MGC :: Volume #13

#1273: Excels at rushing dying

Chapter 1271: Excels at rushing dying 第1271章:擅闯者死 Chapter 1271: Excels at rushing dying. 第1271章:擅闯者死。 Ping......” “砰砰……” But remaining Xiao Yingying and Gui Che their huge statures, once again were actually shaken in this short time draw back. 而剩下的小应应鬼車两人庞大的身躯,却是在这短短时间内再度被震退。 The body of Xiao Yingying main body, among by the energy in the fierce snake first mouth three Sea dragon snakes putting out is spurted, was hit on Dragon Beishang, dripping with blood, bloody, suffers the heavy wound. 小应应本体之躯,被三头海龙蛇中间的狰狞蛇首嘴中吐出的能量喷中,应龙背上被击中,鲜血淋漓,血流如注,遭受不轻创伤。 The bodies of Gui Che huge nine phoenix, because has not restored peak with a Du Shaofu post-war injury by far, its huge body once again was also shaken by the black water profound snake draws back, but under the Gui Che main body, the body of black water profound snake skeleton was also shaken at this moment has drawn back. 鬼車庞大九头凤之躯,因为和杜少甫一战后伤势远远未曾恢复到巅峰,其庞大之躯也再度被黑水玄蛇震退,不过此刻在鬼車本体之下,黑水玄蛇骸骨之躯也被震退了一些。 Hissing hissing......” “嘶嘶……” Three Sea dragon snakes, the black water profound snake remaining slaughters completely, does not know the backlash, in the eye the ominous pupil kills intent to fill the air. 三头海龙蛇,黑水玄蛇完全就剩下杀戮,不知道后退,眼中凶瞳杀意弥漫。 Because on the impediment of dragon and Gui Che, tight staring Xiao Yingying and Gui Che, roared low and deep, sent out fearful wick turnover hissing hissing sound, the flash huge body once again throws to Xiao Yingying and Gui Che. 因为应龙和鬼車的阻挡,也紧紧的盯上了小应应鬼車,低沉咆哮,发出慑人的信子吞吐‘嘶嘶’声,一瞬间庞大之躯再度对着小应应鬼車扑去。 I help you.” “我来帮你。” Kuang Bear King and Linghuan Tiger King that start to talk just withdrew, the huge body across the sky, wanted to plunging Linghuan Tiger King three Sea dragon snake skeleton take a shot / make a move by the potential of the confrontation among three forces. 刚刚脱身的狂熊王灵幻虎王开口,庞大身躯横空,以三足鼎立之势欲要对扑向灵幻虎王的三头海龙蛇骸骨出手 You withdraw, have not injured my skeleton!” “你们退后,别伤了我的骸骨!” Du Shaofu has not stayed, the form ghosts and demons appeared before the body of Xiao Yingying, a face was tight, fears Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King and Xiao Yingying three people collaborates to injure the skeletons of three Sea dragon snakes. 杜少甫未曾停留,身影鬼魅般出现在了小应应的身前,一脸紧张,怕灵幻虎王,狂熊王小应应三人联手伤了三头海龙蛇的骸骨。 This is the complete three Sea dragon snake skeletons, even if no arcane bone, that is the heavy treasure. 这可是完整的三头海龙蛇骸骨,哪怕是没有秘骨,那都是重宝。 Let alone sees the fearful prestige energies of these snake clan skeletons, in this moment Du Shaofu heart, but also is thinking of a way, but does not want to destroy the skeletons of three Sea dragon snakes. 何况见到这些蛇族骸骨的可怕威能,此刻杜少甫心中,还在打着主意,可是不想毁了三头海龙蛇的骸骨。 Although Du Shaofu knows, even if this moment Linghuan Tiger King and Xiao Yingying and Kuang Bear King three collaborates, feared that is impossible how the skeleton of that three Sea dragon snakes. 尽管杜少甫知道,就算是此刻灵幻虎王小应应狂熊王三个联手,怕是不可能奈何那三头海龙蛇的骸骨。 Bang!” “轰!” The golden light erupts, Du Shaofu lays out, the rising typhoon shocking wing fan leaves, the golden light storm sweeps across, directly swaying that three Sea dragon snakes shaking of fierce three racket draws back, the body of huge skeleton turns around to revolve in the midair. 金光爆发,杜少甫一手拍出,扶摇震天翅扇出,金光风暴席卷,直接将三头海龙蛇的狰狞三首拍的震退的摇摇晃晃,庞大的骸骨之躯在半空掉头旋转起来。 Scoffs......” “嗤……” Flake gold light appeared under three Sea dragon snake, the Du Shaofu form appeared, found out like lightning, the golden rainbow passed through spatially, drew out arcane bone. 一片金光出现在了三头海龙蛇首之下,杜少甫身影出现,一手闪电般探出,金色长虹贯空,将一根秘骨生生拔出。 Bang!” “砰!” As arcane bone draws out, that huge three Sea dragon snake skeletons crash immediately from the midair, in the skeleton the double pupil radiant fearful ray gradually vanishes does not see. 随着秘骨拔出,那庞大的三头海龙蛇骸骨顿时从半空坠落下去,骸骨内双瞳璀璨慑人的光芒逐渐消失不见。 Bang!” “砰!” Gui Che and black water profound snake skeleton clashes once again like lightning, runes surges, energy confused swell. 鬼車和黑水玄蛇骸骨又一次闪电般对撞,符文激荡,能量暴涌。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” Suffering a loss Gui Che, its huge body shakes one after another draws back, in fierce eight is a dark red beast blood. 吃亏的还是鬼車,其庞大身躯接连震退,狰狞八头中均是一处殷红兽血。 evil creature!” 孽畜!” Du Shaofu across the sky, like lightning appeared above the black water profound snake skeleton great back, fist seal wrapped the golden light together, falling maliciously on black water profound snake skeleton energy runes. 杜少甫横空,闪电般出现在了黑水玄蛇骸骨巨背上方,一道拳印包裹金光,狠狠的落在黑水玄蛇骸骨能量符文上。 Under the fist the golden light erupts, is faint is having the sound of idol long cry, overbearing incomparable, destroys the black water profound snake to carry on the back the runes energy, that huge black water profound snake giant skeleton of impact crashes from the midair, with irresistible force. 拳头之下金光爆发,隐隐间带着神象长鸣之声,霸道无匹,摧毁黑水玄蛇背上符文能量,冲击的那庞大黑水玄蛇巨大骸骨从半空生生坠落,势如破竹。 Bang!” “砰!” The black water profound snake huge body crashes, pounds to fall the square in a flash. 黑水玄蛇庞大身躯坠落,一瞬间砸落广场。 The Du Shaofu body drops down, suppresses the body of black water profound snake by the unsurpassed pressure, bends down, carries on the back from the black water profound snake greatly, extracts arcane bone. 杜少甫身躯直落而下,以无上威压镇压黑水玄蛇之躯,俯身而下,从黑水玄蛇巨背上,生生将一根秘骨抽出。 As black water profound snake arcane bone was extracted, the huge body stopped this swaying from side to side, the double pupil fearful ominous light started dimly. 随着黑水玄蛇秘骨被抽出,庞大身躯停止了这扭动,双瞳慑人凶光开始黯淡。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” As arcane bone in fourth skeleton drew out by Du Shaofu, on front door that the Heavenly Beast palace shuts tightly, has the light runes fluctuation quietly, nobody obvious. 随着第四具骸骨内的秘骨杜少甫拔出,天兽殿紧闭的大门上,悄然有着淡淡的符文波动,无人可见。 Only the purple flame monster phoenix, the purple double pupil first falls on front door that in the Heavenly Beast palace shuts tightly, in double pupil flood purple splendid light. 只有紫炎妖凰,紫色双眸第一时间落在天兽殿紧闭的大门上,双眸内泛着紫色华光 Four fearful snake clan skeletons were suppressed finally, the huge body across the sky fell in the square, just like four big dragons. 四具可怕的蛇族骸骨终于被镇压,庞大之躯横空落在了广场上,宛如四条巨龙般。 Even if has drawn out arcane bone, is no longer threatening, above that four skeletons astonishing pressure, is still frightening. 就算是拔出了秘骨,不再具有威胁,那四具骸骨之上惊人的威压,也依然让人心惊肉跳。 Four snake clan skeletons are also the heavy treasures!” “四具蛇族骸骨也是重宝!” All around fights servant to tremble, the vision that shocks falls on four fearful skeletons. 四周战仆目颤,震撼的目光落在四具可怕的骸骨上。 War servant on the scene, cultivation base lowest is the Martial Emperor boundaries, the eyesight or talent, are the top picks, looks at the uncommonness of that four snake clan skeletons, even if has drawn out arcane bone, but also absolute heavy treasure. 在场的战仆,修为最低的都是武皇境,无论是眼力还是天姿,都是上上之选,自是看得出来那四具蛇族骸骨的不凡,就算是拔出了秘骨,但也还是绝对的重宝。 But numerous war servants, although reveals the greedy color to that four skeletons, actually not dare to go forward to think of a way. 只不过众多战仆,虽然是对那四具骸骨露出贪婪之色,却是根本不敢上前打主意。 First did not say Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, that on the fearfulness of dragon, can how on nobody. 先不说鬼車,灵幻虎王,狂熊王,还有那一条应龙的可怕,就无人能够奈何。 What is most fearful is that purple robe youth and purple skirt outstandingly beautiful female, graces can suppress including the fearful skeleton that Gui Che is unable to suppress. 最为可怕的是那紫袍青年和紫裙绝色女子,举手投足就能够镇压连鬼車都无法压制的可怕骸骨。 That and other strengths on the scene are impossible to contend, once has provoked that purple robe youth and purple skirt female, feared when the time comes dies does not know how dead. 那等实力在场根本就不可能抗衡,一旦招惹了那紫袍青年和紫裙女子,怕是到时候死都不知道怎么死的。 Gui Che visual Du Shaofu, double pupil flood scarlet scarlet brilliance, innermost feelings mighty waves, after that savage human official breakthrough to beginning of the universe Martial Venerable, he already disparity is getting more and more far. 鬼車目视着杜少甫,双眸泛着赤血色光辉,内心波澜,那凶残的人类正式突破到了混元武尊之后,他已经差距的越来越远。 Was getting more and more flagitious.” “越来越凶残了。” Qin Mo Shangguan seven strings are looking in the distant place, not take a shot / make a move. 琴魔上官七弦在远处望着,未曾出手 Is looking at Gui Che, Kuang Bear King, on the dragon, the Linghuan Tiger King cultivation base strength, the Shangguan seven strings knows one were hard to cope, did not beat facing that four skeletons, why went to look oppressively. 瞧着鬼車,狂熊王,应龙,还有灵幻虎王修为实力,上官七弦就知道自己难以对付了,面对那四具骸骨更加不敌,何必自己出去找虐。 Luan Jianzao withdrew, corners of the mouth are bringing some blood, the vision is looking at that purple robe youth form distantly, reveals the color of doubts, is bringing shock. 栾剑早已经退后,嘴角带着些许鲜血,目光遥遥望着那紫袍青年身影,露出疑惑之色,也带着震撼。 Luan sword has not known that purple robe youth is the person is the beast, if said that purple robe youth is humanity, but the aura actually returns Ferocious Beast compared with Ferocious Beast, Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King, will Kuang Bear King, why submit to the dragon? 栾剑还不知道那紫袍青年到底是人是兽,若说那紫袍青年是人类,但气息却是比起凶兽凶兽,还有鬼車,灵幻虎王,狂熊王,应龙等为何会都为之臣服? But if that purple robe youth is Demonic Beast, Luan Jianshen to fight servant, time in phoenix clan is not short, can feel that purple robe youth and Demonic Beast have many disparities. 可要是那紫袍青年是妖兽的话,栾剑身为战仆,在凤凰一族中的时间也不短了,能够感觉到那紫袍青年和妖兽又是有着不少的差距。 Who that purple robe youth is, the strength was too tyrannical!” “那紫袍青年是谁,实力太强横了!” Female aura is also Demonic Beast, as if the strength is stronger!” “那女子气息也是妖兽,似乎实力更强啊!” „Is purple robe youth the person or Demonic Beast? That were overbearing.” “紫袍青年是人还是妖兽?那等霸道慑人。” ............ “…………” All around whoops, being astonished by it heart startled, has a lingering fear. 四周议论纷纷,为之愕然心惊,也还心有余悸。 After Du Shaofu digs out third arcane bone takes in Cosmos Bag, the vision then looks to the purple flame monster phoenix went. 杜少甫挖出第三根秘骨收进乾坤袋之后,目光便是望向了紫炎妖凰而去。 After the woman helped to cope with the first skeleton, turned around to depart, this made in the Du Shaofu heart somewhat not be feeling well, but does not dare to display anything. 那女人帮忙对付了第一具骸骨之后,就转身离去了,这让杜少甫心中有些不爽,不过可不敢表现出什么来。 Well......” “咦……” Following the vision of purple flame monster phoenix, Du Shaofu looked to the Heavenly Beast palace front door, immediately was startled well. 顺着紫炎妖凰的目光,杜少甫望向了天兽殿大门,顿时惊咦一声。 The Du Shaofu vision sees, the Heavenly Beast palace front door ray that shuts tightly more comes dazzlingly, the area of runes ray is getting bigger and bigger. 杜少甫目光所见,那紧闭的天兽殿大门光芒越来耀眼,符文光芒的面积越来越大。 To finally, the place of that dazzling runes ray coverage, has revealed a leaf of several feet width high front door. 到了最后,那耀眼的符文光芒覆盖之处,露出一扇数丈宽高的大门。 „......” “嗷呜……” The front door opens, is faint has the ten thousand sounds of beast roaring to spread, aura fierce and tough like tide. 大门打开,隐隐间有着万兽咆哮之声传出,气息凶悍如潮。 Only is that and other sounds of Demonic Beast roaring, is lets numerously fight the servant body to tremble staggers to draw back involuntary. 光是那等妖兽咆哮之声,便是让得众多战仆身躯发颤身不由己踉跄而退。 Good fearful aura!” “好可怕的气息!” Gui Che, Kuang Bear King, Xiao Yingying, Linghuan Tiger King , etc. received the main body to change to the human form, looks front door that in this moment Heavenly Beast palace is opening, is fearful and apprehensive. 鬼車,狂熊王,小应应,灵幻虎王等收起了本体化作了人形,望着此刻天兽殿内打开的大门,也心惊胆颤。 That and other sounds of beast roaring, are bringing to Demonic Beast more fearful frightening, likely from the soul and bloodline, is unable to resist. 那等万兽咆哮之声,带着对妖兽更为可怕的震慑,像是来自灵魂和血脉,无法抵御。 Excels at rushing, the death!” “擅闯者,死!” As that ten thousand beast roaring sounds spread, a fearful sound also spreads from the front door, just like from nine quiet deep place penetrations. 随着那万兽咆哮声传出,一声慑人的声音也自大门内传出,宛如自九幽深处穿透而来。 Only then that simple four characters, fall in the people ear, makes the person send chu for no reason. 只有那简简单单四个字,落在众人耳中,无端让人发憷。 After that sound spreads, all around also fell into strange peaceful atmosphere. 当那声音传出后,四周也陷入了一个诡异的安静气氛中。 Behind that front door, runes dissipates, a stretch of cavity is dim, just like the black hole, the profound depth does not see the bottom. 那大门背后,符文消散,一片空洞昏暗,宛如黑洞,深邃的深不见底。 Suddenly, in the square fell into awkward atmosphere. 一时间,广场上陷入了一阵尴尬的气氛。 Just that four fearful skeleton had made the person have a lingering fear, at this moment no one dares to go. 刚刚那四具可怕的骸骨已经让人心有余悸,此刻谁都不敢进去。 In that perhaps bad risk, once goes, has not to have obviously. 那里面说不定更加凶险,一旦进去,明显是有进无出。 Du Shaofu empty is narrowing the double pupil, vision tight is looking at Heavenly Beast palace that profound front door deep place, is faint has the aura to spread, seems and has some relations. 杜少甫虚眯着双眸,目光紧紧的望着天兽殿那深邃的大门深处,隐隐间有着气息传出,似乎是和自己有着些许的关系。 In people look at each other in shock, an awkward time, a purple flame monster phoenix beautiful figure ground, outlined a graceful arc, next one flickered, then appeared before the Heavenly Beast palace that profound front door. 就在众人面面相觑,一片尴尬的时候,紫炎妖凰倩影一点地面,勾勒出一条曼妙的弧线,下一瞬,便是出现在了天兽殿内那深邃的大门之前。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” As the purple flame monster phoenix form appears, a purple splendid light bolt of white silk, just likes the thunder pierces the space to plunder directly from the front door, appeared before the body of purple flame monster phoenix like lightning. 随着紫炎妖凰身影出现,一股紫色华光匹练,犹如雷霆般直接洞穿空间自大门内掠出,闪电般出现在了紫炎妖凰的身前。 The purple flame monster phoenix color deterioration, the delicate hands Hand Imprints change, purple-colored flame gushes out, immediately clashes on that purple splendid light bolt of white silk. 紫炎妖凰变色,纤手手印变化,一股紫色火炎喷薄而出,顿时对撞在那紫色华光匹练上。 Deng!Deng!......” 蹬蹬……” This clashed, does not have too loud energy sonic bang sound, the purple flame monster phoenix beautiful figure is clashing, actually directly shakes to draw back, the sole scratches the tread to retrocede one after another, the tender face facial color flash became pale. 这等对撞,没有太响的能量音爆声,紫炎妖凰倩影在对撞中,却是径直震退开去,脚掌擦着地面接连后退开去,娇颜面色一瞬间变得惨白了起来。 How can......” “怎么会……” Purple flame monster phoenix gains ground, visual in profound front door, the double pupil has not shaken surprised, instead gushes out surprised, flood gorgeous brilliance, was seeing the most surprised matter likely. 紫炎妖凰抬头,目视着深邃的大门内,双眸没有震愕,反而是涌出一片惊讶,泛着绚丽光华,像是见到了最为惊讶之事。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” As that purple runes bolt of white silk dissipates together, in Heavenly Beast palace that profound front door, the purple splendid light energy passes through once again together void. 随着那一道紫色符文匹练消散,天兽殿那深邃的大门内,再度一道紫色华光能量贯穿虚空而出。 Be careful!” “小心!” This flickers, the Du Shaofu double pupil ray twinkle, a tip of the toe ground, the body advantage of terrain spread the wings plunders from Great Peng. 这一瞬,杜少甫双瞳光芒闪烁,脚尖一点地面,身形便是自大鹏展翅般掠出。
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