MGC :: Volume #13

#1276: Duanmu Qiongtian

Chapter 1274: Duanmu Qiongtian 第1274章:端木穹天 Chapter 1274: Duanmu Qiongtian. 第1274章:端木穹天。 More proceeds, these Demonic Beast levels and aura that Du Shaofu sees on even more frightening. 越是往前,杜少甫所见到的那些妖兽层次和气息就越发恐怖 To finally, that Demonic Beast on aura, sufficiently to has only let Du Shaofu also for the it fearful and apprehensive situation. 到了最后,那一只只妖兽上的气息,足以是到了让得杜少甫也为之胆颤心惊的地步。 By the Du Shaofu current strength, the Golden Wing Great Peng aura aids in addition, is unable to resist that and other ancient times fierce and tough aura. 杜少甫目前的实力,加上金翅大鹏气息护佑,也无法抵御那等远古凶悍的气息。 Roar “嗷吼” Vast space tremor continuous, runes glitters a piece, all around Demonic Beast roared deafeningly. 辽阔的空间颤动不休,符文闪烁一片,四周妖兽咆哮震耳欲聋。 Unexpectedly, the Du Shaofu double pupil is startled changes, in the front space, has the radiant runes ray to jump to shoot. 蓦地,杜少甫双瞳惊变,前方空间内,有着璀璨的符文光芒从中迸射而出。 The ray radiant proliferation, has innumerable talisman-pattern to be partly visible. 光芒璀璨扩散,有着无数的符箓秘纹在若隐若现。 The radiant talisman-pattern aura is overbearing, is only that and other aura, lets the Du Shaofu mind trembling millet, felt that oneself must be pressed the violent likely generally. 璀璨的符箓秘纹气息霸道可怕,光是那等气息,就让得杜少甫心神颤粟,感觉到自己像是要被压暴了一般。 That and other pressure are too fearful, the Du Shaofu shock, is looking in that radiant space dense and numerous talisman-pattern, afterward occupies has black dragon white tiger, the body of phoenix Black Tortoise appears. 那等威压太可怕,杜少甫震惊,望着那璀璨空间内密密麻麻的符箓秘纹,随后居是有着青龙白虎,凤凰玄武之躯浮现而出。 In that talisman-pattern Phantom, Du Shaofu saw the body of true black dragon, the body of white tiger, the body of phoenix, the body of Black Tortoise. 在那符箓秘纹虚影中,杜少甫见到了真正的青龙之躯,白虎之躯,凤凰之躯,玄武之躯。 That is genuine four beast aura, arrives at four supreme aura. 那是真正的四兽气息,降临四股至尊气息。 „......” “嗷……” The body of black dragon across the sky, that does not know that stretched across long void, several thousand zhang (3.33 m) general, cannot see the boundary. 青龙之躯横空,那不知道横跨了多长的虚空,数千丈长一般,一眼见不到边际。 That black dragon giant double pupil sends out the radiant god light, just like the black hole, making the person look to one, was similar to falls into the mire to be ordinary, was hard to withdraw. 那青龙巨大的双瞳发出璀璨神光,宛如黑洞,让人望向一眼,也如同是陷入了泥沼一般,难以脱身。 Roar!” “吼!” A huge white tiger, huge like mountain range, fierce exceptionally, the huge power and influence made in the person heart shock inexplicably! 一只庞大白虎,庞大如山脉,凶猛异常,巨大的威势令人心中震撼莫名! Exceptionally fearful fluctuation of energy, in surging forward from the body of that huge white tiger, the ancient aura pressure fills the air, roars like the wind and thunder, resounds through just like nine days of startling thunderclap generally! 异常可怕的能量波动,自那庞大白虎之躯内汹涌澎湃,古老的气息威压弥漫,咆哮如风雷,宛若九天惊雷一般响彻! gu......” “咕……” Phoenix Phantom appears, circles to float spatially, such as bends down to look in society, flutters to block the sky, the whole body roaring flame combustion, just like dazzling sun, just likes can burn down antique! 一只凤凰虚影浮现,盘旋浮空,如俯览世间,振翅遮天蔽日,浑身烈焰燃烧,宛如曜日,犹如能够焚烧太古! „!” “嗷!” Black Tortoise Phantom, the turtle snake intersection, the imposing manner vibration entire world, can suppress the common people earth likely. 一只玄武虚影,龟蛇相交,气势震动寰宇,像是能够镇压苍生大地。 Under the astonishing aura, Du Shaofu several want the mortal body to be pressed the violent, that and other under the aura, are hard to resist radically. 惊人的气息下,杜少甫几欲是要肉身被压暴,那等气息之下,根本难以抵御。 Suddenly, the front illusory channel arrived at the end, the Du Shaofu form stagnated in the midair. 突然,前方虚幻通道已经到了尽头,杜少甫身影停滞在了半空。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Qinglong, white tiger, the phoenix, the Black Tortoise four supreme vision were tight staring to Du Shaofu, roared to thunder, carries that to exceed the space and time from the antique boundless pressure, Qi Qi plunged Du Shaofu to go. 青龙,白虎,凤凰,玄武四至尊目光均是紧紧的盯向了杜少甫,咆哮轰鸣,携带着那超越了时空来自太古的磅礴威压,齐齐扑向了杜少甫而去。 Under that fearful pressure, Du Shaofu is fearful and apprehensive, Profound Qi coagulates, the time space was stagnated, is unable to resist. 那可怕的威压之下,杜少甫胆颤心惊,玄气凝固,时间空间都已经被停滞,根本无法抵御。 „Is this dead tribulation?” “难道这又是一个死劫么?” In the Du Shaofu heart smiles bitterly, that four fearful aura was too formidable, oneself are unmatchable, can only look at that four supreme colossus to throw helplessly, the innermost soul also climbs up an awe the fear. 杜少甫心中苦笑,那四股可怕的气息太强大了,自己根本无法对抗,只能够眼睁睁的望着那四只至尊庞然大物扑来,灵魂深处也攀爬出一股敬畏的恐惧。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” Unexpectedly, in that final moment, Du Shaofu felt wants in despair, all around fluctuates void suddenly, the surroundings fearful picture vanishes instantaneously does not see. 蓦地,就在那最后关头,杜少甫已经感觉到就要绝望之际,四周虚空突然变幻,周围可怕的景象瞬间就消失不见。 Next flickers, Du Shaofu in vision surprised, appeared in a piece of illusory space. 下一瞬,杜少甫在目光惊讶中,已经出现在了一片虚幻的空间。 Well......” “咦……” Du Shaofu is looking at all around, all in this space, with the Wasteland space as if are extremely similar, but not the trace of space and time distortion, this inside space has not affected the time. 杜少甫望着四周,这空间内的一切,和荒古空间似乎是极为相似,不过并无时空扭曲的痕迹,这里面的空间并没有影响时间。 Waited to be so long, finally some people arrived here.” “等了这么久,终于有人到这里了。” The old form spreads in this illusory space together unexpectedly, falls along with the sound, the form quietly appeared before the Du Shaofu body together the midair. 一道苍老的身影蓦地在这虚幻的空间内传开,随着声音落下,一道身影悄然出现在了杜少甫身前半空。 That is one wears the black robe, the personal appearance rough long hair old man, in the eye the fine glow fights to shoot just like the stars generally, whole body ray just like bright moon spread. 那是一个身着黑袍,身形粗犷的长发老者,眼中精芒宛如星辰一般斗射而出,周身光芒宛如皓月般蔓延开来。 The long hair old man looks at Dusha to fly, the personal appearance appears extremely illusory, but that falls just like stars common both eyes on Du Shaofu's, can see through Du Shaofu likely all. 长发老者望着杜莎飞,身形显得极为虚幻,但那宛如星辰一般的双目落在杜少甫的身上,像是能够将杜少甫尽数看穿。 How to have such formidable pressure.” “怎么会有这么强大的威压。” Du Shaofu shocks, this moment was feeling on that long hair old man so fearful aura, is in the heart has the feeling that this type must crawl. 杜少甫震骇,此刻间感觉着那长发老者身上如此可怕的气息,不禁是心中有这一种要匍匐的感觉。 Who is your excellency?” “阁下是谁?” Du Shaofu instinct withdrew several steps, in the front of that long hair old man, Du Shaofu was feeling just like ant in front of elephant general, appears is tiny like that. 杜少甫本能的退后了数步,在那长发老者的面前,杜少甫感觉着自己宛如蚂蚁在大象面前一般,显得是那般的渺小。 Who I am, said the person in this world does not know......” “我是谁,说了这世界上的人也不知道……” Rough long hair old man said gently that the sound flutters old, is for no reason aggressive, said lightly: In another world, once some people called my Duanmu Qiongtian, some people asked me Venerable outstandingly skilled spirit, or outstandingly skilled spirit emperor.” 粗犷的长发老者轻轻说道,声音飘扬苍老,无端霸气,淡淡说道:“在另外一个世界,曾有人叫我端木穹天,也有人叫我圣手灵尊,或者圣手灵帝。” Another world, Duanmu Qiongtian......” “另外一个世界,端木穹天……” After Du Shaofu is startled, was then calm immediately, was looking although at present together illusory body, the aura was actually the fearful rough long hair old man, asked: Is it possible that is this Heavenly Beast palace Duanmu Senior remains?” 杜少甫惊慌过后,便是立刻冷静了下来,望着眼前虽然只是一道虚幻之躯,气息却是可怕的粗犷长发老者,问道:“莫非这天兽殿是端木前辈所留?” Was called the Heavenly Beast palace...... Then on the Heavenly Beast palace.” “被叫做天兽殿么……那就天兽殿吧。” Duanmu Qiongtian smiles lightly, is looking at Du Shaofu, said: This Heavenly Beast palace indeed is I remains, initially these fellows stayed in this world have handled something, I am idling bored, then took in some Demonic Beast inheritance in this world this space, has arranged some small methods, waits being predestined friends person.” 端木穹天淡淡一笑,望着杜少甫,道:“这天兽殿的确是我所留,当初那些家伙停留在了这个世界做了一些事情,我闲着无聊,便是把这世上的一些妖兽传承收进了这空间内,布置了一些小手段,留待有缘人。” hear speech/words, Du Shaofu is stunned, is gathering this Heavenly Beast palace, but also is really that old man remains at present. 闻言,杜少甫愕然,合着这天兽殿,还真是眼前那老者所留。 From the Heavenly Beast grave to the Heavenly Beast palace, the bad risk, Du Shaofu knows fairly well. 天兽墓到天兽殿,一路凶险,杜少甫都心中有数。 Especially that huge Heavenly Beast palace, fears is Ancient Heaven Sect, Immeasurable Cult such colossus, is impossible to take. 特别是那庞大的天兽殿,怕是古天宗,无量教那样的庞然大物,也不可能拿出来。 May the present old man say unexpectedly is only the small method, this made Du Shaofu have to be astonished by it, the present rough old man, that strength will be powerful to the fearful situation. 可眼前的老者居然说只是小手段,这让杜少甫也不得不是为之愕然了,眼前的这粗犷老者,那实力又将是强悍到何等可怕的地步。 Boy does not recognize a superior perforated, has seen the senior.” “小子有眼不识泰山,见过前辈。” Du Shaofu salutes respectfully, the present old man that is the what kind powerhouse, this Heavenly Beast grave is the small method of its arranging, that it is ancient existence. 杜少甫恭敬行礼,眼前的老者那是何等强者,这天兽墓都是其所布置的小手段,那其又是何等古老的存在。 Ha Ha, the boy is actually courteous, the person is also smart, actually a little likely was initially my disciple, you can enter this place, through layer on layer tests, according to the cultivation base levels in your this world, should be under the Martial Domain boundary does not have the rival, showed that had all these that the qualifications obtain me to leave behind.” “哈哈,小子倒是有礼,人也机灵,倒是有点像是当初我那弟子,你能够进入此地,通过重重考验,按照你们这个世界上的修为层次来说,应该是武域境之下无敌手了,也证明已经具备资格得到我留下的这一切了。” Duanmu Qiongtian is looking at Du Shaofu, an eye of belt smiles, asks: Can come here, calculates that your boy is predestined friends, I asked you, wants to obtain all that I left behind, simultaneously became my disciple?” 端木穹天望着杜少甫,目带微笑,问道:“能够到这里,也算你小子有缘,我问你,想不想得到我留下的一切,同时成为我的弟子?” Duanmu vault of heaven at this moment has not known, although Du Shaofu's is really abnormal, but can so simple enters in the Heavenly Beast palace, is because he arranged pass/test yue zhuo in the Heavenly Beast palace had some problems last, must otherwise, the talented person who only then defeated yue zhuo can enter the Heavenly Beast palace. 此刻的端木穹天可是还不知道,虽然杜少甫的确是变态,但能够这般简单的进入天兽殿内,也是因为他布置在天兽殿内最后一关的鸑鷟出了一些问题,要不然的话,只有击败鸑鷟的人才能够进入天兽殿。 But must defeat yue zhuo that he leaves behind, that at least must have in this world the Martial Domain boundary and under the strength of non- rival is good. 而要击败他所留下的鸑鷟,那至少要有着这世上武域境和之下无敌手的实力才行。 Thinks.” “想。” Du Shaofu any hesitant nod, the present this had not said that is Duanmu Qiongtian old man absolutely is the powerhouse, if oneself obtain this Heavenly Beast palace, even obtains its inheritance, this without doubt is a big buried treasure, contains the innumerable practice resources, this meddlesome fool will not reject. 杜少甫没有任何的犹豫的点头,眼前的这自称是端木穹天的老者绝对是强者,自己要是得到这天兽殿,甚至是得到其传承,这无疑就是一个大宝藏,蕴含无数修炼资源,这种好事傻子都不会拒绝。 After the nod, Du Shaofu is looking at the present Duanmu vault of heaven, said honestly: merit law that I practice is somewhat special, is Demonic Beast practice merit law . Moreover, the boy also had transiting the discipling from, even transits the discipling from much.” 点头之后,杜少甫望着眼前的端木穹天,坦诚道:“不过我修炼的功法有些特别,乃是妖兽修炼的功法,另外,小子也已经有了师承,甚至师承不少。” merit law that you practice does not matter, becomes my disciple, I remain, makes you in sufficiently this world the most formidable powerhouse, but must become my disciple, actually cannot have again any transits the discipling from, you must cut off any relation with past transiting the discipling from, otherwise, all these miss with you, I will deliver you to leave, waiting next being predestined friends person.” Duanmu Qiongtian said. “你修炼的功法无所谓,成为我的弟子,得我所留,足以让你成为这世上最为强大的强者,不过要成为我的弟子,却是不能够再有任何师承的,你必须和以往的师承斩断任何联系,否则,这一切都和你无缘,我会送你离开,等待下一个有缘人。”端木穹天说道。 Cuts off any transits the discipling from......” “斩断任何师承……” The Du Shaofu double pupil is looking at present long hair old man Duanmu Qiongtian, almost not hesitant, said: Senior delivers me to exit.” 杜少甫双眸望着眼前的长发老者端木穹天,几乎是没有犹豫,道:“前辈还是送我出去吧。” Cuts off relation that and transits the discipling from, is thinking own master Gu Qinyang, Heavenly military college, Venerable Xiahou Fenglei, Du Shaofu wants not to want not to be impossible. 斩断和师承的联系,想着自己的师父古清扬,天武学院,还有器尊夏侯风雷,杜少甫想都没有想就不可能。 Although current transiting the discipling from is far from the strength of that old illusory old man being tyrannical at present, but must cut off own transiting the discipling from, this is impossible to Du Shaofu. 虽然目前的师承都远远没有眼前那苍老虚幻老者的实力强横,但要斩断自己的师承,这对杜少甫来说不可能。 Even if the Heavenly Beast palace the beast territory, by far important that is inferior to the Du Shaofu heart to transit the discipling from, is inferior to master's component in heart. 就算是得天兽殿得兽域,也远远不及杜少甫心中师承的重要,不及师父在心中的份量。 Boy, you may , to be clear, so long as you complied to cut off the past master gate, the Heavenly Beast palace was extremely easy to obtain, but can also obtain my inheritance, made you in sufficiently this world most formidable existence, why in that ants transiting the discipling from this world has missed this day big chance.” “小子,你可要想清楚,只要你答应斩断以往的师门,天兽殿唾手可得,还能够得到我的传承,足以让你成为这世界上最强大的存在,何必为了这世界上那蝼蚁般的师承而错过了这天大的机缘。” Duanmu Qiongtian looks at Du Shaofu saying that is still an eye of band of light light smiling expression, such as the stars are profound. 端木穹天望着杜少甫说道,依然是目光带着淡淡的笑意,如星辰般深邃浩瀚。 Advantage is big, is inferior to transit the discipling from the component in my heart, the senior does not need to talk too much, delivers me to exit.” “好处再大,不及师承在我心中的分量,前辈无需多言,送我出去吧。” Du Shaofu shakes the head, even if cannot obtain this extremely easy to obtain great benefit, cannot forget transiting the discipling from. 杜少甫摇头,就算是得不到这唾手可得的巨大好处,也不能够忘了师承。 At this moment, in the Du Shaofu heart also somewhat loves dearly actually, this grade of advantage misses, is the natural justice does not accommodate simply. 只是此刻,杜少甫心中倒是也有些心疼,这等好处错过,简直是天理不容。 Cut off to transit the discipling from the receiving in exchange advantage, Du Shaofu cannot cross in oneself heart that bottom line. 只是斩断师承换取好处,杜少甫也过不了自己心中那一条底线。
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