MGC :: Volume #13

#1274: Phoenix five races

Chapter 1272: Phoenix five races 第1272章:凤凰五族 Chapter 1272: Phoenix five races. 第1272章:凤凰五族。 The golden light erupts, Du Shaofu appears before has not stood firm the purple flame monster phoenix body of footsteps, at present that purple splendid light energy has passed through void until the surface gate. 金光爆发,杜少甫出现在了还未曾稳住脚步的紫炎妖凰身前,眼前那股紫色华光能量已经贯穿虚空直至面门。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” The golden light fingerprint plunders together from the Du Shaofu fingertip, resists the splendid light energy, is instantaneously is actually destroyed by that purple splendid light, is unable to resist. 一道金光指印自杜少甫指尖掠出,抵御华光能量,却是瞬间被那紫色华光摧毁,根本无法抵御住。 Du Shaofu changes color suddenly, knows that just why the purple flame monster phoenix why is unable to resist that together energy bolt of white silk. 杜少甫骤然变色,才知道刚刚为何紫炎妖凰为何无法抵御那一道能量匹练了。 That purple splendid light seems like is only dazzling radiant, only then true facing, can feel that blazing high temperature and fearful pressure. 那紫色华光看似只是耀眼璀璨,只有真正的面对,才能够感觉到那炽热的高温和可怕威压。 That and other high temperatures can destroy the myriad things, but pressure even not under Golden Winged Peng. 那等高温能够摧毁万物,而威压甚至不会在金翅大鹏鸟之下。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” In a flash, the golden light soars to the heavens, the Du Shaofu's back has as if dazzling [gold/metal] to shoot up to the sky, Great Peng Golden Wing expansion. 一瞬间,金光冲天,杜少甫的背后有着似乎耀眼的金芒冲天而起,大鹏金翅扩展。 Bang!” “轰!” On the golden both wings golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), have the golden ray to flow, just like one golden mighty current spraying, load bearing overbearing incomparable swift and fierce aura, instantaneous both wings tight package before body. 金色双翅上金光万丈,有着金色光芒流淌,宛如一片金色洪流喷射而出,承载着霸道无匹的凌厉气息,瞬间双翅紧紧的包裹在了身前。 The golden both wings body tight package, the golden ray more come intensely bright, the talisman-pattern twinkle, flaming brilliance sending out, is faint to have huge Golden Wing Great Peng Phantom to flutter to circle, wants to soar to the heavens. 金色双翅将身躯紧紧包裹其中,金色光芒越来耀眼夺目,符箓秘纹闪烁,炽盛光辉散发,隐隐间有着一只庞大的金翅大鹏虚影振翅盘旋,欲要冲天而出。 This flickers, ominous prestige covers the spread for no reason, frightening! 这一瞬,无端凶威遮盖蔓延,令人胆颤心惊! Bang!” “轰!” That blazing purple splendid light falls on Great Peng Golden Wing before Du Shaofu body, destroys golden talisman-pattern Phantom on Great Peng Golden Wing. 那炽热的紫色华光落在杜少甫身前的大鹏金翅上,将大鹏金翅上的金色符箓秘纹虚影摧毁。 The fearful energy falls in torrents, destroys Golden Wing Great Peng Phantom, the dazzling runes shatter eruption of hit, making the Du Shaofu body straight line shake flies. 可怕的能量倾泻,将金翅大鹏虚影摧毁,撞击的耀眼符文破碎喷发,让得杜少甫身躯直线震飞。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” The Du Shaofu body was almost the looks like breaks the bird of wing to fall after behind the square generally, the buttocks planted to fall toward the place, scratch the square several feet to stop, on body Great Peng Golden Wing revealed the black spot, that was by a trace of fearful high-temperature instantaneous burning down. 杜少甫身躯几乎是像断翅的鸟儿一般落在了身后广场上,屁股朝地栽落,擦着广场数丈才止住,身上大鹏金翅上露出浅浅的黑色痕迹,那是被一种可怕高温瞬间焚烧的痕迹。 High temperature that purple splendid light embodiment contains was too fearful, the common Nirvana Martial Venerable mortal body feared that is not enough to resist. 那紫色华光内蕴含的高温太可怕了,一般的涅槃武尊肉身怕是根本不足以抵御。 Tittered......” “噗嗤……” Du Shaofu sets out, in the mouth cannot bear a pale golden blood blowout, the vision reveals in consternation the color, for it surprise. 杜少甫起身,嘴中忍不住一口淡金色鲜血喷出,目光露出愕然之色,也为之诧异。 Under that blazing high temperature, what implication is a familiar aura, that aura is the aura of purple flame monster phoenix is clearly exactly the same, Du Shaofu has to for it surprise. 那炽热的高温下,蕴含的是一种熟悉的气息,那气息分明是和紫炎妖凰的气息如出一辙,杜少甫不得不是为之诧异。 At is not you now can the resistance, do you want to court death?” “根本不是你现在所能够抵御的,你想要找死么?” Purple flame monster phoenix appeared before the Du Shaofu's body, was looking at Du Shaofu, in the purple pupil flood some complex looks, the sound was chilly. 紫炎妖凰出现在了杜少甫的身前,望着杜少甫,紫色眸子中泛着些许复杂的神色,声音清冽。 You think that I think, has not seen you injured!” “你以为我想啊,还不是见你受伤了!” Du Shaofu returned to one ill-humoredly, why just did not know, has not thought that then immediately threw. 杜少甫没好气的回了一句,刚刚自己也不知道为何,根本就没有多想,便是立刻扑了上去。 But oneself good intention take a shot / make a move, this present woman did not appreciate kindness rendered, this makes in the Du Shaofu heart also quite choke with rage. 而自己好心好意出手,这眼前的女人还不领情,这让杜少甫心中也是颇为窝火。 I am injured with you have any relations, if I died, to you are not better, you were when the time comes safe.” Purple flame monster phoenix visual Du Shaofu was saying. “我受伤和你有什么关系,我要是死了,对你不是更好么,到时候你就安全了。”紫炎妖凰目视着杜少甫道。 Sees you injured, I may not have to think.” “见你受伤,我可没有多想。” Du Shaofu is looking at purple flame monster phoenix, suddenly realized one said as if some were not quite right, the vision has selected selecting, shifting to a new subject, said: You are the Xiao Xingxing mother, if you died, Xiao Xingxing will blame me for a lifetime.” 杜少甫望着紫炎妖凰,突然意识到自己说的似乎有些不太对了,目光挑了挑,话锋一转,道:“你是小星星的娘,你要是死了,小星星会怪我一辈子的。” Purple flame monster phoenix is looking at the present purple robe youth, is thinking first several seconds of this fellows threw unexpectedly without hesitation, was listening to just words, the heart of hearts quietly flood some ripples. 紫炎妖凰望着眼前的紫袍青年,想着前数秒这家伙居然是毫不犹豫的扑了上来,听着刚刚的一番话,内心深处悄然泛起些许涟漪。 On such as the tranquil water surface, has a dragonfly to select suddenly, leaves behind ripples to fluctuate. 就如平静的水面,突然有着一只蜻蜓点过,留下点点涟漪波动。 Regarding the present humanity, in the heart of purple flame monster phoenix, continuously only then faint. 对于眼前的人类,紫炎妖凰的心中,一直只有淡漠。 Along with the appearance of Xiao Xingxing, started to build quite inexplicable complex relations among them. 随着小星星的出现,开始在两人之间搭建起了一种颇为莫名的复杂关系。 That for several years, Xiao Xingxing is accompanying her together, making her like that special small girl more and more, often is listening to the Xiao Xingxing mouth every time is mentioned that the present youth, in her heart somewhat is even jealous. 那数年,小星星陪着她一起,让她越来越喜欢那特别的小丫头,经常听着小星星嘴中开口闭口的都是提到眼前的青年,她的心中甚至有些吃醋起来。 But loves it and everything that comes along with it, in her heart has also taken down that fellow, knows that present human youth, seems humanity that she has thought is different. 但爱屋及乌,她的心中也记下了那家伙,也知道眼前的这人类青年,似乎是她一直所认为的人类并不一样。 In her mind, humanity is greedy selfish, resorts to all means that tiniest life. 在她的心中,人类都是贪婪自私,不择手段,最为渺小的生灵。 But in the Xiao Xingxing mouth, she knows seems different. 但在小星星的口中,她得知的似乎并不一样。 She can hear from the mouth of Xiao Xingxing, although this fellow is savage, but is actually cares to Xiao Xingxing, loves. 她从小星星的嘴中听得出来,这家伙虽然凶残,但对小星星却是关心有加,疼爱至极。 These days being together, her experience, in gradual change. 这一段时间的相处,她所见所闻,也都在逐渐的改变。 Present purple robe youth, seems to be different from other humanity. 眼前的这一个紫袍青年,似乎是和其他人类并不一样。 After the moment, purple flame monster phoenix shot a look at Du Shaofu one, said: I do not need you to assist, inside as if has an older generation of my purple flame monster phoenix clan to exist, once we want to approach, will be attacked, at is not you can contend, does not want dead makes way, do not approach the dubhe palace.” 片刻后,紫炎妖凰瞥了杜少甫一眼,道:“我不用你相助,里面似乎有着我紫炎妖凰一族的先辈存在,一旦我们想要靠近,就会被攻击,根本不是你能够抗衡的,不想死的话就让开一些,也不要靠近天枢殿。” The voice falls, purple flame monster phoenix visual to Heavenly Beast palace front door, the purple double pupil flood the doubts are fluctuating, just that purple splendid light fluctuation of energy, had made her confirm that is a aura of purple flame monster phoenix clan older generation. 话音落下,紫炎妖凰目视向了天兽殿大门内,紫色双眸泛着疑惑波动,刚刚那紫色华光能量波动,已经让她证实就是紫炎妖凰一族先辈的气息。 In the Heavenly Beast palace, has an older generation of purple flame monster phoenix clan to exist, can perhaps be said as in the Heavenly Beast palace, once has an older generation of purple flame monster phoenix clan to exist. 天兽殿内,有着紫炎妖凰一族的先辈存在,或许可以说是天兽殿内,曾经有着紫炎妖凰一族的先辈存在。 Du Shaofu has not spoken, so as to avoid enrages at present this woman, at present own strength, even if cultivation base of beast territory boundary powerhouse in this Heavenly Beast palace will be suppressed, feared that is also at present hard to resist that woman. 杜少甫没有说话,免得激怒眼前这女人,目前自己的实力,就算是在这天兽殿内兽域境强者的修为会被压制,怕是自己目前也还难以对抗那女人的。 Looks in the Xiao Xingxing share, is disinclined to endure you.” “要不是看在小星星的份上,才懒得忍你。” Du Shaofu looked for a stair to oneself, in the heart choked with rage secretly, no wonder some people said that was the pretty woman is hard to deal with, this Demonic Beast was also same, was attractive Demonic Beast, was hard to deal with, but also the Yin-Yang was uncertain. 杜少甫给自己找了一个台阶,心中暗自窝火,难怪有人说越是漂亮的女人越是难缠,这妖兽也是一样,越是漂亮的妖兽,也越是难缠,还阴阳不定。 Whiz......” “嗖……” The purple flame monster phoenix beautiful figure plundered once again to the Heavenly Beast palace front door, that purple splendid light bolt of white silk plundered once again, passed through to plunder void. 紫炎妖凰倩影再度掠向了天兽殿大门内,那一股紫色华光匹练再度掠出,贯穿虚空掠出。 gu!” “咕!” Hand Imprints congeals, in the purple flame monster phoenix graceful beautiful figure blazing purple-colored flame gushes out dreadfully, in the billowing purple flame, huge purple flame monster phoenix Phantom appears slowly, such as one group blocks the sky purple dazzling sun, showed by the incomparably fearful stance above this square. 手印凝结,紫炎妖凰曼妙倩影内一股炽热的紫色火炎滔天涌出,滚滚的紫炎之内,一只庞大的紫炎妖凰虚影徐徐浮现而出,如一团遮天蔽日般的紫色曜日,以无比可怕的姿态展现在了这广场之上。 In an instant, purple flame monster phoenix Phantom spreads the wings, the dreadful energy sweeps across, fills the air, but dreadful imposing manner, just likes must throw off the space before this Heavenly Beast palace. 刹那间,紫炎妖凰虚影展翅,滔天能量席卷,一股弥漫而出的滔天气势,犹如要掀翻这天兽殿前的空间。 She unexpectedly is a purple flame monster phoenix clan!” “她居然是紫炎妖凰一族的!” Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, Kuang Bear King, the small bird of prey, the Qin Mo Shangguan seven strings, Luan sword and others the vision is startled at this moment suddenly changes, at this moment they know that that frightening outstandingly beautiful female, unexpectedly is a purple flame monster phoenix clan. 鬼車,灵幻虎王,小应应,狂熊王,小隼,琴魔上官七弦,栾剑等此刻骤然目光惊变,此刻他们才知道,那恐怖的绝色女子,竟是紫炎妖凰一族的。 Purple flame monster phoenix, that is in a phoenix clan scarcest existence. 紫炎妖凰,那是凤凰一族中最为稀少的存在。 A phoenix clan altogether mainly has the five races, the rumor initially ancestor phoenix viviparity next five bloodline of phoenix clan, mainly had all colors. 凤凰一族一共主要有着五族,传言当初凤凰一族的祖凰一胎生下五种血脉,主要身怀五彩。 His five colors scarlet many are the focus phoenixes \; Yellow many are firebird chu \; Purple many yue zhuo, azure many are the azure luan, white many are the swan, yue zhuoYuezhuo] is also a purple flame monster phoenix clan. 其五色赤多者为主凤凰\;黄多者为鹓鶵\;紫多者鸑鷟,青多者为青鸾,白多者为鸿鹄,其中鸑鷟【yuezhuo]也就是紫炎妖凰一族。 A purple flame monster phoenix clan, in a phoenix clan, absolutely not under pure blood phoenix bloodline, even some rumors said that bloodline of purple flame monster phoenix clan, is high compared with the present pure blood phoenix. 紫炎妖凰一族,在凤凰一族中,绝对不会在纯血凤凰血脉之下,甚至有传言说,紫炎妖凰一族的血脉,比起现在的纯血凤凰还要高。
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