Ha Ha...... Later you are the old man Duanmu Qiongtian two people!” “哈哈……以后你就是老夫端木穹天的二徒!” Duanmu Qiongtian laughs, double pupil fluctuation, said: Old man wallows the practice his entire life, strict, the life accepted a disciple, is your First Senior Brother. It does not lose me to look, name shakes the four directions, shows disdain for the vault of heaven, hopes after you, can overtake your First Senior Brother. This world, I have left behind this together soul remnant shade, after keeping day spirit record that’ my life comprehends, will dissipate, did not have the time to teach you, ten thousand laws returned to the birth family, with leaving together, Talisman Dao in this world also same suited cultivates my my life to study, as for your perception, when the time comes can study for several points to go to school several points.” 端木穹天哈哈一笑,双眸波动,道:“老夫一生沉迷修炼,严格来说,一生只是收了一徒,也就是你的大师兄。其不负我望,名震四方,傲视苍穹,希望你以后也能够追上你大师兄。只是这世界,我只是留下了这一道灵魂残影,待留我一生所领悟的‘天灵录’之后也会消散,也没时间多教导你了,万法归宗,同出一道,这世上的符道也一样适合修炼我我一生所学,至于你自己的悟性,到时候能够学几分就学几分吧。” The voice falls, in Duanmu Qiongtian illusory form hand Hand Imprints congeals, instantaneous radiant runes flowing light dodges. 话音落下,端木穹天虚幻身影手中手印凝结,瞬间一股璀璨的符文流光一闪。 Bang!” “轰!” Next flickers, that and other radiant runes then appeared before the Du Shaofu's forehead, plundered in the forehead, the flood that such as fell in torrents, poured into Du Shaofu Niwan Palace. 下一瞬,那等璀璨符文便是出现在了杜少甫的眉心之前,直掠眉心之内,如倾泻的洪水般,灌注在杜少甫泥丸宫内。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” In this same time, Du Shaofu felt that a huge strange information appeared in own mind Niwan Palace. 在这同一时候,杜少甫感觉到了一股巨大的陌生信息出现在了自己的脑海泥丸宫内。 In the Du Shaofu mind, the master Duanmu Qiongtian voice also once again spreads: Shaofu my disciple, passes on your lifetime to become aware «Day Spirit Record» for the master today, you comprehend well, dropped for the master and your First Senior Brother power and prestige not by any means that leaves behind together the soul mark, numerous beast clan powerhouses who making you obtain the Heavenly Beast palace, after the Heavenly Beast palace collects initially in this world three clan great misfortune, was falling from the sky, has preserved many Demonic Beast inheritance, has left behind many myriad beast energies, your current strength, cannot be known by others, otherwise greatly troublesome, if predestined friends truly, you can shoulder the heavy responsibility, our priests and disciples decide for day that however has truely meets.” 杜少甫脑海中,师父端木穹天的声音也再度传出:“少甫我徒,今日为师传你毕生所悟《天灵录》,你好好领悟,切莫堕了为师和你那大师兄的威风,留下一道灵魂印记,让你得到天兽殿,天兽殿内收藏着当初这世上三族大劫之后陨落的众多兽族强者,保存了不少妖兽传承,留下了不少万千兽能,就你目前的实力,千万不可被别人知道了,否则会有大麻烦,若是真正有缘,你能够肩负起重任,我们师徒定然有真正相见的一天。” When this sound falls thoroughly, all have subsided, only then a that huge information also kept in Du Shaofu Niwan Palace. 当这声音彻底落下之际,一切平息了下来,只有那庞大的一股信息还留在了杜少甫泥丸宫内。 That information is all that in «Day Spirit Record» collects, at this moment gradually the brand mark in the Du Shaofu mind, making Du Shaofu start to consume to always remember. 那信息是《天灵录》中收藏的一切,此刻正逐渐烙印在杜少甫脑海中,让杜少甫开始消耗铭记。 ........................ …………………… Illusory space, vast boundless. 虚幻空间,辽阔无边。 The purple splendid light twinkle, huge purple flame monster phoenix Phantom occupies the midair, the double pupil overlooks, just like purple dazzling sun in the sky. 紫色华光闪烁,一只庞大的紫炎妖凰虚影盘踞半空,双瞳俯视,宛如紫色曜日当空。 That purple flame monster phoenix Phantom, has some differences with common purple flame monster phoenix Phantom, whole body not any purple-colored flame, but gorgeous purple splendid light is passing one type black that lets the person palpitation. 那紫炎妖凰虚影,和一般的紫炎妖凰虚影有着些许不同,浑身没有任何紫色火炎,只是绚丽的紫色华光透着一种让人心悸的黑色。 The beautiful figure of purple flame monster phoenix appeared under that huge purple flame monster phoenix Phantom, the beautiful figure was graceful, the double pupil front surface was looking at that huge purple flame monster phoenix Phantom, afterward knelt salutes: Purple flame monster phoenix clan younger generation Zi Xuan, pays a visit in the clan the older generation.” 紫炎妖凰的倩影出现在了那庞大紫炎妖凰虚影之下,倩影曼妙,双眸迎面望着那庞大的紫炎妖凰虚影,随后跪地行礼:“紫炎妖凰一族后辈紫萱,拜见族中先辈。” The sounds of nature voice falls, purple-colored flame fluctuates, it changed to the purple flame monster phoenix main body in an instant, almost thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge body, is far inferior that dark purple purple flame monster phoenix Phantom is huge. 天籁话音落下,紫色火炎波动,其刹那间化作了紫炎妖凰本体,几乎千丈庞大之躯,也是远不及那黑紫色紫炎妖凰虚影庞大。 gu......” “咕……” In that huge purple flame monster phoenix Phantom mouth the neighing cloud penetration crack stone, flutters to move, its huge illusory within the body, has dazzling radiant purple splendid light unexpectedly just like the light beam, covered above the top of the head of purple flame monster phoenix directly. 那庞大的紫炎妖凰虚影嘴中嘶鸣穿云裂石,振翅而动,蓦地其庞大虚幻之体内,有着一股耀眼璀璨的紫色华光宛如光柱般,直接笼罩在了紫炎妖凰的头顶之上。 .............................. ………………………… In Heavenly Beast grave, outside Heavenly Beast palace. 天兽墓内,天兽殿外。 The continuous group peak overlaps, the mountain road circles, dense mountain Qi who in the winding precipitous, profound canyon, the ascension fairy not measures, such as the fine gauze antependium, making the robust mountain range increase the different kind character and style. 连绵群峰重叠,山道盘旋,曲折险峻,幽深的峡谷之中,升腾神鬼莫测的氤氲山气,如轻纱帷幔,让得粗旷山峦增添别样风情。 „......” “嗷呜……” Peaks and ridges fluctuating overlaps during the encirclements, the innumerable ominous birds and beasts beast of prey, occupy the four directions, occasionally roared to neigh. 峰峦起伏重叠环绕间,无数凶禽猛兽,盘踞四方,偶尔咆哮嘶鸣。 Has the summit of mountain peak, all around ominous birds and beasts beast of prey occupies, above the mountain peak several human form forms stand, is the sending out formidable aura. 有山峰之巅,四周凶禽猛兽盘踞,山峰之上数道人形身影而立,皆是散发强大气息。 Does not know that in how, it is said in the past the Heavenly Beast palace opened, these war servant day of time have been enough, how hadn't three days, come out now?”, “不知道那里面怎么样了,据说以往天兽殿开启,那些战仆一天时间已经足以出来了,怎么现在三天了,还没有出来?”、 Dragon eight blue color long hair Qi Jian, the double pupil fluctuation fluctuates just like the ocean waves, at this moment is having the color of doubts. 龙八蓝色长发齐肩,双眸波动宛如海浪起伏,此刻带着疑惑之色。
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