MGC :: Volume #13

#1275: In Heavenly Beast palace

Chapter 1273: In Heavenly Beast palace 第1273章:天兽殿内 Chapter 1273: In Heavenly Beast palace. 第1273章:天兽殿内。 Because passes along with the time, since the ancient times, a phoenix clan bloodline was early getting more and more light, although the pure blood phoenix are many, but naturally is unable to compare initially ancient times bloodline of phoenix. 因为随着时间过去,从远古至今,凤凰一族早已经血脉越来越淡薄,虽然纯血凤凰还是不少,但自然是无法相比当初远古凤凰的血脉 Moreover various bloodline phoenixes, swan, the azure luan, firebird chu, the phoenix were related trhough marriage promiscuously in one, descendant phoenix bloodline is disorderly, although occasionally has variation uncommon bloodline to gush out, what are more is only more and more light bloodline. 另外各种血脉凤凰,鸿鹄,青鸾,鹓鶵,凤凰等通婚混杂在了一起,后代凤凰血脉杂乱,虽然偶尔有着变异不凡的血脉涌出,但更多的只是越来越淡薄的血脉 Let alone these variation uncommon phoenix bloodline, is impossible to surmount the pure blood phoenix. 何况那些变异不凡的凤凰血脉,也不可能超越纯血凤凰。 In this world the beast clan as a phoenix clan that supreme has, bloodline is noble, results in the day to aid cares , the descendant is unable to surmount. 作为这世上兽族至尊般存在的凤凰一族,血脉何等高贵,得天护佑眷顾,后代根本无法超越。 But a purple flame monster phoenix clan when the phoenix five races, most stands firm and unyielding, is the female and male dual flight, in a rumor purple flame monster phoenix clan, in together female and male died, another will call out in grief continuous, is withered by within the body blood cooling, afterward also from dwelling place of the dead, not only certainly saves. 而紫炎妖凰一族在凤凰五族中,最是坚贞不屈,皆是雌雄双飞,传言紫炎妖凰一族中,在一起的雌雄其中有一只死去时,另一只就会悲鸣不休,直到体内鲜血冷却干枯,随后也就相从于九泉,绝不独存。 Therefore to the present for it, the bloodline of purple flame monster phoenix in the phoenix five races has been purest, came from bloodline of ancestor phoenix completely. 因此到现在为之,紫炎妖凰在凤凰五族中一直血脉最纯,完全是来自祖凰的血脉 Some people guessed, now a purple flame monster phoenix clan in phoenix clan, bloodline even already above pure blood phoenix. 有人猜测,现在凤凰一族中的紫炎妖凰一族,血脉甚至已经在纯血凤凰之上。 A purple flame monster phoenix clan the quantity was scarce, does not dare the interest to the right. 只是紫炎妖凰一族本就数量稀少无比,也对权利不敢兴趣。 Therefore in phoenix five races, is the pure blood phoenix has wielded, verbal command birds! 所以凤凰五族中,也一直是纯血凤凰执掌,号令飞禽! This moment, sees that purple skirt female suddenly is a purple flame monster phoenix clan, Gui Che, Luan sword and others has to change countenance unexpectedly. 此刻间,乍然见到那紫裙女子居然是紫炎妖凰一族,鬼車,栾剑等不得不动容。 Xiao Yingying, the spirit imaginary tiger, Kuang Bear King , etc. also finally understood, why initially Huang Ling of phoenix clan, but must call that outstandingly beautiful purple skirt female respectfully is the elder sister, originally their book is a clan. 小应应,灵幻虎,狂熊王等也终于明白了,为何当初凤凰一族的凰灵儿,还要恭敬的称呼那绝色紫裙女子为姐姐,原来她们本就是一族。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” Purple flame monster phoenix Phantom that as the purple flame monster phoenix condenses condenses, that passes through the void purple splendid light bolt of white silk, unexpectedly strange float in front of purple flame monster phoenix, is only under numerous vision with amazement, the ray on that purple splendid light bolt of white silk is dissipating slowly. 随着紫炎妖凰凝聚的紫炎妖凰虚影凝聚而出,那一股贯穿虚空的紫色华光匹练,蓦地奇异悬浮在了紫炎妖凰面前,只是在众多骇然的目光下,那紫色华光匹练上的光芒在徐徐消散。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦……” Purple flame monster phoenix Phantom flutters, the purple flame monster phoenix beautiful figure integrates, plundered in the Heavenly Beast palace front door not to see instantaneously. 紫炎妖凰虚影振翅,紫炎妖凰倩影融入其中,瞬间掠进了天兽殿大门内不见。 What's the matter.” “怎么回事。” The Du Shaofu doubts, going forward several steps, the body stimulates to movement a purple flame monster phoenix clan beast energy cautiously, the purple flame was billowing, just likes changed to a purple flame monster phoenix. 杜少甫疑惑,小心翼翼上前数步,身上催动紫炎妖凰一族兽能,紫炎滚滚,犹如是化作了一只紫炎妖凰。 This is not only the purple flame monster phoenix beast energy, is having a bloodline aura of purple flame monster phoenix clan. 这不仅仅是紫炎妖凰兽能,更是带着紫炎妖凰一族的血脉气息。 That savage fellow, is concerned with a purple flame monster phoenix clan.” “那凶残的家伙,怎么也和紫炎妖凰一族有关。” Gui Che, the Shangguan seven strings, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King , etc. is out of control the surprise one time, that Demon King divine ability method, but also really emerges one after another incessantly. 鬼車,上官七弦,灵幻虎王,狂熊王等又是禁不住诧异了一次,那魔王身上的神通手段,还真是层出不穷。 Bang!” “轰!” Du Shaofu approaches cautiously, unexpectedly, in the Heavenly Beast palace front door, fearful aura confused swell, just likes the black hole vortex swallows, by the velocity shock beyond comparison on Du Shaofu's, has also swallowed purple flame monster phoenix Phantom of whole body does not see. 杜少甫小心翼翼靠近,蓦地,天兽殿大门内,一股可怕气息暴涌而出,犹如黑洞漩涡吞噬,以无以伦比的速度冲击在了杜少甫的身上,将周身的紫炎妖凰虚影也吞噬不见。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying and other facial color big changes, have not responded that Heavenly Beast palace that strange front door then instantaneously vanishes does not see, together with swallowing Demon King also vanishes does not see. 灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应等面色大变,一个个还没有反应过来,天兽殿那诡异的大门便是瞬间消失不见,连同吞噬其中的魔王也消失不见。 Afterward that strange front door dim ray, cannot discover any trace again. 随后就连那诡异的大门黯淡了光芒,再找不出任何的痕迹。 He She Where went to?” “他【她】们去哪里了?” Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, small bird of prey and other look at each other in shock. 狂熊王,灵幻虎王,小应应,小隼等面面相觑 The rear all war servant vision are surprised, helplessly looks that purple beautiful female and that purple robe youth disappeared in the Heavenly Beast palace. 后方所有战仆目光惊讶,眼睁睁的看着那紫色绝美女子和那紫袍青年消失在了天兽殿内。 Rumor never some people can enter in the Heavenly Beast palace, he She How to go in?” “传言从未有人能够进入天兽殿内吧,他【她】们怎么进去了?” Had ancient times the legend, in the Heavenly Beast palace has the great benefit, resulted in Heavenly Beast palace to result in the beast territory, do they want to obtain in the Heavenly Beast palace that huge advantage?” “有远古传说,天兽殿内有着巨大好处,得天兽殿者能够得兽域,他们难道要得到天兽殿内那巨大的好处了么?” This is uncertain, perhaps he She Wanted the buckle in inside, legend not necessarily real.” “这不一定,说不定他【她】们要折损在里面了,传说也不一定是真的。” Some people whoop, but nobody dares to go forward, for fear that once again encounters the danger, all accidents outside this Heavenly Beast palace, at all are not they can contend. 有人议论纷纷,但没有人敢上前,生怕再度遇到危险,这天兽殿外的一切变故,根本不是他们所能够抗衡的。 The black water profound snake, three Sea dragon snakes, the antiquity viper, the antiquity hook snake four huge skeletons also lay down in the square. 黑水玄蛇,三头海龙蛇,上古蝰蛇,上古钩蛇四条庞大的骸骨还躺在广场上。 Looks at that four to fear skeleton, all vision have a lingering fear, knew that mysterious the appearance of purple robe youth and purple skirt beautiful female, feared that was this all people wants the buckle in this. 望着那四具怕骸骨,所有目光还心有余悸,自知要不是那神秘的紫袍青年和紫裙绝美女子的出现,怕是这一次所有人都要折损在这里面了。 Only is that four fearful snake clan skeletons, is not they can the resistance, in this by the close space, was feared is when the time comes must be killed the feeling not to be possible by that four skeleton towns. 光是那四具可怕的蛇族骸骨,就不是他们所能够抵御的,在这被封闭的空间内,怕是到时候皆是要被那四具骸骨镇杀感觉不可。 As Du Shaofu and purple flame monster phoenix enters in the Heavenly Beast palace, all around all were silent, silent constraining. 随着杜少甫和紫炎妖凰进入天兽殿内,四周一切便是寂静了下来,寂静的压抑。 People look at each other in shock, in this close space, is unable to leave at present. 众人面面相觑,这封闭的空间内,目前也无法离开。 „, The palace main also has gone what to do, does not know that can have the danger?” “怎么办,殿主也进去了,不知道会不会有危险?” The small bird of prey knits the brows, gains ground to Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying , etc. asked. 小隼皱眉,抬头对灵幻虎王狂熊王,小应应等问道。 It is said in the Heavenly Beast palace, no person has gone, does not know that is the luck is the calamity?” “据说天兽殿内,从来没有人进去过,不知道里面是福是祸?” Linghuan Tiger King human form ominous pupil fluctuates, how at this moment does not know should, he is at wit's end. 灵幻虎王人形凶瞳波动,此刻也不知道该如何,他无计可施。 Palace main is not simple, even if meets the danger, should protect oneself.” “殿主可不简单,就算是遇上危险,应该也能够自保吧。” Kuang Bear King weak saying, although is forced became the personal servant, but he actually has to acknowledge from the heart regarding Demon King Du Shaofu that the fellow absolutely is an abnormal humanity. 狂熊王弱弱的说道,虽然是被迫成为了跟班,不过对于魔王杜少甫他却是不得不从心中承认,那家伙绝对是一个变态的人类。 Otherwise, we have a look, can go in the Heavenly Beast palace?” “要不然,我们去看看,能不能够进去天兽殿?” Xiao Yingying vision tight is sizing up the Heavenly Beast palace, wants to look for the chance, but is thinking formerly that purple flame monster phoenix must be damaged, does not dare to go forward easily. 小应应目光紧紧的打量着天兽殿,想要找找机缘,不过想着先前就连那紫炎妖凰都要受创,也根本不敢轻易上前。 „!” “等!” The Gui Che accidental start to talk, resembling is to Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying and small bird of prey and other speeches, a simple character, is actually passing one type not the invisible imposing manner that allows to oppose. 鬼車意外开口,似是在对灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应和小隼等说话,简简单单的一个字,却是透着一种不容反对的无形气势。 Is listening to the Gui Che words, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying, the small bird of prey were looking at Gui Che one, is secretly in the heart somewhat trembles, look at each other in shock, no longer said a word. 听着鬼車的话,灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应,小隼等望着鬼車一眼,皆是暗自心中有些发颤,面面相觑,不再言语。 ........................ …………………… Under the Heavenly Beast palace that fearful energy swallows, Du Shaofu is involuntary, under a fearful energy, flash Soul Force also trembles, is out of sorts short. 天兽殿内那一股可怕的能量吞噬下,杜少甫身不由己,一股可怕能量下,一瞬间就连元神也为之发颤,短暂失神。 When the Du Shaofu consciousness restores, discovered one appeared in piece of seven color ray bright vast spaces, just like galaxy. 杜少甫意识恢复的时候,发现自己出现在了一片七彩光芒熠熠的辽阔空间之中,宛若星河。 In the space, an illusory main road across the sky, likely stretches across the vault of heaven. 空间内,一条虚幻大道横空而过,像是横跨苍穹。 Du Shaofu stands in the illusory main road sound, involuntary across the sky, all around aura has made the person soul tremble. 杜少甫站在虚幻大道声,身不由己的横空而过,四周气息令人灵魂颤栗。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Hum......” “呜呜……” Moo......” “哞……” In the illusory space, has various beast roar roaring sound reverberations, only huge Demonic Beast roared, wanted to kick out in the vast space. 虚幻空间内,有着各种兽吼咆哮声回荡,一只只庞大的妖兽咆哮而出,在辽阔的空间内欲要扑出。 These Demonic Beast unexpectedly are not the illusory bodies, but is the huge genuine main body. 这些妖兽居然不是虚幻之躯,而是庞大的的真正本体。 An only fearful Demonic Beast main body, has the fierce and tough ominous birds and beasts, the powerful beast, the living creature roared to neigh, the double pupil was similar to the thunder lightning twinkle, the aura also made Du Shaofu have spirit root and two spirit Thunder Hunzhong wants as one Soul Force fearful and apprehensive, but Soul Force trembling millet. 一只只可怕的妖兽本体,有着凶悍的凶禽,强悍的走兽,活物般咆哮嘶鸣,双眸如同雷霆闪电闪烁,气息让得杜少甫有着灵根和两种灵雷魂种于一体的元神也要胆颤心惊而元神颤粟。 This fearful Demonic Beast, any was the aura is only fearful, is having from the ancient times aura, majority of Demonic Beast, was Du Shaofu has not seen absolutely existence, but its spread, but that fearful fierce and tough pressure, was Heavenly Beast List front row Demonic Beast is also actually hard in comparison. 这一只只可怕的妖兽,任何一只都是气息可怕,带着来自远古的气息,大部分的妖兽,是杜少甫绝对没有见过的存在,但其蔓延而出的那可怕的凶悍威压,却是天兽榜前列的妖兽也难以与之相比。 Toward the front, the pressure on that only Demonic Beast main body is formidable. 越是往前方,那一只只妖兽本体上的威压便越是强大。 Du Shaofu can affirm that this moment this inside Demonic Beast main body shocks existence of world all, now but why actually does not know, will be stranded here, does not know that is lives dies. 杜少甫能够肯定,此刻这里面的妖兽本体无不是震惊天地的存在,但现在却是不知为何,会被困在此处,也不知道是生是死。 This vastly just like the space of starry sky, just likes the space and time flowing backwards vortex, Du Shaofu across the sky, has seen the innumerable ancient times ominous birds and beasts beast of prey, they are whooshing, was roaring, aura frightening was incomparable, brings to surmount the ancient times aura that the space and time came. 这辽阔宛如星空的空间内,犹如时空倒流漩涡,杜少甫横空而过,一路见到无数远古凶禽猛兽,它们在嘶吼,在咆哮,气息恐怖无匹,带着超越时空而来的远古气息。
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