MGC :: Volume #13

#1272: Digs out arcane bone

Chapter 1270: Digs out arcane bone 第1270章:挖出秘骨 Chapter 1270: Digs out arcane bone. 第1270章:挖出秘骨 Hissing hissing!” “嘶嘶!” Four snake clan Demonic Beast skeletons, the runes wick turnover, plunges the crowd directly , is directly to Gui Che, Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King and other killing go. 四条蛇族妖兽骸骨,符文信子吞吐,直接扑向人群,也便是径直对着鬼車,狂熊王,灵幻虎王等扑杀而去。 Dying thing was too rampant!” “死物太嚣张了!” The Kuang Bear King book ate some have slightly owed, at this moment saw that four skeletons killed to come once again, the body runes twinkle plundered, immediately changed to the wild crack Kumamoto body. 狂熊王本就是吃了一些小亏,此刻见到那四条骸骨再度扑杀而来,身上符文闪烁掠出,立刻化作了狂暴裂地熊本体。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Almost is the same time, Linghuan Tiger King and Xiao Yingying also Qi Qi stimulates to movement the monster fire spirit imaginary tiger and on the dragon main body, the bodies of three huge Demonic Beast rise straight from the ground, not under that four snake clan skeletons, fearful aura eruption. 几乎是同时间,灵幻虎王小应应也齐齐催动妖火灵幻虎和应龙本体,三道庞大妖兽之躯拔地而起,不会在那四条蛇族骸骨之下,可怕的气息爆发。 gu!” “咕!” Gui Che injury, but also has not restored to convalesce, felt that the antiquity viper and other skeleton of aura power and influence, does not dare to be negligent, then has stimulated immediately also to movement nine phoenix main bodies. 鬼車身上的伤势,还远没有恢复痊愈,感觉到那上古蝰蛇等骸骨的气息威势,不敢大意,立刻也便是催动了九头凤本体。 This moment Gui Che nine were only remaining eight heads, in which one is destroyed by Du Shaofu, has not restored. 只是此刻鬼車九头只是剩下了八头,其中的一头被杜少甫摧毁之后,还未曾恢复。 Phoenix that the Gui Che nine phoenix main bodies, nine come between is the core, cannot be extinguished, other eight were damaged, the strength will cause heavy losses, actually life unobstructive. 鬼車九头凤本体,九头只有居中的凤头为核心,不能够被灭,其它八头被损,实力将会受到重创,倒是性命无碍。 Linghuan Tiger King, Gui Che and other beast main bodies appear, that four colossi rise straight from the ground, four fearful aura surging all around. 灵幻虎王,鬼車等四兽本体出现,那四尊庞然大物拔地而起,四股可怕气息激荡四周。 Day, is Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, the Black Ghost monster flood dragon!” “天啊,是灵幻虎王,狂熊王,玄冥妖蛟!” Nine phoenix clans, I knew, that is Gui Che!” “九头凤一族,我知道了,那是鬼車!” Visual Linghuan Tiger King and other colossus main bodies, all around was fighting in the servant heart to shock to continue a meeting, then immediately continues to change with amazement, this moment that antiquity viper and other colossi were make all person hearts be startled. 目视着灵幻虎王等四尊庞然大物本体,四周战仆心中震惊持续了一会,便是立刻继续化作了骇然,此刻那上古蝰蛇等四具庞然大物更是让所有人心惊。 Could not have coped with your dying thing!” “还对付不了你们这些死物么!” Kuang Bear King to that antiquity viper killing, the sole was stamping once again, the surging space, body runes was radiant, its huge body offensive was actually if quickly lightning, flood that huge great fist of runes, just like meteorite, to antiquity viper bang maliciously. 狂熊王再度对着那上古蝰蛇扑杀而出,脚掌跺地,激荡空间,身上符文璀璨,其庞大的身躯攻势却是快若闪电,泛着符文的那庞大巨拳,宛如陨石般,对着上古蝰蛇狠狠的轰出。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Although that antiquity viper was the dying thing, but at this moment was actually also just like the living creature, facing that fist of Kuang Bear King, the body of direct distortion tuck dive huge skeleton, the great tail swept across, has delimited one set of moving curved arc from the back, directly resistance on the fist of Kuang Bear King. 那一条上古蝰蛇虽是死物,但此刻却是也宛如活物,面对狂熊王的那一拳,庞大骸骨之躯直接扭曲翻腾,巨尾席卷,从背后划过一套动人的弯弧,径直抵御在了狂熊王的拳头上。 Bang!” “砰!” At that moment this clashed, low and deep sound resounds through, in the Kuang Bear King throat spread one once again stuffily, a bloodstain appears from the fierce mouth, huge sole footsteps from square staggering suddenly to retreat. 当下这等对撞,低沉声音响彻,狂熊王喉咙中再度传出了一道闷哼,一丝血迹自狰狞嘴中浮现,庞大脚掌脚步自广场踉跄暴退。 At the same time, Linghuan Tiger King monster fire spirit imaginary tiger, Xiao Yingying on the dragon, the Gui Che nine phoenix main bodies, all directly was even shaken to draw back. 同一时间,灵幻虎王的妖火灵幻虎,小应应的应龙,甚至鬼車的九头凤本体,皆是直接被震退开去。 Gui Che is good, although ate has owed, but has not obstructed greatly. 鬼車还好,虽然是吃了一些亏,但还没有大碍。 But Linghuan Tiger King and Xiao Yingying their monster fire spirit imaginary tiger and on the dragon main body, all are fly upside down, the mouth spits the blood. 可是灵幻虎王小应应两人的妖火灵幻虎和应龙本体,皆是倒飞开去,口吐鲜血。 Four huge snake clan skeletons occupy the midair to neigh once again, the astonishing pressure sweeps across, making the space blustery. 四条庞大蛇族骸骨再度盘踞半空嘶鸣,惊人威压席卷,让空间风起云涌。 Looks at Gui Che, Linghuan Tiger King, the Kuang Bear King four colossi is also suffering a loss, is lets all around these fight the servant to change color panic-strickenly greatly. 瞧着鬼車,灵幻虎王,狂熊王四尊庞然大物也吃亏,也是让得四周那些惊骇的战仆大为变色。 Gui Che, Kuang Bear King , etc. are unable to prevent that four snake clan huge skeletons, they have to be genuine frightened. 就连鬼車,狂熊王等也无法阻挡那四具蛇族庞大骸骨,他们不得不是真正的恐惧了起来。 Small bird of prey and other Demonic Beast, withdraw one after another, this moment Gui Che , etc. is not a match, they know not to beat, throw also to court death. 小隼等妖兽,接连退后,此刻鬼車等也不是对手,他们自知更加不敌,扑上去也只是找死而已。 That four huge snake clan skeletons are the dying thing, only stayed behind has slaughtered the natural disposition, compared with slaughtering machine frightening. 那四具庞大蛇族骸骨是死物,只留下了杀戮本性,比起杀戮机器更加恐怖 Presents that frightening Gui Che not to have the means to cope now, that following consequence can be imagined, outside this Heavenly Beast palace, everybody continually runs away cannot escape. 在场现在就连那恐怖鬼車都没有办法对付,那接下来的后果可想而知,在这天兽殿外,大家可是连逃都逃不掉。 These skeletons are uncommon!” “这些骸骨不凡啊!” Before Du Shaofu visual spatial, was feeling that four huge snake clan skeletons, are moved. 杜少甫目视前空,感觉着那四具庞大蛇族骸骨,为之动容。 These four skeletons before death, to the beast territory boundary level above, at this moment are only remaining the skeleton , the prestige can be good, does not know that also to have how to slaughter the natural disposition.” “这四具骸骨生前,皆是到了兽域境层次以上,此刻就算只是剩下了骸骨,也威能不俗,不知道怎么会还具备杀戮本性。” Purple flame monster phoenix seems is speaking to Du Shaofu, said: „The energies on these skeletons should be related with arcane bone, so long as digs out arcane bone, should be able to destroy it.” 紫炎妖凰似乎是在对杜少甫说话,道:“不过这些骸骨上的能量应该和秘骨有关,只要挖出秘骨,应该就能够将其摧毁。” These skeletons, if can use for oneself, that this good.” “这些骸骨要是能够为己所用,那该多好。” Looks at that four to fill the air to look at the frightening aura the skeleton, the Du Shaofu vision reveals some blazingly, if these skeletons can use for oneself, that will be not in the family|home of high-quality puppet, wanted compared with initially Yun Kui all intrepidly many. 望着那四具弥漫看恐怖气息的骸骨,杜少甫目光露出些许炽热,这些骸骨要是能够为己所用,那可是不会在高级傀儡之家,无不是比起当初自己身上的云傀还要强悍的多的。 Hissing hissing......” “嘶嘶……” Four snake clan huge skeletons, only then slaughters, at this moment to strongest face big Kuang Bear King, Gui Che and other main bodies was killing to go once again, kills to intend to the double pupil to surge. 四具蛇族庞大的骸骨,只有杀戮,此刻再度对着最强面庞大的狂熊王,鬼車等本体扑杀而去,杀意在双瞳中涌动。 Spelled.” “拼了。” In the Gui Che remaining eight throats low and deep drinks, must plan that goes all out to go. 鬼車剩下的八头喉咙内低沉一喝,就要打算拼命而去。 Spelled.” “拼了。” Linghuan Tiger King, Kuang Bear King, the Xiao Yingying also double pupil gushes out the spunk, to this time , can only spell fully. 灵幻虎王,狂熊王,小应应也双瞳涌出怒意,到了这时候,也只能够是全力一拼了。 Hissing hissing!” “嘶嘶!” That antiquity viper skeleton, was continues to plunge Kuang Bear King in an instant. 那一条上古蝰蛇骸骨,刹那间便是继续扑向了狂熊王 The huge body across the sky occupies, that fierce head dive, just liked thunder killing has approached Kuang Bear King. 庞大之躯横空盘踞,那狰狞头颅俯冲而下,犹如雷霆般扑杀向了狂熊王 When this King Hao bullies.” “当本王好欺负么。” Kuang Bear King shouted angrily low and deep, the huge body across the sky, wanted to stimulate to movement wild strength divine ability to go to antiquity viper suddenly explosion. 狂熊王低沉怒喝一声,庞大身躯横空,就欲要催动狂暴之力神通对着上古蝰蛇暴轰而去。 Scoffs.” “嗤。” When Kuang Bear King take a shot / make a move, among the electric light flint, together the graceful beautiful figure appeared before the body of Kuang Bear King. 就在狂熊王出手之际,电光火石间,一道曼妙倩影出现在了狂熊王的身前。 That graceful form compares the Kuang Bear King huge over a thousand zhang (3.33 m) main body, appears extremely tiny. 那曼妙身影相比狂熊王庞大上千丈的本体,显得极为渺小。 But in this moment that graceful tender body fills the air, but breath all at once, actually not in the least under Kuang Bear King, even the aura dilutes Kuang Bear King aura suppression directly. 但此刻那曼妙娇躯体内弥漫而出的一股气息,却是丝毫不会在狂熊王之下,甚至气息直接将狂熊王身上的气息压制冲淡。 The beautiful figure plunders spatially, purple brilliance passes from the void endosmosis, a blazing aura arrives, making the person skin burningly painful, Soul Force must be burnt down likely. 倩影掠空,紫色光华自虚空内渗透而出,一股炽热气息降临,让人皮肤灼痛,元神像是要被焚烧。 purple-colored flame is in charge from that graceful beautiful figure hand in together lays out, is in charge rises against the wind, changes to the hundred zhang (333m) to be huge. 一道紫色火炎掌印自那曼妙倩影手中拍出,掌印迎风而涨,化作百丈庞大。 Within is in charge to be faint talisman-pattern to gather Purple Demon Phoenix Phantom, by the incomparable blazing stance, among the electric light flint clashed on the fierce head of antiquity viper. 掌印之内隐隐间符箓秘纹汇聚成一只紫色妖凰虚影,以无匹炽热姿态,电光火石间对撞在了上古蝰蛇的狰狞头颅上。 Facing that talisman-pattern purple flame monster phoenix Phantom, in the antiquity viper skeleton double pupil killed intent to gush out the color of fear suddenly, both also immediately clashed in one. 面对那符箓秘纹紫炎妖凰虚影,上古蝰蛇骸骨双瞳内杀意突然涌出畏惧之色,两者也顿时对撞在了一起。 „!” “呼啦啦!” Without the energy dull thumping sound, purple-colored flame that only then blots out the sky howls to gush out, on antiquity viper radiant runes easily accomplished burning down that arrives at the Nirvana Beast Venerable level sufficiently completely, reveals the dense fluorescent skeleton. 没有能量闷响,只有铺天盖地的紫色火炎呼啸涌出,将那一条足以到达涅槃兽尊层次的上古蝰蛇身上的璀璨符文摧枯拉朽般焚烧殆尽,露出森然荧光骸骨。 That graceful body same time across the sky appeared after the fierce head of antiquity viper, the delicate hands found out, purple-colored flame condensed, the five fingers micro tune, claw-print fell in his dense skeleton together, arcane bone drew out. 那曼妙的身躯同时间横空出现在了上古蝰蛇的狰狞头颅之后,纤手探出,紫色火炎凝聚,五指微曲,一道爪印落在了其森然骸骨之中,一根秘骨生生拔出。 Scoffs......” “嗤啦……” As arcane bone draws out, the body of that antiquity viper huge skeleton, is the ray is then dim immediately, the body of huge skeleton crashed from the midair above the square, the skeleton twisted, the aura was wild, but in the double pupil the ray was dim gradually, finally vanished does not see. 随着秘骨拔出,那一条上古蝰蛇庞大骸骨之躯,便是立刻光芒黯淡,庞大的骸骨之躯从半空坠落在了广场之上,骸骨扭曲,气息狂暴,但双瞳内光芒逐渐黯淡,最后消失不见。 On the body of antiquity viper, finally also some fluctuations of energy, but has subsided gradually. 上古蝰蛇之躯上,最后还有能量波动,但已经逐渐平息下来。 That huge skeleton proliferation astonishing beast prestige, making the people heart tremble, but did not have to kill intent. 那庞大的骸骨扩散惊人的兽威,让众人心颤,但已经不具杀意。 evil creature!” 孽畜!” Almost is at the same time, the Du Shaofu form also appeared before the antiquity hook snake human bone of that Linghuan Tiger King. 几乎是同一时间,杜少甫身影也出现在了那一条灵幻虎王的上古钩蛇骸之前。 „!” “咻!” The antiquity hook snake great tail was sharp, cancels broken void, has delimited a huge space trace above void, before passing through the Du Shaofu's body, instantaneously. 上古钩蛇巨尾锋利,勾破虚空,在虚空之上划过一条巨大的空间痕迹,瞬间贯穿到了杜少甫的身前。 Du Shaofu lifts the pupil, the whole body dazzling golden color ray erupts, just likes dazzling sun, in the clear and bright double pupil, full is golden runes gushes out at this time. 杜少甫抬眸,周身耀眼的金色光芒爆发而出,犹如曜日,清朗的双瞳内,此时也满是金色符文涌出。 Facing antiquity hook snake skeleton great tail, a Du Shaofu form foot stamped spatially, the right arm inspired, the five fingers micro tune, above the fingertip, twinkle talisman-pattern, just liked wants to tear the space, the naked eye obvious energy ripple spreads to open from claw-print around. 面对上古钩蛇骸骨巨尾,杜少甫身影一脚跺空,右臂一振,五指微曲,指尖之上,闪烁符箓秘纹,犹如欲要撕裂空间,肉眼可见的能量波纹自爪印四周扩散而开。 Great Peng broken dun claw!” 大鹏碎沌爪!” This flickers, this moment Du Shaofu aura just likes peerless Ferocious Beast, in the hand claw-print finds out together, dazzling talisman-pattern just likes the golden electricity glow wreaks havoc, has Golden Winged Peng to flutter likely the soaring, hovers for nine days. 这一瞬,此刻间杜少甫身上的气息犹如绝世凶兽,手中一道爪印探出,刺眼的符箓秘纹犹如金色电芒般肆虐,像是有着一只金翅大鹏鸟要振翅飞翔而出,翱翔九天。 So overbearing swift and fierce fearful aura eruption, all around caused numerous war servant vision immediately is amazed, that and other under claw-print, all around dense and numerous form within the body, have the feeling of Pulse Soul trembling millet all. 如此霸道凌厉的可怕气息爆发,四周顿时引得众多战仆目光为之惊诧,那等爪印之下,四周密密麻麻的身影体内,无不是出现一种脉魂颤粟之感。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” Under fearful golden light claw-print, that and other supreme pressure aura arrive, in the antiquity hook snake Phantom double pupil, was wipes has feared intent. 可怕的金光爪印下,那等至尊威压气息降临,上古钩蛇虚影双瞳中,亦是抹过惧意。 But above latter claw-print the golden light erupts, just likes the innumerable golden electricity snake plunders, by an overbearing incomparable stance, falling maliciously on that antiquity hook snake great tail, has thrown off that antiquity hook snake great tail by the easily accomplished potential directly. 而后者爪印之上金光爆发,犹如无数金色电蛇掠出,以一种霸道无匹的姿态,狠狠的落在了那上古钩蛇巨尾上,以摧枯拉朽之势直接将那上古钩蛇巨尾掀翻。 With irresistible force, all routs expunge. 势如破竹,一切溃败开去。 Next flickers, the Du Shaofu personal appearance moves fast, if god, unpredictable, appeared under the skeleton of antiquity hook snake, claw-print destroyed energy runes on antiquity hook snake skeleton, drew out arcane bone. 下一瞬,杜少甫身形飘忽若神,变幻莫测,出现在了上古钩蛇的骸骨下,爪印摧毁上古钩蛇骸骨上的能量符文,生生将一根秘骨拔出。 „......” “呼啦啦……” Everywhere runes was shattered, the fearful energy storm strength, assumes the arc proliferation midair. 漫天的符文破碎,可怕的能量风暴劲气,呈弧形扩散半空。 Ping......” “砰砰……” On antiquity hook snake skeleton the energy dissipated, the body of huge skeleton the crash square, the distortion neighed afterward, but no longer had the threat. 上古钩蛇骸骨上能量消散,庞大骸骨之躯随后坠落广场,扭曲嘶鸣,但已经不再具备威胁。 Under this, all around is astonished in an instant, the vision of all people fall above Du Shaofu and that graceful body immediately, stunned for it delay. 这一幕下,四周刹那间惊愕,所有人的目光立刻落在了杜少甫和那曼妙身躯之上,愕然的为之呆滞。 Including Kuang Bear King, Linghuan Tiger King is not a match, but that purple robe youth and that purple skirt graceful beautiful figure female, are actually, can destroy it, that and other strengths are fearful. 狂熊王,灵幻虎王也不是对手,但那紫袍青年和那紫裙曼妙倩影女子,却是举手投足间,就能够将其摧毁,那等实力何等可怕。
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